Update your Life Webs Table of Contents l Dragonfly Pond l Biodiversity l Dr. Art’s Guide to the...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Update your Life Webs Table of Contents

Dragonfly Pond Biodiversity Dr. Art’s Guide to the Web Structure and Function Engineering Bridges Personal Life Web Endangered Species Project If Only The Big Three Again Species Relationships (today)


In a small team, I will teach a 7th grader about species relationship vocabulary by writing and acting out a creative drama.


Roller Coaster presentations – come to my AG tomorrow.

Dance of the Food Chain – tomorrow after school

Active List for Summer Field Trip still open…

Species Relationships

How species get along

For any two different critters, they

Get along well - good buddies! Don’t really care - apathetic Go at it - enemies There are other possibilities

1) Predation

The big, bad PREADATOR

They get to eat the PREY

Usually the prey is not too happy.

When one animal consumes and receives its energy from another living animal.

2) Parasitism

A relationship that is bad for one organism and good for another.

Is it different than PREDATION?

Yes! The other critter is not killed

1 billion people plus on the planet have round worms in

the intestines

3) Mutualism

A relationship between species that is beneficial for both.

Birds cleaning out the teeth of alligators

Alligator gets a free flossing

Bird gets a meal

What does the bee get? What does the flower get?

What do these two critters get out of the relationship?

4) Commensalism

A relationship between species that is helpful for one.

The other species is neither helped nor harmed.

Another example

See the shrimp on top?

Who benefits - the shrimp or the slug?

How? Is the other one


Another example

The tiger kills the prey.

He/she eats. The vulture gets

to clean up afterward.

Does not affect the lion one way or the other.

Another Factor: Competition

Organisms competing for a LIMITED RESOURCE

Like food water space

What are these two bad boys COMPETING OVER?

The activity

You will be assigned a small group. With your group, write and perform

a play demonstrating your knowledge of the relationship words.

Using ALL of the words listed below:

Predation Prey Predator Competition Mutualism Parasitism Commensalism

If this is helpful...

Brainstorm ideas for the play - like at school, sporting event, in the jungle, whatever.

Pick one idea Decide on parts Write your script Practice

Creativity is always important

Do not bore your audience

Have fun Brainstorm some

creative “touches”

Acting does not always involve speaking

Order of Operations

Find Team Have “Theme” Approved Write Script in notebook with

“Extras” Have script approved Practice and perform – Skits will be seen on Thursday…

Alternate Activity

Working alone, compose a 1000 plus word essay that is creative and clearly demonstrates knowledge of our vocabulary.

Include a few pictures. Highlight the concepts somehow in

this creative story.

What were those words again?

Predation Prey Predator Competition Mutualism Parasitism Commensalism