Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole (QUAPEVA)€¦ · In addition, Laser Plasma...

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Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole(QUAPEVA)

F . Marteau,1 A. Ghaith,1, 2 P. N’gotta,1 C. Benabderrahmane,3 M. Valleau,1 C.Kitegi,1 A. Loulergue,1 J. Veteran,1 M. Sebdaoui,1 T. Andre,1 G. Le Bec,3 J.Chavanne,3 C. Vallerand,4 D. Oumbarek,1 O. Cosson,5 F. Forest,5 P. Jivkov,5 J. L.Lancelot,5 and M.E. Couprie1, 21)Synchrotron-SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, Gif-sur-Yvette 91192,FRANCE.2)Universite Paris-Saclay, Saint-Aubin 91190, FRANCE.3)ESRF, 71 Avenue des martyrs, Grenoble 38000, FRANCE.4)LAL, Centre scientifique d’Orsay, Bt 200, BP 34, 91898,FRANCE.5)SigmaPhi, Rue des Freres Montgolfier, 56000 Vannes, FRANCE

(Dated: 13 November 2017)

Different applications such as laser plasma acceleration, colliders, and diffractionlimited light sources require high gradient quadrupoles, with strength that can reachup to 200 T/m for a typical 10 mm bore diameter. We present here a permanentmagnet based quadrupole (so-called QUAPEVA) composed of a Halbach ring andsurrounded by four permanent magnet cylinders. Its design including magneticsimulation modeling enabling to reach 201 T/m with a gradient variability of 45%,and mechanical issues are reported. Magnetic measurements of seven systems ofdifferent lengths are presented and confirmed the theoretical expectations. Thevariation of the magnetic center while changing the gradient strength is ± 10 µm.A triplet of QUAPEVA magnets is used to efficiently focus a beam with largeenergy spread and high divergence that is generated by Laser Plasma Accelerationsource for a free electron laser demonstration, and has enabled us to do beam basedalignment and control the dispersion of the beam.

PACS numbers: 41.85.Lc, 75.50.BbKeywords: Quadrupole, permanent magnet


Accelerator physics and technology have recently seen tremendous developments. Forexample, colliders aim at beam focus at nanometer size scale for high energy physicsapplications1,2, and thus require strong quadrupolar fields. The domain of synchrotronradiation is actively investigating low emittance storage rings (picometer scale) with multi-bend achromat optics for getting closer to the diffraction limit and providing a high degreeof transverse coherence3, for which high gradient quadrupoles with a small harmonic contentis one of the issues. In addition, Laser Plasma Acceleration (LPA) can now generate a GeVbeam within a very short accelerating distance (few centimeters), with high peak current∼10 kA, but with high divergence (few mrads) and large energy spread (few percent). Allthese applications have the requirement for high gradient tunable quadrupoles, for examplethe electron beam produced by LPA4 needs quadrupoles with gradient as large as 200 T/mto handle its high divergence.

Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles (PMQs) achieve high gradient with compactness andwith the absence of power supplies, letting them to be a solution for future sustainable greensociety. Several Halbach5 ring based PMQs with fixed gradient were designed and built: atFermilab6; at CESR7; at Kyoto University / SLAC8; at CORNELL9; at the department furPhysik10; at ESRF11. Various original designs were proposed and developed for the PMQto provide a variable gradient, such as at SLAC / Fermilab collaboration12 (13 - 115 T/mgradient, 7 - 68.7 T integrated gradient with a bore radius of 6.5); at Kyoto U. / SLACcollaboration13 (17 - 120 T/m gradient with a bore radius of 10 mm and length of 230 mm);

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole 2

at STFC Daresbury Laboratory / CERN for the CLIC project14 (15 - 60.4 T/m gradientfor a 241 mm length and 2.9 - 43.8 T/m for 194 mm length, with a bore radius of 13.6 mm); a ”super hybrid quadrupole” concept (28 T/m gradient, 7 T integrated gradient with abore radius of 27.5 mm and 30% variability)15; at SLAC16,17 for the next linear collider(up to 141 T/m gradient, 0.6-138 T integrated strength, and 324 - 972 mm effective lengthswith a bore radius of 12.7 mm).

In this paper, a hybrid permanent magnet based quadrupole of variable strength (QUAPEVA)18,19

developed at Synchrotron SOLEIL is presented. It provides a high gradient strength (201T/m), wide tunability (∼ 45%), small magnetic center excursions (±10 µm) and compact-ness (bore radius of 5 mm). Simulation models and the mechanical design are presented.Seven systems of different integrated gradients have been built, two sets of triplets withmagnetic lengths of ”26 mm, 40.7 mm, 44.7 mm” and ”47.1 mm, 66 mm, 81.1 mm”, as wellas a prototype of magnetic length 100 mm. Magnetic measurements using two differentmethods are shown. Finally, three QUAPEVAs have been used for the COXINEL project20

aiming at demonstrating LPA based Free Electron Laser amplification, making them oneof the first tunable permanent magnet based quadrupoles installed in an accelerator line,and allowed us to control and shape the electron beam along an 8 m long transport line,and to actually observe undulator radiation.


Let’s consider the local field B(x, y, s) in a quadrupole, with x (resp. y) the horizontal(resp. vertical) direction, and s the longitudinal axis. For an infinitely long magnet, thecomplex induction B(z) = By + iBx with z = x + iy, the vertical By and horizontal Bx

components, can be expressed as : B(z) =∑∞

n=1(Bn + iAn) zn−1

r0, with n the multipolar

order, Bn and An are the normal and skew multipolar coefficients, r0 the radius for whichcoefficients are computed or measured. ”Normalized” components an and bn are defined asan = 104.An/B2 and bn = 104.Bn/B2. For a perfect normal quadrupole (n=2, A2=0), the

complex induction becomes: By + iBx = B2x+iyr0

. A realistic quadrupole contains higherorder multipoles resulting from the structure, magnets, or mechanical assembly imperfec-tions.

The QUAPEVA is made of two entangled quadrupoles. A central one following a Halbachhybrid structure constituted of four Nd2Fe14B PMs and four Iron-Cobalt alloy magneticpoles. An outer one composed of four PM cylinders with a radial magnetic moment orienta-tion, each connected to a motor producing a variable gradient by the rotation around theiraxis. Four Iron-cobalt alloy plates are placed behind the PM cylinders in order to maintainthe magnetic flux within the outer diameter to increase the gradient in the quadrupole aper-ture. The magnetic system is inserted into a dedicated Aluminum support frame in orderto maintain the magnetic elements in their positions due to the strong generated magneticforce. Fig. 1 presents three particular configurations of the tuning magnets; (a) maximumgradient: tuning magnets easy axis towards the central magnetic poles, (b) intermediategradient: the tuning magnets are in the reference position, i.e. their easy axis is perpendic-ular to the central magnetic poles, (c) minimum gradient: tuning magnets easy axis awayfrom the central magnetic poles.


The QUAPEVA specifications have been defined according to LPA beam transport inthe COXINEL case. QUAPEVAs should be compact (6 mm bore radius) and adequateto vacuum environment, have magnetic lengths from 26 mm up to 100 mm, good magnetquality to ensure high remanence and coercivity, and guaranty a high gradient G> 100T/m with a large tunability > 30%, alongside small harmonic components (b6/b2 6 3%,

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole 3

FIG. 1. Scheme of the QUAPEVA: Permanent magnet blocks (Blue) and rotating cylinders (Red),Vanadium Premendur magnetic plates (Green) and poles (Orange), Aluminum support frame(Grey). (a) maximum, (b) intermediate, and (c) minimum gradient.

b10/b2 6 1.5%). Motors also should handle the magnetic forces induced by the magneticsystem.

Two numerical tools are used to optimize the geometry and magnetic parameters ofthe QUAPEVAs: RADIA21 a magnetostatic code based on boundary integral method (Fig. 2-a); TOSCA22 a finite element magnetostatic code (Fig. 2-b), using non-linear steelproperties from induction versus magnetic field data. The tuning magnets magnetizationangles are parameterized in order to simulate the gradient tuning and check the gradientrange.

FIG. 2. (a) RADIA model, (b) TOSCA model.

FIG. 3. Simulations of the prototype gradient evolution versus tuning magnets angle at the longi-tudinal center of the QUAPEVA, with (4) TOSCA and (�) RADIA. (Line) sinus fit. Remanentfield: 1.26 T, coercivity: 1830 kA/m, pole saturation: 2.35 T.

Fig. 3 shows the simulated gradient evolution computed at a 4 mm radius while rotatingthe tuning magnets from 0 to 2π radians by the same angle from their reference position,where the gradient reaches a maximum and a minimum value for a complete rotation. Thesimulation results of the two models are in good agreement. The evolution is fitted with asinus function G(θ) = G0 +Gtsin(θ), where G0 is the fixed gradient of the main magnets,Gt the gradient contribution of all the tuning magnets, and θ their corresponding angle.The gradient variation from peak to peak is ∼90 T/m and the maximum gradient reaches∼201 T/m with the prototype one (l= 100 mm).

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole 4

Table I gives the prototype simulated field gradient and multipole components in theintermediate case (Fig. 1-b), alongside measurement results (cf section IV).


G0 (T/m) 164.5 164.4∫B2.dl (T.m) 0.0658 0.06576 0.06324 0.0627

b6 202 199 237 247b10 -158 -152 -133 -138

TABLE I. Normalized first order multipoles and gradient results computed and measured at 4 mmradius for the prototype (tuning magnets at their reference position). RC: Rotating Coil, SSW:Single Stretched Wire.

The chosen motors (HARMONIC DRIVE, FHA-C mini motors) have sufficient torqueto counteract the magnetic forces and are very compact (48.5 x 50 x 50 mm3). Eachtuning magnet is connected to one motor allowing a precise positioning of each magnetthat minimizes the magnetic center shift at different gradients. The magnetic system ismounted on an Aluminum frame. A non-magnetic belt transmits the rotation movementfrom the motor to the cylindrical magnets. The quadrupole is supported by a translationtable (horizontal and vertical displacement) used to compensate any residual magnetic axisshift when varying the gradient. Fig. 4 shows the resulting mechanical design (left), andan assembled QUAPEVA on the translation table (right).

FIG. 4. left: Mechanical design, right: Assembled QUAPEVA.


Two different magnetic measurements are performed to characterize the quadrupoles. Adedicated radial rotating coil was built for the SOLEIL magnet characterization bench23,and a stretched-wire bench developed at Laboratoire de l’Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL).

A linear model is built taking into account the contribution of the inner and outerquadrupoles, and considering that the saturated steel behaves as permanent magnets. The

main multipole B2 becomes: B2 = B02 +∑k=4

k=1Bk2 sin(θk +φBk

2) where B0

2 is the main mag-

net contribution, Bk2 the contribution of the kth tuning magnet number, θk its angle and


the multipolar phase shift. Not considering the harmonic dependence with the tuning

angles of the cylinders, the tuning magnet angle for a given gradient can be computed using:

θk = sin−1(

(Breq2 −B0




2where Breq

2 is the required normal quadrupolar term. Apply-

ing this modeling, one can then measure the gradient change of one QUAPEVA while the

different cylindrical magnets are rotated simultaneously, as shown in Fig. 5-a (G =∫B2.dlRl ),

where R is the radius of the measured field region. Measurements with rotating coil andstretched wire are in good agreement and correspond to the expectations from the RADIAand TOSCA models (see Table I). Fig. 5-b, c shows however that the gradient variationleads to a harmonic excursion about 20% of the average value.

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole 5

FIG. 5. Evolution of the main and harmonic term of the prototype versus the rotation of thedifferent cylindrical magnets. Normal multipolar terms (2,6,10) from: (�) RADIA, (4) TOSCA,(◦) rotating coil measurement. a) 2nd (n=2), b) 6th (n=6), and c) 10th (n=10) multipolar term.

A crucial aspect for the operation of the QUAPEVA for practical use is to maintain theevolution of the magnetic center as small as possible. The mechanical design anticipateda residual evolution to be compensated by applying proper feed-forward tables deducedfrom the magnetic measurements on the horizontal and vertical position of the translationstages. Different measurements of the magnetic center versus gradient were carried out.Starting from a first reference position of the maximum gradient case and by rotating thePM cylinders in the opposite direction to maintain the symmetry, the magnetic centerexcursions (horizontal and vertical) versus gradient are measured (Fig. 6) using a rotatingcoil and a single stretched wire. The change of the magnetic axis is kept within typically±10 µm.

Fig. 7 shows the systematic 2nd, 6th, and 10th multipole terms computed by the modelsand calculated by the measurements. Indeed they present very good agreement with adifference less than 1%.


The QUAPEVAs are the first tunable permanent magnet based quadrupoles that havebeen installed and commissioned in a beam trasnport line. A first triplet (26 mm, 40.7mm, 44.7 mm magnetic length) is installed in-vacuum, right after the gas jet where theelectrons are produced, for focusing the electron beam produced by the LPA source atLaboratoire d’Optique Appliquee (LOA)24. The pulsed wire measurement have been usedfor QUAPEVA alignment. A beam observation on the first screen is shown in Fig. 8, (a)without and (b) with the first QUAPEVA installed 5 cm away from the electron source.The large divergence of the electron beam (∼ 5 mrad) is properly controlled and focused,leading to a beam size reduction from σx(σz) = 4.6 (2.8) mm to σx(σz) = 1.8 (1.1) mmRMS and enabling transport through the beam line.

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole 6

FIG. 6. Magnetic center evolution measurements, (•) rotating coil, (+) stretched wire. QUAPEVAs(a) 26 mm, (b) 40.7 mm, (c) 44.7 mm magnetic length.

FIG. 7. Normal multipole terms for the intermediate gradient case. (a) n=2, (b) n=6, (c) n=10.(�) RADIA, (4) TOSCA, (+) stretched wire measurement, (◦) rotating coil measurement.


The design of a permanent magnet based quadrupole of high gradient strength (∼ 201T/m) with a wide tuning range (∼ 90 T/m) have been presented. These results are com-forted by different magnetic measurements. The residual excursion of the magnetic centerhas been limited to a ±10 µm range thanks to an appropriate choice of the reference po-sition and rotation direction of the cylindrical magnets. Three QUAPEVAs have beeninstalled successively at COXINEL beam line, and are able to achieve good focusing witha highly divergent large energy spread beam. The gradient could be enhanced ∼ 30% byintegrating a cooling system25 at liquid nitrogen temperature and using Pr2Fe14B PMs26.Besides, a design with a hyperbolic shape27 would enable to reduce the multipole content

Variable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole 7

FIG. 8. Electron beam (Energy: 176 MeV, divergence: 5 mrad) observation on first LANEX screenat 64 cm from the source: (a) Without QUAPEVAs, (b) With QUAPEVAs

in compromising on the gradient variability, is of great interest for low emittance storagerings.


The authors thank the European Research Council (advanced grant COXINEL - 340015),the Fondation de la Cooperation Scientifique (QUAPEVA - 2012-058T), the COXINELteam, and LOA team led by V. Malka.

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