Using CLKD - University of Hawaii System Guide for China Legal Knowledge... · Using CLKD China...

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Using CLKD

China Legal Knowledge Integrated Database



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Corresponding Chinese in different context by calculating from CNKI journal papersChoose one and get back to your search

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Topic Navigation and Searching

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Search Methods

Searching CLKD

Searching Statutes

• Search by act or by article

• Search by field as title, promulgator, keyword, reference number, full-text and prelim

• Define your search by date in format as year/month/date

Advanced Search

Search Marriage and invalid within same sentence in Full-text

Group results by its authority level, effectiveness and application fields

Search your terms in fuzzy or precise ways

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Knowledge Node page for result integrating basic

information of the document, similar laws and regulations, citing laws and regulations,

citing cases, citing secondary materials

Searching Cases

Searching cases

• Searching by fields as court, judge, party name, cause of actions, law firms, keyword, digest, full-text and etc..

• Advanced and basic search

Group results by its nature, case type, trial process ,court level and evidence type

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Keyword and find all cases about the same keyword

Knowledge Node page for result integrating basic

information of the document, similar cases, legal basis,

secondary sources and related cases

Searching Secondary Sources

Browse content by type

Articles with English titles or abstract will show its title in English in the search results

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Knowledge Node page for result integrating basic

information of the document, secondary sources, related

laws and regulations, cases and etc..

Search results in PDF format

Topic Search

• Knowledge Navigation

• Cause of Action

• Promulgator

• Find your topic

Knowledge Navigation(all database)

Civil and commercial law> marriage, family and succession>marriage and family

Cause of Action (cases database)

Find all the case about “divorce”


Find out all the regulations promulgated by Ministry of Commerce

Find Your Topic

Find your topic

Search Your Topics

Type your search term here and click Next

The system will highlight the topics with your search terms

Browsing the Content

Browsing CLKD by its type of content

• Search “comparative law” to find by journal title

Viewing journal by issues

Viewing Individual Issue


• Email:

• Tel: +8610.6279.1819

• Fax: +8610.6279.1944