Unit 8: The Industrial Revolution. 11,000 years ago, mankind first learned to _____________ and...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Unit 8: The Industrial Revolution


11,000 years ago, mankind first learned to _____________ and ___________________. This was deemed the first agricultural revolution. However, in the years prior to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, changes in agricultural production altered human life across the Globe.

• Inventors developed new agricultural machines that helped to increase production.

• Jethro Tull invented the ____________ which allowed farmers to plant crops in rows. Rather than wasting seed by throwing it around, the seed drill saved money, and made planting more efficient. Tull also introduced a horse drawn ______________, which allowed farmers to break up soil in between crop rows.

farm domesticate animals

seed drill


Cyrus McCormick developed the _______________, which helped in the cultivation of _________________. Again, this device reduced the amount of time needed to gather crops, as well as the number of _________________ needed.



Scientists created new farming techniques which also helped to increase farm production.

• Farmers began to use _____________ rather than the 3 Field System. Under the 3 Field System, one field always remained fallow. In the eyes of the landowners, that was wasted land. Charles Townshend, an Englishman, argued that if you planted __________ and ______________ in these fields, they would replace the nutrients that grain and barley would remove. Therefore, each year farmers needed to move crops to different fields in order to help the soil recover. Also, the field of turnips and cloves could be harvested to feed the______________, allowing the farmers to keep them alive year-round, rather than slaughtering them in the fall.

crop rotation



• Farmers also began to practice the _______________________, where they would fence off their fields. In these fields, they would grow the most ____________________ crops, hoping to increase their profits. Soon, farmers began to __________________ in the particular crop they grew.

enclosure system



• However, this led to other issues that needed to be dealt with. Many ___________________ could no longer farm on the lands they formerly could. Because of the enclosure system, many lost much needed land, and could not make a living there. Therefore, many moved to _____________, hoping to find jobs there. As the Industrial Revolution started to take shape, these former farmers would be the backbone of the work force.

• This new agricultural revolution did have some benefits. The _______________ rose exponentially. Great Britain’s population went up approximately __________ between the years 1700-1800. It really was just a general increase in the amount of __________ people, as the death rate decreased. Because the food was heartier, many women did not die giving birth, and usually gave birth to healthier babies. Overall, the risk of ___________ was greatly reduced.

• As farmers began to produce more food, less workers were needed on their farms. Therefore, other industries began to take shape. One of these industries was ___________. The increase in the amount of _______ and ____________ available helped to drive the Industrial Revolution, primarily serving as _______________. Other power sources included ______ and _____________.

small farmers



4 millionhealthy


mining coal iron

power sources water steam