US Internal Revenue Service: p570--2000

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  • 8/14/2019 US Internal Revenue Service: p570--2000


    ContentsImportant Changes ............................ 1

    Important Reminders ......................... 1

    Introduction ....................................... 2

    Possession Exclusion ....................... 2

    Filing Tax Returns .............................. 3

    Filing Requirements for Individualsin U.S. Possessions .................... 5

    Guam .............................................. 5

    The Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands ....................... 6

    American Samoa ............................ 7

    The Virgin Islands ........................... 7

    The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 8

    Illustrated Example of Form 4563 .... 9

    Illustrated Example of Form 8689 .... 9

    How To Get Tax Help ......................... 12

    Index .................................................... 13

    Important Changes

    Photographs of missing children. TheInternal Revenue Service is a proud partnerwith the National Center for Missing and Ex-ploited Children. Photographs of missingchildren selected by the Center may appearin this publication on pages that would other-wise be blank. You can help bring thesechildren home by looking at the photographsand calling 1800THELOST (18008435678) if you recognize a child.

    Paid preparer authorization. Beginning with

    your return for 2000, you can check a box andauthorize the IRS to discuss your tax returnwith the paid preparer who signed it. If youcheck the Yes box in the signature area ofyour return, the IRS can call your paidpreparer to answer any questions that mayarise during the processing of your return.Also, you are authorizing your paid preparerto perform certain actions. See your incometax package for details.

    Important Reminders

    Individual taxpayer identification number

    (ITIN). The IRS will issue an ITIN to a non-resident or resident alien who does not haveand is not eligible to get a social securitynumber (SSN). To apply for an ITIN, FormW7, Application for IRS Individual TaxpayerIdentification Number, must be filed with theIRS. It usually takes about 30 days to get anITIN. The ITIN is entered wherever an SSNis requested on a tax return. If you are re-quired to include another person's SSN onyour return and that person does not haveand cannot get an SSN, enter that person'sITIN.

    An ITIN is for tax use only. It does notentitle you to social security benefits orchange your employment or immigration sta-tus under U.S. law.

    Departmentof theTreasury


    Publication 570Cat. No. 15118B

    Tax Guide

    for Individuals

    With Income

    From U .S.


    For use in preparing

    2000 Returns

  • 8/14/2019 US Internal Revenue Service: p570--2000


    Change of address. If you change yourmailing address, be sure to notify the InternalRevenue Service using Form 8822, Changeof Address. Mail it to the Internal RevenueService Center for your old address (ad-dresses for the Service Centers are on theback of the form).

    IntroductionThis publication discusses how to treat in-

    come received in U.S. possessions on yourU.S. tax return.

    It also discusses whether you are requiredto file a return with the possession. AmericanSamoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of theNorthern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands,and Puerto Rico have their own independenttax departments. If you have income fromone of these possessions, you may have tofile a U.S. tax return only, a possession taxreturn only, or both returns. This generallydepends on whether you are considered aresident of one of the possessions. In somecases, you may have to file a U.S. return, butbe able to exclude income earned in a pos-session from U.S. tax.

    If you need additional information onU.S. taxation, write to:

    Internal Revenue ServiceInternational Returns SectionP.O. Box 920Bensalem, PA 190208518.

    If you need additional information on yourtax obligations in a U.S. possession, write tothe tax department of that possession. Theiraddresses are provided under the individualheadings for each possession.

    Comments and suggestions. We welcome

    your comments about this publication andyour suggestions for future editions.You can e-mail us while visiting our web

    site at can write to us at the following ad-


    Internal Revenue ServiceTechnical Publications BranchW:CAR:MP:FP:P1111 Constitution Ave. NWWashington, DC 20224

    We respond to many letters by telephone.Therefore, it would be helpful if you wouldinclude your daytime phone number, includ-ing the area code, in your correspondence.

    Useful ItemsYou may want to see:


    54 Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens andResident Aliens Abroad

    514 Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals

    Form (and Instructions)

    1040SS U.S. Self-Employment TaxReturn

    1116 Foreign Tax Credit

    2688 Application for Additional Exten-sion of Time To File U.S. Indi-vidual Income Tax Return

    4563 Exclusion of Income for Bona FideResidents of American Samoa

    4868 Application for Automatic Exten-sion of Time To File U.S. Indi-vidual Income Tax Return

    5074 Allocation of Individual IncomeTax to Guam or the Common-wealth of the Northern Mariana

    Islands (CNMI) 8689 Allocation of Individual Income

    Tax to the Virgin Islands

    See How To Get Tax Help near the endof this publication for information about get-ting these publications and forms. You canget any necessary possession tax forms atthe appropriate possession tax office. Theoffice addresses are given later.

    Possession ExclusionFor 2000, the possession exclusion appliesonly to individuals who are bona fide resi-dents of American Samoa.

    Individuals in the following U.S. pos-sessions or territories are noteligible for thepossession exclusion discussed here.

    Baker Island

    Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Is-lands (CNMI)


    Howland Islands

    Jarvis Island

    Johnston Island

    Kingman Reef

    Midway Islands

    Palmyra Puerto Rico

    Virgin Islands

    Wake Island

    Special filing requirements apply to individ-uals in the CNMI, Guam, Puerto Rico, and theVirgin Islands. See Filing Requirements forIndividuals in U.S. Possessions, later. Indi-viduals in the other possessions listed aboveshould see If You Do Not Qualify, later.

    QualificationsTo qualify for the possession exclusion, youmust be a bona fide resident of American

    Samoa for the entire tax year. For example,if your tax year is the calendar year, you mustbe a bona fide resident from January 1through December 31. In addition to this timerequirement, the following factors may beconsidered in determining bona fide resi-dence.

    Your intent to be a resident of AmericanSamoa, as shown by the circumstances.

    The establishment of a permanent homefor you and members of your family inAmerican Samoa for an indefinite periodof time.

    Your social, cultural, and economic tiesto American Samoa.

    Your physical presence for the year.

    Other factors that may be considered arethe nature, extent, and reasons for temporaryabsences; assumption of economic burdensand payment of taxes to American Samoa;existence of other homes outside of AmericanSamoa; and place of employment.


    !If you were not a bona fide residentof American Samoa for all of 2000,you cannot claim the possession ex-

    clusion. SeeIf You Do Not Qualify, later.

    What Income Can BeExcludedIf you qualify as a bona fide resident ofAmerican Samoa for 2000, you can excludeincome from sources in American Samoa,Guam, or the CNMI and income effectivelyconnected with your trade or business inthese possessions.

    Possession source income. Excludableincome from sources within the possessionsincludes the following.

    1) Wages, salaries, and other kinds of payfor personal services performed in the

    possessions. (But see U.S. Governmentwages, later, for an exception.)

    2) Dividends received from possessionsources, including those paid by:

    a) U.S. corporations that do businessin the possessions and elect thePuerto Rico and possession taxcredit, and

    b) Possession and foreign corpo-rations that do business mainly inthe possessions.

    3) Interest on deposits paid by banks thatdo business mainly in the possessions,including interest paid on deposits withthe possession branches of:

    a) Domestic banks with commercialbanking business in the pos-sessions, and

    b) Savings and loan associationschartered under federal or statelaws.

    4) Gains from the sale of securities, suchas stock certificates, are from sources inthe possessions if the seller's residenceis in a possession and the sale is notattributable to an office or other fixedplace of business maintained by theseller in the United States.

    U.S. Government wages. For purposesof the possession exclusion, possessionsource income does not include wages, sal-aries, etc., paid by the U.S. Government orany of its agencies to individuals who are itscivilian or military employees.

    Scholarships and fellowships. The sourceof a payment made as a scholarship or fel-lowship grant is generally the residence of thepayer. The result is the same if payments aremade by an agency acting on behalf of thepayer.

    Examples. The following examples illustratethe sources of income. Assume that corpo-rations chartered in American Samoa (Amer-ican Samoan corporations) do business onlyin American Samoa, and that the U.S. and

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    foreign corporations do not carry on businessin the possessions.

    Example 1. Frank Harris, who is single,is an engineer who went to work in AmericanSamoa for a private construction company onAugust 3, 1999, and lived there for all of 2000.He is a bona fide resident of American Samoafor 2000.

    During 2000, he received the followingamounts of income.

    Frank's possession source income eligiblefor the exclusion is $23,300. Frank's remain-ing income ($1,800) is not possession sourceincome and is not eligible for the exclusion.

    Example 2. Oliver Hunter was employedby a private employer in American Samoafrom June 16, 1999, through December 31,2000. He is a bona fide resident of AmericanSamoa for 2000.

    During 2000, he received the followingamounts of income.

    Oliver's possession source income of$16,500 is eligible for the exclusion. Oliver'sremaining income ($6,000) is not possessionsource income and is not eligible for the ex-clusion.

    Deductions and CreditsYou can neither deduct nor claim a credit foritems connected to your possession incomethat you exclude from gross income on yourU.S. income tax return. See Filing Tax Re-turns, later, to find out if you have to file a U.S.income tax return.

    Items that do not apply to a particular typeof income must be divided between your ex-cluded income from possession sources andincome from all other sources to find theamount you can deduct on your U.S. tax re-turn. Examples of these items are medicalexpenses, real estate taxes, mortgage inter-est on your home, and charitable contribu-tions.

    Figuring the deduction. To figure theamount of an item you can deduct on yourU.S. income tax return, multiply the amountby the following fraction.

    Gross income from sourcesoutside the possessions

    Total gross income from allsources (including excluded

    possession income)

    Standard deduction. The standard de-duction does not apply to a particular type ofincome. It must be divided between your ex-

    cluded income and income from othersources. This division must be made beforeyou can determine if you must file a U.S. taxreturn, because the minimum income level atwhich you must file a return is based, in part,on the standard deduction for your filing sta-tus.

    Example. Barbara Jones, a U.S. citizen,is single, under 65, and a bona fide residentof American Samoa. During 2000, she re-ceived $20,000 of income from Samoansources and $5,000 of income from sourcesoutside the possessions. She does not item-ize her deductions. Her allowable standarddeduction for 2000 is figured as follows:


    $25,000 $4,400 (standard deduction) = $880

    Foreign tax credit. If you must report pos-session source income on your U.S. tax re-turn, you can claim a foreign tax credit forincome taxes paid in the possessions on thatincome. You cannot claim a foreign tax creditfor taxes paid on excluded possession in-come. The foreign tax credit is generally fig-ured on Form 1116.

    If you have income, such as U.S. Gov-

    ernment wages, that is not excludable, andyou have income from possession sourcesthat is excludable, you must figure the creditby reducing your foreign taxes paid or ac-crued by the taxes based on the excludedincome. You must make this reduction foreach separate income category. To find theamount of this reduction, use the followingformula for each income category.

    Excluded incomefrom possessionsources lessdeductible expensesbased on thatincome

    Total income subjectto possession tax

    less deductibleexpenses based onthat income

    Tax paid oraccrued topossessions


    Reductionin foreigntaxes

    For more information on foreign tax credit,get Publication 514.

    Personal exemptions. Personal exemptionsare allowed in full. They are not divided.However, they may be phased out dependingupon your adjusted gross income and filingstatus.

    Moving expenses. If you are claiming ex-penses for a move to a U.S. possession fromthe United States, or from a U.S. possessionto the United States, use Form 3903, Moving

    Expenses. These are not considered foreignmoves. Get Publication 521, Moving Ex-penses, for more information.

    If You Do Not QualifyIf you do not qualify for the possession ex-clusion because you are not a bona fide res-ident of American Samoa (as explained ear-lier), or not a bona fide resident of AmericanSamoa for the entire year, figure your tax li-ability in the usual manner. Report all yourtaxable income, including income from foreignand possession sources, and claim all allow-able exemptions, deductions, and credits,following the instructions for Form 1040.

    You can take a credit against your U.S. taxliability if you paid income taxes to a foreigncountry or a possession and reported incomefrom sources outside the United States onyour U.S. tax return. Get Form 1116 to de-termine your credit and whether you must at-tach Form 1116 to your Form 1040. For moreinformation, see Publication 514.

    Filing Tax ReturnsIf you do not qualify for the possession ex-clusion, you must generally file a U.S. incometax return if your gross income was at leastthe amount shown below.

    If you were age 65 or over at the end of2000, and you do not qualify for the pos-session exclusion, the minimum income lev-els for filing a return increase. For theseamounts, see the instructions for Form 1040.

    Some persons (such as those who can

    be claimed as a dependent on another per-son's return) must file a tax return eventhough their gross income is less than theamount shown above for their filing status.For more information, see the instructions forForm 1040.

    Bona fide residents of American Samoa.If you qualify for the possession exclusion andall of your income is from sources in AmericanSamoa, Guam, or the CNMI, or is effectivelyconnected with your trade or business inthese possessions, you do not have to file aU.S. income tax return.

    If you qualify for the possession exclusionand you have income from sources outsideAmerican Samoa, Guam, or the CNMI, you

    must file a U.S. income tax return if yourgross income is at least the amount shownon line 3 of the following worksheet.

    Example. Regina Gray, a U.S. citizen,uses a calendar tax year. She was employedin American Samoa from July 2, 1999, toJanuary 1, 2001. Her 2000 income consistedof her salary from her job plus interest of $500on deposits in a U.S. bank.

    Regina does not have to file a U.S. incometax return for 2000 because she can claim thepossession exclusion, and her U.S. incomeis below the amount that would require her tofile a U.S. tax return.

    Form 4563. If you must file a U.S. incometax return and you qualify for the possessionexclusion, claim the exclusion by attachingForm 4563 to Form 1040. Form 4563 cannotbe filed by itself. There is an example of afilled-in Form 4563 near the end of this pub-lication.

    Samoan wages .......................................... $23,300

    Nonpossession source income:Dividends (U.S.) .......................... 400Dividends (foreign) ...................... 100Interest (U.S.) .............................. 1,300 1,800

    Total income $25,100

    Filing status: Gross income of at least:Single ........................................................ $ 7,200Married, filing jointly .................................. 12,950Married, filing separately .......................... 2,800Head of household ................................... 9,250Qualifying widow(er) ................................. 10,150

    Possession source income:Samoan wages ....................... $16,000Guam interest .......................... 500

    $16,500Nonpossession source income:

    U.S. dividends ......................... 2,000Short-term capital gain fromsale of U.S. stock .................... 4,000 6,000

    Total income $22,500

    1. Enter the allowable standard deductionyou figured earlier under Deductionsand Credits. ...........................................

    2. Personal exemption. (If your filing statusis married filing jointly, enter $5,600.Otherwise, enter $2,800.) ................ .....

    3. Add lines 1 and 2. You must file a U.S.income tax return if your gross incomefrom sources outside American Samoa,Guam, and the CNMI is at least thisamount. .................................................

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    When and Where To FileIf you file on a calendar year basis, the duedate for filing your U.S. income tax return isApril 15 following the end of your tax year. Ifyou use a fiscal year (a year ending on thelast day of a month other than December), thedue date is the 15th day of the 4th month afterthe end of your fiscal year. If any due datefalls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday,your tax return is due on the next businessday.

    DUEFederal tax returns mailed by taxpay-ers in foreign countries are filed ontime if they bear an official postmark

    dated by midnight of the due date, includingany extensions. The postmark can be foreign.

    Extensions of time to file. If you live out-side the United States and Puerto Rico andhave your main place of business or post ofduty outside the United States and PuertoRico on the regular due date of your return,you are automatically granted a 2-month ex-tension to file your return. If you file on a cal-endar year basis, you have until June 15. Thisextension is also available if you are on mili-tary duty outside the United States andPuerto Rico. Your assigned tour of duty out-

    side the United States and Puerto Rico mustinclude the entire due date of your return.

    If you use this automatic 2-month exten-sion, you must attach a statement to your re-turn showing that you qualify for it. You mustpay interest on any unpaid tax from the ori-ginal due date (April 15 if you file a calendaryear return) to the date you pay the tax.

    Married persons. If you and your spousefile a joint return, only one of you needs tomeet the qualifications discussed above totake advantage of the automatic extension toJune 15 for filing your tax return.

    If you file separate returns instead of a joint return, only the spouse who meets thequalifications can use the automatic exten-sion.

    Form 4868. You can get an automatic4-month extension of time to file your tax re-turn by doing one of the following.

    File a paper Form 4868.

    File Form 4868 electronically or byTeleFile and make a payment by author-izing a direct debit from your checking orsavings account.

    Make a credit card payment by phone oron the Internet. You do not need to fileForm 4868.

    This 4-month extension is not in addition tothe automatic 2-month extension explainedearlier. The 4 months and the 2 months bothbegin on April 15. You must file Form 4868or make an electronic payment by the duedate for filing your return. If you qualify for the2-month automatic extension, you do nothave to file Form 4868 until June 15. PrintTaxpayer Abroad across the top of Form4868.

    In filling out Form 4868, you must estimateyour tax liability for the year and you shouldpay any balance due with the application. Youwill be charged interest on any tax not paidby the regular due date of your return, andyou may be charged a penalty for the latepayment.

    Any payment you made with the applica-tion for extension should be entered on line63 of Form 1040.

    Note. You cannot ask the Internal Reve-nue Service to figure your tax if you use theextension of time to file.

    Form 2688. Further extensions of thetime to file are granted only under very unu-sual circumstances. If you need additionaltime to file, apply for the extension either ina letter or by filing Form 2688. Extensionsbeyond the 4-month automatic extension arenot granted as a matter of course. You mustshow reasonable cause.

    Except in undue hardship cases, an ap-

    plication for extension on Form 2688 will notbe accepted until you have taken advantageof the automatic 4-month extension.

    Where to file. If you have to file Form 1040with the United States, and you use Form4563 to exclude income from American Sa-moa, Guam, and the CNMI, file your returnwith the Internal Revenue Service Center,Philadelphia, PA 192550215. If you do notqualify for the possession exclusion, mail yourreturn to the address shown for the pos-session or state in which you reside in theForm 1040 instructions.

    Self-Employment TaxA U.S. citizen who is self-employed must payself-employment tax on net self-employmentearnings of $400 or more. This rule applieswhether or not the earnings are excludablefrom gross income (or whether or not a U.S.income tax return must otherwise be filed).

    Your payments of self-employment taxcontribute to your coverage under the socialsecurity system. Social security coverageprovides you with old age, survivor, and dis-ability benefits and hospital insurance.

    The self-employment tax rate is 15.3%(12.4% social security tax plus 2.9% Medicaretax). The maximum amount of earnings sub-

    ject to social security (old age, survivor, anddisability insurance) tax is $76,200 for 2000.All earnings are subject to Medicare (hospital

    insurance) tax.

    Self-employment tax form. If you have tofile Form 1040 with the United States, figureyour self-employment tax on Schedule SE(Form 1040) and attach it to Form 1040.

    If you are a resident of American Samoa,Guam, the CNMI, Puerto Rico, or the VirginIslands who has net self-employment income,and you do not have to file Form 1040 withthe United States, use Form 1040SS, U.S.Self-Employment Tax Return, to figure yourself-employment tax.


    If you are a resident of Puerto Rico,you can file Form 1040PR insteadof Form 1040SS. Form 1040PR is

    the Spanish-language equivalent of Form


    These forms must be filed with the InternalRevenue Service Center, Philadelphia, PA19255.

    Self-employment tax deduction. You candeduct one-half of your self-employment taxon line 27 of Form 1040 in figuring adjustedgross income. This is an income tax de-duction only; it is not a deduction in figuringnet earnings from self-employment.

    If you are a bona fide resident of AmericanSamoa or Puerto Rico, and you exclude yourself-employment income from gross income,you cannot take the deduction on line 27 of

    Form 1040 because the deduction is relatedto excluded income.

    If part of your self-employment income isexcluded, only the part of the deduction thatis based on the nonexcluded income is al-lowed. This would happen if, for instance, youhave two businesses, and only the incomefrom one of them is excludable.

    Figure the tax on the nonexcluded incomeby multiplying your total self-employment tax(from Schedule SE) by the following fraction.

    Self-employment income that is not excludedTotal self-employment income(including excluded income)

    The result is your self-employment tax onnonexcluded income. You can deduct one-half of this amount on line 27 of Form 1040.

    Credit for Excess FICAEmployee Tax WithheldIf you had more than one employer for 2000,and your total wages were over $76,200, youremployers may have withheld too much socialsecurity tax. If so, you can take a credit for theexcess amount on line 61 of Form 1040.

    If you do not file Form 1040, you can claim

    a refund of the excess amount withheld byfiling Form 843, Claim for Refund and Re-quest for Abatement. Residents of PuertoRico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa,Guam, and the CNMI should file Form 843with the Internal Revenue Service Center,Philadelphia, PA 19255.

    If any one employer withheld more than$4,724.40 of social security tax, you must askyour employer to refund the excess to you.You cannot claim it on your return.

    Double TaxationA mutual agreement procedure exists to settleissues where there is an inconsistency be-tween the tax treatment by the IRS and thetaxing authorities of the following pos-


    American Samoa.


    Puerto Rico.

    The Virgin Islands.

    These issues usually involve allocationsof income, deductions, credits, or allowancesbetween related persons, determinations ofresidency, and determinations of the sourceof income and related expenses.

    Send your written request for assist-ance under this procedure to:

    Internal Revenue Service

    Director, InternationalAttn: Tax TreatyP.O. Box 23598Washington, DC 200263598.

    Your request must contain a statementthat assistance is requested under the mutualagreement procedure with the possession. Itmust also contain all the facts and circum-stances relating to your particular case. Itmust be signed and dated. To avoid unnec-essary delays, make sure you include all ofthe following information.

    1) Your name, address, and social securitynumber.

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    2) The name, address, and social securitynumber of the related person in thepossession (if one is involved).

    3) The tax year(s) in question and theInternal Revenue Service Center whereyour return was filed.

    4) If income tax is involved, the type of in-come, a description of the transaction,activities, or other pertinent circum-stances, and the positions taken by youand the possession tax agency.

    5) The amount of the item (income, de-duction, or credit) involved and theamount of tax the possession assessedor proposed to assess.

    6) A description of the control and businessrelationships between you and the re-lated person in the possession, if thatapplies.

    7) The status of your tax liability for theyear(s) in question and, if it applies, thestatus of the tax liability of the relatedperson in the possession.

    8) Whether you or the related person, if oneis involved, is entitled to any possessiontax incentive or subsidy program benefits

    for the year(s) in question.9) Copies of any correspondence received

    from the possession tax agency andcopies of any material you provided tothem.

    10) Copy of the possession tax return(s) forthe year(s) in question.

    11) Whether a foreign tax credit was claimedon your federal tax return for all or partof the possession tax paid or accruedon the item in question.

    12) Whether your federal return or the returnof the related person, if there is one, wasexamined, or is being examined.

    13) A separate document signed and dated

    by you that you consent to the disclosureto the designated possession tax officialof any or all of the items of informationset forth in, or enclosed with, the requestfor assistance under this procedure.

    Credit or refund. In addition to the taxassistance request, if you seek a credit orrefund of any overpayment of United Statestax paid on the income in question, youshould file a claim on Form 1040X, AmendedU.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Indicateon the form that a request for assistance un-der the mutual agreement procedure with thepossession has been filed. Attach a copy ofthe request to the form.

    You should take whatever steps must be

    taken under the possession tax code to pre-vent the expiration of the statutory period forfiling a claim for credit or refund of a pos-session tax.

    Filing Requirementsfor Individuals inU.S. PossessionsAn individual who has income from Guam, theCNMI, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands,or Puerto Rico will probably have to file a taxreturn with the tax department of one of the

    possessions. It is possible that you may haveto file two annual tax returns: one with thepossession's tax department and the otherwith the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

    You should ask for forms and adviceabout the filing of possession tax returns fromthat possession's tax department and not theInternal Revenue Service. In some situationsyou may have to determine if you are a resi-dent or a nonresident of a certain possession.Contact the tax department of that possessionfor advice about this point.

    The following discussions cover the gen-eral rules for filing returns in Guam, the CNMI,American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, andPuerto Rico.


    !A U.S. person who becomes a resi-dent of American Samoa, Guam, orthe CNMI may be subject to U.S. tax

    on U.S. source income, including gain fromsales of certain U.S. assets, during the10-year period beginning when the personbecomes a resident. The U.S. person will besubject to U.S. tax on any gain from the dis-position of U.S. property (including appreci-ated stock issued by a U.S. corporation) dur-ing this period.

    GuamGuam has its own tax system based on thesame tax laws and tax rates that apply in theUnited States.

    Requests for advice about Guamresidency and tax matters should beaddressed to:

    Department of Revenue and TaxationGovernment of GuamP.O. Box 23607GMF, GU 96921.

    The telephone number is (671)4727471.The fax number is (671) 4722643.

    If you are a U.S. citizen with income fromsources in Guam and the United States, youmust file your income tax return as explainedbelow with either Guam or the United States,but not both. You are not liable for any incometax to the jurisdiction with which you do nothave to file.

    If you are a resident of Guam on thelast day of your tax year, you shouldfile your return with the:

    Department of Revenue and TaxationGovernment of GuamP.O. Box 23607GMF, GU 96921.

    Include income from worldwide sourceson the Guam return. Include any balance oftax due with your tax return.

    Example. Gary Barker was a resident ofGuam during the entire year. He receivedwages of $20,000 paid by a private employerand dividends of $4,000 from U.S. corpo-rations that carry on business mainly in theUnited States.

    He must file a 2000 income tax return withthe Government of Guam. He reports his totalincome of $24,000 on the Guam return.

    If you are a resident of the UnitedStates on the last day of your taxyear, you should file your return with


    Internal Revenue ServicePhiladelphia, PA192550215.

    Include income from worldwide sourceson the U.S. return. Include any balance of taxdue with your tax return.

    If you are neither a resident of Guam nora resident of the United States at the endof your tax year, you should file with Guam ifyou are a citizen of Guam but not otherwisea citizen of the United States (born or natu-ralized in Guam). If you are a U.S. citizen orresident but not otherwise a citizen or residentof Guam, you should file with the UnitedStates.

    Example. William Berry, a U.S. citizen,was employed by a private company in Guamfrom June 1 through December 31, 2000. Hereceived a salary of $20,000 during that pe-riod for his work in Guam, $4,000 in dividends

    from U.S. corporations that carry on businessmainly in the United States, and $1,000 ininterest from deposits in U.S. banks. Williamwas advised by the Guam Department ofRevenue and Taxation that he was not aresident of Guam. He must file a U.S. taxreturn. On his U.S. tax return, he reports the$4,000 of dividends, the $1,000 of interest,and the $20,000 Guam salary in addition toany income he had in 2000 before June 1.

    Joint return. If you file a joint return, youshould file it (and pay the tax) with the juris-diction where the spouse who has the greateradjusted gross income would have to file (ifyou were filing separately). If the spouse withthe greater adjusted gross income is a resi-

    dent of Guam at the end of the tax year, filethe joint return with Guam. If the spouse withthe greater adjusted gross income is a resi-dent of the United States at the end of the taxyear, file the joint return with the UnitedStates. For this purpose, income is deter-mined without regard to community propertylaws.

    Example. Bill White, a U.S. citizen, wasa resident of the United States, and his wife,a citizen of Guam, was a resident of Guamat the end of the year. Bill earned $25,000as an engineer in the United States. His wifeearned $15,000 as a teacher in Guam. Mr.and Mrs. White will file a joint return. BecauseBill has the greater adjusted gross income,they must file their return with the United

    States and report the entire $40,000 on thatreturn.

    U.S. military employees. If you are amember of the U.S. Armed Forces stationedon Guam, you are not considered a residentof Guam and you must file your return withthe United States. However, if you are amember of the military and a citizen of Guam,or if you are a civilian employee of the mili-tary, you are subject to the same rules de-scribed in the previous paragraphs.

    Income tax withheld. Take into account taxwithheld by both jurisdictions in determiningif there is tax due or an overpayment.

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    Payment of estimated tax. If you have topay estimated tax, make your payment to the

    jurisdiction where you would file your incometax return if your tax year were to end on thedate your estimated tax payment is first due.Generally, you should make your quarterlypayments of estimated tax to the jurisdictionwhere you made your original estimated taxpayment. However, estimated tax paymentsto either jurisdiction will be treated as pay-ments to the jurisdiction with which you filethe tax return.

    If you make a joint payment of estimatedtax, make your payment to the jurisdictionwhere the spouse who has the greater esti-mated adjusted gross income would have topay (if a separate payment were made). Forthis purpose, income is determined withoutregard to community property laws.

    Example. Bill West is single and files hisreturn on a calendar year basis. He is a resi-dent of the United States at the time that hemust make his first payment of estimated in-come tax for the year. Since Bill does notexpect to be a resident of Guam at the endof the year, he pays his estimated tax to theUnited States by April 15. Later in the year,however, Bill becomes a resident of Guamand receives income from Guam sources thatcauses him to refigure his estimated tax pay-ments. The quarterly estimated tax paymentsmust be made to the United States becausehe was a U.S. resident when his first paymentof estimated tax was due. Because Bill is aresident of Guam at the end of his tax year,he must file his income tax return with Guam.On that return, he claims credit for the esti-mated tax payments made to the UnitedStates.

    Early payment of estimated tax. If youmake your first payment of estimated taxearly and you do not send it to the jurisdictionto which you would have sent it if you had notmade it early, make all later payments to theother jurisdiction.

    Example. Lauren Post is single and filesher return on a calendar year basis. On March1, Lauren was a resident of the United Statesand made an early first payment of estimatedincome tax to the United States. She becamea resident of Guam before the due date of herfirst payment of estimated tax (April 15), andremained a resident of Guam for the rest ofthe year. Lauren must make the rest of herpayments of estimated tax to Guam becauseshe is a resident of Guam on the date thather first payment of estimated tax is otherwisedue. At the end of the year, Lauren will fileher tax return with Guam and claim credit forall estimated tax payments on that return.

    Estimated tax form. If your estimatedincome tax obligation is to the United States,use the worksheet in the Form 1040ESpackage to figure your estimated tax, includ-ing self-employment tax. You can use thepayment vouchers in the Form 1040ESpackage for your payments, or you can payby credit card using a pay-by-phone systemor direct debit if you are filing Form 1040 orForm 1040A electronically.

    If your estimated income tax obligation isto Guam, use their forms to figure your esti-mated income tax and make your payments.You will have to separately figure your esti-mated self-employment tax (you can use theForm 1040ES package) and make pay-

    ments with the payment vouchers to the ad-dress given in the Form 1040ES in-structions.

    Information return. If your adjusted grossincome from all sources is at least $50,000,your gross income consists of at least $5,000from sources in Guam, and you file a U.S.income tax return, attach Form 5074 to Form1040.

    Note. Guam and the United States haveentered into an implementing agreement. Theeffective date of the agreement, however,has been indefinitely postponed. Under theagreement, Guam may enact its own laws fortaxing residents of Guam as well as for taxingincome sourced in Guam (or income effec-tively connected with a trade or business inGuam) and paid to a nonresident. Individualswho are bona fide residents of Guam andhave income sourced outside Guam, theCNMI, or American Samoa may have to filea U.S. tax return. Individuals who are bonafide residents of Guam and have incomesourced in any of the three possessions maybe able to treat that income as exempt fromU.S. income tax under the possession exclu-sion rules.

    Double taxation. A mutual agreement pro-cedure exists to settle cases of double taxa-tion between the United States and Guam.See Double Taxation under Filing Tax Re-turns, earlier.

    The Commonwealth of theNorthern Mariana IslandsThe Commonwealth of the Northern MarianaIslands (CNMI) has its own tax system basedpartly on the same tax laws and tax rates thatapply to the United States and partly on localtaxes imposed by the CNMI government.

    Requests for advice about CNMI res-idency and tax matters should be ad-dressed to:

    Division of Revenue and TaxationCommonwealth of the NorthernMariana IslandsP. O. Box 5234, CHRBSaipan, MP 96950.

    If you are a U.S. citizen with income fromthe CNMI and the United States, you must fileyour income tax return with either the CNMIor the United States as explained below. Donot file with both. You are not liable for tax tothe jurisdiction with which you do not have tofile.

    If you are a resident of the CNMI on the lastday of your tax year, you should file your re-turn with the Division of Revenue and Taxa-tion at the address above.

    Include income from worldwide sourceson the CNMI return. Include any balance oftax due with your tax return.

    If you are a resident of the United Stateson the last day of your tax year, you shouldfile your return with the Internal RevenueService Center, Philadelphia, PA 192550215.

    Include income from worldwide sourceson the U.S. return. Include any balance of taxdue on your tax return.

    If you are neither a resident of the CNMInor a resident of the United States at theend of your tax year, but you are a citizen ofthe CNMI, you should file with the Division ofRevenue and Taxation. File with the InternalRevenue Service Center if you are a citizenof the United States.

    Joint return. If you file a joint return, youshould file it (and pay the tax) with the juris-diction where the spouse who has the greateradjusted gross income would have to file (if

    you were filing separately). If the spouse withthe greater adjusted gross income is a resi-dent of the CNMI at the end of the tax year,file the joint return with the CNMI. If thespouse with the greater adjusted gross in-come is a resident of the United States at theend of the tax year, file the joint return withthe United States. For this purpose, incomeis determined without regard to communityproperty laws.

    Income tax withheld. Take into account in-come tax withheld by both jurisdictions in de-termining if there is tax due or an overpay-ment.

    Payment of estimated tax. If you must pay

    estimated tax, make your payment to the ju-risdiction where you would file your incometax return if your tax year were to end on thedate your first payment of estimated tax isdue. Generally, you should make your quar-terly payments of estimated tax to the juris-diction where you made your first paymentof estimated tax. However, estimated taxpayments to either jurisdiction will be treatedas payments to the jurisdiction with which youfile the tax return.

    If you make a joint payment of estimatedtax, make the payment to the jurisdictionwhere the spouse who has the greater esti-mated adjusted gross income would have tofile (if a separate declaration were filed). Forthis purpose, income is determined without

    regard to community property laws.Early payment of estimated tax. If youmake your first payment of estimated taxearly and you do not send it to the jurisdictionto which you should have made it, make alllater payments to the jurisdiction to which thefirst payment should have been made hadyou not made it early.

    Estimated tax form. If your estimatedincome tax obligation is to the United States,use the worksheet in the Form 1040ESpackage to figure your estimated tax, includ-ing self-employment tax. You can use thepayment vouchers in the Form 1040ESpackage for your payments, or you can payby credit card using a pay-by-phone systemor direct debit if you are filing Form 1040 orForm 1040A electronically.

    If your estimated income tax obligation isto the CNMI, use their forms to figure yourestimated income tax and make your pay-ments. You will have to separately figure yourestimated self-employment tax (you can usethe Form 1040ES package) and make pay-ments with the payment vouchers to the ad-dress given in the Form 1040ES in-structions.

    Information return. If your adjusted grossincome from all sources is at least $50,000,your gross income consists of at least $5,000from sources in the CNMI, and you file a U.S.income tax return, attach Form 5074 to Form1040.

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    Note. When the CNMI and the UnitedStates enter into an implementing agreement,the CNMI may enact its own laws for taxingresidents of the CNMI as well as for taxingincome sourced in the CNMI (or income ef-fectively connected with a trade or businessin the CNMI) and paid to a nonresident. Indi-viduals who are bona fide residents of theCNMI and have income sourced outside theCNMI, Guam, or American Samoa may haveto file a U.S. tax return. Individuals who arebona fide residents of the CNMI and haveincome sourced in any of the three pos-sessions may be able to exclude that incomeunder the possession exclusion rules whenan implementing agreement is in effect.

    American SamoaAmerican Samoa has its own separate andindependent tax system. Although its tax lawsare modeled on the U.S. Internal RevenueCode, there are certain differences.

    Requests for advice about mattersconnected with Samoan taxationshould be sent to:

    Tax DivisionGovernment of American SamoaPago Pago, American Samoa 96799.

    Residents of American Samoa. If youare a U.S. citizen and a resident of AmericanSamoa, you must report your gross incomefrom worldwide sources on your Samoan taxreturn. If you report non-Samoan source in-come on your Samoan tax return, you canclaim a credit against your Samoan tax liabil-ity for income taxes paid on that income to theUnited States, a foreign country, or anotherpossession.

    If you are a resident of American Samoafor part of the tax year and you then leaveAmerican Samoa, you must file a tax returnwith American Samoa for the part of the yearyou were present in American Samoa.

    Bona fide residents of American Samoainclude military personnel whose official homeof record is American Samoa.

    Nonresidents of American Samoa. If youare a nonresident of American Samoa, youshould report only income from Samoansources on your Samoan tax return. U.S.citizens residing in American Samoa areconsidered residents of American Samoa forincome tax purposes.

    U.S. Government employees. If you areemployed in American Samoa by either theU.S. Government or any of its agencies, orby the Government of American Samoa, youare subject to tax by American Samoa onyour pay from either government. Whetheryou are subject to tax by American Samoaon your non-Samoan source income dependson your status as a resident or nonresident.

    Wages and salaries paid by the Govern-ments of the United States and AmericanSamoa to their employees are also subject toU.S. federal income tax. These payments donot qualify for the possession exclusion, dis-cussed earlier.

    If you report government wages on bothyour U.S. and Samoan tax returns, you cantake a credit on your U.S. tax return for in-come taxes paid or accrued to American Sa-moa. Figure that credit on Form 1116, andattach that form to your U.S. tax return, Form1040. Show your wages paid for services

    performed in American Samoa on line 1 ofForm 1116 as income from sources in apossession.

    Estimated tax. If your estimated income taxobligation is to the United States, use theworksheet in the Form 1040ES package tofigure your estimated tax, including self-employment tax. You can use the paymentvouchers in the Form 1040ES package foryour payments, or you can pay by credit cardusing a pay-by-phone system or direct debitif you are filing Form 1040 or Form 1040Aelectronically.

    Double taxation. A mutual agreement pro-cedure exists to settle cases of double taxa-tion between the United States and AmericanSamoa. See Double Taxation under FilingTax Returns, earlier.

    The Virgin IslandsAn important factor in Virgin Islands taxationis whether, on the last day of the tax year, youare a bona fide resident of the Virgin Islands.If you are a temporary worker on the last dayof the tax year, you may or may not be a bonafide resident of the Virgin Islands. You shouldcontact the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal

    Revenue for more information.

    Resident of the Virgin Islands. If you area bona fide resident of the Virgin Islands onthe last day of the tax year, you must file yourtax return on Form 1040 with the Governmentof the Virgin Islands and pay the entire taxdue to the Virgin Islands. You do not have tofile with the IRS for any tax year in which youare a bona fide resident of the Virgin Islandson the last day of the year, provided you re-port and pay tax on your income from allsources to the Virgin Islands and identify thesource(s) of the income on the return. If youhave non-Virgin Islands source income, youmust also file Virgin Islands Form 1040 INFO,Non-Virgin Islands Source Income of Virgin

    Islands Residents, with the Virgin IslandsBureau of Internal Revenue.

    You can get Form 1040 INFO bycontacting:

    Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue9601 Estate ThomasCharlotte AmalieSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00802.

    The telephone number is (340)7745865.The fax number is (340) 7149345.

    Example. Mr. and Mrs. Maple left theUnited States on June 15, 2000, and arrivedin the Virgin Islands on the same day. Theyqualified as bona fide residents of the VirginIslands on the last day of their tax year, De-cember 31, 2000.

    Mr. and Mrs. Maple file Form 1040 withthe Government of the Virgin Islands and at-tach a Form 1040 INFO. The Maples reporttheir worldwide income and pay the entire taxfor the year to the Virgin Islands. Even thoughthey lived in the United States part of theyear, their income tax obligations for that yearare completely satisfied by filing their returnwith, and paying their tax to, the Virgin IslandsBureau of Internal Revenue.

    Non-Virgin Islands resident with Virgin Is-lands income. If you are not a bona fideresident of the Virgin Islands on the last dayof your tax year, you must file identical taxreturns with the United States and the VirginIslands if you have:

    1) Income from sources in the Virgin Is-lands, or,

    2) Income effectively connected with theconduct of a trade or business in theVirgin Islands.

    File the original return with the United Statesand file a copy of the U.S. return (includingall attachments, forms, and schedules) withthe Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenueby the due date for filing Form 1040.

    The amount of tax you must pay to theVirgin Islands is figured as follows:

    V.I. AGI

    worldwide AGI

    Total tax on U.S. return(after certain adjustments)

    Form 8689 is used for this computation.You must complete this form and attach it toeach copy of your return. You should pay anytax due to the Virgin Islands when you fileyour return with the Virgin Islands Bureau ofInternal Revenue. You receive credit for

    taxes paid to the Virgin Islands by includingthe amount on Form 8689, line 32, in the totalon Form 1040, line 65. On the dotted line nextto line 65, enter Form 8689 and show theamount.

    Do not enter the amount from Form 8689,line 36 on Form 1040.

    See the illustrated example at the end ofthis publication.

    Where to file. If you are not a bona fideresident of the Virgin Islands but you haveincome from the Virgin Islands, you must fileForm 1040 and all attachments with theInternal Revenue Service Center, Philadel-phia, PA 192550215, and with the Virgin Is-lands Bureau of Internal Revenue.

    If you are a bona fide resident of theVirgin Islands you should file your re-turn with:

    Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue9601 Estate ThomasCharlotte AmalieSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00802.

    Contact that office for information aboutfiling your Virgin Islands tax return.

    Extensions of time to file. You can get anautomatic 4-month extension of time to fileyour tax return by:

    Filing a paper Form 4868, or

    Filing Form 4868 electronically or byTelefile and making a payment by au-thorizing a direct debit from your checkingor savings account, or

    Making a credit card payment by phoneor on the Internet. If you do this, you donot need to file Form 4868.

    Bona fide residents of the Virgin Islands mustfile the paper form with the Virgin IslandsBureau of Internal Revenue. Non-Virgin Is-lands residents should file separate extensionrequests with the IRS and the Virgin IslandsBureau of Internal Revenue and make anypayments due to the respective jurisdictions.However, the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal

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    Revenue will honor an extension request thatwas timely filed with the IRS.

    If you need more time after filing Form4868, file Form 2688. For more information,see the Form 2688 instructions.

    Double taxation. A mutual agreement pro-cedure exists to settle cases of double taxa-tion between the United States and the VirginIslands. See Double Taxation under FilingTax Returns, earlier.

    The Commonwealthof Puerto RicoThe Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has itsown separate and independent tax system.Although it is modeled after the U.S. system,there are differences in law and tax rates. Ifyou are a U.S. citizen with income fromPuerto Rico, you may be liable for PuertoRican taxes. You may also be liable for filinga U.S. tax return.

    Requests for information about thefiling of Puerto Rican tax returnsshould be addressed to the Bureau

    of Income Tax at the following address:

    Negociado de AsistenciaContributiva y LegislacinDepartmento de HaciendaP.O. Box 565San Juan, Puerto Rico 009026265.

    The telephone number is (787)7212020, extension 3611. To obtainPuerto Rican tax forms, contact the

    Forms and Publications Division Office at theabove address or call (787) 7212020, ex-tensions 2643, 2645, or 2646.

    Residents of Puerto Rico. If you are a U.S.citizen and also a resident of the Common-wealth of Puerto Rico for the entire tax year,you generally must include income fromworldwide sources on your Puerto Rican re-turn. Wages and cost-of-living allowancespaid by the U.S. Government for working inPuerto Rico are subject to Puerto Rican tax.Advice about possible tax benefits under thePuerto Rican investment incentive programsis available from the Puerto Rican tax au-thorities. If you report U.S. source incomeon your Puerto Rican tax return, you canclaim a credit against your Puerto Rican tax,up to the amount allowable, for income taxespaid to the United States.

    Nonresidents of Puerto Rico. If you are aU.S. citizen and are not a resident of PuertoRico, include only your income from PuertoRican sources on your Puerto Rican return.Wages for services performed in Puerto Ricofor the U.S. Government or for private em-ployers is income from Puerto Rican sources.

    U.S. taxation. As a U.S. citizen, you mustreport gross income from worldwide sources,regardless of where you live. However, aspecial rule applies if you are a bona fideresident of Puerto Rico for an entire tax year,or have been a bona fide resident of PuertoRico for at least 2 years and later change yourresidence from Puerto Rico during a tax year.

    Income. Income you receive from PuertoRican sources during your residence inPuerto Rico is exempt from U.S. tax. This in-

    cludes income for the period of Puerto Ricanresidence in the year you change your resi-dence from Puerto Rico if you resided thereat least 2 years before the change. However,income you receive for services performed inPuerto Rico as an employee of the UnitedStates is not exempt from U.S. income tax.

    Deductions and credits. Deductions andcredits that specifically apply to your exemptPuerto Rican income are not allowable onyour U.S. income tax return.

    Deductions that do not specifically applyto any particular type of income must be di-vided between your income from PuertoRican sources and income from all othersources to find the part that you can deducton your U.S. tax return. Examples of de-ductions that do not specifically apply to aparticular type of income are alimony pay-ments, the standard deduction, and certainitemized deductions (such as medical ex-penses, charitable contributions, and real es-tate taxes and mortgage interest on yourhome).

    To find the part of a deduction that is al-lowable, multiply the deduction by the follow-ing fraction.

    Gross income subjectto U.S. tax

    Gross income from all sources

    (including exempt Puerto Rican income)

    Example. You and your spouse are bothunder 65 and U.S. citizens who are bona fideresidents of Puerto Rico for the entire year.You file a joint income tax return. During2000, you earned $15,000 from Puerto Ricansources and your spouse earned $25,000from the U.S. Government. You have $16,000of itemized deductions that do not apply toany specific type of income. These are med-ical expenses of $4,000, real estate taxes of$5,000, home mortgage interest of $6,000,and charitable contributions of $1,000 (cashcontributions). You determine the amount ofeach deduction that you can claim on your

    Schedule A (Form 1040), by multiplying thededuction by the following fraction:

    Gross income subjectto U.S. tax

    Gross income from all sources(including exempt Puerto Rican income)

    SCHEDULE A (Form 1040) Itemized de-ductions should be modified as shown below:

    Medical Expenses$25,000

    $40,000 $4,000 = $2,500 (enter on line 1

    of Schedule A)

    Real Estate Taxes$25,000

    $40,000 $5,000 = $3,125 (enter on line 6

    of Schedule A)

    Home Mortgage Interest$25,000

    $40,000 $6,000 = $3,750 (enter on line 10 or

    11 of Schedule A)

    Charitable Contributions (cash contri-butions)


    $40,000 $1,000 = $625 (enter on line 15

    of Schedule A)

    Enter on Schedule A (Form 1040) only theallowable portion of each deduction.

    Personal exemptions are allowed in fulland need not be divided. However, they maybe phased out depending upon your adjustedgross income and filing status.

    Standard deduction. The standard de-duction does not specifically apply to anyparticular type of income. To find the amountyou can claim on line 36 of Form 1040, mul-tiply your standard deduction by the fractiongiven earlier. In the space above line 36, writeStandard deduction modified due to exemptincome under section 933.

    TIPMake this computation before youdetermine if you must file a U.S. taxreturn, because the minimum income

    level at which you must file a return is based,in part, on the standard deduction for yourfiling status.

    Example. James and Joan Brown, bothunder 65, are U.S. citizens and bona fideresidents of Puerto Rico. They file a joint in-come tax return. During 2000, they received$15,000 of income from Puerto Rican sourcesand $8,000 of income from sources outsidePuerto Rico. They do not itemize their de-ductions. Their allowable standard deductionfor 2000 is figured as follows:


    $7,350 (standard deduction) = $2,557

    The Browns do not have to file a U.S. incometax return because their gross income($8,000) is less than their allowable standarddeduction plus their exemptions ($2,557 +$5,600 = $8,157).

    Foreign tax credit. If you are a U.S.citizen and your Puerto Rican income is notexempt, you must report that income on yourU.S. tax return along with income fromsources outside Puerto Rico. However, youcan claim a foreign tax credit, figured on Form1116, for income taxes paid to Puerto Ricoon the Puerto Rican income that is not ex-empt.

    You cannot claim a foreign tax credit fortaxes paid on exempt income. If you haveincome from Puerto Rican sources, such asU.S. Government wages, that is not exempt,and you have income from Puerto Ricansources that is exempt, you must figure thecredit by reducing your foreign taxes paid oraccrued by the taxes based on the exemptincome. You make this reduction for eachseparate income category. To find the amountof this reduction, use the following formula foreach income category.

    Exempt incomefrom P.R. sourcesless deductibleexpenses based on

    that income

    Total income subjectto Puerto Rican taxless deductibleexpenses based onthat income

    Tax paid oraccrued toPuerto Rico

    =Reductionin foreigntaxes

    You enter the amount of the reduction on line12 of Form 1116.

    Example. John and Mary Reddy are U.S.citizens and were bona fide residents ofPuerto Rico during all of 2000. They file a jointtax return. The following table shows theirexempt and taxable income for U.S. federalincome tax purposes.

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    John and Mary must file 2000 income taxreturns with both Puerto Rico and the UnitedStates. They have gross income of $26,000for U.S. tax purposes. They paid taxes toPuerto Rico of $4,000. The tax on the wagesis $3,980 and the tax on the dividend from thePuerto Rican corporation is $20. They figuretheir foreign tax credit on two Forms 1116,which they must attach to their U.S. return.They fill out one Form 1116 for wages andone Form 1116 for the dividend. John andMary figure the Puerto Rican taxes on exemptincome as follows.

    Wages: $15,000 $40,000 $3,980 = $1,493

    Dividend: $200 $200 $20 = $20

    They enter $1,493 on line 12 of the Form1116 for wages and $20 on line 12 of theForm 1116 for the dividend.

    Earned income credit. Even if youmaintain a household in Puerto Rico that isyour principal home and the home of yourqualifying child, you cannot claim the earnedincome credit on your U.S. tax return. Thiscredit is available only if you maintain thehousehold in the United States or you areserving on extended active duty in the ArmedForces of the United States.

    Estimated tax. If your estimated incometax obligation is to the United States, use theworksheet in the Form 1040ES package tofigure your estimated tax, including self-employment tax. You can use the payment

    vouchers in the Form 1040ES package foryour payments, or you can pay by credit cardusing a pay-by-phone system or direct debitif you are filing Form 1040 or Form 1040Aelectronically.

    Double taxation. A mutual agreement pro-cedure exists to settle cases of double taxa-tion between the United States and theCommonwealth of Puerto Rico. See DoubleTaxationunder Filing Tax Returns, earlier.

    Illustrated Exampleof Form 4563John Black is a U.S. citizen and was a bonafide resident of American Samoa during all

    Taxable Exempt of 2000. He has to file Form 1040 becausehis gross income from sources outside thepossessions ($8,000 of dividends from U.S.corporations) is at least the total of his per-sonal exemption and allowable standard de-duction for single filers. (See Filing Tax Re-turns, earlier.) Because he has to file Form1040, he fills out Form 4563 to determine theamount of possession income he can ex-clude.

    Line 1. John enters the date his bona fide

    residence began in American Samoa, June2, 1999. Because he is still a bona fide resi-dent, he writes not ended in the secondblank space.

    Line 2. He checks the box labeled Rentedhouse or apartment to describe his type ofliving quarters in American Samoa.

    Lines 3a and 3b. He checks No on line 3abecause no family members lived with him.He leaves line 3b blank.

    Lines 4a and 4b. He checks No on line 4abecause he did not maintain a home outsideAmerican Samoa. He leaves line 4b blank.

    Line 5. He enters the name and address ofhis employer, Samoa Products Co. It is aprivate Samoan corporation.

    Line 6. He enters the dates of his 2-weekvacation to New Zealand from November 11to November 25. That was his only trip out-side American Samoa during the year.

    Line 7. He enters the $24,000 in wages hereceived from Samoa Products Co.

    Line 9. He received dividends of $100 froma CNMI corporation and $220 from a Samoancorporation. He enters the total of thoseamounts. He does not enter his dividends

    from U.S. corporations because they do notqualify for the possession exclusion.

    Line 15. John totals the amounts on lines 7and 9 to get the amount he can exclude fromhis gross income in 2000.

    Illustrated Exampleof Form 8689Bill and Jane Smith live and work in theUnited States. In 2000, they received$14,400 in income from the rental of a con-dominium they own in the Virgin Islands. Therental income was deposited in a bank in theVirgin Islands and they received $500 of in-

    terest on this income. They were not bonafide residents of the Virgin Islands at the endof the year.

    The Smiths complete Form 1040, report-ing their income from all sources. They reporttheir wages, interest income, and the incomeand expenses from their Virgin Islands rentalproperty (Schedule E, Form 1040).

    The Smiths also complete Form 8689, todetermine how much of their U.S. tax shownon line 57 of Form 1040 (with certain adjust-ments) is due to the Virgin Islands. This is theamount the Smiths must pay to the Virgin Is-lands.

    The Smiths file their Form 1040, attachingForm 8689 and all other schedules, with theInternal Revenue Service.

    At the same time, they send a copy of theirForm 1040 with all schedules, including Form8689, to the Virgin Islands Bureau of InternalRevenue. This copy will be processed as theiroriginal Virgin Islands return.

    Completing Form 8689. Bill and Jane entertheir names, present home address, and so-cial security numbers at the top of the form.

    Part I. The Smiths enter their income fromthe Virgin Islands in Part I. The interest in-come is entered on line 2 and the net rental

    income of $6,200 ($14,400 of rental incomeminus $8,200 of rental expenses) is enteredon line 11. The Smiths' total Virgin Islandsincome of $6,700 is entered on line 16.

    Part II. The Smiths have no adjustmentsto their Virgin Islands income, so they enterzero (0) on line 25, and $6,700 on line 26.Their Virgin Islands adjusted gross income is$6,700.

    Part III. On line 27, the Smiths enter theamount from line 57, Form 1040 ($5,404).The amount on Form 8689, line 27, is beforeany credit for taxes paid to the Virgin Islands.

    The Smiths enter their worldwide adjustedgross income, $49,737, (line 34, Form 1040)on line 30. They divide their Virgin Islandsadjusted gross income, $6,700 (from line 26),

    by line 30. They multiply this decimal, .135,by the amount on line 29 to find the amountof tax due to the Virgin Islands (line 32). TheSmiths include this amount ($730) in the totalon Form 1040, line 65. On the dotted line nextto line 65, they write Form 8689 and showthe amount. The Smiths do not completeForm 1116.

    Part IV. Part IV is used to show paymentsof income tax to the Virgin Islands only. TheSmiths had no tax withheld by the Virgin Is-lands, but made estimated tax payments tothe Virgin Islands of $700, which are shownon lines 34 and 36. The income tax theSmiths owe to the Virgin Islands ($30) isshown on line 40. They must pay their VirginIslands tax at the same time they file the copyof their return with the Virgin Islands.

    John's wages from U.S. Govern-ment ............................................ $25,000Mary's wages from a PuertoRican corp. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $15,000Dividend from Puerto Rican corp.doing business in Puerto Rico .... 200Dividend from U.S. corp. doingbusiness in U.S.* ......................... 1,000

    Totals .......................................... $26,000 $15,200

    *Income from sources outside Puerto Rico is taxa-ble.

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  • 8/14/2019 US Internal Revenue Service: p570--2000


    JOHN BLACK 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1

    6 -2-99 not ended




    Samoa Product s Co , Pago Pago , American Samoa

    11-11-0 0 11-25-0 0 14 Vacat ion t o New Zealand




    OMB No. 1545-0173Exclusion of Income for Bona Fide Residents

    of American Samoa4563Form

    See instructions below and on back.Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service

    AttachmentSequence No. 68 Attach to Form 1040.

    Your social security numberName(s) shown on Form 1040

    1 Date bona fide residence began , and ended

    Rented house or apartmentRented room2 Type of living quarters in American Samoa Purchased homeQuarters furnished by employer

    NoYes3a Did any of your family live with you in American Samoa during any part of the tax year?

    If Yes, who and for what period?

    NoYes4a Did you maintain any home(s) outside American Samoa?

    If Yes, show address of your home(s), whether it was rented, the name of each occupant, and his or her relationship to


    5 Name and address of employer (state if self-employed)

    6 Complete columns (a) through (d) below for days absent from American Samoa during the tax year.

    (c) Number ofdays absent

    (b) Datereturned

    (a) Date left (d) Reason for absence

    7Wages, salaries, tips, etc.78Taxable interest89Ordinary dividends910Business income1011Capital gain11

    12Rental real estate, royalties, etc.12

    Farm income13 13

    Other income. List type and amount 1414

    Add lines 7 through 14. This is the amount you may exclude from your gross income this taxyear


    InstructionsSection references are to the Internal Revenue Code.

    Purpose of FormIf you qualify, use Form 4563 to figure the amount of incomeyou may exclude from your gross income.

    Cat. No. 12909U Form 4563 (Rev. 12-98)

    (Rev. December 1998)

    Part I

    Part II

    General Information



    Figure Your Exclusion. Include only income that qualifies for the exclusion. See instructions.

    For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.

    Bona Fide Residence Test

    No specific rule determines if you are a bona fide residentof American Samoa. At the time this form went to print,regulations defining the bona fide residence test undersection 931 had not been published. The following factorsmay be considered:


    Establishment of a permanent home,

    Assimilation into the social, cultural, and economicenvironment, and

    To qualify under this test, you must be a bona fide residentof American Samoa for an uninterrupted period that includesa complete tax year (January 1December 31 if you file a

    calendar year return).Who QualifiesYou qualify for the exclusion if you were a bona fide residentof American Samoa for the entire tax year. See Bona FideResidence Test on this page.

    In future years, bona fide residents of Guam andthe Commonwealth of the Northern MarianaIslands (CNMI) may also qualify for the exclusion.They will not qualify, however, unless

    implementation agreements are in effect with the UnitedStates. At the time this form went to print, the CNMI had not

    entered into an implementation agreement. Also, the effectivedate of the agreement between the United States and Guamhad not been determined.

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    Bill Smit h

    Jane Smit h

    10 40 Elm St . Oldt own, VA 220 0 0

    2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2

    2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 3

    50 0



    -0 -






    70 0


    70 0


    OMB No. 1545-1032Allocation of Individual Income Tax tothe Virgin Islands

    Form 8689

    Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service

    Attach to Form 1040.AttachmentSequence No. 85For calendar year 2000, or fiscal year ending

    Your social security numberLast nameYour first name and initial

    Last name Spouses social security numberIf a joint return, spouses first name and initial

    Apt. no.Home address (number and street) City, town or post office, state or territory, and ZIP code

    Income From the Virgin Islands

    1Wages, salaries, tips, etc.12Taxable interest233 Ordinary dividends44 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of local Virgin Islands taxes55 Alimony received66 Business income or (loss)77 Capital gain or (loss)8899

    Other gains or (losses)


    IRA distributions (taxable amount)


    Pensions and annuities (taxable amount)


    Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc.


    Farm income or (loss)


    Unemployment compensation


    Social security benefits (taxable amount)

    1616Other income. List type and amount.

    Add lines 1 through 15. This is your total income

    Adjusted Gross Income From the Virgin Islands

    17IRA deduction17


    One-half of self-employment tax


    Self-employed health insurance deduction


    Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans


    Penalty on early withdrawal of savings


    Add lines 17 through 24


    Subtract line 25 from line 16. This is your adjusted gross income

    24 24

    Allocation of Tax to the Virgin Islands

    Enter amount from Form 1040, line 57



    Enter amount from Form 1040, line 34


    .Divide line 26 above by line 30. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least 3 places)


    Multiply line 29 by line 31. This is your tax allocated to the Virgin Islands. Also, include this amount in thetotal on Form 1040, line 65. On the dotted line next to line 65, enter Form 8689 and show the amount

    30 30

    Payments of Income Tax to the Virgin IslandsIncome tax withheld by the Virgin Islands



    2000 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1999 return



    Amount paid with Form 4868 (extension request)


    Add lines 33 through 35. These are your total payments


    If line 36 is more than line 32, subtract line 32 from line 36. This is the amount you overpaid to the

    Virgin Islands



    Amount of line 37 you want refunded to you


    Amount of line 37 you want applied to your 2001 estimated tax


    If line 32 is more than line 36, subtract line 36 from line 32. This is the amount you owe to the VirginIslands


    For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Form 8689 (2000)Cat. No. 64603D

    Part IV

    Part I

    Part II

    Part III

    Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040, lines 52, 53, 60a, and 62; any uncollected social

    security and Medicare or RRTA tax or tax on golden parachute payments included on line 57; and

    any amount from Form 5329, Parts III, IV, V, VI, or VII, included on line 54




    Subtract line 28 from line 27


    Moving expenses

    Medical savings account deduction










    1818 Student loan interest deduction




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  • 8/14/2019 US Internal Revenue Service: p570--2000


    How To Get Tax HelpYou can get help with unresolved tax issues,order free publications and forms, ask taxquestions, and get more information from theIRS in several ways. By selecting the methodthat is best for you, you will have quick andeasy access to tax help.

    Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate. If youhave attempted to deal with an IRS problemunsuccessfully, you should contact your Tax-payer Advocate.

    The Taxpayer Advocate represents yourinterests and concerns within the IRS byprotecting your rights and resolving problemsthat have not been fixed through normalchannels. While Taxpayer Advocates cannotchange the tax law or make a technical taxdecision, they can clear up problems that re-sulted from previous contacts and ensure thatyour case is given a complete and impartialreview.

    To contact your Taxpayer Advocate if youare living in the United States:

    Call the Taxpayer Advocate at18777774778.

    Call the IRS at 18008291040.

    Call, write, or fax the Taxpayer Advocateoffice in your area.

    Call 18008294059 if you are aTTY/TDD user.

    To contact your Taxpayer Advocate if youare living outside the United States:

    Write to the Internal Revenue Service,Taxpayer Advocate, P.O. Box 193479,San Juan, PR 00919

    Call the Taxpayer Advocate at (787)7594501.

    Fax the Taxpayer Advocate at (787)7594535.

    For more information, see Publication1546, The Taxpayer Advocate Service of theIRS.

    Free tax services. To find out what servicesare available, get Publication 910, Guide toFree Tax Services. It contains a list of free taxpublications and an index of tax topics. It alsodescribes other free tax information services,including tax education and assistance pro-grams and a list of TeleTax topics.

    Personal computer. With your per-sonal computer and modem, you canaccess the IRS on the Internet at While visiting our web site, youcan select:

    Frequently Asked Tax Questions(locatedunder Taxpayer Help & Ed) to find an-swers to questions you may have.

    Forms & Pubsto download forms andpublications or search for forms andpublications by topic or keyword.

    Fill-in Forms(located under Forms &Pubs) to enter information while the form

    is displayed and then print the completedform.

    Tax Info For Youto view Internal Reve-nue Bulletins published in the last fewyears.

    Tax Regs in Englishto search regulationsand the Internal Revenue Code (underUnited States Code (USC)).

    Digital Dispatchand IRS Local News Net(both located under Tax Info For Busi-ness) to receive our electronic newslet-

    ters on hot tax issues and news. Small Business Corner(located under

    Tax Info For Business) to get informationon starting and operating a small busi-ness.

    You can also reach us with your computerusing File Transfer Protocol at

    TaxFax Service. Using the phoneattached to your fax machine, you canreceive forms and instructions by

    calling 7033689694. Follow the directionsfrom the prompts. When you order forms,enter the catalog number for the form you

    need. The items you request will be faxed toyou.

    Phone. Many services are availableby phone.

    Ordering forms, instructions, and publi-cations. Call 18008293676 to ordercurrent and prior year forms, instructions,and publications.

    Asking tax questions. Call the IRS withyour tax questions at 18008291040.

    TTY/TDD equipment. If you have access

    to TTY/TDD equipment, call 18008294059 to ask tax questions or to orderforms and publications.

    TeleTax topics. Call 18008294477 tolisten to pre-recorded messages coveringvarious tax topics.

    Evaluating the quality of our telephoneservices. To ensure that IRS representativesgive accurate, courteous, and professionalanswers, we evaluate the quality of our tele-phone services in several ways.

    A second IRS representative sometimesmonitors live telephone calls. That persononly evaluates the IRS assistor and doesnot keep a record of any taxpayer's nameor tax identification number.

    We sometimes record telephone calls toevaluate IRS assistors objectively. Wehold these recordings no longer than oneweek and use them only to measure thequality of assistance.

    We value our customers' opinions.Throughout this year, we will be survey-

    ing our customers for their opinions onour service.

    Walk-in. You can walk in to manypost offices, libraries, and IRS officesto pick up certain forms, instructions,

    and publications. Also, some libraries and IRSoffices have:

    An extensive collection of products avail-able to print from a CD-ROM or photo-copy from reproducible proofs.

    The Internal Revenue Code, regulations,Internal Revenue Bulletins, and Cumula-tive Bulletins available for research pur-poses.

    Mail. You can send your order forforms, instructions, and publicationsto the Distribution Center nearest to

    you and receive a response within 10 work-days after your request is received. Find theaddress that applies to your part of thecountry.

    Western part of U.S.:Western Area Distribution CenterRancho Cordova, CA 957430001

    Central part of U.S.:Central Area Distribution CenterP.O. Box 8903Bloomington, IL 617028903

    Eastern part of U.S. and foreign ad-dresses:Eastern Area Distribution CenterP.O. Box 85074Richmond, VA 232615074

    CD-ROM. You can order IRS Publi-cation 1796, Federal Tax Products onCD-ROM, and obtain:

    Current tax forms, instructions, and pub-lications.

    Prior-year tax forms, instructions, andpublications.

    Popular tax forms which may be filled inelectronically, printed out for submission,and saved for recordkeeping.

    Internal Revenue Bulletins.

    The CD-ROM can be purchased fromNational Technical Information Service (NTIS)by calling 18772336767 or on the Internetat The first releaseis available in mid-December and the finalrelease is available in late January.

    IRS Publication 3207, The Business Re-source Guide, is an interactive CD-ROM thatcontains information important to small busi-nesses. It is available in mid-February. Youcan get one free copy by calling18008293676.

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    AAmerican Samoa ......................... 7

    Assistance (SeeTax help)

    CChange of address ...................... 2

    Comments ................................... 2Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ... 8

    Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands ...................... 6Credit:

    Earned income ....................... 9Excess FICA .......................... 4Foreign tax ......................... 3, 8

    DDouble taxation ........................... 4Double taxation:

    American Samoa .................... 7Guam ...................................... 6Puerto Rico ............................ 9Virgin Islands .......................... 8

    EEstimated tax:

    American Samoa .................... 7CNMI ...................................... 6Guam ...................................... 5

    Excess FICA, credit for ............... 4

    Extension of time to file:Automatic ............................... 4Form 2688 .............................. 4Form 4868 .............................. 4

    FFellowships .................................. 2Filing requirements:

    American Samoa .................... 7

    Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands ................. 6Dependents ............................ 3Guam ...................................... 5Puerto Rico ............................ 8United States .......................... 3Virgin Islands .......................... 7

    Filing tax returns ...................... 3, 5Form:

    843 ......................................... 41040 (Schedule SE) ............... 4

    1040 INFO .............................. 71040X ..................................... 5

    1040ES ......................... 6, 7, 91040SS ................................. 4

    1116 ............................... 3, 7, 82688 ................................... 4, 73903 ....................................... 34563 ....................................... 34868 ................................... 4, 75074 ....................................... 68689 ................................... 7, 98822 ....................................... 2W7 ........................................ 1

    Free tax services ....................... 12

    GGuam ........................................... 5

    HHelp (SeeTax help)

    IImportant changes ....................... 1Important reminders .................... 1

    Individual taxpayer identificationnumber (ITIN) ......................... 1

    MMore information (SeeTax help) Moving expenses ........................ 3

    PPaid preparer authorization ......... 1

    Possession exclusion:Bona fide resident .................. 2Deductions and credits .......... 3Foreign tax credit ................... 3

    Personal exemptions .............. 3Sources of income ................. 2

    Standard deduction ................ 3

    Publications (SeeTax help) Puerto Rico .............................. 8, 9

    SScholarships ................................ 2Self-employment tax .................... 4Suggestions ................................. 2

    TTax help ..................................... 12Taxpayer Advocate ................... 12TTY/TDD information ................ 12

    VVirgin Islands ............................... 7

    WWhen to file ................................. 4Where to file ................................ 4Where to file:

    CNMI ...................................... 6Form 1040 .............................. 4Guam ...................................... 5Puerto Rico ............................ 8

    U.S. ........................................ 5Virgin Islands .......................... 7

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    Tax Publications for Individual Taxpayers

    General Guides

    Your Rights as a TaxpayerYour Federal Income Tax (ForIndividuals)

    Farmers Tax Guide

    Tax Guide for Small Business (ForIndividuals Who Use Schedule C orC-EZ)Tax Calendars for 2001

    Highlights of 2000 Tax ChangesGuide to Free Tax Services

    Specialized Publications

    Armed Forces Tax Guide

    Fuel Tax Credits and RefundsTravel, Entertainment, Gift, and CarExpensesExemptions, Standard Deduction,and Filing InformationMedical and Dental ExpensesChild and Dependent Care ExpensesDivorced or Separated IndividualsTax Withholding and Estimated TaxTax Benefits for Work-RelatedEducationForeign Tax Credit for Individuals

    U.S. Government Civilian EmployeesStationed AbroadSocial Security and OtherInformation for Members of theClergy and Religious WorkersU.S. Tax Guide for AliensScholarships and FellowshipsMoving ExpensesSelling Your HomeCredit for the Elderly or the DisabledTaxable and Nontaxable IncomeCharitable ContributionsResidential Rental Property

    Commonly Used Tax Forms

    Miscellaneous DeductionsTax Information for First-TimeHomeowners

    Reporting Tip IncomeSelf-Employment TaxDepreciating Property Placed inService Before 1987Installment SalesPartnershipsSales and Other Dispositions ofAssetsCasualties, Disasters, and Thefts(Business and Nonbusiness)Investment Income and ExpensesBasis of AssetsRecordkeeping for IndividualsOlder Americans Tax GuideCommunity PropertyExamination of Returns, AppealRights, and Claims for RefundSurvivors, Executors, andAdministratorsDetermining the Value of DonatedPropertyMutual Fund DistributionsTax Guide for Individuals WithIncome From U.S. PossessionsPension and Annuity IncomeCasualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss

    Workbook (Personal-Use Property)Business Use of Your Home(Including Use by Day-CareProviders)Individual Retirement Arrangements(IRAs) (Including Roth IRAs andEducation IRAs)Tax Highlights for U.S. Citizens andResidents Going AbroadThe IRS Collection Process

    Earned Income Credit (EIC)Tax Guide to U.S. Civil ServiceRetirement Benefits

    Tax Highlights for Persons withDisabilitiesBankruptcy Tax GuideDirect SellersSocial Security and EquivalentRailroad Retirement BenefitsHow Do I Adjust My Tax Withholding?Passive Activity and At-Risk RulesHousehold Employers Tax GuideTax Rules for Children andDependentsHome Mortgage Interest DeductionHow To Depreciate PropertyPractice Before the IRS and Powerof AttorneyIntroduction to Estate and Gift TaxesIRS Will Figure Your Tax

    Per Diem RatesReporting Cash Payments of Over$10,000The Taxpayer Advocate Service of

    the IRS

    Derechos del ContribuyenteCmo Preparar la Declaracin deImpuesto Federal

    Crdito por Ingreso del TrabajoEnglish-Spanish Glossary of Wordsand Phrases Used in PublicationsIssued by the Internal RevenueService

    U.S. Tax Treaties

    Spanish Language Publications

    Tax Highlights for CommercialFishermen
















































    Comprendiendo el Proceso de Cobro594SP


    Tax Benefits for Adoption968

    Informe de Pagos en Efectivo enExceso de $10,000 (Recibidos enuna Ocupacin o Negocio)


    See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get forms, including by computer, fax,

    phone, and mail. For fax orders only, use the catalog number when ordering.

    U.S. Individual Income Tax ReturnItemized Deductions & Interest andOrdinary Dividends

    Profit or Loss From BusinessNet Profit From Business

    Capital Gains and Losses

    Supplemental Income and LossEarned Income Credit

    Profit or Loss From Farming

    Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled

    Income Tax Return for Single andJoint Filers With No Dependents

    Self-Employment TaxU.S. Individual Income Tax ReturnInterest and Ordinary Dividends forForm 1040A FilersChild and Dependent CareExpenses for Form 1040A FilersCredit for the Elderly or theDisabled for Form 1040A Filers

    Estimated Tax for IndividualsAmended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return

    Unreimbursed Employee BusinessExpenses

    Underpayment of Estimat