USD 320

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USD 320. In the course of developing an appropriate response to budget reductions, keep in mind the following: If a child does not learn to read by the third grade, they will struggle throughout life with their learning; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


USD 320 In the course of developing an appropriate response to budget

reductions, keep in mind the following: If a child does not learn to read by the third grade, they will

struggle throughout life with their learning; The research is very clear as to the impact of quality teaching

and district and school level leadership on student achievement;

Having high quality curriculum, professional development, and collaboration time do have an impact on student achievement.

While athletics and activities are important, our children will go on to find their life’s work through their skills and knowledge associated with their classroom education;

Balance in a student’s life is important as it is when having to make difficult decisions;

A quality school system needs good secretaries, aides, bus drivers, cooks, custodians, and para-educators to operate effectively;

Your Legislative Representatives

Pottawatomie CountyMr. Richard Carlson 785-296-7660


Mr. Dennis Pyle 785-296-7379 or

Your Legislative Representatives

Wabaunsee County Richard Carlson Laura Kelly


Your Legislative Representatives

Riley County Tom Hawk

785-456-7665 Roger Reitz


History of Budget Reductions

2008-09 Base State Aide Per Pupil (BSAPP) reduced from $4,433 and to $4,400. Loss equals $131,560.

Start of 2009-2010, BSAPP reduced from $4,400 to $4,218. Loss equals $438,555.

History of Budget Reductions

During 2009-2010 school year BSAPP reduced from $4,218 to $4,012. Loss equals $302,694.

Total budget reduction to date, not counting loss of assessed valuation in the LOB ($38,132), equals $872,809. With the loss of valuation the total is $910,941.

History of Budget Reductions

Reduce Extended Contracts $3,031 $3,031Math Aides $53,363 $56,394HS Custodian $26,887 $83,281

Total Cuts $83,281

Description (Hard Costs)Eliminate 1 HS custodian (from Jan. 21 forward) $12,262 $12,262Eliminate summer maintenance helper $5,077 $17,339Eliminate 1/2 time custodian (from January 1 forward) $8,179 $25,518Reduce number of school days (eliminate 1/2 day in May) $3,365 $28,883No end of year gathering $1,900 $30,783Eliminate summer school program $53,000 $83,783Limit use of subs for custodial services $6,000 $89,783Eliminate as much overtime as possible $7,500 $97,283Reduce professional development expenses including sub costs $19,000 $116,283Reduce other school budget items $2,000 $118,283

Total $118,283

Budget cuts acted on in Spring of 2008

Budget cuts acted on in February 2009

History of Budget Reductions

Excess from budget cuts in February $27,429 $27,429State aid from moving cap outlay to LOB $80,400 $107,829Eliminate 1/2 time custodian (1st half of the year) $8,179 $116,008Eliminate 1 HS custodian (first half of the year) $15,530 $131,538Retirement of science teacher/hiring new teacher $9,850 $141,388Reduce number of 1/2 school days used $5,283 $146,671HS professional development days added back $2,040 $148,711Reduce mail & paper expenses by 15% $3,600 $152,311Close District Office during spring break $550 $152,861Eliminate some cell phones $1,600 $154,461No National Trips $6,000 $160,461Reduce 1/2 day kindergarten at start of the year to 15 days $625 $161,086Reduce Professional Development Expenses $7,500 $168,586Reduce maintenance budgets by 5% $8,601 $177,187Reduce building budgets by 3% $3,800 $180,987Reduce Library Funding $4,750 $185,737Eliminate HS enrollment practice $7,500 $193,237Eliminate tuition reimbursement & National Board Support $2,100 $195,337Retirement of second science teacher/hiring new teacher $10,169 $205,506Increase Pay to Play (MS $20 HS $35) $13,000 $218,506Fees for summer music $2,500 $221,006Eliminate one 0 hour band and one 0 hour vocal $5,405 $226,411Eliminate contract with CTE coordinator $24,342 $250,753Eliminate MS librarian position $49,391 $300,144

Total Cuts $300,144

2009-2010 Budget cuts acted on April 2

History of Budget Reductions

Repair Equip Admin $1,400 $1,400Equip Instruc Admin $2,000 $3,400Curric Develop $13,000 $16,400Contracted Building Services $5,000 $21,400Maintenance Inservice $1,000 $22,400Travel Staff $1,200 $23,600Admin Library $1,500 $25,100Textbooks $5,000 $30,100Heating $10,000 $40,100Testing Supplies $1,000 $41,100Instruc Equip General $2,000 $43,100Admin Activity Fund $3,400 $46,500Electricity $5,000 $51,500

Total Cuts $51,500

Budget Cuts Built into 2009-10 Budget Based on Cuts Made in Summer 2009

History of Budget Reductions

The total of hard budget reductions to date has come to $553,208. Other savings have come from changes in teacher and administrative payroll.

The most recent reduction of $302,694 occurred this past November and is being temporarily covered by a district wide reduction in spending and the contingency reserve fund.

Future Budget Projections

Currently the only funding proposal in the legislature (House Appropriations Committee) proposes more cuts to public education. For USD 320 the projected loss of funding would amount to a loss of general fund revenue of $233,467 and a loss of LOB revenue of $331,174. Total loss equals $564,641. When this is added to cuts during the current year, the total loss of revenue comes to $867,335.

Future Budget Projections

The state has developed the proposal to essentially shift the burden of any funding increases to come from the local level. By adding a 6.66 mill levy increase, the district has the authority to reduce the cuts to the LOB. Further, the House has determined that athletics and activities are not part of the mission of schools by proposing a Local Activities Budget option so local districts can increase local taxes for the sole purpose of paying for athletics and activities.

Future Budget Projections

In 2011 the state will no longer receive any ARRA Stabilization Funds. This amounted to $373,274 this school year. At some point in the near future, the state or more likely local school districts will have to address the loss of this revenue as well.

Budget Reduction Process

Step 1: Establish site based budget reduction committees comprised of teachers and site council members. Information concerning site based expenditures and participation/expense figures for activities were shared with this committee. Each committee was given a reduction target to reach based on their respective expense % of the overall district budget.

Budget Reduction Process

Step 2: Establish a district level budget reduction committee consisting of parents and district administrators. The information provided to this committee included the recommendations from each school, district level recommendations from the superintendent, all documents given to the site based committees plus three year scholarship information, enrollment numbers by classes in the MS and HS, staffing comparison with other 4A size school districts and staffing of USD 320 district 14 years ago, and research on class size in schools, the impact of district level leadership, and the impact of district level leadership.

Recommendations from District Budget Reduction Committee The committee submitted a list of 91

possible items to be considered for budget reduction. They also submitted a letter to the BOE regarding their work and further comments they wanted pass along to the BOE.

Letter to BOE

Utilization of the Mill Levy Developing an extended payment

arrangement for families Support of all day kindergarten Support for the position of Director of C&I Negotiation items between WTA and USD

320 BOE Early retirement incentive Reduction in the length of contract

Reduction of plan time at WHS

Budget Reduction Recommendations

Proposed Budget Cuts Item TotalAverage


Take Indirect funds for FS & Title I 1 $15,000 $15,000 5.83Cut Special Education Assessment $50,000 $65,000 10.17Textbook line in budget $30,000 $95,000 10.33General Tuition Fee ($20 per student) $26,800 $121,800 12.00District newsletter $2,600 $124,400 DO 17.83Eliminate Tech Paths $4,100 $128,500 DO 22.08Loss of district office position $21,230 $149,730 DO 26.83Postage 10% cut $282 $150,012 MS 27.42Employee appreciation $2,600 $152,612 DO 28.08Paper 10% cut $406 $153,017 MS 28.83Cut Extended Day $4,135 $157,152 CE 31.92Eliminate Extended School Day $12,404 $169,556 WE 33.25HS Principal Pay (Difference in current contract and new contract) $5,405 $174,961 HS 33.33

Budget Reduction Recommendations

Reduce General Teaching Supply Funds $6,420 $181,381 CE 36.63Reduce General Teaching Supply Funds $6,420 $187,801 WE 36.63Reduce General Teaching Supply Funds $8,000 $195,801 HS 36.63Reduce General Teaching Supply Funds $6,500 $202,301 MS 36.63Loss of tech position $12,430 $214,731 TE 36.75Eliminate At-Risk Supplies for ESD $1,200 $215,931 WE 37.92Reduce Library Fund $1,000 $216,931 CE 38.17Reduce Library Fund $5,000 $221,931 MS 38.17Reduce Library Fund $3,500 $225,431 HS 38.17Reduce Library Fund $1,000 $226,431 WE 38.17No phase in for kindergarten $1,259 $227,690 CE 38.83FACS Extended Contract (reduce 10 days) $1,568 $229,258 HS 38.96FACS Extended Contract (reduce 10 days) $2,189 $231,447 HS 38.96Include Cheerleaders in sports fees ($50) $640 $232,087 HS 39.88Increase pay to play to $50 $5,250 $237,337 HS 39.88

MS Custodian 5 $26,754 $264,091 MS 40.00

Budget Reduction Recommendations

HS Custodian 5 $27,689 $291,780 HS 40.00Reduce custodial & maintenance purchases/ maintenance & transportation expenses $25,500 $317,280 MA 41.17

HS Activities (pay to participate $50) 12 $5,000 $322,280 HS 41.75

Eliminate sponsors: 10 $26,393 $348,673 HS 42.42Eliminate MAP Testing in Grade 9 $3,000 $351,673 HS 42.67Eliminate MAP Testing in Grades 3 & 4 $2,629 $354,302 WE 42.67Eliminate MAP Testing in Grades 6 & 7 $3,261 $357,563 MS 42.67Reduce Professional Development Fund $3,000 $360,563 CE 42.68Reduce Professional Development Fund $4,100 $364,663 HS 42.68Reduce Professional Development Fund $3,600 $368,263 MS 42.68Reduce Professional Development Fund $3,000 $371,263 WE 42.68Reduce Supt Pay another 3% (reduced 2% in 2009-2010) $3,000 $374,263 DO 55.58

Reduce Director of C&I pay 2 $3,565 $377,828 DO 42.92Increase pay to play ($10) $3,000 $380,828 MS 43.33

Charge for in town transport services to day care/ other ($75 per semester) 14 $3,750 $384,578 TR 43.83Eliminate Halftime Building Aide $12,509 $397,087 WE 43.92

Eliminate freshman only out of town events 13 $2,016 $399,103 HS 44.33

Trips 11 $1,063 $400,166 HS 44.58Eliminate Field Trips $624 $400,790 MS 44.58

Budget Reduction Recommendations

Eliminate Field Trips $854 $401,644 CE 44.58Eliminate Field Trips $2,535 $404,179 WE 44.58

Eliminate extra duty pay: 9 $1,353 $405,532 HS 44.75Lunch aide $4,566 $410,098 MS 44.83Power lifting team travel $1,350 $411,448 HS 45.75Vocational Agriculture Extended Contract (reduce 15 days) $2,336 $413,784 HS 46.58Renegotiate a new contract with MS counselor $7,700 $421,484 MS 47.33Eliminate Summer Band Lessons $668 $422,152 WE 48.39Eliminate Summer Band Lessons $3,861 $426,013 MS 48.39Eliminate Summer Band Lessons $1,200 $427,213 HS 48.39One KAY sponsor $1,090 $428,304 MS 49.42Reduce to 1 Librarian K-12 $30,766 $459,070 WE 50.13Reduce to 1 Librarian K-12 $30,766 $489,836 CE 50.13

.5 HS Business plus CTE Coordinator 7 $25,335 $515,171 HS 50.25Chess sponsor $1,079 $516,250 MS 50.42

Eliminate 1 coach for ea. Sport 6 $8,628 $524,878 MS 50.42Counselor extended contract reduced to 5 days $922 $525,800 MS 50.92FCCLA $1,079 $526,879 MS 51.75Student council sponsor $1,439 $528,318 MS 52.25Eliminate ACE or HELP Position $43,875 $572,193 HS 52.58

Budget Reduction Recommendations

Eliminate Robotics Club $1,118 $573,311 WE 53.17

Eliminate assistant coaching positions: 8 $20,579 $593,890 HS 53.42

Parents as Teachers 16 $12,500 $606,390 54.42

Reduce Principal Contract to 10.5 months 4 $3,345 $609,735 MS 54.64

Reduce Principal Contract to 10.5 months 4 $2,930 $612,665 CE 54.64

Reduce Principal Contract to 10.5 months 4 $3,429 $616,094 WE 54.64

Reduce Principal Contract to 10.5 months 4 $3,226 $619,320 HS Asst 54.64Counselor Extended Contract (reduce 3 days) $1,204 $620,524 HS 55.83Science club sponsor $1,214 $621,738 MS 56.00Eliminate FACS Position $39,226 $660,964 MS 58.25Cross country coach $2,966 $663,930 MS 59.00Yearbook $360 $664,289 MS 59.17

Reduce Music Teaching Staff 3 $10,000 $674,289 CE 59.75

Reduce Music Teaching Staff 3 $16,890 $691,179 WE 59.75Charge for transportation under 2.5 miles (approx. 88 families @ $50 per semester) 15 $13,200 $704,379 TR 62.50Eliminate the girls' tennis program $2,967 $707,346 HS 64.17

Budget Reduction Recommendations

Eliminate the boys' tennis program $2,972 $710,318 HS 64.92Eliminate the boy's golf program $4,804 $715,122 HS 67.50Eliminate Language Arts Teacher $41,083 $756,206 MS 68.17

HS Science Position $44,805 $801,011 HS 69.75HS Math Position $43,870 $844,881 HS 70.58Eliminate Wrestling Program $9,871 $854,752 HS 71.33Eliminate Wrestling Program $5,589 $860,341 MS 71.58

Budget Reduction Recommendations

12 - Listed HS activities (forensics, debate, scholars bowl, play/ musical, FBLA, FFA, FCCLA, culinary arts) would incur a $50 pay to participate fee

14 - We currently transport 40 students who live in town to after school day care out of town. Charge parents $50 per semester for this service.

10 - Assistant debate, forensics, foreign language, link crew (1), color guard, science club, future educators, kayettes, SADD, weights, national honor society (1), art club, freshman/ sophomore/ senior sponsor (1 each), national forensics league, prom coordinator, and alternate the play and the musical every other year

5 - The option was to reduce by two regular custodians or eliminate all summer custodial help. It was decided to eliminate two year round positions.6 - All sports but track would see a reduction in their coaching staff of 1 coach.7 - CTE oversight responsibilities would be shared by HS asst. principal and the Director of C&I

9 - Eliminate summer weights and dance sponsor extra duty pay8 - 1 assistant coaching position would be eliminate for volleyball, b/ g basketball, cheerleaders, dazzlers, track. 2 asst positions would be cut from football.

1 - We have not taken indirect costs from these programs in the past. We will plan to start doing this which will add revenue to the general fund.2 - The Director is not looking to reduce any days of work. She is offering to take a pay cut of 3%.3 - A reduction of .66 of a position would occur. We currently employ 5.66 music teachers.4 - The three head principals have volunteered to take a pay cut equal in value of working 10 less days with a 10-day reduction of their contract.

15 - If we did not transport any students under 2.5 miles from school we could eliminate 1 bus route. There are approximately 148 regular riders who live under the 2.5 mile limit. Charge any family whose child lives under 2.5 miles from school, $50 per semester to transport their children to school.16 - Parents as Teachers requires a local match to receive state funding. Eliminate the match. This means there would no longer be a PAT program for USD 320.

11 - Senior trip, peer counseling to Emporia, jazz group

13 - Schedule freshman events in a manner that they travel with the other teams; add more 5th quarter games

Additional Thoughts from the Superintendent The list that I provided to the BOE simply addressed a re-ordering of

the prioritization done by the district committee. There are additional items that I really believe the BOE should

consider. There should be consideration for a change in the district facility usage

policy. The HS Language Arts department could be reduced by one staff

member. Through negotiations, reduce the length of the teacher contract, offer a

one time only retirement incentive, restructure the school year. Increase the district mill levy. Protect the time given for Professional Learning Communities as much

as possible. The HS schedule should not dictate the efficient use of personnel.

There is no research that I know of that links the HS block schedule and student achievement.