Unity against alien rulers by people of diverse culture, without common history e.g. Nigeria-371...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Unity against alien rulers by people of diverse culture, without common history e.g. Nigeria-371 tribes (158m) Kenya-42(43m), Tanzania 120 tribes (40M),Cameron-250 tribes (19m)

Role of the artificial boundaries imposed on Africans by colonialism had divided some communities e.g. the Ewe divided among 3 countries-Ghana, Togo & Benin

The rise of nationalism was desire to; Create new identitiesForge unity to fight against colonialism

Forging of National Identities

Factors that influenced the Rise 1. New leadership in Africa- Pan- Africanist and

nationalist as opposed to traditionalists2. Education- produced the grave diggers of

colonialism- emergence of elite among the colonized societies who were engaged in various means like accommodation or struggle for sovereignty

Educated Africans opposed employment in inferior positions

Were against neglect on education- dissatisfied with the 3Rs

Non existence of secondary education in colonies like Chad, Angola, and Mozambique,

3. Role of ex-soldiers frustrated after the World War II

question of pension, treatment, unemployment rewards-land- e.g. Kenya- Soldier settlement

scheme- a preserve of Europeans4. Economic and financial hardships e.g.

European powers made colonies pay for the wars and administration

Second colonization- excessive exploitation to pay for war expenses

The Ethiopian invasion5. Ethiopian example- Africans united and rallied

against attack by MussoliniThey saw Fascism(Italy) and Nazism as a

racial nature of colonialism6. Disappointment by the League of Nations-

led to the desire to protect the pride of Africa- led to resurgence of Pan-Africanism & Negritude

Therefore, forging of national identities was influenced by both local and international scene

Methods used-inclusivePeople started seeing themselves as a with same

problems -not only on the tribal lines1.Women- acted as spies, spread information (use of

babies in Kenya and S.A) transported food to meeting places

2. Youth Leagues- Starts in West Africa- forging national identity- were conceived in the womb of Youth leagues.-activities of J. B. Danguah and Wallace Johnson, 1925-1934. Youth came together

South Africa- Youth leagues led by Steve Biko- Meant to unite people change things but within the


Forging of national identity

3. Religion.-Rise of independent churches that rejected western churches, taught unity, and need to dislodge colonialism

Congo-Kimbanguism (Simon Kimbangu)Uganda-Bamalaki- (James MungemaKenya- Mumboism- (Onyango Dunde)Malawi- Chilembe (John Chilembe)Ivory Coast -Harris movement. William HarrisNigeria- Islamized region forged unity- Jami yya

Mutanen ArewaThese churches/ religions preached solidarity &

exposed the selective bible teachings. Use same teaching for solidarity- Kenyatta's sayings. Kwame’s prayer

Forging an identity4. Language used to forge unity- Use of

Kiswahili in East Africa e.g. in Tanganyika and Kenya Nyerere used Kiswahili to forge unity successfully

in TZ. Arabic in Maghreb/ Magrib Yolof & Yoruba in West Africa - sign of identity Luganda in Uganda Kikokngo in Zaire

5. Use of Symbols were diverse and different Use of caps, belt, fly whisks, clothing,

handkerchiefs etc

Songs most powerful tool6. Songs- used for solidarity and strength amidst adversity

“Natoaa madonda Africa” - I remove wounds from AfricaNatoaa madonda Africa na.. “ toaa madonda Africa na


Nasser – EgyptKwame GhanaKenyatta KenyaKaunda ZambiaNyerere TanganyikaObote UgandaCabral Cape VerdeLumumba CongoSamaro MozambiqueAzikiwe NigeriaSenghor SenegalToure GuineaSavimbi AngolaMandela South Africa

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga

Winnie Mandela

Other forms of Solidarity6. Peasants protests – coca farmers- Ghana, coffee

farmers in Uganda withdrawal from market/exit option- solidarity.

7. workers unions e.g. dock workers and mine workers

Exploited as masses under domination not tribes 8. Role of Pan Africanism organized by Africans in

Diaspora “Africa for Africans” Created self –confidence, led by Dubois & Marcus

Garvey- “President of United States of Africa.” Many Pan- African conferences took place; 1919- London, 1921- Paris, 1922- Lisbon, 1927 New York, 1945–Manchester- the biggest

9.Psychological Liberation- new ideology sweeping across Africa

Negritude -“Black is beautiful” started by

by Sedar Senghor and Aime Cesaire (Senegal)- Franz Fanon- wrote“the wretched of the earth”

10. Media- newspapers and radio e.g. Sauti ya Mwafirika, Accra post, West African Pilot Jaramogi Oginga Odinga