Vanuatu Tourism Island Nius Friday 1st March 2013

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Vanuatu Tourism Island Nius Friday 1st March 2013.


Friday 1st March 2013 Issue 11

Feature News from the office

Staff Out n Abouts Industry News

Trade and Media

Website Newcomer

Events & Entertainment Advertisement

Editor/Publisher: VTO Host online: Design: VTO Photo credits: VTO, Robert Oliver, Jeanette Baude, Allan Kalfabun, VHRA, PVGFC, Hidden Cove Eco Retreat, Pacific Island Trade & Invest ©All rights reserved. This electronic magazine may not be reproduced in any form, in whole, or part, without the consent of the publisher. The VTO can not be held liable for any information contained in the advertisements. COPYRIGHT: VANUATU TOURISM OFFICE

Vanuatu Tourism Office, PO Box 209, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Ph (678) 22515 / 22685. Web Email

Espiritu Santo launches Vanuatu’s first waterfront luxury tent!

News from the office

Out n’ About

Top left image: Allan Kalfabun, VTO Marketing Manager, attends Gourmand Awards Night in France Paris. Followed by David Seule (Air Vanuatu), Allan Kalfabun and Jeanette Baude (VTO) participating at the South Pacific European Road show in 5 cities. Paris, Hamburg, Munich, Amsterdam and Berlin.

VTO Webmaster Notice to Industry Members The VTO would like to advise all members listed on the VTO website that from 18-29 March 2013, the webmaster will be cross checking every listing on the website to make sure that products in the website are current members of their tourism association. On this, can all tourism associations email through their 2013-2014 membership listing by 15th March. If an accommodation or tour operator listed on the website is not a paid up member of its tourism association, the product will be removed until membership fees are paid to their association. Association committees please advise members of this important notice so all outstanding are met by your members.

Vanuatu Tourism attends Gourmand World Cookbook Awards For immediate release: Vanuatu was at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards held on the evening of 23rd February at La Salle du Carousel in the famous Museum du Louvre in Paris. Allan Kalfabun of VTO attended the awards as guest to VIP attendee , chef author Robert Oliver, whose own book 'Me'a Kai : The Food and Flavours of the South Pacific" took top prize - "Best Cookbook in the World"- at the awards in 2011. Considered to be the "Oscars" of the food world, the awards were founded by Edouard Cointreau of the famous Remy-Martin family, and honours the best food books in the world. With the worlds top chefs, cookbook writers and food personalities in attendance, the event is where food trends are noticed and born. Since "Me'a Kai's" win, Pacific Island cuisine is now rubbing shoulders in Paris with the world's top cuisines. Earlier that week, Robert Oliver had been invited to Le Cordon Bleu , Paris- considered to be the top cooking school in the world, to present Pacific Island cuisine. "The response was incredible" says Robert Oliver . " Pacific Island cuisine is the buzz of Paris this year, and it's a testament to the fine chefs and cooks of the South Pacific- long unnoticed by the top foodies- that our food is now " at the table" with the great cuisines of France, Italy- and here in Paris!, the capital of world gastronomy. There is a terrific opportunity here for the tourism industry to incorporate local food tourism into our visitor offerings. With the REAL PASIFIK television series due for world wide release late this year- Pacific cuisine is hot and getting hotter! This bodes well for both tourism and for Pacific food trade”. Mr Allan Kalfabun acknowledged, “Robert Oliver’s work and status within the South Pacific has blended all the islands together, and has brought us closer to the Gourmand community which is huge promotions for the islands.” Kalfabun continued, “The network and the hard efforts Robert has put in to see Mea’Kai win the world’s Best Cook Book, has seen a lot of international recognition which we’re all very proud of.” During the awards night, renowned chefs and cook book authors not only congratulated Mr Oliver’s for his win, but they also discovered the fine qualities of the Pacific islands cuisine all fresh, organic, and in all authenticity and organic beauty.

Local Industry Trade & Media VHRA Appoints Full Time General Manager Press release, Monday 18 February 2013: The VHRA Chairman - Tony Pittar, today announced the appointment of Angela Heilala as the Associations first ever General Manager. Tony flagged this appointment as an historic turning point in Vanuatu Tourism as the VHRA has become the peak body for tourism in Vanuatu and is the major contributor through members levies to the Tourism Marketing Development Fund (TMDF). Angela will fill a role made necessary by the increasing demand on VHRA Executives time. VHRA is required to participate in a wide range of issues effecting Vanuatu, this translates into attending many meetings, workshops and participation on Company Board’s across the Tourism sector. VHRA values its involvement in all these issues and wants to expand it’s capabilities by employing a full time General Manager. Amongst other things Angela will also be responsible for the one to one contact with all VHRA members. She will report to the Executive Committee issues and suggestions made that can better assist the Board to interact with such organizations as The Department of Tourism and The Vanuatu Tourism Office.. Tony said "2012 recorded the highest ever number of arrivals into Vanuatu by air and this upward trend needed to be continually nurtured to ensure it is maintained. The appointment of a General Manager at the VHRA is seen as an important step in assisting the growth of this very important industry”. For further information contact Tony Pittar Phone: +678 5565007.

Port Vila Game Fishing new 2013 committee

PVGFC Committee 2013 announces executive members The Port Vila Game Fishing has released names of its new executive: Steve Landon – President, Lou Donchos – Vice President and also Tournament Director, Chris Lyons – Secretary and Assistant Tournament Director, Richard Barnes – Finance, Steve Bean – Weigh Master, Peter Phillips – International Game Fishing Association Representative.

Invitation for Food Exporters – Pacific Island Trade By Pacific Islands Trade & Invest: Following fantastic success in 2012, PT&I have again booked a stand at the largest gathering of food and drink products for international retail, foodservice and hospitality industries: Fine Food Australia 2013 to be held in Sydney. This is a call out to you, or any Pacific Island food exporter you know, who may be interested in being part of our program. For more information about this great opportunity, and to submit your expression of interest, download the EOI FORM. We encourage you to pass this information onto any contacts you may have who would be interested. KEY DATES: 9-12th September 2013. See All enquires to Jeremy or Paula 612 9290 2133 - or through our contact form. Youtube channel of some historical interest for North Efate concerning a WW2 plane wreck – Posted By Cosair Vanuatu

Events & Festivals Websites for Upcoming Events

For the upcoming swim events scheduled to take place on 15th and 17th June visit the following websites:

Website Newcomer

La pêche sera a l’honneur ce premier weekend de Mars ! Sur l’ile d’Espiritu Santo – Express Diesel

Venez participez a la 4eme édition annuelle de l’Express Diesel ! Les enregistrements des équipages et des bateaux se fera le jeudi 28 Février de Lope Lope Adventure Lodge de 17H a 19H. Frais d’inscription : 5,000VT. L’événement débutera le samedi 02 Mars a partir de 18H avec l’accompagnement musical de The Sweet Mood Band puis sous la forme d’un buffet dansant a partir de 19H (2,000VT par personne). La compétition commencera a 12H le Dimanche 03 Mars. Restauration (hamburgers) gratuite et boissons fraiches seront disponibles sur le site. Des 13H30 des activités pour les enfants seront proposées avec de nombreux lots a gagner. Les pesées commenceront a 16H précises, ne soyez pas en retard ! La remise des prix est prévue pour 18H, suivie d’un buffet avec animation musicale (1,000VT par personne) jusque tard dans la nuit. La bière Tusker, merci a Vanuatu Brewing, sera généreusement offerte jusqu'à épuisement des futs !! Une vente aux enchères ludique aura également lieu au cours de la soirée. Aore Island Resort/ Lope Lope Adventure Lodge - Espiritu Santo Island Pour toute informations complémentaires E. T. +64 21 899 140 Sur l’ile de Vaté - Compétition de pêche pour juniors et femmes The Body & Soul Vila Distribution Les points seront comptabilises pour cette compétition, avec remise de trophées aux juniors et aux femmes. Un prix spécial sera également décerné en rapport avec l’uniforme de l’équipage. Le briefing des candidats aura lieu a 18H a l’Anchor Inn le jeudi 28 février 2013. La journée de pêche commencera le Dimanche 03 Mars a l’Anchor Inn avec un petit-déjeuner a l’américaine pour tous les équipages, skippers inclus (jus de fruits pour les enfants, champagne pour les femmes). Les lignes seront lancées a partir de 10H, avec retrait a 15H. La pesée aura lieue a 06H30 au site de pesage du front de mer ; et la présentation des prix a 18H a l’Anchor Inn. Pour toute informations complémentaires E. T. +678 23 382 Pour de plus amples informations veuillez contacter directement les adresses électroniques citées ci-dessus ou nous contacter. Pour contacter nos prestataires de services veuillez visiter notre site Internet

Events & Festivals

Events & Festivals
