User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff -...

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User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff

July 2008

Horry County Schools Office of Special Education

For Excent Assisstance Contact:

Brad France-Kelly, Coordinator

(843) 488-6795

Christine Henry, Clerk

(843) 488-6947

Horry County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, immigrant status, English-speaking status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal or S.C. law in its programs or activities. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Title IX to Paul Hickman, Principal Specialist IV – Special Projects; for Section 504 or the Americans with Disabilities Act to Mollie Laut, Director of Special Education; and for all others contact Bill Latham, Chief Officer for Policy and Procedural Issues. You may call 843-488-6700 or contact Horry County Schools at 1605 Horry Street, Conway, SC 29527.

Excent User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff



Logging into Excent ..................................................................................... 1-6 Excent Login Screen .......................................................................................... 3 Changing your Password ................................................................................... 4 Requesting “Forget Password” Option ............................................................... 5 Timing out .......................................................................................................... 6 Tool Bars and Tool Bar Functions ............................................................ 7-10 Using the Toolbars ............................................................................................. 7 Blue Toolbar 1 – Excent Program Options ......................................................... 7 Purple Toolbar 2 – Form Functions .................................................................... 8 Tan Toolbar 3 .................................................................................................... 9 Finding Students ................................................................................................ 9 Blue Tab – Program Options.................................................................... 11-96 Excent Home Page .......................................................................................... 11 Student/Personnel .................................................................................... 11-20 Student Information/Student Deomographics .................................................. 13 Student Contact Information ........................................................................ 13 Access Members/Caseloads ......................................................................... 14 Adding Team Members ................................................................................ 14 Reassigning an Existing Team Member to be the New Case Manager ....... 15 Personnel Case Load .................................................................................. 16 Printing Personnel Case Load ......................................................................... 17 Personnel Information ...................................................................................... 17 Placement History & Forms Needed ............................................................ 18 Student Placement History Example ................................................................ 19 Attachments ................................................................................................... 20 Add an Attachment .......................................................................................... 20 Process ...................................................................................................... 21-28 Meeting Letters .............................................................................................. 21 Purpose ...................................................................................................... 22 Attendees ..................................................................................................... 24 Printing First Written Meeting Letters ...................................................... 24 Addressee Address Missing .................................................................... 25 Responses ................................................................................................... 26 Printing 2nd / 3rd Written Letters for a Meeting ......................................... 27

Excent User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff


Evaluation .................................................................................................. 29-35 Assessment Reports ..................................................................................... 29 New Report ................................................................................................. 30 Referral/Background Tab ....................................................................... 30 Tests Tab ............................................................................................... 31 Observations/Summary/Recommend Tab ............................................. 32 Modifying Tests ........................................................................................... 33 Deleting Tests ............................................................................................. 33 Cut & Paste Assessment Information from Word ........................................ 33 Functional Behavioral Assessment ............................................................. 35 IEP .............................................................................................................. 36-78 New IEP ........................................................................................................... 36 IEP Form Options – 10 Sections ................................................................... 38 Section 1. Cover Page ............................................................................... 38 Dates .................................................................................................... 39 Transition .............................................................................................. 39 Section II. Present Levels .......................................................................... 40 Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) ............................................. 40 Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance .. 42 Areas of Assessment ...................................................................... 43 Section III. Accommodations/Modifications/Supplementary Services . 45 Section IV. Goals and Objectives ............................................................. 46 Entering Goal Manually ......................................................................... 47 Entering Goal Using Banks ................................................................... 48 Entering Objectives Manually ................................................................ 50 Entering Objectives by Bank ................................................................. 51 Section V. Services .................................................................................... 53 Tab 1 – Special Education .................................................................... 54 Tab 2 – Related Services ...................................................................... 55 Section VI. Testing ..................................................................................... 55 Section VII. Areas of Consideration ......................................................... 56 Section VIII. Consideration for Special Factors ...................................... 56 Section IX. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) .................................... 57 Replacing Team Members .................................................................... 59 Section X. Signature Page ........................................................................ 59 Printing the LRE and/or Signature Page(s) ............................................ 60 ESY Eligibility Review & ESY Addendum .................................................... 61 Adding New Addendum .............................................................................. 62 ESY Goals Tab ...................................................................................... 63 ESY Services Tab .................................................................................. 63 Add Related Services From List ........................................................ 64 ESY Transportation/Materials Tab ......................................................... 64 ESY Team Members Tab ....................................................................... 65

Excent User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff


Progress Report ............................................................................................. 66 Adding/Modify a Progress Report ................................................................ 67 Behavioral Intervention Plan ........................................................................ 69 Adding New BIP ........................................................................................... 69 Summary of Performance ............................................................................. 71 Validate IEP .................................................................................................... 72 Print IEP .......................................................................................................... 73 Completing the IEP ........................................................................................ 75 Previous IEP ................................................................................................... 78 Supplemental ............................................................................................ 79-82 Parent Contact Log ..................................................................................... 79 Access Log ................................................................................................. 82 Service Log ............................................................................................... 83-89 Encounter Log .............................................................................................. 83 Tracking .......................................................................................................... 90 Reports ...................................................................................................... 91-96 Reports – Administrative ............................................................................. 91 Reports – Teacher .......................................................................................... 94 Using Crystal Reports .................................................................................. 96 Working with PDF Files .......................................................................... 97-104 Printing using the <Print> Button ................................................................. 97 Printing a PDF File ....................................................................................... 99 Saving a PDF File ...................................................................................... 100 Emailing a PDF File ................................................................................... 102 Unable to Log Into Excent .................................................................... 105-108 Turning off Popup Blockers ........................................................................ 105 Adding EXCENT as a Trusted Site on Your Computer .............................. 107 Experiencing New Popup Blockers ............................................................ 108 Helpful Hints and Notes ....................................................................... 109-111

Log Into Excent

Logging into Excent 1 of 111

Logging Into Excent To log into Excent you must have a User Name and Password. This is provided to you by the Excent System Administrator’s office, to be referred to as the “Excent Help Desk” in the remainder of this manual. If you do not have a user name and password, contact Brad France-Kelly or Christine Henry ( or You will be assigned a general password. Once you enter Excent, you will have the option to change the password of your choosing. To Log Into Excent for the First Time: 1. Using your Internet Explorer, connect to the District Home Page. Note: Excent requires access to “popups”. Therefore it may be necessary for you to turn on “popup blockers” or add Excent to your “Trusted Sites” within your “Internet Options”. This is machine dependent. So it may act differently on each machine you have access to. It should only be necessary to do this initially, unless there is a change to your machine or network. Refer to Pages 105-108, “Unable to Log into Excent”. 2. Under “HCS Departments” -select a link-: Special Education.

Log Into Excent

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3. On the Special Education homepage select “Excent Log In”. You will be

taken to the “Excent Login Screen”.

Log Into Excent

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Excent Login Screen 4. Right <Click> on this Login Screen and you can add this screen to your

“Favorites” and/or “Create a Shortcut” to place the “Login Screen” on your “Desktop”. This will eliminate the need to go to the “Special Education Web Site” each time you need to log into Excent.

You will then be able to access the “Excent Login Screen” from your desktop or favorites, eliminating “Steps 1-3”. 5. Key in your “User Name” and “Password” provided by the “Excent Help

Desk”. Press <ENTER> on your keyboard or <Click> on “Login”. Refer to Page 4 to “changing your password”. Proceed to Step 6.

• User name and password are “case sensitive”.

• Excent will provide you with an onscreen message if name and/or password

have been entered incorrectly. If you are continuously receiving this message, contact the “Excent Help Desk” (488-6795 or 488-6947) to provide you with a new “password”.

Log Into Excent

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6. The “Login Screen” will display a “pop-up” window, indicating that “The

webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close the window? <Click> on “YES”.

7. You will be taken to the “Messages” screen or “Home Page” in Excent.

The “Home Page” is also the Excent Email System. Note: The “Excent Email System” is currently not being used by Horry

County Schools. Note: If you are having trouble logging into Excent, refer to “Unable to Log Into

Excent” Pages 105-108. If you are still having trouble logging into Excent, contact the Excent Help Desk Office at 488-6795 or 488-6947.

Changing Your Password: You should change your password to something unique after logging in for the first time. The password must be at least 6 characters and can consist of alpha, numeric, or a combination. Remember: Passwords are case sensitive.

Log Into Excent

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1. To change your password, <Click> on and the “Change Password” screen will be displayed.

2. Enter the “Old Password”, provided by the “Excent Help Desk”. 3. Enter your “New Password”. 4. Enter your “New Password” again to Confirm Password. 5. Press <SAVE>. Note: Write your password down somewhere you can find it! The Excent Help

Desk cannot tell you what your password is. If you lose your password or forget it, you will need to create a new one through the “Forget Password” option on the login screen.

• We do not recommend using the “Forget Password” option, unless you

cannot reach the “Excent Help Desk”, because the system will assign you a new password that will be approximately 20 characters long, and we have found this difficult for users to remember.

Requesting “Forget Password” Option The system will send you an email with the new password. Once you have logged back into Excent you can “Change Password”, to a password of your choice.

Log Into Excent

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Timing out: Excent will log a user off after five (5) minutes of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as communication with the server. Typing a long narrative without saving along the way can cause the automatic logoff to kick you off and you won’t realize it. Your hard work is lost. Typing or moving the mouse is not considered communicating with the server. Data will not be saved if the system logs the user off. SAVE often and do not leave the system unattended. Before logging you off, Excent will send a warning stating you will be logged off in 5 minutes. If you are logged off without the warning, it may be due to the inability to connect to the server. This can be caused by the network being down, or it could be because of a “hiccup” in the networking system. We do not have any control regarding the five (5) minute inactivity restriction. If you attempt to work in Excent and are logged off due to inactivity, you will receive the following screen display indicating the “Session has been timed out”. <Click> Here to login again. You will be taken to the Excent Login Screen. Once you have logged back into Excent, you will be returned to the homepage of the student you were working with at the time your session ended. Remember: To <SAVE> often. We do not have any control regarding the five (5) minute inactivity restriction.

Tool Bars And Tool Bar Functions

Tool Bars 7 of 111

Using the Toolbars Excent has three (3) toolbar menus that allow the user to navigate through the system and complete forms and documents related to generating the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Blue Toolbar 1 Purple Toolbar 2 Tan Toolbar 3 Blue Toolbar 1 – Refer to Page 11 – Excent Program Options Below each program option on the Blue Toolbar, are the options that are available to the user in creating and maintaining the student’s IEP.

Student/ Personnel

Process Evaluation IEP Supplemental Service Log Tracking Reports Admin

Student Information Meeting Letters Assessment

Reports New IEP

Transportation Form Encounter Log

Events and Dates

Admin Reports

User Security

Access Members/ Caseloads

Permission to Evaluate

Functional Behavioral Assessment

IEP Form > has sub menu

Emergency Medical Information

Transportation Log

Form Progress

Teacher Reports

Lookups/ Dropdowns

Personnel Information

Notice of Evaluate Schedule

Reevaluation Review Plan

ESY Eligibility Review

Parent Contact Log Medicaid Letter Admin


Placement History

Notice and Consent for Reevaluation

Multidisciplinary Team Evaluation Report

ESY Addendum Access Log System Setup


Follow-up to Reevaluation Review

LD Multidisciplinary Team Report

Progress Report

Suspension/ Expulsion Log Banks

Parental Consent for Placement

Tracking Behavioral Intervention Plan

Forms Generator SEEM

Proposal to Change ID or Placement

Summary of Performance

Manifestation Determination Due


Prior Written Notice

Validate IEP Additional Forms

Listing of Parental Rights

Print IEP

Previous IEP

IEP Complete

Gray areas are maintained by administrative staff and are unavailable to teachers.

Tool Bars And Tool Bar Functions

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Purple Toolbar 2 - Form Functions When working on forms in Excent, a Purple toolbar will be displayed at the top of each screen. This toolbar makes it easy to execute several commands within the forms and lookups.

Icon Name Description

Home Takes you to your home “Messages” page.

Student’s Home Page

The student’s home page displays the student’s “Reminder” Section, as well as the “Forms Progress” Section. Where you can monitor the progress of forms being completed for that student.

District Calendar

Displays the holidays, event dates, etc. for that student.

Save To Save the current section/form. SAVE can be done

from the purple toolbar or by Clicking on the SAVE button on the section/form.

Change School

This is for users who have caseloads at more than one school

Print This button is used to print the current individual form on

the printer. The form will be displayed in “Adobe Acrobat” format to be previewed before printing. Refer to Working with PDF Files, Pages 97-104 If you have trouble printing using “Adobe”, contact the Excent Help Desk (488-6795 or 488-6947)

Spell Check

This button will run the system’s Spell check feature for misspelled words on the current open form

Delete/ Trash

This will delete the current form. Use with caution!

Online Help

View the Excent Online Help Contents.

Excent Version

Displays the current Excent version being used.


<Click> on this button to logout of Excent Online. It is very important to log out of the system using this button. Do not use the in the upper right hand corner of the screen

abc √

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Tan Toolbar 3 The Tan Toolbar has three (3) options for the user to use depending upon where the user is in Excent.

• The Change Password option enables the user to change their password. Refer to Page 4.

• The Find Student option enables the user to locate a student. Finding

students is discussed on the following pages.

• The Find Personnel option is accessible from the “Student/Personnel” Option on the Blue Toolbar Options. Refer to Page 16 – Personnel Case Load for further details regarding the “Find Personnel” Option.

Finding Students 1. Selecting the will display the “Student List” from where you can

select the correct student. You have several options in searching for the correct student. Note: The number of student found will be indicated. The screen display can only show 10 at a time on one screen. Use the < or > to move forward or backward 10 students at a time.

• You can use the “Select by” option to select all those students with a

last name starting with that alphabetic character.

• You can sort the list displayed by Clicking on the desired column heading (i.e. Student Name, Student ID, Grade, School, Status)

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• Or you can use the option, which will enable you to

search for a student several ways. Note: If you cannot locate a student you should have access to, it could be because you are not looking at the correct school (if you have access to more than one). If you are serving more than one school you may need to use the “Change School” option on the Purple Toolbar above the button. Refer to the Change Schools Button on the Purple Toolbar. If you are not assigned as a “Case Manager or Team Member” to that student. Refer to Page 14.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Student/Personnel 11 of 111

Excent Home Page The following pages will describe the BLUE Tool Bar Options.

Student/ Personnel

Process Evaluation IEP Supplemental Service Log Tracking Reports Admin

Student Information Meeting Letters Assessment

Reports New IEP

Transportation Form Encounter Log

Events and Dates

Admin Reports

User Security

Access Members/ Caseloads

Permission to Evaluate

Functional Behavioral Assessment

IEP Form > has sub menu

Emergency Medical Information

Transportation Log

Form Progress

Teacher Reports

Lookups/ Dropdowns

Personnel Information

Notice of Evaluate Schedule

Reevaluation Review Plan

ESY Eligibility Review

Parent Contact Log Medicaid Letter Admin


Placement History

Notice and Consent for Reevaluation

Multidisciplinary Team Evaluation Report

ESY Addendum Access Log System Setup

Attachments Follow-up to Reevaluation Review

LD Multidisciplinary Team Report

Progress Report

Suspension/ Expulsion Log Banks

Parental Consent for Placement

Tracking Behavioral Intervention Plan

Forms Generator SEEM

Proposal to Change ID or Placement

Summary of Performance

Manifestation Determination Due


Prior Written Notice Validate IEP Additional


Listing of Parental Rights Print IEP

Previous IEP IEP Complete

Gray areas are maintained by administrative staff and are unavailable to teachers. Student/Personnel Student Information: Contains demographic and contact information for students. This information is supplied by SASI and/or by manual entry by System Administrators. The majority of individual users have read-only rights to the student’s demographic and contact information. Refer to Page 13 for details on student demographic information.

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Note: If you notice an error with the student information and/or parent/contact information, and your “School SASI Administrator” has confirmed the correct contact information, notify the “Excent Help Desk” at 488-6795 or 488-6947. > Access Members/Caseloads: Contains staff members who will develop and

maintain the student’s IEP. Each student will have one (1) Case Manager, who is the primary special education teacher, and Team Member(s). Team members may include, but not limited to: Speech Pathologists, Occupational/Physical Therapists, Behavior Analysts, or School Psychologists. Team Members are those people who will participate in the development and/or writing of the IEP. Parents, regular education teachers, school administrators, etc., who do not take part in writing the IEP document, should not be listed as Team Members. Refer to Page 14 for more information on “Case Manager/Team Member Caseloads.

> Personnel Information: Identifies staff and school assignments. School

assignments are done by the “ Excent Help Desk”. > Placement History: Provides a tracking record of the student’s special

education status and placements. These are “Read Only” to all members. These are entered by the Excent System Administrators. To insure that the “Placement History” of a student is up-to-date, it is extremely important that the appropriate paperwork is sent via to Fax (488-6552). All federal and state data reports depend upon the data maintained on the Placement History page. Refer to Page 18 for Placement History examples.

Forms that must be faxed to the Excent Office

Consent to Evaluate (Parcon E) Eligibility Determination (P-1) Reevaluation Review (Parcon 14) Consent for Placement (Parcon 1)

> Attachments: This feature allows the users to add word documents,

spreadsheets, and other documents, directly into the students’ electronic file. This feature is particularly useful for attaching copies of previous IEPs, student work samples, behavioral support documents, test results, etc.

Blue Tab – Program Options

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Student Information Student Demographics Screen Displays: Top portion of Student Screen Bottom portion of Student Screen Student Contact Information A student can have more than one contact. If you note an error with the contact information when you are printing invitations/IEPs, etc., please contact the “Excent Help Desk” @ 488-6795 or 488-6947. This is an area that needs to be corrected between the “Excent Help Desk” and the SASI Administrator at your school.

Blue Tab – Program Options

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Access Members/Caseloads The “Access Members/Caseloads” consists of two (2) tabs. The <Student Access Members> Tab and the <Personnel Case Load> Tab. Tab 1: Student Access Members Identifies the individual student’s “Case Manager” and “Team Member(s)”. A student does not have to have “Team Members”, but must have a “Case Manager”. Adding Team Members: Only Case Managers can add/delete team members or reassign a team member as the new Case Manager. When a new Case Manager is assigned, Excent will convert the old case manager to a team member and the new Case Manager must <Delete> the old case manager, if the old case manager no longer has input into the student’s IEP. To add a Team Member, the Case Manager would <Click> on the <Name> Field under the “Add Staff to List”, and select the Team Member to add, and <Click> .

Note: If you do not see the team member to assign, contact the “Excent Help Desk”. The team member you are trying to assign may not be assigned to that particular school. Remember: Only add Team Members who provide services. Attendees to meetings (such as regular teachers/administrators) should not be added as “Team Members”.

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Reassigning an Existing Team Member to be the New Case Manager: 1. <Click> on the Team Member to reassign as the new Case Manager and change the “Status” to “Case Manager” and <Click>

. A “popup” will ask “Do you wish to overwrite?”. <Click> on OK. 2. Have the new Case Manager “Delete” the old case manager, if they no

longer have any input into that student’s IEP.

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Tab 2: Personnel Case Load Lists all the students assigned to that teacher. You can also Add/Delete students from your caseload in the same manner as adding/deleting team members. To find a listing of your caseload, Select the “Personnel Case Load” Tab. Then from the “Personnel Case Load” Screen, select the “Find Personnel” Tab. 1. Personnel Case Load Tab 2. Find Personnel Button

3. List of Personnel 4. Select your name by Alpha list


5. Advance Search for Staff

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6. Once you have selected the “Staff Name”, your caseload will be displayed. Note: If the list of student exceeds more than ten (10) students, you can use the

“<” and “>” to move and display the other students assigned to this staff member. In the case below there are only 5 students as indicated:

5 Records found. Showing 1 thru 5. If there were 20 students, it would indicate 20 Records found, Showing 1 thru 10 < >. 7. You can <Print> your caseload using the Print Button. Please refer to Printing using the Print button, on Page 97 – Working with PDF Files. Personnel Information Personnel Information is used for adding or editing personnel information and school assignments. This is done by the “Excent Help Desk” Office. Teachers do not have access to this tab.

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Placement History This area provides a chronological log of student placements. Placement histories are entered by the “Excent Help Desk” Office. Note: It is extremely important that copies of the proper paper work get faxed to

the Excent Office (488-6552), so updates to the student’s IEP get entered into their Placement History.

Forms that must be faxed to the Excent Office

Consent to Evaluate (Parcon E) Eligibility Determination (P-1) Reevaluation Review (Parcon 14) Consent for Placement (Parcon 1)

Below is an example of the “Placement History” page for a student. Please note that the placement history identifies the Action Date, Disability, State Action Time, and District Action Type.

The following screen display defines what is entered into a student’s Placement History Page.

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Example of a Placement History for Joe Sample: As you can see there is quite a bit of information that is maintained on a student through the placement history. Again, this information is entered by the “Excent Office”. Therefore, it is imperative that correspondence is provided immediately following the action, whether it be a change of placement, dismissal, change of case manager or school, etc. Top Section Middle Section

Bottom Section

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Attachments This feature enables users to add word documents, spreadsheets, PDF files, and many other formats, directly into the student’s Excent record. This is particularly useful for adding copies of previous IEPs (from other schools/districts/states), student work samples used in the evaluation process, behavioral support documents, test results, charts, progress monitoring, etc. Note that there are two (2) attachments for Joe Sample.

Add an Attachment <Click> on “Add Attachment”. You can find the attachment(s) by using the <Browse> option which will browse your system directories. You can also enter a “Description” of the attachment.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Process 21 of 111

Process The Process Section of Excent has to do with “Parent Notification”. As of July 1, 2008, HCS employees are required to use all other letters found on the HCS Special Ed Webpage under “Procedures & Forms”. None of the letters found under this tab, other than the “Letter of Invitation” should be used. Tab 1: Meeting Letters The “Meeting Letters” Form allows you to send IEP invitation letter(s) home to the parent(s)/guardian(s) for notification of an upcoming meeting. To generate a letter of invitation: 1. Select Process from the Form Menu Bar (Blue Tool Bar) 2. Select Meeting Letters. 3. The first screen is the Meeting Letters Summary List that will show all

existing Meeting Letters that have been done for this student. 4. Meeting Letters are listed by Date of Meeting and each Meeting Letter may

include multiple contact attempts. 5. If the User wants to view or modify an existing letter, <Click> on the line of

the letter you wish to edit.

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Tab 2: Creating New Letters To create a new letter for an upcoming meetings, select the “Add New Letter” Tab. The initial <Purpose> Screen will be displayed. There are three (3) Tabs when generating a Meeting Letter.

• Purpose of the meeting – Dates, purpose, contacts • Attendees • Responses

Purpose Tab Top portion of <Purpose> Screen Bottom portion of <Purpose> Screen 1. Enter the First Contact Attempt Date --dates can be entered manually or

<Click> the Calendar lookup button to select the date. 2. Select the Type of contact from the dropdown. Note: The Meeting Letters will print date of the last attempt date entered. Do

not enter the second or third attempt dates until the first Meeting Letters have been printed.

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3. Enter the Person Making the Contact. 4. Enter the Meeting Date manually or use the Calendar lookup button. 5. Select the Meeting Time & Location from the dropdown. 6. The Dear field will automatically populate with the name of Contact 1 (Refer

to the Students Demographics Section, Page 13). If desired, the user can modify this name. If a Contact name does not appear, one can be chosen from the Select box (piece of paper next to “Dear”)

Note: The “Dear” field must be populated or it will default to the student’s name. 7. Enter the email address for the Meeting Letters recipient if it does not

automatically drop in. (Only if the Excent Online Messaging System is being used by your district)

8. <Click> the checkbox to indicate if Procedural Safeguards are to be

enclosed with this Meeting Letter. It is the responsibility of the User to ensure that these safeguards are sent according to district policy.

9. Enter the Purpose(s) of the meeting from the list of options. This can be done

by Clicking the lookup button and selecting the Purpose from the list, or by manually entering the purpose into the Other field. Do not check Other without manually entering a Purpose.

10. Enter the Sender name, title, and phone number manually or by selecting

from the lookup list. This lookup list populates from the team member names listed as Access Members.

Note: You must <Click> the SAVE button at the bottom of this Tab or the Save

tool on the tool bar to retain your work. To return the form to its former state and not retain changes, <Click> Reset. Clicking Reset will cancel out any work done since the last SAVE on this form.

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Attendees Tab Continue to fill out the Meeting Letters by Clicking the second tab, Attendees. The <Attendees> Tab will list all of the people who may need to be invited to attend the meeting. 1. Contact 1, if entered in the Student Information Form, will automatically drop

into the Attendee list. 2. Add attendees using the Add Attendees from List lookup or by using the

manual Add feature. Note: If you have an “Attendee” that you are adding manually, that you would

like to have added to the “Attendees List” for future lookups, please email the “Excent Help Desk”, to have them added.

3. If any of the persons listed do not need to be attendees at the meeting,

Delete the name. Printing First Written Meeting Letters Once the <Purpose> and <Attendee> Tabs have been completed, the Meeting Letter(s) are ready to print. 1. <Click> the Printer Icon from the Purple Tool Bar.

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2. Check the appropriate field on the <Parameter Form> and <Click> . 3. A PDF File of the Meeting Letter will be displayed on your screen. Follow the

directions for printing. If you need assistance with printing, refer to the “Working with PDF Files” Section of this manual, Pages 97-104.

Addressee Address Missing If the PDF Meeting Letter is generated without the contact’s address, contact the “Excent Help Desk” (488-6795 or 488-6947). Most likely the Contact in the Student’s Demographic Record does not have the Mailing Address checked.

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Responses To track parent responses to letters of invitation you will need to select the letter associated to the response. 1. Select Meeting Letters from the Process Tab. 2. <Click> on the current meeting that you wish to document parent response. 3. <Click> on the Third Tab: Response. 4. <Click> on the appropriate radio button(s) and enter any dates, if necessary.

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Printing Second and Third Written Letters for a Meeting 1. Return to the Meeting Letters: <Purpose> Tab. Top portion of Purpose Screen Bottom portion of Purpose Screen 2. Enter the 2nd Contact Attempt Date and Type. 3. <Click> the Save button at the bottom of the screen or the Save Icon on

the Purple Tool Bar. 4. <Click> the Printer Icon from the Purple Tool Bar. 5. Follow directions for printing. If you need assistance with printing, please

refer to “Working with PDF Files” in this manual, Pages 97-104.

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The Process Section contains numerous other letters and notifications. All letters and notifications follow formats similar to the ones stated above. Note: Letters available under Process may vary depending on State and District

guidelines. Be aware of your district’s policies in regards to use of all letters. As of July 1, 2008, HCS employees are required to use all other letters found on the HCS Special Ed Webpage under “Procedures & Forms”. None of the letters found under this tab, other than the “Letter of Invitation” should be used.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Evaluation 29 of 111

Evaluation Assessment Reports As part of the diagnostic process, the Assessment Report Form allows you to document the results of several types of assessments by a variety of professionals. Select <Assessment Reports> from the <Evaluation Section> on the Blue Menu Tool Bar. The Summary List will show a List of Reports already created for the student.

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To Develop a New Report 1. In the section labeled New Report, <Click> the radio button for the desired

type of assessment. 2. <Click> the Select button at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to

the <Referral/Background> Tab. Please note that there are two (2) other Tabs <Tests> and <Observations/Summary/Recommend> accessible from this screen. These will be addressed below.

3. Enter all applicable data into each field on the first screen of the

Referral/Background, using the <Tab> key to move from field to field. 4. <Click> the Save button at the bottom of the Referral/Background Screen

before moving to the next Tab - Tests.

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Complete the “Tests” Tab. The Tests screen contains a summary list of the tests with test dates that have already been entered into Excent Online. 1. To add a New Test result, select the test from the lookup list or enter the

name of the test manually. Note: The “Edit” section of the Test Tab cannot be left blank. The Test Title

look-up box can be set to populate a description of the test in this field. Contact your System Administrator to enable this feature.

2. In order to view the formatting buttons or do any type of data entry or

modification, first choose the Edit button to activate the text screen.

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3. Enter the scores and applicable information into the text field. It can be

modified with the listed formatting buttons. Margins have been pre-set for text to word wrap automatically. Then choose the Update button.

4. Enter the scores/test results into the word processing areas using the word

processing tools as needed. <Click> the Save button and this test will be saved and added to the Test Summary List.

You are now ready to proceed to the <Observations/Summary/ Recommend> Tab. Observations/Summary/Recommend

1. Be sure to fill in Observations and Recommendations, using the magnifying

glass , as needed, which can transfer to the Comprehensive Evaluation Report cover page.

2. Select <Save> after completing the last tab/screen for the form. 3. <Click> the Print Button, to print your report. Please refer to Printing

using the Print button, in Working with PDF Files, Pages 97-104.

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Modifying Tests To modify a test that is already in the list, <Click> on that specific test in the Test List. The test title, date, and information will populate the text field at the bottom of the screen. Make all needed changes in this field, and then <Click> the <Modify> button or the <Save> tool. Deleting Tests

To delete a test in the Test List, <Click> the tool in the Delete column on the same line as the test. Cut and Paste Assessment Information For Users not wishing to use the entire Assessment program to enter evaluation information, it is possible to cut and paste assessment information from Word into the Assessment field of Excent Online. 1. Copy evaluation reports and/or psychological reports from wherever you have

it saved. 2. Log-in to Excent Online and go to Evaluation then Assessment Reports. 3. Pull up student from Find Student (do advanced search) 4. Under New Report choose appropriate report (Psychological, Vision,

Speech/Language, etc.). Choose Select. 5. On this screen complete Report Date, Evaluator, and Title ONLY. 6. Hit 7. Go to the “Tests” Tab of the same screen.

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8. Under Add New Test – give the report an appropriate title “Jane Smith Psychological.” Enter date again.

9. Choose Edit in the next box-- a word processing box will appear (as seen on

Page 31). 10. Make sure cursor is in the box and Paste using the tool bar or use paste from

Word Icon (clipboard with “w”). 11. Choose UPDATE from the bottom of the screen. 12. Screen will go back to “Tests” screen and you should see your data. 13. MAKE SURE TO HIT <SAVE> AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS SCREEN.

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• Functional Behavioral Assessment See Page 40 of this manual for generating “Functional Behavioral

Assessments” under Section II. Present Levels of the IEP Form. Functional Behavioral Assessments are also discussed in the “IEP

Process Manual”, Page 33. The following options should not be used by HCS personnel:

• Reevaluation Review Plan • Multidisciplinary Team Evaluation Report • LD Multidisciplinary Team Report • Tracking

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Individual Education Program – IEP Section New IEP When to use “New IEP”: New IEP is used when revising or starting another IEP after the first IEP for a student has been done in the system and it has been marked IEP Complete. The first IEP marked IEP Complete is the starting point for a student’s online IEP history. From this point on, use the New IEP function for additional IEPs. Until the user completes the first IEP for a student in Excent by using IEP Form and then marking the record IEP Complete does the system know that a completed IEP exists. If the previous IEP was not marked as complete, a message will appear indicating that the record must be completed before a new IEP can be started.

The student’s first IEP should be started using the 2nd option under the IEP Tab >IEP Form. Refer to Page 38 for the IEP Form Options and starting an initial IEP.

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There are two options under New IEP: • Revise or Amend the Current IEP will bring up an exact copy of the last

archived IEP marked “IEP Complete”. All dates and information will be available for revision.

• Begin an Initial IEP or Annual Review will bring up the last archived IEP

minus all the dates related to the old IEP. The new meeting dates will transfer from the meeting letter created.

Again, New IEP should only be chosen when the student already has had an IEP entered into the system and it has been marked complete. If the student does not have an IEP document in the system or the user is beginning another IEP in the system for a student, IEP development starts with IEP Form.

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IEP Form Options The >IEP Form consists of 10 Sections that make up the IEP document. When developing an IEP through the IEP Form, the IEP is in draft mode and the IEP Team Members can work together to develop the draft document. Refer to the IEP Process Manual – Chapter 3: Drafting the IEP to

complete the draft IEP. The following screen displays highlight the different sections of the IEP Form, and items to consider when working in these sections. Section I. Cover Page

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The Cover Page consists of two (2) tabs: Dates and Transition. Dates Screen Transition Tab All students age 13 and above must have the “Transition” Tab completed. Top portion of Transition Screen Bottom portion of Transition Screen Refer to Pages 21-29 of the “IEP Process Manual” of what should be entered into the appropriate fields of both the <Dates> Tab and <Transition> Tab.

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Section II. Present Levels The Present Levels Section identifies the “Academic and Functional Strengths and Needs” of the student. Refer to Pages 30-35 of the “IEP Process Manual” for the contact of Section II. Helpful Hints for the “Present Levels” Section:

• When describing the student’s academic/functional strengths and needs, you can select the text box and enter an unlimited amount of text.

Top portion of Present Levels Screen Bottom portion of Present Levels Screen

• Be sure to <SAVE> . Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) 1. If a “Functional Behavioral Assessment” (FBA) is needed, indicate <YES> 2. Press <SAVE>, a popup window will display asking if you would like to

proceed to the FBA Form.

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3. Press <OK> and the “Functional Behavioral Assessments” Screen will be generated for that student, listing any existing “Problem Behaviors” addressed through a previous FBA.

4. To add another FBA <Click> on the <Add New FBA> Tab and the <FBA>

Screen will be generated. Top portion of FBA screen Bottom portion of FBA screen 5. Key in the entry date of the FBA information and the date of the IEP Meeting,

if the date of the IEP meeting has not already been generated. 6. Key in each area. If you need more space than is displayed, press the text

box to add an unlimited amount of text. 7. <Click> the box and <Click> . This will save the

entries made, but you remain on that page. <Click> on the <Functional Behavioral Assessments> Tab. All the FBA’s for that student will be listed, including the new information just entered.

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8. To continue adding to Section II. Present Levels, select the Present Levels Section from the <IEP Form> Option.

Adding “PRESENT LEVELS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE” Areas: 1. Scroll down to the input area of Type – Academic Achievement/Functional

Performance. 2. <Click> either the Academic or Functional Performance button.

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Area(s) of Assessment a. If “Academic Achievement” is selected, you must use the magnifying

glass to select the Academic Area. If “Functional Performance” is selected you must manually enter the “Area(s) of Assessment.

Academic Area Lookup b. After entering the “Area(s) of Assessment”, enter the “Date”, “Method of

Assessment”, and “Findings”. Note: If “Academic Achievement” is selected, and “Area(s) of Assessment”

is selected (using the magnifying glass ), select the “Method of Assessment” using the magnifying glass . See example of “Method of Assessment” Table lookup.

Method of Assessment Options

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3. Do not forget to select the “Service Category” and check the radio button indicating how the area will be addressed – by providing Special

Education Services Only, Related Services Only, or Both Special Education and Related Services. This will not appear anywhere in the IEP. Choosing an option here will “pull” or transfer this area of assessment to Section V: Services.

4. Mark the “Form Completed” and press .

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Section III. Accommodations/Modifications/Supplementary Services Refer to Pages 35-39 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in Section III. Accommodations/Modifications/Supplementary Services of the IEP Form.

1. Key in each area. If you need more space than is displayed, press the text

box to add an unlimited amount of text. 2. Mark the “Form Completed” and <Click> .

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Section IV. Goals and Objectives The Goals and Objectives section in Excent allows the user to record goals, objectives, criteria and evaluation information for the student’s IEP. Refer to Pages 39-43 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in

Section IV. Goals and Objectives of the IEP Form. Be sure that the goal selected contains all appropriate components (i.e. condition, observable, measurable, and attainable within a 12 month period) as previously described. If it does not, the teacher or related service provider must edit the goal to include all appropriate components. 1. Select IEP from the Blue Menu Bar. 2. Select IEP Form. A submenu of IEP forms will appear. 3. <Click> on IV. Goals and Objectives. 4. The Goals and Objectives form will open displaying two tabs. 5. The first Tab, which is a summary list, is labeled Goals & Objectives List. 6. Any Goals/Objectives already entered into the system will be displayed here. 7. Goals can be modified or deleted from this tab. Just <Click> on the Goal

from the listing.

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8. The second tab is labeled <Add New Goal>. <Click> this Tab to create a new Goal and Objective form.

Top – Adding Goals Goals can be entered manually or through the use of banks if you choose to use the banks provided. These should be used with caution. . NOTE:When using the banks provided by Excent Online, be sure to adapt the

goals and objectives to meet the specific needs of the student and to ensure that the goals and objectives meet district and state guidelines.

Entering Goal Manually 1. Select Bank Field: It is not necessary to select a bank in order to enter a

goal manually. If a Bank is listed in the field, it will not print. It is only there for user reference.

2. Goal Code: Leave this field empty. Goal codes are for use with banks only.

3. Goal Field: Enter the goal into the first field. Use the full screen text tool if needed for additional space.

4. Complete any other fields on this form as needed. <Click> when complete.

5. Scroll down the page to add objectives manually.

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Entering Goal Using Banks 1. Selected Bank Field: Use the dropdown to select a bank from the list. Goal Bank List 2. Goal Code: <Click> the lookup button to see the codes for the goals

associated with this bank. Select the goal desired.

Goal Code

Note: Only one goal can be selected at a time. If you want to use more than one goal, it is necessary to return to the Goal Summary screen and <Click> Add Goals & Objectives.

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3. Goal description: The goal will automatically drop in to the goal text area. Use the full screen text tool if needed for additional space. Modify the goal to meet the student’s needs by adding student name and individualized criteria as required by HCS. See Page 41 of the “IEP Process Manual”.

4. Complete any other fields on this form as needed. <Click> when complete.

5. Scroll to the Objectives section on this screen to add objectives manually, from the bank, or from a combination of both.

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Adding Objectives The IEP for children with disabilities who take alternate assessments aligned to alternate achievement standards, must include a description of benchmarks or short-term objectives. Objectives can be added manually, from the bank, or from a combination of both manually entered and bank selected. Entering Objectives Manually 1. Objective Code: Do not enter. Codes are only for use with banks. 2. Objective Description field: Enter the objective in this field. Use the full

screen text tool to enlarge the text area as needed. 3. Enter appropriate information for all other fields. 4. <Click> the Done checkbox to indicate that all fields have been filled

in appropriately. This will help the user, especially when using banks, to know which objectives have had evaluation criteria and procedures entered.

5. <Click> when complete. This objective will now populate the

objective summary list. 6. Repeat these steps to add additional objectives.

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Entering Objectives by Bank 1. <Click>the lookup icon for Add Objective by Bank. A list of objectives will

appear associated with that bank. <Click> next to each objective desired and choose .

2. The objectives will automatically populate into the objective summary list.

3. Open each objective to enter the student’s specific evaluation information by Clicking on the Code or Objective description.

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4. Objective Code and Description field will drop in from the bank automatically.

Enter appropriate information for criteria and evaluation and <Click> the Done checkbox to help the user to know which objectives have this information entered and which areas still need to be complete.

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Section V. Services Refer to Pages 43-49 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in Section V. Services of the IEP Form.

The Services section requires the User to enter information describing the special education and/or related services that will be provided as a part of a student's special education program to address the academic and/or functional weaknesses identified in the Present Levels of Performance.

Each area of service addressed in the present levels section will appear in the drop down box beside Area of Service. This is where the Service Category section from Section II is of importance. If not selected correctly in Section II, nothing will appear in the Area of Service drop-down box in this section. The Services section consists of two Tabs – Special Education and Related Services.

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Tab 1 - Special Education: IEP Process Manual Discussion – Pages 44-46 1. Select the Area of Service from the drop-down menu. If the Areas of Service

drop-down box does not list an Area of Service from Present Levels of Performance, then a Service Category selection was not made for the Area of Service when it was entered into the Present Levels of Performance in Section II.

2. To the right of the Area of Service field, indicate whether the Area of

Service will be provided as a Direct or Indirect service. 3. Describe the Instructional Delivery that will be used to provide the service.

The description can be a general statement and must be based upon peer reviewed research. Specific methodologies should NOT be stated (e.g., Corrective Reading).

4. Location in which the service will be provided must be identified. 5. Frequency that the service will be provided must be identified. 6. Once all fields are filled in, <Click> to save the details entered. 7. Proceed to the Related Services Tab or Section VI: Testing.

• Tab 2: Related Services – Pages 46-48 in IEP Process Manual • Section VI: Testing – Pages 49-52 in IEP Process Manual

Direct/Indirect Minutes per Week – Pages 48-49 in IEP Process Manual

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Tab 2: Related Services

Refer to Pages 46-48 in the IEP Process Manual for what should be entered into the Related Services Tab, if applicable.

Section VI. Testing Refer to Pages 49-52 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in Section VI. Testing of the IEP Form.

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Section VII. Areas of Consideration Refer to Pages 52-53 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in Section VII. Areas of Consideration of the IEP Form. Section VIII. Consideration for Special Factors Refer to Pages 53-55 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in Section VIII. Consideration for Special Factors of the IEP Form.

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Section IX. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Refer to Pages 55-58 of the “IEP Process Manual” for what is entered in Section IX. LRE Page of the IEP Form. Tab 1: LRE The LRE Section is displayed in the following three (3) screen sections.

• Placement Setting • Placement Options • Environment Considerations •

1. Key in each of the sections according to the instructions on Pages 55-58 in the “IEP Process Manual”

Top Portion of LRE Screen-Placement Setting Middle Portion of LRE Screen School Age (6-21) Preschool (3-5) Other / Placement Options Ages 6-21

Bottom Portion of LRE Screen Preschool Seetings (Ages 3-5) & Environment Considerations

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Tab 2: Team Members 2. Select the <Team Members> Tab to indicate all the Team Members who

attended the IEP/LRE meeting and participated as equal members in the development of the IEP.

3. If you need to add any additional Team Members, you can use “Add Team

Members from List” which will allow you to do a <Team Members Lookup>. <Click> on the .

4. The <Select Team Members> Screen will be generated. You can select

additional Team Members by checking next to their name. You can select more than one at a time. When you have selected the Additional Team Members, <Click> on .

Note: The screen below indicates that there are 40 Records found associated to

this school, but only 10 are displayed per screen. You can use the > to scroll to the next 11-20, etc.

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Replacing Team Members If the current Team Members are different from the most recent Meeting Notice, you have the option of replacing all the team members. 1. <Click> on <Replace Team Members>. 2. You will be prompted with the following popup. <Click> on <OK>, and the

new Team members will be inserted. Section X: Signature Page Refer to Pages 58-59 of the “IEP Process Manual” for a discussion on Section X. Signature Page of the IEP Form.

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Printing the LRE and/or Signature Page(s) You can print the LRE and/or the Signature Page from either the <LRE> Tab or <Team Members> Tab. 1. Press the Print button . The following <Parameter Form> will be

generated. You have the option of printing draft copies of either the LRE Page or the Signature Page or you can print a “Final” copy of these pages.

2. <Click> the of the LRE, Signature Page, or Final and <Click> , and

a PDF File of the options selected will be generated. 3. Print the PDF File. If you need assistance with printing a PDF File, refer to

Pages 97-104 of this manual. Below are examples of the LRE Page and Signature Page. PDF File of LRE Page PDF File of Signature Page

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ESY Eligibility Review and ESY Addendum (Extended School Year) These forms are contained under the IEP Menu and should be completed when appropriate and in compliance with district and state guidelines. Below are screen representations when ESY is applicable to a student’s special education needs. 1. The following is a list of the student current “ESY Reviews”. To add a new

ESY Review, <Click> on the <Add New ESY Review> Tab. 2. The following screen will be displayed. Enter the information as needed. Use

the full screen text tool to enlarge the text areas as needed. Top of Eligibility Review Screen Bottom Section-4. Transition 3. Mark the “Form Completed” and press .

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ESY Addendum

Example of Current Addendum(s) Adding New Addendum When entering a “New ESY Addendum” there are four (4) Addendum Tabs that may be applicable. List of Addendum Tabs

• Goals Tab • Services Tab • Transportation/Materials Tab • Team Members Tab

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ESY Goals Tab 1. To “Add Goals from List”, the goals must already have been created under

the “IEP Forms – Section IV. Goals and Objectives” for this student. 2. Select the goal to be addressed during ESY and press . 3. Do not forget to mark the “Form Completed” and press . ESY Services Tab 1. To “Add Special Education Services from List”, the services must already

have been created under the “IEP Forms – Section V. Services” for this student and identified In Section II. Present Levels.

Drop Down List

2. Do not forget to the entries made for this section.

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Add Related Services from List 1. To “Add Related Services from List”, the related service must already have

been created under the “IEP Forms – Section V. Services” for this student, using the “Related Services” Tab.

2. Do not forget to mark the “Form Completed” and press .

ESY Transportation/Materials Tab Enter the information needed and do not forget to mark the “Form Completed” and press .

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ESY Team Members Tab Adding and/or replacing team members is accomplished in the same manner as defined in the <Team Members> Tab of Section IX. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). See Page 58 of this manual. Enter the information needed and do not forget to mark the “Form Completed” and press .

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Progress Report Excent allows for eight (8) progress report periods for the typical IEP year. Four (4) interim periods and four (4) quarterly periods. Progress notes for a specific period should contain all the notes from all the team members involved. A second team member should not open another period to enter their notes. They should enter their initials and date in the body of the progress note to indicate their specific notes. The following screen displays all the “Progress Report” Periods that have been entered for this student. Note: This screen displays ten (10) reports of twelve (12) reports done for this

student. Use the > to see reports 11 and 12.

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Adding/Modify a Progress Report When adding or modifying a Progress Report the fields below will be displayed. 1. Enter information in the appropriate fields using the <TAB> to move from field

to field.

Example of “Add New Report” Screen 2. Goals must be selected from the Goals defined in Section IV. Goals and

Objectives under the IEP Form. 3. To “Select Goals from List” <Click> the . 4. The system will generate the student’s current list of Goals.

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5. <Click> on the Goal that progress will be described and <Click>

. 6. Add the “Goal Progress” and other entries and do not forget to mark the

“Form Completed” and press . Note: In the example, the goal progress starts with the initials of <COH dated 6/2/08>, followed by the progress. The progress report is continued by <BFK dated 6/4/08> with their comments. Remember, all progress notes must be entered into the same period. Even though you can enter more text, you are limited to approximately 75 characters that can be printed from the Progress Note. Therefore, abbreviate whenever possible. If you want to elaborate, information can be entered into the “Teacher Comment” box, which is unlimited. Progress Notes should be brief. Note the “Comments” the teacher has made.

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Tab 1: Behavioral Intervention Plan The BIP is contained in the IEP Section to be developed based on the information from the Functional Behavioral Assessment in the Evaluation Section. A history of Behavioral Intervention Plans will be displayed on the first screen. Tab 2: Add New BIP <Click> on the <Add New BIP> Tab. This will generate the “BIP Participants” Screen. Adding BIP Participants Adding and/or replacing BIP participants/team members is accomplished in the same manner as defined in the <Team Members> Tab of Section IX. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). See Page 58 of this manual. Do not forget to press and mark the “Form Completed”.

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Tab 3: Adding BIP Details 1. Select the <BIP Details> Tab. 2. Add in the details of the BIP as needed. Top Section of Adding BIP Details Mid Section of Adding BIP Details Bottom of Adding BIP Details Screen 3. Mark the “Form Completed” and press .

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Summary of Performance The Summary of Performance consists of two (2) tabs.

• Present Levels • Expectations/Recommendations

Guidelines and procedures for completing the Summary of Performance can be found on the “Special Ed Web Page – Procedures & Forms – Summary of Performance. Present Levels Tab Expectations/Recommendations Tab 1. Utilizing your “Dropdowns” and the magnifying glass tools to do

lookups, select your entries. 2. Enter your observations, recommendations, etc. 3. Do not forget to mark the “Form Completed” and press .

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Validate IEP Anytime changes are made to an IEP document, the validation process must be done to identify any missing or noncompliant items. To validate the IEP, follow the instructions below. Note: You cannot validate a “Referred” student. Contact the “Excent Help

Desk” to have the student made “Active”. 1. From the Blue Menu Toolbar, select IEP and move down to <Validate IEP>.

Excent will notify you of any changes that need to be made with a red error message. Return to the IEP document and make any required changes. Make sure you <Click> on SAVE!

!!! If you receive this popup instead, contact the “Excent Help Desk”.

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2. Run <Validate IEP> again. If no errors exist, you will receive the following message.

3. The IEP is now ready to be printed. At this point, the “draft” box should not

be checked. This is the final IEP. To print the IEP, proceed to the <Print IEP> option under the <IEP> Menu Option.

Print IEP You can print the IEP at any time for review. 1. Select <Print IEP> and the following print screen will be displayed. 2. If you choose the <Select Standard IEP> Tab, all the forms in the top section

will automatically be checked. You can check the additional forms, or you can pick and choose which forms you wanted printed.

Note: If you want a “Draft Mark” to appear on the IEP, you can indicate it with a

check in that field.

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3. <Click> the button. The System will generate the forms that you selected from the print screen in a PDF format.

4. You can now print the IEP. Remember: You have the option of printing, saving the file, or emailing the PDF

file you have selected to print. If you need assistance with working with PDF files, refer to “Working with PDF Files” Section of this manual, Pages 97-104.

Once the approved IEP has been printed, mark the IEP Complete, if all of the following criteria have been met:

1. After all Access Members (i.e. related services personnel and other appropriate team members writing portions of the IEP) have added their information into the students IEP;

2. After the IEP meeting has been held and a signed document exists;

3. After any additions or deletions made to the Draft IEP during the meeting

have been entered on the Online document, and

4. After all errors reported under Validate IEP have been rectified.

If all of these cautionary items have been followed, the IEP is ready to be marked IEP Complete by following the steps below.

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!!! If you attempt to “IEP Complete” and get this popup, contact the “Excent Help Desk”.

Completing the IEP

1. From the Blue Menu Toolbar, select IEP. Note: Once marked “IEP Complete;” the IEP will now be in read only format.

No changes can be made without initiating the New IEP process. 2. <Click> on IEP Complete. The system will generate the following popup.

3. Press <OK> to proceed. The system will generate the following <IEP

Complete> Screen.

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4. Check that the Parent(s) received copy of IEP. 5. You must indicate one of the two options: ο The parent participated in the IEP Meeting in person, via phone

conference, via telecom etc. or ο The parent chose not to participate. 6. Select the button. Note: If your system is busy, it may take a few seconds for the process to

“Complete the IEP”. You may notice at the bottom of your screen the following pictorial activity. You want to wait until the “Green bars” have finished processing, before exiting the screen.


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7. You should receive the following screen display when the IEP has been completed.

Note: Once the IEP has been marked IEP Complete, it will appear in the read only format, no changes can be made to this document until the “New IEP” process has been initiated.

When a computer is not accessible at the IEP meeting, handwritten changes to the Draft IEP document should be made following the guidelines below:

1. Draw a single line through the words or dates to be changed/deleted; 2. Write the new information to correct the IEP in/above/near the


3. Date all changes/deletions; and, 4. Both case manager and parent (s)/guardian(s) should initial each

addition, deletion, or change.

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Previous IEP Previous IEP lists all IEPs that have been marked IEP Complete for a student. These IEPs can be viewed in Read Only PDF format, and can be printed. Select the “Previous IEP” to view/print and <Click> the button. Note: If you delete a completed IEP, you cannot recover it.

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Supplemental The Supplemental Section consists of eight (8) Sections. The “Parent Contact Log” and the “Access Log” are the only portions of this section that are currently used by our school district.

• Transportation Form • Emergency Medical Information • Parent Contact Log • Access Log • Suspension/Expulsion Log • Forms Generator • Manifestation Determination • Additional Forms

Parent Contact Log It is very important to utilize the “Parent Contact Log” to reflect the efforts in communicating with the parent(s)/guardian(s) in providing the services needed for their child.

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Adding a New Parent Contact Log 1. Any previous contacts will be displayed in the top portion of the screen. This

example indicates that there are five (5) records found. If there are more, they could appear on an additional screen.

2. Add Contact. The current date will be displayed, but can be changed. Use

the <Tab> key to move from field to field. 3. Indicate the time. 4. Indicate the Person Making Contact. The Contact may be manually entered

or selected by using the magnifying glass . 5. Enter the phone number used. 6. Enter the comments/purpose of the the contact. 7. Mark the “Form Completed” and press . Printing a Contact Log 1. If you only want to print a specific date, highlight the “Contact Date” of the

log to be printed. You will not need to enter the date range on the Parameter Form.

2. Press the Print Button on the Pink Menu Toolbar.

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Using this Print Parameter Form 1. If you want to print all the contacts made within a specific date range, enter or

lookup the dates in the From and To fields. 2. Check the Final box and select . A PDF File of those contacts will

be generated. You can print, save the file, or email the file. If you need assistance with PDF Files, refer to “Working with PDF Files” on Pages 97-104.

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Supplemental 82 of 111

Access Log Anytime anyone other than the Case Manager or Team Member reviews a student’s IEP, they should make a notation in the “Access Log” under the “Supplemental Section”. Below is an example of an “Access Log”. 1. Using the <Tab> key to move from field to field, enter the fields as described

above. Some of the magnifying glass fields may or may not be populated. If they are not populated, you can manually enter the information.

2. Upon entering the information, mark the “Form Completed” and

press . 3. You can print individual logs or all logs. To print a specific log, highlight it and

press the Print Button on the Pink Menu Toolbar. To print all the logs, do not select any of the logs. Simply press the Print Button to go to the “Print Parameter” Screen.

4. Check the Final box and select . A PDF File of those contacts will

be generated. You can print, save the file, or email the file. If you need assistance with PDF Files, refer to “Working with PDF Files” on Pages 97-104.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 83 of 111

Service Log The Service Log Section consists of three (3) sections. The “Encounter Log” is the only option of this section that is currently used by Team Members of the IEP.

• Encounter Log – Used to document sessions/services provided to the student by a provider.

• Transportation Log • Medicaid Letter

Encounter Log The “Encounter Log” Tab displays an historical listing of “encounters” or “sessions” with the student. Note: You can “Transfer Services from the IEP”. This option will transfer all

the services from the IEP.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 84 of 111

Adding a New Encounter Service Log 1. To add a “New Service Log”, select the <Add New Service> Tab. The

following Service Log Screen will be displayed. There are several sections to an “Encounter Log”.

• Identifying the Service, frequency, and dates • Identifying the Providers for this service (can be multiple providers) • Diagnosis • Encounter Details

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 85 of 111

2. Enter in the following fields, using the magnifying glass or the list lookup option.

3. Starting with the <Add New Service> Section, below are examples of using

the lookup options for the Service and How Often. Service Lookup How Often

4. Enter in the appropriate start and end dates.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 86 of 111

5. Enter the “Providers for this service” using the . You can select more than one provider, if necessary.

6. Select the “Providers” by checking their names. Scroll through the screen to

select all those providers applicable to the service encounter being entered. 7. Enter the “Diagnosis” using the .

8. Select the “Diagnosis”. Scroll through the screen to select all those

providers applicable to the service encounter being entered. At least one Diagnosis must be entered for an encounter to be added.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 87 of 111

9. Once the Service, Provider(s), and Diagnosis have been entered, the Encounter can be added.

10. <Click> on the “Add Encounter” next to your name. This will generate the “Add New Encounter Counter” Screen.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 88 of 111

11. Enter the fields that are applicable. When you have completed making your entries mark the “Form Completed” and press . If any fields have been entered incorrectly, you will be prompted to correct the field.

(Speech Pathologists may find the following very helpful) • Please complete encounter logs prior to notifying the “Excent Office” that the

student has been dismissed from Speech services, for two reasons:

1) If an inactive speech student is placed with another disability, creating a new IEP, the speech pathologist will not be able to access the dates from the previous IEP to enter the encounter log. (This has happened, and the speech pathologist is required to reference the previous date in the current encounter log).

2) It forces us to create two additional entries in the student’s “Placement History” to reactivate and deactivate the student. Although we do not mind doing this, it is time consuming.

If you are having trouble trying to “Duplicate Encounter”, please contact our office. As changes are being made to network servers at the schools, there are additional restrictions to popup blockers, and Excent uses popups. Therefore, you may have to add the Excent address to your “Trusted Sites”. See “Adding Excent as a trusted site on your computer”, on Page 107 of the “Excent User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Service Log 89 of 111

12. When you have completed making your entries mark the “Form Completed”

and press . You will be prompted with the following popup. 13.Press <OK>.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Tracking 90 of 111

Tracking The Tracking Option is currently not being used by Horry County Schools.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Reports - Administrative 91 of 111

Reports The Reports Section consists of two (2) different reporting methods:

• Administrative Reports – Reports run by those users who have the proper administrative rights.

• Teacher Reports – Reports that are available for teachers to run. Refer to Page 94.

Note: Excent Online comes already formatted with several reports that enable

Users to view and organize data in an easy-to-use, easy-to-read format. These reports gather information on dates, students, and events and categorizes them by variables such as case manager, school, teacher or other value.

Some Excent Online Reports will run on all students in the database or all

students in your caseload, depending on the report. These reports will be labeled accordingly and may give you some options to select the set of students you need.

Reports - Administrative The following reports are available to those users who have the proper administrative rights. Some of these reports are specific to the State Department.

• 135 Day Placement 135 Day Placement Report • 60 Day timeline for Evaluations Tracks students who have received parental

consent to evaluate and eligibility determined within 60 days of consent. SPP Indicator 11.

• Age Disability Report Age Disability Report • BabyNet days until 3rd Birthday District Rpt Indicate days remaining from referral (action

date) until the child’s 3rd birthday. • BabyNet Deadline Report SPP Indicator 12 Tracks Students who have

been referred to district by BabyNet • Complete/Draft IEPs Lists the current IEPs in the system to determine

which ones have been marked as Complete and which remain in a draft state

• Dec 1 Invalid values List of students that have invalid values for Ethnicity, Disability, and LRE Placement

• December 1st Tables 1 & 3 Allows Administrators to extract data for tables 1 and 3 of December 1 reporting.

• Disability & SE Exit Code Updates Shows all active student records having old disability and special education Exit Reason Codes.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Reports - Administrative 92 of 111

Reports - Administrative (Continued) • Duplicate Staff Report Lists possible duplicate staff records where last

name, first name, sex, and birthdate match. • Duplicate Student Report Lists possible duplicate student records where

last name, first name, sex, and birthdate match. • Encounter Data Report Summarizes service encounter information

provided within the specified date range. • Evaluation Tracking: All Field Export Unformatted report that allows the user to export

Evaluation Tracking data to .xls files. Note: When exporting to Excel, choose the “MS Excel 97-2000 (Data Only)” option.

• Evaluation Tracking: Staffing Overdue Rpt. Details the number of calendar days that have lapsed since date parental consent signed when over 60 days.

• Exit By Disability Report Counts the number of inactive students in the system who have exited special education within the specified exit date range, grouping by disability.

• Exit Data extract for Table 4 Allows Administrators to extract data for Table 4 of July Exit Reporting.

• Extended School Year Report Lists the need for extended school year services required for the student based on information entered in the students current IEP.

• Grade by Disability (Age 3-21) Report Counts the number of active students in the system within each race/ethnicity and primary disability category. Based on federal OCR report requirements. Uses disability information from the most recent completed IEP.

• IDEA Budget Report Displays needed student’s info on one report. • IEP Related Services Report Alphabetical list of activity enrolled students

without valid addresses. Grouped by school. • Invalid Address Report Alphabetical list of actively enrolled students

without valid addresses. Grouped by school. • Limited English Proficiency Primary Disability Limited English Proficiency by Primary Disability. • Medicaid Certified Report Displays Medicaid certification status of staff

members. • Medicaid Eligible Report Lit of Students who have Medicaid Number • Medicaid Eligible within Date Range Report Distinct count of students eligible for Medicaid

within the specified date range. • No Case Manager Report List of students who do not have a case manager

assigned in the Access Members page. • No Placement History Report Shows all active students that do not have a

placement history record. • Number of Draft Students by School List the number of students per school that have

draft IEPs. • Old Disability Codes Report Students with Outstanding “Old” Disability

categories. • Parent Participation Report Compare the number of those parents that

participated in the IEP meeting to those that did not participate.

• PCD Initial Services Used to find children first time identified as PCD. Also used as a cross reference tool in finding hard copies of children’s folders.

• Personnel List Report Alphabetical list of personnel in Excent Online, containing ID, email, Medicaid certified, signature on file, and school(s).

• Personnel Profile Report General Overview of personnel information for each staff member entered into Excent Online.

• Placement by Disability Report Placement by Disability Report.

Blue Tab – Program Options

Reports - Administrative 93 of 111

Reports - Administrative (Continued) • Placement History by Teacher and Disability Report from Placement History listing student,

age, and all 3 disabilities by Service School and Teacher of Record.

• Placement History Caseload Contact Report Caseload report with Parent Contact, Medicaid Number, Reevaluation dates, Primary and Secondary Disabilities.

• Placement History Caseload Count Report Caseload Report from Placement History data

with totals by School and Case Manager. • Placement History Exit Data Report Complete Exit report grouped by exit reason from

Placement History. • Placement History Student Disability Counts Names and totals of students with a Disability

from Placement History. • Placement History Students-School/Teacher Report from Placement History of Students by

Service School and Teacher of Record with totals.

• Placement History Student per Disability Report from Placement History by Age and Disability for a given date. The 1st date parameter is not used. Only the 2nd date needs to be entered.

• Race by Disability Report Race by Disability Report • Security Role Level Report Shows Roles and Role Levels for every Staff

Member having access to pages of Excent Online.

• Student List Report Alphabetical list of students in Excent Online, containing ID, name, grade, sex, date of birth, ethnicity, and special education status.

• Suspension/Expulsion Report Summarizes the suspensions and expulsions as entered in the Suspension/Expulsion log.

• Teacher Caseload Report Lists the staff caseloads as defined in the Access Members area of the application.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 94 of 111

Reports - Teacher Teacher Reports The following reports are available to teachers.

• Bus Information & Contact List Lists the transportation information for each student in the teachers caseload.

• Class Roster Report Lists the students currently assigned to the teacher via the Access Members area of the application.

• Contact Labels Allows the teacher to print mailing labels to use for letters sent to a students parent(s).

• Exit Date Report Lists student exit dates/reasons. Includes inactive students with no exit date recorded.

• IEP Review Date Report Lists the date the IEP Reviews are due within the given date range.

• IEP Review OverDue Report Lists the IEP Reviews that are currently past due. • Medicaid Eligible Report Shows Medicaid eligible or ineligible students

(that user has to) for a specified month. • Meeting Schedule Report Lists the meeting currently scheduled for the staff

member based on the participants entered on the Meeting Notification Form.

• Parental Consent 60 Day Timeline Countdown Notification of remaining days until 60 days are up for students with active consent for evaluation

• Primary Disability Report Lists disability information for each student within the staff members caseload.

• Projected/Actual Encounter Report Compares the projected service encounters with the number actually provided for the students.

• Reevaluation Due Date Report Lists the date the Reevaluations are due within the given date range.

• Reevaluation OverDue Report Lists the students whose reevaluations are currently past due.

• Student Reminder Report The Reminder Report simply lists all current student reminders.

• Table 4 Exiting Report Invalids Validation Check for Table 4 Exiting Report mandatory fields.

Generating Reports 1. Select the Reports section from the Blue Menu Bar. 2. <Click> Admin Reports or Teacher Reports selection based on your access


Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 95 of 111

3. <Click> on the radio button to the left of the desired report. 4. Several reports will generate another screen with options of what you want to

print. In the following example you have the ability to “Sort” the report several ways.

5. Select the method of the sort, and select how you want to view the report.

Your options are “Crystal Web Client” or “PDF”. The “PDF” is the most frequently method of generating reports.

6. <Click> View Report. Follow the directions for previewing and printing

reports. The User can choose between Crystal Reports or PDF reports in order to generate and print reports. With either choice, the report will be shown on the screen first. The User may choose to simply preview the report to see the desired information or may need to print the reports. If PDF is selected, Excent will link to Adobe Acrobat for viewing and printing. Refer to “Working with PDF Files”, Pages 97-104.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 96 of 111

Using Crystal Reports At the top of the report preview will be a Crystal Reports Toolbar. The toolbar will show the number of pages in the report, as well as arrows to move from page to page in the report.

• It is possible to move from page to page using the tools or go the first page, the previous page, the next page, and the last page of the report. It will also list the page that the User is on, such as 2 or 3.

• To print out the report, the User should <Click> the Printer icon in the upper left hand corner and follow the on-screen instructions.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 97 of 111

Working With PDF Files

All reports, documents, etc. can be generated as ADOBE PDF Files. You have several options when a PDF File is generated. You can PRINT, Save the File, or Email a PDF File. Refer below for Printing; Page 100 for Saving the File; Page 102 for Emailing the PDF File. Printing using the Print button: This example is printing a Staff Person’s Caseload from the <Access Members/Caseloads> option from the <Student/Personnel> Dropdown Menu. Students assigned to that staff member will be displayed. You have the option of printing your list of students using the Print button, which will generate the “Print Parameter Form”.

This “Parameter Form” may bounce or disappear down to your “START” Menu Line”. Just select from the menu line at the bottom of Your screen to bring it back up.

1. Select . An Adobe PDF file will be displayed.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 98 of 111

Trying to Print from Excent and nothing is coming up on your screen First, check to see if the print file (Adobe file) is on your tool bar at the bottom of the screen. If you cannot bring up the Adobe File or an error message is generated indicating you have a situation with the “Acrobat Adobe Reader”, contact the Excent Help Desk @ 488-6795 or 488-6947. This problem has nothing to do with “Excent”.

• The solution may be as easy as reinstalling the Adobe Reader to the latest version, but,

• In some cases, due to system or network changes, it will be necessary for you to contact the HCS Help Desk @ 488-6811, and have them go in and remotely correct the problem.

When in doubt, call the Excent Help Desk. We will advise you.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 99 of 111

2. You will see several options on your screen when working with PDF File(s). You can Print, Save the File, or Email the PDF File. Refer to Page 102 for emailing PDF files.

Print Save Printing a PDF File


1. <Click> on the Printer Icon.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 100 of 111

2. The Print screen will appear. You can select a different printer, print all or selected pages, or print one or more copies.

3. File in the appropriate fields, using the <TAB> key to move from field to field,

and press <OK> to print the PDF File. Saving a PDF File


1. <Click> on the Disc Icon.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 101 of 111

2. The “Save a Copy” screen will appear, enabling you to save the “PDF File” to your computer. You would save this file in the directory of your choosing as you would any other file.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 102 of 111

Emailing a PDF File You have the ability to email PDF files. The <Email> option will probably not be a default option on the top row. The following steps will illustrate how to email PDF files. If an Envelope does not appear on your <Tool Bar>, compare these two windows.

If you do not have the envelope, proceed as follows:

Adding the Email (Envelope) to your Toolbar Options: 1. Anywhere in the Gray area, Right <Click>.

2. Several options will be displayed. Select <More Tools>.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 103 of 111

3. The <More Tools> Options will be displayed. <Scroll down> until you get to the <File Toolbar> and <Check> Email. Press <OK>.

4. This will insert the <Email> option on your PDF Tool Bar.

Working With PDF Files

PDF Files 104 of 111

To Email a PDF File: 1. Select the <Envelope>

2. You will be prompted to <Send Link>, <Send Copy>, or <Cancel>. 3. Select <Send Copy>. The Adobe Email System will be displayed. You can

search for your recipients in the same manner you use your current school email system. Your Excent PDF File will be inserted into the <Attach…> Field. The screen below displays the “Attachment Options” if selected.

4. Select the <Send> button at the top of the toolbar to send the PDF File to

your recipients.

Unable to Log Into Excent

Unable to Log Into Excent 105 of 111

Turning off Popup Blockers The most common method of removing popup blockers is as follows: -- On the Internet Homepage, go to TOOLS, scroll down to pop-up Blockers.

If it says “Turn off Pop-up Blocker”. Select it. It should say “Turn on pop-up Blocker”.

If you have Google displayed on your Internet screen: If you have a “Google” address line on your screen, and have “Settings” on the very far

right side of that address line. -- Select “Options”. There will be 3 tabs (Features, Buttons, More). -- Go to “More”. The 2nd section “Popup Blocker” should not be checked – Enable

Popup Blocker. -- Select “Apply” at the bottom of the screen. Then select “OK”. See Screen Display

below. If you do not having “Settings”, somewhere on the gray area of the address bar, Right

<Click> and if Google is Checked remove it.

Unable to Log Into Excent

Unable to Log Into Excent 106 of 111

Once you have turned off the popup blockers you may attempt to log into Excent. If you still cannot log into Excent, see the instructions on the next page for “Adding EXCENT as a Trusted Site On Your Computer”.

Unable to Log Into Excent

Unable to Log Into Excent 107 of 111

Adding EXCENT As A Trusted Site On Your Computer

1. Go to the “Horry County School web site”. 2. Go to “HCS Departments” and select the link “Special Education”. 3. Under “Quick Links”, select “Excent Log in”. Excent must be accessed this

way, this time only, to add Excent to your trusted sites. 4. Once you have the “Excent Login Screen” displayed on your screen, select

“Tools” at the top of your website screen. 5. Select “Internet Options”, and select the second tab “Security”. 6. <Click> on “Trusted Sites”. 7. <Click> on “Sites”, and the “Trusted Sites” screen will be displayed, with

the “Excent address line” displayed in the “Add this Website to the zone:”.

8. Before you press “Add”, you must remove the green √ Require server verification …

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. Press “Add”, press “Close”, press “Ok”. You will be returned to the

“Excent Login Screen”. Enter your Login and Password and press “Enter”. <Click> on “Yes” to close the window. You should be in Excent.

Unable to Log Into Excent

Unable to Log Into Excent 108 of 111

REMEMBER: Logging into Excent and holding the <CTRL> key down when you press LOGIN will bypass the popup blockers for that session. Hold the <CTRL> down until you are in Excent.

3) Experiencing New Popup Blockers Some network changes have some schools experiencing a different version of popup blockers. If “Turning off the Popup Blockers” or “Adding Excent as a Trusted Site” do not work, contact the “Excent Help Desk” (488-6795 or 488-6947) for assistance.

Helpful Hints and Notes

Helpful Hints/Notes 109 of 111

Helpful Hints and Notes If assistance is need, email us at: Brad France-Kelly ( Christine Henry ( If you need immediate attention, call us at 488-6795 or 488-6947. Referral Students

• Student must be active to complete their IEP. Therefore, if the student’s IEP is in a referral (Draft) mode, contact the “Excent Help Desk” to make the student active.

• When requesting that a student needs to be added to your caseload,

please indicate the following: 1. Is the student a referral? If so, we need the “Consent to Evaluate –

Parcon E” Form faxed to 488-6552. We need the date the school receives the “Consent to Evaluate”.

2. Is the student coming into the district with an active IEP? We will need to know the student’s current disability. This will allow us to make the student “Active” immediately.

3. Are you the Case Manager? Remember Case Managers can add Team Members to students. Team Members should be those who are providing input into the student’s IEP. Invitees to meetings, etc., should not be team members. They are considered participants not team members.

Active Special Ed Pre-K or Private School Students Enrolling into HCS If you have a student who was being served at another location and are not enrolled into SASI, email us that they are now enrolled at the school. We need to convert their ID to their new SASI ID. This does not happen automatically.

Helful Hints and Notes

Helpful Hints/Notes 110 of 111

Dismissing students from caseloads 1. If you need a student removed from your caseload, if possible, please

indicate who the new Case Manager is. Otherwise, the student will show up on the schools "No Case Manager Report". If you are no longer a team member, the “Case Manager” can remove you from the student’s team.

2. If a student needs to be removed from your caseload, because they have

moved out of district, we will need to know the Exit Date, and whether their new school has requested records. This information is needed for a proper “Exit Placement History” entry to be made.

3. If a student has been dismissed from Special Ed services, we need the date

the student was returned to “regular education”. Trying to Print from Excent and nothing is coming up on your screen First, check to see if the print file (Adobe file) is on your tool bar at the bottom of the screen. If you cannot bring up the Adobe File or an error message is generated indicating you have a situation with the “Acrobat Adobe Reader”, contact the Excent Help Desk @ 488-6795 or 488-6947. This problem has nothing to do with “Excent”.

• The solution may be as easy as reinstalling the Adobe Reader to the latest version, but,

• In some cases, due to system or network changes, it will be necessary for you to contact the HCS Help Desk @ 488-6811, and have them go in and remotely correct the problem.

When in doubt, call the Excent Help Desk. We will advise you. Encounter Logs (Speech Pathologists may find the following very helpful) • Please complete encounter logs prior to notifying the “Excent Office” that the

student has been dismissed from Speech services, for two reasons:

1) If an inactive speech student is placed with another disability, creating a new IEP, the speech pathologist will not be able to access the dates from the previous IEP to enter the encounter log. (This has happened, and the speech pathologist is required to reference the previous date in the current encounter log).

2) It forces us to create two additional entries in the student’s “Placement History” to reactivate and deactivate the student. Although we do not mind doing this, it is time consuming.

Helpful Hints and Notes

Helpful Hints/Notes 111 of 111

• If you are having trouble trying to “Duplicate Encounter”, please contact our

office. As changes are being made to network servers at the schools, there are additional restrictions to popup blockers, and Excent uses popups. Therefore, you may have to add the Excent address to your “Trusted Sites”. See “Adding Excent as a trusted site on your computer”, on Page 107 of the “Excent User’s Guide for Teachers and Staff.

• When working in “Services” and/or “Related Services”, use the Dropdown

and the Magnifying Glass Icons for “Location”, “Length” and “Frequency”. You can no longer write in the Location, Length, and/or frequency. You must use the state department provided tables. There is an exception to the “Related Service” field. You must type in “Speech”, because “Speech” is not an option under the magnifying glass icon .

Error message about “Cover Page” received when validating an IEP. If you attempt to validate an IEP and receive the following error message: “Old disability descriptions are no longer valid; please delete the old disability and select a new one for “Other disabling conditions’ (IEP – Cover Page) This message is generated because Excent no longer recognizes N/A as “other disabling conditions” on the IEP Cover Page. To correct, do the following: On the IEP Cover Page, delete the N/A. Do not forget to SAVE the screen.