Unit 6: The People and the environment

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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UNIT6:People and the environment

Nuria Sánchez Parra5º, CEIP García Bellido

OUTLINE• Terrestrial Ecosystems - Forest - Mountain Grasslands - Desert and steppes• Aquatic Ecosystems - Marine Ecosystems -Freshwater ecosystems• The enviorment• Protecting the enviorment

Terrestrial EcosystemsForest

Terrestrial EcosystemsMountain grasslands

Terrestrial EcosystemsDesert and steppes

Terrestrial Ecosystem

Forest (ecosystems wiyh many trees)

Mountain grassland(herbaceus)

Desert and steppes(herbaceus and


Athlantic: humed climate and cool summers

Mediterranean: dry climate and warm summers

Humed climate with cold winters

Dry climate with hot summers

Aquatic EcosystemsMarine ecosystem: Sandy beaches

Aquatic EcosystemsMarine ecosystems: Rocky shores

Aquatic EcosystemsMarine Ecosystems: Open sea

Aquatic EcosystemsFreshwater ecosystem: River

Aquatic EcosystemsFreshwater ecosystem: lagoon

Videos• Aquatic ecosystems• Forest• Grassland• Pollution• Deforestation• Desertification

Aquatic ecosystem

Marine ecosystem ( saltwater ecosystems have high salinity)

Freshwater ecosystem (freshwater ecosystems have very low salinity)

Sandy beaches

Rocky shores

Open sea



The environmentEffects of human activity on the environment:PollutionDeforestationDesertificationEndangered species




Endangered species

Effects of human activity on the environment

Pollution: The acumulation of rubbish and harmful substances in air, water and soil

Deforestation: Disappearance of forest

Desertification: The slow transformation of fertile soil into desert

Endangered species: The living things at risk of becoming extinct