Unite 9 scifi now

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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SciFiNow is a British magazine published every four weeks by Imagine Publishing in Bournemouth United Kingdom realised each weekIn 2010, SciFiNow won the Best Magazine award at the Fantasy Horror Award ceremony in Orvieto Italy

It launched in April 2007 covering the science fiction horror and fantasy genres The magazine features genre TV shows, films and culture of the past, present and future, including TV listings.

Their was never any target audience age just those who take a interest in SCIFI and other nerdy things.

Front covers usually consist of the latest SCIFI TV Show stars or movie stars along with old classic stars like star wars.

There was a short lived magazine called cult.tv based on nerdy TV and comics it was inspiration to many future magazines like SCIFI Now. SFX spin-off from Future Magazines