Using Biofuel woodgas pickup truck woodgas tractor Mother Earth News 1 ton of biomass contains the...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Using BiofuelUsing Biofuelwoodgas pickup truckwoodgas tractor

Mother Earth NewsMother Earth News

1 ton of biomass1 ton of biomasscontains the equivalent energy ofcontains the equivalent energy of

5.5 barrels of oil5.5 barrels of oil

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self-propelled trash transformerself-propelled trash transformerfor thefor the

Burning ManBurning Manfestivalfestival

exploring the bio-imitative nature of synthetic "metabolic machines"

and hydrocarbon fuels & foods

120 feet long - 20 feet wide - 25 feet tall 120 feet long - 20 feet wide - 25 feet tall

trash-to-fuel racer slugtrash-to-fuel racer slug

Principals DesignersJim Mason, Dann Davis, Chicken John

Main Collaborators & Sub-Project LeadersDov Jelen, Kiko Almund, Jess Hobbs, Brandi Hugo,

Peef Sadow, Darrel Licks, Peter Durand, Michael Christian, Bear Kaufmann

Project ManagementBabalou, Rachel


Trash - into - GasTrash - into - Gasburning our wayburning our way

to a better tomorrowto a better tomorrow

Cyborg SpeculationsCyborg Speculationsonon

Machine MetabolismMachine Metabolism

powered by biofuelpowered by biofuelTrash - into - gas - mobileTrash - into - gas - mobile

woodgas pickup truckwoodgas pickup truck

traction powertraction power

Using BiofuelUsing Biofuel

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Can biofuel compete with fossil fuel?Can biofuel compete with fossil fuel?Can biofuel Can biofuel really replacereally replace fossil fuel? fossil fuel? As oil prices rise, biofuels become competitive

Profits can be made on co-products

Proportionate primary research funding

Venture capital startup investments

Biofuel refining & distribution infrastructures

Formulate uniform standards & testing

Negotiate carbon trade credit sanction

Using BiofuelUsing Biofuelreplace replace fossil fuelfossil fuel with with renewable energyrenewable energy



Home heating

Food processing & cooking

Hydrogen production

Electric generation

Other useful chemicals

The Key to Energy IndependenceThe Key to Energy Independence

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The Way to Reverse Global WarmingThe Way to Reverse Global Warmingphotosynthesisphotosynthesis to to sequester carbonsequester carbon

The Way to Reverse The Way to Reverse Global HeatingGlobal Heating

RRegionalegional GGreenhousereenhouse GGasas IInitiativenitiative

Form Form New England Biochar & Biofuel NetworkNew England Biochar & Biofuel Network

Implement pyrolysis & biochar to sequester carbonImplement pyrolysis & biochar to sequester carbon

Advocate carbon credit for agriculture under Advocate carbon credit for agriculture under RGGIRGGI

Research making biochar from native resourcesResearch making biochar from native resources

Utilize biochar in farming, horticulture, forestry…Utilize biochar in farming, horticulture, forestry…

Retool farms to operate with biochar & biofuelsRetool farms to operate with biochar & biofuels

Form farm cooperatives to produce biofuelsForm farm cooperatives to produce biofuels

Acquire pyrolysis systems for farms & communitiesAcquire pyrolysis systems for farms & communities

Develop regional biofuel refining & distributionDevelop regional biofuel refining & distribution

carbon-negativecarbon-negative to reverse global “ to reverse global “heatingheating””nutrient densenutrient dense to reverse degenerative disease to reverse degenerative disease

Confronting Our Climate Change ChallengeConfronting Our Climate Change Challenge

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What’s to be done?What’s to be done?If we produce & marketIf we produce & marketfood labeledfood labeled

““nutrient densenutrient dense””andand

““carbon negativecarbon negative””

Anybody wantAnybody wantto make charcoalto make charcoal

this fall?this fall?

Climate Change ChallengeClimate Change ChallengeConfronting OurConfronting Our

will people buy it?will people buy it?22ndnd international conference international conference

Newcastle, EnglandNewcastle, EnglandSeptember 18 - 10

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are you ready for the nextare you ready for the nextPARADIGM SHIFT?PARADIGM SHIFT?