V ~T't ..- l - uakron.edukreider/ode/sample3key.pdf · Solve the initial value problem y" - 6y' -7y...

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I Test Tot," I Name _______________________________

Exam 3 Ordinary Differential Equations Dr. Kreider 23 Nov 2009 For full credit, show your work and use correct notation

1. Solve the initial value problem y' + 4y = 1, y(O) = 937 using Laplace Transforms.

..l...(sY-~~1-)+ 4-Y = S

V ~ ~q. ~ \ +­~T't S (St-Lt)

~31- [ 1('1+­ "..- l~+-Lt s S+-'t

- If!::.L::. ~3-=t- e- Itt + 1..'t l -t:; ) .eIf '-t



Name ______________________________ Page 2 of 6

2. Solve the initial value problem y" +4y' + 29y = 0, y(O) = 3, y'(O) = 4 using Laplace Transforms.

( "='.... y - ~S - 4-) + Lt ( s Y - 3. ') + 2 L? Y-=-O

3 ( S +- '2..) + ID

(~t-1...)2.. +- 2.5


Name ________________________________ Page 3 of 6

3. Solve the initial value problem y" + 9y = sin(3t), y(O) = 1,y'(O) = 0 using Laplace Transforms. 2ks

#22 tsin(kt) < - > (s2 + k 2)2


#25 sin(kt) - ktcos(kt) < - > (s2 + k2)2

(~'l.y_ s') -\- ~y -= -:; "1.

~ +- ~

y == S ~ ~Lf" "1. + -S+-~ (s'2.... t?J)"1. - Sy.

..., It ') -= c...os "1t + ..L LS~V\ ~t - '"3,t u>s"3:.t ]18'


Name _________________________________ Page 4 of 6

4. Solve the initial value problem y" + 3y' + 2y = 1 - U(t - 2), y(O) = 1,y'(0) = 0 using Laplace Transforms.

').. \ ) I -2~ cOPts(s 't"-S) ~:,(sy-\ -r'l'( ~ l - e ~ So

'2... ( S t" ~S -+ ~) '( = S+~ +...L. -L -'2..~

~ - ~ e (s+"2.. ') ('50+ I)

-2.-ss+>'( + e (~+2')(~+ I) Sbi-'2...)(~+I) S(~+'2...)(!.+I)

~~----------------~~ .u, ~,~ DV1.~ -h:> ~ e.-~'c.~t-

S+3 A-::. 13+ -::. ~ (~+, ') t- ~(~+'2- ') (~+"l.-} (5. + ~) t;+"1- <;. +- 1


::: D +-6-=- ~ - I "1.­

'S-:.-'1- = -A +0\ ~

- ...L -\-2- - '2t -t> - e.. +- 1..e...'::.+'1-- -:='+1

LA +D+-"" PI -:. '/'l-.\ -::.

c... -:. - Ic. (-, ') [ , ')0+0-+I -=­~'" 1["2­

\ ..... ~ l-1.-) (-'J -t'D

~ 0

_ t _ '2.:t\ l'l.. '12­ ..L .l- -L e e..r - + 'l­-'> '2..<;:,+1.- S-+I


]_t- 'l.:t"L .L+ G- e"2­1­

_1.-[-t:--'1-) - l + -'L) J )1- ~

.L G -L 'Ult--2.. 1..­1..­

[ ]'U[t- L )


Name Page 5 of 6

5. Solve the initial value problem y" - 6y' -7y = 4o(t - 3), y(O) = O,y'(O) = 8 using Laplace Transforms.

~ ( S'1- '( _ <3 ) - (., ( ~Y - D) - :t- y = 4- e - ~S ~

(s'l-_ ~'S. - 1- ') Y - <g + 4-.e -~~

Cs - =t-1CS+-'")


'3 t- e... -~S

Y CC;-::r )lSt-I.J (<> - -:r- )S+ \ J ")

~ J.c ',-+­ DVLLR,

-.L... A ~ (S - T )( S +- I "')

- i-60-1- 'S-\-I

l-=- f\ (t::.+- t ') +~C£.-T ')

s-- q - tt[;,A- +Dl

-+ e.(-~ )- l?c,. -::.. - I ­

l(~ G, -:::: (~)+

~+ I-;-1­

'( -

't tt: '> -:..



Name _____________________________

6. Solve the initial value problem using Laplace Transforms:

Page 6 of 6

x'(t) =

y'(t) = 3x(t) ­

4x(t) ­



x(O) = 3

y(O) = 9

For reference, the inverse of [ae b] is _1_ [d ad ­ be

d -e

sX - ~ = ?'X-tt'(

s'(-':) = /.t){--=t-Y

'2... _ 5 f-L{-::,-S

(. ')(

-= L-:'f-S)[S-l)

~S - It; l [ ~ s - tS jJ

A)<. ­ t- ~ <;,.+S <;,.-1

-l'l- ~ 0 +-~e,

- '3~ -- - '- Pr + D

s x=- ~+-s ~-\

_st t­-=. S e- - '2-e­

~~ - tS +­y - L<;t-S ':L~-~)

_t..t> -::.. _~A-+O

_(,,:::' O-\-bQ,

..L ~ - \