Upper Elementary READ! O Module - BGCA

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Upper Elementary READ! Module

The World is Your Fortune!

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Multitudes of Gratitude Just One Word


You Name It! Silent Movie


Fabulous Folklore My Super Power


Fortune Teller Wake Up the World!


Gratitude Ecosystem Grati-Food for Thought

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Through folklore, members will explore gratitude, predictions, and other countries while using their imaginations and learning emotions. This module will use the book, The Fortune Tellers by Lloyd Alexander as reference point and guide through West Africa.

Driving Questions

How can words impact positive outcomes in a situation?

What are creative ways you can show gratefulness to a person?

How can folklore shape peoples’ thoughts and feelings about others?

Product of the Week

Video monologues exhibiting reflections on gratitude, predictions, and folklore.

Community Sharing Event

‘Grati-Food for Thought’ video presentation.

Special Notes

As the Youth Development Facilitator, you will read The Fortune Tellers

aloud with Club members. Be sure to highlight and bring to life

elements of humor and logic by changing tone, expressions, or even

laughing when you reach text that can be interpreted differently based

on delivery. For example: The fortune teller responds to the

carpenter’s question about becoming famous by saying, “No question

about it. Once you become well-known”. This would be a time when

you might laugh or change tone to ensure members see the humor and

logic associated with this response.

About This Module

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Word Definition

Codger an old-fashioned elderly man

Carpenter a person who makes and repairs wooden objects

Merchant a person or a company that sells merchandise or goods

Demise a person’s death or downfall

Prophecy a forecast or prediction

Prediction a guess or a hunch

Coincidence accidental happening; two or more things happening at the same time by chance

Interpret to make sense of; explain; or translate

Folklore a traditional custom, tale, or saying

Gratitude being grateful or showing gratefulness

Academic Vocabulary

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Note: Facilitator Resource materials and handouts are included at the end of the day

and should be printed in advance.


Poster Board/Flip chart

Class set of index cards




Writing Utensils

Construction paper (varied colors)




“Fortune Teller Predictions” worksheet; enough for each member

Chart paper; 1 sheet per group of four

At least one copy of The Fortune Tellers by Lloyd Alexander

Super Power Speech Balloon worksheet

Poster board or card stock


1 per Team


Chart paper; 1 sheet per group of four

Flip chart paper for 4 to 5 groups

Writing utensils

Crayons, markers, and craft supplies

Pictures of fruits or foods popular in your Club’s area

Required Materials

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1 per Member


Post It Notes

“Fortune Teller Predictions” worksheet; enough for each member

Fortune Teller Tool Sheet

Fortune Teller Summary Sheet

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Note: Complete the following table early during the week to prepare for the Community

Sharing event. Share the answers with the CPO for approval.

Type of Event on Friday

Event Name

Who’s Invited

Publicity to Use (Circle all that apply, use blank spaces for additional items)

Fliers Website



Event Location

Display Area for Projects

Supplies Needed (Circle all that apply, use blank spaces for additional items)

Chairs Scissors Games

Tables Markers

Signs CD Player

Tape Video Equipment

Cups Napkins Refreshments (Try to select items that tie into the theme)

Task Assigned to: Due Date:

Task Assigned to: Due Date:

Task Assigned to: Due Date:

Task Assigned to: Due Date:

Task Assigned to: Due Date:

Event Planner

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Activity 1 Multitudes of Gratitude

Location Multi-purpose learning space Estimated Time

60 min

Description Members will reflect on what they are grateful for and develop a group gratitude chain.

Objective Members will be able to define diversity and recognize similarities and differences of people in their communities.

What You Need

Index Cards

Writing Utensils

Construction paper (varied colors)





How to Prepare

Cut construction paper into equally sized strips.

Ensure there are 3 to 4 strips per color.

Make strips, and all other materials accessible for member groups.

Warm Welcome Give members an index card and ask them to form a circle in the center of the learning space. Have them make a list of all the positive qualities they see or know about individuals in the group. Then make a group list.

Say, “Today we will begin learning about diversity.” Tell members diversity is what makes the world an interesting place to be.

What’s in a Name?

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Community Builder

1 Each member steps forward saying his/her name while performing a brief movement of choice –for example, clapping or jumping in place.

2 The group repeats the name and movement together.

3 Then have the group say all names with matching movements of everyone who has already gone before moving on to the next person.

Steps to Follow

1 Cut equal width strips of construction paper in varied colors

2 Provide crayons, markers and colored pencils, staples and stapler; clear scotch tape; or glue sticks

3 Ask members if they have ever heard the word “grateful”.

4 Allow 3 to 4 members to share their definitions of the word. Say, “Grateful is a synonym for the word thankful. Today, I am grateful for_________”.

5 Divide members into groups of four and provide each member in the group with the same color strip.

6 Be sure to provide all other groups a different color. For example, Group 2 should have yellow, and Group 3 should have blue.

7 Tell members they will spend time sharing what they are thankful for. Have members write 1 to 2 sentences about what they are grateful for on one side of the strip.

8 Tell members to summarize what they are grateful for using one word on the other side of the strip. Members should write their names on the side that has only one word.

9 Have members in each group link their strips together like a chain. Note one group should have 4 links the same color.

10 Ask each group to connect their links to a neighboring group to form one large chain. Note: Members may use glue, staples, or tape to connect their links.

11 Tell members to give themselves a round of applause for creating and sharing multitudes of gratitude!

Activity 2 Just One Word

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Location Multipurpose room Estimated Time

60 min

Description In this activity, members learn about the power of written word through letter writing.

Objective Members will be able to explore the appropriate language format associated with formal letters. Members will be able to practice writing a formal letter with expressions of gratitude.

What You Need

Members will need one copy of the “Just One Word” worksheet

and writing utensils.

Writing tools | computer



How to Prepare

Members will need one copy of the “Just One Word” worksheet and

writing utensils.

Make materials accessible for members.

Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Ask members if they know what it feels like to be grateful.

2 Tell members about a time you were grateful to someone or for something.

3 Allow members to share a time they were grateful to someone or for something.

Steps to Follow

1 Tell members sometimes you can make someone smile just by telling them thank you.

2 Ask members to think about someone in the Club, their school or community they really appreciate but never got to say ‘thank you’ to.

3 Say, “Today you will have a chance to say thank you! Today you will surprise one unsuspecting person by telling them how much you appreciate them and why.”

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4 Ask members to think about a time when they received a handwritten note. Ask them to describe how it made them feel.


Tell members that before technology, the only way to communicate was in person or in writing. Say, “Even businesses did everything through mail. Some consider letter writing a lost art, but others find joy in receiving them”.

6 Show members the “Just One Word” worksheet. Tell them you all will use that format to write a letter, but this time with a little twist.


Review parts of a letter using the worksheet. Be sure to highlight each key part. Tell members they will use just one word in the last line of their letter to express how that person’s actions made them feel.

8 Have members write their letters of appreciation or gratitude; making sure to include the synonym that summarizes how they feel in just one word.

9 Move about the room to help with grammar, spelling, and mechanics.

10 Allow members to mail or hand deliver their letters to intended recipients.

Reflection and Recognition Estimated Time 10 Minutes

Steps to Follow

1 Ask members how to share how they activity impacted them.

2 Ask members to think about how the outcome of the experience would have differed without the person’s assistance.

Just One Word

Parts of a Letter

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123 First Street Dallas, Texas May 21, 20XX

Dear Jackson, How are you doing? Did you enjoy your break? My break was amazing because I had a chance to hang out with all of my friends. I also got to see my grandmother and great aunt. Over the summer, we watched a lot of events, like fireworks in the sky. The fireworks scared many dogs in the neighborhood. They were very entertaining to watch. The best part of about my summer was when your gift arrived in the mail! I was so surprised to hear from you. I hope you know how much I appreciate you thinking of me during your summer break. It reminds me of a kind friend you are. In one word, you are….


Your friend, Jonathan

Word Power






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Activity 1 You Name It!

Location Computer Lab or multi-purpose room Estimated Time

45 min

Description Members will use what they have learned about gratitude to demonstrate their own unique style.

Objective Members will demonstrate voice and choice. Members will use multiple communication tools to express gratitude.

What You Need

Computer lab

Craft supplies: Construction paper, markers, crayons, glue sticks, tape,

colored pencils, pencils, stapler.

Copy paper

How to Prepare

Ensure you have craft supplies accessible for members to use.

Provide sufficient copies of the “Voice and Choice” worksheet for

members to choose from.

Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Tell members there is power in a name. Say, “Many cities and organizations have names that mean something or are based upon historical events”.

2 Ask members if they know the meaning of their names. Allow members to share.

3 Ask members who do not know the meaning of their names what they would like for it to mean based upon their personality. Allow members to share.

Steps to Follow 1 Have members divided into groups of 4 or 5 members per group.

2 Tell members you are giving them time to showcase their own style.

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3 Provide members with a variety of arts and craft materials to include copy paper, construction paper, scissors, glue, tape, crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.

4 Project the choice board on the screen or review it in worksheet format with members. Tell them they will choose one the following activities to showcase their gratitude.

5 Set ground rules for each group. For example, because they are in a group working collaboratively, they must have a majority vote on the method they will use to show gratitude. Majority wins.


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Write one person on the

Club’s staff a thank

you note.

Tell someone thank you by

creating a movie using

your tablet or phone.

Write a song about

someone who deserves

appreciation. Be sure to

highlight why that

person is deserving of

your appreciation in the


Make a colorful person

about someone you

appreciate. Include what

makes them so special

on the poster.

Create a greeting card for

someone you all know.

Use poster boards to

write a note of thanks to

someone and create a

silent move by showing

one poster at a time.

Send out a tweet

thanking someone for

an outstanding job.


Find the address of a

local politician who has

done something great

for your community.

Write them a thank you

letter and send it in the


Place a group call to

your local radio station

to tell someone thank

you live on air. Note:

You will need the

assistance of an adult

to complete this task.

Create a rap about someone

who has committed an act

of kindness and perform it

in front of your class.

Offer to clean up a room

or area in the Club for a

Club leader as an

expression of gratitude.

Activity 2 Silent Movie

Location Multipurpose room or computer lab Estimated Time

15 – 30 min

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Description In this activity, members will use writing to make a powerful statement to someone they care about.

Objective Members use mass media arts to show self-expression.

What You Need

Large sheets of white construction paper

Craft supplies: crayons, markers, pencils, etc.

Camera or video recorder

How to Prepare Provide members with a large sheet of white construction paper,

crayons, marker, and colored pencils.

Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Project or write the following statement on the board: “It is a great day when _________________________.”

2 Tell member they must raise their hand to fill in the blank. Tell them they cannot talk, but simply move in silence to the board to complete the statement.

3 Allow at least 5 members to silently fill in the blank.

Steps to Follow

1 Gather members together in a circle and ask them if they have ever seen a silent film.

2 Say, “silent films are recorded video without sound.” Tell members the silent film era began in 1895 and concluded in 1936.

3 Have each member write what he or she is thankful for on a large piece of paper.

4 Take a picture of the member holding up his or her paper.

5 Combine all member photos to make a class movie. Frame each member’s photo and send it home as a gift.

Reflection and Recognition Estimated Time 15 minutes

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Steps to Follow

1 Tell members how their silent movies impacted you. Say, “I was very impressed with how thoughtful you were with your words”.

2 Ask members to think about how their movies would have been different if they could have used sound.

3 Allow members to share what would have been different.

Facilitator Resource Silent Movie

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Activity 1 Fabulous Folklore

Location Computer Lab or Multipurpose Room Estimated Time

30 min

Description In this high-yield activity, members will explore the world of folklore while developing critical and creative thinking skills.

Objective Members will gain exposure to a different literary genre, folklore. Members will be able to comprehend text in a story. Members will be able to compare.

What You Need

“Fortune Teller Predictions” worksheet; enough for each member

Chart paper; 1 sheet per group of four

Writing utensils; markers, pencils, colored crayons, etc.

At least one copy of The Fortune Tellers by Lloyd Alexander

How to Prepare Ensure you have made supplies easily accessible for Club members.

Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Ask members to form a circle. Tell members you are going to play a game that requires them to whisper.

2 Find a place to stand within the circle. Turn to the member on your right and whisper, “I won a million dollars and will start a new Boys & Girls Club in Tahiti December 19th”.


You are not allowed to repeat it to the member (one time only). Have the member to tell the member to their right following the same rules. Continue this process until each member has had an opportunity to tell the member on the right your statement. Compare your original statement to what the member on your left

Uncommon Fortune

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whispers in your ear. Discuss with members how words can change.

Steps to Follow

1 Ask members if they have ever heard of folklore. Tell members folklore is used to refer to traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a group of people normally shared via word of mouth.

2 Say, “Folklore is usually passed down from through generations”. “Some folklore contains supernatural elements or tales about unique powers in an individual or group of individuals.”

3 Tell members folklore exists all over the world. Show members the cover of The Fortune Tellers and ask them to predict what the story is about.

4 Allow members to share their thoughts on the story based upon the cover. Ask members where they think the story takes place.


Tell members the story is set in Cameroon, West Africa and has two main characters. Say, “Each character makes predictions about the future. Today you will use your charts to take notes about each character’s predictions as I read”.


Give each member a “Fortune Teller Predictions” worksheet and tell them to record the predictions for each character they hear. Note: You may need to model this for members on the boar or chart paper.

7 Read the story to members. Stop along the way to point out distinctions between characters.

8 Ask members to proofread their charts after reading the story.

9 Divide members into groups of four and have each group share what they captured on their charts.

10 Have members combine and transfer their predictions on chart paper to share with the class. Allow members to share upon completion.

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Fortune Tellers’ Predictions

Character #1________________________

Character #2_________________________

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Activity 2 My Super Power

Location Computer Lab or Multipurpose Room Estimated Time

60 -75 min

Description In this activity, members will use fun and games to summarize the story, The Fortune Tellers.

Objective Members will be able to summarize events in a story

What You Need

Copy paper

Camera or device with a camera


Super Power Speech Balloon worksheet

Poster board or card stock

How to Prepare

Make craft supplies accessible to members

Make sure you have sufficient poster board or card stock for


Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Ask members to recall what they learned about the characters in The Fortune Tellers. Ask them to raise their hands if they would like to be able to predict the future.

2 Tell members fortune-telling is the practice or predicting information about a person’s life.

3 Ask members to tell you which of the two characters in the story was most convincing. Tell members to share why they chose who they chose.

Steps to Follow 1 Ask members to tell you the fortune teller’s unique super power. Allow members to share their perception of his superpower with you and other members.

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2 Tell members everyone has a unique super power inside of them just like the fortune teller.

3 Tell members to think about something they can do that they have not seen anyone else do.

4 Have members stand against a wall. Take a picture of each Club member and print it out so that it fills an 8.5 X 11 page.

5 Allow each member to glue their image on the poster board and cut out the outline of their image. Tell members to cut the photo from the neck up.

6 Give members a Superpower Speech Balloon worksheet and tell them to write their superpower in the speech balloon.

7 Have members glue the worksheet to poster board and cut out the speech balloon outline.


Tell members to glue the tip of the bubble to the back of their image so it appears that the bubble is either coming from their mouth or a thought from their head. Have members add the fan handle at the base of their neck.

9 Members should have a face mask that ‘speaks’ their superpower. Take pictures of the class holding their superpowers in front of their faces.

Reflection and Recognition Estimated Time 15 minutes

Steps to Follow

1 Ask member how this activity impacted them. Tell them prediction is used every day.

2 Ask members to share where they predict they will be and what they will be doing five years from today.

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Super Power Speech Balloon

Directions: Write your super power inside of a Super Power Speech Balloon.

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Activity 1 Fortune Teller

Location Multipurpose room or Computer Lab Estimated Time

60 -75 min

Description This activity will give members a fun and exciting way to summarize a story.

Objective Members will be able to comprehend and summarize events of a story.

What You Need Fortune Teller Tool Sheet

Fortune Teller Summary Sheet

How to Prepare

Ensure you have enough copies of each sheet for members.

Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Tell members they will continue using the power of words and prediction.

2 Ask member to think about one event in world history they would like to change.

3 Allow members to share the event and how they would change it.

Steps to Follow 1 Tell members they are going to assume the role of fortune teller today. Say, “You will summarize what happened in the story as the lead fortune teller”.

Past, Present, Future

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2 Provide members with the Fortune Teller Tool Sheet. Model how to fold the sheet to create the paper fortune teller.

3 Divide members into groups of four or five. Have members create their paper fortune tellers using the Fortune Teller Tool Sheet and provide them the Fortune Teller Summary Sheet.

4 Have members go around in a circle taking turns saying “I See Your Future” until all summary questions have been answered.

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Fortune Teller Tool Sheet Directions

Directions: Follow steps below to create your paper fortune teller.

1. Fold your fortune teller tool sheet into fourths

2. Unfold the paper

3. Fold the four corners over evenly into the middle

4. Next fold the paper into the fourths again

5. Flip the paper over

6. Then fold over the corners on the other side of the paper

7. Your final fold will be into fourths one last time

8. Your fingers should fit neatly into the slits to open the fortune teller

Summarizing the story

Member 1 (holding the fortune teller) Member 2 (responding to questions)

Choose a word (I, See, Your, Future).” Holds fortune

teller closed.



“F…U…T…U…R…E.” (spelling out word, and

opening the fortune teller one way on

“F”, the other way on “O”, etc.)

“Choose a word.” (Continuing to hold

the game open on the four words

visible when the last letter “O” was



“Y…O…U…R.” (as done above)

“Choose a word.”


Folds open the flap with the word

Share! on it, and reads out the

question underneath the flap.

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1. Fold the paper into fourths. 2. Unfold the paper. 3. Fold over the four corners, evenly into the middle. 4. Fold into fourths again. 5. Flip over the paper. 6. Fold over the corners on the new side of the paper. 7. Fold into fourths one last time. 8. Fit your fingers into the slits.





! Say the author’s name.

How was the problem solved?



y t








e th

e m











Where did the story take place?

What did you learn from the story?




What w

as t





What w



e m


r events






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Activity 2 Wake up the World!

Location Writing Lab or Multipurpose room Estimated Time

30 - 60 min

Description Club members will use their short stories to develop a public service announcement (PSA) script about tolerance.

Objective Members will express themselves and values learned through writing. Members will explore writing and communication through PSA development.

What You Need

Members’ stories from prior activity

Writing paper and writing utensils

Steps for writing a PSA on chart paper, the white board, or


1. Choose your topic – The short story about tolerance is a

great starting point

2. Understand your audience – who should be hearing your

message about tolerance?

3. Grab your target audience’s attention – what can you say to

make them listen and change?

4. Create a script – How can you make a point in a few simple


5. Storyboard your script – Capture how the story will play out

on paper before you film.

Storyboard templates – 1 per group.

How to Prepare

Ensure you have PSA steps written for members to view.

Print enough storyboard templates for each group to practice and


Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

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Community Builder

1 Tell members they will bring their stories to life through a different form of writing.

2 Ask members if they know what a script is. After hearing answers, let members know they will be developing a script to share with parents, friends, and community members.


Ask members if they have ever heard of a PSA? Tell members a PSA is a public service announcement. Tell members a public service announcement is an ad that raises awareness or changes the public’s attitude or behavior about a social issue. Tell members they began during World War II when radio broadcasters and advertising agencies created a council to discuss specific war issues.


Show members examples of public service announcements that you find on the internet. Examples can include “Smokey the Bear” or texting and driving. A link is provided below but may expire. Facilitators are encouraged to identify PSA’s appropriate for their respective member population. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rClJW9gnchc

5 Discuss the PSA with members. Be sure to highlight the message the PSA communicates.

Steps to Follow

1 Ask members to move back into their groups for script development.

2 Tell members they will have the remainder of today’s session to create their PSA script.

3 Remind members to follow the steps outlined to ensure an effective message.

4 Provide members with the storyboard template. Tell members to write each frame on the template with illustrations.

5 Have members assign each person in their group a role to act out and produce the PSA.

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Reflection and Recognition Estimated Time 15 minutes

Steps to Follow

1 Tell members to think about topics they have seen in PSA’s.

2 Ask members to share which PSA was most meaningful to them and why.

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Activity 1 Gratitude Ecosystem

Location Multipurpose Room, Computer Lab, or Outdoor Learning Space

Estimated Time

45 – 60 minutes

Description Members explore social awareness and learn how our lives are connected in a variety of ways. By evaluating the ecosystems of goods and services that people consume daily, members can express thoughts of gratitude about people all around the globe.

Objective Members exhibit awareness about the tangible things they feel grateful for.

What You Need

Flip chart paper for 4 to 5 groups

Writing utensils

Crayons, markers, and craft supplies

Pictures of fruits or foods popular in your Club’s area

How to Prepare

Post or project pictures of the food or fruit

Make all other materials accessible for groups to use during the


Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Tell them you are grateful they are present in your group today.

Community Builder

1 Ask members if they ever take time to consider where the foods they eat each day are sourced from.

2 Tell members today’s activity will challenge them to think about that in a meaningful way.

Culminating Events

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3 Ask members to begin to think about their favorite foods for discussion purposes.

Steps to Follow

1 Divide members into groups of 4 or 5 and tell them to list their favorite foods on chart paper.

2 Advise members to look at the pictures for inspiration, or develop the list on their own.

3 Tell each group they must vote on the one food that everyone in their group enjoys.


Have each group discuss what they believe it took to get the food they chose to their local market. Make sure you tell them to consider everyone including farmers, manufacturers, shippers, and inspectors.


Remind members to think about where the foods are grown; what it takes to plant them; the climate and conditions, etc. Ask them to also consider the following using fruit as an example:

1. Who picks the fruit? 2. Who places the fruit in baskets or containers? 3. Who cleans the fruit and places it on a truck? 4. Who drives the truck from the farm to the local store? 5. Who sells the fruit?

Note: the idea is to get members to consider EVERYTHING it took to get the food from its origination point, to their home or plate. This is inclusive of planting the seed.

6 Ask members to use chart paper to draw or map out the ecosystem or flowchart of how they food originated and made it to their home.

7 Have each group to post their drawings around the room. Facilitate a gallery walk and allow members to discuss. Ask them to notate any gaps in the ecosystem drawing if time allows.

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Activity 2 ‘Grati-Food for Thought’

Location Multipurpose Room or Exhibit Space Estimated Time

30 – 45 minutes

Description Members exhibit their learnings through a video showcase featuring excerpts from their module activities.

Objective Members demonstrate awareness about the tangible things they are grateful for.

What You Need Video recording device for each group; tablet, or phone.

Members project in accessible place for review and reflection.

How to Prepare

Ensure members have access to their prior projects/activities

completed during this module.

Make sure members have access to video recording device.

Warm Welcome Greet members by name as they enter the program area.

Engage in meaningful conversation with members.

Community Builder

1 Tell members they have spent multiple days discussing the power of words, prediction, and expressions of gratitude.

2 Advise members this will be a time for them to showcase their work through video.

Steps to Follow

1 Allow members 10 minutes to review all their projects / activities completed during this module.

2 Tell members to identify the one activity they feel most accurately reflects what they learned about prediction and gratitude through this module.


Ask members to consider the following questions: 1. What did you learn about gratitude? 2. How can words impact positive outcomes in a situation? 3. What are creative ways you can show gratefulness to a

person? 4. How can folklore shape peoples’ thoughts and feelings

about others?

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5. Which activity truly reflects how you feel about gratitude, prediction, and the power of words?

4 Divide members into groups of 3 or 4 and have members to record their responses to their questions. Note: one member should film while the other member speaks.

5 Assemble members to view all videos once each member has recorded. Share with the entire Club or community if time allows.

Reflection and Recognition Estimated Time

10 minutes

Steps to Follow

1 Ask members to consider what they might do the next time they want to show gratitude to someone.

2 Have members to share their ideas for expressions of gratitude with the entire group.