Utrktn^ Halleg doumr - Internet Archiveij . Vobscriptloii, $1.59 • 70. W . Utrktn^ Halleg doumr...

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    Vobscriptloii, $1.59 • 70W

    Utrktn^ Halleg doumr *^y***^ *• Ml* A#rane«ni«ol tt IlM Better Thinci) for Monpio CountT and ffert LIlMrtj

    Aiwa)* In Advance



    In an clltorlul annl Hi „f *'''*■'*'*’LIBERTY SCHOOL NOTES • ' ' ■ - - | SPENDINO FOR M AR KE-EMri.OYMENT HITl ATION | TOBACl 0 IT T < AMI’AION

    A Date In ‘’niltory"’’'" ho” mnRaa’lne.....rWoTl'lirr"''’ I" K"*'-*' ‘-n "llllon Ih.ttlnB mon to work m Morgan I In Mor-

    •‘Bnalneaa W^k" remln.N na that Tho hlah aohool .,„ono,I it* ,ocond o.l I* «, t i J It" i I" J-nur cortalnly oounty 1* not aat h an o«*y task as 7'> I ollll I I 'I'.. I SKtl..... .......s I..S .1. t. ■ ... I 11^ liny Ki'Mip miii'mic 11*^ iim „i..i *..•* 1.. ■ . ■ . n • , . . . .. ir - • . 1 i i | .* shgre In It Malr ,n,.„ al .\ge,nj In eltattel I-riday malls have I.. ehan-ge,|. To hobi thing, that w.-n. Into ,b,. .. ,,f ... .sd,.-SK, This mon.-v Is In ,h,.

    "These an. not ideas, but 1. Is u:77"i;is 7'"vVr "P Vd "•'■■ 'P-- " P--. f.,r,„ „f „ g.,v,.rn,„e,„ , lo’-eU an,. Is '■P'^i "..ward, a new thing to hav,. then, gem-rally ,.7 , i ., 7,. , nl, P "'p'^p U'"Pi(m' . obi .I hunger of manv '' "• .. "’est

    behind .Ml.V. whl.-h s.-ts tnlnlmum 7,7, M-K'»zle. .Vle.-ne In k.s ,dng wi h I n.le .Sams mail onr fern, of -government atal our so- .-otamitte,- is .. to ,-over' -

    stn„.lHr.ls of hours and wages In " ■-' ■-p'-.v. .-lal strm-tut-e. ,air b-lh-f In ourselves.; more horn. - with same pro„-,-,|on ' ....•" .MEETIVD ilimtrv titiil iitUMiiim tn muki* *\vvinu i»f ili-tiMiirar.v aixl niirj -- nuuliir of rln* .lunior riilcK for comiH'titloir* /**' •'**''* '*''»>■'> SKWINii (IKCI.K .MKKTS visimi uf t!ic haiipiiioss atnl ' Cask,-., eiirolU-il Hire,- Wi-ek,s ■■- "p ' "'gPsoii. .Mrs, l.iUle M.-k-; .... ..... .u ago. -Via Ih-nton. Mrs. Itissle 1.,.,

    Ida's riMim.

    WRE.STI.IMi .M \T( II

    otlb-r inatehes. Si-IiihiI anditoriiim.

    Toiiiglil. Thiirsilii.v. ,lim. 18

    «ien. Adiu. i's-. Hlngshh- d(k-. I.ailies. Dei-shel I'alriek. .Iiiiihu- Ill-own. “'“d I 7i".toi,.7' \i-"" ' "'P’ '"‘"P HicPed Inio a , ,n-|ise— 'P‘ brum-h. wi-r,- >,-ni | ,-,uui,-il. Fast Slat,, ... .| It

    ehole,, of seats, l-.-s-. ''hiblren In,,. It,. Hoorn- Fanlkn,-,- have .-.-Inmcl . 7,,, 7 , th.-se are net. in anv .s-onomv. iltvb f'P- "" 1“ p ’•'"p'' "»•'■ P»d l lu-1 Muni.-r. lt,-v. Ilarl.-n Mnt-phv. fo,,,,- Meekly ..rograms will ho otfered. „, Ml.ss Keeton's ... after several ..‘.Vrb.L “ ." ■I' Pd P.-...lm-lng ..s'. The.v ore wlmt 'aX.-n th,- horn,- .d' hU . ll„r W. I., Mnrrav. .Norman' Hnllett.

    ,l.-i.vs ahsenee. Ti,.. i,...,,.. s . ee i< . . I "”r billions I.,,nghi In the W,u-hl w-nr. PPPber as so it as il,,- impii-si w-.is I.m-iaii II. lt,-,-.l. F, S. Hr,.ng. and A dis-ent people should muke for Hh-nn Hrown. Mntlon Fugate, M,trie „ 7. ''"'“'■"p"'" , To.lav we an- s....,„Iing hnihl Iothers pnrtieipaf,-,!.

    fliemseivcs a dwent government. l antrill. nnd Ileh-ii Elam are aUseiit ' ra"'v";P an ,-nJ.,,uil.le w-,. a,-,- hnil.lloe hi,.i,w„vs ,.n.i " 'eem,-,l that Ib-verl, hail been -

    idi’iir? north end of town, d\in;» of a uuiixhot local conneii'x tenm ix not hcvotid the

    ' There i.x Sill! iiiioilter aiiule to it. .Mr. (Imx*. ],:id I.. lely Inti-I m hool ii-e,

    'Rhe moiier wo x.i,.nt in 1!>I7 and 1111 n re.* • i i i nu folbwvliiK xx week-^. lilt* course ^ i 'b'bm b Muli. lt\e.x at .MonheaU. 1.0*011 iiH.% lo.xi. election Uayl—l.os Aiiuu-les I lines. . , - Nl, . ,.i .. n.-ic. r ....

    FROM the cow DARM \ BY


    hired I I jm,* oSf •• A Kl

    - iMi i

    „H.v lo...r:;'" .v"*". '".m"""’ "" Ul''*'***'***' M“*vheau. ^ rni 1.0*011 iiH.% m.xi. election Uayl—l.os Anuu-les limes. ^ I .. .. , o / —^ ntenUcil for RerKi iih wlm Imve tlni-xtii*! \ * *''' nl'*' ie.ixis lom .sons anil one j

    Th,- eighth gfaili- hail only one ah- lliinie front '11-11, ''boar.- m.t i-mploye.l j "PP*"Pei' ^x,s_/ i-ni-i- dining 111.- fourth month. nml iinl attending i-olleg.-. Tuition Is ^ 1 oin .\iliiins ..f S|iaw-s ('i-.-.-k. nephew-| CrttK

    MIhit-i-d .Miii-iay of ihe elghih gradi .'D's. Itlssle Eykins of Caniiel city t'l'ee nml Ihe eiaii-se will .-ari-y i-.-gnlar 'll■'■ense.l. 'I'. II. Cuskey. ami £xteaitoo vas an lioiioi- i-.dl laipll eaeh moiii/ r.-eenlly lelunieil home after a visit i-olleg.- eveiMts. ' usk.-y, la-r nii-i-e. of this iihn-c, Seraite

    ■f Hie llrst .semester. f wlHi li.-r daaghl,-i-. .Mrs. II. W. Stacy, - utleml.-,l the fiiaei-iH Frlila,.

    The yiiidls of Hu- eighth gt-a.Ie i/i-e ami famil,y. of TliUop. Mrs. I.ykliis nml Selnisliuii Kiilerliiiiis -'D's. Ihi.ri.shiiry wus ,,uli.. aellve ia„-„ eii hlowln ,.It hi/, hands t.-w warm

    very Inlerestial in their work on ^tiok- -'i™. Slii.-y w-eni for a visit iiinong W. 11. S.-hasHun hu.l eliiii-ge of the *p P'""* b.-ullh w-lthln Ihi-ee days _| p-n |,,, .-Is llliisti-uHiig the pm'ms of yTlie rehillves nnd ft'leii.ls at .Vshlninl. nnd |ii-.jgniin given tin- Ashininl Itotai-y '“p’ 'b'n">. Shi- wits a sweet Chi-ls- |||j^ dnij,

    Hnllding of the Shin" nnd '(Snow-- also visited Hielt- ri-latlves, .Mrs. ,J. II. .-hih Monday evi'iiliig at the Henry *'bjii-a

  • PAGE TWO WcHl Liberty, Ky., Jantinry 18, 1034

    (Fltr (Einimr It d .ter Commissioner’s Sale Master Commissioner’s Sale Convict Ship Snecntt

    TItn ronvirt ship Sucro«« wns btiHt by lilt* ptvormiioni In 17JH) at MiMiliiitiin. KiiHt Intlioti. WImui Ihe lonvli't !»I»lp wyvtfTn wjis nbnlinht^tl the

    wfiM and sunk In Syd- lu'.v harbor, Anstraliii. anti lay thore for tlvt* yonr«. It wa» mjhstHiuontly rnlsptl to Horve as an tthjoot U’s.l I;-,!*, , . IteUI Lumber ( omptiny, a eorporation. rho«ipiui(e fertilizer was left off a IMaintliT

    part ot the land, and eontlmied on vs. Notire of Sale anollit-r part. There was little reduc-- Minnie .lehnson, eir.. Oefendants

    ti..n In .vl..|,l «ln.,r ih,. rprtlli*. r wn« "f ■> '">'1 "fli-f ^ of sale of the Moruaa elroiilt eourt.

    ..mlti.Ml, I Ills « ,,« H im ... r..,„|..i,.,i ti„. ...nr i,.nn. lia!, |V,.vrn v*nrs of pi’i>dmers laii d'» !•» Indp them lowing d«*.scrlUd pniprriy. to wit: •«r|>es at this time N t.. participate ini .\ rerlaln trael or parcel of land ilto prodiietlon ad.ln'*!meiit t»roi:ram. ^.'ing and l» lug in llie eounty of Mor-

    J gall and in tlio ••tnie of Kf'iiftiekv on '•.ays a stat-iii-iii fi-iii .1. II. IliiN-ii.

    ellief (»f llie tol*a11.111- .mii.ls, .1. W. Itr.nMi’> f-ii— Jolim said' til' |■"r an Inipnor*! for tin* rnr- high fork, S. .“s*j i;. ip pfiies to a' nni f r.-p and the .iioaf. r will be the clf'lmit oak on top of tin* point l»e-

    ... ..f ,n..ldli,i: ii -..llaps- of I ‘ ISraiM'h and a corner of (’. Brown

    |iii—' r..i 111.. It'.'.l -I'l.p. (|,|, it.ii.oi-t i.iiik

    riiU i.r.iL'iaiii, In iiiy .■nii-.l.l.'r-.l ini, i. tln ii. f wltli llio sal.l l.liik trii-l ' 'Jiiiliiiiiiiii. will l.rliiu III l.iirli'v |ir.> witli iiiid iii.|irl.v will, ilii. i.ii. of iln-,

    .|l...■r> a I..ml 111. ..Ill.. il... . iir- "f ''ork S. 7''F. \v , , .1 mil,. I" |.oil's In II s|iril— lilll.', il-lld, nil.I

    r-i- Ilia, k-il,la .i.nrllia, will l.-Inr.-, rall-n. „-i,rlv on I..,, ',

    |.,, -..III.- k‘" iiillll.. iliiiii ll.e „r 111,, hiiTs. la.•ll•k-ll as a siiiiill -lii-.' I’lltifit- froto riiber till* l'.!'’.l of I'.t.’ill ton onk, X. djb. \v. 1-1 poles to a'

    . f.p^ an Imome that will pitnlnt'e I""' '’lifT I pole nor(lie.*wt

    ,i,ai,ii,i,. n,r-.l - ,„i,.,...li,l-. lli.ii, " 'Inod -Ii-stinil and a -1„.sim„i , sapling, tile latter imirke.l as a piflnt-

    .11.1 111.- ln...iii.. ir..i,i any .-r..!. f..r ,,,. ^ ,v. I.'. |sil-s i„ „ |.|m. „„

    wlibli wr h.iM* ifoonU. wiih thre** a p"itit in forks of tin* |tf>nalmi' po'.H Ir f \>«pt iolW. trj* abiiVr clin’s. lliellee aroltlid

    ■ |. il,.- I'liHl. all' ll ,.\. ri.r...|ii. .l..|i ' ' ' l"■nll.•ll S. I F. IJI , , . , ... !■ I" a i|i-«liiiil III i;ii|i of -IIIT>.

    .. tio. nnoib.tb.n oi .a. . ^ ^ ,,,

    'l\o ipplli--. Ibe ■•linailini wa- al ;,j.o rjii-«fnni oak in front of a .small ;o r..tni i Ir-olf after -ovi-al raio of ni»jNT idiffs. PI degrofs

    v. ai- .|- v-r\ low nri.-.-. W.- iir- Imw niii.iil-> W. 1.'. j...|.-« |i> x a, th- top ..f

    r„...i «iii, >„P|.ii.> of 1.1,n-y I-.,. , ^ larger than tin*',, of any preibins .\e ir. I w ,, ,,j.

    ■‘iMir {I’ohlem i' |M eorr* ‘'t ihi- sit- * Itf. N. “** U‘. d ‘i poles tf) a ehestinii j nation wlthoni permitting the urttwi-v ’ '‘tninp near edge of elltf. N. .i7 |

    „. siiir..,- ..r Ih- .ll-M>ir.,i,-.|yl"'- V’ . . , ,, , , , lojfiher at tftp edge of ellff. .s. s)-', , low pin.'s will'll w.'iild ..il,.rwl-.o h- „ HP., „„h.s lo « -h.-liiiii oak o„ , Ibr llieiital-le result ot Hiieh a birg* %iile of ilj'pel* ellff near and Jibove ! ’ snpp1>. It is i>nr )tiirpo.se to meet i|il> some large |oo>t> rfxks on pHiint be-1;

    |.r..l.l.-iii will. 111.' ;i-'l>.- 'il|'l".rl ..f th" ''"iialiii.' liriiii.-li iiinl Ih-I, , , . , Llg I'.fain ll. tbetiee h as lug llnev Iff I

    - ,h.•|..>.•^.-. nr. l Ihri, ,h- „.|

    'n»non- pr.-'iam .-.nl the marveling i.,,„|, ,,,• ri.Mill.id lannber t'oiapar , agret ni lit i** Ifi priee to a fairly eti top of narrow ridge \. sa . , - l,.^Mt•^ I ••. ! 1*0' she in:;*: erop. "’-Jl d poh s i„ a small ehe-innt oak. ,

    ..... . ... -I. «:.i,| Ihk". .N. .-.Ii W. I, |.,,h- S itifl iP-lo. pr'Mtii the disastrous ton ,,, ^ ..;,,id rock .‘I feel fioia s

    • .'jcne* - of «••-el siippls. siaall i luek oak' on n.ii row ba> ..boo j* ••\V..ile i' L,rfH‘ogii}/o.t I lit,I ;,ay p.-r f rlflge, |l* w. 7.1* |...■oN to :■ ^m ill i;

    |„„,.,,I..,„.„- In .1, l.„rl-v 1.. I''';"''''""',... , , , , .11 ''“L N. lb*.. W In poles |fi \ .>11 lop l,„,-., oniiih.n .1.1.. ml. i,|. .„ tin- d- x,' .M w. pis „ ,|„j

    lelop iout of a «»oinid f • otH•tide jid.sn*=i■ ' -•...i |o link- from another dogWfiod, PI. to 1 rog'ain. i' is a'- reeogni/e.] ' -i nee down iho hill soiith vo , \V.

    •I. • the program mns| oouiaiii nl) llf ‘ a point in the inoinh of . , , t. train on North I ofk half wav otween

    " .. -I.n.ll nil,, ami a hi,,,. !, .if -,.,vl-• *. from th. si;,pdpoint ot the lin- i a,..!,,..., ilieiie,. np saiij N.»rlli l orn

    till-. tc be-t biter.s, of o;.' Il Individ- li*eatlderitig tin ban;, thereof N. lb , i:;o-\. F dl’ poles to |Wii ..prileo phii - aiul or

    . ■ r I .■■.I iin.i .*• I-' P'b's lol

    I .>IOK ing. and being on Big Brunch, a frliaitary of tin* North Fork of the Licking Uiver. and l.s hounded as follows, to wit: Beginning nt an I elm Ktamliiii^ on tin* Nortli bank of] Big Brnmli. a trllnitary of the Nortli' Fork of Licking JBver, near iLn* nimitli j of said Braticii. thence np Iho south I'ank of .said F. ll’tl fict to Big Brnncli



    Enli'D'd nil n-rniid chiiui mnttpr,

    April 7. IHIO, at llie iumlolllcc at Went

    Ulmrly. Ky., iin.l-r imt nt nniitresn. Churl,r Nci. 7891 K.',Hervi. Distrirt No. t


    Morgan County National Bank 1*1’ CANNFL *'ri\, IN' TUB STAI'i: uF KKN'l’I't'KV. AT TIIK CLOSK


    Siih.Hrription I'rirc $L5h a Y'cnr

    •Mwar.s in Advance

    Advertising rate. .*>.V u column Inch

    each Insertion. Legal advertising. 50c

    a colnttin Inch.

    Benilcrs, lOg a line.



    . 2o. creek X. 22 Ik b7f* ft. to a lynii. formerly douMo. beliivv -omo large sand nn-ks |»-low ePff oti a point, llieiiet* ilown the jinlnt with old line. N. I'.'*, \\\ n p. I,I n spotli'd onk, ciii doW!(. N. *i3"-| W. |2 1 p. to a dead while oak, X. 12 \V. 5,1 p. to a stake. X, .5s*h \V. Ib.d p. fo two hhn k oaks, X. .’’.3 \V. 1.3 p. to a white o.nk stump, blaek Jack pointer. X. .3fi IV. 5 2 p. to a Mark oak stump. X. 37 \V. 1.3.7 p. to a maple and vvlilii oak. X, .55 \\*. 12 5 o. to ;t pop|.|r a*|b tVVo bei-ehes, th'l'-e le.’ivlng point N. I's >V. 12.*' p lo .1 waiev bir* h nl dg ' "f said North I'..-' i.f l.b-kiiig Ulvi-r.' thi'tti.' np laid; .rm-k on the .Mot gau cotiniy side S ^Mi. i:. 117 p f,, 'lirnee. s. .50* . r i:; j. p, ^ wfj

    5.5", F 12 t'. -.1 a ehesinnt otik. •1*'^ 1!. 23 ji I ‘ a ..prnee. S. do ', {‘,’.2 p. |o ; .-tii ill s.|irnei., s. 7'**} 11-2 i». to , wa'i-r blreli. \ s.5t , .'3 2 P to a .take. N. list, F, lli .5

    , Co the beginning. Containing 12b*.• a* res. exu piing iht refroin all of ito- tninerals ihej--. '(der tttid lie* rlglb- t hereto.

    S:dd jitiLMuefO i- for the siiia 'if .«2s2 ii-i . l.liCs.Kl

    'I(*T.VI.. iii-hiiliii;: -iii'lliit II.’.'..mil ...8‘J 11 .■J.-»7.!il! SiiKi' -r K-iit,i-k.\, —limy .if Mur-.;.111. ;

    i. ('ll.•. miiii..', .V. I-.' W. |,,|i.. " *' I. Iilll:> 1.1 ■ - -I •: '.'k "I'li.i^il;

    I.riil'l.'iii III..mil 1,1 III.,,. I l.i. F..|'I,, .\, 17^. iili'.i. Hull I" -7'.j lilll.'- I" II •-..•ik.'. \ I \V '.'L'

    |.:il!..ll III " I "'"' ' -I' M I ,. '" I'll I...lmi'r N. \V. 1.-. I

    . ,1 ..iiiail Mil'll' "Ilk. .\. 17' \V. ' ill 11 sill.' |. 1,.^ J,, ;| jinim IWII I'....I Uc,l ,,, n ll.livlilll'i . I'.'ll li'llllll'l. .V. ' ; K 7' ll-.|-> III - L-i'i'W-f. mill" r iLl l.i'ii'l III' I I- .'k, .\, '•|i_.

    II.. ||. • I"il»*> III il t.ii.iii :i f-i‘i fi'Miii .1 siiiiill li.illiiii .•( .'iiii.ir-. s, .".."I' j i: II.l im!-^ Ill 11 11 1 lil-j ^1 I'H-r. S II'*... *' !( |I.|||.> III ,'i |i.i|m I |■(.|.| l.rl.iw II I'l'i.'Ui'il ''ill'll.'.', .-.r.', F. .*7 |i.il,.-;

    '■ I" 11 .. S III tl'i |,i,|,,s In I'l « Olirl. ,,„|„| ;| I',, , | ,.|„J^.

    Uijiliick.i s nil i;. :!.||, |,„i,.s ,,, „ |,„im ,'| r,.„, 11-'’ (0 I'l'li.w I'll I'lm |ii liiii'i', s. T.'l F. -j:; iii.i...

    Ill II ill,Ill'll' vi.'iii'i' l.li'i'h, s. 7i-‘i F. 71 '.. (1. ;i .. I , 1,.. I,, I, |iliiui:im> ii||.,.|| |i.,im,.,.. S. '-I F, H-'i ||,,|,„ ii,

    'll .'lyi'iiiiii.i'i'. S. V7 F. I.'i pull's l> aiilv-. '.. -1. 11 1,1 ji |.i,ii,. j r, |„.i,,.v ,, siii'ii-» I,ill,.

    ■1-11. lilll- III,,.,. v;',.i, F. p'.lc'" 1,1 III,. ' i.l'i-imillw .•.1111111111117 177 ii-r->.

    I. i'l’"* ' I i> fi.r ll!i. sum ,11' Kiillwii . .v-jF! .-,11. '.,111, im,.n.,| ,|| 111,. |.,||,. ,,f

    I'* pL I'-i'ii. p-i' iiiiiiiiiii r'i'iiiii Hi- 7i.’'i ."■k 1 ..'1 ,|„y ,,r 11,,.. iiii;.^ >lll,J—I |,| l'|'|.,|i;..

    I''!' I'I'.' . ! I.r XKH.I.U piilil nil .1,111- l-t. IIl|."i; Hil l. .k|.X'7,| || „|, iiiii,. I I lilt.-,. ,HI ]jiii,| „j|| F,, jii j».||i.;fy ii„, vnim..

    -xlimiiiii' „.(||| nil ||||, ,.,,„|„ tiii> (1 li-r..i','l||,.||„||

    1 'I'll- l.nr-l,iis-i' will III. ii.i|nli'i.i| in I'l -.X,.-ill- l,iiii,|. li-iii'Ini; I! p-i'i'-m lm-1'-

    ’i?.'.\1'"“' 'iPI’>'"''.'il s-i'iii'lly. lt---lu'i f,,|. Illy |ini'i'lni>i. ini.iii'.v. iiinl 111-I 'I'l,1,1 n„il ,|,jj. y(. ,|||,j|||||.y^ mm

    1 n- Hill I II.Utl.F.V .MFItlMIY. M.C .M.FC 1111,1 Hie I \i,.k,.|| & XIck-ll, .Vtlnnicys.




    Purposes ? to open doors


    CAN ir BE DONE?


    niliv el*


    si'ling Master Commissioner’s Sale

    .M0I{(.AN ( Hid IT ( (l( IM. K\. SU'an Kii^inii .VriH'tl. I'laiiuliV

    Nolice of Sab- iL .V. Bni'oii. eti.. I*fl'"h'l!in.-

    ! By virtue of a Indgnieni and order • of sab- of Ih,. .Niorgaii eircnii couri. U’cndel'i d at ibe Deei-mber leriii, 11*33, lin Die above '(ylod eaiisi. I will ol'fi-r 'for .'•ale ill ila* ;'r‘III d-or of the i-onrt honsi- in Wosi Li! riy. K*-nineky, m. '•eiupij, the ii'id llay id' Jaintary, 11131. at I o’oIiM k I'.M.. or iherea'mils, upon a eiodlt of .six months.* ila* fol lowing desi-rihi-d property, pt wit;

    .\ or p;iftr} i;-* »;oid •’iBiab'd lying, and bein * on : Sioiir

    j l’*o*’k of t'ani" I'rei' I" 'i-irgan eonn- lly, Ki iitnck . bmn d d and doseril i-1 I a** follows : j Beginning ai llie ••i.-ik at the lin.* I‘if il. K:-eton. ila'iic' pp and with

    ila* i-rci'k to the nioiiili of .Mh^eU I Branrli. llieuee IP Iho braneh wiili 11*. .M. Delbiard line l.i a small drain on tin* right, llfiiei* n* 'aid vlraln lo the top of llu- hill, theiici' n[i iln- I'kigv* to 3’, .), Burto;i line at a Htiak • deu. tlienee with the saicton line, to lia* beginning, eontaiidng 4b m res. more or less, but to eoiitain all the land

    I in tile abovt* described boundary, re* IbOi’vlng a 12 fo»d right of way from j county road to tin* creek by obi house for removing llinhcr.

    kSaiti Judgment is for tin* sum of $llUb.fM* witli b percent Interosi fra,vk 11 Klat-in-iit

    from till.. of aKrl-iillur- ui'kIiik

    IH-.-Iilt. Pi iiM' iiiori' iliilry produfts.

    lly cliiii'iilii7 sweet crciim. farmers

    may liave the liesi liatter la Hi- world,

    siiy.s I’l'of. Fonli— Fly. Iliiiter prlees

    arc Hi- Inwcsi lu y-ars, iiad, eouslder-

    iUK its price, hutter Is the cheapest

    fund nil the iiiiirLet.

    More hiiH-r. milk, elice.se. lee ei'iam,

    and other dairy products ou the tahlcs

    of farmers, Iowa and city people, is

    desirahle from a heaith staiidpoiat and

    ill the Interests of tho dairy industry.

    The surplus of hutter lu storage

    totals npproxliiintely 10(lfKiii,0(Xl 11).


    \ Better Breakfasts Sumlay school at 9:43 a.m. Churcli services first and third Sun- days of each month nt 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

    Young people’s division each Sunday evening nt 0 p.m.

    I’rayor meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o’clock.

    A cordial Inritatioii is extended to

    everyone. I. J. SCUDDER, pastor

    -laiais. eliihiis for iiiiil-rlals. Miiiplies. etc.. It—(.iv-r's eerlllieates ipid ottier expi'iis-s iiii.J Iliil.ilUh's of siihl Ite- -elver, mil of the aioii-.vs, iiiehidliig l rti—i.ds of Ha* sale of tin* assets off .■■lilll Hlih. A Keal in ky llallwiiy Coiii piiiiv. now la Ills hands, and for all pi'oli-r md-i's with refei'enee tliereto. and with reff'i'eti-e lo Hie dislrihiuhiii of said aioiieys.

    Witiu'SH my haiid this .liimiiiry 17th. 1934.

    HFY W. I.FSI.IE, Ke-i'iver Ohio A K-aPieky Uallway t'omiiaiiy,

    Ciimiel City, Keatueky.

    i.MFV liko afteinnon tea— n.'ii like a good breakfast. 4" when you plan your I I menus, keep In mind lip ii.iiii person—tho man. live peculiar tastes. At a stag dinner a red Edam (..Ilk the place of the usual I'l'heii' was rare beefsteak, p-tni". and onions. The .iece wa.s devoured with a kinds of toasted crackers,

    id Ilia, k coffee and smokos of

    that il Men 11 reccnil cheese loses.


    I'rayer meeting oiid song service Thursday night at 7 o'clock.

    Sunday school every Sunday morn¬ ing at 9:43.

    Everybody Is invited to attend these j services, "Not forsaking the assembling! of ourselves togetber.'*

    ■ '.,1 i.i I may we suggest, tho men:

    (A/,;.. Winter Cocktail

    irm Ceroat with Cream

    bwii/i Fried Apple Rings

    Bse Biteulli CoOe

    Rsltlasnakts Infest Arisons Of the IS species of ni(H,.u„

    known In the United Sta^, 10 found In Arizona.

  • WmI Liberty, Ky., Jnnuacy 18, 1034 M ►


    ,•-, f,’. ' '■ •■> .y-'r >• /’> -*4 jl''*

    “For Finest Cakes” KERR’S PERFECTION FLOUR

    P r. JI. Kiywor innilo n liiisliipss trip

    Id AmIiIiiiiiI iIip lirst of tlio wi'dk.

    IPini. .r!iii. III. Id .Mr. iitiil Mrt. Eil

    Cdnilis lit I’liimmii, a (Inc (tirl.

    Jlr. mill .Mrs. Frank Day of M’ln-

    clioslrr liail laisliiiHs In town yoator-

    tlay. • I

    Horn. 7. !i» Mr. nml Mrs. .Too

    ltn» raiitrill iif Lonu nnnicti. a hoy—

    Ki'iitu'ili Joe.

    Mi.'iH Casllohorry of L.vtxloii and

    Mrs. IIoiir> Cole iiiailo a trip t»t., Wasli

    Inaioii. rn. mIjI,,. fadv.)

    niMMKIIf I\l, l\\ OPKMNti

    Tht t' ntmeroial Inn will he duly

    and |•••tlllan• ntl> oisaiod to food and'

    f^\U^h a lioito* f er-vlllo wa*; In

    town yoNtenhij and wa-* the dinner

    ;;uest «if Mr. and Mr- i*. .M. K- •.>i r

    Mr. and Mr>ui a .'ear,

    'agi», a eohtagion from 'ilstaseii rahhli-.

    .She is heiiig taken this morning to

    the .Mary t’liih-- lio-pltal al Mt. ,



    man can do aii) thing Unit (lod

    tells him to ilo. If there Is something

    we can't de, then ipal doe.s not want

    I IIS In do If, Itaek of Ood’s commands

    Mo puts otiiiiliinlence. If Ih» tells you

    to go doun a (.'ort.iiii road. go. (Jo as

    far h' .10*1 eaii on the right road.

    Then L-.iI will gin you the streiiglli

    I to g.) further.

    j FnmhiiniMitally we arc uil imuh

    I alike. Yet in many wa.is no two of iis

    an* alike. It Is interesting to knov.

    th.it of all tin* t-ert. Ho Iiad IIie|

    ulsihuri of Fg.vpt anil the faith of n|

    I'hlhl. IP* wa- laci.wanl In spis'oh. Pul

    he talked xvlth Pod. No man a"Urei|

    at Ids funeral, jet Poll hurleil him

    UK Ilj’s are sllriit. Ini Id- voice et j speaks.'' I

    Renew* Heart Action I

    When the aepon of a turtle’s heart slowed i|o\vn Twi l>e hours after It had i hi'eti rea oved from the lioily, a phy- ' slelun at .\ppon utlo.\. Va., g.iv»* an In- jeellon of andr**naUti an*l llu* i*rg:in kept I'umpliig oil.

    r i.. .7

    ^ (iTk ’i> ' V. < i* -K'.’* ^

    ■ *D-WINTER D1.7?0S L SALE

    7 * •4-^4 ly*-•oAi.e.y-iU - - * J BEGINNING THURSD.AY

    Here are a few samples of

    Startling Sale Prices Past Color Prints, yard.10c Women’s Galoshes..59c

    3utinjr' Flannel, yard.9c Boys’ Sweatshirts.23c

    Fowels, each .1.9c Men’s Fancy Socks .10c

    Women’s House Slippers.39c Men’s Over^dls .79c

    Women’s Rayon Hose.23c Men’s Woij,k Shoes .$1.49

    Women’s Wash Frocks.79c Men’s Slij^Over Sweaters.49c

    Fast C'oloi' Prints, yard ..

    Outinjr' Flannel, yard_

    Towels, each .

    Women’s House Slippers

    Women’s Rayon Hose ...

    Women’s Wash Frocks ..







    Sweet Clover to New High Record

    Varieties and Strains for Almost Every Condition

    and Purpose.

    I Prrrnrr-i hjr *hrt rollI j whoro they lire growing nlmont eight- 1 I e4*n timofl ns mnrh swoot clover ns , , they were Ihlpteon years ngn, hut this

    j CP»

    Ulrnt Mmw.,\vi,. iro y,.u mak¬ ing such n lu"?

    S**c**nil M*.-i|uP'» — \\ • JI. o, 1

    pa«.»«e• =.

    Richer Then That

    n.irjHtr—Is tl... •}< ‘nr ti**.ir { . ; ir sIstiT f'.r ni'- Ttt.i*.!!

    ii iiiil s ;i ■ ' i.U- 1. I '■

    .lotf '*

    Tb*' ..I obi il.tys. ;ih M w. 'O wli'Ui v-’ wi*re joung; at'} th-• the g''xl oh) (joung> ila.X'.

    Latent Fingerprint*

    Lal*'nt tlagcrpriiit' m;i ♦ ti f'l* sii’iM* l*> the la.vini'ti in.’ > La- gi'i’lirlnt^, Imt they have hi**'is a -'>urce of worry to criminal Invrsi:..'.. ■ s bt*- caUKv tla’y are tin* prims !■ !f by the oily nijiltor nrul pia’spir.if • •• i-orn fho t’ng*’rtl|w aioi are nsii.-lly pi'ilMiui't. Opinions -un^'r as to the baigfli t*f time that a lii’oitt print will reninin on tliu surface of tin* .jJijc i iten‘ljt‘*l. as nt- mosplierlc etoi'llilon*. aiT*-«*t It to a cer- tsiln exi»*nt. N**w metln'iN have helf»e*l the lU'jiartiuont of .fustic*' Foho .sov- oral major crimes through htiont tin gorprlnls. Tlioy Inclmh* tho U'«* of ultra-violet rays nii'l dragon’s hlood powder (ilnely gii»unil resIn of th-' rat¬ tan palm). For tlio ordinary print powders of lampblack. vharc*ml, aluinl- mini or bronze may be used with ac¬ cess.

    li Older Now

    "gVreo’t you the boy who applied for tho position a week ago?"

    “Yes, sic," "Ami didn’t 1 sny that I wanti*d an

    older boy?" “Yes, sir; that’s why I’m here now*,"

    —Toronto Olube.

    One Excuse

    Father—There Is always roiuji ar tho top.

    Arthur—Yes, but when you g«*t there you nre liable to get thuaipeU by an airship.—Brooklyn Eagle.

    No Wear

    First Observer—Wren’s head Is as good as new.

    Second Ditto—Ought to be—he’s never used It.—Kansas City Star.

    Every Married Man Know*

    "Pocket editions of books are very bandy," remarked the book worm.

    "But nut as handy as tho ordinary pockelbook,". reioried the family nmiv


    ^ vr.s’ ,

    - -/■-■'-akCJ .. fcik.

    ’i\ V

  • PAGE rOUB WfBt Uhprty. Kr., .Tnnnary IS, 1034

    K. K

    NKW n MMER

    Jim. in.—.Mini Nell Itiirton of Slaey Kork vIkIiimI Iut xlHH’r, .Mr». I*. O.

    I'ormi.soti. Krlilui uiiJ Siilurilaj’.

    Mr. iincl .Mrn, t’liiiliiiiT Wilson and

    .son J, K. vlsltisl .Mrs. Wilson's sister,

    Mrs. Kiirl Vest, over tile wwk end.

    Miss lleiiliiti .Mi'.Vivly and Ketiira

    Kildd visited .Mrs. John Henry Oihson

    Jitiiniliiy niorninK.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Uoe were the

    Sunday (ciicsts of .Mr. and .Mrs. Oeorge


    Ilernian and Ilovd .Vlleii of Wln-

    eliester vlslttsl their iiiiele and aunt,

    -Mr. and .Mrs. (.'hurley Ilinid, over the

    week end, |

    Jaek rrioe, H, H. MeUiiire, imd Earl

    li.Md iiiade a liiisluess trip to West

    Mherty i went to

    IsexiiiKtoii laar week to ijet iheir to-

    haiTo on the market.

    .1. F. itevedon's tuo little daiiulUers,

    of Grassy (’n*ek, are vlsliiiiK their

    t'nele .lolui and Aant ora ‘'unditT. nr


    4K It. Niekell and soii-s Lriiost and

    WaJUu'e. and .lohii ( uii'lllV and L-UII

    •ie\x*«lon Went to I.eNinuion la-'t Mt»n-

    dnjr to '*ell their lohaef»>.

    .Mr. :iiid Mr^ I'riiest .\hkill tao\fd

    fi‘ Woif Llherty nrenily.

    S (t>rd vfsilod Tom MeGlure

    Sunday and enJoyt> Roln-i't CnoiHU* ol Llckhurs: and Fin-

    Ivy Gi»-e oi-re the Friday i*f

    G. It. Cnx and family.

    Mrs. J. It. WelU. Mix Frankie Lew-

    »•)(iiig at

    Wiiodslieiid Salurda.v.

    .Viistiii Keiitpliii and Geuikie Kelill'-

    lin took a truekluad of I'lliaccu to

    Maysvllle hwt M'etinesady.

    Claytnn Heiir.v »if Itearw.illnw was

    tier eSaturdav on his way i.i Straiglil


    Mr. and .Mrs. Ito.\d William'. \l?'iied

    friends and rehitive.s at S« ranten la-it


    Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Itenton of

    Taney were guests rce*nily of Mr.

    and .Mrs. .leiV Frishy.

    Phil Guse of < diio vi'Iled his lirutli-

    er. .1. H. Gose, nnd family, a few day^

    In.si Week.

    Kevs. Rallies Cii'tle and Wi!o\ Mill¬

    er and Mr. and .Mr-. I'* rr.v Henry

    were dinni'r gues!> suiahi' ..f .Mr. and

    .Mr-. G. R. Cox.

    .\ustln Kemidiii iefi .Mcinhiy fu'


    Woodrow Well.- of IdrlJi.g Ul\er,

    wa- liei'i' and nt Wood-heml Stlnda.^.,

    «>llle Ingle- of l.iekiiig Rlvir at-

    tiinled chnreh here Sunda.^.

    r.NiT.E ZIP

    iiml Mr«. M. J. | .Mr. mid Mrs. Riirton A.shcrnft of

    near Lexington visited last week Mrs.

    .V-heraft's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J, ,7.


    d. W. Haiii'y. who was hurt lust

    Week by a runaway team. Is slowly Improving.

    civile Cnoiiier of nak>'ilb> s|N>nt Iasi

    Week Willi Ills llliele, .lames Ro-.s, ainl


    .\ -IinWiT wa- glvi*n at tlie Imme of

    Mr aiiil Mr-. M'aller WilllaniM Sat¬

    urday night. .\ large crowd was pn-

    I III. .Miinv idee gifts were ri*rel\ed

    Homemade candy was served. .\ good

    time Wii- reported b.v all.

    .1 .\. Ross wjis calling on Mr. and

    -Mr- J. F. tJevcilon and family Sunda.\.

    Jor Haney of Niekell is spending a

    few ihiys with his uncle and aunt,

    .Mr and .Mrs. J. W. Iluney. here.

    .Mr. and .Mrs. Sam .Viiiyx and daiigli-

    tcr Knima and son iMirward, of Mt.

    Sterling, were tlie Siimlay guests of

    .Mr. and .Mr-. It. Amyx.

    Everyoiif i- eordially invited to at-

    i: ml Sunday s< hool at b;.‘ln each Sun¬

    day inoriiiiig.

    M1-s!*s Venus and Gertrude Gevedon

    -pent the Week end with their iinele

    and aunt. Mr. and .Mrs. jidui CundllT,

    •It Itu-kirk. () gee;


    Jan. lo.-—Mrs, Rosnhelle Cox nnd

    daughters Mnxean and Corn Reile vls-

    Iteil two other daughters, Mrs. Clyde

    Cantrell and Mrs. Drexel Niekell, at

    West Liberty, the past week.

    Mr. and Mrs. Floyd T,ewis enter-

    Iniiieil at their limiie Saturday night

    .Misses Dolly Conley of West Llhert.v

    and Maxeaii iiinl Corn Reile (*ox of

    this plaee; Messrs. Riiford Pack, Mike

    Rolin. and Virgil nnd Charley Cox. of

    this place, and Ralph Vance of Wist.

    Llherty. Hoiuenunle candy was served f lm.slue.ss.


    Jan. Id.—C. F. nnd Henry Ilutchln-

    8011 Were at Morehead and Ashland

    last week oti hnsiness.

    Mr, and Mrs. Steve Keeton of

    Lnurelfork visited their daughter,

    Mrs. RiihscI Adkins, and family, Snt-

    tirday night and enjoyed n fine radio


    Mrs. Carl Williams, who Is attend¬

    ing sclnsil at Mor|iietul. was home for

    the holidays, hiit lias returneil to her

    school. I

    Mr. and Mrs. Uosem* Hutchinson

    nnd t hlldren Dora, Dorothy, Alpha, i

    Clirrord. and Junior visited relatives I

    here and at (Tiwkett last week. i

    Jerry Skagg?* "as on Sandy the

    Don't Fear Motherhood Mrt. Hohart Biiah of

    W28 Greenup St.. Ashland. Ky,, Mid: “Before my babv came I had direy •Delia, headache, and an xlt-fione fee Unit. Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prearrip. Hon completely reatored my nervea and general heahh to a normal condb tioo. I Mined In airength

    and went iDrongh motherhood without the •lightest trouble." Sold by druggiati.

    New site, labteta 50 cts., liquid $1.00. I^arge gUe. Uba. or liquid, $1.J5. “Wa Do Our Pan.**

    Don't Get Up Nights

    I.BX tJie Bladdrr With Juniper Oil, Burhu. Elf,

    Drive o(tt the Impurities and excess adds Hint cause irritation, biirntna nnd rrennent desire. Juniper oil Is pleasant to take In the form of miKETS, the bladder laxnllTe. also containliix Biicim leaves, etc. Works on the liindder similar to castor oil on the bowels. Get a !!.'« box from nn.v dm* store. After four days If not relieved of "(.'ettlnjt up niehls" go hack nnd net j-onr money. If you are bothered with backuebe or leg pains caused from bladder disorders you are bound to feel belter after tbis'clenns- liie and you Ret .vonr reRiilnr sleep. Arnett DruR To. siiys IH'KETS Is a I liest seller.—Adv. |

    Uquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Checks Colds first day, Ileadoehi

    or .Neuraltria in 30 mlnutee. Malaria in 3 days.

    Fine Laxative and Ti Most Speedy Remedirs Kno

    i I Dron^


    I Rex Theatre

    FBID.W AND SATCBDAY NIGHTS Henson's greatest cast—Janet Oaynor,

    Will Rogers, I,ew Ayres, Sally Ellers,

    Norman Forster, Louise Dresser, Frank

    Craven. Victor Jory—8 big stars In

    STATE FAIB The great American romance. Love,

    laughter, and excitement.

    Also eometly—Bosko Mechanical.

    .MONDAY AND Tl'ESD.tY NIGHTS Zone Grey’s

    "Sl'NSET PASS" With Tom Keene, Randolph Scott,

    Kathleen Burke, Noah Beery, Harry

    rnrey, Kent Taylor.

    The greatest of nil Zone Grey's stories.

    Also 2 reels of comedy—"Tip Tap

    Toe"—with Hal Leroy.

    15 A 30c. 7 P.M,


    C. F. IluteliinHon. Fred DHut. nnd

    W. R. Pelfrey Were nt West Liberty

    Wetlnesday mi ImslnesM.

    Mr. and Mrn. u. L. Pelfrey enter¬

    tained Sumlay evmiing MIssex Kr^ella

    and Rerta Pelfrey and .Mice and

    Madge (Nmley. Mes-rs. .\uiie i’tmley

    itf «. Manford WllUam'v are

    rejoieing over the arrival of a line

    liaby girl.

    114'iiry t'ox niadt* n ImKine'ts trip t4i

    W4-*t Lllierty .'baeeo.

    .Marion L«*wis of Diiigim wa.s in 1

    iltl.s section one day last W(H>k. '

    Arlin Lac) ef Elkfork pas.stMl thru

    tills Keetimi one day last we4*k.

    Siieeess to tin* PjiiiriiT and It.s reahj-. R. T.

    McClure. Sol Ryrd, Ray tbse, Eiw-.tid

    "Idhani. and Alaiiriee Chaney. Riiss!'!

    Wilson, and Ivan Cham*.' string

    mush' was furnished tiy U. I'. Me

    Cliire. S. G. Ryrd and Erjiest .\iekell,

    Heljeiou.s homemade candv was staved.

    Fveryone had a nice Hme and left

    wishing the young couple lots of hap

    plness in tlielr new home at West

    Liberty. UAMRI.IN' KID

    , , , . |ibin with lier lareiiis, Mr. and .\ r.s. w ho Inns been in poo"'.,

    ' 1 leve Jiirrel- at Itetlwine.

    .Mr. and Airs. Winford Adkins

    pii-sed tliru lere last week to .petid

    a visit vviili |il> parents, Mr. and Mrs,

    I H'li .\ilkin-, at Liek Rram-h.

    , .'dr l.eiiiiard Holbrook and ba'o.

    I 'ho liave l.een on Hie -lek ll.st for I vvhile, Went to NN’est l.ilu'i'ty .Sumlay I III SC I* a physielan.

    ' .Mr. and Airs. R. A. Williams had

    •s dinner giie-is Sunday her part'iits.

    Mr and .Mr-. I.afe I>av. and daiighter

    Floreiiee. and L. R. .\dkli)s ami .1. .1.

    I bilhrouk.

    .Mr and Airs. Xevvi iVrry had as

    dinner guests Sundav .Mrs. .1, D. Den-

    “Ison end duni;hler. Mrs. Osear Ale

    Keiizie. and Air. and Air-. Rernard

    Slaey, of >Vest I.iJierty.

    Suliscrlbe for lilt* Coiirit*!' and gel

    the Imine Hews. WliRRIED AL\N

    Teai her- were eleetetl for each 4*lass. '

    The sehool convenes every Sunday at I lu a.m. I'lveryliotly in reaih should

    iti'iid ami let us have ti lieRer Sun-

    lay -chool than we vvvv liave had. I

    Promiit attendance is what it takes'

    for sueee.ss. 1 Success to tlie whoh* Courier family, i


    Tiny Mirrort

    Tiny mirrors l-,32 Inch long uml 1-04 Inch wide are used in apparatus in one eleclrlcnl engineering lahoratitry


    Jan. lo.—tirvll .\i|ams of this place

    uml Miss .Nannie lb*lli‘ Rarm-tt tif AHze

    were married a few tlays ago. The

    liride is tile iHNiullfiil ami aecomplished

    daugider tif Silas Rariu'lt of -Mize

    Tlje groom Is the .son of Mrs, (kirina

    Yomaiii of Da.vlen. Ohio. The young

    4’»»nple will maki* their homt* here.

    I Air. and Mr-. Laey Rruwu spent

    !a few (lays Ha* pa-i week with Hieir


    of our knovv|(*dge and U'llef. FLuYD ARXE'I'T. presldeiir

    C. K. ST.kCV, cashier iSEAl.i Subscribed and swann to liefore im* this !hh day of January. 1!W4.

    My comiidssloii expires January 11. Lonhi Reile Elam, mttary public.

    Correct—AlleM: J. D. Whiteaker. T. J. Elam. W. M. Gardner. Directors.






    was in Wfst I.iliui't.v

    Whim You Adust Look Your Best

    Mavis Face Powder'is preferred by sinardy groomed

    women everywhere because it gives a petal-soft com¬

    plexion on any skin,

    with the appearance of

    not wearing powder at

    all. This clinging, su¬

    perfine powder, in ex¬

    actly the blend for your

    skin, costs only 50c.



    ROW D ER