Unit 5 Passion Week to Ascension NT5.9 Doubting …...resurrection of Jesus. In this lesson we will...

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NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Unit 5 Passion Week to Ascension

NT5.9 Doubting Thomas

Scripture: Luke 24: 36-49; John 20: 19-31

Lesson Goal: After the crucifixion the disciples of Jesus struggled with doubt and fear. Thomas who

was one of the disciples is sometimes called the Doubter. He wanted to know the truth about the resurrection of Jesus. In this lesson we will see how his doubts were changed to faith in Christ.

Introduction: This is Lesson 9 in Unit 5: The Passion Week to the Ascension. This lesson is about

how Jesus appeared to the ten disciples and then one week later to Thomas. We will see how Thomas' doubts were changed into belief in Jesus as the Christ. This account is given by Luke and John. The gospels are in the New Testament and tell the story of the life and ministry of Jesus here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: "Seeing is Believing" Have you ever heard that phrase before? Sometimes people say that if they doubt that something is true or if they want to really prove that it is a fact. Let's try this idea. Look at the yellow dots in these two pictures. Which center circle is larger--the one on the right or the one on the left? Did you say that both the circles are the SAME size? Well, that is true. Is it hard to believe that both circles are the same size. The larger circles around the center circle one the left just made that one look bigger! This called an optical illusion. Let's try another one! Look at the lines in this picture. Are they straight or slanted? They looked crooked so that makes me think they are slanted. But guess what? They are straight! Look I will put a ruler up to one of the long lines to show that they are really straight! Do you think it was hard or easy to see that the lines were straight? Look at these arrows. Which one has the longest red line? The one with the arrows pointing out or the one with the arrows pointing in? Did you say that the red lines were all the same length? Well--they are! Look at these rows of squares. What do you see in the corners of the square? Do you

see gray circles? Look again.....Do you see the circles? Guess what ! There are no gray circles. Your eyes are just playing tricks on you! How many legs does this picture have? What is unbelievable about this picture? The legs don't line up. It looks like there are three legs but there are really only two. Watch what happens when I cover up part of the picture. What went through your mind when you couldn't believe what you were seeing in these pictures? It was weird; usually seeing is believing but in this picture I didn't know what to believe. What do you see here? .....Is it a goblet drinking cup or two people facing each other? Actually it is both! The black figures are the people facing each other. The light white shape is the goblet drinking cup!

OK....here is a hard one.. Is this a rabbit or a duck? Actually both! Look carefully..... The rabbit is looking to the right and the duck is looking to the left. What things are hard for you to believe? Is it things you cannot see? Is it things you cannot understand? Is it things that are new to me or that I have never seen before? Sometimes we have a hard time believing things we cannot understand or things we can't see.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

We can't see Jesus the way we see other people or the way we see the furniture in this room so some people have a hard time believing in him. But...did you know that Jesus helps us believe in him even though we can see him or totally understand him. Today we will hear about a man in the Bible who had a hard time believing that Jesus had risen from the dead. This disciple said he had to see Jesus with his own eyes and touch Jesus with his own hands in order to believe. Let's find out more!

Opening Prayer: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. Thank you for coming back to life. Help us not to doubt like Thomas but to trust in You. Please forgive us our sins and take us to heaven to be with you. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.” Memory Verse: Our memory verse is John 20:31 "But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing in Him you will have life." Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/gLZsYTvNKzA After Jesus was crucified on the cross, most of Jesus' disciples were very scared! They didn't know what to do! Jesus had been killed and His friends were afraid they might be killed, too! So Jesus' friends were hiding in an upstairs room of a house. They locked the door so that no one could get in. The disciples were very afraid and they missed their leader, Jesus! The women had gone to the tomb early that morning to take spices to put on the body of Jesus. But when they got to the tomb they had found the stone rolled away. Angels appeared to them and told them that Jesus was alive! But the disciples weren't really sure they could believe it! After all, people didn't just die and then come back to life all by themselves! Then two of the disciples had started to walk to the town of Emmaus that same afternoon. They said that Jesus had appeared to them and walked with them on the road. He had taught them from the scriptures how he was going to die for the sins of all people and then come back to life in three days. The two disciples had told the others how Jesus had revealed himself to them when he broke bread and blessed it. Then He disappeared from their sight. They were so excited as they returned and told all the disciples about it! They were sure Jesus was alive. That evening the disciples locked the doors of the room they were in, afraid that the Jews might arrest them. While they were still talking, Jesus himself stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." They thought they were seeing a ghost and were frightened. Jesus said to them., "Why are you troubled and have doubts? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see. A ghost does not have flesh and bones, as I have." Jesus showed them the scars on His hands and feet where He had been nailed to the cross. The disciples were full of joy and amazement but still thought they were seeing a ghost. "Do you have anything here to eat?" Jesus asked. They gave Him a piece of broiled fish, and Jesus ate it as they watched. They now knew they were no seeing a ghost. Then Jesus started explaining from the scriptures that it was always God's plan the Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead the third day. Jesus was saying that He had to die and come back to life so that people could be forgiven for their sins and become members of God's family. Jesus told them that in His Name repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. "You are witnesses of these things," Jesus explained. "I am going to send the Holy Spirit who will give you power form on high." Jesus then disappeared from their sight. Now one of Jesus' disciples, Thomas had been missing when Jesus had appeared to them on Sunday evening. When the other disciples told Thomas what he had missed, they said, "We have seen the


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Lord!" Thomas did not believe them. He said, "Unless I see and touch the nail marks in His hands and put my hand into the wound on His side, I will not believe.

But Jesus loved Thomas and wanted him to know He was alive. A full week later, Jesus' friends were meeting in the same house. This time, Thomas was with them. Just like before, the doors were all locked. And SUDDENLY just like before, there was Jesus right there in the room! Once again, Jesus said, "Peace be with you!"Then turning to Thomas, Jesus said, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Jesus wanted Thomas to know that He was truly alive! Thomas replied, "My Lord and my God!" Now Thomas knew that Jesus had come back to life. Thomas must have been so glad. Then Jesus said to Thomas, "You have believed because you have seen me. How happy are those who believe but have not seen me." Once again Jesus explained to His friends why He had died on the cross and returned to life. He wanted them to tell people everywhere about what they had seen and heard. He also taught them all they needed to know in order to tell the whole world the good news that Jesus is alive and that He is God's Son. Jesus is the greatest friend anyone could ever have! Jesus has shown He is a friend to us by dying on the cross for us and coming back to life again. Why do you think Thomas doubted such good news about Jesus ? Maybe it was because he had not been there to see Jesus when He appeared to the disciples the first time! But Jesus helped Thomas believe in Him. He came back a week later and showed Thomas his hands and side. Sometimes we may have trouble believing in Jesus. We can't see Jesus either and sometimes the stories about Jesus may seem impossible to believe. But it is very IMPORTANT for us to believe in Jesus. He is the ONLY person who can forgive us our sins and give us eternal life. ONLY Jesus can save us and make us right with God. Have you ever had doubts about Jesus? Sometimes we might wonder if Jesus is really real or we might wonder if Jesus really cares about us. But we don't have to have doubts! Jesus has proven that He is alive! All we have to do is pray and ask Jesus to help us believe in Him. When we read the Bible and pray, His spirit helps us to believe in Him. It's OK to have doubts but we need to take our doubts to Jesus so He can helps us believe in Him. We can trust the Bible and what it says. Jesus did die on the cross for our sins. He did rise again the third day. We do not need to doubt we can believe in Him! Remember Jesus will help you to believe. We can trust in Him! Jesus is alive!

Review Questions: “Which Emoji!” Preparation: Print the emoji page below and display in a prominent place. Procedure: Children are to act out the responses that the people in the Bible story felt when they answer the question. Then they are to choose the emoji they believe best describes the character’s emotions. (Choice of emoji may depend on individual’s interpretation. Accept all reasonable answers.) 1. How did the disciples feel at first when Jesus was resurrected from the

grave? They were afraid, confused and did not believe it could happen. (Act afraid)


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

2. What did the disciples do because they were afraid? (locked themselves up in a room to hide from the enemies of Jesus.) (Act like they are hiding)

3. Who first told the disciples that Jesus was alive? Mary and the women who went to the tomb (Pretend to be talking)

4. Who did Jesus appear to on the afternoon of His resurrection? The two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Act like you don't see anything.--just normal!)

5. How did the two disciples on the road to Emmaus know that it was Jesus who had been walking and talking with them? Jesus broke bread and blessed it like He did at the Last Supper. (Act surprised)

6. What did the two disciples do after they realized that they had seen Jesus? They ran back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples who were locked up in the room. (Run in place)

7. While the two disciples were telling the other disciples what happened on the Road to Emmaus what happened? Jesus appeared to the disciples. (Act surprised)

8. How many disciples did Jesus appear to on Sunday evening? 10 disciples (Hold up 10 fingers) 9. What did the ten disciples ask Jesus to do to show that He was alive? They asked him to eat some

broiled fish and he did. (Pretend to eat) 10. Which disciple was not with the group when Jesus appeared to them? Thomas 11. What happened when the other disciples told Thomas about Jesus' appearance? He did not believe

them and said that the only way he could believe that Jesus was alive was to touch him. (Shake head no!)

12. What happened one week after Jesus appeared to the ten disciples? He appeared to the ten disciples again but Thomas was with them. (Act surprised)

13. What did Thomas do when he saw Jesus? He bowed down and said, "My Lord and my God." (bow down and say My Lord and My God)

14. What did Jesus tell the disciples that night? He told them why he had to die and come back to life. He wanted them to tell everyone about the salvation He had brought.

15. Who can say our memory verse? John 20:31 But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing in Him you will have life." Let's say this verse again, " John 20:31 says "But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing in Him you will have life."

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Coin Toss” Our memory verse is John 20:31 "But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing in Him you will have life." Repeat verse together with students two or three times. Have children locate the verse in the Bible. Read the verse aloud with children. Discuss the meaning of the verse. What does John 20:31 say is something that will help us believe in Jesus? God's Word tells the truth about His life on earth and tells us things we need to know to have a relationship with Jesus and live forever with Him. What did Jesus do to help Thomas believe in Him? He let Thomas see and touch Him. What did Thomas say when he realized that Jesus really was alive? He said, "My Lord and my God." When was a time someone helped you believe in Jesus? What do you believe about Jesus? How would you describe Jesus to someone who has never heard about Him? Procedure: Print the words or phrases of the verse on strips of paper. Put each of the strips of paper into a large drinking cup. Place all the cups into a cardboard drinking tray. Children are to line up several feet from the game cups and take turns tossing a coin into a cup. When the coin lands in the cup the child takes the strip from the cup and places the strip on the floor near the cups. Continue until all the strips have been removed. Children help arrange strips in the correct word order of the verse.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Group Learning Activity: “Trust Walk” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need a blind fold for one person in each group of students. Procedure: Have a "trust walk" where you blindfold students, one by one. Give instructions to maneuver around your space, whether it is a classroom or an area outside. After the "walk" talk about faith and trust each student had to have in you to obey what you were telling them, even without seeing where they were going. Say: “In our lesson we learned that Thomas did not have faith because he could not believe that Jesus was really alive. Faith and belief go together. You cannot have one without the other. Faith means that a person believes in things even when he or she can't see how it works. Thomas' faith was small. How about your faith? Do you believe in Jesus, even though you can't see or touch Him?”

Group Learning Activity: Touch and Feel (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need a large sock and several small objects such as a toy car, crayon, small block, cup, small ball, etc. Say: “What did Jesus do to show Thomas that He was really alive? He told Thomas to touch His hands. When Thomas saw and touched Jesus, he knew that Jesus was alive. He was glad. Let's play a game where we use our fingers to touch objects and find out what they are.” Procedure: Secretly place a small object into the toe of a sock. Examples: toy car, crayon, small block, cup, small ball, etc. Children take turns feeling the object and guessing what it is. When all children have had a turn, then remove the object and identify it. Repeat with other objects. Say: “Were you able to guess what the object was in the sock before we took it out? Was it hard or easy to do? How could you tell what the object was? (Student felt the size and shape.) In our lesson what did Thomas say that he must do if he was going to believe that Jesus was alive? (He wanted to touch his hands and feet and put his hand in the side of Jesus.) Thomas' faith was small. He was a doubter. How about your faith? Do you believe in Jesus, even though you can't see or touch Him?”

Group Learning Activity: “Reader’s Theatre” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Print four copies of the script for the following characters: Jesus, the disciple, Thomas, and the narrator. Provide Bible costumes for the readers. You may wish to provide 4 adhesive name tags and use a marker to put names on each of the readers. Say: “What does it mean to doubt? Doubt means to be uncertain or unsure about something that you see or hear. In our Bible lesson Jesus appeared to a doubter. Today we are going to use a Readers’ Theatre format to retell this event.” Procedure: Direct the children to remain seated and turn toward the readers. Assign each reader to an area of the room. Say: “Welcome to the “Moving Theater.” In this theater the audience moves instead of the actors.” Direct the children to face the narrator. Signal the narrator to begin. As each character reads or speaks you will direct the students to face the reader. Have students read the script below. (At conclusion of the reading) Say: “Just as Jesus called Thomas to believe in who He was and what He had done, He calls us to believe. When we admit to God that we are sinners, believe that Jesus is God’s Son who died for our sins and rose from the dead, and confess Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we become Christians. If you have questions about how to become a Christian, or about what it means to be a Christian you can ask one of the teachers today.”


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Group Learning Activity: Bible Study: “Jesus is the Messiah” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Students will need Bibles, pencils, and spiritual notebooks. Say: “I will tell you some facts about myself. Some will be true and others will be false. Raise your hand if you believe the statement is true.” Use statements such as “My favorite animal is ___.” “My favorite color is ___.” “My favorite food is ___.” “My favorite sport is ___.”“My favorite subject in school is ___.” Tell the first fact and wait for the children to respond. Then reveal if the fact is true for false. Continue for additional facts. Call on other adult leaders to share facts about themselves. Encourage children to respond if the facts are true or false. Say: “Some facts you knew were true. Other facts you guessed. In our lesson today Jesus helped Thomas to believe. He went from not believing something was true to knowing it was true. Today we are going to look at some scriptures that will help us know that Jesus was truly the Son of God the Messiah. The Old Testament was written before Jesus was born and it gave the Jews clues about the Christ who was coming. Thomas would have been familiar with the Old Testament. Thomas was also with Jesus during his live on earth.“ Procedure: Have students look up the following Old Testament scriptures to see what clues it gives to who Jesus was. Compare the clues to events in Jesus' life that matches. Emphasize that the prophecies about Jesus were all fulfilled and this helps us know that Jesus was really the Messiah that God had promised.

Compare Isaiah 7: 14 to Matthew 1:21-23 (Isaiah wrote the verse hundreds of years before Christ was born and Matthew records that Mary had a son and called him Emmanuel.

Micah 5:2 to Luke 2:4-7 (Mary and Joseph had to go to the city of David called Bethlehem to register for the census and Jesus was born in Bethlehem just as Micah predicted.)

Compare Psalm 22:16-18 to Matthew 27:35 which records the events at the cross. When Jesus died, he was surrounded by the two thieves on crosses and the soldiers gambled for his robe.

Compare Isaiah 53:7, 11 to Luke 23:13-15, 32 and Luke 24: 6-7When Jesus died on the cross, he was like a lamb. He was the Perfect Lamb that took away all the sins of the world.

Compare Isaiah 53:11 to Luke 24:6-7.Jesus was crucified and on the third day arose for the forgiveness of man’s sins.

Say: ”Jesus helps us believe in Him. He has fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah to show us that He is truly the Son of God.” Have students record what they have learned from the scriptures in their spiritual journals.

Group Learning Activity: “Concentration Card Game” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Print out the set of twelve cards below that have the Greek and English names for Jesus on cardstock. Cut the sheets apart to make individual cards with the names of Jesus. Make a set of cards for each group of two children in the class. Say: “The letters in the Greek word for fish are the letters that begin the Greek words for "Jesus," "Christ", "God's Son," and "Savior." The symbol explained what the first Christians believed about who Jesus was. Just like Thomas in the lesson and the Christians who first drew the fish symbol, we have heard the message of Jesus' resurrection and now we must decide what we believe about Jesus. Today we are going to play a game to help us learn the Greek names for Jesus.” Procedure: Have students form groups of two. Within each group students mix together the cards and place them facedown in rows, as if they were playing the game Concentration. Students take turns turning over two cards each. If cards match, student keeps the cards. If cards do not match, student turn cards back over and the next student takes his or her turn. Continue until all cards are matched.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Group Learning Activity: “Bible Baseball” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need four chairs, scissors, tape, table, stopwatch, and scrap paper. Print out the two cubes template below on poster board. One is for bases and one is for the questions or books of the Bible and the other is for the number of bases to advance. Cut out the cubes, fold on solid lines and tape the edges together. Place chairs in a diamond shape like the bases on a baseball field. Say: “Let’s play baseball. We will form two teams. Each team will “bat” by rolling a cube. The cube will indicate whether you must answer a question or find a book in your Bible. If you are successful you may roll the base cube. This will tell you the number of bases to advance your runner. The runners will sit on the bases (chairs). You earn a point for each “run” your team scores. We have a major difference in this game and regular baseball. In this game, there is only one out. You team is out if you cannot correctly complete the task or you roll an “out” on the cube.” Procedure: Select a team to begin. Guide a team member to sit in the “home plate” chair while another child rolls the action cube. If the cube states answer it, read one of the following questions. If the cube states “Find it!”, then call out a Bible book (New Testament and/or Old Testament book). Allow ten seconds for the team members to open their Bibles to the book. Have the team roll the “base cube” and advance the “home plate” player to the correct chair (base). Continue until the team receives an out. Clear the bases and begin with the other team. Play as long as time permits. Game questions:

1. Where were the disciples when Jesus appeared to them the first time? (in a locked room) 2. Why were the disciples afraid before Jesus appeared to them the first time? (They were afraid

the Jews would arrest them.) 3. What did Jesus say to the disciples when He appeared? (“Peace be with you!”) 4. Jesus breathed on the men and told them to receive what? (the Holy Spirit) 5. Which disciple was not with the others when Jesus appeared the first time? (Thomas) 6. How did Thomas respond when he learned Jesus appeared to the disciples when he was not

there? (Thomas said he would not believe unless he saw the nail marks and was able to place his hand in Jesus’ side.)

7. How much time passed between the first and second time Jesus appeared to the disciples? (a little over a week)

8. True or False Thomas immediately knew who Jesus was. (true) 9. True or False: Thomas did not believe Jesus was alive even after Thomas saw Jesus. (false) 10. True or False: Jesus does not want you to tell people He is alive. (false) 11. True or False: Jesus died on the cross and God raised Jesus from the dead. (true) 12. True or False: Everything Jesus did is written in the Bible. (false) 13. According to Acts 1:8 where should people be witnesses? (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and

other parts of the earth.) 14. Name a place you can tell someone about “Jesus.” (Answers will vary.) 15. Why is it important that we tell people that Jesus is alive? (People need to know the good news

so they can believe and go to heaven.) 16. True or False: It does not matter whether or not God raised Jesus from the dead. (false) 17. We can read about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in the Gospels. What are the gospels?

(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) 18. Why was Thomas not with the other disciples when Jesus appeared to them the first time? (the

Bible does not tell us.) 19. Why do you think Thomas did not believe Jesus was alive when the disciples told him?

(Answers will vary. He was frightened. He did not understand what Jesus had foretold. He thought it was unbelievable that anyone could come back to life on their own.)

20. Name one thing we can learn from Thomas. (Answers will vary. We can trust what Jesus promises to do. Jesus will help us believe and trust in Him.)

Conclude game by praying for opportunities to tell people about Jesus.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Group Learning Activity: “Believe It or Not!” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a copy of Robert Ripley's "Believe It or Not” or you can use the following examples. Procedure: “In our lesson Thomas was called the “Doubting Disciple” because he had difficulty believing that Jesus had risen from the grave. Thomas is not the only one who sometimes has difficulty believing certain things. Here is an interesting book called "Believe It or Not" and it was written by Robert Ripley. Mr. Ripley enjoyed collecting strange and amazing bits of information which, although they seem unbelievable, were true. He first published his amazing facts as cartoons in the newspaper, but they became so popular that they were published in book form, made into radio and television programs, and there is even a chain of "Believe It Or Not" museums. Let me read some examples of some of the amazing things you will find in his book.” (Choose some examples from the book.)

Joann Barnes, a fifteen-year-old from California, once swung sixty-eight hula-hoops on her body at the same time! Can you believe that? I can't even keep one hula-hoop going. I think I would have to see that to believe it!

Listen to this one. A man by the name of James Cook once had a chicken that laid a perfectly square egg. Now, I have seen white eggs, brown eggs, even spotted eggs, but I have never seen a square egg. Have you? I think I'd have to see it to believe it!

Here's one I'll bet you didn't know. The world's largest weenie was over 3000 feet long, weighed 885 pounds, and took 103 butchers to carry it? Now that's a lot of baloney! I don't know if I believe that or not. In fact, this book is filled things that are very hard for me to believe. But do you know what? If it's true, it's true, whether I believe it or not!

Say: “On the Sunday that Jesus rose from the grave, he appeared to a group of his disciples. One of the disciples, whose name was Thomas, was not with them. When the disciples told Thomas that they had seen Jesus and that he was alive, Thomas said, "I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes. I want to put my finger in the nail-prints in his hands -- and place my hand where the spear was thrust into his side. A week later, Thomas saw Jesus. Jesus invited Thomas to touch his hands where the nails had been. He told Thomas to put his hand in the wound in his side. Then Thomas believed! Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Say: “A lot of people today won't believe that Jesus really rose from the grave because they haven't seen him with their own two eyes. Do you know what? It is true whether they believe it or not! You and I have never seen Jesus, we have to accept him by faith. The question is, will you believe it -- or not?”

Craft Learning Activity: “Hand Prints Door Knob Hanger” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a 12” X 18” sheet of poster board for each child. Students will need glue, red construction paper, scissors, and a piece of yarn or string approximately 18” long. Procedure: Have children trace each of their hands onto construction paper or heavy drawing paper. Children should place the edges of the palms together for form one continue print. (See picture). Have children cut out their hand prints leaving a base along the bottom edge. Have students made folded paper hearts to place in the center of each hand for "nail prints." Have children fold the red construction paper to cut out a small red paper heart. Glue the small red heart into the center of the hand. Cut a strip of red paper and print the memory verse on it. John 20:31 "But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing in Him you will have life." Paste to the base of the handprints. Attach a piece of yarn to use it as a door hangar.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Craft Learning Activity: “Mobiles of JESUS or BELIEVE” Preparation: You will need large 12X18 inch sheets colored poster board, colored markers, a variety of decorating materials such as fabric scraps, sequins, plastic or silk flowers and leaves. Print one letter of Jesus or Believe on each sheet of poster board. Prepare enough sheets so that each child has a sheet with a letter. Procedure: Give each student a large colored poster board sheet with one of the letters on it. Without saying what the letters spell, have children glue decorating materials to fill the letters. Children may use fabric scraps, sequins, artificial flowers, and leavens. In the remaining space on their papers children may also write or draw things that show they are Jesus’ friends. Drawings might include singing a song about Jesus, being kind to a friend, praying, reading the Bible, etc. When children are finished decorating the letters, collets the papers and sort them to unscramble the letters to spell Believe or Jesus. Punch a hole in each sheet and tie a long piece of yarn to the sheet. Hang the letters from the ceiling. Or you can tack the sheets in order on the wall to make a large poster. Say: “How did Jesus’ disciples feel at the beginning of this story? (They were afraid and scared and very discouraged.) How had they changed at the end of the story? (They were happy and excited that Jesus was alive. They were boldly telling other people about Jesus.) How did Jesus show that He cared about His disciples? (He appeared to them several times. Each time He appeared He said, “Peace be with you.” He showed them his hands and feet. He ate fish and bread to prove that He was alive. He taught them about His death and the purpose of His resurrection which was to give to them the gift of eternal life.) Say: “How has Jesus shown that He is our friend? (He has given us the gift of eternal life. He is always with us. He gives us strength to obey Him/.) How can we show that we are Jesus’ followers? (We can believe in Him. We can obey His commands. We can read His Word. We can sing praises and tell others about Him.) What are some ways we can love and obey Jesus (We can show His love by helping others. We can play fairly and tell the truth. We can be kind and loving to others.)

Say: “In this lesson Jesus wanted his disciples to believe and trust in Him. He came to show them that He was truly alive. When a person believes and trusts in Jesus, what are some things that they can do to show that belief? (Obey His commands; pray; help others; read the Bible, tell others about Jesus.) We all have doubts but Jesus does not want us to live in fear. He will help us believe in Him when we read His Word. Encourage kids to take their doubts to Jesus and ask for His help to believe in Him. Challenge students to read their Bible every day.

Craft Learning Activity: “Believe It! Foam Finger” Preparation: Each student will need two sheets of 11” X 17” craft foam, scissors, craft glue, foam letters, permanent markers, and pencils. Enlarge the “Foam Finger” pattern below to fill 11” X 17” inch paper. Say: “When Jesus appeared to the disciples he told them how they would be the ones to give the message of salvation to all the people. He promised to send them the Holy Spirit to help them accomplish this task. Acts 1:8 says “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Where is our Jerusalem? (city) Where is our Judea? (state) Where is your Samaria? (country) What are some places that children can tell others about Jesus? Today we are going to make some foam fingers that will point people to Jesus!” Procedure: Place the craft supplies on the table. Guide each child to select two sheets of craft foam. Demonstrate to students how to trace the pattern on both sheets of foam. Using scissors cut the foam


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

fingers out on the dotted lines of the outside edges. Put a strip of glue around the outside edges but not across the bottom. Glue the two pieces of foam together, and then trim the edges if needed. Use the foam letters or markers to write statements such as “Believe,” “Jesus is Alive!” or “He is risen!” on one side of the foam. When the glue is dry, students can place their hands inside the foam. Say: “You can use your foam finger to show people in cars next to you the message or take it to the ball game with you. We can use the message to start conversations with others about how Jesus died on the cross for them and that God raised Jesus from the dead. We can tell people that Jesus is alive!” Conclude activity by praying for opportunities to tell people about Jesus.

Life Application Challenge: “Chain Reaction” Preparation: You will need a set of dominoes. Line up dominoes so when the first domino in the line falls it will tip the next one down and so forth. Say: “Have you ever heard the expression “chain reaction”? A chain reaction is “when one thing starts that leads to another.” What will happen if I touch the first domino in this line and make it fall? (Let students predict that the line of dominoes will fall.) Let’s see if you have made a good prediction. (Let the domino chain reaction begin.) Say: “Let me tell you about my chain reaction.” (Share a personal testimony of how you heard about Jesus and are now telling people about Him.) Did you know that missionaries are another example of a chain reaction? They learned about Jesus and now are telling people in other countries about Him. (Share a missionary story.) Do you know about any chain reactions of people who have heard about Jesus and are now telling others about Him? Talk about places and ways that children can tell others about Jesus in your community. Pray for opportunities to tell people about Jesus.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Thomas Wanted Proof Based on John 20:19-29

Narrator: The disciples were in a locked room. It was nighttime and they were afraid of

what might happen to them. It had only been a few days since Jesus had been

crucified and buried. Mary Magdalene had told some of the disciples that she had seen

Jesus alive. Jesus then appeared to the disciples in the locked room. (Direct the

children to face “Jesus.”

Jesus: Peace be with you. Look at My hands and My side, and see that it is I. (Direct the

children to face the “disciple.”)

Disciple: Jesus, it is You! You have risen from the dead! (Direct the children to face


Jesus: Peace be with you. Just as God sent Me to you, I send you into the world. I am

giving you the Holy Spirit. Go and preach the good news that people’s sins can be

forgiven. (Direct the children to face the narrator.)

Narrator: Thomas, a disciple, was not with the others when Jesus appeared to them in the

locked room. When the disciples told Thomas they had seen Jesus, he did not believe

them. (Direct the children to face “Thomas.”

Thomas: Unless I see His hands with my own eyes and touch His hands and side, I will

not believe.

Narrator: Eight days later, the disciples were together again. This time Thomas was with

them when Jesus appeared. (Direct the children to face “Jesus.”)

Jesus: Peace be with you. Thomas, touch My hands and touch My side. Now do you

believe? (Direct the children to face “Thomas.”)

Thomas: Jesus it is You. I do believe. (Direct the children to face “Jesus.”)

Jesus: Thomas, you believed because you saw Me. Blessed are those who believe

without seeing Me.


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018

Thomas Believes

John 20:31

"But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing in Him you will have life."


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018


NT5.9 Doubting Thomas © Beverly Wilson 2018