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ELISE Knowledge Transfer: Location Interoperability for Digital Transformation, ABCIV-000152-6000184687-REQ-01 EC Joint Research Centre – Unit B6 Rapid Study: The role of Spatial Data Infrastructures for Digital Government Transformation 09/10/2019


© 2019 Deloitte Belgium 2

About us

Before we start

Glenn Vancauwenberghe (SADL – KU Leuven)

• Education

• Master in Sociology (KU Leuven)

• Master in Public Administration (Ghent University)

• PhD in Social Sciences (KU Leuven)

• PHD and postdoc

• Phd subject: The Coordination in the Context of Spatial Data Infrastructures, 2013

• Postdoctoral fellowship on the topic of Effective Governance of Open Spatial Data, TU Delft, 2016-2018

• Projects

• smeSPIRE (2012-2013)

• EULF (2013-2016)

• EO4GEO (Present)

• ELISE (Present)

Martina Barbero (EU policies and strategies - Deloitte)

• Education

• Master in European Political and Governance Studies (College of Europe)

• Master in European Studies (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

• Bachelor in European and International studies (University of Trento)

• Projects

• Study on Big Data for Policy Making (2016)

• Study on the sustainability of Digital Service Infrastructures (2016)

• Study on the emerging barriers to data sharing (2017)

• Study supporting the review of the PSI Directive (2018)

• Sharing and reuse action (Present)

• ELISE (Present)

© 2019 Deloitte Belgium 3

Agenda and topics to be covered

Structure of the presentation

1. Introduction

• Background: the relationship between the concepts of Spatial Data Infrastructure and Digital Government Transformation

• Scope and objectives of the study

• The analytical framework

• Methodology and limitations

2. Main findings of the study

• Lessons learnt from the countries in scope

− Institutional setting

− Technical infrastructure

− Impact

3. Conclusions

• The relevance of the OECD Recommendation on Digital Government Strategies

• Key takeaways and next steps

Important disclaimer: the final study report is currently under publication. The opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the

authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

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1. Introduction

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Background: the relationship between Spatial Data Infrastructure and Digital Government Transformation Initially, the “eGovernment” and “Spatial Data Infrastructures” (SDIs) concepts were conceived and tackled as separate worlds.

Today, debate is evolving towards an understanding of SDIs as a building block of the wider concept of Digital Government Transformation.

• Digital government transformation, itself, is broader than eGovernment which is encompassed in its definition (see picture).

• According to some, SDIs are at the same time both components and enablers of Digital Government Transformation which allow fully digitalised governments to be developed and a move towards Governments as Platforms (Looseemore et al., 2018).

• In this context, it is important to look at SDI from the Digital Government Transformation perspective.

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Background, scope and objectives of the study

Objective of this study: analyse the role that SDIs play in Digital Government Transformation by looking at the experience of the 28 EU countries and Norway.

The study focused more specifically on:

• Analysing the institutional setting underpinning SDI and Digital

Government Transformation,

• Examining the technical infrastructure put in place and its

relationship with eGovernment services and the reuse of data and


• Assessing the usage and benefits of the infrastructure for citizens,

businesses and the public sector and,

• Considering the relevance of the OECD Recommendation on

Digital Government Strategies in the context of SDI policies and


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The analytical framework The structure of the framework mirrors the structure of Open Data Barometers but its components are different and were

established based on an iterative analysis of evidence and literature.

The components of our framework sometimes include/overlaps with aspects related to the European Interoperability Framework (i.e. organisational and technical interoperability) but they do not coincide.

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Methodology and limitations

Our overarching data collection and analysis strategy involved two main stages:

o Overall explorative analysis of the 29 countries in scope;

o In-depth analysis of 4 particular countries (NL, ES, BE, PL).

• In both stages, data were collected through a combination of desk research and

phone interviews;

• Sources and interviewees came from both the SDI/INSPIRE and

eGovernment/digital government domains and we included relevant data and

information from existing assessments and evaluations (INSPIRE, eGovernment

factsheets, open data Maturity Index, etc.;

• We continued testing, refining, and validating the analytical framework thorough

the entire assignment (in an iterative manner), in order to establish a

framework for identifying and comparing the role of SDI/INSPIRE in Digital

Transformation for the countries in scope of the analysis.

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2. Main findings of the study

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Lessons learnt from the countries in scope – An example of cross-border usage: X-Road

Estonia and Finland both use the X-Road Data Exchange

layer nationwide.

In 2018, a technical solution was completed to enable

exchange of data between Estonia and Finland in order to

« make the lives of frequent travelers across the Gulf of

Finland as convenient as possible”.

The first institutions to exchange data have been:

• Traffic registers;

• Population registers;

• Tax and customs;

• Health insurance funds.

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3. Conclusions and possible research areas for the future

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The relationship between SDIs and Digital Government Transformation

Starting point our working definition of digital government transformation (See also Webinar on the Role of Geospatial For Digital Government Transformation):

“Fundamental changes in the way how public organizations are structured and operate, how public services are delivered, how policies are developed, implemented, and evaluated, as well as how citizens engage in democratic processes resulting from the introduction of technologies (Zhang et al, 2014)”.

Main lessons learnt on the role of SDIs in Digital Government Transformation:

• SDIs development and implementation brings incremental and fundamental changes in governance, strategies, policies and legal framework underpinning Digital Government Transformation;

• SDIs also shape different relationships between governmental and non-governmental stakeholders;

• Resulting from but also affecting the introduction and adoption of technologies

• SDIs still have a lot of potential for changing the way policies are developed and services are delivered

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OECD Recommendation on Digital Government Strategies Our conclusions on the relationship between SDIs and Digital Government Transformation is also confirmed by the analysis of the OECD Recommendation on Digital Government Strategies.

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Our study points at SDIs as good practice in implementing many of the principles set out by the OECD

OECD Recommendation on Digital Government Strategies

high high high

high low

low med

med med


med med

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Key takeaways from the study

• The investigation of the role of SDIs in Digital Transformation of Government requires a particular analytical framework, which is different from previous approaches for studying and assessing SDIs. This study provides a first attempt of providing such analytical framework but this could and should be improved.

• SDIs in Europe already play a key role in the Digital Transformation of Governments: they contribute to Digital Transformation in many different ways: by changing strategic and governance approaches, redefining relationships between stakeholders and providing the basis for building better processes, policies and services?

• There is a diversity of approaches amongst countries for integrating SDIs in the wider reflection and efforts towards their Digital Transformation. Best practices are available and countries can learn from each others but they also need to take into account their national contexts and history.

• Quantitative data on the impact and benefits of SDIs in the context of Digital Government Transformation is scarce. However, this topic deserves more attention and should be explored more in the future, also because the awareness on the role of SDIs as building block of digital transformation should be further increased.

© 2019 Deloitte Belgium 24

Key questions and EU Survey

Next steps

Discussion questions

1. Which aspects of geospatial data, technologies and thinking do you

think contribute to the Digital Transformation of Government?

2. Can you give us examples of cross-border projects or operational

activities that are making use of geospatial data, technologies or

thinking that are also supporting the digital transformation of


3. Please tell us about any other 'Rapid Study' topics that we could


The final report of this study will be published soon! We will keep you

informed about the publication.

© 2019 Deloitte Belgium 25

More references can be found in the final report


Barbero, M., Lopez Potes, M., Vancauwenberghe, G. & Vandenbroucke, D. (2019). The Role of Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Digital Transformation of Public Administration. Final Report.

European Commission (2019). INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting. INSPIRE Knowledge Base. Available online at:

European Commission (2019). Digital Government Factsheets – 2019. National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO). Available online at:

European Data Portal (2018). Open Data Maturity in Europe Report 2018. European Union, Brussels. Available online at:

Looseemore, T. (2018). Making Government as a Platform Real. Available online at:

OECD (2014). Recommendation of the Council on Digital Government Strategies. OECD, Paris. Available online at:

World Wide Web Foundation (2019). Open Data Barometer. Available online at:

Zhang, J., Luna-Reyes, L. F., & Mellouli, S. (2014). Transformational digital government. Government Information Quarterly, 4(31), 503-505.

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© 2019 Deloitte Belgium