URBAN DESIGN BRIEF - notl.civicweb.net

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Solmar Development Corp.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design





2.1 Contextual Analysis

2.1.1 The Site

2.1.2 Neighbouring Uses

2.1.3 Surrounding Context

2.1.4 Topography

2.1.5 Street Network

2.2 Applicable Township Policies

2.2.1 Regional Official Plan

2.2.2 Town Official Plan


3.1 Design Goals and Objectives

3.2 Site Design

3.3 Built Form and Massing

3.4 Building Articulation

3.5 Character and Image

3.6 Architectural Treatment

3.7 Building Setbacks

3.8 Lighting

3.9 Sustainability


Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Executive Summary Solmar Development Corp has acquired a parcel of land at the intersection of Anne Street and Gate Street in the southern portion Niagara-On-The-Lake and proposes to construct a small townhouse development. Solmar Developments Corp has retained RN Design Inc to prepare an Urban Design Brief to articulate the design goals of the development. This Urban Design Brief seeks to analyze the site in context of the existing urban fabric, identify and establish design goals, and introduce the site development concept as part of the By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision application submission. This Urban Design Brief is divided into three sections:

- Section 1 – Site Analysis

- Section 2 - Design Principles and Concept Plan,

- Section 3 – Summary

Section 1 – Site Analysis - reviews the site and its surrounding context; - Identifies applicable Township Policies and Vision Section 2 - Design Goals and Development Concept explains the execution of the Township Policies and Design Principles in the proposed Draft Plan and Site Plan concept through such principles as: - Site Design, - Built Form and Massing, - Building Articulation, - Character and Image, - Architectural Treatment, - Lighting, and - Sustainability Section 3 – Summary concludes the Urban Design Brief by summarizing how the proposed Draft Plan and Site Plan complies with the Township’s vision and policies. This Urban Design Brief should be read in conjunction with the other documents included in the Development Approval application.

This document provides urban design guidance for the development review authorities and contains a series of visual exhibits, plans, and illustrations that are to be reviewed in conjunction with this text.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


2.0 Site Analysis

2.1 Contextual Analysis 2.1.1 – The Site The site is located within the existing fabric of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. It sits in part of an established street block along the south side of Anne Street, just south of Gate Street. The final side of the neighbourhood back onto existing residential development. The parcel is identified as Lots 374, 375, 406 and 407, Part of Gate Street, Registered Plan No. TP-86. , Registered Plan TP-86. It has a frontage along Anne Street of 148m and a depth of approximately 115m. The parcel has an area of approximately 01.7HA (17000 m2). The site is currently vacant land.

Surrounding residential development 2.1.2- Neighbouring Land Uses The site sits in an established town block in a residential neighbourhood close to the main town thoroughfares and landmarks. Owing to the rich heritage of the Town of Niagara on the Lake, the site is close to the National Historic Landmarks of Fort George and Bulter’s Barracks, the Town’s main street but is also surrounded by the many bed and breakfast accomodations which provide a unique way to host the many tourists who come to the Town.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


This residential neighbourhood has a variety of building types. Adjoining the site to the east is the Georgian townhouse condominium consisting of a two storey semi-detached dwelling fronting onto Victoria Street with two blocks of townhouses in behind them. Across from the site along Anne Street is a vacant town block which is being re-developed with semi-detached bungalows. The Serendipity Bed and Breakfast Inn is directly southeast of the site.

Neighbouring Land Uses 2.1.3 Surrounding Context Throughout the neighbourhood, townhouse, semi-detached and detached dwellings built form exist, overlaid with home occupation, live/work, commercial and bed and breakfast uses. 2.1.4 -Topography As an existing lot in an established neighbourhoood, the site is largely flat with a rural street edge consisting of open storm drainage ditches, culverts under driveways and no public sidewalks. 2.1.5 – Street Network As an established block in the Town fabric, the site is part of the road and transportation network. The surrounding streets are neighbourhood in scale and traffic volume.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


2.2 Applicable Township Policies

2.2.1 Regional Official Plan

The current Regional Municipality of Niagara Official Plan identifies the neighbourhood as “Urban” in the Town of Niagara On The Lake.

The Region’s plan calls for intensification within the Urban Boundaries of the Town in its Growth Management section:

“Objective 4.A.1.1 Direct the majority of growth and development to Niagara’s existing Urban Areas.

Objective 4.A.1.2 Direct a significant portion of Niagara’s future growth to the Built-up Area through intensification.

Objective 4.A.1.3 Direct intensification to Local Municipally Designated Intensification Areas.

4.C.2 Local Municipally Designated Intensification Areas achieving the intensification targets set out in Sub-section 4.C.4 of this Plan. Local official plans shall:

a) Incorporate the Built Boundary delineated on Schedule A of this Plan as the basis for identifying the Built-up Area;

b) Generally encourage intensification throughout the Built-up Area;

c) Identify specific Intensification Areas to support the achievement of the intensification targets, including downtowns, intensification nodes and corridors and strategically located brownfield and greyfield areas.”

With respect to Built Form and Urban Design, it proposes a vision consisting of:

“Part 3, Section 11. Housing and Community Services

11.A Residential Areas and Housing

Policy 11.A.1 The Region encourages the provision of a variety of housing types within urban

communities and neighbourhoods to serve a variety of people as they age through the life cycle.

Policy 11.A.2 The Region encourages the development of attractive, well designed residential

development that:

b) De-emphasizes garages, especially in the front yard.

c) Emphasizes the entrance and points of access to neighbourhoods.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


e) Incorporates the principles of sustainability in building design.

j) Creates or enhances an aesthetically pleasing and functional neighbourhood.

Policy 11.A.3 The Region encourages housing which allows people to work at home or in relatively close

proximity to work."

2.2.2 Town Official Plan

The current Niagara-On-The-Lake Official Plan designates the lands as “Established Residential”. The

Town’s vision for the neighbourhood, as formulated in the existing its Official Plan 2004 and its Draft

2014 Plan, in part, is as follows:


4.1 General Intensification Policy

The Town supports intensification and infilling within appropriate areas throughout the Built-Up Area in

accordance with Land Use Compatibility, urban design and other applicable land use compatibility

criteria of this Plan. The Town also supports forms of infilling that use the existing built form, including

garden suites and accessory dwelling units, where the proposed development and reuse is consistent

with the land use compatibility of this Plan.”

While there are no Urban Design Guidelines in the 2004 Official Plan, the Draft 2014 Plan proposes:

“Urban Design”

The Town will prepare Urban Design Guidelines as part of the preparation of Secondary Plans. In the

interim, the following urban design guidelines shall apply to intensification proposals in Virgil and the

Old Town. …

a) lnfill and intensification sites should match the average pre- established building setback of

adjacent buildings within the block face…

b) d) Bulk, mass and scale of new development shall fit the context within which it is located…

c) e) Garages for single, semi and townhouse units shall not exceed 50% of the building façade and

shall be setback from the front face of these units.

d) f) The design of infill and intensification development should be consistent with the Land Use

Compatibility criteria of this Plan.”

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design



3.1 Design Goals and Objectives A variety of Goals and Objectives are proposed for the development of the site which reflects the current and best principles of Urban Design and the Town’s vision for its built environment. Goals related to knitting the project into the existing community consist of: - Promoting pedestrian scaled environments - Proposing built form that is sensitive in scale with the surrounding community - connecting to the existing public realm Strengthen the urban development pattern - site and mass the buildings to strengthen the streetscape - orient building entrances to the street - promote a variety of façade articulation and detail. Goals related to the broader planning objectives of current Township policies are: - encourage intensification - contribute to walkable environments - provide a high quality architectural design - situate living areas close to the street - incorporate lighting, signage and surface paving to contribute to the streetscape and pedestrian comfort. The above goals and objectives will result in a development concept which balances the respect for the existing neighbourhood and the implementation of the Town’s future vision. The proposed development concept has been designed to strike a balance between respecting the existing neighbourhood character and the Township’s need for intensification.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


The Draft Plan 3.2 Site Design The site plan has been designed to reinforce the streetscape and promote a pedestrian scaled environment. The proposed development comprises 58 townhouse lots in 8 separate blocks. Two blocks of townhouses have been situated on facing Anne Street with vehicle access from the rear laneway so that no garages are facing Anne Street All townhouses each have an integral garage to house one car, and a driveway long enough to park a second car. 3.3 Built Form and Massing The development will primarily consist of bungalow townhouses with the option of lofts to help create a strong streetscape. The development concept proposes that part of the townhouse front façade project in front of the garage and that a porch project in front of that building mass. The projecting massing visually diminishes and screens the garage while the porch while also screening the garage, reduces the scale of the projecting building mass. Gables and roofs above the garage have been design to be built out above the garage further reducing its individual street presence and becoming more part of the overall building mass.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


3.4 Building Articulation The homes of this site will follow the new design principle which proposes that the house mass or porch project in front of the garage, to visually minimize its presence. A variety of Roof slopes is proposed to generate visual interest. Gables and dormers elements will be added to give relief to the roof plane. Jogs in the front wall will provide depth and break up the building mass. The townhomes will are proposed to be located close to the streetline. They will be encouraged to strengthen the street edge, and provide porches for social interaction and “eyes on the street”. 3.4 Character and Image With articulated building massing and with living elements of the homes closer to the streetline, an attractive, pedestrian scaled character is created. Porches close to the lane will encourage interaction with passing neighbours. Given the size and layout of the development will create a strong character for and by itself. 3.5 Architectural Treatment The detailing of the front elevation will provide interest. Elements such as bay windows, porches, dormers, and a variety of building materials such as brick, stone and siding is proposed to provide many elevations with their own identity. A heritage inspired aesthetic look has been proposed. Exposed side elevations to street will be detailed to match their front elevations. Garage doors of a higher visual design will be used. 3.6 Building Setbacks The proposed townhome blocks are located on the site with a goal of continuing the streetscape and promoting a pedestrian scaled environment. Blocks facing Anne Street continues the existing building lines on either side of the development. Internal Blocks continue that principal. The garages are generally in line with the existing setbacks of the buildings on adjoining lots. The projecting mass of the townhomes provides some relief, contrast, variety and depth to the vista from both the north and south along Anne Street. 3.7 Lighting So as to contribute towards the character of the neighbourhood, the townhomes building lighting will be designed to - be complimentary to the architecture;

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


- not shine onto adjoining properties - not contribute to light pollution - to provide safety - to provide a sense of individual address 3.8 Sustainability The project will be developed with a variety of sustainable features in the built form and the landscape treatment. - proposes as stormwater management system which minimizes the community’s impact on the existing natural ecology. The homes will be built to the energy standards of the new edition of the Ontario Building Code. Some elements to reduce the carbon footprint of the homes may include: - low flow toilets, - low flow taps and shower heads, - energy star appliances, - high efficiency combination water and space heating systems, - energy star fans, - energy star rated windows and doors, - electronic ignition gas fire places, - Forest Stewardship Certified (FSC) wood, - photo voltaic ready wiring, - rough-in for electric vehicle recharging. Landscape Masterplan Sustainable Landscaping component and practices may include: - Native species only for planting materials - drought tolerant species - permeable pavers - smart irrigation systems - rain barrels - passive design tree shading Sustainable construction practices can include - a construction waste management reduction program. As an infill development, the proposal seeks to knit into the existing fabric by continuing existing elements of the local public realm.

Urban Design Brief Anne Street, NOTL April 27 2016


Solmar Development Corp. RN design


Proposed Landscape Masterplan 4.0 SUMMARY The design goals and principles delineated in the Draft Plan Concept Development Plan express the Visions and Goals of the Town of Niagara On The Lake. The proposed new infill project: - connects into the existing neighbourhood - proposes a housing form present in the neighbourhood; - intensifies the Town of Niagara on the Lake - is complementary to the architectural character of neighbourhood; - promotes a pedestrian friendly environment; - enhances local neighbourly interactions; and

- contributes to sustainability. The sum total of these design elements will create a sensitive addition to the surrounding neighbourhood and strengthen the built fabric along Anne Street.