Unless You Will - Issue 01

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01



  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    It is in our idleness, in our

    dreams, that the submerged

    truth sometimes comes to the top.

    Virginia Woolf

    unless you will


    th c f hgah a cad b Hd rma.

    ebasian lemmstrata l 4

    miha de ridderabendsonne l 12

    rita bernsein l 20undertow

    alec othsleeping by tHe mi ssissippi l 30

    yaniv waia l 44traces 2007-2008

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01




    srata i built by merging multiple expoure

    into one new image that i more than the

    um o the original, individual hot. By

    uperimpoing ingle image on top o

    one another, the layer o light alternately

    enhance or cancel out the branche,

    absracting nature into an arbitrary, but sil

    interconnected, realm.

    I ee srata a a reection o the philooph

    concept o rhizome, and a a viualization

    o the proce o memory: memorie are

    accumulated over time, impacted by ongoin

    experience, and perpetually in ux.


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01



    misha de ridder(1971, nl)

    Sometime natural phenomenacan become o esranged andmyseriou, that we are inclined todecribe them a unreal realitie.


    mh r 9c 5 x

    J J g


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    By eeking or the abence o human

    intervention, by waiting or the climax o

    the temporal aeshetic and by puhing the

    camera to it technical limit De Ridder

    photograph become both exotic report

    a autonomou articial world.

    The photo publihed here are viual

    repetition o the area where the

    Abendonne appear, at a lake, known or

    it at, almos mirror-like urace, taken

    under diferent natural circumsance and

    originally preented in diferent printed

    cale. Thi juxtapoition o diference and

    equality evoke quesion about authenticity,

    originality, reality and the repreentation o

    reality within the medium o photography.

    An ambiguou reerence to the unreal reality

    o the Abendonne.

    Sometime natural phenomena can become

    o esranged and myseriou, that we are

    inclined to decribe them a unreal realitie.

    It might be the extraordinary hape o a

    tree, a mountain, a hadow, a cloud or the

    mirroring reection o nature in a lake, but

    it i oremos the unamiliarity o the natural

    aeshetic o reality.

    The photo publihed here literally reer to

    uch an unamiliar natural phenomenon,

    a phenomenon that appear twice a year

    during the end o the autumn and the

    beginning o pring or the period o one

    week in an area in the Swi Alp. During

    the winter eaon a village i permanently

    covered by the hadow o a high mountain in

    the wes, which eliminate all direct unlight.

    A week beore darkne all, the un

    appear one more time ater it ha et every

    evening. A myseriou phenomenon known

    a Abendonne.

    Miha de Ridder work can be een

    a attempt to capture thee temporary

    phenomena and atmophere o nature

    within the sill medium o photography.

    Abendsonne has been on show at Julitte

    Jongma Gallery in Amsterdam,

    The Netherlands in the spring of 2009.


    mh c

    J J

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01



    mh r 9c 5 x 35 J J g

    mh c

    J J

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01



    mh r 9c x 3

    J J g

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    The lie o the mind, andthe heart, interes me more

    than any external reality.

    I make picture that navigate, and t repa

    upon, the boundary between the private and

    the public; the hidden and the manies; the

    dark and the light. I wait or a moment that

    ofer a glimpe into a ecret inner world.

    In both my image and my print, I court

    the mey, the ragile, the raw and thevulnerable. I hand apply ilver emulion to

    Japanee gampi in order to achieve a reult

    that i tactile and culptural, awed but

    lovely. Like my ubject, each print i unique

    in it characterisic and imperection.


    undertowrita bernstein

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    cHangeling transgretssion

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    Virginia and ann

    Jordan and ingrid

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01



    Joanna, age16

  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01



  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    leeping bythe miiippi

    alec soth

    Alec Soth (b. 1969) i a photographer born

    and baed in Minneapoli, Minneota. He

    i the recipient o everal major ellowhip

    rom the Buh, McKnight and Jerome

    Foundation and wa awarded the 2003

    Santa Fe Prize or Photography. Hi work

    i repreented in major public and private

    collection, including the San Francico

    Mueum o Modern Art, the Mueum o Fine

    Art Houson and the Walker Art Center

    in Minneapoli. Soth photograph have

    been eatured in numerou olo and group

    exhibition, including the 2004 Whitney and

    So Paulo Biennial. Hi rs monograph,

    Sleeping by the Miiippi, wa publihed

    by Steidl in 2004 to critical acclaim. Sincethen Soth ha publihed NIAGARA (2006),

    Fahion Magazine (2007), Dog Day, Bogot

    (2007) and The Las Day o W (2008). Soth i

    repreented by Gagoian Gallery in New York,

    Weinsein Gallery in Minneapoli, and i a

    member o Magnum Photo.


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  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    Yaniv Waissa

    I ollow peronal and univeral memorie.

    Memorie containing trace o innocence,

    o the value I wa raied upon, value on

    which I look now a an adult that cant help

    but eeling the tremendou afect o the

    change our world ha gone though.

    I tes the current reality and compare it to

    my youth in earch o trace o imilaritie.

    In doing thi I nd myel realizing I have

    los my innocence, my moral and my

    connection to my origin.

    I collect image and nd in them trace o

    the value I baed my young lie upon, and

    are no longer.

    I chooe the Chocolate Polaroid becaue

    o hi reddih-brownih tone that remind

    the epia toner, or nosalgic atmophere.

    Yaniv Waia wa born in Haia, Irael

    in 1978. Yaniv graduated hi degree in

    photography and digital media at the

    Hadaah College in Jerualem in 2004.

    Ater college, Yaniv continued to sudy

    photography in a pos graduate program

    at the Murara School in 2007.

    Yaniv Waia work were exhibited in

    ew olo and group exhibition in Irael

    and abroad and alo publihed in everal

    international magazine.

    Yaniv Waia work and live in Jerualem.


    I go on a journeyollowing thememorie o

    my youth

    trace 2007-2008

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  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


  • 7/30/2019 Unless You Will - Issue 01


    uNless you will

    d 7, 60 agdg cgd vca 3066, aaa

    +61 3 9415 5153

