Unit 7 powerpoint

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Child centred

Relevant to needs

Preferences taken into account

Targeted to


Now answer 7.2.2 on your answer sheet.

One professional noticed children in one family were not eating healthy food. The family were encouraged to attend a local children centre as the mother has mentioned she had not been taught how to cook and often lacked finances to pay for health ingredients. The children centre prepared and delivering a two short courses on ‘healthy eating’ and ‘cooking on a low budget’ for this family and others families in the local area. The next time the support worker visited the family the mother was cooking a healthy mild curry for the children.

Practitioners can affect my outcomes by involving me in decisions. Why do you think

this is important?

Now answer 7.2.3 on your question sheet this can also be used as evidence towards 15 3.3

• It is not a puppet and does not have its own voice.

• The practitioner speaks on behalf of the doll to the children.

• The children can be seated in a circle as the doll usually visits at circle time.

• The doll sits on the practitioners lap and the practitioner listens to the doll and tells the children what the doll has said.

• The practitioner gives a few facts about the doll-his/her name, where he /she lives and encourages the children to ask more questions.

• The practitioner is encouraging the children to make friends with the doll on every visit.

• The next time the doll visits it may bring an item to share with the children for example’ a story book or a photo album.

• Recount what the children know about the Persona doll from the first visit.

• The Persona doll could have a back pack/bag in which to bring items to the setting.

• The next visit a situation, experience, problem could be explored with the children to find a resolution to, if necessary.

What is circle time?What are the benefits of circle time to children?How long should it last and what activities could it involve?Circle time usually has basic rules what rules would you suggest?

Complete question sheet 7.2.4

Now answer question 7.3.1

• The word 'disabled' is a description not a group of people. Use 'disabled people' not 'the disabled' as the collective term.

• Avoid medical labels, which say little about people as individuals and tend to reinforce stereotypes of disabled people as 'patients' or unwell.

• Don’t refer solely to 'disabled people' in all government communications - many people who need disability benefits and services do not identify with this term. ‘People with health conditions or impairments’ is another common descriptor.

• Avoid phrases like 'suffers from' which evoke discomfort or pity and suggest constant pain and a sense of hopelessness.

• Wheelchair users may not view themselves as 'confined to' a wheelchair. Try thinking of it as a mobility aid instead.

• Most disabled people are comfortable with the words used to describe daily living. People who use wheelchairs 'go for walks'. People with visual impairments may be very pleased - or not - 'to see you'. An impairment may just mean that some things are done in a different way.

• Common phrases that may associate impairments with negative things should be avoided, for example 'deaf to our pleas' or 'blind drunk'.

• Avoid passive, victim words. Use language that respects disabled people as active individuals with control over their own lives.

Complete your question 7.3.2 and 7.3.3

Now complete 7.3.4

Now complete 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 also links to unit 15 3.1