User Mobility Drives Data mobility: Integrating Systems with Context

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User Mobility Drives Data mobility:Integrating Systems with Context for User Experience

IBM Interconnect Feb 2015


Software is Eating the World


Driven by Mobile

• Accelerometers• App usage behaviours• Location• Images in context• Influence patterns• Facial Recognition• Emotions • Health data• Value of Search data • Sentiment


Defining Mobile First

1. Mobile is explodingMobile First ensures companies have an experience available to this extremely fast growing user base widely considered to be the next big computing platform.

2. Mobile forces you to focusMobile devices require software development teams to focus on only the most important data and actions in an application. There simply isn't room in a 320 by 480 pixel screen for extraneous, unnecessary elements. When a team designs mobile first, the end result is an experience focused on the key tasks users want to accomplish without extraneous detours and general interface debris.

3. Mobile extends your capabilitiesNew mobile application platforms are introducing capabilities that leave PC-based Web browsers behind: precise location information from GPS; user orientation from a digital compass; multi-touch input accelerometer.

Defined by by Luke Wroblewski, 2009


Mobile First means Apple First


Data as a Moat


Mainframe as a Moat


Systems of Record Systems of Engagement


From Quantified Self to Quantified Health


Integration is the driver


Mobile Development Native

HTML5 vs NativeSupport multiple languagesJava, Javascript/Node.js, C++

NativeIoS (objective-C) and Android (Java). Round trip device Emulation.WP7 (.NET) as a nice to have.

WebJavascript JQuery Mobile, Dojo mobile, Sencha. Responsive Design.

HybridHTML5, CSS and JS + deployment frameworks, Cordova, aka PhoneGap


Online Development and Micro-services


API Management is the Drawbridge

A registry of Microservices

API Throttling for QoS, security

Publish APIs (abstraction, REST)

Document APIs (REST)

Monitor performance

Manage performance - where possible

With Chargeback you can expose, police and manage line of business access

Putting the API drawbridge up or down when appropriate…. For Security

Elements of SOA, by Dirk Krafzig, Karl Banke, and Dirk Slama


On Mobile, Pricing and Reactive Workloads

Mobile and web development create massive demand for mainframe MIPs.

IBM is responding on pricing:•Sysplex aggregation - no longer based on the plex•Container based pricing rather than the LPAR at peak.

So instead of architecting based on price choose the best technical solution.


Many Buyers

Digital Marketing

Line of Business

Operational Analytics

The New IT buyer– cloud first, commodity first

Bring Your Own Device/App/Data

All of these groups complain about IT slowing them down


All Companies need Moats

Fortune 500 firms in 1955 vs. 2014; 89% are gone

All industries under threat now, regulated or otherwise.

All industries are going digital.

Apps are changing the game, across the board

The drawbridge is what gives a moat value.


Wrap Up

Build a data moat. Work out competitive advantages.

Mobile First is a cultural shift, underpinned by a variety of related disciplines

Cloud for extensibility – PaaS and IaaS. Standards based.

Chargeback is your best friend, if done right.

SOA underpins API Management, which will underpin Mobile First

SOA to manage internal and external resource contention

Choose dedicated development tools – see Cloud Foundry and BlueMix.

Integrate with transactions.

Leverage your existing skills, but augment with new ones. Master