Upstate Gardeners' Journal May-June 2011

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The May-June issue of the Upstate Gardeners Journal


Volume Seventeen, Issue ThreeMay-June 2011FREE

u p s t a t e g a r d e n e r s ’ j o u r n a l - 3 2 0 0 e a s t a v e n u e - c a l e d o n i a , n e w y o r k 1 4 4 2 3

b u f f a l o - i t h a c a - r o c h e s t e r - s y r a c u s e

Elicit Emotions with TulipsHoward Ecker, NurserymanMinns Garden

c h e c k o u t o u r n e w M a p f e a t u r e

c l i c k o n t h e l i n k b e l o w t o a c c e s s a m a p o f t h e r e t a i l e r s a n d p u b l i c p l a c e s t h a t h a v e a d s

i n t h i s i s s u e o f t h e u g j . t h i s n e w f e a t u r e b e n e f i t s o u r r e a d e r s a n d a d v e r t i s e r s a l i k e .

t h a n k y o u f o r y o u r s u p p o r t !

f i n d u s o n f a c e b o o k

w e h a v e a v e r y f u n , a c t i v e a n d i n f o r m a t i v e f a c e b o o k f a n p a g e . p l e a s e c l i c k t h e l i n k b e l o w

a n d c h e c k u s o u t !






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will eagerly share our horticultural knowledge gained from years of education and experi-

ence. Lastly, we offer all this in a spirit of fun and lightheartedness.

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Tomato Math

In January the government’s Economic Research Office and the U.S. Department of Agriculture confidently esti-mated a modest rise in U.S. grocery prices—a mere 2-3 percent, up from the .8 percent increase in U.S. food

prices from 2009 to 2010. The Associated Press reports February’s increase in wholesale food prices represents the biggest jump in 36 years. Retail food prices, mean-

while, rose 3.9%, the most since November 1974.

So let’s do tomato math. The average price for medium-sized tomatoes at our local grocer’s is about 80 cents to $1.20. A single tomato plant in your home garden will

produce 40 to 50 medium to large fruit in a summer—a harvest that would set you back anywhere from 32 to 48

dollars at the supermarket.

It gets better. A seed packet contains 25 guaranteed seeds out of 30 total. We set the average plant yield at 40 dollars, and multiply it by 25. Your little tomato

patch yields you a thousand dollars worth of store bought tomatoes from a seed packet that costs you

three or four dollars.

Your return on investment? 250 to 1 or 25,000 per cent.

So have you put in a vegetable garden yet? This wonderful reminder is brought to you by

George Ball—do you recognize the name?

As growers of all kinds of plants, can we translate this kind of math to other plants & flowers in our gardens? So Roses cost about 30 per dozen. One bush? About

20 bucks. Raspberries are $2.50 per pint, but raspberry bushes are around $12. Strawberries are $3 a quart;

25 plants are 7 dollars

We could go on, but we bet you get the idea.

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M-J ‘11 Thank you

ContentsEar to the Ground ......................................................9

A treasure trove of information howard ecker, nurseryman ..................................10-11

The “most colorful spot” The Minns garden at cornell university ..............14-17

Book Review: Attracting Native Pollinators a guide to protecting a healthy ecosystem ................18-19

What to do in the garden in May and june ........................................................ 20

You ask The experts answer .........................................................5

Calendar ..............................................................22-37

The not-so-ordinary gladiolus Meredith hudson’s roadside stand .......................38-40

Panko roasted asparagus........................................ 42

Elicit emotions with tulips ..................................44-49

Clean food and dirty kids ....................................... 54

PublisHER/EdiToR: Jane F. Milliman ART diRECTioN: Dean S. Milliman

TECHNiCAl EdiToR: Brian EshenaurCAlENdAR EdiToR: Debbie Eckerson

PRooFREAdER: Sarah Koopus

CoNTRibuTiNG WRiTERs:Mary Ruth Smith | Monika Roth

Maria Walczak | Michelle Sutton | Colleen O’Neil NiceChristina LeBeau | Janet Allen | Marian Boutet

WEsTERN NEW YoRk sAlEs REPREsENTATivE: Maria Walczak: 716/432-8688

3200 East Avenue, Caledonia NY 14423phone: 585/538-4980; fax: 585/538-9521


The Upstate Gardeners’ Journal is published six times a year. To subscribe, please send $15.00 to the above address.

Magazines will be delivered via U.S. mail and or email (in PDF format). We welcome letters, calls and e-mail from our readers.

Please tell us what you think!

We appreciate your patronage of our advertisers, who enable us to bring you this publication.

All contents copyright 2011, Upstate Gardeners’ Journal.

Cover image: ‘Orange Bowl’ tulip courtesy Colleen O’Neill Nice

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Welcome the Night!with

Miniature Hostas for Containers and the Shade GardenJune 18th - Hosta lecture and book signing featuring Kathy Guest-Shadrack and Michael Shadrack

4484 Clark Street, Hamburg, NY 716.649.4684

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 9

Ear to the ground

are you familiar with names like dunbar, slavin, horsey, laney, harkness, wright, grant or fenicchia? if not, as a horticulturist, gardener or especially a lilac lover, you should be. if you have enjoyed rochester or Monroe county parks in any way, you are beholden to them, and other parks plantsmen for their timeless growing gifts.

highland park, the jewel that has made rochester the “lilac capital of the world” was not granted to us from a genie in a bottle. while selling lilacs for years at highland park, i often heard questions like “how did this awesome place originate?” or “who takes care of all this?” Thanks to the publication of a long-awaited book, these and hundreds of other questions are easily, and interestingly, answered.

The book is entitled “The Plantsmen of Rochester Parks” and was written by former director of Monroe county parks, the late alvan r. grant.

This treasure about people and parks is 263 pages and will be available in early to mid-May for $16.95.

initial sales will be at the highland park conservatory and the rochester civic garden center located at the warner castle, 5 castle park in rochester.i also plan to sell them at lilac hill nursery, 2320 turk hill road in perinton.

Proceeds will benefit the Rochester Civic Garden Center’s endowment in memory of Alvan R. Grant.

i predict the original printing of 250 copies will sell out quickly.

i would like to offer special thanks to arthur trimble, at age 93, a life-long gardener, historian, and patron of the garden center, for researching and finalizing the manuscript, and friend and parks horticulturist kent Millham who supplied an updated addendum.

-Ted Collins, aka “Doc Lilac,” Victor, NY.

“Plantsmen of Rochester Parks” to be published

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Open garden

A treasure trove of information Howard Ecker, nurseryman

After 56 years of growing trees for the nursery trade, what howard ecker doesn’t know about trees is probably not worth

knowing. i first met howard at the fairport farmer’s Market. i had been looking for a Robinia pseudoacacia ‘frisia’ (a yellow-leaved black locust) for quite some time and had just about given up when i was amazed to find one at my hometown farmer’s market. i stop to visit him on saturday mornings and keep him posted on the progress of my frisia, and i’ve discovered that he is a treasure trove of information about trees, ferns, and many other plants, and a wealth of knowledge about the nursery and garden business in rochester.

howard grew up in irondequoit, loving to grow things. “i always had a shovel in my hand,” he said. after four

years in the air force during the korean war, he came back to rochester and started growing conifers from seed on his uncle’s farm. by selling the seedlings to nurseries, he helped put himself through the syracuse college of forestry, graduating in 1961.

The year before that, he and his wife, Margaret, bought the house on oakdale drive in webster, where he still lives and grows his trees. The back yard of the quarter-acre lot has a rectangle of grass completely surrounded by growing beds and holding areas. he told me that the soil is pure sand for 300 feet down to bedrock. he enriches it heavily with humus, mainly leaf mold that he gets from local towns. he proudly showed me a handful of his soil, which looked to me like chocolate cake. as i have rocky clay in my garden, i was very jealous.

a bed along the side of his garage contains at least a thousand seedlings of his favorite tree, the paper bark maple, (Acer griseum). he collects the seed from his own mature trees; they take two years to germinate! he sells the seed by the pound to growers and the bare-root seedlings to wholesale nurseries all over the country to be grown on by them and sold to their customers. he used to ship them to holland, canada, and england as well. he supplies some local nurseries with plants, but the only place to buy plants directly from him is at his home or at the fairport farmer’s Market in the spring

and early summer. he has never had a retail outlet, “never wanted one,” he told me.

There are four mature specimens of paper bark maple in his yard, and i noticed that they didn’t look just alike. he told me that every tree is an individual, looking a little different from the others, which makes it difficult to grow them in a matching clump. as they mature, the bark becomes cinnamon red and exfoliates in different patterns. The trees start to peel around august, when they have finished growing for the year. at that point, the diameter has expanded so fast that they “almost explode”,

according to howard. They reach about forty feet at

by Mary Ruth Smith

AbovE: A sampling of Ecker’s ferns

iNsET: Howard Ecker

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maturity, making them a perfect size for a suburban addition to the paper bark maples, he also grows

the korean bee-tree, ( Evodia hupehensis ), which has large clusters of fragrant white flowers in august, a time when few other trees are in bloom. There are also some lovely specimens of the fragrant snowbell, (Styrax obassia) and several more frisias, striped maples, ( Acer tegmentosum), and kousa dogwoods, along with a variety of other trees, shrubs, and perennials. he propagates all his trees from seed or grafts.

his other love seems to be ferns; he grows eighteen varieties. i was taken by the many types of japanese painted fern and by branford beauty, a cross between the painted fern and our native lady fern. although i saw many hostas, he said his son, james, was the real hosta fanatic in the family; he grows over 300 varieties and sells them at flower city days at the public Market. you may have encountered his huge display at the bend of the second row of stalls.

howard has seen many changes in the nursery business in his lifetime. The local gardening season used to be relatively short and concentrated in the spring. Then gardening exploded in the 80s and 90s, which, according to howard, was largely due to the availability of trees and shrubs in plastic pots. previously everything was balled-and- burlapped. “The plastic pot made gardening a six-month season in the northeast,” he stated. unfortunately, his favorite tree, the paper bark maple, won’t grow in pots, so he has to sell them either bare-root or balled-and-burlapped. The recession of the past couple of gardening seasons has taken a toll on local

nurseries, along with the competition of big-box stores, but howard is hopeful that things are starting to turn around.

ecker’s home-based nursery is a short distance from the bay rd. exit of rt. 104 in webster and open only by appointment; call 585-671-2397.

AbovE: Paper bark maple seedings

1582 Oak Orchard RoadAlbion, NY 14411


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1 4 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1


The Minns Garden at Cornell University

Perhaps the most well trafficked garden on a campus replete with gardens is the Minns on cornell university’s tower road. The Minns

garden is named for lua alice Minns, the first instructor of herbaceous plant materials at cornell.

lua a. Minns was born in lima, ohio in 1873 and raised on a farm. she attended cornell’s college of agriculture, where she received a b.s. degree in 1914 and an M.s. in 1918.

in The Cornell Plantations magazine of the summer of 1953, editor bristow adams wrote about the demonstration garden, then in front of bailey hall, on the current site of Malott hall. The garden was designed and supervised by professor Minns, who used it for her students’ scientific and practical instruction. adams first reflected on what was there

before the garden: “when i saw the vacant lot in 1915, it was a

noisome dump. it was littered with old straw, as if from bedding for beasts, and all varieties of cast-off wastes. Then the department of floriculture, and Miss lua a. Minns, developed the grounds into the gayest and most colorful spot at cornell. its former objectionable olfactions have been superseded by pleasant perfumes.”

adams said that for nearly two decades, professor Minns, ever in her khaki garden suit and matching hat, could be seen surrounded by her charges in the demonstration garden. The garden was renamed the lua a. Minns Memorial garden after her death and eventually, in 1960, was moved to its current location on tower road south of the plant science building.

Story and photos by Michelle Sutton

The “most colorful spot”

AbovE: The Minns Garden

oPPosiTE lEFT: Closeup of the West Gate

oPPosiTE RiGHT: Coleus and container display

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 1 5

The Minns Garden at Cornell UniversityAccording to the Cornell faculty memorial

statement for her:Endowed with a natural love for flowers,

Professor Minns early in life acquired a broad and accurate knowledge of cultivated plants. This, together with her superior scholarship, attracted the attention of Dr. Liberty Hyde Bailey…, which led to her appointment as Assistant in the Department of Horticulture in her junior year. With the creation of the Department of Floriculture in 1914, Miss Minns was made an Instructor and in 1933 Assistant Professor, a position which she held until her death, February 21, 1935.

Professor Minns was outstanding for her scientific and practical knowledge of garden flowers. As a teacher…she is remembered by the many students who, under her guidance, gained knowledge and inspiration for gardens of their own. Professor Minns’s many friends in the University community, among the townspeople, and particularly in the Ithaca Garden Club, recall her helpful interest in their garden problems of whatever nature.

The Minns garden has been overseen for more than ten years by horticulture professor nina bassuk, an urban forestry expert who conducts original research, advises undergraduate and graduate students,

THE MiNNs GARdEN GATEsThree much-photographed steel gates created by Trumansburg artist-

blacksmith Durand Van Doren in 2008 will linger pleasingly in your memory for a lifetime. The first and largest West Gate (24 feet wide) depicts many of the bulbs and other herbaceous plants used in the garden, including their scientifically correct underground structures. Van Doren spent six months making it. The other two gates, each 6 feet wide, depict apple trunks, branches, and fruit in homage to one of the Finger Lakes region’s most important crops.

According to the Cornell Chronicle, Van Doren has been a blacksmith for more than 30 years, has been spotlighted in The New York Times and New York Magazine, and his work can be seen at Cornell’s Willard Straight Hall and Law School, as well as at London’s Shakespeare’s Globe Theater and the historic Great Camp Sagamore in the Adirondacks.

Of the Minns Gates project, Van Doren told the Chronicle, “It’s been a lot of fun and also my hardest work yet. I can definitely say I spared no effort. I owe a lot of credit to Cornell for the freedom extended to me in working on this project.”

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and teaches “creating the urban eden: woody plant identification, design, and plant establishment” with her husband, the landscape architect peter trowbridge. bassuk and trowbridge have five landscaped acres of their own and are just as passionate about herbaceous plants as they are about woodies.

professor Minns would approve of the various ways in which her namesake garden continues to delight and educate under dr. bassuk’s supervision. horticulture students at cornell use the garden for plant id practice, as do Master gardeners and tour groups. two students serve as summer interns and field questions daily from the public. if you google “Minns garden,” you’ll see that it is popular with shutterbugs.

sEvEN QuEsTioNs FoR NiNA bAssuk

How is the Minns Garden changing?

Nina Bassuk: for decades, the garden used to have a spring bulb display, then a summer annuals display, with fallow periods in between. we’ve worked to give it four-season interest by adding ornamental grasses,

espaliered apple trees, and, of course, the gates (see previous page). The goal is to have something interesting to see at all times of the year. That’s why we spray-paint the allium flower heads after they’ve bloomed—it extends their beauty well into fall and adds a touch of whimsy to the garden.

What is one of your favorite plants there?

NB: ‘redbor’ kale (Brassica oleracea ‘redbor’) is a beautiful sculptural element that’s edible and turns a deep purple in the fall.

What are some of the workhorses among the annuals?

NB: alyssum, coleus, cosmos, and gomphrena (especially ‘strawberry fields’), ‘new look’ celosia, and many of the more disease-resistant zinnias are among some of the best for us. petunias, on the other hand, are a pain. They take a lot of fertilizer to look good and one weather event can hit them and make them look awful.

What are the woody plants of note in the garden? NB: There are two trees, turkish filbert (Corylus

colurna) and a copper beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘purpurea’) and some interesting shrubs like fuzzy deutzia (Deutzia

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iNsET: Memorial Stone to Lua Alice Minns, the first instructor of plant materials at Cornell

oPPosiTE: Spray-painted alliums generate lots of inquiries from garden visitors.

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 1 7

scabra) and a new beauty bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis ‘dream catcher’) that provide some late spring color.

How do you deal with the deer? NB: if we get in there early enough to coat the

hostas with liquid fence and other repellents, we can usually deter them from eating their favorite perennials. we don’t plant tulips anymore. The new gates help as well, although the deer can sail right over the yew hedge (which they also love to eat). we had some success with lion poop when, for a time, we had an inside connection with the syracuse Zoo. The smell must’ve tapped into the deer’s evolutionary memory …

What are some of the other challenges here? NB: The south side of the garden is shady, root-filled,

and dry because of the presence of massive red oaks on tower road. we use plants like hostas and alliums and some oak leaf and panicled hydrangeas that provide some structure and flower display in the fall. Most can take the shade here but we often need to just dump water on those beds.

If you had unlimited funds, what would be your next project in Minns?

NB: i’d tear out that yew hedge and put in a warm, ornamental perimeter fence that would truly keep the deer out and would afford a neat backdrop for vines.

Michelle Sutton ( is a horticulturist living in New Paltz, New York.

Depart Buffalo, Eastern Hills Mall, rear of Sears store, 7:30 am/return approx. 7:30 pmDepart Batavia, location to be determined, 8:00 am/return approx. 7:00 pm

Only $70/person. Sign up today.There will be an optional box dinner available for purchase before we depart for home. You may also feel free to bring your own.

To register, go to or complete and return the form below. Call 716-432-8688 or 585-538-4980 for more information or to pay by credit card.

Join the Upstate Gardeners’ Journal on our annual Buffalo

Odyssey to IthacaA wonderful spring tradition—inspiring gardens—shopping at great nurseries—

unusual plants—gorgeous scenery—a delicious Herbal lunch

SATURdAy, JUnE 4, 2011highlights of this day-long luxury motorcoach tour include:

a leisurely visit to cornell plantations, truly one of the most inspiring gardens in new york statedelicious herbal lunch and shopping at bakers’ acres—they have an incredible array of perennials

shopping at the plantsmen nursery, known for its natives and beautiful settinga stop at bedlam gardens, a huge display garden with many rare and unusual plants




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please mail to: upstate gardeners’ journal, 3200 east ave., caledonia, ny 14423

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Book review

Attracting Native Pollinators A guide to protecting a healthy ecosystem

Native pollinators are essential for bountiful food crops

and healthy ecosystems, but they’re facing many challenges. Many of us would like to help them, but how?

The Xerces society’s new book Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees and Butterflies provides the answers. it’s a comprehensive, user-friendly guide that not only describes native pollinators and their challenges, but also offers many practical ways you can help them flourish.

The book has four parts:1. Pollinators and Pollination2. Taking Action3. Bees of North America4. Creating a Pollinator-

Friendly Landscape

Part 1: Pollinators and Pollinationpart 1 tackles the most important question first:

Why Care About Pollinators? Most of us understand that many food crops require pollination, but we may be less aware that pollination is essential for the planet’s ecosystems beyond our gardens and farms.

after explaining The Biology of Pollination, a Meet the Pollinators chapter describes the life cycle of various types of insects and explains how they function as pollinators.

part 1 concludes by exploring the many Threats to Pollinators, including habitat loss, alien species, diseases, climate change, pesticides, genetically modified crops, and even light pollution.

Part 2: Taking ActionThis is the heart of the book. proponents of

native plants won’t be surprised to see that a pollinator habitat’s most significant feature is “a diversity of plants, preferably native.”

part 2 describes other pollinator habitat elements: • Providing Foraging

Habitat • Reducing Impact of Land

Management Practices on Pollinators

• Nesting and Egg-Laying Sites for Pollinators

• Pupation and Overwintering Sites

besides helping pollinators in our own yards, we can take action in the world beyond our yards. of course, the basic principles are the same for every

situation, but separate chapters address issues specific to particular landscapes: • Home, School, and Community Gardens • Pollinator Conservation on Farms • Pollinator Conservation in Natural Areas • Urban Greenspaces, Parks, and Golf Courses • Special Considerations for Other Landscapes

part 2 concludes with Grassroots Action—conservation recommendations and ideas for promoting legislation that could implement them.

Part 3: Bees of North Americaif you’ve been growing native plants, chances are

you’ve already been enjoying a pleasant buzz-iness. but do you know much about who’s buzzing?

This part of the book won’t make you an entomologist, but you will become more bee-literate. it surveys the diversity and taxonomy of bees; shows

by Janet Allen

iNsET: The new book cover by The Xerces Society Guide

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Bee in the Garden

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you how to distinguish bees from flies, wasps, and other insects; and provides an identification guide that profiles each type of bee.

a one-page summary of each genus helps you recognize basic differences between types of bees such as, for example, miner bees and mason bees. besides identification tips, it shows a life-size silhouette of the insect and tells you how to pronounce the genus name. it also describes the foraging habits and nesting preferences of each type of bee, as well as particular conservation concerns. finally, on each page you can enjoy an intriguing “did you know?” fact.

Part 4: Creating a Pollinator-Friendly LandscapeThe first three parts of the book provide

information and inspiration for helping native pollinators, but you may need a more concrete vision of what your pollinator habitat could look like. That’s what part 4 provides.

Though not intended as a prescriptive landscape design, Sample Gardens offers beautiful illustrations of each kind of planting—roadside plantings, residential gardens, farm meadows and so forth. each illustration is paired with a diagram listing the types of plants used in the example. especially helpful are the Regional Plant Lists for Native Pollinator Gardens.

Part 4: Creating a Pollinator-Friendly Landscapejust as part 3 profiled bees, part 4 profiles some

pollen and nectar plants, native trees and shrubs, and garden plants. rounding out this section’s resources is a comprehensive list of Host Plants for Butterflies.

looking at the large number of topics, you might wonder how well this book could cover any one topic. but this is a hefty book—over 350 pages—and it covers each topic very well. and if you need still more information, an Appendix includes Ideas for Educators and Parents, a Glossary, and lists of books, websites, and organizations as additional resources.

high-quality photographs illuminate almost every page, and abundant, beautifully drawn graphics illustrate concepts that can’t be conveyed with photographs. sidebars provide additional, easy-to-access information, and the beginning of each chapter bullets the three or four main ideas.

an impressively thorough and well-designed guidebook!

Dr. Marla Spivak, Professor of Apiculture and Social Insects at the University of Minnesota and a 2010 MacArthur Fellow, says in the book’s Foreword:

“This book is much more than a resource on how to improve habitat for native pollinators. It is a step-by-step guide for changing our stewardship of the earth; it is a tangible way for people of all ages to make a difference…. For many of our earth’s current environmental ills, you will be part of the solution.”

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MAYreplenish organic mulches. two to three inches

is recommended for moisture conservation and weed suppression. keep mulches about two inches back from plant stems and trunks.

prune out winter damage on hollies, needled evergreens, and roses. prune back to healthy wood. for roses, prune to within ten inches of the soil if you want to reduce the size of the plant. prune climbers and ramblers back to living wood and securely attach the canes to fences or trellises.

feed acid lovers such as hollies, azaleas and rhododendrons, mountain laurel, blueberries, and heaths and heathers with an acid fertilizer such as holly-tone or Miracid.

prune late-blooming shrubs, such as butterfly bush, rose-of sharon, and bluebeard, to shape and re-size, if necessary.

if you’re feeling adventurous, and you live in Zone 6 or have a protected microclimate in your yard, check out some of the new hardy camellia cultivars that have been developed. remember that camellias must have rich, acid soil, and they must be protected from winter sun and wind. a few mail order sources are fairweather gardens in greenwich, nj, or camellia forest nursery, chapel hill, nc

for the health of the bulbs and for the sake of next year’s display, don’t cut off, braid, tie up, or otherwise damage the leaves of spring-flowering bulbs. The best strategy to disguise the mess is to interplant the bulbs with annuals or other perennials that will begin to grow as the bulbs are fading. if you have crocuses growing in your lawn, don’t mow until their leaves have died down.

sow annual seeds or divide and replant overgrown perennials.

weed perennial beds, but be careful not to pull up self-sown seedlings. if you don’t recognize something, wait and see what develops. unless you’ve carefully labeled and mapped everything you planted, you may pull up something you planted last year and forgot about! after you weed, mulch.

place supports now for tall perennials like lilies and delphiniums or bushy ones like peonies.

you can plant perennial flowers and small shrubs in containers. a single specimen evergreen or dwarf shrub in a large frost-proof container can knock your eyes out. choose plants that are rated two zones colder than what you would plant in the ground. use an anti-desiccant on evergreens.

plant edibles well away from building

foundations to avoid contamination from lead paint in the soil. better yet, build raised beds build the sides up to 18 inches with redwood, cedar, cinder blocks or any of the available specially made materials. fill the bed with purchased soil mix and plants.

if you want to establish a new asparagus bed, buy roots now and plant them eight inches deep in trenches lined with rich compost. dig out and discard the old soil. fan the roots out and space them two feet apart. cover the roots with soil mix and water them in. Mark the bed with stakes so you can locate it in the spring. you must wait two years for the plants to establish themselves before harvesting. until then, enjoy the feathery top growth. an established asparagus bed will be ready to begin harvesting now.

don’t be in a rush to plant tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and other heat-loving seedlings. wait until soil temperatures are at least 55 to 60 degrees and days are in the 60s, probably towards the end of the month.

start an herb garden now in a sunny spot. if you want mint, remove the bottom from a plastic bucket like the ones kitty litter or spackle come in, sink it in the ground, and plant the mint inside it. Mint has a habit of popping up yards away from where you planted it, and once that horse is out of the barn you’ll never get it back in.

keep a close eye on newly planted container-grown perennials. They need supplemental watering for the first year: the larger the pot size, the more water will be needed. direct a trickle from the hose close to the stem so it percolates down through the root ball. a

¼”garden stake will penetrate the root ball easily if the potting soil is sufficiently wet.

try planting rhubarb as an addition to your perennial bed. The big leaves are just as attractive as hostas and after a couple of years you can make rhubarb pies! also consider red, orange, and yellow-stemmed swiss chard.

grass grows quickly during cooler spring weather so you may need to mow more than once a week to keep up with it. set the blade to at least 2.5 inches and keep it sharp. your goal should be to remove no more than one-third of the grass’s height at any one time. if you’ve been conscientious about this, you can leave the clippings right on the lawn – no need to bag them. you can also mulch newly planted shrubs, trees, roses, and perennials with the clippings to conserve moisture.

for crabgrass control, apply pre-emergent herbicide when the soil temperature is between 55 and 59° f two inches below the soil surface. you can find the proper thermometer at a garden center. if you choose to forgo the thermometer you may make

look to the landscape as an indicator and make the application at the end of the forsythia bloom time. earlier applications are a waste of money because crabgrass does not germinate until soil temperatures are between 60 and 64° f., so the product will degrade before it has any effect.

Moles may show up this month. They’re searching for worms and grubs in your lawn. a repellant such as Mole-Med, which has castor oil as its active ingredient, may or may not work, according to the experts. traps, on the other hand, are reliably effective.

JuNEany bedding plants you find for sale can safely be

planted outdoors in beds, boxes, or containers. for a container media that has better water retention, use a mix that contains at least half soil, not a soil-less mix

if you’re growing june-bearing strawberries, pinch off all the flowers that bloom the first spring after planting. if they are not allowed to bear fruit that first year, they will spend their food reserves developing healthy roots for a better crop in subsequent years.

stop cutting asparagus when the yield decreases and the spears diminish in size. top-dress the bed with compost or well-rotted manure.

stake tomatoes or build cages around them and start training them on those supports. remove the “suckers” that grow from the base of leaves.

place plastic containers or saucers filled with beer level with the soil to lure slugs. any beer will suffice; don’t waste your money on the good stuff. another control is bait containing iron phosphate; two brands are sluggo and escar-go.

Mulch around trees to help preserve moisture and to keep your lawn mower and weed whacker away from the trunk. damaging the trunk on even a mature tree can cause it serious damage, since the cambium (living) layer lies just beneath the bark. start the mulch a minimum of two inches away from the trunk and extend it out at least two to three feet.

prune rhododendrons, azaleas, and lilacs after they finish flowering. This is the time to re-shape them if needed. for very old lilacs, remove one-third of the thick trunks and allow new growth to emerge from the roots.

leave iris foliage intact unless you’re dividing the plants. cut off brown tips and remove the flowering stalk. if you’re dividing irises, cut the leaves back by a half just before you move them. look for signs of iris leaf borers – wet streaks going down the edge of leaves into the rhizomes. pinch the bottom of the wet streak to kill the borer. clean up and discard the dead foliage in the fall since this is where the moth lays its eggs that will hatch into borers the next spring. do not compost the foliage.

—Marian Boutet, Master Gardener, Monroe County Cornell Cooperative Extension

What to do in the garden In May and June

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For crabgrass control, apply pre-emergent herbicide when the soil temperature is

between 55 and 59° F two inches below the

soil surface.


U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 2 1

Questions & answers

You ask... The experts answer

This issue’s guest expert is Monika Roth, Extension Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County.

Q: “We have a large flagstone patio that each year has more and more red clover mites all over it. They get on our patio furniture and stain the clothes of anyone who sits down. The patio has a southeastern exposure and receives the brunt of the hot mid-day sun. The mites don’t seem to harm any container plantings on the patio. Are there any control measures that we can employ to get rid of these little pests or at least reduce the population? Spraying with water does little to repel them.”

A: clover mites emerge in spring from hiding places in cracks and crevices of the patio and other places outside, and sometimes inside, the home. a warm sunny patio provides an excellent place to hide over winter.  after they emerge in spring, mites will find their way into your lawn where they feed on grasses or clover. a lawn that is fertilized regularly is especially appealing to clover mites. They love the succulent leaves that result from fertilization.  so one way to reduce the problem is to avoid over fertilization of the lawn! another step is to create a zone free of grass and weeds around the patio.  remove the lawn from a strip 18 to 24 inches wide around the patio. This produces a barrier that makes it hard for the mites to get back to the grass to feed.  when they can’t feed, their numbers will go down over time.  The barrier strips can be covered with annuals, bark nuggets or pea gravel (mites have difficulty in crawling across these), or left bare. flowerbeds planted with zinnia, marigold, salvia, rose, chrysanthemum and petunia, or shrubs such as barberry, juniper, spruce, arborvitae, and yew make better barriers because these plants are not attractive to clover mites.

while the above practices will help minimize the problem, another option may be to apply a soil drenching insecticide to the lawn to help reduce the population.  The recommendations seem to vary but an

option would be to use insecticidal soap. for the patio and areas around the house, it might be best to use the soap spray when mites are present in large numbers.  for the lawn, treat an area from the patio at least 25 feet out. The best time for lawn treatment is late summer/early fall (september).

in summary, a multi-step plan is probably needed: 1) spray the patio with insecticidal soap on warm sunny days when the mites are abundant, 2) consider removing lawn 18-24 inches from the patio and create a flower bed. 3) don’t fertilize your lawn in spring or summer; if you must fertilize, once a year in fall is plenty. good luck! let us know how it works out.

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REGulAR Club MEETiNGs8th district Federated Garden Clubs of New York

state inc. Judy Tucholski Zon, District Director: 716/836-2573;

African violet and Gesneriad society of WNY meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm, Depew High School Cafeteria, 5201 Transit Rd., Depew. 716/652-8658;;

buffalo Area daylily society. East Aurora Senior Center, 101 King Street.;

Garden Friends of Clarence meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7 pm, September – June, Town Park Clubhouse, 10405 Main Street, Clarence.

Hamburg Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month at noon, summer garden tours, 3921 Monroe Avenue, Hamburg. 716/648-0275.

Niagara Frontier orchid society (NFos) meets the first Tuesday following the first Sunday (dates sometimes vary due to holidays, etc.), September – June, Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Avenue, Buffalo.

Niagara Frontier Pond & koi Club meets the second Friday of each month at 7 pm, Zion United Church of Christ, 15 Koenig Circle, Tonawanda.

orchard Park Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month at 12 pm, Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, 4369 S. Buffalo Street, Orchard Park.

Western New York Herb study Group meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7 pm, Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Avenue, Buffalo.

Western NY Hosta society, contact for meeting dates and location. 716/941-6167;

Western NY Rose society meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm, St. Stephens-Bethlehem United Church of Christ, 750 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville.

Williamson Garden Club. On-going community projects; free monthly lectures to educate the community about gardening. Open to all. 315-524-4204.;

Wilson Garden Club generally meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm in the community room of the Wilson Free Library, 265 Young Street, Wilson. Meetings open to all, community floral planting, spring plant sale, local garden tours. 716/751-6334;

Western New York Honey Producers, inc. First Presbyterian Church of East Aurora.

WNY iris society meets the first Sunday of the month in members’ homes and gardens. Information about growing all types of irises and complementary perennials. Shows. Sale. Guests welcome. Pat Kluczynski: 716/633-9503;

Youngstown Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 pm, First Presbyterian Church, 100 Church Street, Youngstown.

ClAssEs / EvENTs• indicates activities especially appropriate for

children and families.

May 5: Cooking with Herbs, 7 – 8:15 pm. Spice up your cuisine with some tips and recipes from Master Gardener Carol Ann Harlos. $12 members; $15 non-members. Registration required. bECbG

May 6: spring bulb sale, 8 am. Annual sale of bulbs dug from the gardens, many varieties to select from. Bag provided, you fill. $7 per bag; limit 4 bags per person. Garage behind the Gardens. bECbG

May 6: National Public Gardens day. bECbG

May 7: spring Mulching at Niagara square. Buffalo in Bloom;

• May 7: Tea Cup Floral Arrangement, 10 – 11 am. Delight Mom on her day with a lively fresh floral arrangement in a pretty teacup with saucer. $12 members; $15 non-members. Registration required. bECbG

• May 7: Mother’s day Make it for Mom, 11 am – 2 pm. Kids make something special for mom or grandma for Mother’s Day. Select from an assortment of containers and plants. Experienced staff will assist with planting. Fee for container and plants; all other materials included. Registration required. Zittel’s Country Market, Route 20, Hamburg. 716/649-3010;

May 7 – 29: Coleus show, 10 am – 5 pm. bECbG

ongoing May 7 – November 23: East Aurora Farmers Market, Wednesdays & Saturdays, 7 am – 1 pm. Open air farmers market featuring locally produced/grown product. Fruit, vegetables, baked goods, honey, maple syrup, pickles, salsa, herbs, eggs, and more. Aurora Village(Tops) Plaza, Grey Street, East Aurora.

May 13 – 15: spring open House, 10 am – 5 pm. Herbs, perennials, garden artwork, classes, shops. Chicken Coop Originals, 13245 Clinton Street, Alden. 716/937-7837.

May 14: own Your own landscape, 9:30 am – 12 pm. Includes design, selection of trees, shrubs and flowers, bed and soil prep, planting, maintenance, tour of plant collection. Also, how to decide whether to improve what currently exists or overhaul. Instructor: Sally Cunningham. $15. Registration required. loCk

• May 14: Earth day in May, 10 am – 1 pm. Help with trail maintenance and invasive species control. Scout

and youth groups, individuals and families welcome. Lunch provided. Registration required. Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve, 93 Honorine Drive, Depew. 716/683-5959;

• May 14: Plant for Hope, 10 am – 4 pm. Plant for Hope Hanging Basket exclusively grown for event. Chinese auction, raffle, food, wine tasting, crafters, family fun. Proceeds go to WNY Breast Cancer Resource Center. Bedford’s Greenhouse, 6820 Cedar Street, Akron. 716/542-6110.

May 14: bloom kick-off, 10:30 am. City Hall. Buffalo in Bloom;

May 14: Caring for Roses, 1 pm. David Clark will discuss how to select, prune, plant, fertilize, manage pests, and prepare for winter. $12. Registration required. loCk

May 14: All About Herbs, 2 pm. Learn about growing, harvesting, drying and uses for herbs. Registration required. Zittel’s Country Market, Route 20, Hamburg. 716/649-3010;

May 14 – 15: The Great Plant sale, 9 am – 4 pm. Hanging baskets, annuals, perennials, ornamental trees & shrubs, rare, unusual and deer resistant plants and flowers, natives, tropicals, Japanese maples, herbs and more. bECbG

May 14 – 15: bonsai show, 10 am – 5 pm. Presented by the Buffalo Bonsai Society. Bonsai masters and novices will display their prized trees at their peak. bECbG

May 18: Plant sale & Auction, 12 – 6 pm plant sale; 6:30 pm auction. Presented by The Garden Friends of Clarence. Several varieties of plants, including some rare and unusual items from members’ gardens. Public welcome. Clarence Town Park, large pavilion, 10405 Main Street, Clarence.

May 21: Plant sale, 8 am – 2 pm. Presented by Orchard Park Garden Club. Annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetables, accent plants, hanging baskets. Gift certificates available: 716/662-5248. Orchard Park Railroad Depot, behind Library.

May 21: Cottage Gardening for the Home, 9:30 – 11 am. Join Sara Baker Michalak for a garden and grounds tour, discussion about flowers and other naturals for cutting, wreath making, potpourri, herbs for the kitchen and more. Registration required. lANA

May 21: organic Gardening day, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. Featured guests Elizabeth Henderson, NOFA-NY, and Anita da Fonte, Coast of Maine Organics. Learn why and how to choose and use organic, locally grown food and how to grow it. Includes food demo and luncheon with local produce. Additional programs by Sally Cunningham, Great Garden Companions, & David Clark, Composting Made Easy. $50 full day; $30 half day. Registration required. loCk

May 21: Gardenfest, 10 am. Guest speakers on topics including vegetable gardening in containers, butterfly gardening and garden and yard decorating ideas. Local artisans, special sales, refreshments. Free. Registration requested for talks. Windy Acres Greenhouse, 6175 Wagner Road, Springville. 716/541-4923.

May 21: Anniversary Celebration, 10 am – 4 pm. Shop the greenhouses, wine tasting, face painting, magician, ice cream. Heimiller Greenhouses, 3038 Ewings Road, Newfane.

May 21: Garden stepping stones, 11 am – 1 pm. Create three unique stepping stones for your garden pathway. Bring baubles, glass beads or shells to decorate creations. Dress to get dirty. Bring plastic for transporting. $20 members; $24 non-members. Registration required. bECbG


bECbG: buffalo & Erie County botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14218. 716/827-1584;

lANA: lana’s The little House, PO Box 267, Forestville, NY 14062. 716/965-2798;

loCk: lockwood’s Greenhouses, 4484 Clark Street, Hamburg, NY 14075, 716/649-4684;

sEN: seneca Greenhouses, 2250 Transit Road, West Seneca, NY 14224. 716/677-0681.

WNYlC: Western New York Land Conservancy. 716/687-1225;;

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 2 3

• ongoing May 22: sunday kids’ Activities, fourth Sunday each month, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Garden related activities, ages 3-12. Activities vary; children must be accompanied by an adult. Free with admission. bECbG

ongoing May 24 through september: bloom Mondays, 5 pm. Niagara Square. Buffalo in Bloom;

May 26: Garden scout orientation, 7 pm; registration 6:45 pm. Harvest House. Buffalo in Bloom;

May 28: spring Wildflower Hike, 10 am – 12:30 pm. Join Mary Alice Tock, past president Niagara Frontier Botanical Society, for a walk in Franklin Gulf Park gorge. Careful searching will reveal a variety of wildflowers & shrubs. Franklin Gulf Park, Eden. Free. Registration required. WNYlC

June 3: What Makes a Cottage Garden?, 9:30 – 11 am. Sara Baker Michalak will lead a tour and talk about the basics of cottage gardening. She will discuss plants and design fundamentals, with an emphasis on part-shade to shady conditions and flora native to the Northeast. Registration required. lANA

June 4: odyssey to ithaca. Join us as we travel by motor coach to the Ithaca region. Tour Bedlam Gardens in King Ferry. Visit Bakers’ Acres, enjoy an herbal lunch and plant shopping. See the newly renovated landscape and new welcome center at Cornell Plantations. Visit the Ithaca Farmers Market, a cooperative of 150 vendors. Meet Lee Ginenthal, nurseryman and instructor, at his specialty nursery Der Rosenmeister where he grows only the finest pest- and disease-resistant roses available. Finally, we’ll stop and taste some wine, or merely admire the view, at Ventosa Vineyards on Seneca Lake. Departs Buffalo and Batavia. $70. Registration required. Upstate Gardeners’ Journal, 3200 East Avenue, Caledonia, NY 14423. 585/538-4980; 716/432-8688;

June 4: Garden scout orientation, 9 am; registration 8:30 am. Unitarian Universalist Church. Buffalo in Bloom;

• June 4: kids’ Gardening Class – sweet Pea spider Web, 10 am – 12 pm. $25. Registration required. sEN

June 4: New Member orientation & volunteer Action day, 10 am – 4 pm. Help is needed for spring clean-up of seldom visited areas of Kenneglenn; invasive species removal, garden and landscape work. Bring work gloves, pruning tools, shovels, and other favorite gardening tools. Registration required. WNYlC

June 4: summer Planter or Windowbox Workshop, 11:30 am. Choose among the newest and longest-flowering annuals to plant a container full of blooms. Gardening expert Mary Gurtler will offer tips about the plants and their care. $35. Registration required. loCk

• June 4: insect-Eating Plants – Carnivores of the Plant World, 1 pm. David Clark will discuss how to keep Venus flytrap, pitcher plants, and Sundews. Plant discounts for youth. $10 adults; $5 youth under 12. Registration required. loCk

June 4: iris show and Exhibition, 1 – 4 pm. Kaleidoscope of Iris. Presented by Western New York Iris Society. Also featuring Japanese floral arrangements, Buffalo Chapter Ikebana International. Free. Eastern Hills Mall, 4545 Transit Road, Buffalo.

• June 4 – 25: kids’ Watercolor Classes, three Saturdays, June 4, 18 & 25, 9 – 10:30 am. Kids’ artistic abilities will blossom under the tutelage of teacher and artist, Joan Saba. $30 series; $11 per class. Registration required. bECbG

June 8 – 29: Garden Railway Exhibit, 10 am – 5 pm. Presented by the Garden Railway Society. bECbG

June 11: summer Tree identification Hike, 10 am – 12 pm. Hike leader John Sly, Land Conservancy volunteer and long-time volunteer program leader for the Buffalo Audubon Society, will share information on how to identify trees in the summer with special attention on native trees. Free. Registration required. WNYlC

• June 11: kids’ Gardening Class – Flag day Garden, 10 am – 12 pm. $25. Registration required. sEN

June 11: basket Weave Hypertufa, 10:30 am. Fashion your own unique planting container using a small basket or dish pan. $30 members; $35 non-members. Registration required. bECbG

June 11: Hypertufa Workshop, 1 pm. Make your own container for a miniature alpine garden, patio succulent garden or mini-hostas. Fee tba. Registration required. loCk

June 12: Agri-Palooza, 12 – 4 pm. Discover what happens in a day-in-the-life on a dairy farm. Guided tours, educational livestock exhibit, children’s educational activities, farm market, food. Van Slyke’s Dairy Farm, Lamont Road, Pike.

June 16: Cottage Gardening, the little House Way, 9:30 – 11 am. Sara Baker Michalak will lead a tour of the garden as she discusses its history and design fundamentals. She will also talk about plants most suitable for cottage gardening, with emphasis on wildflowers native to the Northeast. Registration required. lANA

June 18: Hostas large and small, 10 am. Hosta experts Mike and Kathy Shadrack will discuss how to choose superior hostas from the thousands on the market plus designing, planting and caring for hostas in containers or the ground, and preventing pests. Their book, Book of Little Hostas, will be available for signing, as well as Mike’s comprehensive encyclopedia. $10. Registration required. loCk

• June 18: Garden Toad Abode, 10 – 11 am. Delight Dad on his day with a hand-painted house made from a clay pot. Welcome insect-eating amphibious creatures to your yard by placing the abode on its side and partially burying it in a moist, shady spot. $7 members; $8 non-members. Registration required. bECbG

• June 18: kids’ Gardening Class – Father’s day Garden, 10 am – 12 pm. $25. Registration required. sEN

June 24: National buffalo Garden Festival - opening Reception, 3 – 8 pm. Walk in the garden with Kerry Mendez and Sally Cunningham. Tips for Low-Maintenance, High Impact Perennial Gardens, talk given by Kerry Mendez, author and frequent HGTV contributor. Reception 6 pm. Before June 10: $24; $6 reception only. After June 10: $28; $10 reception only. Registration required: Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens.

June 24 – July 31: National buffalo Garden Festival. Garden walks, open gardens, special events, talks & seminars, bus tours.

June 25: Perennials day, 9:30 am – 3 pm. Kick off the National Garden Festival with a day of speakers. Includes catered luncheon. Topics: Blue Ribbon Perennials for your Winning Garden,

Kerry Ann Mendez; Native Perennials, Grasses, and Wildflowers for WNY Gardens, Ken Parker; Rock Stars for an Alpine or Miniature Garden, Tony Post; Designing with Flowers for Front Yard Curb Appeal, Sally Cunningham. loCk

• June 25: kids’ Gardening Class – My Pets’ snack Garden, 10 am – 12 pm. $25. Registration required. sEN

June 25: village of Williamsville Garden Walk, 10 am – 4 pm. Free. Maps, day of: Williamsville Village Hall, 5565 Main Street, Williamsville.

June 25: Fairy day at Menne’s. Classes, workshops, refreshments. Menne’s Nursery & Garden Artistry, 3100 Niagara Falls Blvd Amherst. 716/693-4444;

June 25 – 26: lewiston GardenFest, 10 am – 5 pm. Booths featuring nurseries, landscapers, garden artists, and outdoor merchandise. Daily lectures. Garden questions answered by area master gardeners and members of local floral societies. Tour selected village gardens and Lewiston Bi-National Peace Garden.

June 26: Parkside Garden Tour, 10 am – 4 pm. Explore down-to-earth gardens with the backdrop of historic Parkside architecture and tree-lined streetscapes. $5 suggested donation. Maps, day of: Church of the Good Shepherd, 96 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo.

June 27 – 28: Cincinnati & Columbus Trip. Take in the plant collections of the Eden Park-Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati and the Franklin Park Conservatory, containing five main exhibits, a Chihuly collection and Blooms and Butterflies. Includes transportation, most meals, hotel, admissions, tips, taxes. Recommended adults only. Members: $279 double; $339 single. Non-members: $329 double; $389 single. bECbG

June 29: starry Night in the Garden, 6 – 9 pm. Popular musical groups, local restaurants, wineries and breweries. Proceeds benefit the Botanical Gardens. $40 general admission; $100 VIP. bECbG

July 3: Japanese iris show and Exhibit, 12 – 4 pm. Spectacular Elegance. Individual iris specimens and floral design. Presented by Western New York Iris Society. Galley Greenhouses, Clinton Street, West Seneca.

July 9 – 10: village of Hamburg Garden Walk, 10 am – 4 pm. Self-guided, 30 village gardens. Vendors. Rain or shine. Maps: Memorial Park, corner Lake and Union Streets, Hamburg. Free. 716/648-7544;

July 9 – 10: lockport in bloom, 10 am – 4 pm. Features more than 45 historic homes and gardens, includes city parks containing well maintained flowerbeds and trees. Rain or shine. Free. Maps: Kenan Center, 433 Locust Street; City Hall, 1 Locks Plaza.

July 9 – 31: Garden Walks, Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm; Sundays 12 – 4 pm. Visit two Orchard Park gardens, about a mile apart, at your leisure. Enjoy extensive country gardens, a pond filled with fish and water lilies, over 700 registered varieties of daylilies. 6047 Seufert Road. 716/648-0094. The second, designated a Backyard Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, features a biologically-filtered water garden surrounded by a large perennial garden connected by stone and flagstone pathways. Woods, pines & Japanese maples are incorporated into an English cottage garden & wildflower prairie. 6346 Ward Road. 716/648-7085.

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U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 2 5

CalendarbuFFAlo continued

July 10: snyder-CleveHill Garden view, 10 am – 4 pm. All types of garden styles and plants are represented in a backdrop of architecture from 1910’s to 1950’s. Roughly 30 gardens in the Snyder and Cleveland Hill neighborhoods. $3 donation appreciated. Maps, day of: Trillium Flower Shop, 2195 Kensington Avenue.

July 10: Akron in bloom, 12 – 4 pm. $5 presale: Bedford’s Greenhouse, 6820 Cedar Street, Akron. $7 day of: Rich-Twinn Octagon House, 145 Main Street, Akron.

sAvE THE dATEJuly 16: Herbal symposium and lunch, 9:30 am.

Herbalist Pat Jenney: Herbs in the Garden, growing annual and perennial herbs, herb garden design, growing conditions, care and harvesting. Herbalist Marian Prezyna: Herbs for Greener Living, practical and traditional uses for the home, cosmetics, health, and what you need to know about backyard medicine. Refreshments. Fee tba. Registration required. loCk

July 30 – 31: Garden Walk buffalo, 10 am – 4 pm. Self-guided tour of over 300 urban gardens and historic neighborhoods. Free.


REGulAR Club MEETiNGsAdirondack Chapter, North American Rock Garden

society (AC/NARGs), usually meets the third Saturday of the month at 1 pm.

Windsor NY Garden Group meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 10 am, members’ homes or Windsor Community House, 107 Main Street, Windsor.

ClAssEs / EvENTs• indicates activities especially appropriate for

children and families.

ongoing May 1 – 29: Wildflower Walk, Sundays, 1 pm. Free. Rain or shine. Meet: Lab of Ornithology visitor center. Sapsucker Woods, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca. CP

May 4: Evening Wildflower Walk, 7 pm. Tour the woodland pathways and varied plant habitats of the Mundy Wildflower Garden. Experience delicate and ephemeral natives such as trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, bloodroot, and Solomon’s seal. Free; donations welcome. CP

May 5 – 23: The Joy of botanical illustration, eight Thursdays, 6 – 9 pm. From plant observation and drawing, to plant perspective, composition and color mixing, class will explore black and white, color pencil, pen and ink, and watercolor. All skill levels. Instructor: Camille Doucet, artist. $240 members; $288 non-members. Registration required. CP

• May 7 – 21: Painting Nature, three Saturdays, 9 am – 12 pm. Gain insight into living things, leaves, seeds, flowers, plants, while improving drawing skills. Instructor: Camille Doucet, artist. Ages 8

and older with parent. $92 members; $110 non-members; fee includes one child and one parent, individual adults also welcome. Registration required. CP

May 14: spring Garden Fair & Plant sale, 9 am – 1 pm. Local garden groups specializing in rock gardens, native plants, perennials, herbs, and annuals. Over 40 area growers offering everything from bedding plants to trees and shrubs. NYS Armory, 1765 Hanshaw Road. Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County. 607/272-2292;

May 15: Raising Rhododendrons, 2 – 4 pm. Visit Comstock Knoll with gardener Phil Syphrit. Participants will practice techniques such as pruning, deadheading, fertilizing, and tip-layer lifting. Some steep slope and stair climbing will be necessary. $20 members; $24 non-members. Registration required. CP

May 21: open Garden, 10 am – 4 pm. Visit an award winning native plant garden. Mature oaks, pines and hickories protect hundreds of trillium, bloodroot, Virginia bluebells and some 60 other wildflowers often growing in masses. Moss lined paths meander throughout allowing close up views of the plants. Numerous other shade loving plants, Asian maples, a small collection of dwarf conifers, rock garden plants and a large collection of Rhododendrons. Free. 10 Fox Lane East, Gang Mills, Painted Post.

May 25: Evening Wildflower Walk, 7 pm. See description under May 4. Free; donations welcome. CP

ongoing June 1 – october 26: Trumansburg Farmers’ Market, Wednesdays, 4 – 7 pm. Fresh locally grown produce, naturally-raised meats, eggs, flowers, herbs, local crafters, live music and dinner. Village Park, Trumansburg, corner Routes 96 and 227. 607/387-3892;;

June 11: Tompkins County open days Garden Tours, 10 am – 4 pm. Self-guided tour of private gardens. National event sponsored by the Garden Conservancy. Rain or shine. Tompkins County Community Beautification Program.;

June 12: Fall Creek Neighborhood Garden Tour, 11 am – 3 pm. Features a wide variety of flower and vegetable gardens. Rain or shine. Free. Maps: Thompson Park, North Cayuga & Cascadilla Streets, Ithaca.

June 18: super Tufa Planter, 10 am – 12 pm. Make your own container, 3 shapes to choose from. $28. Registration required by June 15. Bakers’ Acres, 1104 Auburn Rd. (Route 34), Groton. 607/533-4653;

June 18: botanical illustration intensive, 10 am – 4 pm. Using fresh plants from the Plantations’ botanical garden for inspiration, class will do exercises to sharpen and vary focus then paint in-depth. Instructor: Camille Doucet, artist. $60 members; $72 non-members. Registration required. CP

ongoing June 18 – september 3: botanical Garden Highlight Tours, Saturdays, 1 pm. Enjoy a guided tour through the Botanical Gardens. Tour content

will vary from week to week, depending on the plants, season, interests of the group, and whim of the docent. Free; donations welcome. Meet: Nevin Welcome Venter. CP

ongoing June 19 – september 4: Arboretum Highlight Tours, Sundays, 1 pm. Enjoy a guided tour through the F.R. Newman Arboretum while visiting tree and shrub collections, and diverse ornamental garden plantings. Tour content will vary from week to week, depending on the plants, season, interests of the group, and whim of the docent. Free; donations welcome. Meet: near ponds, F.R. Newman Arboretum. CP

June 25: open Gate Garden and Art Tour, 9 am – 1 pm. Tour four country gardens. Original art on display and for sale at each location. Shuttle available or drive yourself. $5. Starting point: municipal parking lot, George Street, Dryden.

July 9: Nature Journaling, 10 am – 1 pm. Ages 16 and older. Keeping a nature journal is a way to visually record observations, impressions of the day, musings and dreamings in an unhurried and meaningful manner. Bring sketch book or sketch journal and pencil. Instructor: Camille Doucet, artist. $30 members; $36 non-members. Registration required. CP

July 11 – 20: Mixed Media botanicals, Mondays & Wednesdays, 6 – 9 pm. Four-part class will emphasize experimenting with techniques using pen, graphite, markers and colored pencil in combination with water color. Participants should have some watercolor painting experience. Class will work with natural/living materials. Instructor: Paula DiSanto Bensadoun, scientific illustrator/botanical artist. $120 members; $144 non-members. Registration required. CP


REGulAR Club MEETiNGsAfrican violet society of Rochester meets the first

Wednesday of each month, September - -May, at 7 pm, St. John’s Home, 150 Highland Avenue, Rochester. All are welcome. Bob or Linda Springer: 585/413-0606;

bonsai society of upstate New York meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Brighton Town Park Lodge, Buckland Park, 1341 Westfall Road, Rochester. 585/334-2595;

Fairport Garden Club meets the 3rd Thursday evening of each month (except August and January). Accepting new members.;

Garden Club of brockport meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 pm, Clarkson Schoolhouse, Ridge Road, east of Route 19. Speakers, hands-on sessions. Kathy Dixon: 585/431-0509;

Genesee Region orchid society (GRos) meets every month from September through May at the Jewish Community Center, 1200 Edgewood Avenue, Rochester, on the first Monday following the first Sunday of each month (dates sometimes vary due to holidays, etc.). The GROS is an Affiliate of The American Orchid Society (AOS) and of The Orchid Digest Corporation.

Genesee valley Chapter of the North American Rock Garden society (GvC NARGs) meets monthly from April through October. For information:; For newsletter:


CP: Cornell Plantations, 1 Plantations Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. Inquire ahead for meeting places. 607/255-2400;

2 6 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1


RoCHEsTER continued

REGulAR Club MEETiNGsGenesee valley Hosta society meets the second

Thursday of January, March, May, September & November at Monroe County’s Cornell Cooperative Extension, 249 Highland Avenue, Rochester. 585/538-2280;

Genesee valley Pond & koi Club meets the first Friday of the month at 7 pm, Rochester Civic Garden Center, 5 Castle Park, Rochester.

Gesneriad society meets the first Wednesday of each month, September – May, at 6:30 pm, St. John’s Home, 150 Highland Avenue, Rochester. All are welcome. Bob or Linda Springer: 585/413-0606;

Greater Rochester iris society meets Thursdays at 7 pm, Monroe County Cornell Cooperative Extension, 249 Highland Avenue, Rochester. No meeting May & June.

Greater Rochester Perennial society (GRPs) meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm, Monroe County Cornell Cooperative Extension, 249 Highland Avenue, Rochester, except in summer when it tours members’ gardens.;

Greater Rochester Rose society holds monthly meetings at the Rochester Civic Garden Center, 5 Castle Park, Rochester. Public seminars, June rose show, garden adventures. 585/621-8780;; June 6: Rose Photography Workshop, 6:30 pm, Paul Rosenfeld, call for location. June 24 – 26: ARS National Mini Rose Convention, Sheridan Hotel, Syracuse. July 6: Companion Plantings for Roses, 6:30 pm, Trish Gannon.

Henrietta Garden Club meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month (except July and August) at 7 pm at Henrietta Town Hall (lower level, door facing the library). Open to all interested in gardens, flowers, and sharing information about plants.

Holley Garden Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm, Holley Presbyterian Church. 585/638-6973.

ikebana international Rochester Chapter 53 meets the 3rd Thursday of each month (except December and February) at 10 am, First Baptist Church, Hubbell Hall, 175 Allens Creek Road, Rochester. 585/872-0678; 585/586-0794.

Rochester dahlia society meets the second Saturday of most months at 1 pm, Trinity Reformed Church, 909 Landing Road North, Rochester, except in the summer, when it tours members’ gardens. Visitors welcome. 585/249-0624; 585/865-2291;

Rochester Herb society meets the first Tuesday of each month (excluding January & February) at 12 pm, Rochester Civic Garden Center, 5 Castle Park, Rochester. June-August garden tours. New members welcome.

Rochester Water Garden society meets the third Monday of the month, 7:30 pm, at members’ homes. 585/672-5857;;

soil, Toil & Thyme Garden Club. 585/589-1640; valentown Garden Club meets the third Tuesday of each month; time alternates between noon and 7 pm. Victor. Kathleen Houser, president: 585/301-6107.

ClAssEs / EvENTs• indicates activities especially appropriate for

children and families.

ongoing: Talk dirt, first Monday of each month, 11:45 am – 1 pm. Topics vary. Bring a lunch. Free. Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension, Education Center, 4H Fairgrounds, Route 31, between Albion and Medina. 585/798-4265;

ongoing through september 30: visit Ellwanger Garden, Tuesdays, 5 – 7 pm. Stroll the grounds while volunteers are working. Weather permitting. Ellwanger Garden, 625 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester. Call to arrange a tour at an alternate time. ldMk

ongoing: stone-Tolan House and Grounds, Fridays & Saturdays, 12 – 3 pm. Tour the house and grounds. Call to arrange a tour at an alternate time. ldMk

ongoing: George Eastman House – open Gardens. Docent-led garden tours offered daily; closed Monday. Included with museum admission. George Eastman House, 900 East Avenue, Rochester. 585/271-3361;

May 1: Wildflower Walk, 10 am – 12 pm. Learn about the spring wildflowers of Ganondagan with Kimberly Burkard as you walk up Fort Hill to meet Peter Jemison who will talk about the significance of Fort Hill to the Seneca people. $5; $10 family. Registration required. Friends of Ganondagan, Ganondagan State Historic Site, Victor.

May 3 – 4: Hypertufa Garden Troughs, Tuesday 7 – 9 pm; Wednesday 7 – 8 pm. First class: mix and mold the hypertufa. Second evening: unmold your container, discuss wintering it over, and see how instructor Alana Miller uses these planters in the landscape. Materials included. $65 members; $75 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 4: Making a Hypertufa Garden, 7 pm. Master Gardener Darlyn Hawkins will share information on how to create a hypertufa garden in this hands-on class. Bring a “Cool-Whip” bowl or other small container to create your own planter. $5. Registration required through Woodward Library, 585/768-8300. Woodward Memorial Library, Wolcott Street, Leroy. CCE/GC

May 5: Wildflower Walk, 1 pm. Become more familiar with our many native wildflowers and the role of their surroundings. 2 hours, 1 mile. Arbutus Woods. Meet: Parade Grounds parking lot. May carpool. lET

May 7: Plant sale, 8 – 11:30 am. Presented by Wayne County Master Gardeners. Plants provided by local nurseries and Master Gardeners’ private collections. CCE/WC

May 7: Webster Arboretum Plant sale, 8 am – 12 pm. Perennials from standard to uncommon, annuals, dwarf conifers, geraniums, dahlias, various garden club offerings and more. Webster Arboretum, 1700 Schlegel Road, Webster.

May 7: Rochester dahlia society Plant sale, 8 am – 12 pm. Dahlia plants and tubers. Kent Park, Arboretum Plant Sale, Webster.

May 7: victor Garden Club Plant sale, 9 – 11 am. Perennials, ground covers and herbs grown by club members or donated by community members. Proceeds benefit civic beautification projects. Victor Free Library, 15 West Main Street, Victor.

May 7: ontario County Master Gardener Plant sale, 9 – 11:30 am. Plants from the gardens of over 20 Master Gardeners. Bring boxes to carry purchases. Proceeds benefit educational outreach. Rain or shine. CCE/oNT

May 7: Garden Maintenance skills, 9 am – 12 pm. Landscape designer Christine Froehlich will cover planting, watering, soil preparation, including composting and mulch, fertilizers, deadheading and basic pruning, pest and disease monitoring, and perennial division. Outdoor program. $32 members; $42 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 7: Garden day Event, 9 am – 1 pm. Plant sale, demonstrations, soil testing, activities, auction. Free. Cornell Cooperative Extension, 401 North Main Street, Warsaw. 585/786-2251;


CCE/GC: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Genesee County, 420 East Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020. 585/343-3040;

CCE/oNT: Cornell Cooperative Extension, ontario County, 480 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424. 585/394-3977 x427;;

CCE/WC: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Wayne County, 1581 Route 88 North, Newark, NY 14513. 315/331-8415;

GRAN: Granger Homestead and Carriage Museum, 295 N. Main Street, Canandaigua. Contact Kim Bellavia, Education Director: 585/394-1472;

ldMk: landmark society of Western NY, 585/546-7029;

lET: letchworth state Park interpretive Program, 1 Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY 14427; 585/493-3625.

liN: linwood Gardens, 1912 York Road, Linwood, NY 14486. 585/584-3913;

RbC: Rochester butterfly Club. Field trips last about 2 hours, some continue into the afternoon, especially those that are further away. Long pants and appropriate footgear strongly recommended. Free and open to the public.

RCGC: Rochester Civic Garden Center, 5 Castle Park, Rochester, NY 14620. 585/473-5130;

RoC: Sponsored by the City of Rochester. 585/428-6770;

RPM: Rochester Public Market, 280 North Union Street, Rochester, NY.;

sG: sonnenberg Gardens & Mansion state Historic Park, 151 Charlotte Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424. 585/394-4922;

WAY: Wayside Garden Center, 124 Pittsford-Palmyra Road (Route 31), Macedon, NY 14502. 585/223-1222 x100;;


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2 8 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1

CalendarRoCHEsTER continued

May 7: spring Wildflowers, 10 am. Led by Carl Herrgesell and Frank Crombe. Free. Thousand Acre Swamp Sanctuary, 158l Jackson Road, Penfield.

May 7: Pruning Roses, 10 am – 12 pm. Greater Rochester Rose Society members will provide expert advice and hands-on demonstrations. Rain or shine. Free. Meet: fountain, Maplewood Rose Garden, corner Lake & Driving Park Avenues. RoC

May 7: Twig Arch Workshop, 10 am – 1 pm. Floral designer Alana Miller will share techniques for constructing rustic twig structures for the garden. Group will participate in putting together one large twig arch to be displayed at the Garden Center. Outdoor, rain or shine. $22 members; $32 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 8: Flower City days at The Market. Over 250 local nurseries and growers selling plants and garden accessories. RPM

May 8: Rochester dahlia society Plant sale, 7 am – 1 pm. Dahlia plants and tubers. Rochester Public Market.

May 9: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. Subjects include gardening on a budget, growing plants from seed, planning a vegetable garden, maximizing color with annuals and perennials, raising herbs, and recognizing poison ivy. Each week will offer a different presentation depending on the interests of those attending. Free. Flint Street Recreation Center, 271 Flint Street. RoC

May 10: Tools for simplified Gardening, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Master Gardener and occupational therapist Julie Brocklehurst-Woods will discuss design and maintenance strategies to make it easier to have the garden you want. She will demonstrate the use of a wide variety of tools that will simplify gardening. $22 members; $32 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 10 & 12: intermediate Professional Floral design Certificate – bouquets, 6:30 – 9 pm. Instructor Alana Miller has over 30 years experience in the floral industry. Styles covered will include vegetative, landscape, botanical, Biedermeier, and bouquets. Students take home all arrangements created during class. Bring floral tools. Prerequisite: Basic Professional Floral Design or floral shop experience. $150 members; $225 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 11: Creative Container Gardening, 6 pm. Master Gardener David Russell will share suggestions to transform intriguing and unexpected objects into creative container gardens. Includes handouts and refreshments. $10. Registration required by May 7. CCE/GC

May 12: Wildflower Walk, 1 pm. See description under May 5. 3 hours, 1 mile. Upper and Middle Falls area. Meet: Museum. lET

May 12: stroll in the Garden at Michael Hannen’s Nursery, 6 – 7:30. Michael grows over 800 varieties of plants at his urban home-based nursery. Enjoy his guided tour of the gardens, highlighting the current standouts in bloom. $10 members; $15 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 13 – 15: Edible Forest Garden installation and Caretake, 6 – 9 pm Friday; 9 am – 9 pm Saturday; 9 am – 1 pm Sunday. Hands-on; group will discuss and experience methods and practices to design, plant, and maintain a food forest. Includes Saturday lunch and dinner. $175-$225, sliding scale. Registration required by May 6. Rochester

Permaculture Institute, PO Box 18212, Rochester, NY 14618.

May 13 – 22: lilac Festival. Highland Park, Rochester.

May 13 – 22: visit Ellwanger Garden, 10 am – 4 pm. Open during Lilac Festival. Historic landscape originally planted in 1867 by nurseryman George Ellwanger. Few blocks from Lilac festivities. $5 suggested donation. Ellwanger Garden, 625 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester. ldMk

May 13 – 22: Plant sale, 10 am – 8 pm. Presented by Master Gardeners of Monroe County. Unusual and common annuals and perennials, organic vegetables, herbs, shrubs, trees and lilacs. Master Gardeners available to answer questions. 249 Highland Avenue, Rochester. 585/461-1000;

May 14: spring Tour – Trees of Highland Park, 10 am – 12:30 pm. Join arborphile and local tree expert Jim Atwater during spring bloom for a tour of this living museum of unusual and seldom-seen plants from around the globe. Be prepared to walk a moderate distance over hilly terrain. $15 members; $22 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 14: Garden Talk, 12:30 – 1:30 pm. See description under May 9. Rochester Public Library, Maplewood Branch, 1111 Dewey Avenue. RoC

May 14: Wildflower Walk, 1:30 pm. See description under May 5. 3 hours, 1 mile. Lower Canyon Woods. Meet: Parade Grounds parking lot. May carpool. lET

May 14: diY landscaping, 2 pm. Workshop. Free. Registration required. WAY

May 14 – 15: Henrietta Garden Club Plant sale, 9 am – 5 pm. Large variety of potted plants ready to go for spring planting. Gro-Moore Farms, 2811 East Henrietta Road, Henrietta.

May 15: Flower City days at The Market. See description under May 8. RPM

May 16: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. Avenue D Community Center, 200 Avenue D. RoC

May 19: Wildflower Walk, 10 am. See description under May 5. 3 hours, 1 mile. Bring lunch. East of Lee’s Landing. Meet: Parade Grounds parking lot. May carpool. lET

May 20 – 21: Plant sale, 1 – 5 pm Friday; 9 am – 3 pm Saturday. Presented by Bloomfield Garden Club. Annuals, hanging baskets, herbs, member-grown perennials, new-to-you garden tools, books, pots. Proceeds support club community outreach projects. Bloomfield Historical Academy Building, 8 South Avenue, Bloomfield.

May 21: Plant sale, 8 am – 12 pm. Presented by Mill Creek Gardeners. Detailed cultural information provided for all plants. Proceeds help support Webster Arboretum. 300 Webster Road (Route 250), Webster.

May 21: Native Plant sale, 8:30 am – 2 pm. Native plants, shrubs, trees and herbs. Proceeds benefit Genesee Land Trust. Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester. Genesee Land Trust, 585/256-2130;

May 21: Planting Time, 9 – 11 am. Help plant herbs, vegetables and flowers while discussing what is best for this area and heirloom varieties. $5. Registration requested. GRAN

May 21: Controlling invasive species in Your Woodlot, 9 am – 12 pm. Outdoor hands-on workshop will cover identification and control

options for invasive species in the woodlot and introduce participants to crop tree management. Handouts included. $10. Registration required by May 13. CCE/WC

May 21: Master Gardener Garden Gala, 10 am – 1 pm. Plant sale, auction, free soil pH testing, gardening advice, and refreshments. CCE/GC

May 21: Garden Talk, 12:30 – 1:30 pm. See description under May 9. Rochester Public Library, Phyllis Wheatley Branch, 33 Dr. Samuel McCree Way. RoC

May 21: Planting Trees and shrubs – Protecting Your investment, 1:30 – 3 pm. Tom Keenan of Edgewood Nursery will demonstrate the right way to plant different types of woody plants. $18 members; $25 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 21 – 22: linwood Tree Peony Festival of Flowers, 9 am – 5 pm. Historic gardens feature a distinguished collection of tree peonies. $8 suggested contribution; $10 guided tour. liN

May 21 – 22: upstate New York bonsai Exhibition and sale, 10 am – 5 pm. Presented by the Bonsai Society of Upstate New York. $5; $3 seniors; children under 12 free. Monroe Community Hospital, corner Westfall & East Henrietta Roads, Rochester. 585/334-2595;

May 21 – 22: ikebana display & demonstration, 10 am – 5 pm. In conjunction with Upstate New York Bonsai Exhibition. Presented by Ikebana International. Displays. Demonstration, 2 pm each day. $5; $3 seniors; children under 12 free. Monroe Community Hospital, corner Westfall & East Henrietta Roads, Rochester.

May 21 – 22: bonsai open House & sale. Displays, tools, wire, books, containers, unusual plant material. ibA

May 21 – 22 through April 2012: Four seasons Permaculture design Certification. One introductory weekend followed by monthly Sunday sessions; 72-hour course. $800-$1000, sliding scale. Registration required by May 11. Rochester Permaculture Institute, PO Box 18212, Rochester, NY 14618.

May 22: Flower City days at The Market. See description under May 8. RPM

May 23: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. Campbell Street Community Center, 524 Campbell Street. RoC

May 25: Container Gardening Workshop, 6 – 8 pm. Select from traditional and unusual plant materials to create a unique container garden. Soil, fertilizer, flowers provided; bring container (no bigger than 12” across), hand trowel, pruning shears. $20. Registration required by May 20. Kennedy Building, Genesee County Fairgrounds, Route 5, Batavia. CCE/GC

May 26: visit an Artisanal beekeeping operation, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Join Pat Bono of Seaway Trail Honey at her small apiary on Lake Road, east of Pultneyville. Pat will discuss what’s involved in setting up hives, keeping bees, and collecting the honey. Bring a veil or mosquito net if you wish to get close to the beehives. $18 members; $25 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

May 27 – 30: Flower City days at The Market. See description under May 8. RPM

May 28: Proud Market Plant sale, 8 am. Shop all manner of plants, many of them unusual or hard to find. Vendors include garden clubs and small independent plant specialists. Perennials, shrubs, trees, annuals, vegetables. RCGC

s s

s s


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3 0 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1

CalendarRoCHEsTER continued

May 28: Rock Garden society Plant sale, 8 am. GVC NARGS [see Regular Club Meetings]. Proud Market Plant Sale, Rochester Civic Garden Center.

May 28: Rochester dahlia society Plant sale, 8 am – 12 pm. Dahlia plants and tubers. Proud Market Plant Sale, Rochester Civic Garden Center.

May 28 – 30: linwood Tree Peony Festival of Flowers, 9 am – 5 pm. See description under May 21 – 22. $8 suggested contribution; $10 guided tour. liN

May 29: Rochester dahlia society Plant sale, 7 am – 1 pm. Dahlia plants and tubers. Rochester Public Market.

June 2: Create a Tomato & Herb Container Garden with the Tomato Queen, 6:30 – 8 pm. Join Audrey Deane at her mixed edible landscape in Webster, peruse the gardens and plant up a container to take home. Bring a 12-16” container, all other materials included. $25 members; $30 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 4: odyssey to ithaca, 7:45 am – 6 pm. Join RCGC and Upstate Gardeners’ Journal on this annual bus tour. Visit Cornell Plantations, tour their incredible collections and explore the recently opened, state-of-the-art visitors’ center. Shop the Ithaca Farmer’s Market, renowned for plants, food, clothes and more. At family-owned Bakers’ Acres, enjoy an Herbal Sampler lunch and shop the extensive selection of home-grown perennials and annuals. Peruse the Plantsmen Nursery, offering a wide array of interesting natives, specialty annuals, perennials and woodies, many unavailable elsewhere in our area. Enjoy the display gardens at Bedlam Gardens, although they no longer sell plants, the gardens promise to be spectacular. Travel by luxury coach with ample room to transport purchases. Lunch included. $60. Registration required. RCGC

June 4 – 5: linwood Tree Peony Festival of Flowers, 9 am – 5 pm. See description under May 21 – 22. $8 suggested contribution; $10 guided tour. liN

June 5: Flower City days at The Market. See description under May 8. RPM

June 5: Grand Reopening Celebration. Free NYS residents. sG

June 5: ornamental Grasses – Planting and design, 2 pm. Free. Registration required. WAY

June 6: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. Thomas P. Ryan Community Center, 530 Webster Avenue. RoC

June 7: iPM and Green strategies Tour at lucas Greenhouses, 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Debbie Palumbo-Sanders, IPM Coordinator for Lucas Greenhouses, will share how Lucas uses IPM strategies, combined with biological controls and ‘soft’ pesticides and practices, to keep insect and disease problems under control in the greenhouses. She will discuss how these same principles can be translated to the home landscape to control garden pests found in our area. Bring samples of problems from your yard for diagnosis. Free with new or renewed membership. Registration required. RCGC

June 9: butterflies and the Plants They Need, 9 am. Wesley Hill Preserve, Anna Brown Tract, Naples. Carpool. Meet: Park and Ride lot, Bushnell’s Basin

exit, Route I-490. RbC

June 9: Perennials Make Great Container Plants, 6:30 – 8 pm. Join Michael Hannen at his home-based nursery for a demonstration of which plants work well, how to find them in the garden and how to use them alone or in combination with annuals, grasses and tropicals. Arrive early to shop or preview the gardens. $17 members; $22 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 9: Floral design for Wimps, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Master Gardener Susan Krobusek will explain the basics of flower arranging. Participants will make their own arrangement. Bring flowers, greens, container or vase, floral foam, clippers. $5. Registration required by June 3. CCE/oNT

June 10 – 11: A Garden Gallery – show & sale, Friday 11 am – 6 pm; Saturday 9:30 am – 4 pm. Garden ornaments, birdhouses & baths, trellises, furniture, etc. A Garden Gallery, 109 Heather Drive, Rochester.

June 11: diY landscaping Workshop, 10 am. Free. Registration required. WAY

June 11: basal and stem Cuttings, 10 am – 1 pm. This technique is different than making divisions. Learn tips in this demo at Michael Hannen’s home-based nursery. Arrive early to shop or preview the gardens. $17 members; $22 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 11: Garden Tour, 10 am – 4 pm. Presented by Genessee Valley Orchestra and Chorus. Tour a variety of gardens in Rochester, Fairport, Penfield and Pittsford. $12.

June 11 – 12: Peony Weekend. Enjoy eighty different kinds of perennials, including strong collections of iris, peonies, roses and hostas, in this English-style garden established in 1867. $5 suggested donation. Ellwanger Garden, 625 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester. ldMk

June 12: Chocolate Tea, 11 am – 5 pm. Sponsored by the Garden Club of Brockport. Tour gardens then enjoy a chocolate tea. Tickets: Sara’s Garden Center, Kirby’s Garden Center, Lift Bridge Book Store, Mahans Liquor Store, all Brockport area. 585/208-2267;

June 12: All About Herbs, 1 – 3 pm. Discussion of herbs, uses, drying and freezing techniques. $5. Registration requested. GRAN

June 13: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. Edgerton Community Center, 41 Backus Street. RoC

June 13: Roses & Rosés Wine & dine Gala, 6 – 8 pm. Advance: $30 member; 2/$45. Door: $40. sG

June 13: Native orchids Workshop, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Master Gardener Jeanne Totman will share her knowledge about native orchids. $5. Registration required. CCE/oNT

June 14: butterflies and the Plants They Need, 10 am. Powder Mills Park. Meet: Fish Hatchery parking lot, Park Road, Bushnell’s Basin. RbC

June 14: Cactus Tour – southwest-style Plants for Northern Climates, 6 – 8:30 pm. Visit two landscapes where the owners have developed gardens featuring winter-hardy cacti and succulents. Discussion will include types of plants, bed preparation, where to purchase, etc. $10 members; $15 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 16: Japanese Maples, 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Al Pfeiffer, owner of Oriental Garden Supply, will discuss the array of color, texture, form and size that are available, as well as proper siting, planting, care, and pruning. $12 members; $15 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 17: botanical drawing, eight Fridays, 9:30 – 11:30 am. Deb VerHulst-Norris, a horticulturist with a B.S. in Fine Arts, will teach participants to draw plants and flowers in accurate detail. Drawing skills will be developed by closely observing the structure and textures of plants and flowers. Class will explore the use of graphite pencils, with colored pencil added to give depth and definition. No previous experience needed. Students 16 years and older welcome. $99 members; $120 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 18: summer Pruning, 9 am – 12 pm. Learn how to properly prune flowering trees and shrubs, as well as broadleaf evergreens and conifers. Recommended: Pruning I or prior knowledge of basic pruning techniques. $36 members; $46 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 18: Rochester Museum & science Center Women’s Council Garden Tour, 9 am – 4 pm. Visit six residential gardens in the Rochester area. Proceeds benefit the Rochester Museum & Science Center. $15 April 1 – 15; $18 April 16 – June 17; $20 day of. 585/223-4641; 585/425-2361;

June 18: Rose Tour, 10 am – 12 pm. Led by members of the Greater Rochester Rose Society. Rain or shine. Free. Meet: fountain, Maplewood Rose Garden, corner Lake & Driving Park Avenues. RoC

June 18: Greece Performing Arts society Garden Tour, 10 am – 4 pm. Self-guided, featuring 8 gardens including a large wildlife garden, three gardens on Long Pond channel and the lake. Light refreshments, visual artists, musical performances (weather permitting), vendors, plant sale. Proceeds benefit Greece Performing Arts Society. $15 advance; $20 day of. 585/234-5636;

June 18: designing with Hardy and Tender succulents, 2 pm. Learn how these deer-resistant plants can add texture and color to the landscape and how to use them for groundcovers, containers, rock gardens, paths, and fall color. Free. Registration required. WAY

June 18 – 19: dry stone Walling Workshop. Join local dry stone waller Chuck Eblacker, of Eblacker & Stone, and his guest Dan Snow, Master Craftsman and author. Participants will work together to complete a dry stone wall from start to finish. Hands-on workshop will address structure and principles behind wall building plus aesthetic considerations of balance and proportion. 585/233-5320;

June 18 – August 13: indigo Creek summer skies kids Camp, Saturdays, 9 – 11:30 am. Kids will learn about organic gardening while enjoying crafts, song, dance, storytelling and walks in the woods. Ages 5 – 10. $80, includes organic snacks and craft materials. Registration required. Indigo Creek Farm, Phelps.

June 20: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. South Avenue Recreation Center, 999 South Avenue. RoC

June 20 & 22: Advanced Certificate – sympathy Arrangements, 6:30 – 9 pm. Instructor Alana Miller is a professional floral designer and teacher with over 30 years experience in the industry. Focus will be on free-standing easel sprays, large one-sided arrangements for visitation, and altar, religious, and theme wreaths. Students will take home all arrangements created during class. Bring floral tools. Prerequisite: completion of Intermediate Professional Floral Design program or floral shop experience. $150 members; $225 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 3 1

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June 21: Great Gardens of Wayne County – Welcome to summer Tour, 4 – 9 pm. Tour gardens in the Newark area. $10. Registrations received by June 10 will be entered into a drawing for a garden tote. CCE/WC

June 22: landscaping for small spaces, 6:30 – 8 pm. Join Milli Piccione, Milli Piccione Perennial Designs, at an East Avenue townhouse where she will discuss her approach to the design of the gardens in limited space including an enclosed courtyard, border gardens and small island garden. $17 members; $22 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

June 23: visit Rochester’s Castle, 6:30 – 8 pm. Celebrate the beginning of summer with tours of historic Warner Castle and its grounds, including the Alling DeForest-designed courtyard and sunken gardens. Refreshments, guided tours, horticultural library. $12. Registration required. RCGC

June 25: backyard Habitat Garden Tour, 9 am – 4 pm. Self-guided, self-paced, includes gardens in Rochester, Brighton, Penfield and Fairport. Backyard streams, ponds, and rock gardens. Experts will share their knowledge of attracting birds, butterflies, and other wildlife to the garden. $12 members; $15 non-members. Genesee Land Trust, 500 East Avenue, Suite 200, Rochester. 585/256-2130;

June 25: Hidden Worlds, 10 am. Jackson Thomas will introduce some of what lies beyond the ability of our body’s sensory systems to perceive. Hand lens helpful. Free. Thousand Acre Swamp Sanctuary, 158l Jackson Road, Penfield.

June 25 – July 18: Enchanted Gardens daylily

display Garden, 9 – 11 am Saturdays; 6 – 8 pm Mondays. Tour official Daylily Society Display Garden with over 600 different registered daylilies in a garden setting. Free. Call ahead to schedule an alternate time. Enchanted Gardens, 1085 State Road, Webster. 585/265-9635;

June 26: bringing Native Plants into Your landscape design, 2 pm. Free. Registration required. WAY

June 27: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. David F. Gantt Community Center, 700 North Street. RoC

June 28: butterflies and the Plants They Need, 10 am. Sibleyville Trail and Mendon Drumlin. Meet: Visitors Center parking lot, Mendon Ponds Park, Pond Road, off Clover Street (Route 65). RbC

ongoing July – August: daylily display Garden. Visit a nationally recognized daylily display garden with over 250 varieties of daylilies including 30 new varieties. Webster Arboretum, 1700 Schlegel Road, Webster.

July 1 – 29: Moonlight stroll Music series, Fridays, 8 – 10 pm; gates open 7:30 pm. Enjoy live music and the gardens lit in lights. Visitors are invited to bring picnic blankets and lawn chairs. Refreshments available. Rain or shine. $7 members; $9 non-members; $4 youth 6-17; 5 and under free. sG

July 2: Garden Tour at shadow Pines and shadow lake Golf Courses in Penfield, 9 – 10:30 am. Join head gardener Sharon Way for morning tea and a tour of the gardens and grounds. Enjoy perennials, flowering shrubs and majestic

trees. Free with new or renewed membership. Registration required. RCGC

July 3: daylily Garden open House, 1 – 5 pm. Charlie and Judy Zettek, Cobbs Hill Daylily Garden (a National Display Garden), 1 Hillside Avenue, Rochester. 585/461-3317.

July 6: butterflies and the Plants They Need, 9 am. Rattlesnake Hill Wildlife Management Area, Nunda. Meet: Park and Ride lot, Routes 15 & 251, I-390 exit 11, Rush. RbC

July 9: summer Garden Tour – Private Gardens of Pittsford, 10 am – 4 pm. Enjoy a day exploring hidden gems, each with its own distinctive style and flair. Advance: $15 members; $20 non-members. Day of: $20. RCGC

• July 9 – 10: lavender Festival, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm. Pick fresh lavender bundles from the field, purchase lavender plants, over 40 craft artisans, informational speakers, Olfactory Soap Shoppe, musical entertainment, children’s area, family farm museum, hay rides, sample baked goods and homemade lavender ice cream. $3; children under 12 free. No pets. Olfactory Farm, 12973 Upton Road, Red Creek.

July 10: daylily sale, 8 am – 12 pm. Over 40 varieties to choose from. Advice on selection and daylily care available. Rain or shine. Webster Arboretum, 1700 Schlegel Road, Webster.

July 10: bugs & bees, 1 – 3 pm. Learn why these little creatures are so important. $5. Registration requested. GRAN

July 10: Pruning, 1 – 3 pm. Hands-on pruning class. $5. Registration requested. GRAN

Borglum’s Iris Gardens2202 Austin Road, Geneva, NY 14456


Iris - Peonies - HostaPotted Peonies 100+ varieties

Dig-Your-Own Iris & Daylilies

Opening May 15, Sunday - FridayClosed Saturdays •

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800+ Rare and Unusual Perennials for Sale

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171 Laburnum Crescent, Rochester, NY 14620


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4423 N. Bennett Heights, Batavia, NY 14020

Design and Management of Distinctive Landscapes

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15th Annual GPAS Notable Garden Tour“Gardens Around the Town”

Saturday, June 18th ~ 10 am -4 pm

Self-guided tour of 8 Greece gardens, each with light refreshments, musical performances, and visual artists. Garden Market at the Greece Historical Society features a perennial plant sale, next-to-new garden treasures, and craft vendors.

For ticket outlets and info call the GPAS Hotline: (585) 234-5636

All proceeds benefit the Greece Performing Arts Society

ClAssiFiEdsdAYliliEs. daylilies are outstanding, carefree perennials. We grow and sell over 225 top-rated award-winning varieties in many colors and sizes in our Rochester garden. We are also an official national daylily society display garden. We welcome visitors to see the flowers in bloom from June to September. Call 585/461-3317.

sToNE. For sale: field stone, Medina sandstone, landscape boulders. Architectural salvage. Stone $60 per ton. Call 585/478-5970.

busiNEss oPPoRTuNiTY. Vendors wanted for selling garden merchandise e.g., plants, flowers, statuary, gardening books & tools, pots, bird feeders. Plantasia, Wny’s premier landscape/garden show, March 24-27, 2011 at the Fairgrounds Event Center in Hamburg. Contact 716-741-8047.

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 3 3

P.O. Box 115 - 8320 West Route 20Westfield, New York 14787

716-326-3032 -

CalendarRoCHEsTER continued

July 10: daylily Garden open House, 1 – 5 pm. Charlie and Judy Zettek, Cobbs Hill Daylily Garden (a National Display Garden), 1 Hillside Avenue, Rochester. 585/461-3317.

July 10: Mid-season Rose Culture, 2 pm. Gene Noto of Rochester Rose Society will discuss mid-season care as well as fall and winter preparation. Free. Registration required. WAY

July 11: Garden Talk, 6 – 7 pm. See description under May 9. Flint Street Recreation Center, 271 Flint Street. RoC

July 12: Advanced Technique – Floral spheres, 7 – 9 pm. Explore design methods, techniques and positioning of silk, dried and fresh flowers to create spheres for kissing balls, topiary, etc. Students will create a topiary with fresh flowers, using the clutching method. $36 members; $46 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

July 14: daylily Garden open House, 4 – 7 pm. Charlie and Judy Zettek, Cobbs Hill Daylily Garden (a National Display Garden), 1 Hillside Avenue, Rochester. 585/461-3317.

July 14: stroll in the Garden at Michael Hannen’s, 6 – 7:30 pm. See description under May 12. $10 members; $15 non-members. Registration required. RCGC

sAvE THE dATEJuly 16: Webster village Garden Tour, 1 – 4 pm.

Self-guided. Free; donations to Webster Museum appreciated.

september 17 – 18: Greentopia Festival. Two-day, interactive festival will reveal what the region is doing to help the environment – and envision a greener Rochester of the future. Art, music, speakers, authors, workshops, films, family activities, organic and local food and beverages. High Falls, Rochester.


REGulAR Club MEETiNGsAfrican violet society of syracuse meets the second

Thursday of the month at 7 pm, September – May. Membership open to all interested in the culture, care and propagation of African violets. Visitors welcome. Andrews United Methodist Church, 106 Church Street, North Syracuse. 315/492-2562;;

Central New York orchid society meets the first Sunday of the month, September – May, St. Augustine’s Church, 7333 O’Brien Rd., Baldwinsville. Dates may vary due to holidays. 315/633-2437;

Gardeners in Thyme (a women’s herb club) meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm, Beaver Lake Nature Center, Baldwinsville. 315/635-6481;

Habitat Gardening Club of CNY (HGCNY) meets the last Sunday of most months at 2 pm. LeMoyne College, Falcone Library, special activities room,

Syracuse. 315/487-5742; HGCNY is a chapter of Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes; Meetings are free and open to the public.

koi and Water Garden society of Central New York usually meets the third Monday of each month at 7 pm. See web site for meeting locations. 315/458-3199;

Gardeners of syracuse, previously Men’s (and Women’s) Garden Club of Syracuse, meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. Reformed Church of Syracuse, 1228 Teall Ave., Syracuse. Enter from Melrose Ave. 315/464-0051.

syracuse Rose society meets the second Thursday of every month (except December and February) at 7:30 pm. Public welcome. Reformed Church of Syracuse, 1228 Teall Avenue, Syracuse. Enter from Melrose Ave. Club members maintain the E. M. Mills Memorial Rose Garden, Thornden Park, Syracuse.;

ClAssEs / EvENTs• indicates activities especially appropriate for

children and families.

May 2 – 4: Master Composting, 6 – 8 pm. Taught by OCRRA’s Recycling Operations Manager, Greg Gelewski. Includes instruction, supplies for a vermicompost bin, and worms. $15. Registration required: 315/699-2032; Northern Onondaga Public Library, 8686 Knowledge Lane, Cicero.

Choose from our selection or bring your own design. We will carve it deep into the stone. They are used for doorstops, addresses, garden, pet memorials, and room decor. Smallest $12.50 handsized rocks with one name make excellent gifts.


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U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 3 7

CalendarsYRACusE continued

May 2 – June 30: Pastels, Paint, and an Eye for Nature. Ruth Anne Reagan’s solo art exhibition focuses on themes inspired by the natural world. Free. Weeks Art Gallery. bWNC

May 7: Wildflower Walk, 2 – 3pm. Join caretaker Audrey Loewer for a walk through the woodland wildflower garden. Each week new species will bloom, Audrey will reveal their past and present medicinal and culinary uses. Handicap accessible; call ahead if assistance is needed. Donations appreciated. bWNC

May 7: Habitat Gardening series – Gardening for Monarchs and other butterflies, 2 – 3:30 pm. Join Janet Allen to learn how to create a Monarch way station, plus how to provide for the needs of other butterflies. $5 members; $8 non-members. bWNC

May 7 – 28: Fresh Picks Tour, Saturdays, 8:45 am. Senior NYS Certified Landscape Professional Megan Sollecito will guide walking tours revealing the hottest new shrubs, trees and perennials for home landscapes. New varieties feature sustainability, deer-resistance and low-maintenance. Rain or shine. Sollecito Landscaping Nursery, 4094 Howlett Hill Road, Syracuse. 315/468-1142;

May 8: Mother’s day Garden Tour, Plant sale & Art Exhibit, 11 am – 4 pm. Enjoy over 30 acres of landscaped gardens and ponds with over 500,000 flowering bulbs, 700 flowering trees and shrubs. Proceeds benefit Baltimore Woods Nature Center. $5 through May 1; $10 after May 1 and at gate. Sycamore Hill Gardens, 2130 Old Seneca Turnpike, Marcellus. bWNC

May 8: Wildflower Walk, 2 – 3pm. See description under May 7. Donations appreciated. bWNC

May 11: basic Gardening Principles, 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Topics covered will include soil preparation, including composting and mulch, how to plant, fertilizing, hardiness zones, basic garden design concepts, using color, watering techniques, garden maintenance, propagation, and more. Learn which annuals and perennials are easiest to grow and maintain and add the newest plant introductions to your garden. Presented by Rosanne Loparco, Master Gardener. $5. Registration required. CCE/oNE

May 12: spring Plant sale, 6:30 pm. Hosted by Syracuse Rose Society. Reformed Church of Syracuse, 1228 Teall Avenue, Syracuse; enter from Melrose Avenue.

May 14: Pests and other Problems, 10:30 am. Northern Onondaga Public Library, 8686 Knowledge Lane, Cicero.

May14: Wildflower Walk, 2 – 3pm. See description under May 7. Donations appreciated. bWNC

May 14: Habitat Gardening series – our Future Flies on the Wings of Pollinators, 2 – 3:30 pm. Janet Allen will talk about the importance of pollination in our own gardens and beyond and the challenges bees face. Learn the simple steps you can take in your yard and garden to help these useful creatures. $5 members; $8 non-members. bWNC

May 15: Plant and Herb sale, 10 am – 3 pm. Native plants, perennials, herbs, shrubs and hanging baskets, gently-used garden related items, raffle, café. Gardening experts will be on hand to answer questions. Rain or shine. bWNC

May 15: Wildflower Walk, 2 – 3pm. See description under May 7. Donations appreciated. bWNC

• May 16: Home school Expedition – Photosynthesis Phun, 1 – 2 pm. Grades 1-3.Using visual presentations and hands-on games and activities, students will learn how plants make energy to live and reproduce. $8 members; $12 non-members.

Registration required. bWNC

May 21: Habitat Gardening series – Creating a bird Friendly Yard, 2 – 3:30 pm. Join Janet Allen to learn about some of CNY’s favorite backyard birds, how to enhance your yard so it appeals to them and how to help conserve birds beyond your yard. $5 members; $8 non-members. bWNC

May 26: Pippi’s Garden Club, 6 pm. Join Vicky Hilleges for a walk around the nursery and display gardens. Participate in an informal discussion on the consistent performers in the garden and take a look at what is new. Free. PP

May 28: Artist’s Reception – Pastels, Paint, and an Eye for Nature, 11 am – 1 pm. Ruth Anne Reagan’s solo exhibition focuses on themes inspired by the natural world. Free. Weeks Art Gallery. bWNC

May 28: Habitat Gardening series – “Green” Your Yard, 2 – 3:30pm. Janet Allen will discuss ways to reduce the size of your lawn and care for the remaining lawn in an earth-friendly way. Learn about composting, water conservation, and other ways you can green-up your yard and the planet. bWNC

June 12: Customer Appreciation day, 10 am - 4 pm. Discounts, specials, refreshments. PP

June 24 – 26: National Miniature Rose show & Conference. Hosted by Syracuse Rose Society. Rose show, speakers, workshops, bus garden tour. Syracuse University Sheraton Convention Center, 801 University Avenue, Syracuse.

June 25: Herb & Flower Festival, 9 am – 3:30 pm. Over 40 plant vendors, speakers, workshops, Master Gardeners on hand to answer questions, Parker F. Scripture Gardens. CCE/oNE

June 25: spafford school House Garden Tour, 10 am – 4 pm. View a kitchen garden, secret garden retreat, large yard with both shade and sunny gardens, rock walls and a cairn. Presented by Spafford Area Historical Society. $10 advance: SAHS, PO Box 250, Marietta, NY 13110. $15 day of: Borodino Hall, Route 41, 8 miles south of Route 20, Skaneateles.

June 25: solstice Garden Tour and Plant sale, 11 am – 4 pm. More than 25 acres of landscaped gardens, paths and ponds. Plant sale includes select native plants, perennials, trees and shrubs. Food, live music. Proceeds benefit Central New York Land Trust. Sycamore Hill Gardens, 2130 Old Seneca Turnpike, Marcellus.

July 9 – 10: Finger lakes lavender Festival, 9 am – 3 pm. Stroll through lavender fields; harvest your own bouquet of fresh lavender; shop local artists, hand-crafters, lavender products and plants; cooking demonstrations; treasure hunt. Rain or shine. Lockwood Farm, 1682 West Lake Road, Skaneateles. 315/685-5369;;

July 10: Yoga for Gardeners, 11 am – 12 pm. Join Vicky at the Olfactory Farm Lavender Festival to learn some simple movements you can do before, during

or after a stint in the garden to minimize or avoid the soreness that so often accompanies gardeners during the growing season. Olfactory Farm, 12973 Upton Road, Red Creek. PP

July 13: What is bugging Your Garden?, 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Adopt a more Integrated Pest Management approach to keeping problems away from your garden by using environmentally friendly gardening practices instead of chemicals. Learn to distinguish good bugs from bad bugs. Insect and disease problems common to the central New York area will also be discussed. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and individual garden problems to class. Presented by Holly Wise, Extension Educator. $5. Registration required. CCE/oNE

& bEYoNd

ClAssEs / EvENTs• indicates activities especially appropriate for children

and families.

ongoing: discovery Hike, third Sundays, 2 – 4 pm. Each program will explore a different part of the preserve highlighting its unique ecology, history and management along the way. Rain or shine. Free. Registration required. PiNE

May 6: First Friday Hike – leafing out, 12 – 1 pm. Free. Registration required. PiNE

May 7: Mother’s day Hike, 11 am – 12:30 pm. Education staff will lead a 1.5-2 mile hike over rolling sand dunes while interpreting the natural history of this rare ecosystem. Wear long pants, long-sleeve shirt, sturdy walking shoes and bring a drink. $3 per person; $5 per family; children under 5 years free. Registration required. PiNE

May 8: discover the Pine bush, 1 – 2 pm. Journey into the Albany Pine Bush, the best remaining example in the world of an inland pine barrens. Experts will guide this one mile hike over rolling sand dunes. Wear sturdy walking shoes, long pants and bring drinking water. $3 per person; $5 per family. Registration required. PiNE

• May 21: lupineFest, 10 am – 4 pm. Focusing on the Pine Bush through an artistic eye, the festival will feature local artists, musical performances, demonstrations, interpretive hikes and hands-on activities. Rain or shine. Free. PiNE

June 1: Garden opens. The King’s Garden at Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, NY. 518/585-2821;

June 1 – 4: Native Plants in the landscape Conference. Rick Darke, The Layered Landscape; Lee Reich, Edible Native Plants; Mace Vaughan, The Future of Pollinators; Gary Smith, The Future of Public Gardens; Angela Palmer, Marketing to Future Generations; Nina Bassuk, Native Trees for Urban Sites. Other topics include: worm composting, art in the garden, hummingbirds, pruning, natives vs. exotics, meadow gardening. Millersville University, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.


bWNC: baltimore Woods Nature Center, 4007 Bishop Hill Road, Marcellus, NY. 315/673-1350;

CCE/oNE: Cornell Cooperative Extension, oneida County, 121 Second Street, Oriskany. 736/3394 x125;

PP: Pippi’s Perennials & blooming Yoga, 12 Sherry Lane, Kirkville, NY 13082. 315/727-1062;;


PiNE: Albany Pine bush discovery Center, the best remaining example in the world of an inland pine barrens. 195 New Karner Road, Albany, NY. 518/456-0655;

3 8 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1

Natural selections

The not-so-ordinary gladiolus Meredith Hudson’s roadside stand

When most high schools graduates were dreaming of their first car, Meredith hudson’s dream was his

own greenhouse. after graduation, he promptly went out to buy the necessary materials including, glass, shelving and heater and set about assembling one.

he still uses the greenhouse for starting vegetables, geraniums and other flowers, but gladioli are his passion. hudson says, “i like them because with no other flower can you enjoy more variety in color, bi- and tri-

colors, pure white to the reds and oranges, black, green, brown and smoky. They are a superb cut flower.”

gladiolus, sometimes called the sword lily from the latin “gladius,” is in the genus of bulbous flowering plants of the iridaceae (iris) family. There are 260 species of gladiolus. The flowers grow from rounded symmetrical corms. extensively hybridized to produce many colors, the long-lasting flowers make very good arrangements, corsages, bouquets and funeral and presentation pieces.

There is even a little-known technique that involves deconstructing the flowers and then refashioning the petals into something called a “glamelia,” which looks, not surprisingly, like a camellia.

Meredith was bitten by the “glad” bug when an uncle took him to a meeting of the western new york gladiolus society, where he met several experts and local hybridizers, including laurence r. rupert of sardinia, n.y., who shared his horticultural knowledge and some starter bulbs with the young enthusiast. hudson eventually became one of the youngest officers of the wny

and new york state gladiolus societies, serving as an officer and president. he now judges at county and state fairs and coaches young 4-h members. he and his wife sally grow and cultivate over 10,000 gladiolus bulbs in their large fields in erie county.

on a sunny day in august, a stop at his roadside stand will reveal a colorful example of his efforts for sale: glads in all sizes and shades of red, orange, pink, white and cream, green, brown and black and the beautiful

by Maria Walczak

AbovE: Meredith Hudson

iNsET: Hudson has saved catalogs of gladiolus including this spread from 1973 published by Laurence R. Rupert

ACRoss: Hudson in his roadside stand

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 3 9


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Largest grower of perennials and herbs in Central New York

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multicolored, and ruffled ones, and beautiful arrangements and bouquets. he supplies some local florists as well and boasts a bit about how multicolored and healthy his blooms are when compared to the ordinary, one-color blooms shipped in from the south.

of course when one grows that many bulbs each year, a regimen that works and over and over is needed. The hudsons have their own system that begins in mid-april. Meredith, sally and their daughter hillary dip each bulb in a light fungicide. They count and double check the bulbs that were sorted by color and size in the previous fall, discarding any bad ones.

after the ground has warmed a bit, hudson works up the fields with a rototiller, usually around the time forsythia blooms, and hand-broadcasts a 5-10-10 or 10-10-10 fertilizer. every other year, he adds a bit of lime to intensify the color of the blooms.

The whole hudson family plants the 10,000 or so bulbs in rows six to eight inches apart, and about four inches deep. They keep the rows in order by variety, size and color. it takes a full day to complete the job.

before the spikes reach 6 inches, and again around the 4th of july, Meredith hills them with the surrounding soil to provide support and protection for the heavy stems. he and sally also

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keep up with the weeds by rototilling between the rows. once the glads have stemmed, he stops cultivation, so as not to tear the spikes apart. blooms are produced 60-70 days after planting. “glads love full sun, and are a bit drought tolerant,” says hudson. too much water causes them to turn yellow.

during late summer, the family is involved with various county fairs. Meredith serves as a nys fair horticulture judge each year, and has won numerous medals of his own. it’s a busy life with hard work that gives a lot of gratification in the results.

from mid-september through mid-october, the job of digging up all 10,000 glad bulbs occupies the family’s evenings and weekends. The bulbs are laid flat to dry in the greenhouse, cleaned, and sorted by color and variety. some of the bulblets are divided to provide new plants. between the discards, the new bulbs and a new variety or two, the 10,000 number remains around the same each year. stored in berry baskets, row upon row, and covered with quilts in the hudson garage, these not- so- ordinary bulbs wait for the process to begin again in the spring.

Hudson’s gladiola stand is at 12492 Williston Rd. in Alden (Marilla), NY.

AbovE: Meredith and Sally in the field

230 French Road West Seneca, NY 14224


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4 2 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1

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From the garden

Serves 4-6 1 bunch asparagus2 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil2/3 C. Panko crumbs1 Tbs. grated Romano cheese1 tsp. dry mustard1 tsp. garlic powder½ tsp.. freshly ground pepper¼ tsp. Kosher or sea salt 1. preheat oven to 450 degrees.2. break bottom tips off asparagus, rinse and pat dry.3. toss asparagus and all other ingredients in plastic bag and shake well

to coat.4. place on foil lined baking sheet.  sprinkle with any extra panko

crumbs and drizzle with a little olive oil.5. bake 10 – 15 minutes turning once.  watch to avoid burning!

Recipe courtesy Marion Morse, Allyn’s Creek Garden Club 

Panko roasted asparagus

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Natural selections

Elicit emotions with tulips

several years ago I began my search for the perfect tulip to complement my spring garden. Most

importantly, I wanted a tulip that would naturalize. My strategy was to add new combinations every

year that would accentuate the existing tulips so I could forgo the task of replanting hundreds of

bulbs every fall. Additionally I needed a mid or late blooming cultivar. With unpredictable weather, I did not

want heavy snow or late frost to sabotage my efforts. I also dreamed of a color that would coordinate with my

existing plant palette, as well as partner with the terra cotta backdrop of my brick home.

by Colleen O’Neill Nice

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 4 5

so i started my research with the book “tulips for north american gardens” by brent and becky heath. The heaths, who have owned and operated brent and becky’s bulbs for nearly 40 years, describe the darwin hybrids as long stemmed, single, midseason bloomers. a cross between the darwin tulips and emperor tulips, the darwin hybrids are among the most weather resistant. according to the heaths, “we have seen many instances around the country...where these tulips have perennialized and bloomed faithfully for 15 to 20 years under good growing conditions. we have to admit that this group of true perennials – the regal giants of the tulip kingdom – are our favorites.” The darwin hybrids produce enormous blooms lasting four to five weeks during long, cool springs. They grow 18 to 22” tall and are highly virus and disease resistant. just the tulip that i was looking for!

prior to making my cultivar selection, i called on my husband, an expert in color. now i highly value my husband’s opinion and generally listen to his suggestions, but often go in a totally different direction. and this is precisely what happened with the tulips. he, being somewhat traditional, had visions of hundreds of flaming red tulips on tall arching stems…. clusters of petite amethyst muscari creating a royal carpet of contrast beneath. well, he didn’t say it exactly like that, but you get the picture. i dreamed of something a bit trendier, a color that was warm and bright and distinct. a color underused – for tulips.

so, i reread christopher lloyd ‘s book “colour for adventurous gardeners.” each chapter describes a color and the feelings it arouses within a garden. lloyd explains that white appears “...cold, staring and assertive” while yellow emerges as “cheerful,


Name Color Fragrant kind Flowering Height Zones Period

Apricot Beauty soft salmon, pale rose flames yes single early 14-16" 7 to 3Bestseller reddish pink to orange to salmon yes single early 12-14" 8 to 3General de Wet soft marigold orange with yellow yes single early 14-16" 8 to 3Striped Bellona buttercup yellow and orange no single early 18-24" 9 to 4Dillenburg brick orange with flush of yellow yes single late 18-24" 9 to 3Orange Nassau bright orange scarlet no double (peony) early 12" 7 to 3Charming Beauty apricot with dusky apricot center no double (peony) late 18" 7 to 3Orange Princess nasturtium-orange with pink glow yes double (peony) late 14" 7 to 3Sensual Touch rich tangerine with fringed petals no double (peony) late 16-18" 7 to 3Annie Schilder warm orange with soft salmon edge yes Triumph mid-season 18" 7 to 3Prinses Irene bright orange with purple flames yes Triumph mid-season 12-14" 7 to 3Tequila Sunrise yellow to golden, tangerine to ruby no Triumph mid-season 16-18" 7 to 3Ad Rem deep orange, yellow edged petals yes Darwin hybrid mid-late 20" 7 to 3American Dream pale yellow edged in red and apricot no Darwin Hybrid mid-late 22" 7 to 3Apeldoorn’s Elite red, orange-yellow no Darwin hybrid mid-late 24" 8 to 3Beauty of Apeldoorn orange-yellow-red striped no Darwin hybrid mid-late 24" 8 to 4Daydream yellow to soft apricot orange yes Darwin hybrid mid-late 20" 8 to 3Ballerina yellow/orange/red, feathered petals yes Lily Flowering late 22" 7 to 3Fokker Fan Fan bright orange with red flames yes Lily Flowering late 16-18" 7 to 3Artist salmon-rose, purple, green markings no Viridiflora late 14" 8 to 3Golden Artist rich golden orange with green no Viridiflora late 14-16" 7 to 3Apricot Parrot bright apricot-coloured, pink striped no Parrot mid-late 24" 8 to 3Orange Favourite bright orange marked with green yes Parrot mid-late 14" 8 to 4Salmon Parrot salmon, green, cream, yellow highlights no Parrot mid-late 20" 7 to 4Early Harvest orange scarlet with yellow center no Kaufmanniana early 8-10" 8 to 3Shakespeare red edged in salmon, yellow center no Kaufmanniana early 8-10” 8 to 3Cape Cod apricot, yellow, red, mottled foliage no Greigii mid-late 10-12" 7 to 3Professor de Monsseri persimmon-red tips, pale yellow edges no Greigii mid-late 12" 7 to 3Sweet Lady pink, red, orange; purple mottled foliage no Greigii mid-late 6-10" 7 to 3Juan orange, yellow, purple mottled foliage no Fosteriana early-mid 16-18" 9 to 3Orange Emperor carrot orange, yellow base no Fosteriana early 16-18" 8 to 3Orange Bouquet orange-red with yellow base no multi-flowered mid-late 20" 8 to 3Tangerine Beauty fire red with orange flames no Species late 8" 8 to 5Orange Bowl yellow flowers with orange flames no Darwin hybrid mid-late 20" 8 to 3

oPPosiTE PAGE: A late-flowering Ballerina tulop

4 6 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1

H.A.Treichler & Sons

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stimulating... it lifts the spirits.” pink is viewed as “harmonious and reassuring...the most feminine color.” reading the book stirred my emotions and brought back memories of my experiences at great dixter back in 2002. The wonderful color combinations engineered by lloyd and head gardener, fergus garrett, were not only mesmerizing, but deeply impassioned as well. i, too, wanted to design a spring garden that would arouse emotions.

i planted 250 tulips that autumn and had many sleepless nights over the long, cold winter. i visualized endless channels of soil dug by voracious voles orchestrating fabulous bulb feasts. nightmares about muted, muddy hues crept into my head. but, as the warmth of spring lured plants from their underground dormancy, the tulips grew stately and tall. Their huge buttercup yellow bowls painted with scarlet-orange flames were so much more exquisite than i could ever have imagined. Their black interiors edged in gold made this cultivar especially captivating when backlit by the sun. The right color choice had been made and was evident by the photo snapping, finger-pointing drive-bys, the smiling neighborhood walkers and honking school bus drivers. spring had arrived and it glowed opulent and orange.

introduced in the us by john scheepers back in 1951, tulipa ‘orange bowl’ was my first darwin hybrid. The following fall i planted t. ‘daydream’ to fill in any gaps, since ‘orange bowl’ was unavailable. AbovE: An Orange Bowl tulip

U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 4 7

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‘daydream’ proved to be just as magical with changing colors of soft apricot, warm orange and yellow, with an unexpected bonus – fragrance. They actually looked like creamsicles on sticks! Though the flowers were not as large as ‘orange bowl’, they complimented each other perfectly. i also spiced things up with lily flowering t. ‘ballerina.’ This award winner glows with marigold-orange petals highlighted with scarlet flames. feathered lemon yellow edges top off each petal. fully open, ‘ballerina’ flaunts a red interior and has a citrus-like fragrance. (see chart below for a list of popular orange tulips)

i used several tactics to encourage my tulips to perennialize. before planting, i selected areas in my garden where soil had been amended with organic matter and the drainage was good. i tried not to plant in areas where i grow annuals, since the annuals need irrigation all season and the bulbs prefer a drier soil. i planted my bulbs deep (8 to 12” using a power drill and bulb auger) to buffer them from severe weather and to deter rodents. depending on the size of the beds, viewing distance and overall scale of trees and shrubs, i grouped 10-20 bulbs together for optimum impact.

although soil and drainage are critical to naturailzation of tulips, i also followed a rigid schedule for fertilization. recommendations from john scheepers, one of the oldest and most prestigious flower bulb importers, include top-dressing both new and mature flower bulb plantings three times a AbovE: Daydream tulips

4 8 | M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1

year. use a granular time release 4-10-6 fertilizer. start in the early spring when foliage first pokes through the soil. apply the fertilizer again in the late spring or early summer just before the flowers start to die back and in the fall to develop a healthy root system. broadcast at a rate of one heaping teaspoon per bulb, or as directed on the package. after planting new bulbs, gently tap down the soil, then top dress with fertilizer. be sure to water plantings gently if no rain is expected within a week. nutrients will be released slowly over time. do not add fertilizer to the bottom of the planting hole. fertilizer can burn the roots stunting growth and resulting in few or no flowers.

over the years i have added many more bulbs to my spring garden. The bright yellow of narcissus ‘king alfred improved’ looks spectacular with orange tulips, highlighting the subtle yellow colors. grape hyacinths and purple alliums offer tantalizing contrast. i also experiment with splashes of color adding white, red and even pink tulips to my existing display for a welcoming spring surprise.

although orange can be a challenging color, especially in a spring garden, it is ultimately exhilarating when combined with complimentary and contrasting hues. it cries out the loudest for attention, while exuding a warmth and cheerfulness as it ushers in the spring. finding the right tulip for my garden has been challenging, yet extremely gratifying. i look forward to the explosion of color every spring and the reaction it elicits. AbovE: ’ Orange Bowl’ adds a punch to the emerging green fronds of lady

fern and harmonizes with leopard’s bane.

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U P S T A T E G A R D E N E R S ’ J O U R N A L | 4 9

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Colleen O’Neill Nice is a passionate gardener and plant propagator specializing in hardy ferns. You can reach her via her website,

If perennials are your preference, try the very dependable and long blooming rockcress (Arabis alpina) in white or violet. It is sweetly scented, deer resistant and blooms profusely for 4 weeks or longer. Use forget-me-nots, violets, columbine, Siberian bugloss (brunnera) and Geranium phaeum ‘Samobor’ to bring in contrasting colors of blue and purple. Bright yellow can be added with leopard’s bane (doronicum) and several varieties of the drought tolerant epimediums. For a pastel palette of hardy early spring bloomers try lamium, bleeding hearts, hellebores, tellima, primroses and sweet woodruff. A refreshing bright green splash of color with amazing textures can be added with ferns. Some of my favorites include lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina), ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum) and the spinulose wood fern (Dryopteris carthusiana). Hardy, low maintenance and deer/rabbit resistant, ferns are the “queen of green: in my garden.

AbovE: ‘Ballerina’ looks amazing when backlit by the sun.

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Murczek’s Garden FenceArt Print GardenPath Tour 2010 Courtesy Don O’Keefe

Mruczek’s Garden FenceArt Print Garden Path Tour 2010 Courtesy Don O’Keefe

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Imagine walking through fields of daylilies in bloom.



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Clean food and dirty kids

There came a moment during strawberry-picking last summer when the 6-year-olds decided they’d had enough. while the grown-ups continued

busily picking a flat apiece, my daughter and her friend snuck off to the shade for a drink and a snack. Then the girls plopped themselves in the dirt and set to work, drawing roads and concocting stories about the imaginary travelers at the ends of their sticks.

i’ve always thought playing in dirt makes kids happy because it’s messy. and sensory. and because kids aren’t hung up on being clean and smelling good and worrying what others think. all they know is that dirt is transformative. literally, from dust to mud. figuratively, from strawberry patch to fairy highway.

yes and, apparently, no. plenty of research over the last decade and more

has shown how kids benefit from gardening and other time spent in nature. They’re more confident, patient, responsible and compassionate. They know (and care) more about food and the environment. They learn more easily. some of that is simple exposure to living, growing things. but a lot of it is the freedom, fresh air and physical activity that lets little brains and bodies find their groove.

now we have studies on the effects of contact with dirt itself. but not just any dirt. garden dirt. farm dirt. Soil. The rich, healthy, organic stuff. because that’s the kind of dirt that contains a bacteria called Mycobacterium

vaccae, a bug that’s been getting a lot of attention. a 2007 study found that M. vaccae increases serotonin — the brain’s feel-good chemical — and decreases anxiety. another study found that M. vaccae’s mood-boosting properties make it easier to learn new things. get M. vaccae on your hands, inhale it while you dig — even eat some on freshly harvested lettuce — and the research says you’ll feel more relaxed, alive, alert.

studies or not, that kind of makes sense, you know? when i think about how my daughter responds to plants and soil, how she both lights up and calms down, it does seem as though something biological is at work. i feel it, too, when i garden bare-handed with dust in my lungs and dirt up my nose. all of which has me newly appreciating the attraction of children to dirt. and the importance of getting kids outside, not just to play, but to plant or pick and otherwise connect in a direct way with their food.

i’m a longtime and serious — though now seriously lapsed — flower gardener, but i haven’t delved as deeply into edible gardening as i’d hoped. partly that’s time, and partly it’s the abundance here in western new york and the gratitude i feel for the farmers who supply our food. we usually have a few tomatoes and herbs, some beans or peas potted up at school, a tiny patch of resilient raspberries, and the occasional squash or pumpkin that springs from the compost pile. but mostly we’re happy to just reap the benefits of what the farmers do best.

That means we spend a lot of time picking berries and apples, harvesting vegetables during csa work days, and of course shopping the farmers’ markets. but whether we’re planting-tending-harvesting ourselves, or just arriving at the end of the line, we’re getting to know our food. and that, i think, is what counts.

and because that counts, it’s tempting to wonder what else our kids might gain when we introduce them to food from the source. yes, they’ll learn about plants and animals and the fact that real food comes from somewhere, not from some place. and they’ll appreciate (we hope) the idea of building community and supporting practices that keep people and the planet healthy.

but what if connecting with agriculture also makes kids feel good about themselves? what if getting their hands dirty makes them happy even beyond the messiness of it? psychology today called all this bacteria-assisted communing with food and soil a return to “our optimal habitat.” sounds about right to me.

Christina le Beau lives in Rochester. She blogs about raising food-literate kids at A version of this essay originally appeared on Spoonfed.

by Christina Le Beau

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