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Talk to University of Dundee School of computing students. based on Roger Marshall's talk as BCS President 2013-14, with customisation for BCS Tayside & Fife


UoD School of Computing - 23 Oct 2013Kiran Oza, Chair, BCS Tayside & Fife


Follow the branch on Twitter @BCS_Tayside


Strategic priorities and plans

Presidential theme

Personal Development Plan

Tayside & Fife branch

Bridging the gap between

education, practice and


Give practitioners the professional development and

career support they need

Informing public policy on how IT can contribute to


Ensuring everyone benefits

from IT

MissionTo enable the information


VisionTo be a world-

class organisation for IT

Championing the global

IT profession

Our strategy (the five pillars)

Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016

–For young people to be educated with 21st Century computing skills and motivated into further study and/or careers in IT

–Driving the school curriculum changes

–Training teachers through the Teaching Network of Excellence

–Running the Computer Science Teaching Scholarships scheme for DfE

–Support the Computing at School (CAS) movement

Bridging the gap between

education, practice and


Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016

– Promotion of the value of IT professionalism

– Established career path for people entering the profession, new level 3 (and 7) qualifications

– Encourage the use of Continual Professional Development

– Increase membership significantly

– World class communications, cohesion and engagement between BCS and its stakeholders

– Improved level of engagement with students and young professionals

– Member groups as a key channel for promoting professionalism

Give practitioners the professional development and

career support they need

Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016

–The Institute should be perceived by key stakeholders as an authoritative source on matters relating to computing and IT

–Develop use of the Policy Hub based on the input of expert members

–Appoint working groups and spokespersons

– Increased profile and political presence

Informing public policy on how IT can contribute to


Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016

–Work to address the gender balance in IT (and the BCS)

–Unconscious bias training to address inclusion and diversity in BCS

–Actions on disability in IT

–The business of IT is as important as the development and use of IT

– Improve recognition in the digital community, entrepreneurs and SMEs

–Drive activity and membership in those sectors

Ensuring everyone benefits

from IT

Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016

–To strengthen our international reach

– Increase business in growing markets

–To establish CITP as the international benchmark of the IT professional

–Ultimately the requirement for a licence to work in the IT profession

Championing the global

IT profession


Presidential theme

• “Engagement with students and young professionals”

• Working party on student engagement last year

• Set up student chapters in universities (subject to the results of a pilot)

• Doing more for younger members, such as new CPD portal, mentoring and CVs, support for entrepreneurs

• Encouraging young people to enter the profession

Personal Development Plan

Tayside & Fife branch

•Covers Angus, Dundee, Fife, Perth & Kinross

• 25 Student members (branch total 286)

• 4 female student members (branch total 51)

• 24 YPG student members (branch total 65)

• Branch strategic plan 2013/14

– Encourage young people’s involvement with computing

– Social inclusion, partnership and applied computing

– Partner with BCS Women, BCS Health Scotland and others

– Sponsor top computing student prizes and Strathmore Trophy

Ideas for student engagement

• Student chapter for Tayside & Fife?

• Student-focused events, organised by students

• Student speakers at branch events, Pecha-kucha style?

• Student members on branch committee

• Student ownership of social media profiles and website

– Twitter

– FaceBook

– Google+

– LinkedIn

UoD School of Computing - 23 Oct 2013

Questions and discussion

Kiran Oza, Chair, BCS Tayside & Fife 2008 – 2013


Follow the branch on Twitter @BCS_Tayside

[Slide design and BCS strategy courtesy of BCS President, Roger Marshall]