Using a CX Framework for Digital Marketing - Best Internet 2016

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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A customer experience (CX) framework for online marketing

Presented by James Gurd


CX is a global marketing focus

Source:Adobe & Econsultancy Digital Trends 2016(7,000 marketing professionals globally)


A conceptual framework for CX

CXBuy now!

Buy again!






CX is the babelfish of digital marketing

CX translates business goals and target outcomes into a customer-facing proposition that is communicated to them in their language and via the channels they want to receive it.

We want new customers = relevant content, customer stops to think We want to grow the database= reward registration + provide compelling reasons

to sign-up We want you to spend more = product bundles, smart merchandising,

personalisation We want lifetime value = use CRM to provide useful, relevant content

and offers to reward loyal customers


Example: unexpected rewards


Building blocks for CX

1. The psychology of customer behaviour

2. Understanding competitors3. Customer profiling4. Creating a customer mental

model5. Aligning comms strategies

with customer needs


1. The psychology of user behaviour

People have different needsYou need to understand what motivates people to act and what people value to create smart marketing campaigns

Motivation Example

Need My laptop needs a new carry case

Persuasion Join more than 4,000 other small businesses

Urgency Offers ends 10pm tonight

Scarcity Only 5 left

Eagerness New iPhone7 on sale on X

Recommendation 3 friends like this on Facebook

Price incentive Lowest price in market

Recommended reading:

The Psychology on Online Persuasion

by Nathalie Nahai @NathalieNahai

Implicit and explicit promises

People can be influenced by any piece of visual or written content.The psychological levers and messaging we use influence people’s behaviour:

Make a suggestion= customer stops to think

Provide reassurance= increases customer’s trust

Appeal to lifestyle needs= customer engages with content

Provide a price incentive= customer is more inclined to add to basket.


2. Understanding competitors

What do they do well? What do they do poorly? Which channels are they active in? Which do they excel in? What do customers respond to the most? What falls on deaf ears?

= what are our opportunities and threats?

Example application:

You find a consistent complaint from customers regarding delivery issues and service support.

You emphasise this in marketing campaigns as a competitive differentiator e.g. ppc call to action


3. Customer profiling

• Who are our customers?

• What do they want?

• How do we talk to them?

• Where do we talk to them?


Case study: The Wine Society

01/05/2023 Level of wine knowledge (experience)

Wine Passionistas(Amateur enthusiasts)

Safe & Reliable / Best Deal

Wine Buff

Dormant Experts / Long Term Loyalists

Uncorked my passion

Rekindled expert

Sommelier in training

Fast track m


to wine geek


l of w







Knowing who they are + what motivates them

Help me to…• Not be intimidated and overwhelmed – I want to feel relaxed

about my membership

• Understand what services are available to me & connect with other members

• Feel confident navigating the range & experimenting

• Find good value deals with expert & peer to peer advice

• Understand what co-op/society really means for me

• Share my passion/pleasure of drinking wine without feeling embarrassed because of my knowledge levels

• Use you as my ‘go to’ for all things wine.

Don’t make me…• Go elsewhere to gain wine knowledge

• Turn to seemingly more accessible retailers / sources for help to purchase & experiment

• Feel that I have to navigate the List on my own & that I have to stick to what I know

• Join local wine groups

• Attend tastings elsewhere

• Attend meetings where everyone else knows far more than me

“There’s not a lot of resources for beginners, just background info on

wines in an overview kind of way.”

“I wasn’t a complete novice I had an

interest in it before”

“I don’t really feel aware that I’m part of a community as such, I do enjoy looking at

your tweets”

“It is quite a daunting booklet if you don’t know much about wine. How would a person choose from 10 NZ Pinot


“I like discovering new wines at tastings, but

prefer these events to be informal


4. Customer mental model

The mental model builds a picture of what customers are likely to want from your marketing and the onward journey

• What is the purpose of each campaign/landing page?• How will customers relate to your content?• If you don’t know who they are, how do you answer these questions?

What do we want customers to do? What do they need to

do this? What is their onward journey?


Case study: RightCall app

Issue: Low activation rates for

mobile app (28%) Low conversion to paying

customer (4%) Key issues:

• Inconsistent messaging in campaigns and app

• UX flaws making users’ journey unnecessarily complex

Solution: Apply a customer mental model to

the app onboarding user flow Redefine the messaging hierarchy Apply to marketing campaigns,

website + in-app screens Measure campaign CTR and in-

app metrics.


Activation rate increased to 86% within 1 week

Conversion to paying customer increased to 40% within 2 weeks

Website bounce rate reduced from >75% to less than 30% in 1 week


Keeping the mental model simple


5. Aligning your comms with customer profiles

If… We know who our customers are What motivates them What competitors do well/poorly What customers need from our

marketing campaigns

Then... We can tailor messaging Choose which channels are best

suited to each customer type Speak to people with the right tone

and information


Case study: Shopfitting Warehouse1. Marketing/

comms structure

2. Messaging hierarchy

3. Brand value messaging

4. Customer level messaging


Key take-aways

1. All marketing needs to be under-pinned by a consistent communications structure

2. Think customer + message first, channel last3. How you communicate to customers via marketing should align

with their needs and motivations4. Most organisations have a diverse audience – learn to tailor your

marketing comms to different customer types.

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