
Post on 06-May-2015

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I am a brand, but I am not a label.

My brand is Marc Ecko.

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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You too are a brand. Whether you know it or not. Whether you

like it or not.

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My philosophy is “simple” : Unlabel

Not “un” as in the nihilist or negative sense of the prefix, but

in the “refusal” sense of the meaning.

Refuse to be labeled.

Fight their labels. Ignore their labels. Peel off their labels. Create YOUR label.

(and i ain’t just talking about a swoosh, an Apple, or a Rhino.)

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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Fig: 1




This way, you can visualize a future that delivers the promise of YOUR brand.

All the way from the inside.

The Good bits, ugly bits & otherwise.

A future where you’re comfortable in your own skin.

A future where you can unconditionally shed your


A future that’s UN-Labeled.

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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#1For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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who thinks they are an

YOU: “At least I am an entrepreneur?! Right?”

The “E-word” answer has a passive, checking-of-the-boxes connotation, and it comes from the French word

“entreprendre,” which means “to undertake.”

don’t undertake. Create!

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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who thinks they are an

AUDIENCE: ...(audible reluctance)

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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what happened? They beat the artist out of your system?ever since you dropped those crayons in 2nd Grade?

Entrepreneur? Try creator for a while.

Just because you are checking boxes or executing a “punch list” does not mean

you are creating.

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#2For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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We like to imagine that there’s a holy war between art and commerce. “One is creative and pure, the other is crass and dirty.”

But, contrary to popular opinion; the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

In this fragmented media culture hyper enabled by efficiencies of social media and self-publishing,

you are a brand.

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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Every artist should live by these words:

•Never feel bad about successfully selling your creations.

•Never feel bad about creating art you can’t sell.

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#3For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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X + Y = Z

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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STOP seeking

validation that can only be

found in FINITEnumbers.

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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#4For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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#4For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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We, as a society, put things in a certain taxonomy and groupings, just like we do when shopping in the grocery store.

We buy our dairy in the same place, the baked goods in the same place, the toilet paper in the same place.

These labeling frameworks help us, as consumers, navigate the world. Ideas, places, and things are labeled so we can make sense of them.

If we’re not careful we find ourselves acting out the label that society has slapped on our tin can, wearing pleated khakis, making our résumé look

just like everyone else’s, and joining the herd of sheep.

Worse still, in a spastic fit of defiance, we declare ourselves a “blacksheep”, only to end up in another herd... of “blacksheep”.

When you refuse to be labeled, suddenly you play by your own rules, not theirs.

You measure yourself by your own standards versus the GATEKEEPER’s abstract and often irrelevant compliance metrics.

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#5For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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We want to organize our life in rational, logical, quantitative ways.

I challenge you, the next time you are in a park or out in the woods, to look around you for a single straight line organized by nature.


Then why do we design our expectations that way?

AUTHENTICITY is not a measure that’s neatly defined by a number.

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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AUTHENTICITY is a work in progress.

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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...Focus on THE Authentic Pursuit.

It’s critical that you dig deep down, from the inside out, and look outward and upward for your Vision for the Future.

Not a vision of their future. Not a vision of the gatekeepers’ future.

But a future that’s authentic.

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

purchase here.

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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in stores OCTOBER 1, 2013

For special promotions and updates: www.UNLABEL.me

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