UNIVERSITY OF TARTU Tartu, Estonia. Estonia Estonia is located in the Baltic area of Europe...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Tartu, Estonia


Estonia is located in the Baltic areaof Europe (northeast). It is one of the least populous countries in the EU, with one of thehighest GDPs. Estonia is highly ranked in Economic,social, and educational standards. 1,340,194 people lived in Estonia as of

the 2010 census.


Tartu is located in the southeast corner of Estonia.

It is the second largest city in Estonia, with a population of 103,284 people.

The city has a fantastic history and is believed to have been first settled in the 5th century.

Tartu is a hub for scientific and Technological research. Manyfamous companies, including Skype,have offices in Tartu.

The University of Tartu - Tartu Ülikool

Tartu University, located in Tartu, Estonia, is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1632.

It is a fantastic site for scientific research. Great for those going into a science field.

Classes are offered in a variety of languages. The University is in the top 3% of the world’s

best universities and 1% for research (according to The Ranking and ESI ranking, respectively).

Fields of Study

Tartu University offers special programs in English for Medicine and Business Administration.

The University offers virtually any undergraduate program of study in Estonian, but classes and short programs are offered in English. Biology, Chemistry, and the rest of the

general sciences. Art, Philosophy, English and Germanic

Literature. Mathematics, Economics, Computer

Sciences and much more.

The History of the University Tartu University was founded in 1632 by

King Gustavus Adolphus, a Swede. It was first called Academia Dorpatensis. The original purpose of the university

was to act as a research school (It has very much continued that legacy today).

Tartu University has grown to fourcolleges of study and several regionalDevelopment units.

Speaking the Native Tongue

The national language of Estonia is naturally Estonian.

Due to the fact that it was part of the Soviet Bloc at one point, much of the older population speaks Russian also.

Do not fret! Many foreign countries have English speakers, and many classes at the university can be taught in English.

Living Accommodations

Tartu University has a large variety of residence halls.

Applications for tenancy must be filled out separately from your university application.

More information, as well as the application can be found here.

The Currency and Expenses

Estonia is part of the European Union, so the currency is the Euro.

It has one of the strongest economies in the EU.

The Euro can be used in every country in the EU, and currently is at an exchange rate of $1.3367:€1 While travelling abroad, people usually tend to

spend more than they do back home, so be sure to stay on top of your finances. Have a decent sum of money built up in the bank when

you depart the United States.


Tartu’s temperatures vary widely from season to season and day to day.

Highs are in the lower nineties during the summer and can reach as low as negative thirty during the winter (Fahrenheit).

While studying abroad it is smart to pack a variety of clothes for every situation. Make sure that you have several sets of clothes

for all types of weather. Like Kansas weather, European weather can change on the turn of a dime.


Transportation in Tartu is much like that of others cities.

It offers several modes, including taxis, busses, and rental cars.

The easiest route for being a student in any European city is public transportation. It gives you a chance to experience the city and get a feel for the culture.

Activities/Free Time

Tartu University has much to offer for the academic mind.

You can visit the botanical gardens or any one of their four museums.

The museums include Medical, Natural History, Art, and History.

The city also has much to offer as well. Theatre is very prominent in Tartu. You can also experience the vast history

throughout the city.

What to bring – What is important in Europe?

While studying abroad, it is important to make sure you have all the personal essentials you need.

Do not pack the morning of your flight. Be sure to leave some time to ensure that you have everything.

A few things to be sure to bring are: A carry on with a few days worth of essentials in case

your luggage is lost. A camera to document you’re adventures. A voltage converter.

Socket adapters are cheap and easy to obtain. Converters are need for electrical appliances that don’t have

a voltage conversion built in (most computers and mp3 players are safe).


Traveling internationally is quite an experience.

It is a good idea to dress in comfortable clothing and shoes that you can walk/run efficiently in.

International flights land in the capital city of Tallinn. From Tallinn you will make the rest of the way to Tartu

by train. Tartu is on the other side of Estonia, but the country is small enough that it takes merely a couple of hours to reach your destination.


Exchange students will be assisted with working out expenses through the KSU study abroad office. They will most likely include tuition and residence

hall fees, as well as insurance and a few other necessities.

Financial Aid There are a variety of ways to fund your

expenditures, including scholarships through the study abroad office.

Also look into government financial aid through FAFSA.

Preparations – Going Abroad Before you leave the country (or even

get accepted to the program for that matter), you must ensure you have all the correct forms of documentation.

Several important things to remember are: A passport A student visa Traveler's and health insurance Multiple debit and credit cards (in case one

is cancelled or lost)

Contact Information

Visit their website at:

The Exchange office is: (+372) 737 6085

The K-State study abroad office: 304 Fairchild Hall

How to apply

Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork and credentials

Applications, along with other information can be found at

Contact the KSU study abroad office or the Tartu exchange office for any assistance.