Urgent Genius Royal Wedding Challenge

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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iris global challenge to apply the power of newsjacking and real-time creativity to a bit of Kate and Wills lovin’ or hatin’


What would VW do? This is what they did for William’s birthday a decade ago. Let’s update this for 2011. A bit more interactive and social please.

THE BRIEF: You’ve got from18 April to 3 May 2011 to make websites, products, quizzes, blogs, games, ads, music videos, short films, etc. Pitch them to existing/potential iris clients or just make them yourselves. Best stuff goes in the U.G. book – final draft to publisher in July.

The next 15 slides are ideas the iris London Bunker came up with to give you a flavour of what we’re after. The final 10 slides are creative thought starters

Note: We want you to make stuff in the next 2 weeks for yourselves and for clients. Don’t bother with iPhone apps or big budget films.

Ideas For Existing Clients

Coca-Cola – The Royal CapCoke’s bottle caps are designed as crowns.

Iris London Bunker StudentsArt Director: Juan Frias Copywriter: Livia Palma

Ideas For Potential Future Clients

Justin.Tv – Mob Broadcast

Art Director: Juan Frias Copywriter: Livia Palma

Idea: Get people's perspective from the royal wedding.

How: Transmit the ceremony in an online platform through the cameras of anyone and everyone who brings one to the wedding.

Justin.Tv provides a wi-fi transmitor that is attached to

a fake Royal Guards's hat.

Devices can connect to the wi-fi and access a

Justin.Tv Hotsite. Select your device

and start transmiting.

Special edition of Burgers King’s crowns for the royal wedding – now for kings and queens.

Art Director: Juan Frias Copywriter: Livia Palma

Burger King – Royal Wedding Crowns

Unbranded Ideas

Idea: A royal flee service for a wedding-free holiday.

How: It suggests the most suitable destination according to your current location.

Iris London Bunker StudentsArt Director: Juan Frias Copywriter: Livia Palma

1) Select how far are you REALLY willing to travel.

2a ) For A or B, fill your location in and Google marks blueall the nearest possible locations for your flee. Share it with your friends and invite them to join you there.

2b) For C or D, fill your location in and Google randomly selects the most improbable and funny locations for your flee. Share it with your friends and invite them to join you there.

Wedding Wreckers Idea: Help anarchists escape the police and show off the juiciest momentsfrom their naked protest.

How: Create a photo blog for all their naked pictures and a twitter account for them to post latest locations to avoid cops.

Art Director: Juan Frias Copywriter: Livia Palma

Loinclothes with William and Kate’s faces available for download on the photo blog

and distributed during the ceremony. Wedding wreckers website to createthe naked protest album.

Attach adhesives on the streets to promote the twitter account before launch.

Creative Thought Starters

Check Out Our Blog


Tools You Can Use

We have set up a Google Reader account that has all of Buzzfeed’s partner sites. This and Buzzfeed searches (see left) are two great resources to see what’s capturing the zeitgeist related to the royals at this very moment.

Search BuzzFeed directly and the search links to partner sites as well.

Be Uber-Topical

Set up your RSS Reader to tell you anytime “Royal Wedding” or “Prince William” or “Kate Middleton” or “Prince Harry” is used.

This is new news from yesterday. What can you do with it in the next 24 hours?

Focus On Harry

While everyone is focusing on Big Wills and Kate, what if you focused on the lesser ginger one.

Our iris Bunker ideas came up with this idea. Would you Marry Harry? Then they Googled it and 123-reg has already done it. Let’s not miss any more great ideas.

Go For PR Headlines

Think in tabloid newspaper headlines. Come up with ideas with “Is this true?” as the main take-away. This makes it easier to share and interact with.

Think About Snoop

When the iris London Bunker students told me that Snoop Dogg penned the song “Wet” for Prince William’s bachelor party, I thought, “Wow, this is too good to be true.” No one has done anything with it. And the news which broke in December is back. As of Saturday. Radio stations are banning it.

Think About Platforms

Okay, so someone’s created a William and Kate comic book and a made-for-TV movie? What hasn’t been created yet?

Think About Souvenirs

So that Wills/Kate fridge idea you were going to sell to your client has been done. Don’t fret. Has anyone done a Royal Weddin kids’ bedroom mobile (stringy thing with pictures that hang down over cot)? Google Top 10 Royal Wedding Souvenirs and you’ll see that there’s still loads of room for both pro and anti Royal Wedding products.

Think About The Honeymoon

The royal wedding is scheduled to take place on April 29, and Prince William previously hinted that the honeymoon could take place in the town of Cairns, Australia.

Good luck and remember, this is all about collaboration. For example: If iris Delhi come up with a cracking idea that involves a team doing

something outside Buckingham Palace on the day, then we’ll gather a team in London to make it happen for you. Think ideas for now, for

next week, for the wedding day and for the few days after it.