Using Google Drive for Developing Information Skills in Students

Post on 19-Aug-2014

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At the conclusion of the professional postgraduate programmes at National Institute of Library and Information Sciences (NILIS), all students do not achieve the same level of information skills, especially with regard to ICT. An intervention was proposed to overcome this inadequacy; and a two-fold strategy was implemented to gradually increase the information skills of students following the Masters in Teacher Librarianship (MTL) course. The first part was an orientation, while the second part was integration of ICT into the teaching-learning process. Google Apps for Education was used to improve collaboration between students and teachers. Students were appreciative of the new method of teaching & learning, observation, feedback, and other assessments and showed a rapid improvement in their ICT and information skills.


Using Google Drive for Developing Information Skills

in Students

P.G. Premadasa, P. Ranaweera, U. Alahakoon, and R. Gamage*

National Institute of Library and Information Sciences (NILIS), University of Colombo


Background• Postgraduate Courses @ NILIS, University of

Colombo– Teacher Librarianship (PGTL/MTL)– Library and Information Sciences (PGLIS/MLS)– Information Management (PGDIM/MIM)

Problem• Information literacy level (specially ICT/digital

literacy) not equal at the end of the course.

Literature• Difference between – ICT education and – integrating ICT in context (Eisenberg, 2008, p. 43).

• Google Apps for Education is gaining popularity – based on cloud and – offered free of charge (Sultan, 2010).

Methodology• Qualitative approach, Action research

Orientation programme

Google Apps for Education

Orientation programme• Basic knowledge on libraries– introduction to libraries/library functions– National Library tour

Orientation programme• Technology and information skills

improvement– introduction to GAE– official Email and GAE accounts


Integration of GAE

The teaching-learning process

1. Note taking2. Note making3. Peer evaluation4. Formative assessments/reflective log5. Submission of e-portfolio

Data collection• Student feedback– Online questionnaire– Informal discussions

• Observations• E-Portfolio

Working on Google Docs

Working on Google Docs

Results and analysis• Initial condition– Happy to use English as the

medium of study– English language fluency low. – Not fully confident to

participate actively in discussions.

– Could operate a computer – Not confident in using the

Web based applications.

Results and analysis• The improvement– Using Web apps

confidently– Collaboration– Reflective learning– Eager to participate in


Conclusions/Suggestions• Enthusiasm in using Web based Apps• A sharp increase of information skills• Problem is to allocate computer facilities• Can effectively be used in higher education

References• Eisenberg, M. B. (2008). Information Literacy:

Essential Skills for the Information Age. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 28(2).

• O’Hanlon, N. (1988). Up the down staircase: Establishing library instruction programs for teachers. RQ, 528–534.

• Sultan, N. (2010). Cloud computing for education: A new dawn? International Journal of Information Management, 30(2), 109–116.