Using Social Media to Build Your Business. Who am I? Joyce Raby Technology Consultant / Social Media...

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Using Social

Media to Build Your Business

Who am I?

Joyce Raby

Technology Consultant /Social Media Coach

Best Social Media Quote Ever

“Social Media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one knows how. When it’s finally done, there is surprise that its not better.”

- Avinash KaushikAnalytics Evangelist


Second Best Social Media Quote

“Go live among them.”

- Joyce Raby

(if you want to engage your community you must first listen to what they are

already saying)

You Must Listen First

Search Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, and important content sites for:

Organization name, program, services, & key individuals

Competitors' names, programs, services, and key individuals

Choosing Your Tools: Don’t Try and Do Everything at Once

Pick a tool based onwho you are trying to reach

what your supporters are using

what your goals are

how much time you have

Hundreds of tools exist. Don't assume Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace is the right tool for your goal!

Person to person “have you seen us online?”

By newsletter or blog “What do you use to connect?”

Email Survey (just a few questions!)

Website/Blog Survey

(Google Forms works well as a survey tool and it is free!)

What does asking look like?

Always include logo, name, website URL, concise description of your business

Post a variety of content, including content from other organizations (listen and add value)

Participate regularly

Integrate these activities with other marketing efforts

Interact with local and national industry/ community

What does “Good” Social Media look like?

Engaging Your Community

Possible Activities

Ask questions and solicit feedback

Get to know community members and point out items of interest to them

Listen to what they have to say

Introduce followers

Integrate your online & offline activities

Social Media Is a Conversation

“talking” online

Dealing with negative feedback

Content is king

Search engine optimization

It's an Evolving Strategy

Pick something small (what do you want to market?)

Pilot (create and launch)

Evaluate (did you accomplish your goal?)

Adapt/adjust based on feedback and your experience

Do it again….forever.

How to Measure Engagement

Search Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, and important content sites for

Organization name, program, services, & key individuals

Competitors' names, programs, services, and key individuals

Track fans/friends/followers, comments/retweets/likes, web page visits, and so on

Define Your Metric

We learned something about our community we didn’t know before

Number of influential people who tweet about us

Number of nice things tweeted about us

Number of influential blogs that wrote about us

Number of direct conversations we had

Amount of useful, meaningful feedback


We Are Media Project

Beth Kanter


Chris Brogan

Need More Help?

Social Media Audits

Social Media Plans & Strategy

Create/Measure Specific Social Media Campaigns

Joyce Raby,