Unit VI - Adding Text

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  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text



    Marlon L. Lalaguna

    TLE-ICT Teacher

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 1: Adding Artistic and Paragraph Text


    Why do we need to add text in our graphic design

    What tool can help us to add text in our drawing

    page?How can we edit and create text effects?

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 1: Adding Artistic and Paragraph Text


    The text tool lets you add and edit artistic andparagraph directly on your drawing page.

    The Text Tool IconHotkey: F8

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 1: Adding Artistic and Paragraph Text

    Two Kinds of Text

    1. Artistic Text use this text to create short lineof text to create title, or to graphic effects likfitting text to path, creating extrusions andblends.

    2. Paragraph Text allows you to apply formattinoptions and directly edits large blocks of text.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 1: Adding Artistic and Paragraph Text

    Artistic T


  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 1: Adding Artistic and Paragraph Text

    To Add Artistic Text

    1. Click the Text tool.

    2. Click anywhere in the drawing window.

    3. Do one of the following: Click somewhere else in the Drawing Window to add

    more Artistic text

    Click another line of Artistic text to edit it.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 1: Adding Artistic and Paragraph Text

    To Add Paragraph Text

    1. Click the Text tool.

    2. Drag in the drawing window to size the

    paragraph text frame.3. Type the text inside the box.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 2: Selecting and Formatting the Text

    To Select Specific Text with the Text Tool

    1. Click the Text tool.

    2. Click at the beginning or end of the word or

    sentence in the Artistic or Paragraph textframe.

    3. Drag the cursor across the text you want toselect.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 2: Selecting and Formatting the Text

    To Select Whole Text Object with the Pick Tool

    1. Click the Pick tool.

    2. Select the text object.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 2: Selecting and Formatting the Text

    To Select Single Character with the Shape Tool

    1. Open the Shape Edit Flyout, and click the Shape tool.

    2. Select the text with the Shape tool. Character nodes appear next to each character.

    3. Click the node to the left character to select it.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 2: Selecting and Formatting the Text

    To Specify Formatting Properties using the PropertyBar or the Text toolbar1. Do one of the following:

    Select the text with Pick tool to format the whole textobject line of Artistic text or all paragraphs in theParagraph text frame.

    Select the text with the Text tool to select specificcharacters.

    2. Using the Property Bar or the Text toolbar, you canow change the font type, size and style of thetext.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 3: Creating Effects with Text


    Closed Object P

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 3: Creating Effects with Text

    To Fit Text to an Open Path

    1. Using the Pick tool, select the object with an open pat(line or spiral).

    2. Hold down shift and click the Artistic text.

    3. Click Text, Fit Text To Path.

    4. Choose an option for the orientation of letters on thepath from Text Orientation list box on the Property Bar

    5. Choose either vertical or horizontal position of theArtistic text from the Text Placement list box.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text


    Lesson 3: Creating Effects with Text

    To Fit Text to an Object with a Closed Path

    1. Using the Pick tool, select the Artistic text.

    2. Click Text, Fit Text to Path.

    3. Mouse over to the closed path object (ellipse obox).

    4. Release the mouse, to place the text on thedesired part of the shape object.

  • 8/11/2019 Unit VI - Adding Text



    When you dream dream BIG!

    MARLON L. LALAGUNATLE-ICT TeacherGen. Tiburcio de Leon National High School