Updated Pb Works 2009 Open House2

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Bookmark and Book Jacket competitions – these are pupils’ invaluable masterpieces

Pupils work displayed in classrooms –Displays will be constantly changed so that all pupils works are put up on class notice board. Pupils feel motivated and proud of their work.

Students engaging in drafting of essays in small groups using mahjong paper.

Group drafting increases students’ exposure to creativity. These discussions also enable students to further understand the errors made by them.

Round-robin activity using different coloured markers allows students to share and pen their individual opinions

Reading stories from on-line websites stimulate interests in students. This encourages students to read more stories and develop a stronger language.

Shared discussions involving bus-stop activities encourages spoken Tamil among pupils

Such activities also aid in the promotion of communication skills and builds self-esteem within students.