Unit 7 Test Review

Post on 09-Feb-2016

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Unit 7 Test Review. U.S. History. SSUSH 17. U.S. History. National Crisis. A severe economic recession in the 1930s that affected all the world’ industrialized nations?. Great Depression. National Crisis. Businesses made more products than they could sell?. Overproduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



SSUSH 17U.S. History

National Crisis

A severe economic recession in the 1930s

that affected all the world’ industrialized nations?

Great Depression

National Crisis

Businesses made more products than they could



National Crisis

Resulted from the increase in prices of goods and the low

wages of workers?


National CrisisOctober 1929 the U.S. was beginning to show signs of slowing down; stockholders

panicked and sold their stock causing this?

Stock Market Crash 1929

National Crisis

Risky investments in stock to make a profit? Usually buying stock on credit or installment



National Crisis

The practice of making a down payment on stock and

then making installment plans?

Buying on Margin

National Crisis

A labor condition brought about by the Great


Widespread Unemployment

National Crisis

A serious drought that caused many farmers to

lose their farms?


National Crisis

Farmers also caused the Dustbowl by doing this to the

land causing soil erosion?


National Crisis

Many farmers did this when they lost their

homes in the Dust Bowl?

Migration West/ California

National Crisis

Makeshift huts and living areas made by the homeless and



National Crisis

Hoovervilles were named after this individual blamed for the

Great Depression?

President Herbert Hoover

National Crisis

“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself”

President FDR, March 1933Referring to?

Great Depression

National Crisis

“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself”

President FDR, March 1933Referring to?

Great Depression

SSUSH 18U.S. History

National Crisis

President of the United States during the Great Depression and WWII?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

National Crisis

Series of Programs established by FDR to end

the Great Depression?

New Deal

National Crisis

Main goal of the New Deal?

End the negative effects of the Great


National Crisis

Major effect of Great Depression?

Widespread Unemployment

National Crisis

This was created to make jobs for the unemployed in

the South?

Tennessee Valley Authority

National Crisis

The TVA was created as a?

Works Program

National Crisis

A works program in the New Deal gave people?


National CrisisThe intention of FDR when

creating the TVA?

Lower unemployment by giving Government


National Crisis

The TVA also provided this for the Rivers in Tennessee?

Flood Control

National Crisis

The TVA used dams to create this for rural people in the seven southern states?


National Crisis


Regulate Electricity

National CrisisReform during FDR’s New Deal

that established collective bargaining rights for workers and prohibited unfair labor


Wagner Act

National Crisis

What were employers prohibited from doing after passage of the

Wagner Act?

Interfere in workers right to Unionize

National Crisis

The Wagner Act is also known as?

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

National Crisis

Because laborers were protected under the NLRA this happened in the U.S.?

Industrial Unionism

National CrisisThis provided old age

insurance for retirees 65 or older, unemployment, aid for the disabled and families with

dependent children?

Social Security Act

National Crisis

Prominent first lady that became a symbol of women’s activism and social progress?

Eleanor Roosevelt

National Crisis

Louisiana Senator that became FDRs biggest critic, proposed a home, food, and clothes for every American?

Huey Long

National CrisisMain criticism of Huey Long of the New Deal Program?

Didn’t do enough to distribute wealth to

help the average citizen

National Crisis

Judiciary Reorganization bill of 1937 when FDR attempted to change the size of the U.S.

Supreme Court?

Court Packing Bill

National Crisis

How many Justices did FDR want to place on the

Supreme Court in 1937?


National Crisis

Why did FDR want to change the size of the Supreme


The Supreme Court was declaring his New Deal

programs unconstitutional

National Crisis

Series of laws passed by Congress during WWII to

keep FDR from selling weapons to warring


Neutrality Act

SSUSH 19U.S. History

National Crisis

Threatened a march on Washington, D.C. to protest

discrimination in hiring practices in defense industries

in WWII?

A. Phillip Randolph

National Crisis

In response to Randolph’s threats FDR issued this?

Executive Order

National Crisis

FDR’s Executive Order called on employers in defense industries to stop this?

Discrimination in hiring practices

National Crisis

World War II was waged in these years?


National Crisis

What was the major cause of WWII?

Expansionistic policies of Germany,

Japan, Italy

National Crisis

The U.S. showed it’s disapproval of Japan expanding

into Manchuria by doing this?

Embargo on scrap iron, gas, and oil


National Crisis

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy,

…” FDR Refers to?

Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

National Crisis

When did the U.S. enter World War II?


National Crisis

“December 7, 1941 is a day which will live in infamy”Surprise Attack by Japan

Pearl Harbor

National Crisis

Japan responded to the U.S. embargo on scrap iron, gas,

and oil products when it?

Attacked Pearl Harbor naval base

National Crisis

Geographic location of Pearl Harbor?

Pacific Ocean / Hawaii

National Crisis

This placed all Japanese Americans in Internment

camps after Pearl Harbor?

Executive Order 9066

National Crisis

These two groups were also placed in Internment Camps

during WWII by the U.S.

German- Americans & Italian Americans

National CrisisProgram created by FDR to

get around the Neutrality Acts and loan Great Britain and

France Weapons?

Lend-Lease Program

National Crisis

Analogy used by FDR to get Americans to support

Lend-Lease Act?

Fire Hose

National CrisisFDR used the Hose Analogy in

the lend-Lease to justify?

The US giving aid to Great Britain before

entering WWII

National Crisis

Turning point of WWII in the Pacific. U.S. surprise attack

on Japanese Navy destroying it?

Battle of Midway

National Crisis

After the battle of Midway, the U.S. went on the offensive

doing this?

Island Hopping

National Crisis

Largest air and sea invasion in Normandy that pushed

Germany out of France?


National Crisis

Secret name for the invasion of Normandy that resulted in


Operation Overlord

National Crisis

Allied Commander in charge of Operation Overlord?


National Crisis

May 8, 1945 when Russia invaded Berlin Germany and

ended the war in Europe?


National Crisis

Allied Commander over the Pacific theater of war that accepted the Surrender of


Gen. Douglas McArthur

National Crisis

A term that refers getting soldiers, equipping them,

and moving them into war?


National CrisisThe War Mobilization of the U.S. Economy during WWII caused?

Women to enter the labor force and work

in factories

National CrisisHow did women help the war

effort in WWII?

Made ammunition, guns, ships, planes, tanks, etc. for troops

National CrisisWhat symbol revealed

women’s help the war effort in WWII?

Rosie the Riveter

National Crisis

This expanded the draft during WWII to make more men enter

the armed forces?

Selective Service Act

National Crisis

Mandatory government system created to conserve scarce goods for Soldiers overseas during WWII?


National Crisis

Under rationing, every family was given a book of coupons for red meat, sugar, coffee,

and gas called?


National Crisis

Term that refers to Singer Sewing machine and other industries changing form

domestic production to making guns & ammunition?

War-time conversion

National Crisis

The U.S. government raised money in these three ways to

pay for WWII?

Selling war bonds, raising income taxes,

borrowing money

National Crisis

Since men were at war this group of people worked in


Women in War Industries

National Crisis

This propaganda poster figure represented women in

the war industries?

Rosie the Riveter

National Crisis

This was a group of women that filled noncombat positions in the Military otherwise filled by


Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAACS)

National Crisis

Secret Project code that referred to the plan to develop

the Atomic Bomb?

Manhattan Project

National Crisis

Location in the U.S. where the first Atomic Bomb was


Los Alamos, New Mexico

National Crisis

Where in the World was the first two Atomic bombs

dropped during WWII?

Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan

National Crisis

This individual ordered the A-Bombs dropped on Japan?

President Harry Truman

National Crisis

Reason Truman believed that the U.S. Invasion of Japan

would cause?

Massive Casualties

National Crisis

Reason Truman gave for giving the order to drop the Atomic Bombs on Japan?

Save American Lives

National Crisis

Germany, Italy, and Japan?

Axis Powers

National Crisis

U.S., France, Great Britain, Russia?


National Crisis

Arena of War fought in Europe and ended with D-Day and the fall of Berlin?

European Theater

National Crisis

Arena of war fought in Pacific Ocean and ended with

Midway and bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki?

Pacific Theater

National Crisis

Biggest obstacle in WWII in the Pacific and European Theatre?

Distance to travel to get U.S. Troops


National Crisis

During WWII in the European Theatre, what victory helped Allies get Troops supplies?

D-Day (France a location to supply)

National Crisis

During WWII in the Pacific Theatre, what victory helped Allies get Troops supplies?

Battle of Midway