Value Makers Yorkshire & NE England Group Phoenix House – Tingley 28/10/2014.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Value MakersYorkshire & NE England Group

Phoenix House – Tingley 28/10/2014

Yorkshire & NE England FFF Value Maker who are we?

Jonathan Lumb


Lynn Hartley

County Durham

& Darlington

NHS Foundation Trust

Craig Holmes

NHS England

Caroline Barnwell

NHS England

Gillian Elsworth

Airedale NHS Trust

Jenny Harcourt

York Teaching

Hospital FT

Kath Farmery


Andrew Cheesman

NHS England

Desiree Normanton


Suzanne Ibbotson


Nilam Tai

NHS Graduate


Training Scheme

Find us up on the FFF ‘Value makers page’

Dominic Raymont



NHS Foundation Trust

The inaugural meeting of the Value Makers Yorkshire Group took place on the 28th October 2014.

A small but perfectly formed team met to ensure the work and influence of the FFF Value Makers in the Yorkshire region is focused and has the desired impact on our colleagues working in the NHS.

The group shared their experiences and efforts in the GPTW arena followed by ‘Afternoon tea’ during which we were able to get to know each other a little more.

This was followed by a discussion on provider / Commissioner Engagement and ways in which this might be improved.

The group agreed to meet regularly and a date was set for our next meeting.

The event provided a great networking opportunity, linking the value makers of Yorkshire and setting the foundations for what will become and key influential group taking the FFF message forward.

Links to other Value maker groups would be welcome and we are all looking forward to our next meeting.

What did we do ?

The agenda was set……..


welcome & introductions

Discussion on terms of reference for the group

GPTW /people engagement what our organisation is doing

Afternoon Tea/Networking

Building relationships and practical steps to enable better working between providers and commissioners

Next steps/Date and time of next meeting

Terms of Reference

Sharing existing good practice and initiatives, encouraging each other to keep the momentum moving

Provide a forum to allow contributions directly to the “big conversations” on critical topics

Linking our teams and encouraging interaction with Future-Focused Finance and each other

Encouraging non users to take to social media

Finding ways of reconnecting everything that the finance team does with the business of healthcare delivery



Meeting topics will be generated by members of the group

Other people may be invited to join future meetings on a one-off basis to aid discussion of particular topic, for example, as speakers, observers or invited guests

Secretariat for the group will be provided by NHS SBS

colleagues should be able to choose what they share and when they share it

It is each persons responsibility to make it clear where a matter shall remain entirely confidential and not for discussion outside of the group

When sharing documents, members should make it clear if there is a restriction as to circulation of the documents beyond the Forum

Frequency of meetings?

Bi – Monthly


3rd week of the month

Avoid half term!

Location of meetings?

Initially SBS Tingley

May rotate

Style of meetings? Face to face

Conference call in between

• Membership Based around

Yorkshire/North East

Expand to local value makers

5 dimensions - 8 to 14 questions by dimension

GPTW - About the Survey

Credibility Respect Fairness Pride Camaraderie

2013: 10 new questions focused on job@ NHS SBS & Client orientation

Responses on a five point scale:

GPTW NHS England Staff Group

Part of PDR pilot programme – actively promoting this, advising members in team where requested.

The ATPI identifies and measures the key elements of effective team working at both team and organisational levels. 

Produced staff barometer action plan -  as a result of staff surveys and finance team away days to pick up issues etc. – this is discussed with Chief of Staff every 6 weeks re progress updates.

In process of producing a staff engagement plan – this is with the intention of setting up a staff engagement group with members from all teams in finance.

Member of the FFF ‘Great Place to Work’ national delivery group

Sharing the NHS SBS GPTW experience


1. Our Management encourages us to satisfy our Client

2. People celebrate special events here

3. This is a friendly place to work

4. When you join the organisation , you are made to feel welcome

5. I know the value our clients gain from my team’s work

6. People care about each other here

Sharing the NHS SBS GPTW experience


1. Business Awareness - Helping staff appreciate how their role fits into the end to end process and how the wider business operates

2. Communication – This is a recurring theme in most survey’s and organisations , so we continue to improve and feedback

3. Training and Development - As our business changes and processes improve, it is maintaining our commitment to training and equipping our teams with the tools they need

4. Talent recruitment and retention – As the business grows and develops new opportunities allow our staff to progress but this brings with it a greater need to invest in our Talent pool

What’s next

• Temperature check and then the next survey • Monthly feedback sessions from the teams to Senior Management Team • Publicise the 2015 delivery plan to the teams • Support the team plans for GPTW

Listen , Review and Feedback …………

We plan to deliver initiatives to support our Strategy

Sharing the NHS SBS GPTW experience

We asked the questions

discussed the issues

And recorded the responses as follows………

Provider / Commissioner Engagement


The best things about engagement with Providers


Patient Care


Participation in AOB



meetings &


Closer linksEquals better

decision making/understanding

Standard formats for

reports from all CCG


Engagement with Providers - things to improve upon

NHS EnglandPaying to timetables

Still have to Watch ‘Kings fund video*

to know what to do!

Bogged down in detail need

to look at what is best for patient

Level of detail &

information requested

Sharing plans for future andCoordinating


Understanding pressures faced

& reasons for activity seen through Trust




The best things about engagement with Commissioners


Understanding the


on the groundMature relationship

With Provider staff

Able to tackle

difficult issues CommonUnderstanding & Appreciation of

Each othersPoint of view

ContactsShared networks

Improved Network





Engagement with Commissioners - things to improve upon


Understanding the

bigger picture

Timescales for


Need moreTransparency when

Working on Health economySustainability


CommunicationNeed to

establish each others needs

Message To ‘Bill’ – FFF leadership team(if you could give one message what would it be?)

Help to ensure

Contracts are signed!

Negotiate all Services within

a catchment area with one commissioner

Help to makeSigning thecontract by 31st march the norm

Make co-commissioning


Follow up on GPTW/ provider/commissioning engagement

Use of Twitter

Engagement with FSD

structured learning days to find out more about each other’s Organisations, what we do, how we can learn from each other etc. 

Job shadowing

How can Management accountants become the more effective business partners

Building informal networks

Head of Financial Management, Charitable Funds contact

Head of Financial Accounts, PBR contact,

AP Contact, AR Contact.

Possible future agenda items

Looking forward to the next meeting on

15th December 2014

Christmas Cake and mince pies have been ordered!