Using Ultrasound to Quantify Tongue Shape and Movement Characteristics

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Using Ultrasound to Quantify Tongue Shape and Movement Characteristics

Natalia Zharkova, M.A., Ph.D.

Objective: Previous experimental studies have demonstrated abnormal lingual articulatorypatterns characterizing cleft palate speech. Most articulatory information to date has beencollected using electropalatography, which records the location and size of tongue-palatecontact but not the tongue shape. The latter type of data can be provided by ultrasound. Thepresent paper aims to describe ultrasound tongue imaging as a potential tool for quantitativeanalysis of tongue function in speakers with cleft palate. A description of the ultrasoundtechnique as applied to analyzing tongue movements is given, followed by the requirements forquantitative analysis. Several measures are described, and example calculations are provided.

Measures: Two measures aim to quantify overuse of tongue dorsum in cleft palatearticulations. Crucially for potential clinical applications, these measures do not require head-to-transducer stabilization because both are based on a single tongue curve. The other threemeasures compare sets of tongue curves, with the aim to quantify the dynamics of tonguedisplacement, token-to-token variability in tongue position, and the extent of separationbetween tongue curves for different speech sounds.

Conclusions: All measures can be used to compare tongue function in speakers with cleftpalate before and after therapy, as well as to assess their performance against that in typicalspeakers and to help in selecting more effective treatments.

KEY WORDS: cleft palate, cleft palate speech, lingual articulation, measurement, tongue,


Experimental studies of cleft palate (CP) speech have

suggested that impaired development of tongue function, as

well as structural abnormalities, can limit the ability of the

tongue to make fine adjustments required for producing

fully intelligible speech (Hardcastle et al., 1989). Many CP

error patterns include lingual misarticulation (Grunwell,

1993; Gibbon, 2004). The main articulatory technique that

has been used in research and treatment is electropalato-

graphy (EPG) (Gibbon & Lee, 2011), which records the

location and size of tongue-palate contact but not the

tongue shape. Information on tongue shapes can be

obtained with ultrasound tongue imaging relatively easily

compared with other imaging techniques. Ultrasound has

been used in speech research for the last four decades (see

Lee et al., in press, for a review). Several recent publications

have reported results of visual feedback therapy using

ultrasound (Bernhardt et al., 2003; Bernhardt et al., 2005;

Bacsfalvi et al., 2007) and of qualitative ultrasound analysis

of CP compensatory articulations (Bressmann et al., 2011).

No quantitative measurements of CP speech in research or

therapy have been reported yet. Using ultrasound-based

measures of tongue function in addition to established

techniques in speech therapy will help to improve

diagnostic accuracy, which would allow more effective

treatments to be selected. The present paper describes

several measures based on tongue contours that could be

used to quantify abnormal tongue patterns in CP speech.

Ultrasound does not require anything to be inserted into

the speaker’s mouth. When the transducer is placed below

the chin, an image of the tongue outline is displayed on the

screen (see Fig. 1). The image in the figure is midsagittal,

the area just below the bright white line is the tongue body,

and the anterior part of the tongue is on the right. The

shadows of the hyoid bone and of the mandible are shown

as dark areas. The tongue tip may not always be visible on

ultrasound scans because it can be obscured by the air

below it or by the shadow of the mandible. When scanning

the tongue in speech, ultrasound does not normally image

any structures in the vocal tract other than the tongue, so it

is impossible to use any of these structures as a constantly

present reference for quantitative analysis. In order to

quantify the difference between two or more tongue curves,

Dr. Zharkova is Research Fellow, Clinical Audiology, Speech and

Language Research Centre, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh,

United Kingdom.

Supported by an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

research grant RES-000-22-4075. The data used in the paper were

collected by the author within her Ph.D. project (Zharkova, 2007),

supported by a Ph.D. studentship from Queen Margaret University

College (2003 to 2006) and ESRC research grants RES-000-22-2833 (2008

to 2009) and RES-000-22-4075 (2010 to 2011) to the author.

Submitted August 2011; Revised October 2011; Accepted November 2011.

Address correspondence to: Dr. Natalia Zharkova, Clinical Audiology,

Speech and Language Research Centre, Queen Margaret University,

Queen Margaret University Drive, Musselburgh EH21 6UU, East

Lothian, UK. E-mail

DOI: 10.1597/11-196

The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 50(1) pp. 76–81 January 2013’ Copyright 2013 American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association


they need to be within the same coordinate system. For a

given speaker, consistent positioning of the tongue in the

same coordinate space can be achieved by stabilizing the

ultrasound transducer in relation to the head over a

number of repetitions (Stone, 2005). It would be a big

advantage for therapy if meaningful measurements could

be taken without the need for head-to-transducer stabili-

zation. One way to make such measurements is to use data

from a single tongue curve, rather than from multiple

curves. The next section proposes two simple measures

relevant to CP speech, which are based on a single curve.


Many errors in CP speech can be explained by an

abnormal position of the tongue, largely confined to the

upper posterior area of the oral space, and overuse of the

tongue dorsum in articulations (Lawrence and Philips,

1975; see also Hardcastle et al., 1989). This behavior of the

tongue has been termed lingual assistance by Trost (1981)

because the high tongue body posture can help a speaker

with velopharyngeal insufficiency to produce consonants

that require build up of pressure inside the oral cavity. The

raised and retracted tongue position has generally been

attributed to a habit developed before surgery. Compensa-

tory movements of the tongue are usually detected by

auditory analysis and/or transcription, both of which are

subjective methods. Cleft palate speech contains notori-

ously complex phonetic material, which leads to low

intertranscriber agreement (Howard and Heselwood,

2002). Important drawbacks of x-ray and EPG, both of

which have also been used to detect compensatory

articulations in CP speech (Gibbon and Lee, in press), are

that the former is hazardous to health and the latter

requires patients to wear artificial palates. Ultrasound can

overcome limitations of all these methods. Bressmann et al.

(2011) carried out a qualitative ultrasound analysis of

midsagittal tongue contours in five speakers with CP

and concluded that ‘‘ultrasound provides useful diagnostic

information for the analysis of cleft-type compensatory

articulations’’ (p. 4). In addition, and very important,

ultrasound can be used with infants and toddlers (Suzuki et

al., 2006; Gick et al., 2008) when the transducer is handheld.

Two measures described below aim to directly assess the

extent of tongue dorsum involvement in articulation.

Crucially for clinical applications, both measures do not

require head-to-transducer stabilization because they are

based on a single tongue image. The scans necessary for

both measures can be obtained in the clinic, even with a

small portable ultrasound scanner. During the recording it

must be ensured that the entirety of the curve located

between the shadow of the hyoid bone and the shadow of

the mandible is present in the image for the speech sound(s)

to be analyzed. The tongue contour between the two

shadows is then traced and represented as a series of

x-y points. The calculations are performed using R (R

Development Core Team, 2011). Each measure is based on

a series of x-y points for one tongue curve. Euclidean

distances are used for calculations. Illustrations of mea-

surements are provided in Figure 2 for two consonants, /k/

and /t/ (from the syllables /ka/ and /ta/, respectively), and

the vowel /a/, all produced by the same adult male speaker

of Southern British English, without speech disorders. The

data to be assessed were collected upon ethical approval

obtained following standard procedures at Queen Margaret

University. Informed consent was obtained from all adult

speakers and parents/caregivers of child speakers.

Dorsum Excursion Index (DEI). A straight line N is

traced between the ends of the curve for a given speech

sound. The middle of N is defined. Perpendicular lines to N

are traced from each point on the tongue curve. The

perpendicular line that crosses N at the midpoint of N is

identified (the solid line D). D represents the extent of the

dorsum excursion in relation to the tongue front and back.

The point at which D crosses N is labeled ‘‘1’’ on the

graphs. DEI is computed as the ratio of D to N. The

greater the value of DEI, the more the tongue dorsum

excursion, and, in the case of CP speech, the more its

potential overuse. In the examples, DEI is 0.50 for /k/, 0.26

for /t/, and 0.33 for /a/. The dorsum is most raised for /k/.

The consonant /t/ requires the tongue tip and blade rising;

whereas, the dorsum during /t/ in this vowel context is

rather low for typical speakers of English, hence the lower

DEI value for /t/. It needs to be pointed out that D and

consequently DEI could potentially be slightly affected (in

most cases reduced) if some of the anterior tongue is

missing from the ultrasound image, as may be the case in

speech sounds that require the tongue tip to be high and

advanced. However, any such influence would be too subtle

to affect larger scale differences due to the tongue dorsum

position change. For example, using the data from Figure 2

and performing calculations on the portion of the tongue

curve not including 1 cm at the front, DEI is 0.46 for /k/,

0.22 for /t/, and 0.31 for /a/.

FIGURE 1 An ultrasound image taken at the middle of the consonant /s/

from /sa/, produced by a boy aged 10 years 10 months, a speaker of Standard

Scottish English. The anterior part of the tongue is on the right in all

the figures.


Tongue Constraint Position Index (TCPI). When thetongue dorsum is raised to the position for /k/, in typical

speakers it is expected to be the furthest part of the tongue

from N. The longest line between the tongue curve and N,

parallel to D, is referred to as L (the dashed line). The point

at which L crosses N is labeled ‘‘2’’ on the graphs. The

TCPI is the proportion of (N/2) taken by the distance

between D and L (i.e., the distance between points 1 and 2

on the graphs). The greater this distance, the less likely the

dorsum is to be the active articulator. Positive and negative

TCPI values mean, respectively, that the most constrained

part of the tongue is further forward or further back in the

mouth. In the examples, TCPI is 0.03 for /k/, 0.19 for /t/,

and 20.12 for /a/.

During speech sounds not involving the dorsum as active

articulator, such as alveolar consonants, speakers with CP

who overuse the tongue dorsum are expected to have higher

DEI values and lower (with more negative) TCPI values

than speakers with no speech disorders or speakers with CPwho do not overuse the tongue dorsum.


Evidence from tongue-palate contact patterns suggests

that speakers with CP may have reduced tongue shape

range and complexity (for a review of EPG studies

reporting abnormal tongue patterns, see Gibbon, 2004).

Cleft palate speech is also characterized by high within-

speaker variability (Yamashita et al., 1992; Howard, 2004;

Bressmann et al., 2011). Three measures described below

aim to quantify variation in tongue shape and position, in

space and over time. These measures are based on

comparing sets of curves, so they require head-to-trans-

ducer stabilization. In the absence of a stabilizing device,procedures of signal processing need to be applied after

recording (Mielke et al., 2005), which would place tongue

curve data from different repetitions or from multiple

sessions of the same speaker in a single coordinate system.

Tongue Dynamics. When two consecutive sounds require

contrasting tongue positions in the midsagittal plane, a

certain amount of tongue movement is expected in typical

speakers. For example, the transition between the conso-

nants /k/ and /l/ in the word clown requires simultaneous

raising of the tongue tip and lowering of the tongue

dorsum. Speakers with CP may substitute glottal or

pharyngeal articulations for lingual articulations. This

may be one of the reasons why proportionately less

movement and/or abnormal timing could be expected

in CP speakers (Gibbon, 2004). Figure 3A and 3B show

tongue contours throughout the consonant /s/ (at equal

intervals, 10 milliseconds each), from the sentence ‘‘It’s asea, Pam,’’ produced by an adult female without speech

disorders and a typically developing boy aged 10 years

11 months, respectively. Visual observation suggests that in

the adult, more movement occurs in the second half of /s/

than in the first half; whereas, the rate of tongue movement

during the consonant in the child is more even. Using the

nearest-neighbor distance method (Zharkova and Hewlett,

2009), mean nearest-neighbor distances are calculated

between consecutive pairs of tongue curves in Python

FIGURE 2 Single tongue curves from the middle of three speech sounds.

A: /k/. B: /t/. C: /a/. All three sounds were produced by the same speaker.

Individual data points in the tongue curves are plotted as empty circles.

Explanations for the labels are provided in the text.

78 Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, January 2013, Vol. 50 No. 1

(Lutz, 2008). In order to achieve normalization for time

across speakers, x-y values for the tongue curve data from

the same number of curves (17 in this example) are used for

each speaker. An array or a sum of these distances can be

analyzed, to provide, respectively, information on the

dynamics of tongue displacement or a number representing

the total amount of tongue travel. In this example, for

establishing whether the difference in tongue movement

rate in the two halves of the consonant between the two

speakers was statistically significant, an analysis of vari-

ance (ANOVA) was carried out, comparing the amount

of tongue displacement in 16 individual intervals with

independent variables Speaker (adult versus child) and Half

(first versus second). Table 1 presents the sum of displace-

ments, in millimeters, in the first and the last eight intervals

of /s/ for each speaker. The ANOVA showed a significant

interaction between the two independent variables (F1,28 5

6.34, p , .05), suggesting that the tongue displacement

during /s/ in the adult was indeed less even than in the child.

Table 1 shows that the absolute total amount of tongue

travel during /s/ was greater in the adult than in the child.

For comparing the total distance traveled by the tongue

during /s/ across speakers, a normalization of all distance

values for vocal tract size needs to be carried out (the

procedure is described in greater detail in Zharkova et al.,

2011). The normalization procedure consists of two steps.

First, tongue length values, in millimeters, are calculated

for all speakers. The measurement is carried out on the

imaged tongue surface between the shadow of the mandible

and the shadow of the hyoid bone. In order to minimize

any possible differences across speakers in the imaged

tongue length, this measurement needs to be consistently

carried out on the tongue contours of an open vowel (/a/).

When producing such a vowel, the tongue tip is low and

therefore likely to be present in the ultrasound image; the

larynx is also relatively low, thus maximizing the imaged

tongue contour to the front of the hyoid bone shadow. A

speaker with the greatest length of imaged tongue surface is

identified, and the tongue length value for each speaker is

expressed as a proportion of this length. In the example

from Figure 3, the tongue length for the adult is 80.30 mm,

and the tongue length for the child is 61.71 mm.

Proportionate tongue length value for the adult is 1, and

for the child it is 0.77. In the second step, the total distance

values are divided by the proportionate tongue length

values, separately for each speaker. The resulting numbers

are 9.74 mm for the adult and 6.88 mm for the child.

Variability. Ultrasound data capture variability in

tongue position across and within speakers very accurately,

unlike perceptual analysis. The measure of token-to-token

variability illustrated below is based on distances between

tongue curves from a number of repetitions of the same

speech sound. A more detailed description of this measure

can be found in Zharkova et al. (2011). Figure 4A and 4B

display tongue curves from the consonants /s/ and /#/,produced by a woman and by a boy aged 6 years 4 months.

Both speakers have no known speech disorders. The curves

for /s/ are more tightly packed together in the adult than in

the child. In order to quantify this difference, mean nearest-

neighbor distances are calculated between all /s/ curves,

separately for each speaker. They are referred to as within-

set distances (WS). The number of WS distances equals

(M 3 (M 2 1))/2, where M is the number of curves in a set.

In this example, there are 10 repetitions of each consonant,

so we obtain 45 WS distances for each speaker. For the

adult, the mean WS is 0.94 mm, and for the child it is

1.74 mm. Given that the tongue is substantially shorter in

the child, we would expect smaller WS values in the child

than in the adult if the two speakers had the same extent of

FIGURE 3 Tracings of tongue curves in speakers of Standard Scottish

English; successive tongue curves over the consonant /s/ from /si/. A: Adult

data—the first 11 tongue contours are in solid lines, the last 10 tongue

contours are in dotted lines. B: Child data—the first nine tongue contours

are in solid lines, the last nine tongue contours are in dotted lines.

TABLE 1 Amount of Tongue Travel (in mm) During the First

and Second Halves of /s/, as Well as the Total Amount of

Tongue Travel During /s/, in Two Speakers

Adult Child

First half of /s/ 2.83 1.98

Second half of /s/ 6.91 3.32

Total amount 9.74 5.30


token-to-token variability. Thus, obtaining significantly

greater WS distances for the child allows us to conclude

that there is more token-to-token variability in the child

than in the adult, and we do not need to carry out

normalization for differences in tongue length.

Separation of Tongue Curves. The ability to separate

tongue postures for different sounds can be crucial for

making perceptually important contrasts, such as between

the consonants /s/ and /#/. In English, /#/ has a higher and

more fronted tongue blade position than /s/. The sets of

curves for /s/ and /#/ in the child (Fig. 4B) seem to be less

separated than those in the adult (Fig. 4A). Mean nearest-

neighbor distances between each curve in one set and all

the curves in the other set (across-set distances, AS) are

calculated, separately for each speaker. The number of AS

distances equals M 3 M, where M is the number of curves

in a set. In this example, we obtain 100 mean AS distances

for each speaker. The mean AS value is 6.69 mm for the

adult, and 4.50 mm for the child. The greater the AS

distances, the more separation there is between the tongue

curves for /s/ and /#/. However, greater token-to-token

variability, as in the child /s/, also increases AS distances.

To account for any such influence, AS distances between

/s/ and /#/ are divided by the average of /s/ and /#/ WS

distances (to simplify the explanation, only the means

were used in this example calculation). The mean values,

representing the extent of separation between /s/ and /#/curves, are 6.93 for the adult and 2.88 for the child.

The measures described in the present paper could be

used to compare tongue movement patterns in people with

and without CP, to compare tongue positions before and

after intervention, or to assess whether reduction in

variability after therapy has occurred. Research studies

need to be carried out, in order to provide sufficient

amount of data from speakers without CP, as well as data

from speakers with CP who do not have speech disorders.

Several other ultrasound-based techniques for lingual

articulation analysis could potentially be applied to CP

speech. They include measures of midline tongue grooving,

anteriority in the midsagittal plane, and asymmetry in the

coronal plane (Bressmann et al., 2005), and the smoothing

spline ANOVA technique aimed at identifying parts of the

tongue where significant differences between two sets of

curves occur (Davidson, 2006; see also Mielke et al., 2010,

where the technique was adapted to assess the extent of

differences between sets of curves). The ‘‘differentiation

index,’’ addressing complexity in tongue shape (Gick et al.,

2008), could also be applied to CP articulations, particu-

larly where glottal or pharyngeal substitutions result in the

lack of tongue shape complexity. All these methods could

be used to complement the measures described above.

Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Fiona Gibbon and two anonymous

reviewers for extremely helpful comments and suggestions to the



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