Unit Three Understanding Science. Part I Before ReadingBefore Reading Part II Detailed...

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Unit Three

Understanding Science

Part I Before Reading Part II Detailed ReadingPart III After ReadingPart IV Assignments

Before ReadingStephen Hawking

1. Brief Introduction to Stephen Hawking

2. Chronology of Stephen Hawking

3. Main Achievements of Stephen Hawking

1. Brief Introduction to Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking (1942~ ): British theoretical physicist and mathematician

2.Chronology of Stephen Hawking

--1942 Born in Oxford, England--1958 Entered Oxford University and becam

e especially interested in thermodynamics ( 热力学 ), relativity theory, and quantum mechanics ( 量子力学 ).

--1962 Received a bachelor’s degree in physics and then enrolled as a research student in general relativity at the University of Cambridge.

2.Chronology of Stephen Hawking

Oxford University

2.Chronology of Stephen Hawking

University of Cambridge

2.Chronology of Stephen Hawking

--1966 Earned his Ph.D. degree at the University of Cambridge. Stayed at the University of Cambridge to do post-doctoral research. Diagnosed as having Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) ( 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化 ).

“I am quite often asked: How do you feel about having ALS? The answer is, not a lot. I try to lead as normal a life as possible, and not think about my condition, or regret the things it prevents me from doing, which are not that many.”

2.Chronology of Stephen Hawking

--1977 Became a professor of physics.--1979 Appointed Lucasian Professor Mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton.

This is a picture of Stephen, Isaac New-ton and Albert Einstein.

singularity(A point in space-time at which the space-time curvature (曲率) becomes infinite.)

(A region of space-time from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Nothing can escape because gravity is so strong.)

black hole

A Brief History of Time

3. Main Achievements

(One of his books to make his work accessible to the public.)

Detailed Reading1. Exposition What is an exposition?2. Understanding the Text Structure 1) Some Questions 2) Part Division of the Text3. Text Reading 1) Part I 2) Part II 3) Part III

What is an exposition?

---Exposition is the process of making a statement and then supporting it with evidence.

---In expository writing, the structure of a paragraph is usually similar to that of the text, i.e., the topic sentences are presented in the first or second sentences of a paragraph, followed by supporting details.

Q1: Where is it best to divide Part One from Part Two?

Hint: Part Two starts from Para. 4.

Q2: Where in Part One does Hawking present his view?

Hint: in Para.3, “… the public needs to have a basic understanding of science, so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.”

Q3: Where does Hawking raise a question about how to give the public a basic understanding of science?

Hint: the first sentence of Para 4

2). Part Division of the Text







To make informed decisions about change, the public needs a basic understanding of science.

What can be done to educate the public about science.

With an informed public, human civilization will survive.

Parts Paras Main Ideas

Public Attitudes toward Science

Part I Paras 1~3


A novel (1818) by an English writer (1791-1815). It is the story of a Swiss scientist, Dr. Frankenstein, who makes a living creature from pieces of dead bodies. The creature is like a man, but stronger, and although it is gentle at first, it later attacks and kills several people close to Frankenstein.

Mary Shelley

1.adj. probable

An incident likely to lead to war is reported on TV.


2. adv. probably

I shall very likely be here again next month.

Pattern: It is likely that … 很可能

It is highly likely that he will succeed.





CF: likely, possible & probable 这些词都有“可能的”意思。

The likely outcome of the contest varies from moment to moment.

possible 指由于有适当的条件和方法 , 某事可能发生或做到 , 强调客观上有可能 , 但常含有实际希望很小的意思。例如:Is it possible to get to the city by train, or must I take a bus?

probable 语气比 possible 强 , 指有根据、合情理、值得相信的 , 带有大概、很可能的意思。例如:It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.

likely 系常用词 , 指从表面迹象来看很有可能。例如:

do without: manage to survive, continue, or succeed, although you do not have sth. you need

I haven’t enough money to buy a car, so I’ll just have to do without.

He can’t do without the services of a secretary.


do away with

do up

have something to do with

have nothing to do with







highly: adv. 1) very Mr. Smith was a highly successful salesman.

2) to a high degree

He speaks very highly of you.

出席这次会议的大部分人是受过高等教育的女性 .

Most of the people present at the meeting are highly educated women.





a highly paid official 薪俸优厚的官员think highly of sb. 器重某人

high 用作副词时 , 一般指的是具体意义上的“高”。例如:aim high 向高处瞄准

search high and low 到处寻找

其他类似的例子还有 : closely & closeclosely 细心地 , 严密地。例如:

The prisoners were closely guarded. 囚犯被严密看守着。

close 近地。例如:He lives close to the school. 他住得离学校很近。

CF: highly & high “ ”这两个词都表示 高高地 。

highly “ ”指的是抽象意义上的 高 。例如:

put/turn the clock back: return to a situation that used to exist , usually because the present situation is unpleasant

The employment bill in which women are not allowed to take jobs will put the clock back fifty years.

Forget all about it and look to the future; you can’t turn the clock back.


bring about : cause to happen


What brought it about?


bring forth 产生;提出

bring forward 提前;提出

bring up 教育;养育;提出



Fill in the blanks with the above words and change the form where necessary.1. They proposed that the date of the congress be

a few months.

2. The trees in the orchard many apples.

3. He was well .

4. At the meeting the next morning, they many problems and

discussed them one by one.

bring forth, bring forward, bring up

inquire: 1. vt. ask to be told

He inquired (of her) the reason for being late again.

2. vi. seek information by questioning


I rang up to inquire about train times.


inquire after 问候

inquire for 求见

inquire into 查究,调查




CF: inquire, ask & question 这些词都有“问,询问”的意思。

inquire 是较正式的书面用词 , 渴望知道某人或某事的确实情况。例如:

He inquired your telephone number.

ask 是最常用词 , 指为了了解某人或某事而提出问题 , 请别人解答或向别人打听消息。例如:

Excuse me. May I ask you a question?

question 指对某事不断提出问题,以便了解详细情况。例如:

The suspect was questioned by the police.

initiative: n.1) ability to make decisions and take action without the help of others

If you show that you have initiative, you will sooner or later be promoted.

The workers are able to solve the problem on their own initiative.

2) used in the phrase “take the initiative”: be the first person to take action to improve a situation or relationship, esp. when other people are waiting for sb. else to do sth.

He took the initiative in organizing a party after his brother’s wedding.



rate: n.1) value, cost, speed, etc. measured by its relation to

some other amount

The world’s forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts have thought.


The birth rate is the number of births compared to the number of the people.

2) of the (numbered) quality

a first-rate performer




ensure: vt. make sure; guarantee

The new treaty will ensure peace.


I can’t ensure that he will be here in time.




informed: adj. knowing things; having all the information


Keep me informed of fresh development.

He’s a well-informed man.



CF: inform, tell & instruct 这些词都有“把某消息或某件事传达给别人”的意思。

inform 向某人传递信息 , 特别适用于告知所发生的情况或有关资料(可以用于上级对下级,也可以用于下级对上级的通知)。例如:I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster, Mr. Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.

tell 最通用,最不正式。指把某事告诉某人。例如:Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold.

instruct 较正式,意为“指示(一般用于上级对下级),通知”。例如:The editor at once sent the journalist a telegram instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.

steady: adj.

1) constant; regular in movement

The government’s policies   have brought a period of steady economic growth with falling unemployment.

2) firm

Using the razor requires a steady hand.



Public Attitudes toward Science

Part II Paras 4~6

basis: (pl. bases) n.

1) facts or ideas from which sth. can be developed; foundation (usu. used as a singular noun, followed by for or of )

What is the basis for your opinion?

2) circumstance that provides a reason for some action or opinion (usu. followed by of or that-clause)


On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year.



CF: basis, base & foundation


basis 多用于比喻,指信念、议论等的根据。例如:Charity toward others is the basis of her philosophy.

base 多用于指有形的或具体的基地或根基,尤指军事或工业方面的基地。例如:

We picnicked at the base of the mountain.

The lamp stands on a circular base.

foundation 强调基础的稳固与坚牢。可用于比喻。例如:

Those thoughts rocked her assurance to its foundations.

The huge lorries shock the house to its foundations.

lie in: exist or be found in (sth.)


The play’s interest lies in the questions it raises about marriage.



in terms of: as regards (sth.); expressed as (sth.)

In terms of salary, the job is terrible.


Give the answer in terms of a percentage.



tend: 1. vi. be likely to happen or have a particular characteristic or effect

Some people tend to get up later at weekends.


Prices are tending upwards.

2. vt. watch over; attend to

shepherds tending their flocks

tend the sick and wounded




precise: adj.

1) exact

Our train leaves at about half past ten, or -- to be precise -- 10:33.

2) taking care to be exact and not to make errors


He is a very precise man.



grasp:1. v. 1) understand

This is a concept we in the West find difficult to grasp.

2) seize firmly


A man who grasps at too much may lose everything.

2. n. power of grasping

这个作品我看不懂。This work is beyond my grasp.

Success is within her grasp.







sufficient: adj. enough


There was sufficient evidence to prove that he was guilty.

$30 should be sufficient for a new pair of shoes.




convey: vt.1. make (ideas, feelings, etc.) known to another

我无法用言语表达我的感情。 I can’t convey my feelings in words.

This picture will convey to you some idea of the beauty of the scenery.


2. take; carry

This train conveys both passengers and goods.





put across: cause to be understood


He’s very good at putting his ideas across.




put aside

put forward

put in

put off

put on

put out

put through

put up with







为 … 接通电话


proportion: n.

1) part of a group or an amount


A large proportion of the city’s population is aged over 50.

2) relation of one thing to another in quantity, size, etc.

The proportion of men to women in the medical profession has changed in recent years.




in proportion to …与 成比例;和…相比

in direct proportion to 与…成正比例

in inverse proportion to 与…成反比例

in proportion 符合比例的

out of proportion 不成比例的

fit into: be part of a situation, system, or plan

College English videos are designed to fit into the syllabus.

The new college courses fit into a national education plan.



educate: vt. teach or train


The boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work.



entertain: v.1) give pleasure (to)

Children’s television programs not only entertain but also teach.


We were all entertained by his tricks.

2) receive (people) as guests

According to the school regulations, women students are not allowed to entertain men in their rooms.




Public Attitudes toward Science

Part III Para 7


1. vt. get in touch with

Feel free to contact us if you need my help.

2. n. touching or communication


He made many useful social contacts while he was in Canada.




CF: contact, contrast & contract 这些词形式相似,意思却不同。

contact 接触,联系。

contrast 对比,对照。

contract 订合同,订契约。Fill in the blanks with the above words and change the form where necessary.1. Research is more mentally fatiguing, with physical labour.

2.They have to build a railway across Africa.

3. I must my lawyer before I made my final decisions.

After Reading

1. Useful Expressions2. Writing Strategy3. Antonyms4. Summary Writing5. Dictation6. Proverbs and Quotations7. Writing Practice

Useful Expressions

1. 在过去的一百年间 in the last hundred years

2. 回到

3. 享有特权的少数人

4. 当今政府

5. 基础科学

go back to

a privileged minority

the present government

basic science

Useful Expressions

6. 全球政府 a global state

7. 民主社会

8. 作出明达的决定

9. 生活水准

10. 卡通人物

a democratic society

make informed decisions

the standard of living

cartoon figures

Useful Expressions

15. 基因工程 genetic engineering

11. 科幻小说

12. 酸雨

13. 温室效应

14. 核武器

science fictions

acid rain

greenhouse effect

nuclear weapons

Useful Expressions

16. 死记硬背 learn by rote

17. 使销量减半

18. 分子生物学

19. 外星文明

20. 对…充满信心

halve the sales

molecular biology

alien civilization

have sufficient faith in…

1). Chart Completion

Texts Paragraphlength

Sentence length

Unit 2 shorter simple

Unit 3 longer yes no



no yes no

longer yes

Simple or compound sentences?

Any passive voice?

Any dialogue?

Any 3rd-person narrator?

Fill in the chart by comparing the first 10 lines of both All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter and Public Attitudes toward Science to see the style differences between narration and exposition.

2. Writing Strategy

Skim part 2 to find out a mini-exposition. Topic sentence: How to educate the public in science?

2. Writing Strategy2) Skimming --- For Part 2

Supporting point 1:

Supporting point 2:

Supporting point 3:

science education in schools

replacing equations with words and diagrams

making use of popular media such as newspapers, magazines and above all TV












Try to find out the antonyms of the following words, sometimes by adding affixes.

DictationThe following paragraph is about the brain and the language learning. When you’re listening, you’re required to fill in the gaps with the words you hear.


Scientists hope that if we can how the works, we will be able to put it to a use. For example, how do we learn language? Man most from all the other in his to learn and use language, but we still do not know how this is done. Scientist are trying to find out there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact children from learning . .

Proverbs and Quotations 1. Science has no enemy but the ignorant. 2. Science rests on phenomena. 3. Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now always. -- A. Schweitzer, German surgeon



真理没有自己特定的时间段。 它的时间永远是现在。 --德国医生 A. 施威策

Proverbs and Quotations

4. Even when the experts all agree, they may well be mistaken.         -- Bertrand Russell, British logician

5. The Golden Rule is that there are no golden rules.          -- G. B. Shaw, Irish writer

即使所有的专家都一致赞同 , 他们也可能错了 . --英国逻辑学家 伯特兰 ·罗素

真正的金科玉律就是世上并无金科玉律 . --爱尔兰作家 萧伯纳

Proverbs and Quotations

6. Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know. -- Aldous Huxley, British writer

大多无知是可以克服的。我们不知道只是因为我们不想知道。 --英国作家 奥尔德斯 ·赫胥黎

Summary WritingScience and technology (已带来了巨大的变化) to the world we live in in the last hundred years. (如何保证) that the changes are in the right directions? Clearly, the public needs (科学教育 ) so as to ( 作出明智的决定 ) on their own fate. Schools are important, especially if science is taught ( 以一种有趣的方式 ) , and scientific concepts are expressed (用文字和来表达) . At the same time, we need (充分利用 ) popular media such as newspapers, magazines and above all TV to (了解最新的发展) . Human civilization can survive if the public understands science well.

have broughtgreat changes

How to ensure

in scienceeducation

make informed decisions

in an interesting way

in the form of words and diagramsfull use of

put across the latest developments

Writing Practice

Write a paper of about 150 words or so entitled

How Science Changes Our Lives? Your paper should cover the following points. 1.Your opinion (statement) on changes of our lives brought by science. 2. Give supporting evidence.

You can read the advice on writing skills, Page 87, as this may be of some help to you.


1. Do exercises of Part II and home reading (Text B);

2. Read aloud paras 1~2 and learn them by heart.

3. Do the pre-reading task of Unit 4 and Preview Text A of Unit 4.