USA presentation by Debora Sanchez

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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United States of America

Débora Sánchez López 4ºA

English Workshop 0910

United States is a continent located in North America. Its capital is Washington and consists of 50 States and one Federal District. With a

extension of 9,631,418 km ², is populated by 306,050,595 people.

The majority of the population is white, but also living African Americans, Asians, Native Americans and Latinos, among many other races. The ethnic

diversity also makes having a great cultural diversity, what makes this country a great salad.

The most spoken language is English, followed by Spanish, Chinese and Native languages, which are still conserved. Most of the population practice

Christianity, followed by Protestants, Catholics and Jews, among others.

Among its most popular events include the President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Columbus Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving, that make all

Americans to be flushed and remember the reflecting its history dates.

Things are typical of this country, including the Statue of Liberty, the dollar, Mount Rushmore, the White House (home of the current President Obama),

the flag with the star-spangled, the anthem of the country ... In short, thousands of things that we think that just seeing them in two words: the

United States.

We know also to America for their world-famous celebrities, like Julia Roberts for her movie `` Pretty Woman´´, Michael Jackson for his album `` Thriller´´

(the highest selling album of all time), the Coen brothers for his film ``the great Lewoski´´, Michael Jordan or Shaquille O'Neal as NBA players, Britney

Spears for her song ´´Baby one more time´´... In short, people we know and make us feel like we're in the United States only to see them.

America has sent us their customs from their origins, what he has done and will do all we become every day more Americans.

Débora Sánchez López

English Workshop 0910