University Technology Challenge 2013hulld/BarclaysTech-Brief3-MoneySkills.pdf · These will be held...

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UniversityTechnologyChallenge 2013

Challenge 3:Barclays MoneySkills

Technology in BarclaysBarclays is probably best known as one of the UK’s top high street banks and is a major player in the world of financial services.

The Retail and Business Banking (RBB) division serves 37 million customers in 21 countries across four regions: the UK, US, Western Europe and Africa. The goal of RBB is to become the ‘go-to’ bank in all our chosen markets and segments. We don’t want to be just a good bank but the bank that customers actively choose. We want to be different from the competition and be seen as a bank that plays a valued role in society.

A driving force in achieving that vision is Technology. With key hubs in the UK, India, Singapore and Lithuania, our global IT organisation drives the technology that helps Barclays keep pace with the fast-changing needs of millions of customers worldwide. A £1.2bn function supporting over 1,400 global services and 70,000 colleagues in 25 countries, it’s every bit as advanced, diverse and stimulating as you’d expect.

The Technology Challenge 2013

• Skills development through participation in a business simulation exercise

• Mentoring during the task from experienced IT management professionals

• Insight into valuable Project Management techniques

• Exposure to current Technology working environments

• A positive experience to record on your CV and to help support your transition to a permanent career.

The Technology Challenge is a business simulation task that you will undertake in teams with the support of an experienced mentor. By taking part in this event you will benefit from:




How will it work?

• You will operate in equally sized teams, each representing an IT development organisation.

• Your team will prepare a detailed Proposal document for a prescribed IT development. That proposal will include a prototype of the User Interface and a supporting Plan & Estimate document outlining the costs, resourcing model, schedule and risks.

• Initial planning will take place at Barclays Technology Centre Radbroke on 30th October. Assigned Mentors will support you in planning the task on the day.

• Full preparation of the proposal will take place over the next three weeks.

• You will have access to a further three hours of mentoring over the period and you may arrange to do this via telephone conference or face-to-face meet up if feasible.

• If there is more than one team attending from your University, you will be invited to an internal presentation assessment by your tutors at some point between day 14 and day 21. Your University will select one team to go forward to the finals.

• One team from each University will attend the finals presentations on 21st November. These will be held at the BBC’s premises at MediaCity, Salford Quays. Joining instructions will be provided nearer the time.

• At the finals day, you will be invited to present your proposal to the “Project Panel” – a team of business and technology professionals.

• Feedback on the proposal and presentation will be provided, along with feedback on how the team has performed over the three weeks.

• A winning team will be confirmed with each member of the winning team receiving £50 Amazon Vouchers, PLUS access to some money can’t buy opportunities, including mentoring, work experience and the possibility of a fast-track application to a paid 2014 summer internship at Barclays global technology centre in Knutsford – a 12 week contract worth over £5000 each.’1

1 Each applicant would be guaranteed an interview but would need to successfully complete an interview and all recruitment checks required by law to undertake the role.

The Technology Challenge Brief

In 2012, Barclays made a commitment to invest £250m by 2015, to help five million disadvantaged young people develop the skills they need to fulfil their potential. We’re investing not only money, but the time and expertise of Barclays employees in community programmes that will enhance the enterprise, employability and financial skills of the next generation. These vital skills will help young people overcome the social and financial challenges they face, better provide for themselves and their families, and ultimately, support longer-term growth in the economy.

Barclays Money Skills helps young people enhance their financial skills, attitudes and behaviours to better manage their money and make informed and responsible decisions. Since 2010, we have invested nearly £20m to improve the financial capability of more than one million young people across the UK.

A key activity has been the delivery of MoneySkills sessions in primary and secondary schools. Teams of colleagues have been volunteering their time to deliver face to face money management sessions to school children using a variety of paper based resources. These sessions have proved to be very popular, so much so that demand has exceeded what the teams can successfully fulfil.

To ensure a wider number of students can be reached, tenders are being sought for the development of an application that would allow schools to develop these sessions to students themselves.

You are tasked to deliver a proposal for the delivery of an interactive learning application that will engage and inspire young people and which will ensure they learn the basics of money management; this to include opening a bank account, budgeting, saving and spending.

You will find existing resources and paper based volunteer packs at the MoneySkills website at

Your proposal must include:

(a) A prototype of the interactive money management learning experience(b) A proposal or tender for you to deliver this solution into operation

Your allocated budget is £400,000 (+/-30%) plus ongoing operational costs which should be provided in your proposal.

High Level Requirements

1. This application to be used by teachers, volunteers, youth workers and other practitioners who want to use group work to build financial skills, as well as support numeracy and develop life skills.

2. There should be a variety of money management learning modules and exercises included within the application.

3. The application should be developed for the target age range of 14 – 16 years.

4. The proposed resource should meet the MoneySkills criteria of being fun and interactive.

5. Children should be able to view their own progress as the move through the modules.

6. The teachers should be able to monitor progress and participation rates by children.

7. The bank should be able to monitor progress and participation rates.

8. It is expected that students should be able to participate in the exercises in the classroom or at home.

Design Principles

1. It should be consistent throughout with the branding on the, however you are free to add additional creatives targeted at the age group.

2. It should be simple and intuitive to navigate by the target age group with limited or no assistance

3. Serendipitous discovery of related content should be encouraged4. It should offer contextual help throughout5. Aggregate information should be accessible by teachers6. It should enable users to clearly identify their progress at every stage and

return the home page with ease.7. It should be friendly, and human in the tone of voice of any copy the site uses.

Some technical principles:

• Responsive web browser based solution• Device Agnostic operating on the target devices:

Project Costs

The following resource types and costs are available for this delivery and operational support of your application.

You should also identify additional costs associated in the delivery of your application including branding and promotion.


RolesMan Day Rate

On shore£

Off shore£

Programme Manager 600 350Project Manager 400 250Solution Architect 600 350E2E Designer 400 250Test Manager 400 250Test Analyst 300 200Implementation Manager 350 250UAT Manager 350 250UAT Analyst 300 200Business Analyst 350 250Technical Development Lead 350 225Technical Developer (Build) 300 200IT Security 400 250


ect D






t Service Manager 500






BAU Support Team Lead

BAU Support Team Analyst




Your Submission

(b) Creation of the Plan & Estimate


You will be expected to deliver a commercially viable proposal which offers a rapid speed to market. The Plan & Estimate provides the detail of how you will take your Money Management application to operation and the rationale for the choices you make.

There is no prescribed format for the Plan & Estimate, but as a guide you might include the following:

An Exec Summary A scope statementDetails of the outline solution and any risks, issues or key dependencies in taking this product to market.Details of the software technology you would select Details of the devices you would expect to be used in the schoolsDetails of any requirements only partially met or not metA high level delivery scheduleDetails of the proposed project delivery team Estimated costs for the delivery of your solution (see therate card in Project Costs section)Details of any key project delivery RAIDS (Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies)

The required submission will include:

(a) Prototype interactive money management learning experience The team may select any technology on which to build and present the prototype solution (consider the time restrictions you have to do this). It does not need to be a full working prototype. An example of the user interface screens is sufficient.



Presenting Your Proposal

Your University will perform an internal process to select one team to attend the finals.

Finalists will present the completed Proposals to the Review Panel on Thursday, 21st November.

The presentation is expected to include:

• a view of your prototype application (User Interface only)

• a walkthrough of your Plan & Estimate

Please provide the Panel with one hard copy of the completed Plan & Estimate and screen shots of the User Interface.

The final presentations will take place at the BBC site at MediaCity, Salford Quays. It is expected the presentation will take 15 – 20 minutes, plus some time for questioning. More details will be provided to you in due course.

Note - your presentation will be stopped if you go beyond the 20 minute allocation.

You will be addressing your presentation to the review panel, but other finalist teams will also be in the audience.

The review panel are there to help you and will only offer constructive and helpful feedback.


'6Scoring Criteria

The final Proposal will be assessed and scored against the criteria outlined below. You should consider this weighting when allocating time to the development of different components within your proposal:

Demo of the Money Management Application:


Fit to Business Requirements


Technology Proposal and Justification:

Selection of software technology


Value Case - Plan & Estimate for Production:

Robustness of project plan

Quality of Estimate

Commerciality (is it deemed good value)


Overall Team Preparation and Presentation of Bid 10


Assessment Criteria Weighting




The Project Management Institute

This challenge is supported by the Project Management Institute (PMI) who advocate the development of Project Management skills, such as those learned during this challenge, as important life skills that will support you as you prepare for future employment.

The PMI is a not-for-profit Project Management Association run by passionate volunteers.

For a very low annual fee (compared to standard membership) you can gain PMI UK Student membership. The cost is just $32 USD and this will allow you access to all the benefits of standard membership which includes excellent networking opportunities and free attendance at regional Professional Development events – there was one hosted during October at Barclays Technology Centre Radbroke for instance.

To join visit You will need to join the PMI (for which the small fee applies) and then join the PMI UK Chapter for which there is no charge for students.

The lead of the North West PMI committee is Jon Clay ( Contact Jon to discuss this further.

Use this space to capture contact details of your mentors and others in the team.

Name Telephone Email

Barclays Technology Centre RadbrokeKnutsfordWA16 9EU