UNITED NATIONS International Road Transport Union Economic Commission for Europe Facilitating...

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International Road Transport

Union  Economic Commission

for Europe

Facilitating Transport in a Secure EnvironmentFacilitating Transport in a Secure Environment

Security elements Security elements

of the TIR procedureof the TIR procedure

UNECE-WCO - Facilitating Trade in a Secure Environment14-15 November 2003

UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 2


UNECE Pan-European/global focal organization for intergovernmental regulatory development

Knowledge, experience, implementation, follow-up

Facilitating transport facilitates trade Need for close cooperation Open process

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 3


TIR International Goods Transit procedure

History: – Rebuild Europe – From 6 countries to 55 countries– During the last 10 years: 26 new Contracting Parties

Objective: – Facilitation– revenue protection + Customs checks

Focus: Fraud prevention & combating organized crime

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 4


Customs-to-Customs information exchange system with trader input

Only global transit procedure Multimodal Advantages:

– Customs: Guarantee, efficiency gains– Industry: Simplification, time + cost reduction

3,000,000 transports per year Public/Private Partnership

– Public authorities/industry

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 5

Public Private Partnership (PPP) – Public Private Partnership (PPP) – Integrated ProcessIntegrated Process

Public sector : – UNECE (Convention Bodies, Contracting Parties)

Guardian of the Convention Supervizing admissions Focus on support / training / capacity building

Private sector: – IRU (National Associations, Holders)

Extensive & harmonized admission proceduresTrainingRisk management: SafeTIR

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 6

How does TIR respond to global How does TIR respond to global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Present security elements– Authorized access (operator/association)

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

UNECE’s role– Deposit for authorization (associations/operators)– Administers the International TIR Databank (ITDB)

IRU’s roles and responsibilities since 50 years: –Centralized printing & distribution of TIR Carnets–Organise & ensure effective functioning of the TIR International Chain of Guarantee (Art. 6.2bis)

–TIR Management based on Contractual relations

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 7

How does TIR respond to global How does TIR respond to global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Present security elements – Secure loading units and sealing

Annexes to Convention on technical construction of loading units

– Annex 2 on Vehicles– Annex 7 on Containers (intermodal)

Sealing requirement

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 8

How does TIR respond to global How does TIR respond to global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Present security elements – Mutual recognition – reduced procedures en

route Central role for Customs office of departure Only documentary controls en route Exceptions

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 9

How does TIR respond to global How does TIR respond to global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Present security elements – Unique and secure document linked to guarantee (TIR


Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

UNECE role–Guardian of TIR Carnet model–Annex 1 of TIR Convention

IRU TIR Carnet Risk Management: Traceability – Visual security elements (Emblem, ink, watermark)– Technical security elements (Alphanumeric

unique number, barcode with security elements)

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 10

Alphanumeric number with

corresponding barcode

Truck emblem

TIR Carnet Security elementsTIR Carnet Security elements

Watermark on every

page (IRU)

Red ink

Black ink

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 11

How does TIR respond to global How does TIR respond to global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Present security elements– Additional, non-obligatory security elements

Convention allowing for additional security features

– Time-limits– Fixed itineraries– Escorts

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 12

How does TIR respond to global How does TIR respond to global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Present security elements – Computerized reporting on termination of

procedure (SAFETIR)

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

UNECE – Reporting requirements for Customs introduced

in the Convention– Monitoring implementation

IRU management – International IT network (54 countries)– Secured access via Internet – CUTE-Wise

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SafeTIR: Risk Management - TraceabilitySafeTIR: Risk Management - Traceability




IRU ControlTIR CarnetLife Cycle

ElectronicTIR data






StorageIRU Archive

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How can TIR further enhance global How can TIR further enhance global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Fully computerize TIR based on UNECE modelling Internationally integrated risk management

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain


Turkey Bilge










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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 15

TIR computerization processTIR computerization processUNECE UMM modelling methologyUNECE UMM modelling methology


E-Business requirements

Analysis Workflow

Technical design


Present requirements

Business modelling












-Security: ISIN-Action: {Buy/Sell}


-TradeDate: Date-PriceCondition: Real-OrderedQty: Real



Future stage

Present stage

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 16

How can TIR further enhance global How can TIR further enhance global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain securityEnlargement of geographical scope

Original countries (1948)Contracting Party where Convention is applied (2003)Contracting Party where Convention is applied (2003)Contracting Party where Convention is not applied (2003)Contracting Party where Convention is applied (2003)Contracting Party where Convention is not applied (2003)Potential Contracting Party

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 17

How can TIR further enhance global How can TIR further enhance global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

Wider intermodal application– Provisions exist for container transport– Present intermodal applications

Short sea-shipping (Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, river transport

Combined rail-road (Romania/Austria)– Intermodal application supports extension of

geographical scope– New users in rail transport and maritime transport

(regional and intercontinental)

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

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How can TIR further enhance global How can TIR further enhance global facilitation and supply chain securityfacilitation and supply chain security

– Focus on securing loading units and goods

Adopt new features on loading units (WCO, ISO etc)

Adopt new features on sealing (WCO, ISO etc.)

Adopt new provisions on authorization (vehicles, drivers, intermediaries, consignor, consignee)

Tool for facilitation of Tool for facilitation of

secure supply chainsecure supply chain

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 19

Further enhancement of supply Further enhancement of supply chain securitychain security

TIR GLOBAL INTERMODAL TRANSIT SYSTEM –Based on TIR computerization–Efficient tool for

trade/transport facilitation for international transitrevenue protection/fraud prevention/risk

managementsecuring the international supply chain (shift of


Globaltransit system

Risk management



TIR = Global intermodal vehicle for secure supply TIR = Global intermodal vehicle for secure supply chain facilitationchain facilitation

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 20

What else is done by the UNECE What else is done by the UNECE Transport Division on securityTransport Division on security

– Other areas of focus Develop technical provisions of Container

Convention in parallel to TIR (UNECE/WCO) Develop guidelines for security controls in

Harmonization Convention (UNECE) Develop new guidelines for stuffing of cargo

transport units (UNECE/IMO/ILO/WCO) Provisions for dangerous goods (UNECE) Provisions for infrastructure network security

(UNECE) Provisions for vehicle construction (UNECE)

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UNECE & IRU - Security elements of the TIR procedureUNECE 21

UNECE Transport Division

TIR Secretariat

8-14, Avenue de Paix

CH-1211 Geneva 10


Phone: +41 (0) 22 917 32 58

Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 06 14

E-mail: Poul.Hansen@unece.org


TIR ConventionInternational Road Transport Union

TIR Department

3 rue de Varembé,

CH-1211 Geneva 20,


Phone: +41 (0) 22 918 27 00

Fax: +41 (0) 22 918 27 41

E-mail: Jean.Acri@iru.org
