U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Lovers Lane Lead Site Jeffrey A. Lippert, OSC.

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Lovers Lane Lead Site

Jeffrey A. Lippert, OSC

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• Emergency Response Actions:– Pipeline Breaks, Train

Derailments, Chemical and Biological Attacks, Oil Spills, Chemical Fires

• Time-Critical Removals:– Drums, Abandoned Chemicals,

Soil Contamination, Radiological Sources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

4407 Lovers Lane, Plainfield Charter Township, Kent County, Michigan

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• On 9/27/11, Battery casing discovered during water main installation on Lovers Lane

• On 11/4/11 DEQ requested EPA assistance with buried lead-acid battery casings at 4407 Lovers Lane.

• Site walk with DEQ on November 22.• Site Assessment on December 20, 2011

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• Buried, crushed lead-acid car batteries beneath the ground’s surface.

• Levels of lead above hazardous waste criteria and above direct contact criteria

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Time-Critical• Removal action began

on May 7, 2012;• Removal of casings and

contaminated soil;• Backfill with clean fill;• Municipal water;• Well abandonment;• Site restoration.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• Air samples collected before and during Removal;

• Particulate monitoring before and during Removal;

• Particulate data compared to sample data;

• Action level of 150 ug/M3 established;

• 3000 pages of monitoring data collected;

• No exceedances.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) screening tool to verify lead levels in floor of the excavation.

• Levels of lead were either ND or background.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• Could not excavate 3’ from foundation;

• Installed a plastic liner to prevent infiltration of precipitation;

• Anchored into clean backfill.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• Approached by resident at 4435;

• Sampled well, 0.0016 mg/L;• Contacted KCHD;• Results above MCL for

Lead of 0.0015 mg/L;• Connected 4435 to

municipal water.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• EPA’s policy is to be open with the public;

• EPA distributed a Fact Sheet to homes in the neighborhood;

• Interacted with site visitors.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• 2,123 tons of hazardous waste shipped for disposal;

• Air sampling – Non-Detect for lead;

• Air monitoring – No results above Action Levels.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• Cleanup cost was $448,628.32

• Cleanup began on May 7 and concluded on June 7.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

• The area surrounding the Lovers Lane Lead Site will be further investigated.

• EPA has referred the site to DEQ for soil and well sampling.

• DEQ is in the planning stage and has secured funding for well sampling.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency