Unit 5 Films Revision. What’s on during the Film Festival ? Task One Types of films.

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Unit 5 FilmsUnit 5 Films


What’s on during the Film Festival?

Task One

Types of films

What type of film is it?

Round 1 A guessing game!

science fiction film

i__________ story about the past

or the future


cartoon film

film using a_______ or

models instead of real people


action film

story about exciting or dangerous events usually with f_____. This kind of film has a bad e_____ on teenagers.

ights ffect

horror film

story that makes

people feel s______ cared

romantic film

beautiful l____ stories ove


story about c_______ in America owboys


film that makes people _______ laugh

war film

film that describes wars

Round 2 Speak up A: What type of film do you like best?

B: I … because …

A: Who is your favourite film star?

B: … I think he(she) is …

A: What would you like to be, an

actor(actress) or a director? Why ?B: I prefer to be …

Classical ( 经典的 ) Films

What can you see during the Film Festival?

Task Two

Audrey Hepburn

Hollywood's a_____ best ll-time

Round 3 Introduce Audrey Hepburn

1. Audrey Hepburnis one of Hollywood’sgreatest a_________.Her successful c______lasted for about 40 years.

2. She had put all her e______ into ballet training before she entered the film i________.





She ____________

a young princess in

Roman Holiday and


(立即成名) , she won an

Oscar (奥斯卡) ____ Best

Actress. Audrey


achievements __________

the film industry, so

played the lead role of

became famous immediately


went beyond

Audrey Hepburn is _______ (不仅) a beauty _______ (而且)a humanitarian. She ______ (奉献) much time to charities.T_______ her actingyears, she was h_____with a number of awards.

not only

but also



In 1991, Hepburn d________ that she had cancer. At the age of 63, she p______ away p________.People will remember her for her _______________________.( 美丽和善良)



beauty andkindness


Shirley Temple was born on 23 April, 1928.

She _________ (learn) dancing before she

went to school. She


by two producers (制片人) before she

entered the film industry. She __________

(star 主演 ) in Baby Burlesks before she

became well known.

Fill in the blanks according to the instructions: Shirley Temple ( 秀兰 ·邓波儿 )

Round 4 Learn about Shirley Temple

had learned

had been chosen

had starred

Fans ______(love) her as she

was bright, lovely in her

films. After Shirley _________

(act) in Curly Top, Heidi

and The Little Princess,

she ________(become) the

United States Ambassador

( 大使 ).

had acted

had + V.(P.P)





即“过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。----|---------------- |--------------|------------>

      past in the past past now

构成: had + 过去分词( V.pp)

the Past Perfect Tense过去完成时

Round 5 Introduce Jackie Chen--the present age (当代) film star

Jackie Chen is a w__________ actor. He is c_________ to be the world’s No. 1 action film star. He ______(be) born in Hong Kong in 1954. He ___________(study) in a drama school before he began his acting. He ______________(be) a director before he became famous in the film industry. After Jackie Chen ____________(play) lead roles in films successfully he won a lot of awards. He _________(put) most of his effort into actingbefore he ________(enter) Hollywood.

Round 5 Introduce Jacki Chen



had studiedhad


had played

had putentered

What should you know before watching films?

Task Three

Dos and Don’ts about

Watching Films

Dos and Don’ts at the cinema:

You _________ (had better, must) arrive

early so that you will not miss anything.

You ________ (must, ought to) go to the

washroom before the film begins.

had better

ought to

Please look at these sentences and

choose the best answers.

Advice on watching films

You _________ (had better, have to)

buy some popcorn or soft drinks

before the film begins.

You ______ (had better, have to) keep

quiet while watching the film.

You ______ (must, should) bring a

jacket to the cinema because you

might feel cold.

had better

have to


You ______ (must, may) buy a

ticket before entering the cinema.

You ______ (needn’t , mustn’t ) take

your pet to the cinema.

You __________ (ought not to , can)

make noise while watching films.

You ___________(can’t , had better)

read the film reviews before watching




ought not to

had better

Conclusion on giving advice

Giving advice

in a gentle wayin a more forceful way



Should, ought to, had better

have to/has to, must

shouldn’t ought not to had better not

don’t/doesn’t have to mustn’t

Please give us advice using “had better, have to, should, must, ought to, perhaps, can’t, mustn’t, ought not to… ”

Round 6 Giving advice to your friends

1. Zhu Yue is too busy with study to see a film.

2. Liu Gao can’t understand English films well.

3. Zheng Yu wants to be as strong as Jackie Chen.

4. Ma Lin doesn’t know which film to watch.

5. Zhang Tingting prefers to be an actress.

A: …has a problem. She/he …What’s

your advice?

B: Perhaps she/he …

1 32

5 64

慧眼选一选 !1.--Must we hand in our homework now? -- No, you ____. You ____hand it in later. A . mustn’t, must B. needn’t, ought to C. don’t have to, may D. mustn’t, had better2. He decided to devote his lifetime ____ pollution _____ happily. A. to prevent , to live B. to prevent, from living C. to preventing, to live D. to preventing , from living



1. Peter always puts his effect into study.

2. He was presented a gold medal for

his excellent job.



effect n. 影响 effort n. 努力

present sb. with sth. present sth. to sb.

1. --Did you go to the cinema last night

with them?

-- No, because I _________(see) it twice.

2. ____ Zhang Yimou _________ (direct) many

excellent films by the end of 2011?


had seen


1. Take a deep ________(breathe) if you feel nervous, and you’ll feel better.

2. Suddenly there was nothing but _______ (silent) in the classroom.3. Canadians speak not only English but

also _________.(France)4. Are you familiar with these _________ (act) names? They are all beauties.




he had put all his effort into1. 他说过自进入电影圈他已全身心投入于制作电影。He said _______________________________________________________________________. making films since he entered the film industry.

2. 你知道他们相爱多久了?

Do you know ______________________________________

how long they

have been in love with each other?

What should you do after the Film Festival?

Task Four

Make a report about your

favourite star

Name : Jay Chou   Star sign: Capricorn  Height: 173cmDate of birth:18th JanuaryTalents: singing, acting good at making

music, playing the piano, …

Round 7 --Discuusion Make a report about favourite star1. 小时候就有音乐天赋,反复练习弹钢琴。2. 成为歌星之前擅长为别人写歌。 (make songs)

3. 2001 年因《 Fantasy 》而一炮走红。4. 不久以后,在澳大利亚,日本等国家 举办演唱会。 (give concerts)

5. 2008 年为汶川义演。 2011 年为希望工程筹集许多资金。6. 由于他的成就被认为是亚洲流行天王。 (Asian pop king)

7. 他的成功不仅因为他有天赋而且来自于他的努力和永不 放弃。8. 我希望他。。。。。。

He had a musical talent when he was

young and he kept practising playing the

piano. He had made songs for others before

he became a singing star. In 2001, he became

famous immediately because of Fantasy.

Shortly after, he gave concerts in Australia,

Japan and some other countries.

In 2008, he held a charity show for

Wenchuan. In 2011, he raised much money

for Project Hope. He is considered to be the

Asian pop king for his achievements.

Jay is successful not only because he is

talented but also he works hard and

never gives up easily. I believe his


skills and acting skills will be

even better in the future.

What can we learn from Jay Chou?

No pains, no gains! 一份辛劳,一份收获 !Success comes from hard work! 成功来自努力!

What made Jay Chou successful?

Dreams are of no value


they are followed by

action. 只有我们付诸行动,


1.Write a passage about your favourite film star. 2. Revise useful expressions and grammar of Unit 5

It is not easy to do anything well.


We should _______________.

We shouldn’t _____________.

9.science fiction film

1. cartoon film

2. action film

3.horror film

5.romantic film



8.war film 4.ducumentary

Types of films

以 “ My Favourite Star” 为题写一篇文章 .介绍一下香港著名歌星、影星刘德华( Andy Lau )要点: 1.1961 年 9 月 27 日生于香港 , 在贫困地区长大 . 2. 像很多明星一样进入电影业时 , 开头很艰难 , 但他不放弃 . 3. 他勤奋努力 , 获得很多奖项 , 包括 2004 年第 41 届台湾 电影金马奖 (the 41st Taiwan Film Awards) 影帝和 2005 年第 23 届香港电影金像奖 (the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards) 影帝 .4. 他不但拍电影 , 而且歌唱的也好 , 是亚洲最受欢迎 的歌星之一 .5. 大家公认的最努力的明星 , 值得学习 .

以 “ My Favourite Star” 为题写一篇文章 .介绍一下香港著名歌星、影星刘德华( Andy Lau )要点: 1.1961 年 9 月 27 日生于香港 , 在贫困地区长大 . 2. 像很多明星一样进入电影业时 , 开头很艰难 , 但他不放弃 . 3. 他勤奋努力 , 获得很多奖项 , 包括 2004 年第 41 届台湾 电影金马奖 (the 41st Taiwan Film Awards) 影帝和 2005 年第 23 届香港电影金像奖 (the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards) 影帝 .4. 他不但拍电影 , 而且歌唱的也好 , 是亚洲最受欢迎 的歌星之一 .5. 大家公认的最努力的明星 , 值得学习 .