Validation for APIs in Laravel 4

Post on 19-Aug-2014

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In my first talk, I raise the concerns I have with current validation practises and what we can do to make it better.


Validation for APIsGood validation practises. API focused.

Kirk Bushell

Who the hell am I?

• Technical Lead for Tectonic Digital (

• Software architect for

• Technical writer (see:

• Open source contributor (Laravel 3/4, various other projects)


• Also known as Oddman on IRC, forums.etc.

• @kirkbushell


This is my first talk.


In addition...

• I'll assume you know a couple of things about validation and

• You know or at least understand some of the concepts of Laravel 4, including:

• Dependency injection and

• The IoC feature

• I start work at 4.30am (apologies if I'm not quite with it)


• There's been a lot of talk in the community the last 6 months about validation

• How we can do it well - lots of different opinions

• I have a pretty strong opinion on this matter

What we're going to cover

• A brief history of MVC, the repository pattern and why validation should be its own domain

• Implementing validation within an API context

• Using exceptions for greater readability

• Catching exceptions to generate API responses automagically

• The end result - cleaner code

What I'm not going to talk about

• RESTful APIs

• The view layer

A brief history of everything MVC.

• A blessing to web development (and software development in general)

• Fat controllers, skinny models

• Skinny controllers, fat models

• Validation tied up in models (along with everything else)

• We still seem to be stuck on the previous point.

Introducing.. the repository pattern?

• Helped clean up models

• Query building and object management

• So, what about validation?

Validate all the things!

• Validation within models breaks the single responsibility principle

• Validation in models doesn't make much sense if you're using the repository pattern

• Implemented via the controller or a service (such as a user registration service)

Implementing validation

The validate method

Please read Jason Lewis' article:

// Validate function from articleprotected function validate(){ $this->validator = Validator::make($this->input, $this->rules);

if ($this->validator->fails()) { throw new ValidateException($this->validator); }}


class ValidateException extends Exception{ protected $validator;

public function __construct(Validator $validator) { $this->message = 'Validation has failed, or something.'; $this->validator = $validator; }

public function getErrors() { return $this->validator->messages(); }}

Our code, our rules

Implement our own custom rules for user registration:

// UserValidator classclass UserValidator extends Validator{ public function register() { $this->rules = [ 'email' => ['required', 'email'], 'password' => ['required'] ];

$this->validate(); }}


Within our controller, load up our validator and validate the input.

// UserControllerpublic function postRegister(){ $input = Input::get();

App::make('UserValidator', [$input])->register();

return User::create($input);}

Now what?

• When validation fails it will throw an exception:

if ($this->validator->fails()) { throw new ValidateException($this->validator); }

• We need to catch that exception and return a nice status code and error message, along with any validation errors.

• Laravel 4 provides an excellent way of managing this.

Laravel 4 error handling

Create an error handler that is specific to validation exceptions:

App::error(function(ValidateException $exception){ $errorResponse = [ 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'errors' => $exception->getErrors() ];

return Response::json($errorResponse, 422); // Unprocessable entity});

In conclusion

• Complex validation should be in its own domain

• Helps to clean up our code, making it more readable

• Let the framework handle exceptions for you!

• Best for large applications (not so applicable to small apps)

Thank you.

You can catch me at the following online locales:



• @kirkbushell