Using Social Media responsibly - a talk for parents

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Portmarnock Community School 2013

Donal O’ Mahony@domaho

Developments happen very quickly

Facebook age 9

Bebo / YouTube age 8

Twitter / Tumblr age 7

iPhone age 6

iPad / Ask.FM / Pinterest / Instragram age 3

Snapchat / Google Glass age 2


from presenter at the National Digital Education Summit, Croke Park

Psychological needs then...

Psychological needs now...

Source: Twitter @mdcounselling

Taking Control of the WiFi at home


Some (many?) parents and many schools playing catch


Schools have become more confident with technology and Social Media

Becoming more certain about rules regarding what you do online

Much the same as what you do off-line / face to face

RespectBeing friendly Including peopleAppropriate

A few years ago – people believed they could hide


Not any longerPeople are dealing with bullying online, much the same as they deal with bullying

face to face

Gather the evidence / taking screenshotsSaving web-addresses (URL’s), web-pages

and textsPrinting off pages Telling the truth Supporting their friends

Parents are more aware of their responsibilities

Parents are more tech savvy

Parents / schools are talking to their children

Parents / schools are reporting issues to Facebook...

Parents / schools are reporting issues to the Gardaí

Advertisers don’t want to be associated with bad press

We in PCS want to use more digital applications in and outside school...for


Look at all of the photos you see tonight...

Significant Relevant Statements

We have developed guidelines that we want students to be clear about

They can use digital and certain social-media in school under certain circumstances

Don’t copy...Students should not plagiarise content (copy or

 use as your own without citing the original creator), including words or images, from the Internet

Students should not take credit for things they didn’t create themselves, or misrepresent themselves as an author or creator of something found online


Be sensible...If you see a message, comment, image, or

anything else online that makes you concerned for your personal safety, bring it to the immediate attention ofa teacher if you are at school

a parent / guardian if you are at home

Students should never share personal information about themselves or others, including phone numbers, addresses, PPS numbers and  birth-dates over the Internet without adult permission

Students should never agree to meet someone they meet online in real life without parental permission.

Online bullyingHarassing, flaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing,

tricking, excluding and cyber-stalking are all examples of cyber-bullying.

Such bullying will not be tolerated in PCS

Don’t be mean.

Don’t send emails or post comments or photos with the intent of scaring, hurting, or intimidating someone else

Photos taken without permission within the school or on any of its activities will be fully investigated

Engaging in any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another person, will result in severe disciplinary action...

Never impersonate anyone online – if you are doing so close down that account this evening

In some cases, cyber-bullying is a crime

Remember that your activities are monitored and retained

The school will support students, teachers and parents in dealing with cyber-bullying.

Cool School ProgrammeHurtful





the 21st century web definition is

..........................someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community… with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.... 

Source opendemocracy.net

Don’t Be


And if you are... Suspension of network and computer privileges

Notification to parents in most cases


Counselling / referral

Suspension from school and / or school-related activities


Legal action and/or prosecution

If you would not take a chance doing whatever offline, do not do it online...

Useful places for parentsWebwise – the official website from the

Department of Education and Skills

11 Sites and Apps Kids Are Heading to After Facebook – really good article and up to date (September 2013)

Cyber Safety Advice – a parent from Ireland

Consider instead...

How can I use these media in a creative way?

How can I best represent myself, my hobby, my learning, my music etc, etc?

Some positives for learning...

Resources on

Link from the Scoilnet home-page to Britannica School

Lots of coding opportunities – codecademy

Khan academy USA centric / lots of content

Digital applications do not answer every need...