v No. 62 BILJESKE NOTES Same uncomnon cephalopods from western Korinthiakos...

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Same uncomnon cephalopods from westernKorinthiakosGulf (Molusca-Dibranchiata)

Neki rijetki glavonošci zapadnog dijela Korintskogzaljeva (Molusca, Dibranchiata)

P. K as p i r i s and P. T s i a mb ao s

Zoological Laboratory, University of Patras, Patras, Greece


During a fauna research ln Western Korinthiakos gulf, using commerciaJfishery vesseJs, we colleoted, among other species, three species of Cephalopod'snew for the marine fauna of the area.This is also a first report of thesespecies for the Eastern Mediterranean basin.

Material was collected by trawlers. The maximum depth in which theirnets opperate is about 320 m. In this area the main catches consist of shrimps(Parapenaeus longirostris) and fishes (Gadidae and. others). The commerciaJfishery takes place only 4 months per year.

The three squids are;Histioteuthis bonnelliiOmmatostrephes sagittatus andChiroteuthis vernayi


Histioteuthis bonnellii (Ferusac, 1835)Cranchia bonelliana (Ferusac, 1835)Histioteuthis rilppelli (Vernay, 1844/46/51)

Histioteuthis bonnellii is a deep sea species which 1ives at depths exceeding300 m. It has been recordeld from the Western Mediterranean baain by W i r z(1958) and Tor c hi o (1967). It has never been recorded. for the Teuthofaunaof the Adriatic (G a m u 1i n - Ili jan i c, ..1972). In 1966 one specimen was


found in Taras (Italy) and this area was oonsidered to be the eastern limitof its geagraphical distri:bution in the Mediterranean, thaugh Tar c h i o'propased that its dtstriibution shauld extend further mare eastern in theMediterranean. Our finding of this species individuals (3 af them) cames tacanfirm Tar c h i 0" S proposal. The species is alsO' distrtbuteld in Narthernand West'ern Atlantilc ocean and in the Indian acean.

In Western Karinthiakos gulf and particularly between Psathapyrgas andLampiri sea areas, individuals af this species of variaus dimensians are veryrarely captured, but they are discarded fvom the catches as this species isof na commercial interest.

Description:The mantle length is equal to abaut the half of the arms length. Its width

is the half of its length. The membrane between the arms is well develapedand accupies their biggest part. The six lips af the peristamal membrane arepainted at their ends. Same light organs are observed on the body as wellas an the arms. Ca1aratian generally brawn and unifarm.

III in mm959443.1





Ommatostrephes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798)Logilo sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798)Ommastrephes todarus (Orbigny, 18,39)Todarodes sagittatus (Steenstrup, 1880/85)

It is a bathypelagic species living at depths exceeding 300 m. It accursin the eastern part af Narth Atlantic ocean and in the western Mediterraneanbasin. It was recarded for the Adriatic by Car u s (1900), W i r z (1958) andTar ehi o' (1968). In 1972 G a m u I i n - B ri d a and Il i jan ic reportedthis species in Adriatic as Ommatostrephes sagittatus (Lamarck 1798)

In aur area, Western Karinthiakas gulf, single individuals are very aftencaptured by trawls. They are of no commercial interest,

Description: "

Mantle length is abaut twice the length af the arms. Its width is the 1/5af them. Fins wide and nat pointed at their ends. Their width is bigger than



Measurements:I. Mantle I II

a. Dorsal length 47 31.5b. Ventrl length 46 31.3c. Width 27.2 17.4

II. Heada. Length 27.1 20.2b. Width 26.2 18

III. ArmsI 81 52

II 90 51III Missed 48IV 76 47

IV. Finsa. Length ,

23.7 16.7b. With 36 26.2

their length. The flattened spatulate parts of the tentaclessuckers are present, oocupy the 3/4 .of their total length.Measurements:

I. Mantlea. Dorsal lengthb. Ventral lengthc. Width

II. Heada. Lengthb. Width

III. ArmsI


IV. Finsa. Lengthb. Widthc. Corner

on which the

210.2 mm191 "41.9 "

180 mm170 "43.5 "








Chiroteuthi's veranyi (Ferussac, 1835)Loligopsis vermicularis (F'erussac, 1835)Loligopsis veranyi (Ferussac, 1835)Daratopsis vermicularis (Rochebrune, 1884)

The young individuals of this species live in the epipelagic zone (300-600) m, while the adu1ts are bathypelagic (mare than 700 m). The speciespresents a very wide range as it oocurs in Northern and Southern Atlantic,and in Mediterranean. In Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean captures ofpostlarval formes hav-e been reported (A dam, 1966).

In .our area, Western Korinthiakos gulf, young individuals are very rarelycaptured by trawls.


The body of the oollected specimens was not in good condition as manyparts of this were missing. This made the description and taking of relevantmeasurements very difficu1t. The head length enters twice the length of themantle.



Measurements:I. Mantle I II III IV V VI

a. Dorsal length 61 63 61 64 47 41 mmb. Ventral length 53 47 57 59 42 31 "c. Width 17 12.8 - - 21 - "

II. Heada. Length 28.5 27.3 31 32 36.9 - "b. Width 17 17 - - - - "

III. Arms missedIV. Fins destroyed


Ada m, W. 1966. Cephalopoda from the Mediterranean sea. Bull., Sea Fish. Res.Stao Haifa, 45.

B o n net, M. 19~3. Les Cephalopodes captures par la Thalassa au large de laLibye et de la cate orientale tunisienne en novembre 1969. Rapp. Comm.int. MeI' Medit., 21 (10): p. 783.

D i g b y, B. 1949. Cephalopods from local waters at the University of Istanbul.Nature, 163 (4141) : 441.

G a m u I i n - B I' i da, H. 19'63. Quelques renseignements statistiques sur les Cephalo-podes Adriatiques. Rapp. Comm. int. MeI' Medit. 17 (2).

G a m u I i n - B I' i d a, H. et V. I I i jan i c, 1972. Contribution a la connaissancedes Cephalopodes de l'Adriatique. Acta Adriat., 14 (6) : 12 pp.

Man g o I d - W i I' Z, K. 1973. La faune teuthologique actuel1e en Mediterranee et sesrapports avec les mers voisines. Rapp. Comm. int. MeI'. Medit., 21 (10) :779--782.

1\1a n g o I d - 'vVi I' Z, K. 1973. Le Cephalopodes recoltes en Mediterranee par le »jean--charcot« Campagnes Polymede I et II. Rev. Trav. Inst. Peches marit., 37 (3).

R e e s, W. J. 1955. Note on the distribution of Cephalopods in the eastern Medi-terranean. J ourn de Conch 45 : 83-85.

T o I' ehi o, M. 1967. Reperti di Histioteuthis bonelliana (Ferussac) e di Ommato-strephes oartrami (Lesueul') in acque neritique del golfo di Taranto. Tha-lassia salentina, 2 : 1-7.

T o I' Ch i o, M. 1968. Elenco dei Cephalopodi del1 Mediterraneo con considerazionibiogeografiche ed ecologiche. Ann. Mus. Civ. StOl'. Nat. Genova, 77.

W i I' Z, K. 1958b. Cepha1opodes. Faune marine des Pyrenees Orientalis, 1 : 5-59.

Received: October 2, 1984


P. K a s p i r i s i P. T s i a m b a o s

Laboratorij za zoologiju, Sveucilište Patras, Patras, Grcka


Autori opisuju u radu tri vrste Cephalopoda zabilježenih u komercijalnimlovinama u zapadnom dijelu Korintskog zaljeva. Te vrst€, konkretno Histio-teuthis bonnellii, Ommatostrephes sagittatus i Chiroteuthis veranyi, na tompodrucju nisu komercijalno važne, ali pobuduju znanstveni interes, jer njihovinalazi daju nam nove informacije o distribuciji cefalopoda u istocnom dijeluMediterana.

BILJEšKE - NOTES izdaje Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo, Split. Izlazepovremeno. Odgovorni urednik: Dr Mira Zore-Armanda. Naklada 450 primjeraka.

Tisak: »Slobodna Dalmacija«, Split

