Updated: 12/31/2069 · 2019-10-16 · Executive Summary Highlights The Office of Continuing...

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Executive Summary

HighlightsThe Office of Continuing Education and Conferences, the noncredit unit of the Office of the Provost,continues to expand the scope, depth and breadth of our outreach and engagement programs throughpersonal and professional education and training and conference services.

Mission StatementThe Office of Continuing Education and Conferences supports the University of South Carolina'smission of outreach and engagement by providing noncredit opportunities through personal andprofessional education, university test preparation, CEU documentation, conference and eventservices, and pre-university academic youth programs.

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Vision StatementCommunity --; We actively engage and collaborate with community partners in education andoutreach.Diversity and Inclusion --;We create and sustain an inclusive and diverse environment, demonstratingin word and deed our commitment to valuing and supporting each other and those whom we serve. Impact --; By providing support services, we help expand inquiry, discovery and dissemination ofinformation throughout the state of South Carolina and worldwide.Integrity --; We adhere to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, stewardship and professionalethics.Learning --; Students are the foundation of the university. Through collaboration with faculty andexperts in the community, we coordinate dynamic educational and experiential opportunities forlearners of all levels and ages.

Updated: 12/31/2069

ValuesTo provide value-added expertise to improve the University's programs and services in partnership withacademic and administrative units of the University, as well as the greater community.

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Blueprint for Academic ExcellenceContinuing EducationAY2019-2020Table of Contents

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 1

Highlights ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

Values Statement............................................................................................................................................................. 1

Goals - Looking Back ............................................................................................................................................................ 2

Goals - Real Time ................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Goals - Looking Ahead ........................................................................................................................................................ 23

Programs or Initatives ......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Effective Programs or Initatives ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Program Launches......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Program Rankings ......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Supplemental Info - Academic Programs ...................................................................................................................... 32

Community Engagement ..................................................................................................................................................... 33

Community Perceptions................................................................................................................................................. 33

Collaborations ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34

Internal Collaborations ................................................................................................................................................... 34

External Collaborations.................................................................................................................................................. 34

Other Collaborations ...................................................................................................................................................... 35

Campus Climate and Inclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 36

Campus Climate & Inclusion.......................................................................................................................................... 36

Initiatives and Fees .............................................................................................................................................................. 37

Initatives......................................................................................................................................................................... 37

Fees ............................................................................................................................................................................... 37

Concluding Remarks ........................................................................................................................................................... 37

Weaknesses and Plans for Improvement ...................................................................................................................... 38

Key Issues ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38

Quantitative Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................. 38

Cool Stuff ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38

Appendix 1. Programs or Initiatives ................................................................................................................................... 39

Appendix 2. Community Engagement ............................................................................................................................... 39

Appendix 3. Collaborations................................................................................................................................................. 39

Appendix 4. Campus Climate & Inclusion ......................................................................................................................... 39

Goals - Looking Back

Goals for the Continuing Education for the previous Academic Year.

Goal 1 - To provide academic experiences on campus to students in grades 5 through 12.Goal Statement To provide pre-university educational opportunities to students in grades 5 – 12

to support readiness, career direction and impact their decision to attend collegeand USC.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

While we can only show a correlation between attending one of our pre-universityprograms and matriculating to the university, we know spending time on a campusdoes make a difference when deciding which university a student will choose.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Coordinate Duke TIP Academic Adventures for current 5th and 6th graders.

Coordinate the Carolina Master Scholars program for rising 6th - 12th gradersutlizing faculty, staff and experts in the community as subject matter experts.

Coordinate SPRI and Accelerate Engineering Camps in collaboration with theCollege of Engineering and Computing and the Governor's School for Science andMath.

Coordinate registration services for Girls Go For IT youth camp for campusdepartment.

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Achievements Coordinated Duke TIP Academic Adventures for current 5th and 6th graders. In2018, we offered 14 courses with 215 students. Coordinated the Carolina Master Scholars program for rising 6th - 12th gradersshowcasing faculty, staff and experts in the community as subject matter experts. In 2018, we offered 17 courses to 288 students. 32 students participated in three ormore courses and earned certificates in the December graduation ceremony. Coordinated logistics and students support for the Summer Program ResearchInterns (SPRI) program and Accelerate Engineering Camp in collaboration with theCollege of Engineering and Computing and the Governor's School for Science andMath. 36 SPRI students conducted research for six weeks at USC with facultymentors. 35 SC high school students spent one week at USC working with USCEngineering faculty on a hands-on engineering project. Coordinated registration services for 40 Girls Go For IT youth campers for theSchool of the Earth, Ocean and Environment.

Resources Utilized Staff resources including program manager, student counselors during summermonths.

On campus support services including housing, dining, transportation services,faculty and staff.

Goal Continuation Continue to add new and innovative topics to course offerings and engage newfaculty to teach these programs.

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed

Goal Notes

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Goal 2 - To provide test preparation courses to students to better prepare them for college andgraduate school.Goal Statement USC provides GRE, GMAT, LSAT, SAT, and ACT test preparation courses in

face-to-face and online instructor-led courses. To help students become familiarwith the standardized testing process, USC also offers free test prep strategyworkshops.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

USC understands the importance of success on standardized tests which can be amajor component for a student to gain admission into the college or graduateschool of choice and in earning important merit-based scholarships.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Provide instruction to help students prepare for the SAT, ACT, LSAT, GRE andGMAT.

Provide free information workshops to support USC students, faculty and staff.

Offer courses on campus and online.

Achievements In 2018, we offered 54 test prep courses serving 360 students and held 6 freeinformation workshops for our community.

In 2018, we provided 2 custom SAT Test preparation courses for Anderson OneSchool District and one custom GRE course for USC's Global Carolina students.

Resources Utilized Staff resources and classroom facilities.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans With the approval of the College of Education, begin to offer Praxis Verbal andMath preparation in 2019.

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Resources Needed Curriculum and instructors, classrooms.

Goal Notes

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Goal 3 - To provide logistical support to USC faculty for outreach and educational programs.Goal Statement To provide essential meeting planning services that enable faculty to showcase

their research and reduce logistical burdens that can easily distract from researchand scholarship.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Conferences and events with an academic focus affirm the University's mission ofsharing research and responding to statewide, regional and national demands foreducation resources and professional expertise. These programs showcase theuniversity and bring prestige and recognition to its faculty.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Provide logistical support for special events, meetings and conferences.

Provide registration and financial support for for special events, meetings andconferences.

Educate campus community about policy ACAF 3.17 to ensure appropriateoversight and approval of conference related activities. This policy applies to allUniversity of South Carolina campuses.

Achievements In 2018, we coordinated logistical and/or registration services for 37 programsimpacting over 10,000 participants.

We worked with 19 university departments and 15 state agencies or non profitorganization to support their educational outreach programs.

Resources Utilized Staff resources, Various software systems.

Goal Continuation This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

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Goal Upcoming Plans Investigate if additional staff will be needed to keep up with the demand for theseservices.

Resources Needed Additional staffing may be needed.

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Goal 4 - To issue Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for noncredit programs.Goal Statement To serve as the designated department at USC Columbia managing the issuance

of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and noncredit certificate programs. The onlyother units designated to issue USC continuing education units (CEUs) are theUSC School of Law, USC School of Medicine, USC College of Pharmacy and USCSchool of Nursing, according to their accreditation standards.

Continuing Education and Conferences issues CEUs (except for School of Law,School of Medicine, College of Nursing and College Pharmacy) on behalf of theuniversity according to policy ACAF 1.72.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Noncredit conferences, workshops and symposia showcase the university andbring prestige and recognition to its faculty. Documentation of these programsthrough the issuance of CEUs serves participants and provide a way to documentthe value of these outreach activities.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Provide statistical data to Institutional Research annually for SACs reporting.

Provide CEU certificates to successful students.

Provide CEU reports to course providers.

Achievements In 2018, the Office of Continuing Education and Conferences issued 24,966 CEUcertificates.

The office compiles and provides an annual report to the Office of InstitutionalResearch for USC Columbia and Palmetto campuses.

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Resources Utilized Staff resources, various software systems.

Goal Continuation This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

Goal Upcoming Plans Investigate if additional staff resources are needed during busy renewal period(every two years).

Investigate if daily data exports can be delivered with largest client to makeprocess more efficient.

Resources Needed Staff resources are in place and are sufficient.

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Goal 5 - To provide professional education and personal interest programs to adults to gain newskills to enhance their professional and personal lives or start a new career.Goal Statement USC offers a variety of personal interest and professional education short courses

and noncredit certificates in Lean Six Sigma, Paralegal Studies, Grant Writing and Project Management. Each certificate program offers valuable professionaleducation that can launch students into a new profession or enhance an existingone.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Noncredit continuing education to prepare for a new career or enhance an existingone. Engage the community through personal interest programs.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

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Achievements In 2018, we offered 26 certificate programs serving 714 students.

In order to increase enrollment and offer students the most flexibility, all noncreditcertificate programs (paralegal, lean six sigma, project management and grantwriting) were formatted to be offered in both online and traditional face to faceformats.

For a limited time, we offered a new course to help students who had previouslytaken our Project Management certificate program. When the PMP exam changedin the spring of 2018, we offered "PMP 5th to 6th Edition Gap Training."

We were hired again by the SC Government Finance Officers Association todeliver training to their members seeking GFOA certification and managed trainingclasses and exams.

Resources Utilized Staff resources, Adobe Connect, Moodle, Blackboard

Goal Continuation This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

Goal Upcoming Plans Explore offering one new certificate program specifically a targeting Veteran'sprogram.

Resources Needed Staff Resources, collaboration with Georgia Tech's Office of Continuing Education.

Goal Notes

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Goals - Real Time

Goals for the Continuing Education that are in progress for AY2019-2020.

Goal 1 - To provide academic experiences on campus to students in grades 5 through 12.Goal Statement To provide pre-university educational opportunities to students in grades 5 – 12

to support readiness, career direction and impact their decision to attend collegeand USC.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

While we can only show a correlation between attending one of our pre-universityprograms and matriculating to the university, we know spending time on a campusdoes make a difference when deciding which university a student will choose.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Renew contract with Duke TIP.

Plan, market and execute 2 Duke TIP Academic Adventures programs in Spring2019 and 2 Duke TIP Academic Adventures programs in Fall 2019.

Plan, market and execute 17 courses as part of the Carolina Master ScholarsAdventures Series in Summer 2019.

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Achievements On February 9, 2019, a total of 46 students in grades 5 and 6 participated in one offour courses (CSI-Boot Camp, International Cuisine, Creative Writing and Vex IQ )as part of Duke TIP Academic Adventures.

On April 13, 2019, 47 students in grade 5 and 6 are registered to attend one ofthree courses (Sports Medicine, 3D Printing and Women in Engineering) as part ofDuke TIP Academic Adventures.

We are planning two Duke TIP programs for Fall 2019.

From June 9 - July 17, 2019, we are coordinating 17 courses as part of theCarolina Master Scholars Adventures Series. As of March 22, 103 students areregistered to attend. New courses include Adventures in Animatronics Diorama, 3D Printing and Book Art.

GSSM is contracted with our office again this summer to coordinate logistics andstudent services for both the SPRI and Accelerated Engineering programs.

Resources Utilized Participant fees pay all direct expenses.

Scholarship funds are provided by the Office of Provost, Enrollment Managementand the Carolina Collegiate Federal Credit Union.

Staff resources.

Goal Continuation

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Goal Upcoming Plans Offer 3-4 Duke TIP Academic Adventures each year for students in grades 5 and6.

Coordinate the Carolina Master Scholars Adventures series during the summermonths for rising 6th – 12th grade students. Offer 2 – 3 new topics in eachprogram and continue to find new faculty to teach.Continue to provide support services to outside organizations wishing to run youthprograms at USC including GSSM.Provide consultation with USC Risk Management Office with USC campus widepolicy regarding programs involving minors.

Resources Needed Staff resources.

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Goal 2 - To provide test preparation courses to students to better prepare them for college andgraduate school.Goal Statement USC provides GRE, GMAT, LSAT, PRAXIS, SAT, and ACT test preparation

courses in face-to-face and online instructor-led courses. To help students becomefamiliar with the standardized testing process, USC also offers free test prepstrategy workshops.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

USC understands the importance of success on standardized tests which can be amajor component for a student to gain admission into the college or graduateschool of choice and in earning important merit-based scholarships.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Renew contract with ETC (Education Testing Consultants) who provide curriculumdevelopment and instructors for courses.

Begin to offer PRAXIS Verbal and Math Test Prep.

Update Test Prep promotional material (brochures, banner up, trade showmaterials).

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Achievements So far this year, we have offered 12 Test Prep courses to 59 students. We havealso offered free GRE, LSAT and SAT workshops to students and the community.

We have held a custom SAT Test Prep class for 30 students at Anderson OneSchool District.

We are providing SAT Test Preparation workshops for Richland Library atSandhills, Blythewood and St. Andrews branches.

In January, we launched online courses to prepare students to take the PraxisVerbal and Math exams.

We are working with University Publications to update promotional materials.

Resources Utilized Participant fees pay all direct expenses. Staff resources.

Goal Continuation This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed Staffing adequate now that Program Manager has been hired and trained.

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Goal 3 - To provide logistical support to USC faculty for outreach and educational programs.Goal Statement To provide essential meeting planning services that enable faculty to showcase

their research and reduce logistical burdens that can easily distract from researchand scholarship.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Conferences and events with an academic focus affirm the University's mission ofsharing research and responding to statewide, regional and national demands foreducation resources and professional expertise. These programs showcase theuniversity and bring prestige and recognition to its faculty.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Provide appropriate staffing.

Respond to and track all leads.

Educate campus community regarding new University Policy ACAF 3.17 regardingconference related-activities.

Achievements We currently are planning to support 27 programs this year with approximately9,000 attendees.

To date, we have managed logistics and/or registration services for 9 programswith a total of 1,376 participants.

We continue to track all leads. We act as a resource for campus venues byreferring leads from organizations not affiliated with the university.

For the second year, we will manage registration for the SC Department ofEducatio's Education and Business Summit (1,200 estimated attendance).

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Resources Utilized Staff resources. University systems like Filemaker, Touchnet, Wordpress, Peoplesoft, etc.

Goal Continuation This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

Goal Upcoming Plans Advertise services to all campus departments and colleges/schools.

If business continues to increase, additional staffing resources may be needed tokeep up with the new pace.Resources Needed After this year, if business continues to increase, additional staff may be needed.

Goal Notes

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Goal 4 - To serve as the designated department at USC Columbia managing the issuance ofContinuing Education Units (CEUs) and noncredit certificate programs. Goal Statement Continuing Education and Conferences issues CEUs (except Law, Medicine,

Nursing and Pharmacy) on behalf of the university.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Noncredit conferences, workshops and symposia showcase the university andbring prestige and recognition to its faculty. Documentation of these programsthrough the issuance of CEUs serves participants to document their continuingeducation activity for professional development and licensure.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Continue to serve as clearinghouse for CEUs and noncredit certificate programs.

Provide resource information to new program coordinators.

Continue to serve the SC Board of Cosmetology and LLR.

Achievements To date, we have issued over 11,500 CEU certificates in 2019.

We have met our 5-day turnaround deadline for the SC Board of Cosmetology andLLR during the busy renewal period.

Resources Utilized Staff resources.

Goal Continuation This goal will continue to support the mission of the department.

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Goal Upcoming Plans Update certifcates with new USC logos.

Continue to work with SC Board of Cosmetology and LLR to improve ourprocesses.

Resources Needed Staff resources.

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Goal 5 - To provide professional education and personal interest programs to adults to gain newskills to enhance their professional and personal lives or start a new career.Goal Statement USC offers a variety of personal interest and professional education short courses

and noncredit certificates in Lean Six Sigma, Paralegal Studies, Grant Writing and Project Management. Each certificate program offers valuable professionaleducation that can launch students into a new profession or enhance an existingone.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Noncredit continuing education to prepare for a new career or enhance an existingone. Engage the community through personal interest programs.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Contract with SC Government Finance Officers Association to deliver training totheir members seeking GFOA certification. Follow up on all leads for custom courses.

Achievements In 2019, we plan to offer 4 certificate programs in Paralegal Studies, 6 in GrantWriting, 6 in Green Belt Lean Six Sigma, 2 in Black Belt Lean Six Sigma and 7 inProject Management. To date, we have held 4 certificate programs and 2 openenrollment courses with a total of 111 students.

We expect to renew our contract with SC GFOA and continue managing trainingand exams for their members in 2019.

Resources Utilized Staffing resources.

Goal Continuation

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Goal Upcoming Plans Explore offering a new certificate program called the Military TransitioningProgram. Determine funding sources through corporate or Workforce Investment.

Resources Needed Dedicate program manager planning time for military transition program.

Goal Notes

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Goals - Looking Ahead

Goals for the Continuing Education that are slated for the upcoming year.

Goal 1 - To provide academic experiences on campus to students in grades 5 through 12.Goal Statement To provide pre-university educational opportunities to students in grades 5 – 12

to support readiness, career direction and impact their decision to attend collegeand USC.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

While we can only show a correlation between attending one of our pre-universityprograms and matriculating to the university, we know spending time on a campusdoes make a difference when deciding which university a student will choose.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Dedicate staff resources to find new and innovative courses and faculty to teachthem.

Offer 3-4 new topics for Duke TIP Academic and Carolina Master ScholarsAdventures series.

Continue to provide support services to outside organizations wishing to run youthprograms at USC including GSSM.

With assistance from University Creative Services, launch new marketingcampaign for Carolina Master Scholars Adventures series that will run 3 - 4summers.


Resources Utilized Participant Fees. Staff resources.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed

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Goal Notes

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Goal 2 - To provide test preparation courses to students to better prepare them for college andgraduate school.Goal Statement USC provides GRE, GMAT, LSAT, PRAXIS, SAT, and ACT test preparation

courses in face-to-face and online instructor-led courses. To help students becomefamiliar with the standardized testing process, USC also offers free test prepstrategy workshops.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

USC understands the importance of success on standardized tests which can be amajor component for a student to gain admission into the college or graduateschool of choice and in earning important merit-based scholarships.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Determine the feasibility of offering additional test prep courses of other exams.

Explore other service providers for other exams (i.e. MCAT)


Resources Utilized Participant fees. Staff resources.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed

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Goal 3 - To provide logistical support to USC faculty for outreach and educational programs.Goal Statement To provide essential meeting planning services that enable faculty to showcase

their research and reduce logistical burdens that can easily distract from researchand scholarship.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Conferences and events with an academic focus affirm the University's mission ofsharing research and responding to statewide, regional and national demands foreducation resources and professional expertise. These programs showcase theuniversity and bring prestige and recognition to its faculty.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Continue to respond to and track all leads.

Educate campus community regarding new University Policy ACAF 3.17 regardingconference related-activities.


Resources Utilized Staff resources. University systems like Touchnet, Wordpress, Peoplesoft, etc.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans If business continues to increase, additional staff may be needed.

Resources Needed

Goal Notes Array

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Goal 4 - To serve as the designated department at USC Columbia managing the issuance ofContinuing Education Units (CEUs) and noncredit certificate programs. Goal Statement Continuing Education and Conferences issues CEUs (except Law, Medicine,

Nursing and Pharmacy) on behalf of the university.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Noncredit conferences, workshops and symposia showcase the university andbring prestige and recognition to its faculty. Documentation of these programsthrough the issuance of CEUs serves participants to document their continuingeducation activity for professional development and licensure.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan Continue to serve as clearinghouse for CEUs and noncredit certificate programs.

Provide resource information to new program coordinators.


Resources Utilized

Goal Continuation Respond to participants needs during busy renewal period of our largest CEUclient – SC Board of Cosmetology.

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed

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Goal 5 - To provide professional education and personal interest programs to adults to gain newskills to enhance their professional and personal lives or start a new career.Goal Statement USC offers a variety of personal interest and professional education short courses

and noncredit certificates in Lean Six Sigma, Paralegal Studies, Grant Writing and Project Management. Each certificate program offers valuable professionaleducation that can launch students into a new profession or enhance an existingone.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Noncredit continuing education provide traing to prepare individuals for a newcareer or enhance an existing one.

Personal interest courses engage the community.

Status Progressing as expected (multi-year goal)

Action Plan We will offer over 30 personal interest courses and over 30 professional educationcourses each year.

We will offer a new certificate program to assist Veterans entering the workforce.


Resources Utilized We may need to create a new Program Manager position dedicated to theVeteran's program once it is up and running.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed

Goal Notes Array

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Goal 6 - To provide educational facilities for existing Continuing Education programs as well asrental space for the university and community at large on the eighth floor of Close Hipp. Goal Statement To provide essential meeting spaces for use by Continuing Education and

Conferences as well as USC faculty, staff, students and the surroundingcommunity.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Assembling a World-Class Faculty of Scholars, Teachers, and Practitioners �Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Building Inclusive and Inspiring Communities �Ensuring Institutional Strength, Longevity, and Excellence

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Providing much-needed meeting facilities to be used for non-credit activitiessupports the mission of the university to educate and share knowledge.

Status Newly Established Goal

Action Plan To renovate the eighth floor of the Hipp building and the former Faculty Lounge onthe eighth floor of the Close building.

To determine staffing and policy and procedures necessary to support the activitiesin these spaces.

To determine facility rental rates and have approved by BOT in Fall 2019.

To open the space for use in Spring 2020.


Resources Utilized Staffing.

Funding for renovations from Continuing Education and Conferences budget.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans

Resources Needed

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Goal 7 - To provide meeting space to support current continuing education and conferences aswell as other USC and community programs.Goal Statement To provide essential meeting space for non-credit activities which showcase

programs and research by USC faculty, staff, students and the community at large.

Linkage to University Goal

�Educating the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow�Spurring Knowledge and Creation �Building Inclusive and Inspiring Communities

Alignment with Mission,Vision, and Values

Providing facilities and services will support conferences and events with anacademic focus that affirm the University's mission of sharing research andresponding to statewide, regional and national demands for education resourcesand professional expertise.

Status Newly Established Goal

Action Plan To renovate the 8th floor Hipp building and the former faculty lounge on the 8thfloor Close building.

To outfit space with furniture and audio visual equipment.

To establish staffing, policies and procedures for use of the newly renovated spacein Fall 2019.

To develop and obtain approval of facility rental rates by the Board of Trustees inFall 2019.

To open facilities for use in Spring 2020.


Resources Utilized Renovations are being funded by Continuing Education and Conferences.

Goal Continuation

Goal Upcoming Plans

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Resources Needed Staffing models will need to be approved and may include a Program Manager.

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Programs or Initatives

Effective Programs or InitativesList your most effective programs/initiatives toward fulfillment of mission.

Carolina Master Scholars Adventures SeriesDuke TIP Academic AdventuresProject ManagementLean Six SigmaParalegal StudiesGrant WritingTraining for the SC Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)Test Preperation courses for the LSAT, GRE, GMAT, Praxis (Verbal and Math), SAT and ACT.

Program LaunchesList any programs/initiatives that were newly launched during the Academic Year or any programs/initiatives youwould like to launch in the coming year(s). Describe the program/initiatives, provide financial requirements(including additional staff), and Academic Year in which you would launch. What key performance indicators areyou utilizing to track the success of this program?

Investigating Veteran's program in collaboration with Georgia Tech Continuing Education.

Program RankingsList any nationally ranked or external recognition during the Academic Year. For each, provide the formal nameof the program followed by the name of the organization that issued the ranking, the date of notification, effectivedate range, and any other relevant information.

Supplemental Info - Academic Programs

Any additional information on Academic Programs appears as Appendix 1. (bottom).

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Community Engagement

Community Perceptions

Describe how your unit assesses community perceptions of your engagement, and how the unit assesses theimpact of community engagement on students, faculty, community and the institution. Provide specific findings.

All of the classes we offer are open to the public and are non-credit therefore we are constantly engaging thecommunity. The same is true of the conferences we support. For some, taking one of our courses through ouroffice may be the only interaction they ever have with the university.

We offer free test preparation workshops to the community several times a year.

As part of the Carolina Master Scholars Adventures Series, we encourage giving back to our community duringeach week of the summer camps. We identify six (6) non-profit organizations and collect donations at USC fromour camp participants and university faculty and staff.

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Internal CollaborationsList your Unit's most significant collaborations and multidisciplinary efforts that are internal to the University. Details should be omitted; list by name only. In 2018, we provide(d) meeting planning services to the following USC departments, colleges and schools andorganizations:

Arnold School of Public HealthCarolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments (CISA)Center for Teaching ExcellenceCollege of Arts and SciencesCollege of Education College of Social Work Department of English and Honors CollegeDepartment of GeographyDepartment of Languages, Literatures & CulturesDepartment of PhilosophyDepartment of PsychologyDepartment of Religious StudiesEnglish Language and LiteratureOffice of Enrollment ManagementOffice of the ProvostSchool of Earth & Ocean SciencesUSC Office of ResearchUSC School of Medicine

In 2018, we engaged faculty to teach courses for us from the following campus units:

McKissick Museum (Rudy Mancke)College of Engineering and ComputingTheatre and DanceCenter for Teaching ExcellencePsychologyDarla Moore School of BusinessDepartment of ChemistryDepartment of EnglishSchool of MedicineCollege of Pharmacy

External CollaborationsList your Unit's most significant collaborations and multidisciplinary efforts that are external to the University.Details should be omitted; list by name only. We provide(d) CEU Documentation services to:

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SC Campaign to Prevent PregnancySC Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR) and the Board of CosmetologySC Infant Mental Health AssociationUSC Child Development Research CenterInstitute for Families in Society

We provided Test Preparation ServicesAnderson School District One

We provide(d) meeting planning services to:

Acoustic Emission Working Group (AEWG)National Association of Social Workers SC ChapterNorth American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics EducationSC AeronauticsSC Association of Higher Continuing EducationSC Aviation AssociationSC Consortium for Gifted EducationSC Council on CompetitivenessSC Cyber and the SC Department of AdministrationSC Department of CommerceSC Department of Parks, Recreation and TourismSEC Association for Asian StudiesState Department of EducationUniversity Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)Urban History AssociationWe provided logistical support to these youth programs:Summer Program Research Interns (SPRI) - SC Governors School for Science and MathAccelerated Engineering Program - SC Governors School for Science and Math

Other CollaborationsList your unit's most significant collaborations and multidisciplinary efforts that are not otherwise accounted for asInternal or External Collaborations. Details should be omitted; list by name only.SC Government Finance Officers Association

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Campus Climate and Inclusion

Campus Climate & InclusionActivities the unit conducted that were designed to improve campus climate and inclusion.

We serve as a resource for community members through our programs and services that foster a collaborativeculture. Through the programming of test preparation, personal and professional education courses and youthprograms as well as educational conferences, we are committed to building, nurturing and engaging diversityand inclusion in all we do.

A particularly important goal of the Carolina Master Scholars program is to help students "Jump Start" theircollege experience and to showcase future careers and majors to middle and high school students and recruitthese academically talented students to USC. In 2018, 34% of the participants who reported were fromunderrepresented populations.

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Initiatives and Fees

InitativesDescribe any new initiatives your unit will need for the coming year.

FeesList any new or changed fees that your unit has implemented or had to take on in the last academic year.

Each course we offer has custom registration fees. We offer discounts to USC students, faculty, staff, alumniand the military.

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Concluding RemarksWeaknesses and Plans for Improvement

What is your unit struggling with? What plans do you have to overcome the weakness that you have faced in thenext academic year.

Staffing Issues - Two of three program managers positions turned over in 2018. Although training new staff andmaintaining programs has been challenging, new staff will bring new energy and ideas to improve our programsand services.In May 2018, we moved to our permanent offices in Suite 591 of Close Hipp which we had hoped would allow usto focus our time and energy on our business. However, we are dealing with construction and building issues ona daily basis - including constant interruptions to the network and our databases. In addition, noise and heat/airconditioning issues have been disruptive to our delivery of classes and overall work.

Key Issues

Identify key issues or potential challenges your unit will encounter this coming year and the steps you plan oninitiating.

Funding of the renovation project of our new continuing education and conference space in Close Hipp on theeighth floor and how to staff it.

Quantitative Outcomes

Explain any surprises regarding data provided in the quantitative outcomes modules throughout this report.

In 2018, the Office of Continuing Education and Conferences:�Held 14 Duke TIP Academic Adventures serving215 students and 17 Carolina Master Scholars Adventures courses serving 288 students. 32 students earnedcertificates in the December graduation ceremony.�Offered 54 Test Prep courses and 6 free information workshops to help 360 students prepare for the LSAT,GRE, GMAT, SAT or ACT. �Collaborated with 19 university departments and 15 state agencies to support their educational outreachprograms by coordinated logistical and/or registration services for 37 conferences/events impacting over 10,000.�Held 36 personal interest courses serving 427 students. �Held 26 certificate programs serving 714 professionals.�Issued 24,966 CEU certificates.

Cool StuffDescribe innovations, happy accidents, good news, etc. that occurred within your unit not noted elsewhere inyour reporting.

�We collaborated with the South Carolina State Department of Education to manage the website, budget andregistration for their annual Education and Business Summit held June 25 - 28, 2018 in Greenville, SC with

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1,122 participants.�We supported the College of Education as they hosted the prestigious North AmericanChapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PMENA) conference inGreenville, SC November 15 - 18, 2018 with 504 participants.�We offered a new course entitled Adventures in Extraordinary Chemistry to middle and high school students aspart of the summer 2018 CMS Adventures Series for the first time. A high school student from Slovakia attendedit.�For a limited time, we offered a new professional education course to help students who had previously takenour Project Management certificate program. When the PMP exam changed in the spring of 2018, we offered"PMP 5th to 6th Edition Gap Training."

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Appendix 1. Programs or Initatives

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2018 EnrollmentMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Carolina Classroom


01/17/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-24351902/07/18 USC Columbia

01/22/18 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part I PD18-24281702/26/18 USC Columbia

01/30/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-24371702/20/18 USC Columbia

02/01/18 Intro to InDesign PD18-2462602/01/18 USC Columbia

02/15/18 Available Light Portrait Photography PD18-2426703/08/18 USC Columbia

02/27/18 Intermediate Digital Photography PD18-24401704/03/18 USC Columbia

02/27/18 Financial Survival for Retirement PD18-24521303/06/18 USC Columbia

03/05/18 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part I PD18-24571204/09/18 USC Columbia

03/07/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-2439003/28/18 USC Columbia

03/09/18 Nature Series with Rudy Mancke - 40 Acre Rock PD18-25042403/09/18 AT PARK

03/27/18 Graphic Design Principles for Everyday PD18-2463703/27/18 USC Columbia

04/05/18 Photography After Dark - Nighttime Photography PD18-2436604/26/18 USC Columbia

04/11/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-24411605/02/18 USC Columbia

04/13/18 Natural History with Rudy Mancke - Ace Basin PD18-25052304/13/18 AT PARK

04/13/18 Natural History with Rudy Mancke - Ace Basin PD18-2505104/13/18 AT PARK

04/19/18 Financial Survival for Retirement PD18-24531404/26/18 USC Columbia

04/23/18 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part II PD18-2458806/04/18 USC Columbia

04/26/18 Intro to InDesign PD18-2466604/26/18 USC Columbia

05/09/18 Intermediate Digital Photography PD18-2438106/13/18 USC Columbia

05/10/18 Savvy Social Security Planning for Baby Boomers PD18-24563905/10/18 USC Columbia

06/05/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-24421306/26/18 USC Columbia

06/11/18 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part I PD18-24592107/23/18 USC Columbia

07/12/18 Intermediate Digital Photography PD18-24431108/16/18 USC Columbia

07/31/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-24441008/21/18 USC Columbia

09/12/18 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part I PD18-24602010/24/18 USC Columbia

09/13/18 Available Light Portrait Photography PD18-2448510/03/18 USC Columbia

09/13/18 Intro to InDesign PD18-2464509/13/18 USC Columbia

09/18/18 Introduction to Digital Photography PD18-24461310/09/18 USC Columbia

09/27/18 Financial Survival for Retirement PD18-2454410/04/18 USC Columbia

09/28/18 Natural History with Rudy Mancke - Lake Greenwood PD18-25061909/28/18 AT PARK

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2018 EnrollmentMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Carolina Classroom


10/09/18 Photography After Dark - Nighttime Photography PD18-2450010/30/18 USC Columbia

10/23/18 Graphic Design Principles for Everyday PD18-2465210/23/18 USC Columbia

10/25/18 Intro to InDesign PD18-2467310/25/18 USC Columbia

10/26/18 Natural History with Rudy Mancke - Rivers Bridge PD18-25072010/26/18 AT PARK

10/31/18 Intermediate Digital Photography PD18-24511212/12/18 USC Columbia

10/31/18 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part II PD18-24611212/12/18 USC Columbia

11/06/18 Financial Survival for Retirement PD18-2455411/13/18 USC Columbia


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2019 To DateMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Carolina Classroom


01/23/19 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part I PD19-26801002/27/19 USC Columbia

01/28/19 Introduction to Digital Photography PD19-26812002/18/19 USC Columbia

01/31/19 Financial Survival for Retirement PD19-26951402/07/19 USC Columbia

02/07/19 Introduction to Digital Photography PD19-27091102/28/19 USC Columbia

02/07/19 Graphic Design Principles for Everyday PD19-2724802/07/19 USC Columbia

02/12/19 Financial Survival for Retirement PD19-2696702/19/19 USC Columbia

02/21/19 Intro to InDesign PD19-2727602/21/19 USC Columbia

03/04/19 Advanced Digital Photography - How to Shoot With PD19-2702703/25/19 USC Columbia

03/06/19 Intermediate Digital Photography PD19-2704604/10/19 USC Columbia

03/08/19 Natural History with Rudy Mancke - Congaree National PD19-27692303/08/19 AT PARK

03/11/19 American Sign Language for Beginners, Part I PD19-26901704/15/19 USC Columbia


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FY18/19 EnrollmentMarch 15, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Professional Education


07/09/18 Paralegal Certificate Program - ONLINE PE18-24832012/19/18 ONLINE

07/09/18 Grant Writing Certificate PE18-25381707/13/18 USC Columbia

07/16/18 Grant Writing Certificate - ONLINE PE18-2474707/27/18 ONLINE

07/16/18 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - ONLINE PE18-2478708/10/18 ONLINE

09/08/18 Paralegal Certificate Program PE18-24811502/23/19 USC Columbia

09/10/18 Grant Writing Certificate - ONLINE PE18-2476809/21/18 ONLINE

09/27/18 GFOA - Financial Planning and Budgeting PE18-25933410/03/18 USC Campus

09/13/18 GFOA Full Program PE18-25983004/03/19 USC Campus

09/17/18 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - USC Columbia PE18-2480809/21/18 USC Columbia

09/17/18 Project Management Fundamentals PE18-2486809/18/18 USC Columbia

09/24/18 Project Management Certificate PE18-24922409/27/18 USC Columbia

10/01/18 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - ONLINE PE18-2603310/26/18 ONLINE

10/05/18 Grant Writing Certificate PE18-2499711/16/18 USC Columbia

10/05/18 Introduction to Grant Writing PE18-2500910/05/18 USC Columbia

10/18/18 GFOA - Capital Planning and Forecasting PE18-25943410/19/18 USC Campus

10/18/18 PMP 5th to 6th Edition Gap Training PE18-26004 USC Columbia

10/19/18 Needs Based Assessment & Research PE18-2501810/19/18 USC Columbia

10/22/18 Paralegal Certificate Program - ONLINE PE18-24841704/10/19 ONLINE

11/05/18 Project Management Certificate - ONLINE PE18-2488812/07/18 ONLINE

11/05/18 Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate - USC Columbia PE18-2533312/07/18 ONLINE

11/08/18 Intermediate Grant Writing PE18-2502911/09/18 USC Columbia

11/14/18 GFOA Exam I - Financial Planning and Budgeting PE18-25832711/14/18 USC CAMPUS

11/14/18 GFOA Exam II - Capital Planning and Forecasting PE18-25853011/14/18 USC Campus

11/14/18 GFOA Exam III - Financial Management PE18-2587811/14/18 USC Campus

11/13/18 GFOA Exam IV - Governmental Accounting PE18-2589611/13/18 USC Campus

11/13/18 GFOA Exam V - Financial Reporting and Auditing PE18-2591911/13/18 USC Campus

11/14/18 GFOA Exam I - Financial Planning and Budgeting PE18-2583311/14/18 USC CAMPUS

11/14/18 GFOA Exam II - Capital Planning and Forecasting PE18-2585111/14/18 USC Campus

11/14/18 GFOA Exam III - Financial Management PE18-2587211/14/18 USC Campus

11/16/18 Program Development & Evaluation PE18-2503911/16/18 USC Columbia

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FY18/19 EnrollmentMarch 15, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Professional Education


11/16/18 Program Development & Evaluation PE18-2503111/16/18 USC Columbia

11/26/18 Project Management Certificate PE18-24931311/29/18 USC Columbia

12/06/18 GFOA - Financial Management PE18-25953512/07/18 USC Campus

12/06/18 PMP 5th to 6th Edition Gap Training PE18-26020 USC Columbia

02/01/19 GFOA - Governmental Accounting PE19-25963403/08/19 USC Campus

01/28/19 Project Management Fundamentals PE19-26641901/29/19 USC Columbia

01/28/19 Paralegal Certificate Program - Online PE19-26671907/17/19 ONLINE

02/01/19 GFOA - Governmental Accounting PE19-2596203/08/19 USC Campus

02/04/19 Project Management Certificate PE19-26651602/07/19 USC Columbia

02/04/19 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - ONLINE PE19-2674703/01/19 ONLINE

02/08/19 Grant Writing Certificate PE19-26681403/22/19 USC Columbia

03/27/19 GFOA - Financial Reporting and Auditing PE19-25973404/03/19 USC Campus

04/08/19 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - USC Columbia PE19-2661504/12/19 USC Columbia

04/08/19 Project Management Certificate PE19-2762704/11/19 USC Columbia

04/15/19 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - ONLINE PE19-2759105/10/19 ONLINE

04/22/19 Grant Writing Certificate PE19-2717304/26/19 USC Columbia

04/27/19 Paralegal Certificate Program PE19-2659710/19/19 USC Columbia

05/06/19 Grant Writing Certificate - ONLINE PE19-2660205/17/19 ONLINE

05/06/19 Project Management Certificate - ONLINE PE19-2720005/31/19 ONLINE

05/13/19 GFOA Exam I - Financial Planning and Budgeting PE19-2584405/13/19 USC CAMPUS

05/13/19 GFOA Exam II - Capital Planning and Forecasting PE19-2586105/13/19 USC Campus

05/13/19 GFOA Exam III - Financial Management PE19-25883405/13/19 USC Campus

05/14/19 GFOA Exam IV - Governmental Accounting PE19-25903905/14/19 USC Campus

05/14/19 GFOA Exam V - Financial Reporting and Auditing PE19-25923705/14/19 USC Campus

06/10/19 Project Management Fundamentals PE19-2767406/11/19 USC Columbia

06/17/19 Project Management Certificate PE19-2763106/20/19 USC Columbia


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2019 To DateMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Professional Education


01/28/19 Project Management Fundamentals PE19-26641901/29/19 USC Columbia

01/28/19 Paralegal Certificate Program - Online PE19-26671907/17/19 ONLINE

02/01/19 GFOA - Governmental Accounting PE19-25963603/08/19 USC Campus

02/04/19 Project Management Certificate PE19-26651602/07/19 USC Columbia

02/04/19 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - ONLINE PE19-2674703/01/19 ONLINE

02/08/19 Grant Writing Certificate PE19-26681403/22/19 USC Columbia


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2018 EnrollmentMarch 18, 2019


Continuing Education and Conferences

Pre-University Programs

AA18-1001 Ancient Greek Mythology 03/03/1817

AA18-1002 Careers in Health Sciences 03/03/1816

AA18-1003 Bulls and Bears: Understanding Today's Stock Market 03/03/1816

AA18-1004 3D Printing & Prosthesis 03/03/1816

AA18-1005 Neuroscience-Let's Explore the Brain 04/21/1816

AA18-1006 Cartoon U! 04/21/1818

AA18-1007 Creative Writing 04/21/1816

CMS18-1000 Adventures in Graphic/Digital Design 06/10/1817

CMS18-1001 Adventures in Forensic Science 06/10/1820

CMS18-1002 Adventures in Vex Robotics 06/10/1820

CMS18-1003 Adventures for Women in Engineering 06/10/180

CMS18-1004 Adventures in Creative Writing 06/17/1813

CMS18-1005 Adventures in Engineering 06/17/1820

CMS18-1006 Adventures in Forensic Science 06/17/1818

CMS18-1007 Adventures in Pharmacy 06/17/1820

CMS18-1008 Adventures in Aerospace 06/24/1820

CMS18-1009 Adventures in Computer Gaming 06/24/1820

CMS18-1011 Adventures in Law 06/24/1820

CMS18-1012 Adventures in Business: Entrepreneurship 07/08/1815

CMS18-1013 Adventures in Extraordinary Chemistry for Extraordinary Lives 07/08/1812

CMS18-1014 Adventures in Computer Gaming 07/08/1815

CMS18-1015 Adventures in Medicine: Ultrasound 07/08/1820

CMS18-1016 Adventures in Extraordinary Chemistry for Extraordinary Lives 07/15/1816

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2018 EnrollmentMarch 18, 2019


Continuing Education and Conferences

Pre-University Programs

CMS18-1017 Adventures in Information Technology 07/15/1820

AA18-1008 Ancient Greek Mythology 12/01/1815

AA18-1009 Pre-Algebra Rules with Equation Games 12/01/1815

AA18-1010 Minding my Mood and Mental Health 12/01/182

AA18-1015 3D Printing & Prosthesis 12/01/1816

AA18-1011 Cartoon U! 12/08/1810

AA18-1012 Learn to make a Wind Turbine Station using Legos 12/08/1816

AA18-1013 Enter the World of Acting 12/08/1812

AA18-1014 Neuroscience-Let's Explore the Brain 12/08/1816


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2019 to DateMarch 18, 2019


Continuing Education and Conferences

Pre-University Programs

AA19-1000 CSI-Crime Boot Camp 02/09/1917

AA19-1001 International Cuisine 02/09/1913

AA19-1002 Creative Writing 02/09/195

AA19-1003 VEX IQ 02/09/1911


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2018 EnrollmentMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Test Preparation Programs


01/10/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2515002/05/18 ONLINE

01/11/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2516102/06/18 ONLINE

01/16/18 LSAT Test Prep Program PD18-25101402/06/18 USC Columbia

01/30/18 GRE Test Prep Program PD18-2543802/22/18 Room 583 Close

02/01/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2527102/27/18 ONLINE

02/04/18 SAT Blitz PD18-25202202/25/18 USC Columbia

02/08/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2539203/06/18 ONLINE

02/12/18 GRE Test Prep Program PD18-2508703/07/18 USC Columbia

03/04/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2540304/29/18 ONLINE

03/13/18 GMAT Test Prep-Online PD18-2524204/05/18 ONLINE

03/27/18 LSAT Test Prep Program PD18-25111204/26/18 USC Columbia

04/02/18 ACT Spring Break Institute at USC Columbia PD18-2525004/05/18 USC Columbia

04/18/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2529105/14/18 ONLINE

04/29/18 SAT Blitz PD18-25211905/20/18 USC Columbia

05/03/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2519606/05/18 ONLINE

05/08/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2542205/31/18 ONLINE

05/15/18 LSAT Test Prep Program PD18-25121806/07/18 USC Columbia

06/04/18 GRE Test Prep Program PD18-2509806/27/18 USC Columbia

06/04/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2557106/27/18 ONLINE

06/05/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2558206/28/18 ONLINE

06/11/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2544507/18/18 ONLINE

06/12/18 LSAT Test Prep Program PD18-25131507/19/18 USC Columbia

06/12/18 ACT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2567207/12/18 ONLINE

06/18/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2559207/18/18 ONLINE

07/09/18 ACT Summer Institute at USC-Columbia PD18-25301207/12/18 USC Columbia

07/10/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2545108/09/18 ONLINE

07/11/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2571108/06/18 ONLINE

07/16/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2560208/08/18 ONLINE

07/17/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2561508/09/18 ONLINE

07/23/18 SAT Summer Institute at USC-Columbia PD18-25311807/26/18 USC Columbia

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2018 EnrollmentMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Test Preparation Programs


07/26/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2572408/21/18 ONLINE

07/30/18 SAT Summer Institute at USC-Columbia PD18-25322708/02/18 USC Columbia

08/02/18 LSAT Test Prep Program PD18-25141309/04/18 USC Columbia

08/08/18 ACT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2568109/05/18 ONLINE

08/14/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2547309/06/18 ONLINE

09/05/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2573410/01/18 ONLINE

09/09/18 SAT Blitz PD18-25762609/30/18 USC Columbia

09/12/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2562310/08/18 ONLINE

09/13/18 GMAT Test Prep-Online PD18-2553310/09/18 ONLINE

09/13/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2563110/09/18 ONLINE

09/23/18 ACT Weekend Columbia Class PD18-25781410/14/18 USC Columbia

09/25/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2564110/18/18 ONLINE

09/26/18 GRE Test Prep Program PD18-2579710/24/18 USC Columbia

09/27/18 ACT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2569110/23/18 ONLINE

10/03/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2574210/29/18 ONLINE

10/04/18 LSAT Test Prep Program PD18-25802311/06/18 USC Columbia

10/10/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2548311/12/18 ONLINE

10/11/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2549111/13/18 ONLINE

10/23/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2565011/15/18 ONLINE

10/28/18 SAT Blitz PD18-25771911/18/18 USC Columbia

10/31/18 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2575111/28/18 ONLINE

11/07/18 GRE Test Prep Program PD18-2581012/05/18 USC Columbia

11/27/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2566212/20/18 ONLINE

12/11/18 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2550401/22/19 ONLINE

12/18/18 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD18-2658501/17/19 ONLINE


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2019 To DateMarch 18, 2019

Continuing Education and Conferences

Test Preparation Programs


01/03/19 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2605301/24/19 ONLINE

01/07/19 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2606101/23/19 ONLINE

01/10/19 ACT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2604302/05/19 ONLINE

01/24/19 GMAT Test Prep-Online PD19-2613102/19/19 ONLINE

02/05/19 GRE Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2622302/28/19 ONLINE

02/06/19 GRE Test Prep Program PD19-2676503/04/19 USC Columbia

02/07/19 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2650503/05/19 ONLINE

02/10/19 SAT Blitz PD19-26772303/03/19 USC Columbia

02/14/19 LSAT Test Prep Program PD19-26781003/26/19 USC Columbia

02/20/19 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2607203/25/19 ONLINE

02/21/19 LSAT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2608103/26/19 ONLINE

03/03/19 SAT Test Prep Program-Online PD19-2651204/28/18 ONLINE

03/16/19 ACT Weekend Columbia Class PD19-2736004/06/19 USC Columbia


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CEU Annual Report2018




NC18-7503 39Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8377 45Cosmetology 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8378 64Cosmetology 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-8379 33Cosmetology 04/29/18 04/29/18.6

NC18-8380 24Cosmetology 08/26/18 08/26/18.6

NC18-8381 59Instructor 09/22/18 09/23/181.2

NC18-8382 60Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8383 71Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8384 57Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8385 59Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8386 89Cosmetology 11/18/18 11/18/18.6


NC18-7483 2Nail Technician Online 01/03/18 01/05/18.6

NC18-7495 1Cosmetology Online 01/08/18 01/08/18.6

NC18-7494 2Nail Technician Online 01/09/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-7508 6Cosmetology Online 01/12/18 01/20/18.6

NC18-7506 118Cosmetology 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-7507 58Nail Technician 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-9060 8Cosmetology Online 01/14/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-9059 6Nail Technician Online 01/17/18 01/26/18.6

NC18-8359 145Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6


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CEU Annual Report2018



NC18-8360 94Nail Technician 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-9083 4Cosmetology Online 01/26/18 02/09/18.6

NC18-8361 162Cosmetology 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8362 93Nail Technician 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-9084 5Nail Technician Online 02/01/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-9104 16Cosmetology Online 02/06/18 02/27/18.6

NC18-9103 13Nail Technician Online 02/10/18 02/27/18.6

NC18-9126 4Nail Technician Online 02/19/18 03/08/18.6

NC18-9127 18Cosmetology Online 02/20/18 03/08/18.6

NC18-9152 9Cosmetology Online 03/06/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-9154 3Nail Technician Online 03/09/18 03/13/18.6

NC18-9171 3Nail Technician Online 03/12/18 03/25/18.6

NC18-9172 3Cosmetology Online 03/18/18 03/25/18.6

NC18-9183 5Cosmetology Online 03/26/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-9184 3Nail Technician Online 03/30/18 04/04/18.6

NC18-9196 5Cosmetology Online 04/09/18 04/22/18.6

NC18-9197 4Nail Technician Online 04/10/18 04/17/18.6

NC18-8363 250Cosmetology 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8364 68Nail Technician 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-9209 5Nail Technician Online 04/19/18 04/30/18.6

NC18-9210 7Cosmetology Online 04/23/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-9221 4Cosmetology Online 05/09/18 05/18/18.6

NC18-9222 2Nail Technician Online 05/09/18 05/18/18.6

NC18-9236 4Nail Technician Online 05/23/18 06/06/18.6


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NC18-9237 4Cosmetology Online 05/24/18 06/06/18.6

NC18-9250 1Cosmetology Online 06/12/18 06/14/18.6

NC18-9251 1Nail Technician Online 06/12/18 06/12/18.6

NC18-9259 12Nail Technician Online 06/19/18 07/08/18.6

NC18-9260 4Cosmetology Online 06/25/18 07/08/18.6

NC18-9278 4Nail Technician Online 06/27/18 07/22/18.6

NC18-9277 5Cosmetology Online 07/02/18 07/22/18.6

NC18-9292 5Nail Technician Online 07/14/18 08/05/18.6

NC18-9293 4Cosmetology Online 07/14/18 08/05/18.6

NC18-9318 3Cosmetology Online 08/06/18 08/17/18.6

NC18-9319 10Nail Technician Online 08/06/18 08/13/18.6

NC18-9339 6Cosmetology Online 08/11/18 08/28/18.6

NC18-9338 6Nail Technician Online 08/20/18 08/30/18.6

NC18-9352 13Nail Technician Online 09/03/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-9351 9Cosmetology Online 09/06/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-9366 8Nail Technician Online 09/14/18 09/29/18.6

NC18-9367 7Cosmetology Online 09/14/18 09/29/18.6

NC18-9382 14Nail Technician Online 09/20/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-9383 14Cosmetology Online 09/20/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8367 174Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8368 97Nail Technician 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8369 317Cosmetology 09/30/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-8370 100Nail Technician 09/30/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-8371 179Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6


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NC18-8372 50Nail Technician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-9405 12Nail Technician Online 10/09/18 10/27/18.6

NC18-8373 220Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8374 95Nail Technician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-9406 20Cosmetology Online 10/15/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-9426 11Nail Technician Online 10/25/18 11/09/18.6

NC18-8375 274Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-9425 15Cosmetology Online 10/30/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-9455 24Cosmetology Online 11/01/18 11/24/18.6

NC18-9454 12Nail Technician Online 11/10/18 11/24/18.6

NC18-9487 56Cosmetology Online 11/11/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-9488 16Nail Technician Online 11/16/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-9525 111Cosmetology Online 11/26/18 12/31/18.6

NC18-9526 36Nail Technician Online 11/27/18 12/31/18.6

NC18-9502 13Nail Technician Online 11/28/18 12/15/18.6

NC18-9503 31Cosmetology Online 11/28/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8365 229Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8366 59Nail Technician 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC19-9554 7Nail Technician Online 12/12/18 01/07/19.6

NC19-9555 44Cosmetology Online 12/12/18 01/07/19.6

NC19-0629 147Cosmetology Online 12/29/18 01/22/19.6

COS024 Carolina College of Cosmetology

NC18-8811 39Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6


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NC18-8826 54Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8838 61Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8844 52Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

COS025 Betty Stevens Cosmetology Institute

NC18-8814 31Esthetician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8821 39Nail Technician 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8825 88Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8832 78Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8837 223Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8843 170Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

COS027 Greenville Technical College

NC18-9485 90Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

COS029 LeGrand Institute of Cosmetology

NC18-9340 122Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-9341 111Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

COS031 Academy of Hair Technology

NC18-7513 124Nail Technician 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-7512 18Esthetician 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8794 13Cosmetology 02/04/18 02/04/18.6


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NC18-8795 79Nail Technician 02/11/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-8797 25Esthetician 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8799 97Nail Technician 05/20/18 05/20/18.6

NC18-8802 88Nail Technician 08/19/18 08/19/18.6

NC18-8803 36Cosmetology 09/16/18 09/16/18.6

NC18-8816 107Nail Technician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8823 60Esthetician 10/21/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-8829 101Nail Technician 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8834 82Esthetician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8835 101Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8846 24Esthetician 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8849 104Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

COS032 Aiken School of Cosmetology

NC18-7515 40Nail Technician 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-9069 1Cosmetology Online 02/03/18 02/03/18.6

NC18-9086 1Cosmetology Online 02/09/18 02/09/18.6

NC18-9093 1Nail Technician Online 02/20/18 02/21/18.6

NC18-9105 2Cosmetology Online 02/27/18 02/27/18.6

NC18-9122 2Cosmetology Online 03/07/18 03/07/18.6

NC18-9128 2Nail Technician Online 03/09/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9137 1Nail Technician Online 03/10/18 03/11/18.6

NC18-9138 1Esthetician Online 03/10/18 03/10/18.6

NC18-9139 1Cosmetology Online 03/10/18 03/10/18.6


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NC18-9168 1Nail Technician Online 03/16/18 03/16/18.6

NC18-9182 1Nail Technician Online 04/01/18 04/01/18.6

NC18-9252 1Nail Technician Online 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-9205 1Nail Technician Online 04/29/18 04/29/18.6

NC18-9211 1Nail Technician Online 05/04/18 05/04/18.6

NC18-9219 1Nail Technician Online 05/09/18 05/09/18.6

NC18-8804 77Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8805 34Nail Technician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-9407 1Cosmetology Online 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8824 97Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8830 46Nail Technician 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-9434 1Cosmetology Online 11/13/18 11/13/18.6

NC18-9465 1Cosmetology Online 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-9466 1Esthetician Online 11/22/18 11/22/18.6

NC18-9481 2Cosmetology Online 11/28/18 11/29/18.6

NC18-8836 100Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8841 50Nail Technician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8847 48Esthetician 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC19-9544 6Cosmetology Online 12/26/18 01/02/19.6

COS033 Strand College of Hair Design

NC18-9372 3Instructor 09/23/18 09/24/181.2

NC18-9342 24Cosmetology 10/21/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-9343 16Nail Technician 11/11/18 11/11/18.6


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COS034 Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology

NC18-8345 68Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8346 72Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8347 50Nail Technician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8348 40Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8343 43Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8349 75Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8350 47Esthetician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8344 50Instructor 11/03/18 11/04/181.2

NC18-8351 47Nail Technician 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8352 73Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8353 47Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8354 77Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8342 46Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8355 394Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8356 229Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8357 313Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8358 50Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

COS035 Sumter Beauty College

NC18-8807 32Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8813 33Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8819 27Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6


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NC18-8828 40Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8833 45Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8845 49Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

COS037 Charleston Cosmetology Institute

NC18-9056 1Nail Technician Online 01/18/18 01/18/18.6

NC18-8792 34Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8793 50Nail Technician 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-9085 2Cosmetology Online 02/01/18 02/12/18.6

NC18-9094 1Cosmetology Online 02/08/18 02/22/18.6

NC18-9095 2Esthetician Online 02/08/18 02/20/18.6

NC18-9107 2Cosmetology Online 02/22/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-9129 6Cosmetology Online 02/27/18 03/07/18.6

NC18-9148 1Esthetician Online 02/28/18 03/13/18.6

NC18-9130 1Nail Technician Online 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-9131 1Esthetician Online 03/07/18 03/07/18.6

NC18-9149 1Cosmetology Online 03/09/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9283 1Esthetician Online 03/17/18 07/21/18.6

NC18-9190 1Nail Technician Online 04/02/18 04/06/18.6

NC18-8796 51Cosmetology 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8798 56Nail Technician 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8800 51Cosmetology 06/10/18 06/10/18.6

NC18-8801 58Nail Technician 06/10/18 06/10/18.6

NC18-9369 6Cosmetology Online 09/17/18 09/28/18.6


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NC18-9368 6Esthetician Online 09/18/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-9370 4Nail Technician Online 09/18/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8806 85Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8808 98Nail Technician 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-9409 1Esthetician Online 10/02/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-9399 6Cosmetology Online 10/03/18 10/24/18.6

NC18-9514 9Cosmetology Online 10/03/18 12/18/18.6

NC18-8812 91Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8815 52Esthetician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8817 91Nail Technician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-9398 6Nail Technician Online 10/14/18 10/24/18.6

NC18-8818 76Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8820 33Esthetician 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8822 58Nail Technician 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-9400 3Esthetician Online 10/15/18 10/25/18.6

NC18-9411 3Nail Technician Online 10/17/18 10/30/18.6

NC18-9410 3Cosmetology Online 10/26/18 10/30/18.6

NC18-9437 1Nail Technician Online 10/27/18 11/07/18.6

NC18-9438 7Cosmetology Online 10/30/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8827 120Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8831 95Nail Technician 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-9483 2Esthetician Online 11/11/18 12/02/18.6

NC19-9581 20Cosmetology Online 11/12/18 01/09/19.6

NC18-9482 9Cosmetology Online 11/18/18 12/03/18.6


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NC18-9484 2Nail Technician Online 11/20/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-9512 5Nail Technician Online 11/24/18 12/12/18.6

NC18-8839 89Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8840 48Esthetician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8842 91Nail Technician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC19-0769 5Nail Technician Online 12/03/18 02/19/19.6

NC18-9513 3Esthetician Online 12/09/18 12/18/18.6

NC18-8848 141Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8850 85Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC19-9580 6Nail Technician Online 12/18/18 01/09/19.6

NC19-0784 10Cosmetology Online 12/18/18 02/27/19.6

NC19-0856 53Cosmetology Online 12/31/18 03/07/19.6


NC18-7504 12Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8871 19Cosmetology 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8872 19Cosmetology 04/22/18 04/22/18.6

NC18-8873 29Cosmetology 08/12/18 08/12/18.6

NC18-8874 25Cosmetology 08/26/18 08/26/18.6

NC18-8875 4Instructor 09/16/18 09/16/181.2

NC18-8876 2Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8877 23Nail Technician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8878 3Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-8879 24Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6


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NC18-8880 9Nail Technician 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8881 22Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8882 25Instructor 12/16/18 12/16/181.2


NC18-8809 49Instructor 09/29/18 09/30/181.2

NC18-8810 46Instructor 09/30/18 09/30/181.2

COS055 Hickory Mart Shows (NC)

NC18-9447 54Esthetician 11/10/18 11/10/18.6

NC18-9448 54Esthetician 11/10/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-9449 3Cosmetology 11/10/18 11/10/18.6

NC18-9450 3Cosmetology 11/10/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-9452 8Cosmetology 11/10/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-9453 65Esthetician 11/10/18 11/11/18.6

COS064 SC Professional Barbers & Cosmetology Association

NC18-7490 1Cosmetology Online 01/01/18 01/15/18.6

COS074 The Beauty Industry Group

NC18-7520 25Cosmetology 01/07/18 01/07/18.6

NC18-8402 18Cosmetology 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-8406 22Nail Technician 02/04/18 02/04/18.6


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NC18-8407 17Cosmetology 02/05/18 02/05/18.6

NC18-8408 9Cosmetology 02/11/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-9102 8Cosmetology 02/12/18 02/12/18.6

NC18-8409 17Cosmetology 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8411 4Instructor 03/25/18 03/25/181.2

NC18-8412 62Cosmetology 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-8414 14Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8415 13Cosmetology 06/11/18 06/11/18.6

NC18-8416 8Nail Technician 06/17/18 06/17/18.6

NC18-8417 15Cosmetology 07/30/18 07/30/18.6

NC18-8418 5Cosmetology 08/05/18 08/06/18.6

NC18-8420 19Cosmetology 08/27/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-8421 36Cosmetology 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8422 19Cosmetology 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8423 80Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8424 22Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8425 46Cosmetology 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8426 44Instructor 12/02/18 12/02/181.2

NC18-9500 30Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8427 95Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8428 7Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8429 44Instructor 12/16/18 12/16/181.2

NC18-9530 21Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8430 112Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6


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NC18-8431 23Instructor 12/30/18 12/30/181.2

NC18-9595 42Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6

NC18-8433 24Cosmetology 12/31/18 12/31/18.6

COS093 Hair Matters

NC18-8533 12Nail Technician 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8534 17Nail Technician 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8535 10Instructor 02/26/18 02/26/181.2

NC18-8536 10Cosmetology 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-9295 4Cosmetology 08/05/18 08/05/18.6

NC18-8538 23Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8539 15Instructor 12/02/18 12/02/181.2

NC18-9511 30Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8537 25Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

NC18-9546 27Nail Technician 12/30/18 12/30/18.6

NC18-9547 22Cosmetology 12/31/18 12/31/18.6

COS094 Advanced Association of Cosmetology

NC18-7510 16Nail Technician 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-8320 7Cosmetology 01/22/18 01/22/18.6

NC18-8321 21Cosmetology 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8322 16Cosmetology 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-8323 23Esthetician 08/06/18 08/06/18.6

NC18-8324 15Cosmetology 09/24/18 09/24/18.6


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NC18-8325 10Instructor 10/28/18 10/29/181.2

NC18-8326 52Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8327 25Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8328 47Esthetician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8329 70Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8331 55Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8332 145Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

NC18-9545 52Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6

COS105 Vontae's Advance Training

NC18-8923 6Cosmetology 02/05/18 02/05/18.6

NC18-8925 14Cosmetology 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-8926 3Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-9255 16Cosmetology 06/25/18 06/25/18.6

NC18-8928 13Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-8929 12Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

COS110 Hair Heirs

NC18-9153 7Nail Technician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-9155 15Cosmetology 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-9157 10Nail Technician 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-9158 13Instructor 10/14/18 10/15/181.2

NC18-9159 42Nail Technician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-9160 15Instructor 10/29/18 10/29/181.2


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NC18-9156 14Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-9161 46Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-9162 16Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-9163 14Nail Technician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-9164 32Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-9165 32Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

COS112 Jolei's Hair Institute

NC18-8610 2Cosmetology 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8611 5Cosmetology 02/18/18 02/18/18.6

NC18-8612 2Cosmetology 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8613 43Cosmetology 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8619 1Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8620 6Cosmetology 06/10/18 06/10/18.6

NC18-8621 3Cosmetology 06/11/18 06/11/18.6

NC18-8622 3Cosmetology 06/24/18 06/24/18.6

NC18-8623 3Cosmetology 06/25/18 06/25/18.6

NC18-8624 3Cosmetology 07/22/18 07/22/18.6

NC18-8625 2Cosmetology 09/16/18 09/16/18.6

NC18-9384 5Cosmetology 09/30/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-8627 5Cosmetology 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8626 37Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8628 21Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-8629 4Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6


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NC18-9501 54Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-8630 11Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8631 18Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8632 11Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-8633 66Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8634 7Instructor 12/16/18 12/17/181.2

NC18-8636 41Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

COS116 A Buty-Ful "U" Cosmetology Association

NC18-8312 8Cosmetology 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8313 16Nail Technician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8314 5Cosmetology 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8315 4Cosmetology 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8316 24Instructor 10/27/18 10/28/181.2

NC18-8317 23Cosmetology 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8318 11Nail Technician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8319 33Cosmetology 12/02/18 ?.6

COS123 Cosmetic Arts Institute

NC18-7516 6Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8982 5Cosmetology 02/04/18 02/04/18.6

NC18-8983 6Cosmetology 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8984 17Cosmetology 04/22/18 04/22/18.6

NC18-8986 20Cosmetology 08/27/18 08/27/18.6


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NC18-8987 9Cosmetology 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-8988 8Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8989 25Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-8990 17Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8991 28Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-8992 24Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8993 40Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

COS127 B & T Hair Group

NC18-8387 5Esthetician 04/30/18 04/30/18.6

NC18-8389 7Esthetician 08/27/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-8390 15Cosmetology 08/27/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-8391 13Cosmetology 09/16/18 09/16/18.6

NC18-8392 9Cosmetology 09/17/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-8393 10Esthetician 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8394 24Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8395 12Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8396 11Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-8397 24Cosmetology 11/26/18 11/26/18.6

NC18-8398 21Esthetician 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8399 22Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-8400 18Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

NC18-8401 34Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


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COS128 CE Training Courses, INC

NC18-9445 3Esthetician Online 01/10/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-9079 1Esthetician Online 01/21/18 02/02/18.6

NC18-9118 4Instructor Online 01/31/18 03/05/181.2

NC18-9226 1Esthetician Online 02/02/18 05/16/18.6

NC18-9376 1Esthetician Online 02/02/18 09/28/18.6

NC18-9346 16Cosmetology Online 02/05/18 09/12/18.6

NC19-0626 50Cosmetology Online 02/05/18 01/20/19.6

NC19-0848 167Cosmetology Online 02/05/18 03/06/19.6

NC18-9080 1Nail Technician Online 02/07/18 02/08/18.6

NC19-0628 7Esthetician Online 02/14/18 01/20/19.6

NC19-9528 258Cosmetology Online 02/15/18 01/01/19.6

NC18-9147 1Cosmetology Online 02/19/18 02/28/18.6

NC19-9527 27Esthetician Online 02/21/18 01/01/19.6

NC18-8472 192Cosmetology 02/26/18 02/26/18.6

NC18-8473 16Esthetician 02/26/18 02/26/18.6

NC18-8474 4Nail Technician 02/26/18 02/26/18.6

NC18-9117 1Nail Technician Online 02/26/18 03/01/18.6

NC18-9469 24Cosmetology Online 02/26/18 11/27/18.6

NC19-9591 96Cosmetology Online 02/26/18 01/13/19.6

NC19-9592 21Esthetician Online 02/26/18 01/13/19.6

NC18-8475 2Instructor 03/05/18 03/05/181.2

NC18-9216 1Cosmetology Online 03/07/18 03/08/18.6

NC18-9146 2Esthetician Online 03/11/18 03/13/18.6


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NC18-9175 1Nail Technician Online 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-9359 2Instructor Online 03/20/18 08/31/181.2

NC18-9174 2Esthetician Online 03/21/18 03/27/18.6

NC18-9191 1Nail Technician Online 04/11/18 04/12/18.6

NC18-9199 1Esthetician Online 04/13/18 04/15/18.6

NC19-0901 40Cosmetology Online 04/19/18 03/13/19.6

NC18-9378 28Cosmetology Online 04/23/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-9475 1Esthetician Online 04/27/18 11/30/18.6

NC18-9227 2Nail Technician Online 05/17/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-9290 3Esthetician Online 05/18/18 07/29/18.6

NC18-9249 3Esthetician Online 05/28/18 06/15/18.6

NC18-9257 6Cosmetology Online 05/28/18 07/07/18.6

NC18-9234 3Nail Technician Online 05/30/18 06/08/18.6

NC18-9235 3Esthetician Online 05/31/18 06/10/18.6

NC19-0627 6Nail Technician Online 06/02/18 01/18/19.6

NC18-9247 2Nail Technician Online 06/11/18 06/12/18.6

NC18-9272 3Nail Technician Online 07/12/18 07/17/18.6

NC18-9289 1Nail Technician Online 07/29/18 07/30/18.6

NC19-0724 16Esthetician Online 08/07/18 02/16/19.6

NC18-9331 2Esthetician Online 08/11/18 08/20/18.6

NC18-8476 205Cosmetology 08/13/18 08/13/18.6

NC18-9333 1Nail Technician Online 08/22/18 08/23/18.6

NC18-9394 3Nail Technician Online 09/01/18 10/22/18.6

NC18-9345 5Esthetician Online 09/04/18 09/12/18.6


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NC18-9344 2Nail Technician Online 09/09/18 09/12/18.6

NC18-9468 5Esthetician Online 09/19/18 11/27/18.6

NC19-0872 206Cosmetology Online 09/21/18 03/10/19.6

NC18-9377 4Nail Technician Online 09/25/18 09/27/18.6

NC19-0874 20Esthetician Online 10/09/18 03/10/19.6

NC18-9421 5Nail Technician Online 10/11/18 11/06/18.6

NC18-8480 145Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-9422 5Esthetician Online 10/18/18 11/02/18.6

NC18-8477 428Cosmetology 10/21/18 10/22/18.6

NC18-8478 6Esthetician 10/21/18 10/22/18.6

NC18-8479 6Nail Technician 10/21/18 10/22/18.6

NC18-9446 3Nail Technician Online 10/31/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-9510 1Nail Technician Online 11/06/18 12/17/18.6

NC18-9467 1Nail Technician Online 11/26/18 11/26/18.6

NC18-9498 2Nail Technician Online 12/08/18 12/11/18.6

NC18-9536 6Nail Technician Online 12/20/18 12/30/18.6

NC19-0802 52Esthetician Online 12/27/18 03/03/19.6

COS130 Professional Continuing Education Services (PCES)

NC18-9188 4Nail Technician Online 01/02/18 02/27/18.6

NC18-9218 10Nail Technician Online 01/02/18 04/15/18.6

NC19-0641 57Cosmetology Online 01/06/18 01/28/19.6

NC18-9082 3Esthetician Online 01/10/18 01/27/18.6

NC18-9215 5Esthetician Online 01/10/18 04/23/18.6


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NC18-9077 1Cosmetology Online 01/11/18 01/11/18.6

NC18-9337 1Esthetician Online 01/11/18 08/31/18.6

NC18-9096 4Cosmetology Online 01/12/18 02/02/18.6

NC18-9480 13Nail Technician Online 01/17/18 12/02/18.6

NC19-0643 40Nail Technician Online 01/17/18 01/28/19.6

NC18-9414 28Nail Technician Online 01/22/18 11/02/18.6

NC18-9241 23Nail Technician Online 02/08/18 05/29/18.6

NC18-9240 28Cosmetology Online 02/13/18 05/29/18.6

NC19-0903 1Cosmetology Online 02/24/18 03/06/19.6

NC19-0816 3Esthetician Online 02/27/18 02/27/19.6

NC18-9125 1Nail Technician Online 03/03/18 03/03/18.6

NC18-9242 9Esthetician Online 03/05/18 05/25/18.6

NC18-9297 7Esthetician Online 03/05/18 07/20/18.6

NC19-0664 2Esthetician Online 03/07/18 01/31/19.6

NC19-0663 65Cosmetology Online 03/22/18 02/01/19.6

NC18-9232 1Cosmetology Online 05/23/18 05/26/18.6

NC18-9262 2Cosmetology Online 05/24/18 06/11/18.6

NC18-9316 2Cosmetology Online 06/01/18 07/20/18.6

NC18-9263 3Nail Technician Online 06/02/18 06/27/18.6

NC18-9364 4Nail Technician Online 06/05/18 09/20/18.6

NC18-9299 20Cosmetology Online 06/13/18 07/31/18.6

NC18-9264 2Esthetician Online 06/19/18 06/28/18.6

NC18-9397 10Nail Technician Online 06/19/18 10/23/18.6

NC18-9298 5Nail Technician Online 07/19/18 07/20/18.6


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NC18-9520 16Esthetician Online 07/19/18 12/20/18.6

NC18-9374 15Cosmetology Online 07/25/18 10/02/18.6

NC18-9439 29Nail Technician Online 07/25/18 11/13/18.6

NC18-9317 5Nail Technician Online 08/01/18 08/12/18.6

NC19-9598 23Esthetician Online 08/06/18 01/15/19.6

NC18-9335 3Nail Technician Online 08/21/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-9336 2Cosmetology Online 08/22/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-9349 4Nail Technician Online 08/28/18 09/06/18.6

NC18-9347 3Esthetician Online 08/30/18 09/06/18.6

NC19-0703 73Cosmetology Online 08/30/18 02/11/19.6

NC18-9412 9Esthetician Online 09/03/18 11/02/18.6

NC18-9348 3Cosmetology Online 09/07/18 09/07/18.6

NC18-8765 39Cosmetology 09/09/18 09/09/18.6

NC18-9375 30Nail Technician Online 09/09/18 10/03/18.6

NC19-0815 43Cosmetology Online 09/10/18 03/01/19.6

NC18-9373 9Esthetician Online 09/15/18 10/02/18.6

NC18-9494 32Nail Technician Online 09/16/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-9395 5Cosmetology Online 09/17/18 10/23/18.6

NC18-9388 5Cosmetology Online 09/27/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-9386 7Nail Technician Online 10/02/18 10/10/18.6

NC18-9459 19Nail Technician Online 10/02/18 11/20/18.6

NC18-9457 22Cosmetology Online 10/09/18 11/22/18.6

NC18-9518 36Cosmetology Online 10/10/18 12/20/18.6

NC19-9597 45Nail Technician Online 10/17/18 01/16/19.6


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NC18-9458 8Esthetician Online 10/28/18 11/21/18.6

NC18-9440 13Esthetician Online 10/31/18 11/10/18.6

NC18-9441 19Cosmetology Online 10/31/18 11/10/18.6

NC19-9542 118Cosmetology Online 11/05/18 01/02/19.6

NC19-0767 49Esthetician Online 11/11/18 02/21/19.6

NC19-0897 33Cosmetology Online 11/13/18 03/08/19.6

NC19-0898 10Esthetician Online 11/13/18 03/08/19.6

NC18-9496 7Esthetician Online 11/24/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-9476 1Esthetician Online 11/28/18 11/28/18.6

NC19-9540 29Esthetician Online 11/28/18 01/01/19.6

NC18-9519 24Nail Technician Online 12/07/18 12/20/18.6

NC19-0766 156Cosmetology Online 12/08/18 02/21/19.6

NC19-0701 22Esthetician Online 12/10/18 02/10/19.6

NC19-9541 35Nail Technician Online 12/17/18 01/03/19.6

NC19-0702 19Nail Technician Online 12/18/18 02/10/19.6

NC19-0726 1Nail Technician Online 12/18/18 02/18/19.6

COS135 Southeastern Esthetics Institute LLC

NC18-7496 6Esthetician 01/15/18 01/15/18.6

NC18-8891 2Esthetician 01/29/18 01/29/18.6

NC18-8892 2Cosmetology 01/29/18 01/29/18.6

NC18-8893 16Esthetician 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8894 4Cosmetology 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8897 2Esthetician 03/26/18 03/26/18.6


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NC18-8899 6Esthetician 04/09/18 04/09/18.6

NC18-8900 17Esthetician 04/30/18 04/30/18.6

NC18-8901 3Esthetician 05/07/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-8902 3Cosmetology 05/07/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-8903 9Esthetician 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8904 6Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8905 15Esthetician 06/18/18 06/18/18.6

NC18-8906 4Cosmetology 06/18/18 06/18/18.6

NC18-8907 4Esthetician 07/16/18 07/16/18.6

NC18-8909 15Esthetician 08/06/18 08/06/18.6

NC18-8911 8Cosmetology 08/20/18 08/20/18.6

NC18-8914 3Esthetician 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-8916 18Esthetician 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-9424 17Esthetician 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8917 3Esthetician 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-8918 3Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-8919 14Esthetician 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8920 2Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8921 10Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-8922 18Esthetician 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

COS136 Q & A Cosmetology Association

NC18-8781 12Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-8786 11Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6


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NC18-8787 4Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8788 13Cosmetology 12/31/18 12/31/18.6

COS137 Pampered Beauty

NC18-8726 16Cosmetology 01/22/18 01/22/18.6

NC18-8728 50Nail Technician 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8729 5Cosmetology 03/05/18 03/05/18.6

NC18-8730 39Nail Technician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8731 10Nail Technician 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-8732 1Nail Technician 03/26/18 03/26/18.6

NC18-8733 4Cosmetology 04/09/18 04/09/18.6

NC18-8734 4Nail Technician 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8735 5Nail Technician 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-8736 11Esthetician 05/13/18 05/13/18.6

NC18-8737 19Nail Technician 05/20/18 05/20/18.6

NC18-8738 11Nail Technician 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8739 4Cosmetology 06/18/18 06/18/18.6

NC18-8740 26Nail Technician 06/24/18 06/24/18.6

NC18-8741 6Nail Technician 06/25/18 06/25/18.6

NC18-9314 14Nail Technician 07/29/18 07/29/18.6

NC18-8742 7Nail Technician 07/30/18 07/30/18.6

NC18-8744 16Nail Technician 09/16/18 09/16/18.6

NC18-8745 39Nail Technician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8746 14Esthetician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6


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NC18-8747 7Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8748 18Nail Technician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8749 8Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8750 42Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8751 11Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-8752 14Esthetician 11/25/18 11/25/18.6

NC18-8753 20Nail Technician 11/26/18 11/26/18.6

NC18-8754 8Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-9531 17Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-9577 12Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6


NC18-8300 31Cosmetology 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-8301 31Cosmetology 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8302 46Cosmetology 06/24/18 06/24/18.6

NC18-8303 32Cosmetology 08/20/18 08/20/18.6

NC18-8304 38Cosmetology 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-8305 28Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8306 34Instructor 10/21/18 10/21/181.2

NC18-8307 38Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8308 39Nail Technician 11/26/18 11/26/18.6

NC18-8309 39Esthetician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8310 111Cosmetology 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8311 136Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6


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NC19-0861 11Cosmetology Online 02/17/18 03/07/19.6

NC18-9141 3Cosmetology Online 02/23/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9186 1Cosmetology Online 04/05/18 04/05/18.6

NC18-9245 1Cosmetology Online 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-9261 1Cosmetology Online 07/09/18 07/09/18.6

NC18-9282 1Cosmetology Online 07/24/18 07/24/18.6

NC18-8483 208Cosmetology 09/17/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-9417 1Cosmetology Online 10/31/18 11/08/18.6

NC18-9416 2Cosmetology Online 11/01/18 11/03/18.6

NC19-0652 10Cosmetology Online 11/04/18 01/30/19.6

NC18-8484 115Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-9451 1Cosmetology Online 11/19/18 11/19/18.6

NC18-9486 2Cosmetology Online 11/26/18 12/04/18.6

NC19-0795 15Cosmetology Online 12/01/18 03/03/19.6

NC18-8485 118Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8486 131Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-9521 4Cosmetology Online 12/10/18 12/27/18.6

NC19-0678 3Cosmetology Online 12/14/18 02/05/19.6

NC19-9535 7Cosmetology Online 12/26/18 01/01/19.6

NC19-9585 7Cosmetology Online 12/30/18 01/09/19.6


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NC18-9061 4Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-9070 3Cosmetology 02/04/18 02/04/18.6

NC18-9071 4Cosmetology 02/18/18 02/18/18.6

NC18-9072 6Cosmetology 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-9073 2Cosmetology 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-9385 5Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-9432 8Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-9433 22Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-9470 35Cosmetology 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-9471 61Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-9571 40Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


NC18-7511 2Nail Technician 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8582 5Nail Technician 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8583 5Nail Technician 02/04/18 02/04/18.6

NC18-8584 3Nail Technician 02/11/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-8585 6Nail Technician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8586 9Nail Technician 03/25/18 03/25/18.6

NC18-8587 1Nail Technician 04/22/18 04/22/18.6

NC18-8588 2Nail Technician 04/29/18 04/29/18.6

NC18-8589 1Nail Technician 05/20/18 05/20/18.6


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NC18-8591 8Nail Technician 06/24/18 06/24/18.6

NC18-8594 3Nail Technician 08/19/18 08/19/18.6

NC18-8595 2Nail Technician 08/26/18 08/26/18.6

NC18-8598 12Nail Technician 09/30/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-8601 7Nail Technician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8602 5Nail Technician 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8603 6Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8605 4Nail Technician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-9599 24Nail Technician 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


NC18-7500 1Cosmetology Online 01/03/18 01/18/18.6

NC18-7501 2Esthetician Online 01/03/18 01/18/18.6

NC18-7523 8Nail Technician 01/07/18 01/07/18.6

NC18-9097 1Esthetician Online 01/24/18 02/10/18.6

NC18-9099 4Nail Technician Online 01/24/18 02/05/18.6

NC18-9100 2Cosmetology Online 01/24/18 01/31/18.6

NC18-9111 6Nail Technician Online 02/17/18 03/02/18.6

NC18-9110 4Nail Technician Online 02/18/18 03/01/18.6

NC18-9144 16Cosmetology Online 02/18/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9113 7Esthetician Online 02/24/18 03/03/18.6

NC18-9145 6Nail Technician Online 02/25/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9143 4Esthetician Online 03/01/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-9112 1Esthetician Online 03/03/18 03/05/18.6


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NC18-8648 76Nail Technician 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-9179 2Esthetician Online 03/09/18 03/10/18.6

NC18-9180 8Nail Technician Online 03/09/18 04/06/18.6

NC18-9178 2Cosmetology Online 03/16/18 04/01/18.6

NC18-9200 1Nail Technician Online 04/09/18 04/21/18.6

NC18-9201 5Nail Technician Online 04/09/18 04/21/18.6

NC18-8649 97Nail Technician 05/06/18 05/06/18.6

NC18-9243 3Nail Technician Online 05/14/18 05/31/18.6

NC18-9244 3Cosmetology Online 05/14/18 06/01/18.6

NC18-8650 54Nail Technician 06/10/18 06/10/18.6

NC18-8651 33Nail Technician 06/11/18 06/11/18.6

NC18-9254 2Cosmetology Online 06/11/18 06/27/18.6

NC18-9265 2Cosmetology Online 06/25/18 07/04/18.6

NC18-9266 2Esthetician Online 06/25/18 07/03/18.6

NC18-9267 15Nail Technician Online 06/25/18 07/11/18.6

NC18-9269 1Nail Technician Online 07/12/18 07/15/18.6

NC18-8653 20Esthetician 07/15/18 07/15/18.6

NC18-8654 49Nail Technician 07/15/18 07/15/18.6

NC18-8656 17Nail Technician 08/05/18 08/05/18.6

NC18-9327 9Nail Technician Online 08/06/18 08/24/18.6

NC18-9328 6Cosmetology Online 08/06/18 08/24/18.6

NC18-9329 5Esthetician Online 08/06/18 08/21/18.6

NC18-9358 8Esthetician Online 08/20/18 08/31/18.6

NC18-9360 22Nail Technician Online 08/20/18 09/18/18.6


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NC18-8658 78Nail Technician 08/26/18 08/26/18.6

NC18-8660 38Nail Technician 09/09/18 09/09/18.6

NC18-9356 1Cosmetology Online 09/18/18 09/18/18.6

NC18-9390 4Nail Technician Online 10/04/18 10/16/18.6

NC18-9391 3Esthetician Online 10/04/18 10/16/18.6

NC18-8662 5Nail Technician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8664 42Nail Technician 10/21/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-9462 21Nail Technician Online 10/24/18 11/09/18.6

NC18-9463 5Cosmetology Online 10/24/18 11/09/18.6

NC18-9464 7Esthetician Online 10/24/18 11/09/18.6

NC18-8665 78Nail Technician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8666 39Esthetician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8668 88Nail Technician 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8669 24Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8670 33Nail Technician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8671 82Nail Technician 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8672 39Esthetician 12/09/18 12/09/18.6

NC18-8673 28Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8674 24Nail Technician 12/23/18 12/23/18.6

NC19-9556 15Esthetician Online 12/23/18 01/06/19.6

NC19-9557 25Cosmetology Online 12/23/18 01/06/19.6

NC19-9558 48Nail Technician Online 12/23/18 01/06/19.6

NC18-8675 29Nail Technician 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


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NC18-8679 5Cosmetology 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8680 3Nail Technician 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8681 2Esthetician 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8683 3Nail Technician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8684 14Esthetician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8686 4Nail Technician 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8687 15Esthetician 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8688 6Cosmetology 05/07/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-8689 1Nail Technician 05/07/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-8690 9Esthetician 05/07/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-8691 11Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8692 17Nail Technician 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8693 18Esthetician 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8700 8Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8702 7Esthetician 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8703 1Cosmetology 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8704 1Nail Technician 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8705 1Esthetician 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8709 19Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8711 9Esthetician 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8712 21Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-8713 1Nail Technician 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-8714 46Esthetician 12/10/18 12/10/18.6


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NC18-8715 17Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8716 21Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8717 45Esthetician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

COS157 Allegiance Cosmetology Association

NC18-8333 9Cosmetology 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-8334 3Cosmetology 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8335 6Cosmetology 09/17/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-8336 6Cosmetology 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-8337 18Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8338 33Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-8339 15Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8340 13Instructor 12/09/18 12/10/181.2

NC18-8341 14Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

COS158 Coastal Advance Esthetic Education

NC18-8487 6Esthetician 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8488 2Esthetician 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8489 12Esthetician 02/04/18 02/04/18.6

NC18-8490 12Esthetician 02/11/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-8491 4Esthetician 02/18/18 02/18/18.6

NC18-8492 11Esthetician 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-8493 9Esthetician 03/11/18 03/11/18.6

NC18-8494 7Esthetician 03/18/18 03/18/18.6


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NC18-8495 7Esthetician 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-8496 5Esthetician 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8497 3Esthetician 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8498 13Esthetician 06/11/18 06/11/18.6

NC18-9270 11Esthetician 06/24/18 06/24/18.6

NC18-9330 7Esthetician 08/13/18 08/13/18.6

NC18-8499 27Esthetician 09/30/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-8500 14Esthetician 10/01/18 10/01/18.6

NC18-8501 10Esthetician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8502 14Esthetician 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8503 2Esthetician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8504 23Esthetician 10/21/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-8505 36Esthetician 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8506 32Esthetician 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8507 25Esthetician 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8508 49Esthetician 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

COS159 Keep Calm & Renew

NC18-8640 8Nail Technician 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-8641 9Esthetician 05/06/18 05/06/18.6

NC18-8642 3Instructor 08/26/18 08/27/181.2

NC18-8645 13Nail Technician 09/16/18 09/16/18.6

NC18-8646 25Esthetician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6


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COS160 Project I.C.O.N

NC18-8768 2Cosmetology 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8769 7Instructor 03/04/18 03/04/181.2

COS162 Touch of Joy Organization

NC18-9169 6Cosmetology 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-9223 5Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-9224 19Cosmetology 09/17/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-9225 15Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

COS163 World Educators of Cosmetology

NC18-8975 5Cosmetology 04/29/18 04/29/18.6

NC18-8978 6Instructor 10/14/18 10/14/181.2

NC18-8981 30Nail Technician 12/16/18 12/16/18.6


NC18-7502 4Cosmetology 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-7522 5Cosmetology 01/22/18 01/22/18.6

NC18-8434 8Nail Technician 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8435 2Cosmetology 02/12/18 02/12/18.6

NC18-8436 21Nail Technician 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8437 1Cosmetology 03/11/18 03/11/18.6

NC18-8438 2Cosmetology 03/19/18 03/19/18.6


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NC18-8439 5Nail Technician 03/25/18 03/25/18.6

NC18-8440 6Cosmetology 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8441 13Nail Technician 04/29/18 04/29/18.6

NC18-8444 1Instructor 06/04/18 06/04/181.2

NC18-8445 1Cosmetology 06/10/18 06/10/18.6

NC18-8446 8Nail Technician 06/24/18 06/24/18.6

NC18-8447 5Cosmetology 07/15/18 07/15/18.6

NC18-8448 2Nail Technician 07/29/18 07/29/18.6

NC18-8449 3Cosmetology 08/06/18 08/06/18.6

NC18-8453 11Nail Technician 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8454 4Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8455 31Nail Technician 10/21/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-8456 3Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8457 17Cosmetology 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8458 40Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-8459 10Instructor 12/03/18 12/03/181.2


NC18-8558 4Cosmetology 01/21/18 01/21/18.6

NC18-8559 3Cosmetology 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8560 4Cosmetology 02/17/18 02/17/18.6

NC18-8561 15Cosmetology 02/25/18 02/25/18.6

NC18-8562 1Cosmetology 03/11/18 03/11/18.6

NC18-8563 5Cosmetology 03/31/18 03/31/18.6


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NC18-8564 1Cosmetology 04/15/18 04/15/18.6

NC18-8566 4Cosmetology 05/20/18 05/20/18.6

NC18-8569 3Cosmetology 07/08/18 07/08/18.6

NC18-8570 3Cosmetology 07/29/18 07/29/18.6

NC18-8575 5Cosmetology 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8576 6Cosmetology 10/21/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-8577 2Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8578 8Cosmetology 11/25/18 11/25/18.6

NC18-8580 4Cosmetology 12/23/18 12/23/18.6

NC18-8581 16Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


NC18-7519 13Cosmetology 01/14/18 01/14/18.6

NC18-7509 11Cosmetology 01/15/18 01/15/18.6

NC18-8945 8Cosmetology 02/11/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-8946 17Cosmetology 02/12/18 02/12/18.6

NC18-8947 12Cosmetology 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-8948 26Cosmetology 03/05/18 03/05/18.6

NC18-8949 12Cosmetology 04/02/18 04/02/18.6

NC18-8950 11Cosmetology 04/03/18 04/03/18.6

NC18-8951 5Cosmetology 05/20/18 05/20/18.6

NC18-8952 4Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8953 6Cosmetology 06/18/18 06/18/18.6

NC18-8954 2Cosmetology 06/19/18 06/19/18.6


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NC18-8955 7Cosmetology 07/01/18 07/01/18.6

NC18-8956 2Cosmetology 07/02/18 07/02/18.6

NC18-8957 10Cosmetology 08/05/18 08/05/18.6

NC18-8958 5Cosmetology 08/06/18 08/06/18.6

NC18-8960 8Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8961 6Cosmetology 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-8962 12Cosmetology 09/30/18 09/30/18.6

NC18-8963 9Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8964 10Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-8965 17Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8967 4Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8968 15Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8970 39Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8974 74Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


NC18-7505 1Nail Technician Online 01/06/18 01/08/18.6

NC18-9108 3Nail Technician Online 02/14/18 02/20/18.6

NC18-9119 3Nail Technician Online 03/01/18 03/06/18.6

NC18-9170 1Nail Technician Online 03/08/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9194 1Nail Technician Online 04/03/18 04/04/18.6

NC18-8789 11Nail Technician 06/10/18 06/10/18.6

NC18-9246 2Nail Technician Online 06/12/18 06/13/18.6

NC18-9253 3Nail Technician Online 06/24/18 06/26/18.6


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NC18-9284 1Nail Technician Online 07/26/18 07/26/18.6

NC18-9288 1Nail Technician Online 07/29/18 07/29/18.6

NC18-9315 1Nail Technician Online 08/19/18 08/19/18.6

NC18-8790 15Nail Technician 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-9418 3Nail Technician Online 10/31/18 11/11/18.6


NC18-8720 2Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8718 6Esthetician 10/06/18 10/06/18.6

NC18-8722 8Esthetician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8723 6Cosmetology 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8724 3Cosmetology 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8725 5Nail Technician 10/15/18 10/15/18.6


NC18-8930 7Cosmetology 04/08/18 04/08/18.6

NC18-8931 9Cosmetology 05/27/18 05/27/18.6

NC18-8933 15Cosmetology 10/01/18 10/01/18.6

NC18-8934 16Esthetician 10/07/18 10/07/18.6

NC18-8935 33Cosmetology 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8936 10Esthetician 10/14/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-8937 20Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8938 54Cosmetology 12/02/18 12/02/18.6

NC18-8939 14Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6


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NC18-9534 47Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6

COS177 C Williams CEU Training

NC18-7488 4Cosmetology 01/07/18 01/07/18.6

NC18-7497 3Instructor 01/14/18 01/15/181.2

NC18-7521 3Cosmetology 01/22/18 01/22/18.6

NC18-8462 8Cosmetology 02/12/18 02/12/18.6

NC18-8463 9Cosmetology 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8464 18Cosmetology 02/26/18 02/26/18.6

NC18-8465 9Cosmetology 03/05/18 03/05/18.6

NC18-8466 1Cosmetology 03/11/18 03/11/18.6

NC18-8467 2Instructor 03/18/18 03/19/181.2

NC18-8468 1Cosmetology 04/02/18 04/02/18.6

NC18-8470 1Cosmetology 05/13/18 05/13/18.6

COS178 Educate Inspire Motivate Cosmetology Association

NC18-8521 5Cosmetology 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8524 2Cosmetology 08/05/18 08/05/18.6

NC18-8525 1Cosmetology 09/23/18 09/23/18.6

NC18-8526 3Instructor 10/28/18 10/29/181.2

NC18-8527 5Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-8528 11Instructor 12/02/18 12/03/181.2

NC18-8529 15Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8530 11Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6


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NC18-9276 8Nail Technician Online 03/09/18 06/22/18.6

NC18-9402 9Cosmetology Online 08/13/18 10/23/18.6

NC18-9435 2Nail Technician Online 08/13/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-9401 5Nail Technician Online 08/22/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-9403 4Esthetician Online 10/01/18 10/20/18.6

NC18-9436 5Cosmetology Online 10/17/18 11/07/18.6

NC18-9491 1Esthetician Online 10/29/18 11/16/18.6

NC18-9493 2Nail Technician Online 11/05/18 11/17/18.6

NC18-9489 2Cosmetology Online 11/10/18 11/29/18.6

NC18-9517 5Nail Technician Online 11/14/18 12/12/18.6

NC18-9587 4Esthetician Online 11/14/18 12/31/18.6

NC18-9589 1Nail Technician Online 11/14/18 12/04/18.6

NC18-9516 10Cosmetology Online 11/29/18 12/20/18.6

NC19-9586 23Cosmetology Online 12/03/18 01/11/19.6

NC18-9515 2Esthetician Online 12/08/18 12/11/18.6

NC18-9588 1Nail Technician Online 12/29/18 12/30/18.6

NC19-0865 25Cosmetology Online 12/31/18 03/07/19.6


NC18-8509 4Cosmetology 01/28/18 01/28/18.6

NC18-8510 4Cosmetology 02/19/18 02/19/18.6

NC18-8511 3Cosmetology 04/02/18 04/02/18.6


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NC18-8512 6Cosmetology 10/28/18 10/28/18.6

NC18-8513 7Cosmetology 11/04/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-9533 15Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6


NC18-8540 1Cosmetology 03/18/18 03/18/18.6

NC18-8541 79Cosmetology 03/26/18 03/26/18.6

NC18-8542 24Cosmetology 04/09/18 04/09/18.6

NC18-8543 24Cosmetology 04/23/18 04/23/18.6

NC18-8544 5Cosmetology 05/07/18 05/07/18.6

NC18-8545 3Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8546 2Cosmetology 06/03/18 06/03/18.6

NC18-8551 7Cosmetology 11/11/18 11/11/18.6

NC18-8550 4Cosmetology 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-8552 14Instructor 12/02/18 12/02/181.2

NC18-8553 13Instructor 12/09/18 12/09/181.2

NC18-9478 18Cosmetology 12/16/18 12/16/18.6

NC18-8557 21Instructor 12/17/18 12/17/181.2

COS182 Premier Online Education

NC18-9065 2Nail Technician Online 01/24/18 01/25/18.6

NC18-9142 1Cosmetology Online 01/30/18 02/27/18.6

NC19-0785 1Instructor Online 02/04/18 02/27/191.2

NC18-9075 1Esthetician Online 02/05/18 02/07/18.6


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NC19-0711 9Instructor Online 02/06/18 02/12/191.2

NC18-9088 1Nail Technician Online 02/07/18 02/10/18.6

NC18-9092 2Cosmetology Online 02/07/18 02/11/18.6

NC18-9106 3Cosmetology Online 02/08/18 02/28/18.6

NC18-9089 1Esthetician Online 02/13/18 02/14/18.6

NC18-9120 3Cosmetology Online 02/28/18 03/03/18.6

NC18-9238 1Esthetician Online 03/02/18 06/07/18.6

NC18-9136 3Cosmetology Online 03/04/18 03/09/18.6

NC18-9121 1Nail Technician Online 03/05/18 03/06/18.6

NC18-9151 1Cosmetology Online 03/09/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-9203 1Cosmetology Online 03/23/18 04/24/18.6

NC18-8757 8Cosmetology 03/26/18 03/26/18.6

NC18-9204 2Esthetician Online 04/24/18 04/25/18.6

NC18-9217 2Nail Technician Online 05/09/18 05/11/18.6

NC18-9256 2Cosmetology Online 06/24/18 06/30/18.6

NC18-9408 2Cosmetology Online 06/30/18 10/21/18.6

NC18-9271 1Cosmetology Online 07/02/18 07/10/18.6

NC18-9350 2Cosmetology Online 07/15/18 09/12/18.6

NC18-8762 6Instructor 07/23/18 07/24/181.2

NC18-9296 1Esthetician Online 08/01/18 08/01/18.6

NC18-9313 1Esthetician Online 08/14/18 08/14/18.6

NC18-9357 1Cosmetology Online 08/17/18 09/18/18.6

NC18-9325 2Cosmetology Online 08/18/18 08/19/18.6

NC18-9326 1Esthetician Online 08/20/18 08/21/18.6


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NC18-9379 2Esthetician Online 09/17/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-9380 1Nail Technician Online 09/24/18 09/27/18.6

NC18-9381 2Cosmetology Online 09/27/18 10/14/18.6

NC18-9472 10Cosmetology Online 09/30/18 12/01/18.6

NC18-9419 1Esthetician Online 10/02/18 10/16/18.6

NC19-9552 9Nail Technician Online 10/13/18 01/05/19.6

NC18-9532 8Instructor Online 10/14/18 12/19/181.2

NC18-9543 9Esthetician Online 10/19/18 12/31/18.6

NC18-9461 3Esthetician Online 10/28/18 11/26/18.6

NC18-9420 2Cosmetology Online 10/30/18 11/04/18.6

NC18-9524 8Cosmetology Online 11/04/18 12/27/18.6

NC18-9460 1Cosmetology Online 11/08/18 11/18/18.6

NC18-9538 18Cosmetology Online 11/14/18 12/31/18.6

NC18-8760 4Nail Technician 11/18/18 11/18/18.6

NC19-0638 2Esthetician Online 11/18/18 01/20/19.6

NC18-9473 3Esthetician Online 11/26/18 11/27/18.6

NC18-9522 5Nail Technician Online 11/26/18 12/20/18.6

NC19-9551 5Esthetician Online 11/26/18 01/07/19.6

NC19-9553 4Cosmetology Online 11/26/18 01/05/19.6

NC19-0749 2Cosmetology Online 11/29/18 02/21/19.6

NC18-9523 8Esthetician Online 12/04/18 12/25/18.6

NC18-8758 23Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

NC18-9537 4Nail Technician Online 12/17/18 12/31/18.6

NC18-8764 41Cosmetology 12/30/18 12/30/18.6


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COS184 Cosmetology Professionals of the upstate

NC18-8516 5Cosmetology 08/27/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-8517 8Instructor 09/16/18 09/17/181.2

NC18-8518 8Cosmetology 10/08/18 10/08/18.6

NC18-8519 37Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

COS185 SC Vision Association of Cosmetology

NC18-8883 26Cosmetology 03/04/18 03/04/18.6

NC18-8884 8Cosmetology 04/09/18 04/09/18.6

NC18-8885 1Cosmetology 05/20/18 05/20/18.6

NC18-8886 3Cosmetology 06/11/18 06/11/18.6

NC18-8887 3Cosmetology 09/09/18 09/09/18.6

NC18-8888 12Cosmetology 11/05/18 11/05/18.6

NC18-8889 30Cosmetology 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-8890 34Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

COS186 Upstate of SC Beauty & Barber Association

NC18-8941 33Cosmetology 03/19/18 03/19/18.6

NC18-8942 57Cosmetology 05/21/18 05/21/18.6

NC18-8943 17Cosmetology 09/17/18 09/17/18.6

NC18-8944 75Cosmetology 11/19/18 11/19/18.6


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COS189 Joyful Expressions

NC18-9300 5Cosmetology 08/13/18 08/13/18.6

NC18-9301 7Cosmetology 08/27/18 08/27/18.6

NC18-9302 8Cosmetology 09/10/18 09/10/18.6

NC18-9303 9Cosmetology 09/24/18 09/24/18.6

NC18-9304 13Cosmetology 10/15/18 10/15/18.6

NC18-9306 12Cosmetology 10/29/18 10/29/18.6

NC18-9308 13Cosmetology 11/12/18 11/12/18.6

NC18-9309 11Cosmetology 11/26/18 11/26/18.6

NC18-9310 37Nail Technician 12/03/18 12/03/18.6

NC18-9311 13Cosmetology 12/10/18 12/10/18.6

NC18-9312 31Cosmetology 12/17/18 12/17/18.6

NPR187 South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association (SCIMHA)

NC18-9202 5Raising Emotionally Healthy 05/29/18 05/29/18.3


NC18-9181 5Common Readings: 04/30/18 05/25/181.5

NC18-9239 6Supporting First-Year STEM 07/09/18 08/03/181.5

NC18-9371 5The Bridge to Anywhere: 10/22/18 11/22/181.5

USC054 SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

NC18-7463 6Making a Difference/Making 01/17/18 01/18/181.25


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NC18-9058 6Trauma Informed Care 02/19/18 02/19/18.35

NC18-9087 18Reproductive Health 101 03/09/18 03/09/18.5

NC18-9166 8LGBTQ Inclusivity 04/13/18 04/13/18.3

NC18-9167 6Learn It, Live It, Lead It: 04/18/18 04/18/18.3

NC18-9176 28Becoming an "Ask"able 05/02/18 05/02/18.6

NC18-9212 16Becoming an "Ask"able 05/15/18 05/24/18.6

NC18-9207 11Reproductive Health 101 05/30/18 05/30/18.6

NC18-9268 19Foundations: Core Skills 08/06/18 08/06/18.6

NC18-9285 17Foundations: 08/07/18 08/07/18.6

NC18-9279 13Reproductive Health 101 08/08/18 08/08/18.6

NC18-9280 14Nu-Culture Training of 08/09/18 08/10/181.5

NC18-9354 21Foundations: Core Skills 10/02/18 10/02/18.6

NC18-9353 21Foundations: 10/03/18 10/03/18.6

NC18-9355 21Reproductive Health 101 10/04/18 10/04/18.6

NC18-9389 24Making a Difference/Making 11/07/18 11/08/181.25

NC18-9334 9Roots & Wings Training of 11/09/18 11/09/18.4

NC18-9429 20Nu-Culture Training of 11/29/18 11/30/181.5

NC18-9428 15Draw the Line/Respect the 12/04/18 12/06/181.8

NC18-9442 4SHARP Training of 12/11/18 12/12/181.3

NC18-9443 17Be Proud! Be Responsible! 12/13/18 12/14/18?

USC089 College of Social Work, USC Department

NC18-7468 13Psychopathology for Social 02/15/18 06/15/184.5

NC18-7469 52Psychodiagnostics for Social 02/15/18 06/15/184.5


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NC18-9229 19Psychodiagnostics for Social 07/01/18 11/01/184.5

NC18-9230 12Psychopathology for Social 07/01/18 11/01/184.5

NC19-9361 9Ethics for Social Work 10/01/18 02/01/191.5

NC19-9362 13Psychodiagnostics for Social 10/01/18 02/01/194.5

NC19-9363 6Psychopathology for Social 10/01/18 02/01/194.5

USC144 School of Medicine Genetic Counseling

NC18-7427 16Genetic Counseling: Career 01/08/18 04/01/183

NC18-9275 30Genetic Counseling: Career 08/20/18 11/11/183

USC151 USC-Child Development Research Center

NC18-9274 532018 Champions for Young 08/03/18 08/03/18.5

USC152 Darla Moore School of Business

NC18-9322 5Translating Strategy Into 09/11/18 09/12/181.3

NC18-9323 5Being An Effective Leader 10/23/18 10/24/181.9

NC18-9415 24Translating Strategy Into 11/19/18 12/05/181.3

NC18-9324 5Leading Change 12/04/18 12/05/181.3

USC167 The Center for Child and Family Studies & Institute for Families in

NC18-7332 111Palmetto Coordinated 02/12/18 02/12/18.6

NC18-7331 108Palmetto Coordinated 02/13/18 02/13/18.6


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TOTAL 24,966


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NC19-0047 59Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0048 57Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0049 76Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6


NC19-0630 46Nail Technician Online 01/01/19 01/22/19.6

NC19-0640 29Cosmetology Online 01/13/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0639 14Nail Technician Online 01/15/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0672 46Cosmetology Online 01/16/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0673 16Nail Technician Online 01/19/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0037 190Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0038 243Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0494 49Nail Technician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0495 88Nail Technician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0690 12Nail Technician Online 01/25/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0691 51Cosmetology Online 01/26/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0039 343Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0496 91Nail Technician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0765 82Cosmetology Online 01/28/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0737 130Cosmetology Online 01/31/19 02/20/19.6

NC19-0738 30Nail Technician Online 02/01/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0871 24Nail Technician Online 02/01/19 03/10/19.6


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NC19-0857 12Nail Technician Online 02/06/19 03/08/19.6

NC19-0762 20Nail Technician Online 02/10/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0774 33Cosmetology Online 02/10/19 02/27/19.6

NC19-0775 9Nail Technician Online 02/10/19 02/27/19.6

NC19-0858 36Cosmetology 02/11/19 03/08/19.6

NC19-0836 53Cosmetology Online 02/13/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0870 144Cosmetology Online 02/13/19 03/11/19.6

NC19-0839 10Nail Technician Online 02/16/19 03/07/19.6

NC19-0799 54Cosmetology Online 02/18/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0820 7Nail Technician Online 02/20/19 03/05/19.6

NC19-0837 43Cosmetology Online 02/21/19 03/07/19.6

NC19-0821 38Cosmetology Online 02/24/19 03/05/19.6

NC19-0905 1Nail Technician Online 02/27/19 03/13/19.6

NC19-0800 10Nail Technician Online 02/28/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0838 8Nail Technician Online 03/01/19 03/05/19.6

NC19-0887 14Cosmetology Online 03/04/19 03/13/19.6

NC19-0888 4Nail Technician Online 03/06/19 03/12/19.6

NC19-0904 3Cosmetology Online 03/09/19 03/13/19.6

COS024 Carolina College of Cosmetology

NC19-0131 78Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

COS031 Academy of Hair Technology

NC19-0493 77Nail Technician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6


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NC19-0665 97Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0718 89Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0778 98Esthetician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

COS032 Aiken School of Cosmetology

NC19-9565 15Esthetician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9566 27Nail Technician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9567 57Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9569 1Cosmetology Online 01/08/19 01/08/19.6

NC19-0631 4Cosmetology Online 01/11/19 01/22/19.6

NC19-0650 6Cosmetology Online 01/25/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0651 2Esthetician Online 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0671 3Cosmetology Online 02/01/19 02/02/19.6

NC19-0076 74Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0510 48Nail Technician 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0670 1Nail Technician Online 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0669 1Esthetician Online 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0706 2Nail Technician Online 02/06/19 02/12/19.6

NC19-0707 3Cosmetology Online 02/06/19 02/12/19.6

NC19-0741 8Cosmetology Online 02/13/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0742 1Esthetician Online 02/16/19 02/16/19.6

NC19-0763 2Cosmetology Online 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0764 1Nail Technician Online 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0789 1Esthetician Online 02/28/19 02/28/19.6


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NC19-0790 4Cosmetology Online 02/28/19 02/28/19.6

NC19-0876 19Cosmetology Online 02/28/19 03/07/19.6

NC19-0854 4Esthetician Online 03/04/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0855 3Nail Technician Online 03/04/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0877 4Esthetician Online 03/07/19 03/09/19.6

NC19-0878 20Cosmetology Online 03/07/19 03/10/19.6

NC19-0875 1Nail Technician Online 03/08/19 03/08/19.6

COS033 Strand College of Hair Design

NC19-0251 34Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0746 16Cosmetology 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

COS034 Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology

NC19-0228 84Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

COS035 Sumter Beauty College

NC19-0700 50Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

COS037 Charleston Cosmetology Institute

NC19-9579 5Esthetician Online 01/01/19 01/09/19.6

NC19-9602 7Cosmetology Online 01/10/19 01/14/19.6

NC19-0645 5Esthetician Online 01/14/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0646 2Nail Technician Online 01/17/19 01/26/19.6


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NC19-0644 5Cosmetology Online 01/21/19 01/29/19.6

NC19-0134 131Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0343 35Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0533 72Nail Technician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0792 3Cosmetology Online 01/27/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0683 1Esthetician Online 01/30/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0684 7Cosmetology Online 01/30/19 02/08/19.6

NC19-0712 7Cosmetology Online 01/30/19 02/12/19.6

NC19-0681 1Nail Technician Online 02/03/19 02/06/19.6

NC19-0713 2Nail Technician Online 02/10/19 02/13/19.6

NC19-0852 10Esthetician Online 02/10/19 03/07/19.6

NC19-0759 10Cosmetology Online 02/11/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0758 3Esthetician Online 02/16/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0794 1Esthetician Online 02/21/19 02/28/19.6

NC19-0782 3Nail Technician Online 02/22/19 02/26/19.6

NC19-0776 112Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0777 50Nail Technician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0783 1Esthetician Online 02/24/19 02/26/19.6

NC19-0793 2Nail Technician Online 02/25/19 03/01/19.6

NC19-0907 6Esthetician Online 02/26/19 03/11/19.6

NC19-0853 3Nail Technician Online 03/02/19 03/05/19.6

NC19-0832 76Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0833 30Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0906 24Cosmetology Online 03/04/19 03/10/19.6


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NC19-0908 4Nail Technician Online 03/08/19 03/14/19.6


NC19-0252 21Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0253 7Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0610 17Nail Technician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0254 2Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0255 17Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0256 13Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0611 30Nail Technician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0257 19Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0484 30Instructor 02/24/19 02/24/191.2

NC19-0258 43Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0612 52Nail Technician 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS074 The Beauty Industry Group

NC19-0487 10Instructor 01/20/19 01/20/191.2

NC19-0275 31Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0276 24Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0277 37Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0278 11Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0279 68Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0705 58Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0280 24Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6


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NC19-0281 161Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0282 28Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0283 14Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0781 60Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0823 42Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0824 21Instructor 03/03/19 03/03/191.2

NC19-0284 23Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0285 32Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0822 27Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0286 8Cosmetology 03/11/19 03/11/19.6

COS093 Hair Matters

NC19-9575 9Nail Technician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0196 26Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0574 2Instructor 02/03/19 02/03/191.2

NC19-0692 15Nail Technician 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0810 7Instructor 02/24/19 02/24/191.2

NC19-0791 24Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0844 27Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0812 28Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS094 Advanced Association of Cosmetology

NC19-9570 33Nail Technician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0449 9Instructor 01/20/19 01/21/191.2


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NC19-0058 61Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0332 39Esthetician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0059 61Cosmetology 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

COS105 Vontae's Advance Training

NC19-0316 11Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0317 15Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0318 25Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0319 15Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0320 17Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

COS110 Hair Heirs

NC19-0568 15Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0569 15Nail Technician 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0570 15Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0571 15Nail Technician 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS112 Jolei's Hair Institute

NC19-0633 19Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0658 6Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0743 23Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0744 19Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0745 30Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6


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NC19-0779 10Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0780 27Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0826 47Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0825 16Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS116 A Buty-Ful "U" Cosmetology Association

NC19-0448 7Instructor 01/19/19 01/20/191.2

NC19-0027 6Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0028 23Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0491 14Nail Technician 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0029 5Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0030 40Cosmetology 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0492 12Nail Technician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

COS123 Cosmetic Arts Institute

NC19-0176 50Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0177 39Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0178 23Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS127 B & T Hair Group

NC19-9578 17Cosmetology 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-0084 39Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0085 7Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6


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NC19-0086 9Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

COS128 CE Training Courses, INC

NC19-9590 2Nail Technician Online 01/07/19 01/10/19.6

NC19-0687 11Esthetician Online 01/11/19 02/06/19.6

NC19-0656 11Nail Technician Online 01/24/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0686 4Nail Technician Online 01/31/19 02/07/19.6

NC19-0132 238Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0723 8Nail Technician Online 02/07/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0801 289Cosmetology Online 02/12/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0756 6Esthetician Online 02/17/19 02/20/19.6

NC19-0803 4Nail Technician Online 02/26/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0899 3Esthetician Online 02/26/19 03/11/19.6

NC19-0846 2Nail Technician Online 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0873 2Nail Technician Online 03/09/19 03/10/19.6

NC19-0900 5Nail Technician Online 03/10/19 03/13/19.6

NC19-0688 81Cosmetology Online 03/14/19 02/07/19.6

COS130 Professional Continuing Education Services (PCES)

NC19-0768 41Nail Technician Online 01/06/19 02/21/19.6

NC19-0835 1Nail Technician Online 01/14/19 03/05/19.6

NC19-0725 1Esthetician Online 01/16/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0896 6Nail Technician Online 01/30/19 03/02/19.6

NC19-0249 133Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6


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NC19-0814 5Nail Technician Online 02/27/19 03/01/19.6

NC19-0881 249Cosmetology Online 02/28/19 03/11/19.6

NC19-0883 26Nail Technician Online 02/28/19 03/11/19.6

NC19-0882 57Esthetician Online 03/01/19 03/11/19.6

COS134 JKU Cosmetology Association

NC19-0215 6Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0216 3Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0217 5Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0218 11Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0219 15Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS135 Southeastern Esthetics Institute LLC

NC19-0486 1Instructor 01/17/19 01/18/191.2

NC19-0418 19Esthetician 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0419 18Esthetician 01/22/19 01/22/19.6

NC19-0272 2Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0420 4Esthetician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0421 20Esthetician 01/29/19 01/29/19.6

NC19-0679 9Esthetician 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0680 7Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0728 16Esthetician 02/12/19 02/12/19.6


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COS137 Pampered Beauty

NC19-9600 31Nail Technician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9576 4Cosmetology 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-0415 21Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0596 26Nail Technician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0597 11Nail Technician 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0416 31Esthetician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0598 35Nail Technician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0246 49Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0599 38Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6


NC19-9572 63Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9573 45Cosmetology 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-0489 27Nail Technician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0330 49Esthetician 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0009 38Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0447 18Instructor 01/28/19 01/28/191.2

NC19-0010 49Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0490 35Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0331 53Esthetician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0011 95Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0012 60Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6


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NC19-0013 72Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6


NC19-9539 6Cosmetology Online 01/01/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0750 1Cosmetology Online 02/04/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0751 2Cosmetology Online 02/11/19 02/17/19.6


NC19-9603 20Nail Technician Online 01/07/19 01/17/19.6

NC19-9604 4Esthetician Online 01/07/19 01/17/19.6

NC19-9605 9Cosmetology Online 01/07/19 01/17/19.6

NC19-0635 3Cosmetology Online 01/18/19 01/24/19.6

NC19-0636 1Esthetician Online 01/18/19 01/24/19.6

NC19-0637 8Nail Technician Online 01/18/19 01/24/19.6

NC19-0647 8Nail Technician Online 01/26/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0648 6Esthetician Online 01/26/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0649 1Cosmetology Online 01/26/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0675 3Cosmetology Online 01/31/19 02/05/19.6

NC19-0676 9Nail Technician Online 01/31/19 02/05/19.6

NC19-0677 10Esthetician Online 01/31/19 02/05/19.6

NC19-0753 11Esthetician Online 02/04/19 02/07/19.6

NC19-0754 20Nail Technician Online 02/04/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0755 15Cosmetology Online 02/04/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0579 72Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6


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NC19-0771 6Cosmetology Online 02/16/19 02/20/19.6

NC19-0772 8Esthetician Online 02/16/19 02/22/19.6

NC19-0773 15Nail Technician Online 02/16/19 02/22/19.6

NC19-0817 23Nail Technician Online 02/22/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0818 9Esthetician Online 02/22/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0819 16Cosmetology Online 02/22/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0580 23Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0862 8Nail Technician Online 03/04/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0859 18Cosmetology Online 03/05/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0860 6Esthetician Online 03/05/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0880 11Cosmetology Online 03/06/19 03/09/19.6

NC19-0910 1Esthetician Online 03/07/19 03/07/19.6

NC19-0911 5Cosmetology Online 03/07/19 03/13/19.6

NC19-0893 2Esthetician Online 03/08/19 03/09/19.6

NC19-0894 3Nail Technician Online 03/08/19 03/09/19.6


NC19-0405 13Esthetician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0236 20Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0407 10Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0238 19Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0408 7Esthetician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0694 2Nail Technician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0695 2Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6


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NC19-0696 12Esthetician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0698 3Esthetician 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0699 15Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0733 6Esthetician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0239 30Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0410 6Esthetician 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0240 23Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0411 8Esthetician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0241 16Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0412 10Esthetician 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0242 62Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0413 17Esthetician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0594 18Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0243 15Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0414 4Esthetician 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS157 Allegiance Cosmetology Association

NC19-0077 32Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0079 31Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

COS158 Coastal Advance Esthetic Education

NC19-0465 5Instructor 01/12/19 01/12/191.2

NC19-0372 20Esthetician 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0466 1Instructor 01/19/19 01/19/191.2


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NC19-0373 22Esthetician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0374 4Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0468 11Instructor 01/28/19 01/28/191.2

NC19-0469 10Instructor 02/02/19 02/02/191.2

NC19-0375 24Esthetician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0376 20Esthetician 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0470 14Instructor 02/16/19 02/16/191.2

NC19-0471 2Instructor 02/16/19 02/16/191.2

NC19-0377 25Esthetician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0378 13Esthetician 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0380 23Esthetician 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0381 30Esthetician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0382 24Esthetician 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0383 17Esthetician 03/10/19 03/10/19.6

COS159 Keep Calm & Renew

NC19-9594 2Instructor 01/12/19 01/13/191.2

NC19-0402 4Esthetician 01/26/19 01/26/19.6

NC19-0226 27Cosmetology 02/09/19 02/09/19.6

NC19-0227 22Cosmetology 02/16/19 02/16/19.6

COS162 Touch of Joy Organization

NC19-0297 18Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0298 41Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6


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NC19-0299 79Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS163 World Educators of Cosmetology

NC19-0327 10Cosmetology 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0328 9Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0488 15Instructor 03/03/19 03/03/191.2

NC19-0329 10Cosmetology 03/10/19 03/10/19.6


NC19-0088 13Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0511 34Nail Technician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0089 13Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0512 40Nail Technician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0090 40Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0091 17Cosmetology 03/10/19 03/10/19.6


NC19-9601 11Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0202 5Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0203 3Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0204 14Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6


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NC19-0321 35Cosmetology 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0322 46Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0323 39Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0324 52Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0325 65Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6


NC19-9583 2Nail Technician Online 01/02/19 01/05/19.6

NC19-0752 3Nail Technician Online 02/06/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0761 1Cosmetology Online 02/19/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0797 1Nail Technician Online 02/27/19 02/27/19.6

NC19-0834 3Nail Technician Online 03/04/19 03/05/19.6


NC19-0657 10Cosmetology Online 01/21/19 01/31/19.6

NC19-0734 7Cosmetology Online 01/25/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0689 3Cosmetology Online 02/01/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0674 11Esthetician 02/02/19 02/02/19.6

NC19-0729 3Cosmetology Online 02/10/19 02/14/19.6

NC19-0740 18Esthetician 02/16/19 02/16/19.6

NC19-0739 22Cosmetology 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0840 23Cosmetology Online 02/22/19 03/05/19.6


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NC19-0884 8Cosmetology Online 03/03/19 03/10/19.6


NC19-9564 32Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0440 15Esthetician 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0441 15Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0442 42Esthetician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0618 3Nail Technician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0443 44Esthetician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0619 7Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0306 14Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0307 15Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0444 62Esthetician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0620 2Nail Technician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0309 14Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0845 61Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

COS177 C Williams CEU Training

NC19-9574 4Cosmetology 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-0109 5Cosmetology 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0110 8Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0111 14Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0112 12Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0523 10Nail Technician 02/18/19 02/18/19.6


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NC19-0452 9Instructor 02/25/19 02/25/191.2

NC19-0113 23Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

COS178 Educate Inspire Motivate Cosmetology Association

NC19-0477 18Instructor 01/20/19 01/20/191.2

NC19-0183 7Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0827 5Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0828 10Esthetician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6


NC19-0864 7Esthetician Online 01/02/19 03/07/19.6

NC19-0731 24Cosmetology Online 01/06/19 02/14/19.6

NC19-0732 4Esthetician Online 01/06/19 02/14/19.6

NC19-0850 15Cosmetology Online 01/11/19 02/28/19.6

NC19-0851 9Esthetician Online 01/14/19 02/28/19.6

NC19-0730 3Nail Technician Online 01/25/19 02/13/19.6

NC19-0849 3Nail Technician Online 02/20/19 02/28/19.6

NC19-0866 1Nail Technician Online 03/04/19 03/05/19.6

COS182 Premier Online Education

NC19-9584 2Esthetician Online 01/03/19 01/11/19.6

NC19-0709 12Cosmetology Online 01/13/19 02/12/19.6

NC19-0625 2Cosmetology Online 01/16/19 01/18/19.6


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NC19-0710 5Esthetician Online 01/16/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0666 5Nail Technician Online 01/18/19 02/02/19.6

NC19-0667 2Cosmetology Online 01/20/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0842 6Esthetician Online 01/24/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0735 4Cosmetology Online 01/29/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0841 15Cosmetology Online 01/29/19 03/06/19.6

NC19-0720 3Nail Technician Online 02/08/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0721 1Esthetician Online 02/08/19 02/14/19.6

NC19-0868 7Esthetician Online 02/09/19 03/09/19.6

NC19-0786 2Esthetician Online 02/17/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0748 1Nail Technician Online 02/18/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0760 1Esthetician Online 02/18/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0787 1Nail Technician Online 02/18/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0788 1Cosmetology Online 02/18/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0607 15Nail Technician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0843 4Nail Technician Online 02/25/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0869 23Cosmetology Online 02/27/19 03/10/19.6

NC19-0250 40Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0885 3Cosmetology Online 03/08/19 03/10/19.6

NC19-0886 2Esthetician Online 03/08/19 03/10/19.6

COS185 SC Vision Association of Cosmetology

NC19-0267 11Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0268 50Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6


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COS189 Joyful Expressions

NC19-0575 25Nail Technician 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0222 15Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0576 9Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0223 45Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0224 46Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0225 42Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0577 32Nail Technician 03/11/19 03/11/19.6


NC19-0000 7Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0001 15Cosmetology 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

COS194 affirm wellness: international beauty institute

NC19-0065 14Cosmetology 01/26/19 01/26/19.6

NC19-0334 19Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0066 8Cosmetology 02/23/19 02/23/19.6


NC19-0804 8Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0805 3Esthetician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0806 7Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6


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NC19-0807 2Esthetician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0808 7Nail Technician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0809 9Cosmetology 02/17/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0829 2Esthetician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0830 12Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0831 7Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0912 18Cosmetology 03/10/19 03/10/19.6


NC19-0103 15Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0104 39Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6


NC19-0454 6Instructor 01/05/19 01/05/191.2

NC19-0121 14Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0624 10Cosmetology 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-0529 2Nail Technician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6

NC19-0122 5Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0339 20Esthetician 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0455 10Instructor 02/09/19 02/10/191.2

NC19-0123 42Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

NC19-0340 22Esthetician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6


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NC19-9560 4Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9561 1Esthetician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9568 6Nail Technician 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-9562 3Nail Technician 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-9563 2Cosmetology 01/07/19 01/07/19.6

NC19-0137 6Cosmetology 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0346 1Esthetician 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0536 2Nail Technician 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0458 1Instructor 01/20/19 01/21/191.2

NC19-0138 13Cosmetology 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0347 4Esthetician 01/27/19 01/27/19.6

NC19-0139 2Cosmetology 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0348 1Esthetician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0538 3Nail Technician 01/28/19 01/28/19.6

NC19-0140 10Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0539 11Nail Technician 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0141 3Cosmetology 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0350 3Esthetician 02/04/19 02/04/19.6

NC19-0142 3Cosmetology 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0541 3Nail Technician 02/10/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0143 6Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0542 2Nail Technician 02/11/19 02/11/19.6

NC19-0459 7Instructor 02/17/19 02/18/191.2


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NC19-0144 16Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0543 15Nail Technician 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0145 5Cosmetology 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0354 5Esthetician 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0544 5Nail Technician 02/25/19 02/25/19.6

NC19-0146 6Cosmetology 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0355 4Esthetician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0545 5Nail Technician 03/03/19 03/03/19.6

NC19-0147 15Cosmetology 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0356 3Esthetician 03/04/19 03/04/19.6

NC19-0148 16Cosmetology 03/10/19 03/10/19.6

NC19-0357 1Esthetician 03/10/19 03/10/19.6

NC19-0547 5Nail Technician 03/10/19 03/10/19.6


NC19-9559 33Cosmetology 01/06/19 01/06/19.6

NC19-0623 4Cosmetology Online 01/08/19 01/15/19.6

NC19-9582 1Cosmetology Online 01/09/19 01/09/19.6

NC19-0634 4Cosmetology Online 01/20/19 01/26/19.6

NC19-0668 4Cosmetology Online 01/31/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0693 9Cosmetology Online 01/31/19 02/10/19.6

NC19-0736 9Cosmetology Online 02/01/19 02/19/19.6

NC19-0770 21Cosmetology Online 02/02/19 02/26/19.6

NC19-0185 68Cosmetology 02/03/19 02/03/19.6


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NC19-0719 10Cosmetology Online 02/12/19 02/17/19.6

NC19-0796 23Cosmetology Online 02/19/19 03/02/19.6

NC19-0186 66Cosmetology 02/24/19 02/24/19.6

NC19-0867 81Cosmetology Online 02/26/19 03/09/19.6

NC19-0895 31Cosmetology Online 02/27/19 03/12/19.6


NC19-0863 10Cosmetology 01/20/19 01/20/19.6


NC19-0584 12Nail Technician 01/20/19 01/20/19.6


NC19-0704 14Cosmetology 02/11/19 02/11/19.6


NC19-0436 27Esthetician 01/13/19 01/13/19.6

NC19-0613 20Nail Technician 02/03/19 02/03/19.6

NC19-0437 33Esthetician 02/17/19 02/17/19.6


NC19-0811 5Cosmetology 02/18/19 02/18/19.6


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COS206 The Esthetic Learning Center

NC19-0422 16Esthetician 01/21/19 01/21/19.6

NC19-0424 18Esthetician 02/18/19 02/18/19.6

USC054 SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

NC19-9505 22Foundations: Core Skills 01/15/19 01/15/19.6

NC19-9504 19Foundations: 01/16/19 01/16/19.6

NC19-9507 19Reproductive Health 101 01/17/19 01/17/19.6

NC19-9550 8Making Proud Choices for 01/23/19 01/24/191.2

NC19-9506 7Becoming an "Ask"able 01/30/19 01/30/19.6

NC19-0632 12Reducing the Risk Training 02/06/19 02/07/191.2

NC19-0653 11Making a Difference/Making 02/12/19 02/13/191.25

NC19-0685 25Disease Intervention 03/07/19 03/07/19.625

USC152 Darla Moore School of Business

NC19-9427 24Being An Effective Leader 01/30/19 02/20/191.9

NC19-0715 8Translating Strategy Into 02/12/19 02/13/191.3

TOTAL 11,733


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 2018 Conferences and Events

Program Name Dates # ParticipantsSpring 2018 Genetic Counseling January 8 - April 1, 2018 19Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies January 12-14, 2018 126Spring Provost Meeting February 2, 2018 159Barnes Symposium February 8-9, 2018 601968 in Global Perspectives Conference February 15 - 18, 2018 60SC Governor's Conference for Tourism and Travel February 19 - 21, 2018 419Models and Simulations Conference March 15-17, 2018 892018 NASW-SC Spring Symposium March 21 - 23, 2018 576ACIS-SOUTH 2018 March 22 - 24, 2018 272017-2018 Ultrasound Workshops June 29, 2017-March 16, 2018 86UIDP26 April 16-19, 2018 255SE School Behavioral Health Conference April 18 - 20, 2018 539Discover USC April 20, 2018 1,174Jewish Humor Conference April 28 - 30, 2018 59Field and Flow Based Separations Conference May 14 - 17, 2018 93Peromyscus Symposium May 30 - 31, 2018 46Girls Go For IT Camps June 18-22 and June 25-29, 2018 40SC Education and Business Summit June 25 - 28. 2018 1,122AEWG-60 June 19 - 20, 2018 63College of Social Work - Psychodiagnostics, Psychopathology coures July 1 - November 1, 2018 24Champions for Young Children Symposium August 3, 2018 315

New Faculty Orientation August 16, 2018 150

Genetic Counseling for the Future August 20 - November 11, 2018 35

New Student Convocation August 22, 2018 2,302

David Lee Miller Symposium September 22 - 23, 2018 50

UIDP27 September 11 - 14, 2018 243

Fall Provost Meeting September 28, 2018 203coures October 1 - February 1, 2019 31SCAHCE October 4 - 5, 2018 40SC Aerospace Conference October 8 - 10, 2018 619Conference on Critical Pedagogy and Paulo Freire October 18 - 19, 2018 156Urban History Conference October 18 - 21, 2018 422SC Cyber October 25, 2018 135

Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference October 29 - 31, 2018 294

Cardinal Bernardin Lecture - Religious Studies October 30, 2018 40

PMENA November 15 - 18, 2018 504SCCGE December 14, 2018 35237 Conferences/Events 10,927

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 2019 Conferences and Events

Program Name Dates # Participants

Genetic Counseling Courses January 7 - March 31 30

Ultrasound Workshops-Courses January 17-18 20

Equity in Education Conference January 15 493

Health Data Symposium February 1 141

Governor's Conference February 18 - 20 400

SC Women in Higher Education February 21 - 22 60

Provost Spring Retreat February 22 145

Philosophy March 8 - 9 70

Ultrasound Workshops-Courses March 21-22 17

Art Auction March 28 100 Estimated

Bilingualism Matters March 30 150 Estimated

UIDP28 April 1 - 4 327 Estimated

SE Behavioral Health Conference April 18 - 19, 2019 550 Estimated

Discover USC April 26, 2019 1200 Estimated

Chemistry - Silicon Conference May 16 - 18 100 Estimated

Ultrasound Workshops-Courses May 23-24 20 Estimated

Girls Go for IT Summer Camp June 17 – 21 and June 24 – 28 60 Estimated

Education and Business Summit June 24 - 27 1100 Estimated

College of Social Work Online Courses July 1 - Nov 1 30 Estimated

National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) Annual Meeting July 18 - 20 100 Estimated

Champions for Young Children August 21 300 Estimated

New Faculty Orientation August 16 150 Estimated

Genetic Counseling Courses August 19 - November 10 20 Estimated

New Student Convocation August 21 3000 Estimated

Physical Education Conference September 25 - 17 100 Estimated

EPSCOR/NSF October 28 - 30, 2019 200 Estimated

Genetic Counseling Courses August 19 - November 10 20 Estimated

27 Conferences/Events 8,903

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