UW Madison Circle K May Newsletter

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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WELCOME TO SUMMER UW MADISON CIRCLE K! Live to serve, Love to serve!



May Issue

UW Madison Circle K Official Club Newsletter

What’s In This Issue?

o Meet The Chairs!

o Spring Fling Recap

o Service Highlight: Slow Food

o Service Highlight: Bike Path Clean-Up

o Member of the Month

o Meet Our Lieutenant Governor

o Kiwanis One Day

o Social Highlight: Bowling at the Sett & A social Segment Update

o Sydney’s DIY

Enjoy the Summer Circle-K! ♥ Trina & Max



Service Chair: Alyssa Stearns

My name is Alyssa Stearns and I am one of three service chairs in the UW-Madison Circle K. I am from Kenosha, Wisconsin, and currently a freshman studying Communication Sciences and Disorders. Extracurricular wise, I am involved in choir and I also play the violin (I've been playing for over a decade now). Music is one of my many passions, and of course, volunteering to serve my community is another. As service chair, one of my many plans is to become more involved with the special needs community. Something I would like to facilitate for our organization is a service project in which we volunteer to help run a Special Olympics event. I believe that it is important to incorporate diversity into our service, and supporting this wonderfully unique group of people in our community would certainly help to increase our involvement with them. I also would like to find retirement or nursing homes that are in need of volunteers, even if it is something as simple as going caroling to different homes around the holiday season to bring smiles to the elderly.

Hi, I'm Trista Cheng. I'm from Qingdao, a beautiful city on the beach in northern China. I'm possibly going to be a psychology major. A fun fact of myself is that I brought my teddy bear with me from China to US because my teddy bear has been with me for 10 years and I'm really attached to it. As a service chair, I'm planning on focusing on service events that connect more with other campus organizations.

Service Chair: Trista Cheng


My name is Lindsey Eierman. I am a junior studying biochemistry and anthropology. I am from Oshkosh WI, I have one younger sister, and a d pet dog, Atticus, and a cat named Grace. I love travelling, being outdoors, science, reading, cooking and volunteering – of course! This summer I am studying archaeology in South Africa and I am super excited as it encompasses almost all my favorite things! I have been in Circle K for 1 year, but I was heavily involved in my high school Key club. I cannot wait to be one of the service chairs next year, and am really looking forward to getting to know more people in the club!

Service Chair: Lindsey Eierman

Social Chair: Austyn Chervenka


I was born in Two Rivers, WI. from a farming, health care, and engineering family split between Wisconsin, San Francisco, Phoenix, Miami, and Boston. I served Prior Army infantryman and am a current Army aviator. My academic interests are focused in the health, fitness, and technology industries.I really have a strong desire to work in a field where I can actively help people while being creative and flex some of my mad technical skills. I have an ESFJ personality type, believe it or not. Often I’m compared to “Monica Geller” from Friends, “Tony Stark” from Ironman, and “Dean Winchester” from Supernatural. My hobbies include but aren’t limited to: music, backpacking, running, reading, marksmanship, fishing, bible study, martial arts, flying, horseback riding, community service, cooking, mountaineering, media production, playing cards, motor sports, and programming.



Social Chair: Jordan Rein Hi my name is Jordan! I’m a double major in Nuclear Engineer and Math here at the UW. Madison is not my hometown but I am a native Wisconsinite having grown up in Wausau, Wisconsin. As Social Chair I help plan and coordinate social events for the club. This is a great way for club members to meet with each other and board members. My goal as Social Chair is to connect club members through more frequent and fun socials. Fun fact: My roommate is actually my fourth cousin.

Social Chair: Calla Buttke Hey! My name is Calla and I am one of the

Social Chairs. I’m currently a senior studying German, Chinese, and East Asian Studies and my hometown is Wausau, WI. A fun fact about me is that I play curling and one of my curling league teammates is a former Olympian! My other interests include traveling, baking, playing tennis, playing violin, and simply spending time with friends. As one of the Circle K Social Chairs, I am looking forward to planning a bunch of fun social events for club members to do as well as host some get-togethers at my apartment. In addition to our service work, bonding and getting to know one another are integral aspects of Circle K and I hope to help foster this over the course of the next year.

Awards Chair: Michaela Gombar

Hi! My name is Michaela Gombar, and I am the Awards Chair for this year. I am from Kenosha, Wisconsin. I am a Bio major here at the University on a Pre-Med track. In my spare time, I enjoy being outside as well as spending time with my family and boyfriend. While being the Awards Chair, I plan on keeping track of hours as organized, timely, and accurately as I can.


Member Growth & Development Chair: Kayla Sorlie Hey everyone! I’m Kayla and I’m from Gillett, Wisconsin, and I am honored to be Membership Growth and Development Co-Chair with the lovely Taylor Wagner! I hope that in this position I will be able to expand the size of our organization and encourage more participation and attendance from current members. This fall I’ll be a junior, and I am studying Communication Sciences and Disorders. I love babies, elephants, and especially baby elephants. I will be working at Crossways Ministries this summer as a camp counselor, and I’m so excited to be able to spend the summer outdoors while having fun with a bunch of kiddos! If I’m not studying or watching Disney movies, you can find me pretending to be a Broadway star in my room, obsessing over all things basketball, or looking for a stray dog to pet. I’m looking forward to an awesome year with Circle K!

Member Growth & Development Chair: Taylor Wagner I am a Junior majoring in Microbiology. I love music, the outdoors and travel. This summer I will be taking an Applied Marine Biology Research course for a month in Turks and Caicos, my first study abroad experience. Also, this November I have signed up for my first marathon, yikes! It's a challenge I've always wanted to pursue, so if there are any runners in Circle K who would like to run with me, I would love the company! I am very excited to serve you as a board member for Circle K. I am a pretty social and easy-going person, so please don't hesitate to come talk to me about anything, be it Circle K-related, personal or completely random. I'm all ears:) I can't wait to serve with everyone this upcoming year!


Hello everyone! My name is Floria. I am from Tianjin, China. I am a freshman here in UW-Madison, but this is my fourth year in America since I came to Maine for 3 years of high school. My major is Economics, but I’m also interested in Business. I really like traveling by myself, since it is a good way to encounter friendships from all over the world. I am really happy to be the incoming K-family Relationship Chair this year. I know I only have been in Circle-K for one year, but I have already fallen in love with this club. I enjoy volunteering with this excellent group. As the new K-family relationship chair, I will keep working hard promoting inter-clubs events, planning more district events, and working more closely with Aktion club, etc. We will have another great year!

K Family Chair: Floria Ji

Fundraising Chair: Ben Lingeman

Hi, my name is Ben Lingeman. I am a Computer Science major here at Wisconsin. I will be a junior for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. When not at the library you can find me relaxing at the terrace in the beautiful weather! If there is snow on the ground there's a good chance I’m hitting the slopes with my snowboard. Other hobbies include watching sports (particularly hockey), and hiking the great outdoors. If you see me around, feel free to strike up a conversation with me about anything! My goals for this year are to host multiple fundraisers in an effort to get both members of Circle K and UW students alike to participate.


PR Chair: Tess Lo

Hi everyone! My name is Tess Lo and I will be the PR chair for Circle K in the upcoming school year. I am from Hong Kong, which is super close by Madison (only about a 16hr flight from Chicago!) Fun fact: I was born on the 29th of February so I am really only 4 ¾ years old. I am highly sarcastic, enjoy terrible puns, an avid Snapple fact collector and am usually either rocking out to Taylor Swift or making bubble noises like a fish. I first got involved with Circle K this semester with almost no clue about what this club was about and really only attended the meeting as moral support. Now I am fully committed to K-Family and look forward to all the adventures that Circle K brings! As PR chair, I hope to update the club website with more recent content, and to promote Circle K more through social media. This includes promoting the club to the UW-Madison student body to help recruit members but also to promote service opportunities and events to our current members. I look forward to working with everyone next year – yay Circle K!



Circle K attended Spring Fling in Wisconsin Dells during the weekend of April 24th-26th. The event took place at Camp Wawbeek, an amazing place that provides all kids the opportunity to go to camp-regardless of ability. The weekend kicked off on Friday night with small service projects, like making tie blankets for kids. We were then split into different color groups and met people from around the district, participating in various ice breakers and a photo scavenger hunt around camp. After icebreakers and the scavenger hunt, there was a showing of “Guardians of the Galaxy” and a late night Denny’s run. On Saturday morning, after breakfast, we split up and went to various service projects. I worked in the craft room helping to clean up from the previous year and get everything organized and ready for another summer of camp. Other service projects included raking, cleaning up the pool area and gardening; after everything was done, camp looked great and one step closer to being ready for the summer. Following the service projects was lunch and our individual workshops. I attended the President’s workshop to gain leadership tips as well as information from the district. There were also craft workshops, superhero trivia, CKI 101, and workshops for the other various club positions. Later, we had a divisional meeting with Whitewater, Platteville and Edgewood where we discussed upcoming events. We then had free time until dinner, which was the perfect time to squeeze in a nap. We had dinner and then there were club skits to introduce each school and the mascot auctions, where clubs bid on other mascots to make a club have to come and visit that other club to reclaim their mascot. UW-Madison purchased MSOE’s mascot and was bought by UW-Steven’s Point. That evening there was a bonfire with s’mores or Harry Potter themed mafia indoors. After a few exciting games of mafia, it was time for bed. The next morning everyone said their farewells and we took a district photo. Spring Fling was yet another WUM-derful event! If you missed out, don’t worry- there’s the Membership Awareness Conference in the fall, I hope to see you all there!


Service Highlight: Slow Food By: Amy Wilson

UW-Madison’s Circle K partners with another org on campus,

Slow Food UW, whose goal is to make local, community conscious foods accessible and delicious for students on campus and individuals in the Madison community. Every other Tuesday night, members from Circle K work with Slow Food UW to prepare a sustainable and locally-sourced meal for their café. Members have a blast chopping up veggies that will later be used in stews, kneading dough for homemade bread, and learning about ways to support local farmers and vendors. As if all of this isn’t cool enough, volunteers who help on Tuesday nights receive a free entrée the next day at the café! If you love cooking, good company, and free food, this event is for you! I personally have had a wonderful time volunteering with Slow Food UW, and I have learned a lot about sustainability and opportunities to buy local in the Madison community. I have also enjoyed spending Wednesdays in the café eating a free and delicious meal with others on campus. Volunteering with Slow Food UW is a great way to spend time with fellow Circle K members while also making connections and learning from another org on campus. Next semester, be sure to join in on the fun!


Bike Path Clean Up By: Alyssa Maria Stearns

It is remarkable to witness the way that the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison comes back to life when the first warm days of the year finally arrive after a long, harshly cold winter. That being said, we must remember to take good care of our beautiful home away from home in order to keep it both beautiful and clean. Carrying this with us as a forefront thought, our chapter of Circle K teamed up for a campus clean-up on a sunny day in mid April. We chose the Southeast bike path as our focal point to pick up littered garbage and recyclable items of both the paper and plastic sort. Passersby, runners, bikers, and other folks thanked us for our efforts to clean up a location that consistently sees quite heavy foot traffic. Our enthusiasm for cleaning this area could not be broken, even when we had to reach and squeeze our hands through chain-linked fences to retrieve empty soda or beer cans on the other side. After we reached the end of the bike path, over by the East Campus Mall area, we felt proud of the task we had just completed, knowing that we improved not only the beauty of our campus but also helped the environment, and so close to Earth Day, too!.



Tess Anderson I am a nursing student here at UW Madison. I transferred in the fall of 2014 and have met some awesome people through circle k club. My favorite service project to participate in is attending the aktion club meetings (which is another branch of kiwanis) and helping lead an activity or project there. One fun fact about me: I have my motorcycle license and enjoy cruising around on my kawasaki!


Hello UW-Madison Circle K! My name is Angela Campbell and I am your Lieutenant Governor for this year. As Lieutenant Governor, my duties include communicating with schools in our division and make the best of the clubs throughout the division. I am also here to involve fellow Circle K’ers in bigger service projects such as The Governor's Project, Divisional Service Projects, and Inter-clubs. Most of all, I am here to have other Circle K Clubs interact with each other and hopefully other divisions. I attend UW-Madison just like you guys and I am majoring in Nuclear Engineering and Political Science. Throughout this year, I plan on working with all the clubs in Capital Division with The Governor’s Project, Divisional Rallies, and planning Inter-clubs. Wait, what are these? Every year, our governor chooses one focus for their year as governor. Our governor, Five, has decided that he wants to focus on Serving the Children of WUM. This means that anything that includes helping children, like our ARMS service event, is part of his progress towards his Governor’s Project! Divisional Rallies are events that gather all the clubs in our division (Madison, Edgewood, Platteville, and Whitewater) and have a meeting going over future projects, socialize with other clubs’ members, and do a service project as a division. I highly recommend for all members to try and attend all the divisional rallies because they are fun ways to meet the rest of our division. Inter-clubs are events that multiple clubs do together. They are similar to the service projects we do at a Divisional Rally, but these service projects are between 2 or more clubs. The clubs do not have to be in the same division, but as long as there are two or more clubs attending the same project, it is considered an interclub. These are also great to meet other members in Circle K and I recommend if our club does interclubs with any other club, that members try to attend since making the connections between clubs is important and meeting other members is a great feeling since we all come together for the same purpose. Yours in WUM Service, Angela Campbell Email: mod.amcampbell@gmail.com Phone: (715) 204-8761


More Information from Lieutenant Governor Angela: Upcoming events in the District include: o June 24th-27th- International Convention in

Indianapolis, Registration is $425, f you are interested please read more at: http://www.circlek.org/Leadership/Conventions/InternationalConvention/CKIx15.aspx

o July 18th- Membership Education and Recruitment Program, if you are interested in learning more about Circle K, this is the event for you! It is a one day event that brings all clubs in to learn more about Circle K and club officers get a better idea of their position. Please consider attending if interested!

o August 9th- Kiwanis Family Baseball Game (Free Bobblehead!) Tickets are $25 with $4 of that going to The Eliminate Project to help babies and mothers prevent Neonatal Tetanus.

o I am currently Planning our first divisional rally right now, it will either be at the end of September or beginning of October, so keep posted!

**Again, ANYONE can attend these events and I highly recommend if you are a member, to try and attend because these events have useful information for members and it is a LOT of fun! If you have more questions about the events I have talked about, please send an email! I will happily answer any of of your questions. I am excited for this year and hope that everyone has an enthusiastic year in Circle K**


Kiwanis One Day By Monica Wang Kiwanis One Day is a day in April every year where all members of the Kiwanis Family come together for a day of community service and celebration of their past year. The entire Kiwanis Family (K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, Aktion Club, and Kiwanis clubs) joins forces on this special day.

In Madison this year, our Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District organized a Kiwanis One Day event at the Henry Vilas Zoo. With the Zoo’s busy season starting up, they needed the help of the Kiwanis Family to come help clean up the grounds. Kiwanis One Day in Madison was a huge success, with around 57 Kiwanis Family members from Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis working together to rake leaves, mulch gardens, scrape paint, and other general clean up jobs. After around 3 hours of service, we enjoyed a lunch together that was funded by the Monroe Kiwanis Club. Thank you to all the participants and everyone else involved in making this event successful!


Social Highlight: Bowling By: Tess Lo

On the 29th of April, the 2015-16 school year’s Circle K board members took on the challenge of bowling for our new board retreat. We were told firmly by vice president Sydney that we would NOT be allowed to play with bumpers, which made for some interesting failures from yours truly. But although bowling may not have been the best place to showcase my athletic talents, it was most definitely a fun and enjoyable activity where the new board members could get to know each other in a relaxed environment. It was a great night of chilling out to early 2000s music and fun conversation. I look forward to working with everyone to make the Circle K experience as enjoyable as possible!

Social Segment………..?


Sydney’s DIY

You’ll need: o Three different colored 1 ½ in. ribbon (two

solid colors and a print) o Two different colored ¼ in. ribbon (two solid

colors) o One color 3/8 in. ribbon o A solid color Zip ties- small o Scissors o Needle nose pliers o Hot glue gun o Lighter o Needle thread o Hair ties o Ruler

Let’s make a funky, fresh cheer bow! A stylish and trendy ribbon for your hair—no matter the gender, it will be sure to generate a smille! <3

1. Cut the 1 ½ in. ribbon into 13 ½ in. lengths.

2. Cut the ¼ in. ribbon into 8 in. lengths.


3. Put two lengths of each color of the ¼ in. ribbon together and place a stitch in the middle to keep them together.

4. Place the two solid colors of 1 ½ in. ribbon next to each other and place them into loops as large as you want the bow to be.

5. Place the patterned colored ribbon on top of the solid two in the middle.

6. Pinch the middle together and close a zip tie around them and pull part way closed.

7. Slide the ¼ in. ribbon under the zip tie so it is in the middle and pull it tight. Use a needle nose pliers if necessary.


8. Place hot glue on the zip tie and hold the hair tie on until it dries.

9. Cut a piece of 3/8 in. ribbon to fit over the zip tie and hair tie.

10. Hot glue this piece of ribbon closed over the hair tie.

And Voilà!


Board Directory

Position Name Email President Dayna Wimann daynawimann@gmail.com VP Sydney Tepp sydney.tepp@gmail.com Secretary Tina Ignasiak tinaignasiak@gmail.com Treasurer Mike Kelch MikeKelch21@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Trina La Susa tlasusa@wisc.edu Awards Michaela Gombar mgombar@wisc.edu Fundraising Ben Lingeman lingeman95@gmail.com K-Family Zhaojing (Floria) Ji jizhaojing9@gmail.com MDG Kayla Sorlie sorlie@wisc.edu MDG Taylor Wagner tlwagner3@wisc.edu PR Tess Lo theresehwslo@gmail.com Service Trista Cheng rainbow520cheng@gmail.com Service Lindsey Eierman leierman@wisc.edu Service Alyssa Stearns amstearns@wisc.edu Social Calla Buttke cbuttke@wisc.edu Social Austyn Chervenka achervenka@wisc.edu Social Jordan Rein jdrein@wisc.edu


Congratulations to our UW Madison Graduates! You will be greatly missed and you have helped our club grow stronger than ever. Thank you for all of your time spent in service. Love, The UW Madison Circle K