Unit 5 powerpoint

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Unit 5 powerpoint


  • 1. Analyzing and Applying
    Unit 5
    Designing Learning Activities at Deeper Levels of Understanding
  • 2. Unit 5 Objectives
    Design guided learning activities at the Applying and Analyzing cognitive levels utilizing the 4-step process of backward design
    Differentiate between the kinds of digital tools for teaching and learning during the Guided Learning Activities in your classroom that use the cognitive levels of applying and analyzing
    Describe why learning at higher levels is important given the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies in response to broader worldwide access
    Communication and collaboration expand the constructivist learning into connectivism
    Developing an effective code of student conduct plan for online activities
  • 3. Go back and review Chapter 7
    You read this chapter last week and we continue using it as a framework for incorporating the backwards design process. You may want to skim over the chapter to refresh your memory.
  • 4. Using the 4-step process again
    State objectives
    Select instructional strategies
    Choose technologies
    Plan assessments
  • 5. The realities of our changing world compel us to change the way we teach our students to learn
  • 6. Friedmans 3 reasons the world has changed
    1) new technologies/processes have created new ways to work,
    2) new ways of working are heavily impacting the way business is conducted and businesses are learning new techniques to respond;
    3) new sets of people are entering the marketplace and they are utilizing the internet to gain access to those markets.
    Listen to Thomas Friedmans explanation of these ideas during a lecture at MIT
  • 7. www.flickr.com/photos/laihiu/314145747/
  • 8. By the early 2000s, the notion of interactivity went from linking and clicking to creating and sharing. Now individuals not only find and read information, but also create and share their own in real time. It is a new Web, known as Web 2.0This transition from using desktop based applications to online tools means we can work differently. (Solomon, p 8)
  • 9. You might want to read this article in which Friedman talks about how he has revised his World is Flat ideas beyond the original book.
  • 10. George Siemens develops theory of connectivism
  • 11. Communication relies on communicating well with other people
  • 12. Twitter has changed the face of journalism
    Want to listen to the podcast of NPRs Neal Conan show about Irans Twitter experience. Click here.
  • 13. Analyze
    Find patterns and use them as entry points to the new learning students will do. Patterns easily connect new learning to prior learning.
    Possessing usable knowledge, ie knowledge that is connected and organized around important concepts. Challenge students to find other patterns within new content and generalize those patterns across disciplines
  • 14. These are
    the levels where Unit 5 will focus
  • 15. Blooms levels that will be included in Unit 5
  • 16. Applying
    Uploading and sharing
  • 17. Playing
    Use games to engage and teach
    Second Life
    Watch this video clip that explains how Second Life (which is frequently abbreviated like this SL) can be used in classrooms.
  • 18. Uploading and sharing
    Students create their own sources of information and share them with others
    Flickr stores photos, searchable and many photos are licensed with CC license...meaning students can remix those photos to meet their needs as long as the original work is cited
    Glogster online poster and collage maker; upload digital images, video, documents, web links,audio
    Voicethread allows students to upload content and invite others to comment and respond
  • 19. Collages by Glogster
  • 20. Editing
    At this level students are taking information theyve already found and paring it downfine tuning the writing.changing it into what they need for a product
    Useful digital tools that are commonly found include
    Google Docs
  • 21. Analyzing
    Reverse engineering
  • 22. Mashing
    Integrating several data sources into a single resource
    Very close to what students might do in applications such as Voicethread and Glogster. In this level, they analyze projects that have already been made.
    Big Huge Labs have some easy to use Flickr manipulation tools
    Google Earth integrates many data sources
    Pageflakes would be another way to find many resources listed at one place around a topic or theme
  • 23. Linking
    Finding connections between and within documents and/or web pages
    Searching and uncovering patterns that exist between resources
  • 24. Reverse engineering
    Matches to deconstruction; this kind of learning takes apart what already exists in order to understand how it was created
  • 25. Screencasting
    Creating your own video clips is a powerful way to share with studentshow about if they must analyze what youve done in order to create their own screencast?
  • 26. As students begin to use more digital tools, you will need to take steps to ensure their safety.
  • 27. Online safety and security
  • 28. Creative Commons license
    Changes the way we re-use images, ideas, video and web-based content
    Embodies idea of respecting intellectual property while allowing others to use it for specific purposes (such as classroom use)
    Watch this video to see more on Creative Commons
  • 29. Student safety is a top priority
  • 30. Assignments and Activities for Unit 5
    Post what you learned about using a social networking site on your Moodle blog.
    Complete the Online Discussion about learning targets at the Applying and Analyzing levels.
    As you finalize the learning targets from the Online Discussion, post those to your wiki page.
    Create and develop an online student code of conduct that matches your technology integration learning activities. Post the final copy to your wiki page.
  • 31. Learning Target Discussion Assignment
    Complete the Online Discussion about learning targets at the Analyzing and Applying levels. You should post your learning targets by Wednesday, September 16th so that your classmates can read and comment on what you've drafted
    Then you should comment and dialog with everyone so they can fine tune their learning targets and integrated technology. This online discussion will be due by Saturday, September 19th.
    As you finalize the learning targets from the Online Discussion, post those to your wiki page. This is due by Sunday, September 20th.
  • 32. Student Code of Conduct Assignment
    Review the CyberSmart website relevant to your classroom. These should be posted by Wednesday, September 16th so that your classmates can read and comment on what you've written.
    Post a summary of the main points from the suggested lesson plans.
    Post what you must teach your students about ethical behavior
    Discuss with your classmates how do go about doing these activities with the constraints of your classroom.
    Take the most important learning from the online discussion and develop that into a home/school letter to explicitly inform parents about your online learning activities. Be sure to include the consequences of NOT adhering to the code.
    Post your code for the rest of the class to read. This online discussion will be due by Saturday, September 19th.
    As you finalize the Code of Conduct from the Online Discussion, post those to your wiki page. This is due by Sunday, September 20th.