use in the classroom from Current Media Find an age ... · 2/1/2016  · KATE STECIW Construction...

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Current Media● Find an age appropriate image to

use in the classroom from current media.

● Create a slide based on the image with a strategy to enhance meaning and instruction

Domino Cards: Relationships -Level Secondary

Choose an image that relates to an image already in play and with an open edge.

•Place the domino card image edge to edge with the related image.

•Interpret the two images and describe the relationship the artist is trying to challenge or question to the other players.

•Continue until all cards are played.

Recycled Material Sculptures by Michelle Reader

Michelle Reader Recycled Materials Artifact Inquiry Activity

Dorothy Bonica

Elk, A small sculpture made from aluminium cans. For Rexam Beverage Can Europe. Dimensions: 30 x 20 x 20 cm. 2008.

A small sculpture made from recycled materials including coffee cups, scrap paper and card, part of a mastic gun, wire and wooden beads. Dimensions: 35 x 30 x 25 cm. 2011.

Materials include: steel tubing, bar stool, electrical cable, copper wire, coffee tins, aluminium drinks cans, shower curtain spring hooks, bicycle mud guard, plastic colanders, buggy tyre, shelf brackets, window blinds, fabric, wood. Dimensions: 187 x 130 x 159 cm.

Small sculpture made from recycled materials. Dimensions: 25 x 20 x 20 cm. July 2011. Materials include: steel gear wheel, wooden knob, broom handle, forks, tea strainer, coffee cups, wooden beads, scrap paper.

Artifact Inquiry; Elementary Level. 1) Divide students into four groups.2) Put one of the four pictures of the recycled object creations at four different

stations.3) Students have three minutes at each station to work with their group to spot

as many recycled materials as they can.

● This is a good way to get students thinking about what they could use in a found object sculpture, or to begin thinking before a lesson that uses recycled materials.

Dorothy Bonica

Abstract Thinking ActivityBy Kristina Georgacopoulos

1. Present images to students2. Students must choose one image, and

they have 1 minute to write at least 10 words that come to mind while viewing the piece

3. Explain to students what a haiku is and instruct them to compose a haiku explaining what the artwork means to them by using some of the words they wrote down

4. Discuss students’ interpretation as a class and ask willing students to present their haikus

>This activity prompts students to interpret abstract art and it incorporates a writing component related to artistic thinking

Janet EchelmanHer Secret is PatienceSuspended netting2009

Andrew HolmquistFigure Study YellowOil on canvas2014


Construction 005, 2016

Composition 012, 2014Composition 520q,

2015Composition 028e,


Composition 013, 2014

“Kate Steciw’s sculptures, video installations, and photographs have been associated with the post-internet movement and are inspired by events in popular culture. Her digital photographic collages interrogate the relationship between reality and virtual representation, splicing together a disparate group of objects that mirror how internet is consumed;

the images, taken out of their commercial context, are reimagined as contemporary abstract mosaics.”

Pass the Postcardby Lisa Carroll

● In pairs, students will analyze a series of postcards from a particular artist to identify themes or patterns.

● After 1 minute with each postcard, students will be asked to pass the postcard to the next pair.

● After all pairs have had the chance to see each postcard, the teacher will facilitate a discussion to generate ideas and begin to make inferences about the artist’s subject matter, intent and impact of the final work.

➔ This would be an appropriate artist and activity to introduce a high school lesson about abstraction and the impact of imagery in pop culture.

Contemporary and Historical Art Matching Game:Each student has an art card. Some are images from art history and some are contemporary art images. You must find the person with the matching card and discuss these questions:

● Why would a contemporary artist choose to reuse this historical image?● How did the contemporary artist change the historical image to give it new meaning?

Hint: the information on the back of the card may give you some context clues!Allison Platz

What defines Art? Is graffiti art? Form the groups with 4-5 students and discuss individual opinions on Graffiti and Art.

Seung Ae kwak Kenny Scharf

Christine Rowader

Michele Abeles



Keith Achepol

Untitled [Foot, with leaves and red watercolor]


David Altmejd, Ricky Swallow, Jamie Isenstein, Lesley Vance

Exquisite Corpse


Janine Antoni



Candida Alvarez

Nueva York


Curate an Exhibition

Images from Whitney Museum of American Art

➢ In table groups, students are to look at a series of 10 images.○ Although images may repeat from table-to-table, try to give tables a variety of images.

➢ Students will work together to choose 5 images to become their next museum exhibition. ○ What is the overall theme of your exhibition?○ Where do you intend on displaying your exhibition?○ Who is the intended audience for your exhibition?

➢ Students will post and present their exhibitions around the classroom.

Christine Rowader

Curate an Exhibition

3, 2, 1 Think-Pair-Share Elizabeth Smart

❖ This would be a good warm-up activity before students work on a site-specific installation piece.

For the Woman’s Houseby Faith RinggoldOil on Canvas1971

Let’s act out the different careers we see in the painting!

*Instructions are included in the notes below.


Luanne Inn

30 Second LookStudents have 30 seconds to look at a work of art and try and remember important qualities of the work of art. This can range from small technical details to more obvious iconic symbols.

Arthur Reinaltt

Jordan Citron Challenge: Create a map of a trip you went on using my maps by Google

You are the cartographer:

Your map should include directional arrows, compass rose, key, cities, towns, waterways, natural features, etc.

map is located north of mine is a place that i have not been before

is a place i have not heard of before

is a place i have been to before

a place that is colder than here

a place that is warmer than here

a place that is not in the United States

use this box for a strategy or tool a classmate used in their map, that could also make yours successful

use this box to list other mediums that could be used to successfully reproduce your map. Explain why these mediums would be successful

find someone in the class whose map has...

Plagiarizing vs. Appropriating: Defending what you think

1) In pairs choose one artwork set and construct an argument of whether the second piece is plagiarized or appropriated. 2) Find another group who has an opposing argument for the same artwork and share viewpoints3) As a class be ready to defend / criticize the artist as if you were at trial.

Van Eyck - The Arnolfini (1434) Fernando Botero - Humbrol Young Scientist Anatomy set Damien Hirst - Hymn (2005) The Arnolfini (after Van Eyck) (1997)

Andrew Sniffin

Tatiana Sanguinette (1)

Students will work in groups of 3. Each group will be assigned a Rothko painting to examine, explore, and develop a narrative based upon use of color, line, and other formal qualities. Each group will have 5 minutes to discuss before reporting out to the class. This will be an introductory activity to a lesson on Abstract Expressionism, color, and decoding meaning.

Exploring Rothko; Color & Abstract Expressionism (Part 1)

Abstract Expressionism - Current Day (Part 2)

After reflecting on the work of Rothko, as a class we will discuss how our familiarity with art history influences our understanding of contemporary expressionist works by artist Samuel Hindolo. Are we able to decode the work similarly? What has changed?

Students will go on to create an abstract expressionist work of their own using practices of past and present.

Tatiana Sanguinette (2)

Art Vocabulary Best Answer Bingo Minute to Win ItGive tables 12 images and only one bingo card for the group. Each group, working together must decide where the images “fit” in the bingo card, and each card must only be used once. For example, a vessel could also be a sculpture, but the group decides which placement on the card is best. The winning table has a card that matches the teacher. Ideally, all tables would win.

Architecture Self-Portrait Landscape

Mural Symmetry Sculpture

abstract collage vessel

portrait mobile texture

Sallie Dupier