Unit One How to Improve Your Study Habits Introduction Discussion Learning Points Teaching summary...

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Unit One How to Improve Your                 

Study Habits



Learning Points

Teaching summary



How to Improve Your Study Habits


How to study well :it depends on an interplay of many factors, such as motivation , determination, mental ability, preparedness to work hard and method of study .Nevertheless, one thing is certain-good study habits, or effective learning techniques, will lead you to a successful college career, will help you to sit through all possible tests or examinations successfully.

How to Improve Your Study Habits


Let students talk about their study habits in high school, and exchange their opinions on the study habits in university. For example, “How should they study in university?” “Whether the study habits in high school is also suitable in university?”

Learning Points

How to Improve Your Study Habits

1. Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence.

an ordinary student neither very good/bright nor very bad/dull

normal ability to learn and understand average: (adj.)

a) ordinary; normal,

e.g. What is the yearly income of an average family in Zhuhai.

b) mean (平均的 ),

e.g. What is the average yearly income of an ordinary family in Zhuhai.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

1. Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence.

e.g. On the average, there are 550 Macao visitors going through Gongbei Customs a day.

average: (n.)

平均 ,平均数 (often used in the set phrase, "on the/an average)

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

1. Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence.


The word "intelligence" may mean many things, the basic meaning is "the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge" A student with average intelligence is a student neither very bright nor very dull who does sufficiently well but wins no distinction. When we say a person is intelligent, we usually mean he or she studies and learns fast, or comes up with clever solutions to problems.

e.g. intelligent quotient (IQ), an intelligent test

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

2. This is not necessarily the case, however: But this might not be true sometimes.


as an inevitable result; unavoidably, inevitably


--Lung cancer is not necessarily associated with tobacco use.

--Great books are not necessarily bestsellers.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

2. This is not necessarily the case, however: But this might not be true sometimes.


a. the actual condition

e.g. --The majority led by Zhou, argued that this was the case. --That was not the case with the American women in our delegation. --With Internet we can communicate with people far away cheaply. But a few years ago that was not the case at all.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

2. This is not necessarily the case, however: But this might not be true sometimes.


b. instance of a diseased condition

e.g. Five cases of HIV have been confirmed.

c. question to be decided in a law court

e.g. Police decided to look into the murder case.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

2. This is not necessarily the case, however: But this might not be true sometimes.


d. Note that the word "case" is often used in some set phrases: in any case(无论如何 ), in no case(决不 ), in case(万一 ), in case of(如果发生 ), in the case of(就…而言 , 至于 )

e.g. __I am ready to help in any case. __I couldn't shelter behind him all the time, in any case, he wasn't always with me. __He carries an umbrella with him in case it rains/it should rain. __In no case should we give in /lose heart. __In the case of my father, he doesn't like fishing at all. __In case of the fire accident, please dial 119 immediately.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

3. Then make a schedule or chart of your time .

schedule (n., vt.)

a. on schedule: on time (准时地 ,按时刻表 )

e.g. Three days later, on schedule, I met with Sheldon in his office

b. ahead of schedule: ahead of time, earlier

e.g. We arrived at the destination ahead of schedule.

c. to schedule, according to schedule

e.g. These operations have been successfully carried out according to schedule.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

2. This is not necessarily the case, however: But this might not be true sometimes.

chart, table, graph

The three words have the meaning of "图表 ".

table主要指表格式的图表 ;graph主要指曲线图 ,通常用来反映上午的变化特征 ,以便说明某种问题 .

chart特指 "海域图 ","航海图 ", 泛指包含一定信息的所有图表 .

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

4. Fill in committed time …

committed time:

e.g. We offer cheap prices; furthermore, goods are delivered to the door.

enable … to do

e.g. __One million dollars was committed for a program to relieve the refugees. __Sorry, the President is unable to see you. His time is fully committed.

besides, in addition

make … able to do

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

4. Fill in committed time …


b. perform a crime, a foolish act, etc.

c. commit oneself to (doing) sth.(devote oneself to …致力于 , 献身于 ), be committed to (doing) sth. (答应做某事 )

e.g. commit suicide, commit errors, commit a crime/a murder

e.g. __One million dollars was committed for a program to relieve the refugees. __Sorry, the President is unable to see you. His time is fully committed.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

5. Then decide on good, regular times for studying.

decide on

decide in favor of, determine, make a choice or decision after consideration

__Finally, he decided on a blue coat. __The plan decided on, the action began. __The people of the developing countries have the right to choose and decide on their own social and economic systems.

regular ←→irregular

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

6.Be sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignments .

be sure to: not fail to do sth.

__ Be sure to leave adequate time for play. __ Be sure not to be late for class next time.

e.g. Our county has set aside ample reserve grain( 储备粮 ).

regular reading and homework both assigned by the teacher

set aside: reserve for a special purpose(留出 ,划拨 )

normal reading and work assignments:

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

7. Studying shouldn't occupy all of the free time on the schedule .


a. take up, cause to engage, involve使忙碌 ,从事

e.g. — occupy oneself in (doing) sth, be occupied in (doing) sth., occupy oneself with/be occupied with sth. —They were occupying themselves in growing their own food.

b. take and possess

e.g. It took great courage to work in enemy-occupied areas.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

8. It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well.

hobby a leisure-time interest or activity taken up primarily for pleasure. A hobby may involve the development of intricate knowledge of or capability in a special field. For example: stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, photography, traveling, coin-collecting, photography, traveling, plane model making, and bird-watching.


a tendency to repeat an act again and again, or a behaviour pattern that has a degree of unconscious stubborn repetition. For example: a habit of scratching one's head when thinking, the habit of smoking, a habit of alcohol- drinking, a reading habit, and a note-taking habit.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

8. It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well.


- entertain sb. to dinner/at dinner(请某人吃饭 ); entertain guests with(用…招待客人 )

as well

also; too; e.g.(but "may as well" is often used to make suggestions. ) -You've already been late for breakfast, and if you don't eat fast, you'll be late for school as well.

e.g. He needs to develop his reading further, and his writing as well.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

9. This weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems, but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time.

solve find the answer to

be aware of have knowledge of; realize

Note: When "be aware" is followed by a that-clause, the preposition "of" should be dropped out.

e.g. - solve an arithmetic problem; solve the equation .- In scientific research, new problems appear when old ones have been solved.

e.g. - If only you were aware of the facts, you would immediately change your mind. - I stayed indoors too long to be aware (of) how cold it was outside. - He was aware that he had drunk too much whisky.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points10. Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play.


e.g. We offer cheap prices; furthermore, goods are delivered to the door.

e.g. Determination and perseverance have enabled him to obtain his goal.

enable … to do

so that Here so that directs an adverbial clause of purpose. But sometimes so that (so … that )directs an adverbial clause of results.

besides, in addition

make … able to do

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points10. Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play.


e.g. Zhuhai is a city with adequate, steady rainfall.

e.g. Are transport systems adequate to deliver/transfer the students to the target areas .

b. suitable; fit

enough与 sufficient都表示量很充足 , 而 adequate则表示量刚好够 ,不多也不少 ,即 only just enough. competent "称职的 ","能胜任的 ",指具有干好某种事情的能力 ,而 adequate表示刚能胜任 ,即 only just good enough.显然 adequate在程度上不如 sufficient和 competent.

c. adequate, enough, sufficient, competent

a. enough; sufficient; ample

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points11. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject.

concentrate on

keep or direct all one's efforts, thoughts, attention, etc.


-He concentrated on his reading so that he could understand the story. -If you don't concentrate more on your work you'll be dismissed. -She concentrated on one aspect of the problem to the exclusion of all others. .

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

12. Skim before you read.


a. look quickly through (to locate main ideas)

e.g. He skimmed over/through the poster, found nothing important, and thrust it into the waste basket.

b. remove floating matter from the surface of a liquid

e.g. skim the cream from the milk, skim the soup to remove the fat .

c. move lightly over a surface, touching here and there

e.g. On summer evenings, dragonflies are seen to skim over the river/lake.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points13. This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more careful.

Look over

a. examine, inspect,(查看 ,审阅 )

e.g. The government sends officials to look over each factory, to see that it is keeping the safety rules.

b. direct one's eyes over something(俯视 )

e.g. -The child was not tall enough to look over the wall. -Our teacher had a way of looking over her glasses at us whenever we offered a silly answer.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points14. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improves your comprehension as well.

double: make or become twice as great,

e.g. -In the past decade, GDP of the country has doubled. -How did you double the profits of the company in so short a time .

as well: also, too, besides

e.g. Peter is the captain of the football team and is on the baseball team as well.

as well as: equally with, in addition to

e.g. His father was kind as well as sensible.( 既厚道又讲理 )

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points14. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improves your comprehension as well.

double: make or become twice as great,

e.g. -In the past decade, GDP of the country has doubled. -How did you double the profits of the company in so short a time .

as well: also, too, besides

e.g. Peter is the captain of the football team and is on the baseball team as well.

as well as: equally with, in addition to

e.g. His father was kind as well as sensible.( 既厚道又讲理 )

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

15. go over your notes as soon as you can after class.

go over: read again, review, examine,

e.g. After you finish the test paper, be sure to go over it again to look for mistakes.

take notes (of): write down

e.g. Peter is the captain of the football team and is on the baseball team as well.

take note of: notice, pay attention to

e.g. Take note of what I say and please don't forget it.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

16. Regular review leads to improved performance on tests.

lead to

e.g. Disobeying the law can lead to trouble.

b. (of a road, etc.) to provide a way, (for someone) to reach a place

e.g. Take note of what I say and please don't forget it.

a. have as a result; cause

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points17. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't worry excessively about a single test .

the world: career, the whole things that effect an individual(人生 ,生涯 ,影响人的事物 )

end; finish, come to an end

e.g. How did the story end .

e.g. I hope the world goes well with you. 我希望你万事如意 .

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Learning Points

18. Share with them some of the techniques you have found to be helpful.

share with: use or have with others, give a part of sth. To someone, tell (sth. such as one's feelings) to (someone else)共用 ,分享 (成果 ,思想感情等 )


-I'll share my apple with you, if you'll give me half of your cake. -It helps to share your sorrow with someone else.

与人分担自己的悲伤有助于减轻痛苦 .

How to Improve Your Study Habits


enable go over lead to occupy solveattitude concentrate on aware organize furthermore

1. This new technique will ______ enable them to double their product.

2. Fresh vegetables are nutritious; ___________ , they are cheaper than froze ones.

3. It was several minutes before I became ________ of what was happening in the classroom.

4. Too much discussion will only ________ confusion.5. He made a careful study of the problem and _________ it within

tow days.




lead to


How to Improve Your Study Habits


enable go over lead to occupy solveattitude concentrate on aware organize furthermore

6. He realized that his ________ on these matters was wrong.7. I can’t ______________ what I am doing because it is so noisy here.8. She ___________the plans again and discovered three mistakes.9. His time is fully ___________ by his job as manager.10.I tried to ___________ my thoughts before speaking out on the question.


concentrate on

went over


How to Improve Your Study Habits

Teaching summery

1. Summary of the Text In this lesson, the author suggests several simple ways of improving

your study habits, there are six good suggestions for improving your study habits. They are planning your time carefully, finding a good place to study, skimming before you read, making good use of your time in class, study regularly, and developing a good attitude to/about tests.

2. Key language points

1).Differentiate a group of synonyms, like "skim" and "scan", "habit", "hobby" and "custom" 2).Acquaint themselves with some grammatical structure, e.g., so that, as well,

How to Improve Your Study Habits


1. Recite the new words. (P2-P4)2. Finish the exercises of unit 1 (P6-3---P10-10)3. Make a study plan of this semester.(extension of teaching)4. Prepare morning report 5. Preview the next unit.

How to Improve Your Study Habits

Blackboard Design

Unit One How to Improve Your Study Habits

III. Analysis of the text II. Key language points c. skimming and scanning b. hobbies and habits a. average intelligence I. Background information

Six suggestions:1. Plan time carefully2. A good place to study3. Skim before you read4. Make good use of time in class 5. Study regularly 6. Good attitude about test.

How to Improve Your Study Habits