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FP 2013 65
























Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra

Malaysia, in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor

of Philosophy

August 2013




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Copyright© Universiti Putra Malaysia



Specially Dedicated


Loving Memory


My Uncle







Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in

fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy







August 2013

Chair: Professor Datin Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah, PhD

Faculty: Agriculture

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that consists of four different tocopherol and

tocotrienol isomers (α, β, γ and δ). Medical evidence suggests that vitamin E

especially α-tocotrienol protects the cells against cancer, is a strong antioxidant

and an effective neuroprotector. However, α-tocotrienol can only be found in

seeds/cereal grain. In this study α-tocotrienol was produced by co-suppression

of α-tocopherol by silencing the expression of two key vitamin E biosynthetic

genes, homogentisate phytyltransferase (HPT) and tocopherol cyclase (TC) in

Amaranthus sp. and Allium porrum leaves by transient transformation. HPT

catalyses the condensation of homogentisate (HGA) and phytyl diphosphate

(PDP). While TC forms the chromanol headgroup of the various tocopherol

isomers. Gene silencing was performed using short sense conserved gene




sequences of HPT and TC isolated from Elaeis guineensis. Through

bioinformatics analysis, both isolated HPT and TC cDNAs were successfully

verified to possess similar characteristics of the HPT and TC from other plant

species. These isolated genes were predicted to encode a protein of 151 and

207 amino acid residues and they fell under the UbiA superfamily and

tocopherol_cyc1 superfamily, respectively. Five gene constructs were

generated p5b5, p5d9, p5f7, p4a11 and p4c9 driven either by the maize

ubiquitin promoter (Ubi1P) or the Elaeis guineensis leaf-specific promoter

(LHCB), in pDRB6b expression vector. All five recombinant vector constructs

were successfully cloned, giving the expected size bands in gel electrophoresis

analysis. The PCR product of the recombinant vector shared 78% identity with

HPT from Zea mays (NM001112407.1). While the TC cDNA showed 79%

identity with Vitis vinifera (XM002281388.2). In addition, plasmid stability in

the transformed AGL1 showed stability ranging from 40% to 60%, identical to

pDRB6b vector in AGL1. Optimised HPLC analysis showed that α-

tocopherol was suppressed with different trend among the constructs (from

minimum 4% up to 100%) in all transiently transformed plants. The p5f7

construct (LHCB-Ubi1intron-HPT-NosT) worked best in Allium porrum to

suppress α-tocopherol in the range 62%-86%. While, p4c9 construct (LHCB-

TC-NosT) showed suppression up to 100% in Amaranthus sp. The results

confirmed that the usage of LHCB showed better silencing than UbiP. In

addition, with the usage of HPT gene, α-tocopherol was suppressed better (up

to 86%) in Allium porrum than in Amaranthus sp. (75%). However, with TC

gene the suppression was better in Amaranthus sp. (100%) than Allium porrum

(57%). The production of α-tocotrienol was observed upon suppression of α-




tocopherol using all recombinant vector constructs. With HPT gene the level

of α-tocotrienol production was not dependent but with TC gene it was

dependent on the level of α-tocopherol suppression. Overall, α-tocotrienol was

produced more in Allium porrum than in Amaranthus sp. with p5d9 construct

(Ubi1P-Ubi1intron-HPT-NosT). Thus, Amaranthus sp. and Allium porrum

which do not accumulate α-tocotrienol naturally had shown to produce α-

tocotrienol after suppression in the α-tocopherol production through transgenic

manipulation. Finally, Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of

inflorescence of Amaranthus sp. was carried out through drop by drop

technique for producing transformed seeds. Nineteen transgenic plants were

successfully obtained with transformation efficiency from 0.1% up to 2% for

each constructs. This could serve as a potential system to engineer production

of α-tocotrienol in transgenic Amaranthus sp.




Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia

sebagai memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Doktor Falsafah







Ogos 2013

Pengerusi: Professor Datin Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah, PhD

Fakulti: Pertanian

Vitamin E adalah vitamin larut lemak yang terdiri daripada empat isomer

tokoferol dan tokotrienol yang berbeza (α, β, γ dan δ). Bukti-bukti

perubatan menunjukkan bahawa vitamin E terutamanya α-tokotrienol

melindungi sel-sel terhadap kanser, adalah antioksidan yang kuat dan

neuroprotector yang berkesan. Walau bagaimanapun, α-tokotrienol hanya

boleh ditemui dalam biji/bijirin. Dalam kajian ini α-tokotrienol dihasilkan

oleh penindasan bersama α-tokoferol dengan penyenyapan pengekspresan

dua gen utama biosintesis vitamin E, homogentisate phytyltransferase

(HPT) dan tokoferol cyclase (TC) dalam daun Amaranthus sp. dan Allium

porrum melalui transformasi transien. HPT memangkin penggabungan

homogentisate (HGA) dan phytyl difosfat (PDP). Manakala TC




membentuk kumpulan kepala kromanol untuk pelbagai isomer tokoferol.

Penyenyapan gen telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan jujukan pendek

gene HPT dan TC yang terpulihara yang dipencilkan daripada Elaeis

guineensis. Melalui analisis bioinformatik, kedua-dua cDNAs HPT dan TC

yang terpencil telah berjaya disahkan mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama

dengan HPT dan TC dari spesis tumbuhan yang lain. Gen terpencil telah

diramalkan mengekod protein 151 dan 207 residu asid amino dan masing

masing jatuh di bawah superfamili UbiA dan superfamili tocopherol_cyc1.

Lima vektor konstruk yang telah dibina p5b5, p5d9, p5f7, p4a11 dan p4c9

adalah didorong sama ada oleh promoter ubiquitin jagung (Ubi1P) atau

promoter khusus daun Elaeis guineensis (LHCB), dalam vektor

pengekpresan pDRB6b. Kesemua lima konstruk vektor rekombinan telah

berjaya diklon, memberi jalur dengan saiz yang dijangkakan dalam analisis

gel elektroforesis. Produk PCR vektor rekombinan berkongsi identiti 78%

dengan HPT dari Zea Mays (NM001112407.1). Manakala, TC cDNA

menunjukkan identiti 79% dengan Vitis vinifera (XM002281388.2). Di

samping itu, kestabilan plasmid dalam AGL1 yang ditransformkan

menunjukkan kestabilan dalam lingkungan 40% ke 60%, menyamai dengan

vektor pDRB6b dalam AGL1. Analisis HPLC yang telah dioptimumkan

menunjukkan α-tokoferol telah ditindas dengan tren yang berlain diantara

konstruk (dari minimum 4% sehingga 100%) dalam semua tumbuhan yang

ditransform secara transien. Konstruk p5f7 (LHCB-Ubi1intron-HPT-NosT)

paling berkesan dalam Allium porrum untuk menindas α-tokoferol dalam

lingkungan 62%-86%. Manakala, konstruk p4c9 (LHCB-TC-NosT)

menunjukkan penindasan sehingga 100% dalam Amaranthus sp. Keputusan




ini mengesahkan bahawa penggunaan LHCB menunjukkan penyenyapan

lebih baik daripada UbiP. Di samping itu, dengan penggunaan gen HPT, α-

tokoferol telah ditindas lebih baik (sehingga 86%) dalam Allium porrum

berbanding Amaranthus sp. (75%). Walau bagaimanapin dengan gen TC

kadar penindasan adalah lebih baik dalam Amaranthus sp. (100%) daripada

Allium porrum (57%). Penghasilan α-tocotrienol telah diperolehi melalui

penindasan α-tokoferol menggunakan kesemua konstruk vektor

rekombinan. Dengan gen HPT, tahap penghasilan α-tocotrienol tidak

bergantung tetapi dengan gen TC ia adalah bergantung kepada tahap

penindasan α-tokoferol. Secara keseluruhan, α-tocotrienol dihasilkan lebih

dalam Allium porrum berbanding Amaranthus sp. dengan konstruk p5d9

(Ubi1P-Ubi1intron-HPT-NosT). Oleh itu, Amaranthus sp. dan Allium

porrum yang tidak mengumpul α-tocotrienol secara semulajadi telah

menunjukan penghasilan α-tocotrienol selepas penindasan dalam

pengeluaran α-tokoferol melalui manipulasi transgenik. Akhir sekali,

transformasi pengantaraan Agrobacterium ke atas jambak bunga

Amaranthus sp. telah dijalankan melalui teknik ‘drop by drop’ untuk

menghasilkan biji benih tertransform. Sembilan belas tumbuhan transgenik

telah berjaya diperolehi dengan kecekapan transformasi dari 0.1% hingga

2% bagi setiap konstruk. Ini boleh di jadikan sebagai satu sistem yang

berpotensi untuk kejuruteraan pengeluaran α-tocotrienol dalam Amaranthus

sp. transgenik.





This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and

the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and

extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this


First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors,

Professor Datin Dr. Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah, Associate Professor Dr.

Maheran Binti ABD Aziz and Dr. Huzwah Binti Khazaai for their

guidance, knowledge and support throughout this work.

My appreciation to all staffs from Department of Agrotechnology, Miss

Zuraida Safni Binti Dzulkarnain, Mrs Zauyah Binti Yusuf and not

forgetting those from Institute Tropical Agriculture Mr Muhammad

Kamarulzaman Bin Ismail, Mrs Ajima Binti Su`ut, Mrs Roseline

Thandarajoo for their technical assistance during this study.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Miss Rozila Abdul Rahman, Miss

Siti Raziah Binti Rosli, Mrs Rohani Khamis, Mr Sharpudin Mohd Nor were

always there to supply me laboratory material.

I take immense pleasure in thanking Dr. Halimi Mohd Saud and Dr.

Mihdzar Abdul Kadir for allowing me to use their laboratory freely without




any prior notification even though there are space problem faced by their

own student.

My heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Upadhyadya Narayana for providing me the

vectors (pMNDRBBin1, pMNDRBBin5, pMNBinDRB6,

pMNDRB7, pMNDRBBin8, pMNDRBBin9), vector strains

(pMNDRBBin1/AGL1, pMNDRBBin5/AGL1) and Agrobacterium strain


Technical assistance provided by Mr Ramesh Singh the HPLC service

engineer from Waters and Mr Syahrul Bin Hazrin from SHHS Supplies &

Services was greatly appreciated.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to The Graduate School staff, for

their untiring effort to provide various seminars, courses and guidelines for

the graduate student to keep up to date and followed the datelines.

Apart from the effort of myself, my success throughout the project and also

during thesis submission depends largely on the help, encouragement

during my downturn and cooperation from my friends, Mr Winson Lai

Mun Seong, Mrs Kong Sze Ling, Mr Hanif Bin Abu Bakar, Miss Mariyam

Binti Ijab, Mr Vahid Omidvar, Mr Hasnul Bin Hakim, Miss Sathya Priya

A/P Hamid, Mrs Shida Binti Othman, Mr Saiful Bahri Panjaitan, Mr

Hossein Kamaladini, Mr Ahmed Alshanfari, Mrs Azzreena Binti




Mohammad Azzeme, Mrs Mas Muniroh Binti Mohd Nadzir, Miss

Farzaneeh Ahmadi and Mr Mortaza Ebrahimi.

Not to forget Miss Intan Ramlah Binti Haji Ismail, Mrs Stella Matthews,

Miss Nur Hasnidar Binti Mohd Kamal, Mrs Maszlin Binti Mohd Yusuf, Mr

Moritz Ivo Will, Mr Mohammed Bagver Javadi, Miss Moloud Kooshan

and Mrs Mansoureh Sadat Sharifi Noori.

To bow Mrs Shahida Binti Salim, Mrs Rohayu Binti Ma`arup, Mr

Muhammad Fahmi Bin Yunus, Mr Reza Azadi Gonbad, Mr Seyed Ali

Ravanfar, Mr Eng Wee Hiang, Mrs Fatemeh Haddadi, Miss Sang Mi Eum,

Mrs Nurulhuda Binti Abdul Hamid, Mrs Nurasyikin Binti Kemat, Mrs

Innaka Rineksane, Mr Mahmoud Danaee, Mr Mohd Ridzuan Bin Rosli, Mr

Mehdi Farshad Ashraf and Miss Samira Samafard.

To be remembered Miss Thilaga Rati A/P Selvaraju, Miss Yap Hui Min,

Mr Mohd Afendy Bin Abdul Talib, Dr. Rafien Zakaria, Dr. Yao Hua Law,

Mr Harresh Kasivisvanathan and Mr Lai Long Wee.

My special thanks to Mr Raja Arief Deli Bin Raja Nasharuddin and Pn

Nurul Hafizah Binti Ismail from Mardi that help me to carry out

microbiology analyses on Amaranthus sp. seed and Allium porrum leaf.

In addition, my loveable thanks to Mr Thiyagu Devarajan for providing me

A4 papers and Dr. Krishnan Palanisamy for helping me out in editing.




I would like to acknowledged financial support from the University of

Malaya and the Ministry of Higher education for providing me the SLAI

Scholarship which kept me in shoe.

Last but not least, I owe my success in completing this thesis to my beloved

parents (Mr Munusamy A/L Palaniandi and Mrs Thanaletchumy A/P

Muthiah) and family members (Miss Mythilee A/P Munusamy and Mr

Predeeban A/L Munusamy) for their moral support. Thanks, I couldn`t

have done it without you.

And above all of us, the GOD for answering my prayers for giving me the

strength, thank you so much Dear Lord.




I certify that a Thesis Examination Committee has met on 27 AUGUST 2013 to

conduct the final examination of UMAIYAL MUNUSAMY on her thesis entitled "

Vitamin E Production in Amaranthus sp. and Allium porrum By Co-Suppression of

Homogentisate Phytyltransferase and Tocopherol Cyclase Genes from Elaeis

Guineensis" in accordance with the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971

and the Constitution of the Universiti Putra Malaysia [P.U.(A) 106] 15 March 1998.

The Committee recommends that the student be awarded the Doctor of Philosophy.

Members of the Thesis Examination Committee were as follows:

Norhani Abdullah, PhD


Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Maziah Mahmood, PhD


Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Internal Examiner)

Suhaimi Napis, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Internal Examiner)

Edgar B. Cahoon, PhD


Center for Plant Science Innovation

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

(External Examiner)


Associate Professor and Deputy Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Date: 17 October 2013




This thesis was submitted to the Senate of University Putra Malaysia and

has been accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor

of Philosophy. The members of the Supervisory Committee were as


Datin Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah, PhD


Faculty of Agriculture

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Maheran ABD Aziz, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Agriculture

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Huzwah Khazaai, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia




Professor and Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia






I declare that the thesis is my original work except for quotation and

citations which have been dully acknowledged. I also declare that it has not

been previously, and is not concurrently submitted for any other degree at

Universiti Putra Malaysia or at any other institution.



Date: 27 August 2013

















1.1 Objectives 4


2.1 Vitamin E 5

2.1.1 Discovery of vitamin E 5

2.1.2 Availability of vitamin E 6 Leave tissues 6 Grains 7 Fruits 7 Oils 8

2.2 Potential role of vitamin E 9

2.2.1 Plant 9

2.2.2 Human 10

2.2.3 Animal 11

2.3 Vitamin E deficiency 12

2.3.1 Plant 12

2.3.2 Human 12

2.3.3 Animal 13

2.4 Structure and chemistry 13

2.5 Biosynthesis of tocochromanols in plants 14

2.6 Plant metabolic engineering 24

2.6.1 Description 24

2.6.2 Strategies for metabolic engineering 24 RNAi 25 Co-suppression 26

2.7 Potential in engineering tocochromanols 27

2.8 Green Amaranthus sp. 30

2.8.1 Botanical characteristics of Amaranthus sp. 30

2.8.2 Inflorescence, flowers and seeds 30

2.8.3 Nutritional value 33




2.9 Allium porrum 33

2.9.1 Botanical characteristics of Allium porrum 33

2.9.2 Nutritional value 34

2.10 Plant Promoters 34

2.10.1 Constitutive promoters 35

2.10.2 Tissue specific promoters 36

2.11 Plant Transformation 37

2.11.1 Transient transformation 38

2.11.2 Floral inoculating methods 39

2.12 Metabolites profiling of tocochromanols 40

2.12.1 Tocochromanols extraction 41

2.12.2 Tocochromanols analysis 42




3.1 Introduction 45

3.2 Materials and Methods 47

3.2.1 Plant material 47

3.2.2 Plasmid, bacterial strains and growth 47

3.2.3 Isolation of RNA 48

3.2.4 RNA analysis 49

3.2.5 Agarose gel electrophoresis 49

3.2.6 Isolation of short cDNA of HPT gene 50 phosphatase treatment 50 acid pyrophosphatase

treatment 51`RACE acceptor oligo ligation 51 cDNA synthesis 52 cDNA synthesis 52

3.2.7 Homogentisate phytyltransferase amplification 52

3.2.8 Ligation reaction of vector/DNA fragment

or DNA fragment/DNA fragment 54

3.2.9 Cloning and transformation of Escherichia

coli DH5α 55

3.2.10 Colony PCR 55

3.2.11 Purification of the amplified DNA(s),

digested fragment 56

3.2.12 Purification of vector (s) 57

3.2.13 Restriction digestion and sequence

analysis 58

3.2.14 Bioinformatics analysis 59 3.3 Results 61

3.3.1 Quality and quantity of RNA and amplified

cDNA 61

3.3.2 Analysis of transformed Escherichia coli DH5α 62




3.3.3 Computer aided analysis 63

3.4 Discussion 73

3.5 Conclusion 80



4.1 Introduction 81

4.2 Materials and Methods 84

4.2.1 Preparation of tocochromanols standards 84

4.2.2 Optimisation of mobile phase for detection

of tocochromanols standards 85

4.2.3 Tocopherol extraction and HPLC analysis 85

4.2.4 Detection of standard tocochromanols by

HPLC quantification 86

4.2.5 Replication 87

4.2.6 Statistical analysis 88

4.3 Results 89

4.3.1 Optimisation of mobile phase 89

4.3.2 Resolution of tocochromanols 89

4.3.3 Precision and detection limits of tocochromanols

using HPLC (inter and intra assay) 93

4.3.4 Recovery studies 94

4.3.5 α-tocochromanols in plant samples 96

4.4 Discussion 97

4.5 Conclusion 102




5.1 Introduction 103

5.2 Materials and Methods 106

5.2.1 Plant materials and growth conditions 106

5.2.2 Isolation of short cDNA of HPT gene 106

5.2.3 Plasmids, bacterial strains,

transformation and growth conditions 107

5.2.4 Construction of the recombinant vectors 109

5.2.5 Verification of the recombinant constructs 110

5.2.6 Determination of plasmid segregational

stability 115

5.2.7 Preparations of Agrobacterium suspension for

agroinfiltration of Amaranthus sp. and Allium

porrum leaves 116

5.2.8 Tocopherol extraction and HPLC analysis 117

5.2.9 Microbiology analysis 118

5.2.10 Statistical analysis 118

5.3 Results 120

5.3.1 Recombinant vector construction and

confirmation 120




5.3.2 Plasmid segregational stability 122

5.3.3 Determination of α-tocopherol 124

5.3.4 Determination of α-tocotrienol 126

5.3.5 Microbiology analysis 129

5.4 Discussion 131

5.5 Conclusion 137



6.1 Introduction 138

6.2 Materials and Methods 141

6.2.1 Isolation of partial cDNA of TC gene 141

6.2.2 Plasmids, bacterial strains,

transformation and growth conditions 144

6.2.3 Construction of the recombinant vectors 144

6.2.4 Determination of plasmid segregational

stability 145

6.2.5 Preparations of Agrobacterium suspension for

agroinfiltration of Amaranthus sp.

and Allium porrum leaves 148

6.2.6 Evaluation of transient expression 148

6.2.7 Tocopherol extraction and HPLC analysis 149

6.2.8 Statistical analysis 149

6.3 Results 150

6.3.1 Isolation and gene analysis of partial

cDNA of TC genes 150

6.3.2 Recombinant vector construction 150

6.3.3 Plasmid segregational stability 153

6.3.4 Evaluation of transient expression 154

6.3.5 Determination of α-tocopherol 155

6.3.6 Determination of α-tocotrienol 158

6.4 Discussion 161

6.5 Conclusion 164




7.1 Introduction 165

7.2 Materials and Methods 168

7.2.1 Vectors 168

7.2.2 Floral transformation in Amaranthus sp. 168

7.2.3 Expression studies and transgene analysis

using the hph selectable marker genes 172

7.1.4 Statistical analysis 174

7.3 Results 175

7.4 Discussion 180

7.5 Conclusion 184






8.1 Summary 185

8.2 Conclusion 188

8.3 Recommendations for Future Research 189



Appendix A: Solutions, Media and Buffer 227

Appendix B: Chromatogram 234

Appendix C: Statistical Tables 255







Table Page

2.0 The different enzymes associated with tocochromanols biosynthesis. 20

2.1 Literature reports on potential engineering that have been carried out. 29

3.0 PCR and DNA sequencing primers used in this study. 54

3.1 Web servers for bioinformatics’ tools that were used in this study. 60

3.2 Total RNA yield and quality from Elaeis guineensis. 61

3.3 Total cDNA yield and quality from Elaeis guineensis. 62

3.4 Sequences producing significant alignment with the input of HPT gene from

Elaeis guineensis.


3.5 Prediction of transmembrane helices (TMHMM) for each HPT enzyme



4.0 Reproducibility of retention times of tocochromanols by HPLC in 0.5%

isopropanol and 99.5% n-hexane for 15 min with coefficient variation.


4.1 Reproducibility of peak height of tocochromanols by HPLC in 0.5%

isopropanol and 99.5% n-hexane for 15 min with coefficient variation.


4.2 Linearity of standard tocochromanols. 92

4.3 Mean, standard deviation (SD), coefficient variance (CV) on repeatability and

reproducibility (%) based on retention time and peak height response of α-

tocopherol and α-tocotrienol.



Mean, standard deviation (SD), coefficient variance (CV)and mean recoveries

(%) based on concentration of α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol.


5.0 Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study. 108

5.1 PCR and DNA sequencing primers used in this study. 114

5.2 Microbiology analysis for Amaranthus sp. seeds and Allium porrum. 130




6.0 PCR and DNA sequencing primers used in this study. 143

6.1 Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study. 146

7.0 Growth of AGL1 carrying the recombinant plasmid in LB broth after 48 hours

at 28°C with aeration at 180 rpm.


7.1 Percentage of seed productivity after floral dip transformation compared to

non-transformed plant and transformation efficiencies by AGL1 carrying p5b5,

p5d9 p5f7, p4a11 and p4c9.






Figures Page

2.0 General molecular structures of tocochromanols. 14

2.1 Shikimate and non-mevalonate pathway for synthesis of α-

tocochromanols in plants were based on Dormann (2007); Hunter and

Cahoon (2007); Cheng et al. (2003). Homogentisate acid (HGA) and

phytyldiphosphate (PDP), derived from cytosolic aromatic amino acid

metabolism and plastidic deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate pathway (DXP),

respectively. PDP and GGDP (geranylgeranyl diphosphate) serve as

substrates for the synthesis of α-tocochromanols (α-tocopherol and α-

tocotrienol). Reactions between HGA and PDP or HGA with GGDP

are carried out by homogentisate phytyltransferase (HPT) or

homogentisate geranylgeranyltransferase (HGGT). The intermediate

products 2-methyl-6-phytylbenzoquinol (DMPBQ) and 2, 3-dimethyl-

5-geranylgeranyl-benzoquinol (DMGGBQ) will be further cyclised and

methylated to produce α-tocochromanols. MPBQ and MGGBQ (2-

methyl-6-geranylgeranylbenzoquinol) serve as substrate for the

synthesis of β-tocochromanols. Enzymes in BOLD and UPPER CASE

are specific to the synthesis of the subsequent intermediate products, p-

hydroxyphenolpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD); geranylgeranyl

diphosphate reductase (GGDP reductase); 2-methyl-6-

prenylbenzoquinol methyltransferase (PrBQMT); Tocopherol cyclase

(TC); Tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT). Substrate in upper case

are specific to the synthesis of the subsequent intermediate products, p-

hydroxyphenylpyruvate (HPP); 2-methyl-6-phytylbenzoquinol

(MPBQ); 2, 3-dimethyl-5-geranylgeranyl benzoquinol (DMGGBQ).


2.2 Condensation reaction between PDP and HGA by HPT. 17




2.3 Methylation reaction of MPBQ to produce DMPBQ. 18

2.4 Chromanol ring structure formation by tocopherol cyclase. 19

2.5 Production of α-tocochromanols. 21

2.6 Production of δ-tocochromanols. 22

2.7 Production of β-tocochromanols. 23

2.8 Diagram shows that the flowers are aggregated in cymes, spikes,

bisexual, star and radical shaped a) Amaranthus sp. inflorescence

(Transgenic glass house UPM) b) An illustrated flora of the northern

United States, Canada and the British Possessions. 3 vols. Charles

Scribner's Sons, New York. Vol. 2: 3. Courtesy of Kentucky Native

Plant Society. c) Amaranthus sp. seed

(Photo of a and c was taken at Transgenic Glasshouse, UPM).


3.0 Six week- old young seedling of Elaeis guineensis leaves. 47

3.1 Schematic diagram of the yT&A. The HPT fragment was inserted in

between HindIII and BglII. Multiple cloning site indicated as MCS.


3.2 The fasta format of a multiple sequence alignment of three HPT protein

sequences. Sequence identification appears at the beginning of each

row and the correspond names of the sequences are listed at the top.

The level of sequence conservation is shown as being the least

conserved (. ) or (:) and being the most conserved as (*).


3.3 (a)Visualisation of total RNA. Total RNAs (283 ng/μl) were separated

on 1% non-denaturing agarose gel containing EtBr and photographed

under UV light.


3.4 Colony PCR. Lane M GeneRuler ™ DNA Ladder Mix, Lane 1-6:

colonies 1-6. Colonies 1 and 2 is the successfully transformed

Escherichia coli.





3.5 PCR products of DNA fragment of HPT gene. Lane M, GeneRuler ™ 1

kb Plus DNA Ladder. Lane 1, PCR products of the amplified HPT gene

using primers Zea (F1) and ZEA (R3).


3.6 Analysis of homogentisate phytyltransferase. BlastP graphical view

for submitted HPT gene showed that the isolated HPT gene falls under

UbiA superfamily using CLUSTAL W (1.81).


3.7 cDNA sequence of HPT gene isolated from Elaies guineensis, deduced

amino acid (aa) sequence of the protein represented with single

alphabet. Isolated HPT gene, encode 151 amino acid residues (ORF).

Red, blue and black font represent the types of secondary stucture

identification on the aa sequences (Alpha Helix = H; Beta Sheet = E

and Random Coil = C). Underlined represents transmembrane helices

in proteins [TMHMM1] from 30 to 52 aa; [TMHMM2] from 59 to 81

aa; [TMHMM3] from 91to 113 aa.


3.8 Molecular phylogenetic analysis deduced from analysis of the

nucleotide sequence of 10 plant species. The tree was computed using

the Maximum Likelihood method criteria with MEGA5 software. The

condensed tree is drawn to scale with horizontal branch lengths

measured in the number of substitutions per site (next to the branches).

The analysis involved 10 nucleotides sequences. Bar 0.1 represent

amino acid replacement. Boostrap values are given above the

branches. Codon positions included were 1st+2


rd+Noncoding. All

positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated.


3.9 Two-dimensional structure of the homogentisate phytyltransferase

(HPT) from (a) Elaeis guineensis (b) Zea mays (i) helix (ii) β-sheets

(iii) loops.


3.10 Clefts and cavities in predicted protein structure. Arrow showed the 72




location of cleft in a) Elaeis guineensis b) Zea mays. Residue-type

colouring (cavities): Positive H,K,R (sky blue); Negative D,E (red)

;Neutral N, Q, S,T, , (green); Aromatic F, W, Y (purple); Gly & Pro

(G, P), Cysteine (C). Colouring by residue conservation score 0.0-0.1

(blue); 0.1-0.2 (purple); 0.2-0.3 (skyblue); 0.3-0.4 (cyan); 0.5-0.6

(green); 0.6-0.7 (yellow); 0.9-1.0 (red) for maintaining the structure

and function of a protein.

3.11 Topology for helical transmembrane protein, helical segments are

embedded in the lipid bilayer oriented perpendicular to the surface of

membrane. The helices are regarded as cylinders and the orientation

was based on starting of the N-term.


5.0a Physical map of control vector pDRB6b. Arrow indicates the

orientation of each DNA fragments that was assembled. LB: left

border of T-DNA. RB1:first right border of T-DNA. RB2: second

right border of T-DNA. CAMV35SP: cauliflower mosaic

virus (CaMV) promoter, hph: encodes hygromycin

phosphotransferase, cat intron: intron containing catalase gene, NosT:

termination sites, Spec R: spectinomycin resistant gene, Ori RK2:

vegetative replication origin, ColE Ori: origin of replication, trfA:

encodes replication initiation protein, MCS: multiple cloning sites with

with various restriction enzyme sites (CSIRO Plant Industry).


5.0b Physical map of control vector pDRB8. Arrow indicates the

orientation of each DNA fragments that was assembled. LB: left

border of T-DNA. RB1:first right border of T-DNA. RB2: second

right border of T-DNA. Ubi1P: ubiquitin promoter, Ubi1-intron:

ubiquitin intron, uidA: encodes beta-glucuronidase enzyme, NosT:

termination sites, CAMV35SP: cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)





promoter, hph: encodes hygromycin phosphotransferase, cat intron:

intron containing catalase, Spec R: spectinomycin resistant gene, Ori

RK2: vegetative replication origin, ColE Ori: origin of replication,

trfA: encodes replication initiation protein (CSIRO Plant Industry).

5.0c Physical map of control vector pDRB5b. Arrow indicates the

orientation of each DNA fragments that was assembled. LB: left border

of T-DNA. RB1:first right border of T-DNA. RB2: second right border

of T-DNA.Ubi1P: ubiquitin promoter, Ubi1-intron: ubiquitin intron,

uidA: encodes beta-glucuronidase enzyme, NosT: termination sites,

CAMV35SP: cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter, hph:

encodes hygromycin phosphotransferase, cat intron: intron containing

catalase gene, Spec R:spectinomycin resistant gene, Ori RK2:

vegetative replication origin, ColE Ori: origin of replication, trfA:

encodes replication initiation protein (CSIRO Plant Industry).


5.1 Chimeric constructs with homogentisate phytyltransferse (HPT) genes.

RB2: second right border, LB: left border. Constructs were prepared by

fusing together short sense sequences of HPT (538 bp) with ubiquitin

promoter-Ubi1P (950 bp) or leaf-specific promoter–LHCB (1000 bp),

ubiquitin intron (1041 bp) and NosT indicates the nos terminator (482

bp). The restriction enzyme sites in italics were used for ligations. The

length of a) p5b5~ 1970 bp b) p5d9~ 3011 bp c) p5f7~ 3061 bp.


5.2 Schematic diagram of agroinfiltration-mediated transient

transformation for (a) Amaranthus sp. and (b) Allium porrum. Step (i)

matured plant ready to be infiltrated; (ii) intercellular space was

exposed (iii) bacterial suspension was infiltrated by submerging the

leaves in the suspension (iv) humidity of the infiltrated plant was





maintained by using plastic cover (v) after 24 h, infiltrated plant was

placed at glasshouse (Transgenic Glasshouse, UPM).

5.3 Analysis of the recombinant vector digestion and amplification of

homogentisate phytyltransferase gene (HPT) gene. a-d) Analysis of

recombinant vector by single restriction enzyme digestion on 1%

agarose gels. Lanes 1, 2, 3, 4: digested control vector pDRB1 (14 890),

pDRB5b (16 606 bp), pDRB6b (12 370 bp), pDRB8 (15 592 bp), Lane

5: a) digested recombinant vector p5b5 (14 289 bp). b) digested

recombinant vector p5d9 (15 330 bp). c) digested recombinant vector

p5f7 (15 380 bp), respectively. d) Confirmation of the successful

introduction of recombinant vectors into AGL1 by PCR analysis using

HPT genes-specific primers. Lane M: GeneRuler™ 1 kb DNA ladder,

Lanes 1, 2, 3: p5b5, p5d9, p5f7 (500 bp), respectively.


5.4 Plasmid stability assays. Plasmids pDRB6b (as control), p5b5, p5d9

and p5f7 were propagated in AGL1 for 10 days without antibiotic

selection. The graph demonstrates the percentage of spectinomycin

resistant colonies at selected days ([i.e. %spectinomycin resistant=

(Specr cfu/total cfu) x 100]. All data were subjected to normality test

and one way ANOVA. The data shown are expressed as mean (%) of

three replicates + SE from three representative experiments. SE

indicates standard error bar.


5.5a HPLC data on α-tocopherol concentration in Amaranthus sp. leaves

after transient co-suppression by p5b5, p5d9 and p5f7 compared to

control pDRB6b on day three, five and seven. The data shown are

expressed as mean (nanomol g-1

) of three replicates + SE from three

representative experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter

denotes not significant at (p>0.05) by Duncun test.





5.5b HPLC data on α-tocopherol concentration in Allium porrum leaves

after transient co-suppression by p5b5, p5d9 and p5f7 compared to

control pDRB6b on day three, five and seven. The data shown are

expressed as mean (nanomol g-1

) of three replicates + SE from three

representative experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter

denotes not significant at (p>0.05) by Duncun test.


5.6 a) Peak corresponding to α-tocotrienol showed with arrow in

experimental plant. b) Peak corresponding to α-tocotrienol was not

detected in control plant.


5.7a HPLC data on α-tocotrienol concentration in Amaranthus sp. leaves on

day three, five and seven.The data shown are expressed as mean

(nanomol g-1

) of three replicates + SE from three representative

experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter denotes not

significant at (p>0.05) by Duncun test.


5.7b HPLC data on α-tocotrienol concentration in Allium porrum leaves

on day three, five and seven. The data shown are expressed as mean

(nanomol g-1

) of three replicates + SE from three representative

experiments. SE indicates standard error bar; same letter denotes not

significant at (p>0.05) by Duncun test.


6.0 Physical map of control vector pDRB8. Arrow indicates the

orientation of each DNA fragments that was assembled. TrfA :encodes

essential replication initiation protein, ColE Ori: origin of replication

from plasmid pBR322, OriRK2: origin of replication in Escherichia

coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens, oriT: origin of transfer, LB: left

border of T-DNA. RB1:first right border of T-DNA. RB2: second right

border of T-DNA.Ubi1P: ubiquitin promoter, Spec R:Spectinomycin





resistance cassette, hph: encodes hygromycin phosphotransferase

enzyme, sgfpS65T: encodes green fluorescent protein, NosT:

termination sites, CAMV35SP: cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)

promoter, Ubi1-intron: ubiquitin intron, cat intron: intron containing

catalase gene (CSIRO Plant Industry).

6.1 Chimeric constructs with tocopherol cyclase (TC) genes. RB2: second

right border, LB: left border. Constructs were prepared by fusing

together partial sense sequences for TC (622 bp) with maize ubiquitin

promoter-Ubi1P (950 bp) or leaf-specific promoter–LHCB (1000 bp),

NosT indicates the nos terminator (503 bp), the restriction enzyme

sites in italics were used for ligations, the length of a) p4a11~2075 bp

and b) p4c9~2125 bp.


6.2 a) Analysis of PCR products from amplification of the cDNA of

tocopherol cyclase (TC) on 0.8% agarose gels. Lane 1: GeneRuler™ 1

kb Plus DNA ladder; Lane 2: amplified fragment of TC-622 bp b)

Analysis of TC gene sequences showed the conserved domain of

tocopherol cyclase. c-d) Test digestion to confirm the cloning of newly

generated expression vectors on 1% agarose gels. Lanes 1, 2, 3, 4:

digested control vector pDRB1 (14 890 bp), pDRB5b (16 606 bp),

pDRB6 (12 370 bp), pDRB8 (15 592 bp) d) Lanes 5: digested

recombinant vector p4a11 (14 394 bp) d) Lanes 5: digested

recombinant vector p4c9 (14 444 bp). e) Identification of recombinant

Agrobacterium harbouring the expression vector by PCR analysis

using TC genes-specific primers. Lanes 2, 3: p4a11 (622 bp), p4c9

(622 bp).


6.3 Plasmid stability assays. Plasmids pDRB6b (as control), p4a11, p4c9

were propagated in AGL1 for six days without antibiotic selection.





The graph demonstrates the percentage of spectinomycin resistant

colonies at selected days ([i.e. %spectinomycin resistant= (Specr

cfu/total cfu) x 100]. All data were subject to normality test and one

way ANOVA. The data shown are expressed as mean (%) of three

replicates + SE from three representative experiments. SE indicates

standard error bar.

6.4 Histochemical GUS staining. The infiltrated plant leaves with

pDRB5b vector were incubated at 37°C for 16 h. The expression of

GUS driven by Ubi1P shown by the blue staining was visible only at

day three, five and seven on the mesophyll cells of a) green

Amaranthus sp. b) Allium porrum. Controls plant did not show the

blue spots. Arrow showed the GUS spot.


6.5a HPLC data on α-tocopherol concentration in leaves after transient co-

suppression by p4a11 and p4c9 compared to control pDRB6b on day

three, five and seven in Amaranthus sp. The data shown are expressed

as mean (nanomol g-1

) of three replicates. + SE from three

representative experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter

denotes as not significant (p>0.05) by Duncun test.


6.5b HPLC data on α-tocopherol concentration in leaves after transient co-

suppression by p4a11 and p4c9 compared to control pDRB6b on day

three, five and seven in Allium porrum . The data shown are

expressed as mean (nanomol g-1

) of three replicates. + SE from three

representative experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter

denotes not significant (p>0.05) by Duncun test.


6.6a HPLC data on α-tocotrienol concentration in leaves on day three, five

and seven in Amaranthus sp. The data shown are expressed as mean





(nanomol g-1

) of three replicates + SE from three representative

experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter denotes as

being not significant (p>0.05) by Duncun test.

6.6b HPLC data on α-tocotrienol concentration in leaves on day three, five

and seven in Allium porrum. The data shown are expressed as mean

(nanomol g-1

) of three replicates + SE from three representative

experiments. SE indicates standard error bar, same letter denotes as

being not significant (p>0.05) by Duncun test.


7.0 Simplified classification of land plants. Anthophyta consists of

Angiospermophyta (Monocotyledoneae and Eudicots also known as

dicotyledoneae) and Magnoliophyta (Magnolids and Nymphaeceae).

The angiosperms are dominant plant and show the most advanced

structural organisation in the plant kingdom. Arabidopsis thaliana and

Amaranthus sp. fall within the dicotyledoneae group with bisexual

flowers (Oxford, 2008).


7.1 Figure 7.1: Overview of floral dip transformation of Amaranthus sp.

a) inflorescence ready to be inoculated with AGL1 carrying

p5b5, p5d9, p5f7, p4a11 and p4c9 (transgenic constructs)

b) drop-by-drop method was applied

c) inflorescence was left to become mature until siliques turn


d) plant materials undergo drying process

e) sowing to separate the seeds from dried plant material

f) harvested Amaranthus sp. seeds


7.2 Selection of hygromycin resistant (hphr) and hygromycin sensitive

(hphs) of Amaranthus sp. seedlings. Seedlings were grown for 20 days





and subsequently sprayed with 150 mg/L hygromycin containing

0.01% Tween 20 daily for five days. Transformed seedlings showed no

necrosis on the leaves after the fifth day as they contain a functional

hph gene (hphr), while untransformed seedling (hph

s) did not survive

after the third day.

7.3 T1 progeny seedlings were further tested for hygromycin resistance in

a leaf disk assay. Yellow spot was detected in a) untransformed plant

leaves while not detected in b) transformed plant leaves.


7.4 PCR analysis of genomic DNA to detect the presence of the

hygromycin gene (hph) in 19 representatives putative transgenic

Amaranthus sp. plants (T1). The amplified PCR products were

visualised in 0.8% agarose gel. Lane M: GeneRuler™ 1 kb Plus DNA

Ladder. a-d) PCR analysis of genomic DNA from hygromycin

resistant seedlings showing the amplification of a ~750 bp fragment of

hph gene. Lane 1: positive control (297 bp fragment) of highly

conserved region of chloroplast DNA; Lane 2: negative controls of

non-transformed plant. a) Lane 3-5: putative transformant from p5b5;

Lane 6: putative transformant from p4a11. b) Lane 3, 4, 8, 9: putative

transformant from p5d9. c) Lane 3: non-template control from PCR

assays; Lane 4-8: putative transformant from p5f7. d) Lane 3-8:

putative transformant from p4c9.


7.5 Arrows showing a) Flowers arise in a dense inflorescence,

or flower cluster. (Transgenic Glasshouse, UPM) b) Small bracts

(modified leaves) will remain as the flower matures into a fruit

(source: http://www.plantillustrations.org) c) Fruit (seed) (Transgenic

Glasshouse UPM).






Plate Page

3.0 Transformed Escherichia coli DH5α. White colonies show the transformed

Escherichia coli cells.






% percentage

(NH4)2SO4 ammonium sulfate

°C degree celsius

a.u absorbance unit

aa amino acid

Act rice actin 1

Adh-1 maize alcohol dehydrogenase 1

Ala alanine

Ampr ampicillin resistant

ANOVA analysis of variance between groups

ATP adenosine triphosphate

bar phosphinothricin acetyltransferase

BHA butylated hydroxyanisole

BHT butylated hydroxytolune

BlastP basic local alignment search tool for protein

bp base pair

Bspred protein-protein binding site prediction

Buffer EB elution buffer

Buffer PE wash buffer

Buffer QG neutralization and binding buffer

CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus

CaMV35S cauliflower mosaic virus 35S

CAT chloramphenicol acetyltransferase

cDNA copy deoxy nucleic acid

CFU/g colony forming unit per gram

cfu/μg colony forming unit per microgram




CHS chalcone synthase

cm centimetre

Co company

CO2 carbon dioxide

ColE Ori origin of replication

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research


C-term carboxyl-terminus

cTP chloroplast transit peptide

CV coefficient variance

dH2O distilled water

DMGGBQ 2-3-dimethyl-5-geranylgeranyl-benzoquinol

DMPBQ 2-methyl-6-phytylbenzoquinol

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

dNTP deoxynucleotides

dsRNA double stranded rna

DXP 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate

E8 gene fruit ripening gene

EDTA ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid

et al and others

EtBr ethidium bromide

F forward

FASTA format for representing either nucleotide

sequences or peptide sequences

g/L gram per litre

GGDP geranylgeranyl diphosphate

GGDP geranylgeranyl diphosphate reductase





Gly glycine

Gmubi glycine max polyubiquitin

GOR secondary prediction sturcture

Gt 1 seed storage protein

GUS beta-glucuronidase

h hour

HGA homogentisate

HGGT homogentisate geranylgeranyl

Hph hygromycin B resistance

hphR hygromycin resistant

hphS hygromycin sensitive

HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography

HPP ρ-hydroxyphenylpyruvate

HPPD 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase

HPT homogentisate phytyltransferase

Ile isoleucine

IPTG isopropyl-thio-galastoside

ISO International Organization for Standardization

K2HPO4 dipotassium phosphate

Kac potassium acetate

kb kilo base pair

kDa kilodalton

KH2PO4 monopotassium phosphate

KOH potassium hydroxide

LB Luria Bertani

LB left border




LDL low density lipid

Len length

Leu leucine

LHCB leaf specific promoter

LiCl lithium chloride

LOQ limit of quantification

LSD least significant different

M molar

Mardi Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development


MCS multiple cloning site

MEGA5 molecular evolutionary genetics analysis

MES 2-ethanesulfonic acid

mg milligram

mg/ kg milligram per kilogram

mg/g milligram per gram

MGGBQ 2-methyl-6-geranylgeranylbenzoquinol

MGSO4 magnesium sulfate

min minute

ml millilitre

ml/min millilitre per minute

mm millimeter

mM millimolar

MMLV RNA-dependent DNA polymerase

MODPIPE software tool for large-scale comparative modeling

MODWEB server for comparative protein structure modeling

MPBQ 2-methyl-6-phtyl-1,4benzoquinol




MPBQ MT 2-methyl-6-phytylplastoquinol methyltransferase

MPN minimal plate count

MPN/g most probable number per gram

MPN/g minimal plate number per gram

MPOB Malaysian Palm Oil Board

mRNA messenger RNA

MSA multiple sequence alignment

MSBQ methyl-6-solanylbenzoquinone methyltransferase

NaCitrate sodium citrate

NaOH sodium hydroxide

NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information

ng/μL nanogram per microlitre

nm nanometer

No number

nos termination site

np nested PCR

nptII neomycin phosphotransferase II

N-term amino-terminus

NY New York

OD optical density

ORF open reading frame

Ori RK2 vegetative replication origin

PCR polymerase chain reaction

PDH pyruvate dehydrogenase

PDP phytyl diphosphate

PHD Predict Heidelberg Deutscland method

PPT phosphinotricin




PrBQMT 2-methyl-6-prenylbenzoquinol methyltransferase

PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene

PTGS post transcriptional gene silencing

R reverse

RACE rapid amplification of cdna ends

RB right border

RISC RNA-induced silencing complex

RK2 origin of replication

RNA ribonucleic acid

RNAi ribonucleic acid interference

RNase ribonuclease

rpm revolution per unit

rRNA ribosomal ribonucleic acid

RT reverse transcriptase

SAM s-adenosylmethionine

SD standard deviation

SDS sodium dodeocyl sulphate

SE standard error bar

sec second

siRNA small interfering RNA

SOPMA self optimised prediction methods alignments

Spec R spectinomycin resistant gene

SPSS statistical program for social sciences

TAE tris acetate EDTA

TAP tobacco acid pyrophosphatase

TC tocopherol cyclase

T-DNA transfer deoxyribonucleic acid




TGS transcriptional gene silencing

Tm melting temperature

TMHMM transmembrane hidden markov models

TMT tocopherol methyltransferase

trfA replication initiation protein

Tris-HCl tris hydrochloride

tRNA translate ribonucleic acid

U/μL unit per microlitre

Ubi1-intron ubiquitin intron

Ubi1P ubiquitin promoter

UbiA ubiquitin superfamily

Uep1 ubiquitin extension protein

uidA beta-glucuronidase enzyme

UniProt universal protein resource

UPM University Putra Malaysia

USA United States of America

USDA United State Department of Agriculture

UV ultra violet

Val valine

vc vector confirmation

VIGS virus induced gene silencing

w/v weight per volume

X-gal 5-bromo-4-chloro-indolyl-β-d-galactopyranoside

X-Gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl glucuronide

α alpha

β beta

γ gamma




δ delta

λ lambda

μg microgram

μg/mL microgram per micro litre

μL microlitre

μM micromolar





Plants produce a wide range of metabolites that are beneficial to human as

food, medicines and industrial raw materials (Dudareva and Pichersky, 2008;

Oksman-Caldentey and Saito, 2005). Plant-derived vitamins are of great

interest because of their impact on human health (Asensi-Fabado and Munne-

Bosch, 2010). Even though plant is nature’s best production system (Kishore

and Shewmaker, 1999), due to the exponential growth in world population

particularly in developing countries, they may not be able to cater for future

demand of important nutrients especially the different types of vitamins (Bouis,

2003a). In order to reduce dietary deficiencies, (Bouis, 2003b), one of the

strategies that can be applied is through metabolic engineering (Storozhenko et

al., 2005) can be carried out through over-expressing or silencing of a

particular gene to channel the metabolite flux of the biosynthetic pathway or

via decreasing the amount of a competitive compound (Weckwerth and Fiehn,

2002). α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol (component of vitamin E and chemically

known as tocochromanols) (Horvath et al., 2006a) are produced by two

metabolic pathways, the shikimate and non-mevalonate pathways (Collakova

and DellaPenna, 2001). In plants, vitamin E plays various roles in plant growth

and development (Horvath et al., 2006b). While, in human and animals,

vitamin E can protect membranes from photo oxidation involving several




signal transduction pathways (Ren et al., 2011b). In addition, α-tocotrienol is

considered as a promising anticancer agent due to its potent effects against a

wide range of cancers, as a cholesterol reducing agent and as a better neuro-

protective agent compared to α-tocopherol (Ling et al., 2012; Viola et al.,

2011a). Given the important functions of α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol in

plants, human and animals, in addition to its accumulation in plants, studies on

its biosynthetic pathways in plants have been actively pursued. These studies

resulted in the identification of the different enzymes involved in the production

of α-tocochromanols (Fujita et al., 2009; Abbasi et al., 2007).

α-tocochromanols content can be manipulated either by over-expression or

silencing of the biosynthetic enzymes homogentisate phytyltransferase (HPT)

and tocopherol cyclase (TC) (Ren et al., 2011a; Seo et al., 2011). Vitamin E

engineering involving manipulating expression of HPT and TC gene resulted in

the changes of α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol. Homogentisate phytyltransferase

gene is involved in the condensation of homogentisate (HGA) and phytyl

diphosphate (PDP) to produce MPBQ (2-methyl-6-phytyl-1, 4-benzoquinol)

(Collakova and DellaPenna, 2003.) This reaction product is the first

intermediate for the production of vitamin E and when it is further cyclised and

methylated by subsequent enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway, other

tocopherol isoforms are produced (Endrigkeit et al., 2009). Tocopherol cyclase

is involved in the formation of chromanol headgroup of δ and γ-

tocochromanols (Hunter and Cahoon, 2007). Methylation of δ and γ-

tocopherols by tocopherol methyltransferase produces β and α–tocochromanols.




Since, α-tocopherol are synthesised only in the photosynthetic tissues of plants

(Falk and Munne-Bosch, 2010), while α-tocotrienol accumulation are mainly in

plant seeds (Abbasi et al., 2007; Tan, 2005; Ajjawi and Shintani, 2004),

vegetable leaves that contain tocotrienol can be regarded as an extra source of

this valuable vitamin due to the added nutritional value in the leaves (Matringe

et al., 2008). Thus far, there is only one report on a successful attempt in

increasing α-tocotrienol production via metabolic engineering. This was

achieved by introducing a barley cDNA encoding another enzyme of the

biosynthetic pathway, homogentisate geranylgeranyl transferase (HGGT)

resulting in its over-expression in corn seeds (Cahoon et al., 2003). Therefore,

in the present study, leaves were chosen to manipulate the content of α-

tocochromanols with an Elaeis guineensis HPT and TC gene. The cDNA of the

HPT gene was isolated from the leaves, and the cDNA of the TC gene was

isolated previously by another student from the mesocarp tissues. Both genes

were isolated from Elaeis guineensis since it is the richest source of vitamin E

(Ebong et al., 1999).




1.1 Objectives

The aim of this study was to produce α-tocotrienol by co-suppression of α-

tocopherol by silencing homogentisate phytyltransferase (HPT) and tocopherol

cyclase (TC) gene expression using partial genes (gene sequences from

conserved region) isolated from Elaeis guineensis.

The specific objectives were:

1. Transient transformation by agroinfiltration and Agrobacterium-mediated

transformation of green Amaranthus sp. using partial HPT

and TC genes from Elaeis guineensis.

2. Transient transformation by agroinfiltration of Allium porrum

using partial HPT and TC genes from Elaeis guineensis.





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