Value-Based Reward at Continental - Pieper Werbemittel · Value-Based Reward at Continental ......

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Value-Based Reward at ContinentalGlobal Principles and Overview for Executives and Senior Executives

Legal noticeUllabore imus, cor sunt optat. Lor acium in paterat inienda, veribeatusam eossitamusda ducite idipiendunt, similitet, corrovit optatin repella boriaepernam invelentisit harumer haribus earum etur aut eic tem volupta rferfar erorae prat pre discid quoditi asperit, odis untao facillvolupta spercid igent. Ucit vel ipsa simus volorrovit asaul porum raeperae lam solupta sperum ipsamus sitatatei eum adi nis earciissenis et escimin cideniucilit, sequo qui-anis molupta sam fug en iandest quibus am, sinum atem fugiae.

Ucit velom ipsa simus volorrovit asau pote rum et raepe temque.


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Continental AktiengesellschaftP.O. Box 1 69, 30001 Hanover, GermanyVahrenwalder Strasse 9, 30165 Hanover, GermanyPhone: +49 511 938 - 01, Fax: +49 511 938 -

Lor acium in pate inienda idipiendunt.

Continental AktiengesellschaftHuman Relations Compensation & Benefits, International Mobility (CBIM) Vahrenwalder Straße 9, 30165 Hanover, GermanyPhone: +49 511 938 - 01, Fax: +49 511 938 -


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Legal noticeThis brochure provides you with a simplified overview of the Value-Based Reward at Continental. Legally binding information is provided exclusively by the guidelines that apply in each case. Augmented reality (AR)

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Balance of Cooperation (BoC) – One of the four Core Initiatives aiming to establish a globally shared understanding of our cooperation across organizational interfaces and geographical boundaries.

Benefits – Benefits are indirect payments, given in addition to base pay which include pensions, sick pay, life assurance, company provided cars, etc.

CBIM – Corporate department of Compensation & Benefits and International Mobility

Code of Conduct – Guiding framework for the application of ethical standards such as integrity, honesty, and law-abiding conduct

Cost of capital – The cost of equity and debt instruments used for financing a business.

CVC – The Continental Value Contribution (CVC) represents the absolute amount of additional value created.

CVSB – Continental Value Sharing Bonus. Employees who are not part of the senior management participate in an annual global value sharing bonus based on the CVC.

Delta CVC – The delta CVC represents the change in absolute value creation compared to the prior year.

EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. EBIT represents the results of operations.

Four Corporate Values – Trust, Passion To Win, Freedom To Act and, For One Another summarized in our BASICS.

Governance – The way in wich a company or institution is managed in order to control risk.

Grades – Grades are used to provide structure reflecting levels of responsibilities, skills and, requirements.

Group Executive Bonus Plan – Short-term incentive plan for Executives and Senior Executives.

Job Evaluation – A systematic process for determining the relative worth of jobs within an organization resulting in a Conti Grade.

LTI – Long-Term Incentive (LTI) bonus for Senior Executives that allows for participation in the long-term success of Continental.

Market Capitalization – The total Euro market value of all of a company’s outstanding shares.

Median – The middle value of a series of values ordered from lowest to highest value.

Midpoint – Middle value in Continental’s compensation ranges.

ROCE – Return On Capital Employed. We define ROCE as the ratio of EBIT to average operating assets for the fiscal year.

TSR – The Total Shareholder Return (TSR) takes account of the development of the share price and all dividend payouts during a certain period.

Value Creation – We define value creation as the growth of our company value measured by the CVC.

WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital. The WACC represents the weighted average cost of the required return on equity and net interest bearing liabilities.


The Continental Story 6 Growth and Reward

8 Value Creation at Continental

1O Continental Value Contribution Explanation

Our Reward Philosophy 14 Holistic Approach to Total Reward

16 Elements of Total Reward

18 Continental Job Grades

2O Market Positioning

22 Compensation Structure

Total Remuneration 26 Base Pay

28 Salary Increase

3O Group Executive Bonus Plan

34 Long Term Incentive Plan

36 Benefits

Reward in Practice 4O Governance

42 Continental Value Sharing Bonus

44 International Assignments

46 Timeline and Glossary

Contents Augmented Reality (AR)

Download the AR kiosk app onto your smart-

phone or tablet.

Scan the page with the AR kiosk app when you

see this symbol.

Experience augmented reality.

Useful links and further information for Continental employees:


Download a QR code reader app of your choice and scan the code with this app. Then your smartphone reads the code and navigates to the respective Intranet site.

Balance of Cooperation (BoC) – One of the four Core Initiatives aiming to establish a globally shared understanding of our cooperation across organizational interfaces and geographical boundaries.

Benefits – Benefits are indirect payments, given in addition to base pay which include pensions, sick pay, life assurance, company provided cars, etc.

CBIM – Corporate department of Compensation & Benefits and International Mobility

Code of Conduct – Guiding framework for the application of ethical standards such as integrity, honesty, and law-abiding conduct

Cost of capital – The cost of equity and debt instruments used for financing a business.

CVC – The Continental Value Contribution (CVC) represents the absolute amount of additional value created.

CVSB – Continental Value Sharing Bonus. Employees who are not part of the senior management participate in an annual global value sharing bonus based on the CVC.

Delta CVC – The delta CVC represents the change in absolute value creation compared to the prior year.

EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. EBIT represents the results of operations.

Four Corporate Values – Trust, Passion To Win, Freedom To Act and, For One Another summarized in our BASICS.

Governance – The way in wich a company or institution is managed in order to control risk.

Grades – Grades are used to provide structure reflecting levels of responsibilities, skills and, requirements.

Group Executive Bonus Plan – Short-term incentive plan for Executives and Senior Executives.

Job Evaluation – A systematic process for determining the relative worth of jobs within an organization resulting in a Conti Grade.

LTI – Long-Term Incentive (LTI) bonus for Senior Executives that allows for participation in the long-term success of Continental.

Market Capitalization – The total Euro market value of all of a company’s outstanding shares.

Median – The middle value of a series of values ordered from lowest to highest value.

Midpoint – Middle value in Continental’s compensation ranges.

ROCE – Return On Capital Employed. We define ROCE as the ratio of EBIT to average operating assets for the fiscal year.

TSR – The Total Shareholder Return (TSR) takes account of the development of the share price and all dividend payouts during a certain period.

Value Creation – We define value creation as the growth of our company value measured by the CVC.

WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital. The WACC represents the weighted average cost of the required return on equity and net interest bearing liabilities.



Dear Executives and Senior Executives,

Our organization is growing faster than the average market. Our business is faced with challenges arising from the digitalization of our industries and the increasingly complex and viable markets around us.

We want to ensure our growth by being the leading technology company in our industries, and to be regarded as the most attractive and progressive employer.

After all, our viability depends on employing a highly motivated global team that lives our four corporate values. This is why we intend to attract and retain the best-fitting talent to strengthen and enhance our workforce.

As leaders you help our employees to grow and push their limits as a prerequisite for our company to do so as well.

We firmly believe that values create value! You are the role models for setting the daily standards that inspire and encourage the people around you. In doing so, you ensure that our employees are motivated and committed and encourage them to

demonstrate initiative to benefit both themselves and the company.

Your most significant leadership tasks will include clearing the way for our employees’ further growth and working together to achieve the best overall performance for our global organization.

Our value-based reward system is designed to support you in your leadership role. This system is comprehensive, clear and consistent. It applies throughout our organization and to all of our leaders at all levels, including the members of the Executive Board.

As an executive or senior executive, we continuously expect your performance to be at the highest level. In return you can expect to be rewarded with appropriate recognition and fair, competitive reward.

We are looking forward to your future contributions and are counting on you to continue to fully support our ambitious goals.

The Continental Story


Our Reward Philosophy

Total Remuneration

Reward in Practice

The Continental Story







6The Continental Story | Growth and Reward

Continental of today is the result of organic growth supported by acquisitions and internationalization

> Continental was founded in 1871 as a rubber manufacturer and entered into the automotive industry in 1995 to become one of the leading automotive suppliers worldwide in the 21st century.

> As a result of rapid growth, Continental employs in 2015 more than 208,000 people with diverse cultural backgrounds in 53 countries.

> Becoming the leading technology company in our industries and offering pioneering software for system solutions will continue to drive growth.

> Our entire reward structure has been aligned with this growth strategy, as exemplified by our current value-based reward approach and has therefore contributed to the continued expansion of Continental.








Automotive Electronics Business

Introduction of CVC in Variable Compensation

Introduction of Long Term

Incentives (Replacement

of Stock Option Plan)

Introduction of Group Strategic

Goals as part of Variable


Introduction of Continental Value Sharing


Introduction of Total

Shareholder Return for Long Term Incentives

Introduction of Stock

Option Plan

Global Job Evaluation

Introduction of Financial Goals of the Upper Unit

Introduction of ROCE in

Variable Compensation


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20151871 1979 • • •• • •

Employment growth and major acquisitions

Reward milestones

ROCE = Return on Capital EmployedCVC = Continental Value Contribution


80,586 79,84985,224








*as of 30.09.2015


■ “Automotive Systems” (2003-2006) ■ Chassis & Safety ■ Interior ■ Powertrain ■ Tires ■ ContiTech

Augmented Reality

8The Continental Story | Value Creation at Continental

What is the capital employed?The funds used by the company to generate its sales.

What is the cost of capital?The cost of equity and debt instruments used for financing a business.

The Continental Value Contribution (CVC) is the key concept to ensuring sustainable value creation

> The operational and financial objectives of Continental center around the sustainable enhancement of the value of each individual business unit.

> Value creation is achieved by generating a positive return on the capital employed in each respective business unit by exceeding the cost of capital.

> Since its introduction, the key concept of CVC has resulted in significant investment growth beyond the depreciation rate, higher Research & Development activities and an increased overall value of Continental.

> It is integrated in all management processes and fundamental to our reward approach.






40 Bn €

in Mio. €












– 400

– 800

– 1,200

– 1,600

– 2,000

– 2,400

■ Continental Value Contribution (CVC)■ Market Capitalization

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 20121999 2001 2003 2005 2007 20132009 2011 2014

Introduction of Continental

Value Contribution-

based Management

Focus on Value Creation

Augmented Reality

10The Continental Story | Continental Value Contribution Explanation

What is goodwill?Goodwill corresponds to the difference between the purchase cost and the fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities of a business.

CVC measures efficiency of capital employed at Continental

> Continental creates value when its Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) exceed the cost of capital employed (positive CVC measured in Euros).

> Cost of capital employed equals the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) multiplied by the capital employed.

> WACC is about 10% based on a multi-year average cost of capital for our company (cost of equity and debt instruments).

> Capital Employed is the funds used by Continental to run its business (including goodwill measured quarterly).


EBIT Cost of Capital


Positive CVC


Cost of Capital


Negative CVC

EBIT = Earnings before Interest and Taxes CVC = Continental Value Contribution

Value Creation Loss of Value

CVC EBITCost of Capital


What does the CVC express?

Our Reward Philosophy


Total Remuneration

The Continental Story

Our Reward PhilosophyReward in Practice







14Our Reward Philosophy | Holistic Approach to Total Reward

Reward is more than just money

> At Continental, all elements of Total Reward are key to making Continental the most attractive and progressive employer.

> The Total Reward strategy has to be aligned with the respective business models in order to attract, motivate, and retain the right talented people within various target groups.

> Different cultures, expectations, and market practices require a flexible focus on each element of Total Reward.

> Various career opportunities offer personal and professional development in an international environment.

> The roots of our people culture are our corporate values: Trust, Passion To Win, Freedom To Act and For One Another, shaping the way in which we interact and work together on a daily basis.


The four elements of Total Reward


Compen- sation Career

People Culture Benefits

Augmented Reality

16Our Reward Philosophy | Elements of Total Reward

> Base Pay Annual basic salary plus additional guaranteed salary elements such as specific allowances.

> Short Term Incentives (STI) Variable compensation rewarding annual performance.

> Group Executive Bonus > Continental Value Sharing Bonus

(CVSB) for Executives

> Long Term Incentives (LTI) Variable compensation rewarding performance for more than one year.

> Continental Long Term Incentive Plan for Senior Executives (4-year performance)

> Benefits Other additional tangible entitlements offered by the company such as pension, risk benefits, company car, health care, etc.

> Career Opportunities provided by the company to advance individual skills and competencies in both short and long term careers.

> People Culture Cooperation and individual and professional development of our people in order to achieve the highest value possible for themselves and our organization.

What is the Continental Value Sharing Bonus (CVSB)?The Continental Value Sharing Bonus allows Continental employees to participate directly in the success of our company. The amount of the bonus depends on the value that we jointly achieve in a given year measured by CVC (see page 42).

What is the Group Executive Bonus (GEB)?Continental grants Group Executives a Short Term Incentive dependent on their Continental Grade.

How are Executives and Senior Executives defined?Executives cover Continental Grade 13–14 and Senior Executives cover Continental Grade 15–18.

Let’s talk Reward: Common wording


Various reward elements define the employment offer

Total Reward

+ CareerBenefits People Culture

+ + + +

Total Compensation

Total Remuneration

Total Cash

Short Term Incentives

Base Pay

Long Term Incentives *

* For Senior Executives only

18Our Reward Philosophy | Continental Job Grades

What is the Hay™ Methodology?A globally standardized methodology used by companies to map out job roles in the context of the organizational structure.

What is a job family?A job family describes a number of different roles which are engaged in similar work.

What are business criteria in a grading orientation?For example for the purchasing function, important business criteria are the purchase volume and level of power to decide.

Continental Grades ensure a consistent structure on a global basis

> All executive and senior executive positions (not the position holder) at Continental are graded using the Hay™ Methodology.

> The scope of the position (job description) and the level within the organizational structure is the main input for evaluating a position.

> The technical job evaluation analyzes the value of a position by scoring its requirements and scope in the categories Know-How, Problem Solving and Accountability resulting in a Continental Grade.

> To provide a grading orientation for the business, Continental communicates the key drivers of a job evaluation for each job family.

> Regarding the selection of the best position holder, the line manager, the Human Relations department and if applicable the Executive Board is involved.


Account- ability

Know- How

Problem Solving

Job Description Hay™ job evaluation Continental Grades








Continental grading orientations provide business criteria for differentiating between Continental Grades in a job family.

Continental grading approach

20Our Reward Philosophy | Market Positioning

What is a median?The median is the middle value of compensation packages paid in the market. This means 50% of incumbents in the market earn more than the median and 50% earn less.

What is a quartile?The first quartile Q1 corresponds to the middle number between the smallest compensation package in the market and the median. Q3 corresponds to the middle compensation package between the median and the highest one.

What was the bonus payout experience in the last five years?The overall bonus payouts were significantly above target bonus.

Continental ensures a market-related and competitive compensation package

> Continental positions base pay and target bonus around the market median.

> The bonus philosophy of Continental is to offer a maximum bonus opportunity above market level.

> For each country, market surveys are conducted on a regular basis by the Compensation and Benefits function to ensure attractive compensation packages.

> Market surveys use standard methods of data gathering and statistical analysis to determine how much companies pay for specific jobs across industries that fall into a Continental Grade.


Compensation at Continental compared to the market


Upper Quartile


Lower Quartile


Å Q3

Å Median

Å Q1

ContinentalCompensation Positioning

Total Cash Opportunity

Base Pay + Target Bonus

22Our Reward Philosophy | Compensation Structure

The compensation structure at Continental has an upward earning potential

> As well as the salary ranges, the target bonus percentages of the Group Executive Bonus are linked to the Continental Grades.

> The maximum bonus opportunity significantly exceeds the target bonus more than twice.

> Senior Executives’ compensation structure includes an LTI, while Executives benefit from the Continental Value Sharing Bonus.

> For Continental Grade 12 and below, the compensation structure is designed at country level in alignment with the Executive compensation structure (subject to tariff conditions).

CVSB = Continental Value Sharing BonusLTI = Long Term Incentive


Compensation structure by Continental Grade

Executives Senior Executives










13 14 15 16 17 1812

■ Maximum Bonus in % of Base Pay

■ Target Bonus in % of Base Pay

■ Base Pay


Bonus Payout2009–2014









100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Total Rem uneration



l R




Our Reward Philosophy

The Continental Story

Reward in PracticeTotal Rem unerationTo






26Total Remuneration | Base Pay

Is there an optimal midpoint relation?Continental does not stipulate an optimal midpoint relation as it is dependent upon each individual case. Midpoint relation can vary depending on experience, skill, education, external market pressure, performance, and the individual point in career.

How does my job fall into the market?The salary range represents a compilation of the market practice for the jobs in that Continental grade.

What is Total Target Cash?Base Pay + Group Executive Bonus at 100% goal achievement.

Compensation at Continental is internally fair and reflects market practice

> Based on job evaluation, each position is assigned to a Continental Grade which corresponds to a salary range enabling pay that reflects market practice.

> The salary ranges aim to cover Q1 and Q3 of the market (see page 20). The spread of these ranges is generally +/- 25% of midpoint, or larger in dynamic markets. The midpoint overall reflects the market median.

> Midpoint relation expresses individual salary divided by the midpoint of the salary range and it is a rough indication of one’s market position.

> The individual salary within the range depends on job-specific experience and performance as well as on market demand.

> Salary ranges can be provided for Base Pay, Total Target Cash or other reward elements. Continental is generally using salary ranges that show Total Target Cash.


13 14 15 16 17 18

+ 25%

– 25%

+ 25%

– 25%

+ 25%

– 25%

+ 25%

– 25%

+ 25%

– 25%

+ 25%

– 25%


––– Midpoint

––– Midpoint + 25%

––– Midpoint – 25%

Continental Range

Market Range

Range end

Range start

Individual position in salary range

28Total Remuneration | Salary Increase

Is the salary increase budget the same within a country?Not necessarily, since in some countries different collective bargaining agreements exist which impact Executive compensation.

Who defines the salary increase budget?It is defined by Controlling and HR on Corporate and Divisional level with involvement of the countries.

The salary increase reflects individual performance and position in salary range

> Each year, a salary increase budget, which takes into account market positioning, inflation, and business competitiveness, is determined per country by the company.

> Based on the individual performance rating in relation to others, the superior (n+1) will recommend a salary increase within the Salary Increase Matrix.

> This will be approved by the next level superior (n+2) to ensure internal fairness while considering the overall budget in the organization.

> The salary increase will be communicated to the Executive or Senior Executive by the superior along with feedback on performance.


% = Generic indication of salary increase amount (the larger the symbol, the higher the increase)

= Salary increase near budget amount

+ 25%

– 25%

Exceeds expectations

Sometimes exceeds

Meets expectations

Expected more

Individual Performance


ual P


on in






Salary Increase Matrix

30Total Remuneration | Group Executive Bonus Plan

All Executives and Senior Executives are eligible to the Group Executive Bonus Plan

> The Group Executive Bonus Plan is based on three components:

> The Group Strategic Goal as specified by the Executive Board

> The Financial Goals, subdivided into the respective own and upper organizational unit

> The Specific Individual Goals for Grades 13–16

> The bonus payout is calculated as the sum of the achievements of all bonus components.


Group Strategic


Financial Goals

Specific Individual






























Upper Unit

Own Unit


100% of Target

+ + = Bonus Payout


Group Executive Bonus components

32Total Remuneration | Group Executive Bonus Plan

> The Group Strategic Goal reflects the annual priority of Continental which is defined by the Executive Board (e.g. Fixed Costs Dynamics). It is the same goal for all Executives and Senior Executives.

When do we use CVC Drivers?CVC Drivers are used if CVC and ROCE are not suitable. These KPIs have an impact on CVC.

What’s the scale in case of negative CVC in the previous year?The performance is measured only by CVC improvement and the maximum goal achievement is at a CVC improvement level of 100%.

Group and Divisions

Own Organizational Unit Upper Organizational Unit


Markets and Plants




C41) Use of CVC Drivers 2) As defined in BoC Policy



Business Unit Division

ContiTech PMS Business Unit

Tire Market 1 Division

Tire Plant 1 Division

Other Plants 1 Split Business Unit(s)

Markets 1, 2 Continental Group




Continental Group Continental Group

Automotive Group Automotive Group

Division Division

PMS = Product Market Segment BoC = Balance of Cooperation

> The Financial Goals reflect the business performance of the Own Organizational Unit and the applicable Upper Organizational Unit (shown in the table). Performance is measured by CVC improvement (weighted 60%), called Delta CVC, and ROCE (weighted 40%).

> The Specific Individual Goals reflect the respective functional responsibility of the Executive or Senior Executive and can be defined in a broad range from mirroring Financial Goals to leadership or innovation related goals. Specific Individual Goals have to be measurable and attainable and should be achieved in line with our four values.

Deep dive: Group Executive Bonus


CVC improvement vs. prior year (weighted 60%)




0%–22.5% 0% 22.5% 45%


l Ach



t (Max.)

ROCE (weighted 40%)




0%10% 15% 20% 25%


l Ach



t (Max.)

In case of negative CVC in the prior year, a different scale applies.

Financial Goals

Goal structure



0%Not achieved Significantly

overachievedFully achieved


l Ach



t (Max.)

Specific Individual Goals





l Ach



t (Max.)

Threshold Stretch GoalTarget

Group Strategic Goal

34Total Remuneration | Long Term Incentive Plan

Who is eligible?All Senior Executives (Continental Grade 15 and higher) are eligible for the LTI and the individual grant amount is approved by the Executive Board.

What is an LTI tranche?It is the annual design of the plan covering grant volume, performance conditions, and allocation if the Executive Board decides to apply the LTI program in a given year.

Senior Executive Compensation: The Long Term Incentive Plan (LTI) focuses on sustainable long term value creation

> With its four-year term, the LTI is focused on sustainable value growth of the Continental Group as a whole in the interests of all stakeholders.

> As it is a one-time additional voluntary payment, the individual grant amount is approved by the Executive Board annually.

> It includes the external performance perception of the company by taking under consideration the share price development plus dividends over a period of 4 years.

> The alignment of the LTI logic for Senior Executives with that of the Executive Board ensures consistency.


LTI structure

LTI GrantThe assigned gross personal grant in euros. It provides the basis for calculation of the LTI Payout.


LTI PayoutThe LTI Payout will normally take place in the third quarter of a year. The maximum LTI Payout is 200% of the LTI grant. €

Total Shareholder Return (TSR)The TSR takes account of the development of the share price and of all dividend payouts during the term of the tranche

(final share price – initial share price) + dividends TSR = ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

initial share price

Continental Value Contribution (CVC)Cost of Capital Employed subtracted from the Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (see page 10).



* Equivalent paid in local currency


36Total Remuneration | Benefits

Continental benefits are country-specific and competitive in our industries

> Benefits are provided in a country through three pillars (State, Company, and Individual) reflecting the shared responsibility.

> Employee benefits levels and components significantly vary between countries due to different benefit levels provided by social security, different legal environments, and different tax regulations.

> Continental supports core benefits in the area of pensions, healthcare, etc. to supplement different statutory coverage where necessary.

> Additional benefits can be provided by the company to ensure an attractive remuneration package in line with local market practice (e.g. company car).


Benefits vary by country

State Company Individual




ial s









0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Core Benefits (Pensions, health care, …)

Additional Benefits (Company car …)

Reward in Practice


Our Reward Philosophy

The Continental Story

Total Remuneration

Reward in PracticeR



in P



40Reward in Practice | Governance

What is the German Governance Code?It presents essential statutory regulations for the management and supervision of German listed companies.

What is the Code of Conduct?It forms a guiding framework for the application of ethical standards such as integrity, honesty, and law-abiding conduct.

What is the Balance of Cooperation?It is one of our four Core Initiatives and aims to establish a globally shared understanding of our cooperation across organizational seams and geographical boundaries.

The reward governance ensures fair and transparent compensation decisions

> Continental is a publicly listed company in Germany; the German Corporate Governance Code sets the framework for compensation decisions of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.

> Below the executive and supervisory board level, all compensation decisions are made by the business following the principle: the direct superior (n+1) reviews, the superiors’ superior (n+2) approves to avoid conflicts of interest.

> HR steers and supports compensation decisions by advising, challenging, and facilitating the process in line with Continental’s HR policies and standards.

> The reward governance reflects our values, follows legal requirements, and avoids conflicts of interest.












n* /



te H

R ad


s an

d ch








es a

nd m
















Continental Governance

> Balance of Cooperation

> Code of Conduct

> HR Policies and Standards


HR Support

Superior n+2approves

Superior n+1reviews



German Governance Code

Governance model for all compensation decisions

* Can be delegated

42Reward in Practice | Continental Value Sharing Bonus

How are countries assigned to one of the two groups?Based on the corporate controlling approach, all countries are assigned to the best cost or the high cost group of countries.

Are there exceptions?There are limited exceptions from this value sharing program i.e. due to legal restrictions in a country, an offset with local profit sharing programs or the current economic situation of one legal entity.

Who is eligible?Eligible for the value sharing bonus are all employees up to Continental Grade 14 who have been with the company for the full bonus year and whose employment agreement has not been terminated at the time of payout (normally in April).

Continental shares its value creation with all employees worldwide

> The bonus is generally paid to employees worldwide, thus emphasizing our value “For One Another” that extends across national borders.

> The amount of the bonus depends on the value that was jointly achieved as measured by the Continental Value Contribution (CVC) in the previous year.

> It is calculated in euros in a transparent way by taking 10% of the CVC divided by the number of worldwide permanent staff as of December 31 of the previous year.

> Reflecting different costs of living and wage levels, two groups of countries with different pay out amounts have been defined (independent of individual compensation level).


Sharing Value Creation



44Reward in Practice | International Assignments

Is every mission abroad an international assignment?No, international assignments refer to stays abroad in one location longer than six months.

What is the objective of dual careers?They aim to support accompanying partners to find an appropriate job abroad or to continue their personal career development.

International Assignments are an essential part driving international careers

> As Continental expands globally, an increasing number of employees are going on international assignments. These opportunities add value to the business, foster diversity and the employees’ personal development.

> Continental ensures a comparable living standard in the host country by offering expats specific allowances as well as providing benefits for accompanying family members such as housing, schooling, and spousal support (e.g. dual careers).

> International assignees are going abroad for a defined period (up to five years) and subsequently return to the home country after the assignment.

> Continental has implemented different international assignment programs depending on length and purpose of the assignment.


International Assignments drive our business

■ More than 100 expats

■ Less than 100 expats

■ Less than 10 expats

Augmented Reality

46Reward in Practice | Timeline and Glossary

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Publishing of Annual Results

Employee Dialogue

Salary Increase

Group Executive Bonus Payout

CVSB Payout

LTI Payout

Business Year

The Continental Story 6 Growth and Reward

8 Value Creation at Continental

1O Continental Value Contribution Explanation

Our Reward Philosophy 14 Holistic Approach to Total Reward

16 Elements of Total Reward

18 Continental Job Grades

2O Market Positioning

22 Compensation Structure

Total Remuneration 26 Base Pay

28 Salary Increase

3O Group Executive Bonus Plan

34 Long Term Incentive Plan

36 Benefits

Reward in Practice 4O Governance

42 Continental Value Sharing Bonus

44 International Assignments

46 Timeline and Glossary

Contents Augmented Reality (AR)

Download the AR kiosk app onto your smart-

phone or tablet.

Scan the page with the AR kiosk app when you

see this symbol.

Experience augmented reality.

Useful links and further information for Continental employees:


Download a QR code reader app of your choice and scan the code with this app. Then your smartphone reads the code and navigates to the respective Intranet site.

Balance of Cooperation (BoC) – One of the four Core Initiatives aiming to establish a globally shared understanding of our cooperation across organizational interfaces and geographical boundaries.

Benefits – Benefits are indirect payments, given in addition to base pay which include pensions, sick pay, life assurance, company provided cars, etc.

CBIM – Corporate department of Compensation & Benefits and International Mobility

Code of Conduct – Guiding framework for the application of ethical standards such as integrity, honesty, and law-abiding conduct

Cost of capital – The cost of equity and debt instruments used for financing a business.

CVC – The Continental Value Contribution (CVC) represents the absolute amount of additional value created.

CVSB – Continental Value Sharing Bonus. Employees who are not part of the senior management participate in an annual global value sharing bonus based on the CVC.

Delta CVC – The delta CVC represents the change in absolute value creation compared to the prior year.

EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. EBIT represents the results of operations.

Four Corporate Values – Trust, Passion To Win, Freedom To Act and, For One Another summarized in our BASICS.

Governance – The way in wich a company or institution is managed in order to control risk.

Grades – Grades are used to provide structure reflecting levels of responsibilities, skills and, requirements.

Group Executive Bonus Plan – Short-term incentive plan for Executives and Senior Executives.

Job Evaluation – A systematic process for determining the relative worth of jobs within an organization resulting in a Conti Grade.

LTI – Long-Term Incentive (LTI) bonus for Senior Executives that allows for participation in the long-term success of Continental.

Market Capitalization – The total Euro market value of all of a company’s outstanding shares.

Median – The middle value of a series of values ordered from lowest to highest value.

Midpoint – Middle value in Continental’s compensation ranges.

ROCE – Return On Capital Employed. We define ROCE as the ratio of EBIT to average operating assets for the fiscal year.

TSR – The Total Shareholder Return (TSR) takes account of the development of the share price and all dividend payouts during a certain period.

Value Creation – We define value creation as the growth of our company value measured by the CVC.

WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital. The WACC represents the weighted average cost of the required return on equity and net interest bearing liabilities.


Value-Based Reward at ContinentalGlobal Principles and Overview for Executives and Senior Executives

Legal noticeUllabore imus, cor sunt optat. Lor acium in paterat inienda, veribeatusam eossitamusda ducite idipiendunt, similitet, corrovit optatin repella boriaepernam invelentisit harumer haribus earum etur aut eic tem volupta rferfar erorae prat pre discid quoditi asperit, odis untao facillvolupta spercid igent. Ucit vel ipsa simus volorrovit asaul porum raeperae lam solupta sperum ipsamus sitatatei eum adi nis earciissenis et escimin cideniucilit, sequo qui-anis molupta sam fug en iandest quibus am, sinum atem fugiae.

Ucit velom ipsa simus volorrovit asau pote rum et raepe temque.


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Continental AktiengesellschaftP.O. Box 1 69, 30001 Hanover, GermanyVahrenwalder Strasse 9, 30165 Hanover, GermanyPhone: +49 511 938 - 01, Fax: +49 511 938 -

Lor acium in pate inienda idipiendunt.

Continental AktiengesellschaftHuman Relations Compensation & Benefits, International Mobility (CBIM) Vahrenwalder Straße 9, 30165 Hanover, GermanyPhone: +49 511 938 - 01, Fax: +49 511 938 -


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, 20


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Balance of Cooperation (BoC) – One of the four Core Initiatives aiming to establish a globally shared understanding of our cooperation across organizational interfaces and geographical boundaries.

Benefits – Benefits are indirect payments, given in addition to base pay which include pensions, sick pay, life assurance, company provided cars, etc.

CBIM – Corporate department of Compensation & Benefits and International Mobility

Code of Conduct – Guiding framework for the application of ethical standards such as integrity, honesty, and law-abiding conduct

Cost of capital – The cost of equity and debt instruments used for financing a business.

CVC – The Continental Value Contribution (CVC) represents the absolute amount of additional value created.

CVSB – Continental Value Sharing Bonus. Employees who are not part of the senior management participate in an annual global value sharing bonus based on the CVC.

Delta CVC – The delta CVC represents the change in absolute value creation compared to the prior year.

EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. EBIT represents the results of operations.

Four Corporate Values – Trust, Passion To Win, Freedom To Act and, For One Another summarized in our BASICS.

Governance – The way in wich a company or institution is managed in order to control risk.

Grades – Grades are used to provide structure reflecting levels of responsibilities, skills and, requirements.

Group Executive Bonus Plan – Short-term incentive plan for Executives and Senior Executives.

Job Evaluation – A systematic process for determining the relative worth of jobs within an organization resulting in a Conti Grade.

LTI – Long-Term Incentive (LTI) bonus for Senior Executives that allows for participation in the long-term success of Continental.

Market Capitalization – The total Euro market value of all of a company’s outstanding shares.

Median – The middle value of a series of values ordered from lowest to highest value.

Midpoint – Middle value in Continental’s compensation ranges.

ROCE – Return On Capital Employed. We define ROCE as the ratio of EBIT to average operating assets for the fiscal year.

TSR – The Total Shareholder Return (TSR) takes account of the development of the share price and all dividend payouts during a certain period.

Value Creation – We define value creation as the growth of our company value measured by the CVC.

WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital. The WACC represents the weighted average cost of the required return on equity and net interest bearing liabilities.
